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I Rescued Elvis From Communist Alien Jerks V1.0
By Robert Sedler
Please read this entire document before attempting to play
IREFCAJ. Although IREFCAJ is very straight forward and simple to
play, this DOC provides detailed instructions on how to make it
behave like a good game should. This is a fairly long doc but
please bear with my rambling.
ALL of the material in this game is intended as GOOD NATURED
HUMOR and GOOD CLEAN FUN (whatever that means). If anyone is
offended by any of this games content, please lighten up and
don't take life so seriously. Any similarities between the
characters in this game and real persons, living/dead is strictly
coincidence. And remember kids, if you can't laugh at yourself,
you've got no business laughing at anything or anybody!
1 System Requirements
2 Playing The Game
3 Saving & Restoring
4 Helpful Hints!!
5 Specs
6 Distribution
7 Troubleshooting
8 Special Thanks
9 Versions
10 Coming Soon
IREFCAJ SHOULD run on any Amiga with at least 1 MEG of RAM and
WorkBench 2.0 or better.
I had alot of trouble getting my last DREAM WEAVER project
(Psycho Ward!)to run on 1.3 so I have abandoned it for this game.
So I am sorry to say that you will need Workbench 2.0 or better.
You will need a blank formatted floppy to save your game onto.
HARD DRIVE OWNERS- Copy the entire disk onto your hard drive and
save your game right to the RESCUE_ELVIS drawer.
To play IREFCAJ, simply open the RESCUE_ELVIS drawer and
double-click on the DWPlayer Icon.
When the DREAM WEAVER (the excellent program with which this game
was created) Title screen comes up, Double-click again.
The game will initialize itself and then begin proper.
The game introduction will appear in the TEXT box. When the word
MORE appears at the bottom of the text window, simply double-
click anywhere in the text window to continue reading text. This
will happen many times while playing IREFCAJ.
When entering a room, any objects will be displayed in the room
objects window. Clicking on ROOM OBJECTS will bring up the
INVENTORY window, which shows what you are carrying. Clicking on
Inventory takes you back to room objects. Very Simple.
There are 6 Icon based actions: Examine, Use, Take, Drop, Push,
Pull, Open and Close. The rest of the actions are custom made.
Simply click on an action and then an object (either in Inventory
or Room Objects) to do things in the game.
To move about: Simply click on one of the six directions to move
that way in the game. If you can't go there, you won't.
Selecting STATUS from the menu will display your current score
and the number of moves you have made so far.
If you need to see the description of the room you are in
repeated, simply click on the name of the room in the top right
hand corner.
When you gain 100 points your game is over.
The object of the game is very simple (JUST READ THE TITLE!).
To save game, simply select SAVE from the menu, and save to a
blank floppy like a normal Amiga file. There is insufficient room
on the IREFCAJ floppy for saving games.
To restore a saved game, simply select RESTORE from the menu.
Be very patient, game will restore.
EXAMINE EVERY OBJECT!!! Many times, the description of the object
will provide an important clue on how it should be used.
(Remember though- EXAMINE and SEARCH are 2 different things!)
Although not a DEATH-HAPPY game, IREFCAJ does have a few nasty
surprises up it's sleeve so lets be careful out there. Save your
game before trying something creative and/or stupid.
With the exception of the deaths. I have tried to make IREFCAJ so
that there are no Impossible situations to get out of. EXAMPLE:
Don't worry about using an object up that you will need at a
later point in the game. You will, however, have problems if you
drop an item in a room where that item was the key to entering
it. In other words, once you are in the car, don't lock your keys
Does that make sense to you? I didn't think so.
And also (at no extra cost) this game is my first game to feature
a helpful HINT FILE!!!! If for any reason you get STUCK #@&*!,
simply double click on the Elvis_hints.guide icon and the hint
file will load up. The hint file is in AmigaGuide format so you
can only see one hint at a time (not that I don't trust you or
anything). The AmigaGuide Browser utility has been included with
IREFCAJ so you need not own Amigaguide (although you should). To
see a hint, just click on the "box" for the hint of your choice.
A piece of cake!
IREFCAJ is freeeeeeeeeeeee software.(YES!) Which means, if you
like it, and want to make copies for other people. you have my
blessing. Anyone reading this also has my COMPLETE PERMISSION to
upload this game onto any bbs, or send it to any PD company they
want to. I don't care if the whole world plays my games (the more
people who get a copy..THE BETTER!!) The only thing I ask is that
you drop me a postcard (or E-Mail) and tell me what you think of the
game, who you are and what your interests are. Please send no money as
I can't keep piling it all up much longer (joke). My address is:
Robert J. Sedler
RR3 Box 440
Norwich NY 13815
For those of you who hate snail-mail, feel free to drop me an E-mail
message at:
This project was created using the following:
DREAM WEAVER, the great adventure builder
DELUXE PAINT IV, the great graphics producer
AMIGAGUIDE, the great text utility
WORD PERFECT, the WAS great word processor till they DUMPED AMIGA
ROBERT SEDLER, some idiot who did alot of work on it.
If you make copies of this game the following files MUST remain
in the following directories for it to work properly.
Rescue_Elvis (Main Dir)*
*This directory must also contain 31 different .pic files,
too numerous to mention.
DWFont (dir)
Libs (dir)
DWsounds (dir)
*Again- all files and directories
MUST be in the Rescue_Elvis directory for this game
to function properly.
---The Text Problem---
When trying to load IREFCAJ, do you notice that when the game
initializes, the text is too large for the window and will
scroll to the right past the edge of the text field? Yes?
OK, well I had this problem too and here's how I got around it:
If this happens, you probably do not have a FONTS directory on
your WorkBench disk. Simply create a directory on your WorkBench
disk and call it FONTS. No, you do not need to actually put any
fonts in this directory, an empty FONTS directory will work just
as well as a fully stocked one. I have no idea why this works,
but it do man, it do!
If anyone is still reading this doc I just want to say a few
things. Like I haven't said enough already, right.
I have always dreamed of making AMIGA text adventures. Thanks
to the MEGA talented Duane Bernloehr, I can finally at least
make an attempt at one. I hope my game is entertaining. I put my
heart and soul into it.
(Here comes the plug) If you like this game a whole lot why not
look for my game "PSYCHO WARD!", also created with Dream Weaver.
Version 1.5 is out now and it's just as ....interesting as this
game. I won't make any promises, but if you write to me and tell
me what you think of IREFCAJ, I might send you a free copy.
And also (if you fear not the strange) why not look for "Wonkii",
a bizarre attempt I made at writing a Text Adventure in BASIC a
few years back. It's not a fantastic game, but my friends all
seemed to like it.
At least that's what they told me, maybe they lied.
Special Thanks to:
-Duane Bernloehr. Great Builder of the Great Adventure Builder.
The man with the power. The Amiga community is forever in your
-The Binghamton Amiga Users Group. Sometimes I don't say much at
the meetings, but I'm ALWAYS listening and I've learned ALOT
about the AMIGA since I joined. Thanks guys. (I'll try to be the best
vice-pres. I can be)
-Mark Pousser. Who taught me that I wasn't untouchable.
-Joel, Mike, Dr. Forrester, Frank, Torgo and the bots (MST3K).
You guys keep me going day after day in a world gone insane.
-Rich Cummings. Phone calls, night after night after night
after.........and sometimes during the day. I think the Pony-Tail
is cool.
-RUSH, Blue Oyster Cult, Triumph, and Queen. A constant beat for
my ever typing fingers.
-........and Karen Davis. A better half than I ever deserved.
Sorry I was on the computer and the phone, night after night
after night after night after night............
-and last but not least, RAIDER. Woof, old buddy, woof.
*9 ************Version Changes**************
Version 1.0 10/27/94
This is the version you are playing, as far as I know there are
no bugs in it. (that's what I said about PsychoWard too, 5
versions later I finally got everything right) Since this is my
2nd DREAM WEAVER game, this should be a smoother version than my
last game.
*10 Coming Soon:
Who knows? I am currently working on my 3rd DreamWeaver game entitled;
I cannot predict WHEN or even IF this game will be finished, as I have
already started running into some snags. But, if you ever see that
(Provided no one swipes it from me) you will know it is one of my
2/25/95 SedlerSoft