Amiga Format CD 5
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149 lines
; $VER: Scions Preview Installation script 1.0 (1996-07-23)
; (c) Copyright DSP 1996
; Requirements
(set #mincpu "68020")
(set #minos "39")
(set #mindisk 1400000)
(set #minchip "AA")
(if (>= @installer-version 42)
(set #choicehead (cat "\x1b[2p"))
(set #choicehed (cat ""))
; Default english strings
(set #DirName "Scions_Preview")
(set #Welcome (cat "Welcom to the\n"
"'Almagica - Scions of a Forgotten World'\n"
"Preview installation script.\n"
"This Preview will require atleast this equipment:\n"
"A " #mincpu " cpu or better\n"
"AmigaDOS V" #minos " of better\n"
(/ #mindisk 1024) " KBytes of free harddisk space\n"
"AGA Chipset or A CyberGraphX compatible graphics card\n"))
(set #OldOS (cat "You need V" #minos "+ of AmigaDOS to run this preview."))
(set #LowCpu (cat "You need a " #mincpu " or better to run this preview."))
(set #OldChip (cat "You need AGA chipset to run this preview."))
(set #LowDisk (cat "This preview requires atleast " (/ #mindisk 1024) "KBytes of free space."))
(set #Exists (cat "An Installation of " #DirName " has aleadry been done."))
(set #Location (cat "Where do you wish to install this preview? A directory named "
#DirName " will be created here."))
(set #LocationH (cat "Please select where on your harddisk you wish to place "
"'Almagica - Scions of a Forgotten World'. A directory "
"called '" #DirName "' will be created there and all "
"files needed will be placed inside that directory."))
(set #cyberquestion (cat "Do you have a CyberGraphX comatible card installed?"))
(set #cyberyes (cat "Yes, in fact I do..."))
(set #cyberno (cat "No, Sorry..."))
(set #cyberhelp (cat "Owners of a CyberGraphX card would likley like to be able to use it as much "
"as possible. But to be able to play 'Almagica - Scions of a Forgotten World' "
"with such a card, Scions must be told so. This is done by using the CYBGFX "
"option, either as a tooltype in the icon, or as an argument from shell. If "
"you answer yes on this question the install script will automatically set "
"this tooltype for you. Please note that ONLY the tool type is set, if you "
"start Scions from a shell, you still need to supply the CYBGFX keyword. See "
"the manual for more information."))
(set #ptprompt (cat "Going to copy PTReplay.library to you LIBS: drawer."))
(set #pthelp (cat "On order to play music during this preview, you will need to install this "
"library. PTReplay library is Copyright (c) 1996 Andreas Pålsson (Pucko/Digital "
"dreams). PTReplay library is freeware and the complete dist. can be found on "
"AmiNET. Please read the PTReplay.readme file for more information."))
; Test requirements
(message #Welcome)
(complete 0)
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) #minos) (abort #OldOs))
(if (< (database "cpu") #mincpu) (abort #LowCPU))
(if (not (patmatch #minchip (database "chiprev")))
(set #usecyber
(prompt #cyberquestion)
(choices (cat #choicehead #cyberyes) #cyberno)
(help #cyberhelp)
; Start installation
(complete 5)
(set destdir
(prompt #Location)
(help #LocationH)
(default @default-dest)
(set @default-dest destdir)
(complete 10)
(if (< (getdiskspace destdir) minspace) (abort #LowDisk))
(set destdir (tackon destdir #DirName))
(complete 15)
; Check if another file/dir with this name alreasy exists...
(if (<> 0 (exists destdir)) (exit #Exists))
; Copy libraries
(prompt #ptprompt)
(help #pthelp)
(source "/scions/ptreplay/ptreplay.library")
(dest "libs:")
(optional oknodelete)
(complete 30)
; Make dir and copy files
(makedir destdir (infos))
(complete 25)
(source "/scions")
(dest destdir)
(complete 99)
(message "Please remember to run the SETUP program before you start Almagica the first time.")
(complete 100)