***The Shareware Version of this Program may be freely distributed, but this ReadMe File MUST be included. The Registered Version may NOT be distributed.***
When the Program first loads, you will be given a few choices. One/Two Player game refers to the number of players. In a One-Player Game, the Computer automatically generates the "secret" number, whereas in a Two-Player Game, one person will choose the "secret" number, and one will guess it. Number Range refers to the size of the "secret" number. In a 1-10 game, the number must be between one and ten. In a One-Player Game, the Computer will automatically generate a number one through ten, and in a Two-Player Game, the number player one enters can not be greater than ten. Same for 1-100 and 1-1000
NOTE: I encountered an error when running the Program. When you're guessing the "secret" number, if you leave the box blank, the Program will crash. So DON'T DO IT!
The Program is set on a One Minute (60 Second) Time Limit. Usually you can get one full game played in this time, but after one minute the program will quit, and the Registration Password Form will show. After you Register, you will receive this Password, and this is where you enter it in. If you enter the correct Password, the Program will run Time Limit Free from then on!
NOTE: I tried to make the Registration Menu disappear upon entering of the Password, but do to poor planning, a glitch occurred and I couldn't get it to work. So LIVE WITH IT!
To Register, send $7.50 (US FUNDS) to:
Daren Cotter
1774 Alpha Rd
Princeton, MN 55371
You will receive the Password via E-Mail within 8 hours upon my receival of your Registration Fee. If you are sending a check or money order, please make them payable to:
Daren Cotter
NOTE: If you would rather receive the Password via Snail Mail (Postal Mail) make sure you enclose a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope with proper postage and allow 3-4 days upon my receival of the Registration Fee.
To Register, all of these things MUST be included:
1) The Registration Fee, $7.50 (US FUNDS)
2) Your E-Mail Address
3) A SASE with Proper Postage (Only if you would rather receive the Password via Postal Mail)
4) (If you want), please tell me where you got the Program. If you downloaded it, where from?
5) Any suggestions, comments (good or bad, I can take it!), ideas for new programs, or anything else.
1) E-Mail: dc6zz9@sherbtel.net
2) Web Site: http://www.geocities.com/baja/2857/index.html
3) Postal Mail:
Daren Cotter
1774 Alpha Rd
Princeton, MN 55371
4) Telephone: 612-389-9633
1) Gives you the Password that disabled the Time Limit.
2) Gives you 24 hour E-Mail Support. I usually can respond within one hour of when I get it.
3) Gives you any Updates of this Program for FREE!
4) Gives you discounts on other Programs of mine.
5) Puts you in my Database of Registered Users, and you will be notified of any updates or new programs.
That's it, Enjoy the Program. Please visit my Web Site for more useful Programs: