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@database "SteelFortress.guide"
@author John Haubrich
@(C) 1996 John M Haubrich Jr
@$VER: SteelFortress 3.0 (25.7.96)
@Node MAIN "SteelFortress 3.0 -- July 25, 1996"
Steel Fortress
Release 3.0
July 25, 1996
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> THIS PROGRAM IS FREEWARE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
AmigaDOS 3.0 or higher.
Moose.font in fonts:
MUI 3.3 or higher
This program uses @{" Magic User Interface (MUI) " link "mui"}
by Stefan Stuntz.
@{" " link "whatis" } What is SteelFortress?
@{" " link "install" } How do I install?
@{" " link "startgame" } Starting the Game
@{" " link "setup" } Setup
@{" " link "taketurn" } Taking Your Turn
@{" " link "conquer" } Conquering a Fortress
@{" " link "winning" } Winning the Game
@{" " link "strategy" } Strategy and Hints
@{" " link "menus" } Menus
@{" " link "errors" } Error Messages
@{" " link "limits" } Limitations
@{" " link "byline" } About the author
@{" " link "releases" } Revision History
@node "whatis" "What is SteelFortress?"
Steel Fortress is a strategy game for two through six players. The
goal of the game is to establish yourself as the sole ruler of war-torn
26th-century Europe.
@node "install" "How do I install?"
Double-click the Install_Fonts program.
Copy the entire SteelFortress drawer to wherever you want it!
Installation is complete.
@node "startgame" "Starting the Game"
The game may be started from either Workbench or the CLI/Shell.
The game expects the moose.font to be in FONTS: The game will work
without the moose.font but the display will be slightly corrupted.
After loading the game, you will see the "About" requester.
Click OK to continue. Now select 2 through 6 players or click "Load"
to load a previously saved game.
There are a total of 44 territories on the map. Each is
color-coded to represent a zone as listed below:
Color Zone
YELLOW Austrian
BLUE British
RED German
PINK Russian
GREEN Independent
The total number of armies you start with is determined by the
number of players entering the game. See the chart below:
Players Armies
2 40
3 35
4 30
5 25
6 20
Forty-eight BONUS CARDS give special temporary fighting abilities
during the game. As each card is used, it is recycled into the pile
allowing another player to use it later. The cards and their functions are
listed below:
# Card Description
8 Admirals ADMIRALs allow attack by sea during a turn.
After the turn has ended, the admiral's power is
9 Agents Each AGENT destroys FOUR armies on a fortress of
your choice.
9 Fort Bonus Each FORT BONUS adds FIVE armies to your fortress.
For any armies above 99, you will be allowed to
deploy them on any territory as usual.
8 Generals A GENERAL gives added offense during an attack.
His power is lost after a single attack.
14 Troops Each TROOPS card gives you THREE additional armies
which you may place anywhere on the map. Note
that all TROOPS cards are played at once!
@node "setup" "Setup"
Throughout the game, prompts and other information is displayed in
the text area at the top of the window. When a new game is started and
the number of players is chosen, each player must select a 'FORTRESS
TERRITORY'. This territory *MUST* be defended at all costs -- if it is
defeated, the player is out of the game. There are a few rules
(and hints) for fortress placement listed below:
A fortress may NOT be placed in an Independent territory.
There may be only ONE fortress per zone.
A fortress on the sea provides good offensive capabilities.
A land-locked fortress may provide limited protection.
After all players have chosen their fortress territory, each
player, in turn, selects an unoccupied territory until all are claimed.
One army is subtracted from the player's armed forces and placed on the
Now, starting again with Player 1, territories are reinforced with
remaining armies in clumps of five. To place ONE army, click on the
territory. Additional armies may be placed by clicking several times
or by using the 'ARMS BOX' to make each click count for 5 or 10 armies.
The ARMS BOX is a cycle gadget located near the top left corner of the
window. The 'ALL' setting will place ALL remaining armies on the
territory you click on.
** Note that if you try to place armies five at a time but have **
** less than five remaining, a requester will pop up indicating **
** a DEPLOY ERROR. Simply reset the ARMSVALUE lower and resume **
** placing your armies until none are left. **
Always be sure you know where you want your armies BEFORE you place
them since there is no 'UNDO' function and armies MAY NOT BE MOVED at any
time throughout the game.
When every player has placed his/her forces, each player is asked
for a password. Use a different password every time you play but make sure
it's something you can remember. You will not be allowed to play your turn
unless you correctly enter your password.
After choosing a password, you will be prompted to select a 'HIDDEN
ARMY TERRITORY'. One territory may be chosen anywhere on the board to hold
your hidden armies. At any time during the game (even during another
player's turn), you may bring out these armies and attack (if it's your
turn) or defend. The number of armies in your hidden force is equal to the
number of bonus armies gathered from the last TROOPS card. A few
restrictions apply to hidden army placement:
Hidden armies may NOT be placed on a fortress territory.
Hidden armies MAY be placed on ANY OTHER territory even if you do
not currently own it; however, you may only use the armies if you
own the territory.
You may choose another player's territory to hold your armies.
As battle progresses, when you capture that territory, you may
then bring out your hidden forces.
Place your hidden armies next to an enemy fortress so they may be
used to destroy him.
Player 1 starts normal play.
@node "taketurn" "Taking Your Turn"
Each player's turn is divided into three phases:
Each player is given a minimum of three cards to begin his
turn. One additional card is then given to the player. Any
FORTBONUS cards are automatically subtracted from your deck and
added to your fortress. The status bar shows that you were
awarded additional fortress armies.
You are given bonus cards at the start of each turn. To use
these cards, access them through the "Play Cards..." button at
the bottom left of the window. Next, a requester appears showing
the number of AGENT, ADMIRAL and TROOPS cards available. To play
a card, click on it. For the Agent, eligible target fortress
buttons will be enabled for you to select. A fortress is not
eligible if it has been destroyed, if it is your own fortress or
if the number of armies on the fortress is less than three.
To use the ADMIRAL or GENERAL cards, click the checkbox at the
top of the window. Each admiral or general is good for one attack
only! Use them well!
Selecting TROOPS will allow you to reinforce your
positions. Note that ALL TROOPS cards are played at once unlike
the other cards which are played one at a time.
ATTACK (optional)
To attack another player, first make sure the attacking and
defending territories are adjacent or that there is an 'ATTACK
LINE' drawn between them (Norway and Denmark may attack each other,
for example). Next, click on the attacking territory then click on
the defending territory.
All armies on the attacking territory are used to wage war
against all armies on the defending territory. The attack will
continue until the defender is destroyed or the attacker has no
armies left to continue the attack. (One army must be left on the
To stop attacking, select the 'End Turn' button in the lower
eight corner of the window. Reinforcement troops will be computed
based on the number of zones you occupy, the number of players you
have defeated and whether or not you own all of the Independent
zone. The equation is as follows:
8 * (#players conquered+1) + 4 * (#zones) + 6 * (own Independents?)
For example, a player who has conquered two other players, own 3
zones and all the Independent territories receives
8 * (2+1) + 4 * 3 + 6 = 42
armies. You may place the armies anywhere on the map.
** Note: If you attempt to place over 99 armies on a single **
** territory, a requester will notify you of a DEPLOY ERROR. **
** Select CANCEL to place the armies elsewhere; select OK to **
** cancel deployment of all remaining troops. **
At any time, a player may bring out HIDDEN ARMIES by selecting the
'Hidden Armies...' button on the bottom center of the window. The
current number of armies is displayed at the top of the requester.
Click the checkbox for each player who wishes to bring out his hidden
armies. Click OK to bring them out. Note that any player may bring
out his hidden armies at any time -- EVEN IF IT IS NOT THAT PLAYER'S
** Note that if the total number of armies exceeds 99 on the **
** territory, any remaining armies will be destroyed. **
@node "conquer" "Conquering a Fortress"
When you conquer a player's fortress, his resources become your
own. Specifically,
You receive additional reinforcements at the end of every turn.
The defeated player's armies remain in their positions but are
realigned to serve you.
Any cards the defeated player owned are now yours.
The defeated player's hidden armies are destroyed.
The GENERAL and ADMIRAL checkboxes are updated to reflect your
newly acquired power.
The 'Play Cards...' button is re-enabled until your next attack.
Don't forget to use any new Agents or Troops before continuing!
@node "winning" "Winning the Game"
When only one player remains, he is acknowledged the winner.
@node "strategy" "Strategy and Hints"
Here are a few proven techniques to enhance the game:
ALWAYS be sure to strengthen your fortress.
Put your fortress on the open sea so that you can place most of
your troops on the fortress for defense but can also strike at
other players with an ADMIRAL card.
Try to occupy an entire zone to gain more reinforcements.
When you attack from your fortress, make sure you have enough
backup coming at the end of your turn to replenish your forces!
Place your hidden armies next to enemy forts to use during an
Go after the weakest fortress quickly.
Take weak stabs at unfortified territories to prevent other
players from claiming ownership of an entire zone.
REMEMBER: You capture the defeated player's cards AND armies!!!
Plot your attack path so you can defeat more than one player in a
single turn.
Capturing enemy fortresses is the single best way to lock in
increased troop distributions at the end of every turn. You
do not have to hold the entire zone to claim the additional
If it's obvious you're losing, fortify your fortress. Don't
bother defending any zones remaining. By concentrating your
remaining forces on a single territory, you MAY be able to defeat
opponents by attacking from your fortress via sea.
@node "menus" "Menus"
Restarts the game.
Standard disk functions for loading and saving of games.
You may only save games at the start of a turn AND not during
deploy mode.
Show the program title, author name and date of last revision,
free chip and fast RAM.
Pops up standard MUI About/Registration window.
Quits if you click on OK; CANCEL resumes the game.
Standard MUI settings program.
@node "errors" "Error Messages"
@{b}File read error!@{ub}
SteelFortress encountered a problem while reading the data file.
Possibly, the file is too short or the file is corrupted.
@{b}File open error!@{ub}
Probably couldn't find the file you specified. Are the path and
file name correct?
@{b}This file is not a Steel Fortress game file.@{ub}
The file selected does not conform to the Steel Fortress format.
@{b}This zone has already been claimed. Please select another.@{ub}
Only one player may claim a zone during fortress selection stage.
See also @{" Starting the Game " link "startgame"} for more information.
@{b}You cannot claim the Independent territories. Please select another.@{ub}
No player may claim the Independent Zone during the fortress
selection stage.
See also @{" Starting the Game " link "startgame"} for more information.
@node "limits" "Limitations"
- Pen sharing. This is something for future expansion. Since this
game requires AmigaDOS 3.0 anyway, I need to learn about the pen
handling stuff of graphics.library and use it. Right now, MUI will
map the 16-color battle map onto a display of fewer colors which
can result in a hard-to-read display. Also, if you're using
MagicWB, the colors for each player may be very close together
making it difficult to see which territories belong to which
player. In the near future, I will implement this feature.
- Shoddy graphics. I need new victory.iff and steelfortress.iff
pictures. The only restrictions are victory.iff must be 352 X 240
since it is hard-coded into the program. And steelfortress.iff
must have it's hit-boxes in the same location since the program
uses coordinate comparisons rather than individual gadgets to
detect which territories the user clicks on.
- Some sound effects are missing. I don't have a digitizer and
was unable to find even reasonably good sound effects for some
actions. SteelFortress uses DataTypes to load and play these
sounds and the code is built in to this version of the program
for the following sounds:
ack.8svx Acknowledged. Positive confirmation.
nak.8svx Negative Acknowledge. Error condition.
plyr1.8svx Introduces Player 1. (Its Player 1's turn.)
plyr2.8svx Introduces Player 2.
plyr3.8svx Introduces Player 3.
plyr4.8svx Introduces Player 4.
plyr5.8svx Introduces Player 5.
plyr6.8svx Introduces Player 6.
fighting.8svx Played during battle.
atkwins.8svx Attacker wins battle.
dfnwins.8svx Defender wins battle.
agent.8svx Agent is used against enemy.
admiral.8svx Admiral is selected for attack.
general.8svx General is selected for attack.
troops.8svx Additional Troops are deployed.
fortbonus.8svx Fortress receives a BONUS troop deployment.
fortdestroy.8svx Fortress is destroyed.
winner.8svx Winner is declared. Game over.
To activate these sounds, just drop the sound files into the
SteelFortress drawer. The sounds will load when the game starts.
Note: you will have to exit the game if it is running to get the
new sounds. Simply restarting the game will not re-load
the sound effects.
If anyone wants to contribute new graphics (especially AGA graphics)
or additional or better sound effects, e-mail me at:
@{" johnh@tyrell.net " link "byline"}
@node "releases" "Release History"
Release 1.0 - July 18, 1991
Initial release. Had numerous hard-to-track bugs which actually
made the game more enjoyable so I left them in! I had just started
programming in "C" and, well, the program was a bit quirky but
still fun! (And it required ARP!)
Release 2.0 - circa 1994
I tried to fix just the bugs and the load/save routines which were
unpredictable under Release 1.0. This effort required too much
time as more and more bugs were found. Release 2.0 was obliterated
shortly thereafter.
Release 3.0 - July 25, 1996
This version. No bugs, I promise!
@node "byline" "About the great author..."
>>>>>>>>>> Who was the great, wonderful, fantastic, brilliant, creative,
>>>>>>>>>> omnipotent Amiga genius who wrote this ultra-advanced
>>>>>>>>>> technological breakthrough software?
John Haubrich
Kansas City, MO USA
Problems? Ideas? Suggestions? Requests?
e-mail: johnh@tyrell.net
@node "mui" "MUILabeler - Magic User Interface"
This application uses
MUI - MagicUserInterface
(c) Copyright 1993/94 by Stefan Stuntz
MUI is a system to generate and maintain graphical user interfaces. With
the aid of a preferences program, the user of an application has the
ability to customize the outfit according to his personal taste.
MUI is distributed as shareware. To obtain a complete package containing
lots of examples and more information about registration please look for
a file called "muiXXusr.lha" (XX means the latest version number) on
your local bulletin boards or on public domain disks.
If you want to register directly, feel free to send
DM 30.- or US$ 20.-
Stefan Stuntz
80935 M