The Complete Encyclopedia of Games 3
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287 lines
A challenging word game that combines Bible verses
with the action of the popular Tetris arcade game. The
user must piece together an important Bible verse from
random words that steadily descend from above before
time runs out. Each word that descends must be fitted
into a verse "skeleton" that consists of dashes and
punctuation marks.
For this program to operate properly, it will
require an IBM PC or true compatible with DOS 3.0 or
greater, and a VGA graphics card.
Insert the program diskette into a drive. Set your
working drive to the same drive where the diskette is
located. For instance, if the "Here A Little..." disk
is located in drive A:, then type: A: [press ENTER] at
the DOS prompt. Then to load the program simply type
HAL [press ENTER]. The program will load automatically.
The user will be prompted to enter his/her name.
This name will be displayed on the game score board, and
in the top ten score board at the end of the program.
After entering one's name, the user has the option
of two skill levels: [B] Beginner, and [A] Advanced.
The skill level affects the amount of time that is
allotted to each game. Beginners are allocated more
time, whereas Advanced users are given less time to
solve each frame.
A randomly chosen Bible verse will be displayed at
the bottom left of your screen with all letters removed.
The "skeleton" that remains will consist of dashes and
punctuation marks. Each dash represents a missing
letter. Once you begin, the goal of the game is to
restore/reveal the Bible verse before the scoreboard
timer runs out. The Bible verse can be restored by
positioning the falling words in their correct position
in the "skeleton".
To maneuver the falling words, use the cursor
control keys on your keyboard. The cursor control keys
are the keys with the four directional arrows, and the
HOME, PG UP, END, and PG DN keys. Here is what each of
these keys does during the course of the game.
LEFT ARROW - As the word drops from above, the
LEFT ARROW key moves the word one column to the left.
RIGHT ARROW - As the word drops from above, the
RIGHT ARROW key moves the word one column to the right.
CTRL + LEFT ARROW - As the word drops from above,
holding down both the CONTROL key and LEFT ARROW key will
move the word five columns to the left.
CTRL + RIGHT ARROW - As the word drops from above,
holding down both the CONTROL key and RIGHT ARROW key
will move the word five columns to the right.
UP/DOWN ARROWS - Lets you discard the current
falling word for another word in the verse. The
previous and next words appear on the scoreboard, and
can be accessed by using the UP/DOWN ARROW keys.
HOME - Moves the falling word to the far left
(column #1).
END - Moves the falling word to the far right (last
PG UP - Similar to UP ARROW but places a new word at
the top row position.
In addition to the keys described above, the
[ENTER] key can also be used, and SHOULD BE USED to gain
a higher score. When you feel confident that the
falling word is over the appropriate dashes in the
"skeleton", you do not have to wait for the word to fall
into place by itself. You can cause the falling word to
drop into a "free fall" by pressing the [ENTER] key.
When you hit the [ENTER] key, the word will drop like a
rock towards the bottom of the screen. If you had the
falling word in the proper column when you pressed the
[ENTER] key, the word will snap into the skeleton. But
if you were off, even by just 1 column, the word will
fall through the skeleton and increase the number of
errors on the score board.
Game play will continue until either: 1) Time runs
out; 2) The user wants to quit early by pressing the
[ESC] key; or 3) When the Bible verse has been restored
in its entirety.
If your scores are new high records, they will
be recorded and displayed when you finish each round.
If you find names on the score chart that do not belong
to you, or you wish to wipe the score board "clean",
simply delete the "HAL.SCB" file. A new one will be
generated next time you use the program. The "HAL.SCB"
retains the top scores.
By default, the Bible verses used by the program cannot
be modified. However, you can use a substitute database
of NEW verses if you wish to take the time to create
one. What you will need is either DOS' EDIT text editor
(see your C:\DOS directory) or Window's Notepad.
1) Start EDIT or Notepad
2) Begin typing a new verse in the editor.
Format requirements that you ABSOLUTELY MUST obey:
a) Verses must NOT contain double spaces between any word.
Use a single space between each word.
b) A Bible reference must follow each verse on a NEW line.
c) Verses must not exceed 160 characters (excluding the
d) Between each verse leave a blank line
e) At the very bottom of the file, place an asterisk "*"
character to mark the end of the data.
Here's an example:
-----------------------< top of file> -----------------------
But as truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with
the glory of the LORD.
Numbers 14:21
Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: and thou shalt
love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy
soul, and with all thy might.
Deuteronomy 6:4-5
-----------------------< end of file> -----------------------
f) When you are done, save the file as "VERSES.TXT"
To use this new database of verses, you must start the
program in the following manner. From a C:> prompt,
This will instruct the program to use the verses found
in the VERSES.TXT database. Please be very careful to
follow the instructions (a-f) precisely, or else you may
end up locking the program up.
We shall not assume any direct or indirect
responsibility for losses incurred from the use of "Here
A Little..." If you received a defective copy of this
program, or if any files are missing from this disk,
contact the source from which you obtained it. If you
must contact the author, enclose a 4" x 9" envelope,
self-addressed, with 1 U.S.A. first class postage stamp
affixed. Do not mail us defective disks unless you
enclose sufficient return postage and a cardboard mailer.
"Here A Little..." is copyrighted shareware
software. It is NOT public domain nor free. If
you enjoy using this program, and continue to use the
program on a continuous basis, you are obligated to
support the author for his work.
Shareware/public domain vendors, BBS sysops and
CD-ROM publishers can only distribute this program under
the following conditions:
1) Fees for services rendered (materials,
copying, etc.) for a copy of "Here A Little..." must not
exceed US $6.00 per program.
2) Written approval from the program author must
be obtained before public distribution of this program
IF the file date stamp on HAL.EXE reveals a date older
than 2 years.
3) No changes to any file in this package are
allowed (including the documentation).
"Here A Little..." is just one of our many
software products. If you are interested in additional
Bible related software at very affordable prices, then
send a note of inquiry and self-addressed stamped
envelope (with 2 U.S.A. first class postage stamps
affixed) to the author below for more details. (In
Canada or overseas, submit 6 International Postal
Coupons instead). Some of the current programs include
"A Bible Companion," "Hebrew Flashcards," "Memory
Verse," "Proverbs," "The King James Bible," "The Grape
Vine," "Acts of the Apostles," "Israel - The Land of
Promise," "Scripture Quest," "Gospel Parallels,"
"CommenText Commentaries," "KJVocabulary", "Bible
Crossword Puzzles," "Puzzling Passages" and "Frontlets".
Most of these programs can be evaluated for free by
downloading them from our Internet Web site at the URL:
http://www.pc-shareware.com/ or at our mirror site at:
If you have an America Online account, you can also find
our software by using keyword "SOFTWORD"
"Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your
heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon
your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your
eyes. And ye shall teach them your children, speaking
of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when
thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and
when thou risest up. And thou shalt write them upon the
door posts of thine house, and upon thy gates: that
your days may be multiplied, and the days of your
children, in the land which the LORD sware unto your
fathers to give them, as the days of heaven upon the
earth" (Deuteronomy 11:18-21).
The purpose behind our writing and distributing
"Here A Little..." was and is to increase one's
knowledge and familiarity with the Bible. Our desire was
not to commercialize God's Word, nor to use it in a
casual or disrespectful manner. A serious attempt has
been made to treat the subject matter with all due
respect, while at the same time hoping to make learning
of the Bible more enjoyable. We hope that no one has
been offended in the process. Your comments are
We welcome all feedback. Drop us a note if you
have any suggestions to improve the program, or if you
find any bugs, possible errors, misspelled words, etc.
Philip Kapusta, 406 Monroe Ave., Falmouth, Va. 22405
You can contact us at the address above or send Internet
email to one of addresses below: