Amiga Format CD 5
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Amigaguide Document
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@database MTG_CARD_S.guide
@author "Tom de Ruyter"
@$VER: MTG.guide 1.7 (25.7.96)
@node MAIN "Card Rulings & Descriptions - S"
- - * - * - S - * - * - -
@{" Sacred Boon " link SACBO} @{" Sacrifice " link SACRI}
@{" Safe Haven " link SAFEH} @{" Sage of Lat-Nam " link SAGEL}
@{" Samite Alchemist " link SAMAL} @{" Samite Healer " link SAMHE}
@{" Sandals of Abdallah " link SANAB} @{" Sand Silos " link SANDS}
@{" Sandstorm " link SANST} @{" Savannah " link SAVAN}
@{" Scarecrow " link SCARE} @{" Scars of the Veteran " link SCARS}
@{" Scarwood Bandits " link SCABA} @{" Scarwood Goblins " link SCAGO}
@{" Scavenger Folk " link SCAVF} @{" Scavenging Ghoul " link SCAVG}
@{" Scrubland " link SCRUB} @{" Seafarers' Quay " link SEAFA}
@{" Sea Serpent " link SEASE} @{" Seasinger " link SEASI}
@{" Season of the Witch " link SEASO} @{" Sengir Autocrat " link SENAU}
@{" Sengir Vampire " link SENVA} @{" Sentinel " link SENTI}
@{" Seraph " link SERAP} @{" Serendib Djinn " link SERDJ}
@{" Serendib Efreet " link SEREF} @{" Serpent Generator " link SERPE}
@{" Serra Angel " link SERAN} @{" Shahrazad " link SHAHR}
@{" Shapeshifter " link SHAPE} @{" Shatter " link SHATT}
@{" Shelkin Brownie " link SHELK} @{" Sheltered Valley " link SHELT}
@{" Shield Sphere " link SHIEL} @{" Shimian Night Stalker " link SHIMI}
@{" Shivan Dragon " link SHIVA} @{" Shyft " link SHYFT}
@{" Sibilant Spirit " link SIBIL} @{" Simulacrum " link SIMUL}
@{" Sindbad " link SINDB} @{" Singing Tree " link SINGI}
@{" Siren's Call " link SIRCA} @{" Skull of Orm " link SKULL}
@{" Sleight of Mind " link SLEIG} @{" Smoke " link SMOKE}
@{" Snowfall " link SNOWF} @{" Soldevi Excavations " link SOLEX}
@{" Soldevi Golem " link SOLGO} @{" Soldevi Machinist " link SOLMA}
@{" Sol'kanar the Swamp King " link SOLKA} @{" Sol Ring " link SOLRI}
@{" Songs of the Damned " link SONGS} @{" Sorceress Queen " link SORCE}
@{" Sorrow's Path " link SORRO} @{" Soul Barrier " link SOUBA}
@{" Soul Burn " link SOUBU} @{" Soul Exchange " link SOUEX}
@{" Soul Kiss " link SOUKI} @{" Soul Net " link SOUNE}
@{" Spectral Bears " link SPEBE} @{" Spectral Cloak " link SPECL}
@{" Spiny Starfish " link SPINY} @{" Spirit Link " link SLINK}
@{" Spirit Shield " link SSHIE} @{" Spitting Slug " link SPITT}
@{" Spoils of Evil " link SPOEV} @{" Spoils of War " link SPOWA}
@{" Spore Cloud " link SPOCL} @{" Squire " link SQUIR}
@{" Staff of the Ages " link STAFA} @{" Stangg " link STANG}
@{" Stasis " link STASI} @{" Steal Artifact " link STEAL}
@{" Stench of Evil " link STENC} @{" Stone Calendar " link STOCA}
@{" Stone Giant " link STOGI} @{" Stormbind " link STBIN}
@{" Storm Cauldron " link STCAU} @{" Storm Seeker " link STSEE}
@{" Strip Mine " link STRIP} @{" Stromgald Spy " link STROM}
@{" Stunted Growth " link STUNT} @{" Su-Chi " link SUCHI}
@{" Subdue " link SUBDU} @{" Suffocation " link SUFFO}
@{" Sustaining Spirit " link SUSTA} @{" Svyelunite Priest " link SVYPR}
@{" Svyelunite Temple " link SVYTE} @{" Swamp Mosquito " link SWMOS}
@{" Sword of the Ages " link SWOAG} @{" Swords to Plowshares " link SWOPL}
@{" Sylvan Library " link SYLVA}
@node SACBO "Sacred Boon"
Sacred Boon:
Targets the creature which is having damage prevented on it. This is an
exception to the normal way damage prevention spells work. Normally they
only target the damage and not the creature. [bethmo 02/12/96]
@{" Card Information " link IA_WHITE.guide/SACRE}
@node SACRI "Sacrifice"
Cannot be used on a creature with lethal damage, but can be used before
the creature receives the damage. [bethmo]
Sacrificing an animated artifact gives the casting cost of the artifact.
Sacrificing an animated land gives no mana since casting cost was zero.
Sacrifice does not give any mana for the enchantments on the creature.
The Revised Edition version of this card actually sacrifices the creature,
and since sacrifices cannot be prevented, this can be used even on
creatures with Protection from Black. The Limited and Unlimited Edition
versions of this card merely "destroy without possibility of regeneration"
and so cannot be used on creatures with Protection from Black.
[Aahz 09/12/94]
@{" Card Information " link 3E_BLACK.guide/SACRI}
@node SAFEH "Safe Haven"
Safe Haven:
When the creature leaves play any damage or "will be destroyed at some
future time" effects are removed from the creature.
Enchantments and counters on creatures are destroyed when they are sent to
the Haven. [WotC Rules Team 09/30/94]
When creatures return to play, they come back as if just summoned with any
counters or such due them on summoning. Creatures with X in the casting
cost are treated as X is zero. [WotC Rules Team 09/30/94] Creatures which
can pay costs when summoned to determine abilities must have those costs
paid at this time.
Creatures return to play in any order you choose. If a Clone enters play
and there is no creature to copy, it fizzles and is placed in the
graveyard. [WotC Rules Ream 10/12/94]
Creatures return to the control of their owners, regardless of who controls
the Haven when it is sacrificed. [Duelist Magazine #3, Page 7]
(This is a REVERSAL of something I had in here for a while which was
a misreading of the actual ruling)
If the Haven is destroyed, any creatures it pulled out of the game are
simply lost. [Duelist Magazine #3, Page 7]
All cards in the Haven stay there even if they cease to be creatures. When
the Haven is sacrificed, the cards come back into play whether or not
they are creatures. [Duelist Magazine #5, Page 123]
Token creatures are removed from the game when this effect is used on them.
So they cannot be brought back like cards can.
[Duelist Magazine #5, Page 123]
If changed to another land type using a spell such as Phantasmal Terrain,
creatures are not lost but cannot be released until the land is reverted
to normal. [Duelist Magazine #3, Page 7]
The last sentence should read "Treat this as if they were just cast".
[Aahz 10/06/94]
The ability is an interrupt and can be used at any time interrupts are
legal, including during damage prevention. It can be used on a creature
which is "on its way to the graveyard". [D'Angelo 10/31/95]
The Chronicles version has an activation cost while The Dark version does
not. [Duelist Magazine #7, Page 101]
@{" Card Information " link DK_LAND.guide/SAFEH}
@node SAGEL "Sage of Lat-Nam"
Sage of Lat-Nam:
As errata to the card, it should read "Tap: Sacrifice an artifact to draw
a card." [Duelist Magazine #4, Page 138]
Cannot use the ability unless you have an artifact to sacrifice. It is
part of the cost. [Aahz]
The "place in the graveyard" statement is actually a "sacrifice" and is a
cost which cannot be prevented. [Duelist Magazine #2, Page 14]
@{" Card Information " link AQ_BLUE.guide/SAGEO}
@node SAMAL "Samite Alchemist"
Samite Alchemist:
You choose to prevent between 0 and 4 damage at announce time.
[bethmo 03/11/96]
@{" Card Information " link HL_WHITE.guide/SAMIT}
@node SAMHE "Samite Healer"
Samite Healer:
The Fourth Edition version only targets the damage, while the Limited,
Unlimited and Revised Edition versions targeted the creature or player
and the damage. [Duelist Magazine #5, Page 11]
@{" Card Information " link 4E_WHITE.guide/SAMIT}
@node SANAB "Sandals of Abdallah"
Sandals of Abdallah:
Destroyed if creature using it is goes to the graveyard. It is not
destroyed if the creature regenerates. [Arab FAQ 01/05/94] It is not
destroyed if the creature is removed from the game (unless it goes to the
graveyard first). [Aahz 06/13/96]
@{" Card Information " link AN_ARTIFACT.guide/SANDA}
@node SANDS "Sand Silos"
Sand Silos:
See @{"Bottomless Vault" link MTG_CARD_B.guide/BOTTO} for rulings.
@{" Card Information " link FE_LAND.guide/SANDS}
@node SANST "Sandstorm"
Can be played during the attack phase before damage dealing. Creatures
receive the damage immediately and may be killed off. [Arab FAQ
@{" Card Information " link AN_GREEN.guide/SANDS}
@node SAVAN "Savannah"
See @{"Badlands" link MTG_CARD_B.guide/BADLA} for rulings.
@{" Card Information " link 3E_LAND.guide/SAVAN}
@node SCARE "Scarecrow"
Even prevents non-combat damage from flying creatures. This can include
damage from Ifh-Biff Efreet or even not paying upkeep to the Lord of
the Pit (but this is a difficult situation to arrange since you'd
have to pay the Scarecrow and somehow have it be destroyed before the
Lord tries to take it as a sacrifice). [Aahz 02/07/95]
@{" Card Information " link DK_ARTIFACT.guide/SCARE}
@node SCARS "Scars of the Veteran"
Scars of the Veteran:
+ See @{"Pitch Spells" link MTG_GEN_RULINGS.guide/TOP_PITC} in the General Rulings for more information.
@{" Card Information " link AI_WHITE.guide/SCARS}
@node SCABA "Scarwood Bandits"
Scarwood Bandits:
Can only take control of an artifact controlled by another player. That
player is the one able to pay to cancel the effect.
[Duelist Magazine #4, Page 64]
@{" Card Information " link DK_GREEN.guide/SCBAN}
@node SCAGO "Scarwood Goblins"
Scarwood Goblins:
The text on the card explaining the color is considered to be explanatory
and not characteristic text. This means that it cannot be affected by
Sleight of Mind and is not copied by copy cards such as Doppelganger.
[Duelist Magazine #3, Page 22]
This card can have its color changed by a lace spell but not by
Sleight of Mind. This is a REVERSAL of a ruling in Duelist Magazine #2
on page 86. [WotC Rules Team 09/15/94]
@{" Card Information " link DK_GOLD.guide/SCARW}
@node SCAVF "Scavenger Folk"
Scavenger Folk:
Artist's name is spelled incorrectly.
@{" Card Information " link DK_GREEN.guide/SCAVE}
@node SCAVG "Scavenging Ghoul"
Scavenging Ghoul:
They gather counters at the end of the turn so they cannot gather counters
for dead creatures until that point. Note that the Ghoul still gets to
claim counters even if it enters play after the creatures died. [bethmo]
The Ghoul does not gain for cards "removed from the game".
The Revised Edition version of this card only allows regeneration when
the Ghoul dies due to taking damage. It cannot regenerate from being
simply destroyed by a destroy effect. The Limited, Unlimited and Fourth
Edition Ghouls can regenerate whenever it is destroyed by any means.
[Duelist Magazine #5, Page 11]
@{" Card Information " link 4E_BLACK.guide/SCAVE}
@node SCRUB "Scrubland"
See @{"Badlands" link MTG_CARD_B.guide/BADLA} for rulings.
@{" Card Information " link 3E_LAND.guide/SCRUB}
@node SEAFA "Seafarers' Quay"
Seafarers' Quay:
See @{"Adventurers' Guildhouse" link MTG_CARD_A.guide/ADVEN} for rulings.
@{" Card Information " link LG_LAND.guide/SEAFA}
@node SEASE "Sea Serpent"
Sea Serpent:
Once you run out of Islands, it is immediately buried and a damage
prevention step happens. It cannot be Magical Hacked at this time to
save it because it is already dying. [WotC Rules Team 12/15/94]
As errata, the Limited, Unlimited and Revised Edition version should say
say "defending player" instead of "opponent".
[Duelist Magazine #4, Page 64] The Fourth Edition version is correct.
@{" Card Information " link 4E_BLUE.guide/SEASE}
@node SEASI "Seasinger"
You do not lose control of the stolen creature if it stops being a creature.
You only lose control if Seasinger leaves your control or becomes
untapped. [WotC Rules Team 02/09/95]
@{" Card Information " link FE_BLUE.guide/SEASI}
@node SEASO "Season of the Witch"
Season of the Witch:
Any creatures which cannot attack for some reason are exempted. [Card Text]
Island Sanctuary, Moat, Arboria, and other effects or creature limitations
such as the Sea Serpent's "opponent must have islands" may cause creatures
to be unable to attack. [Aahz 08/09/94]
You do not have to pay to enable a creature like a Leviathan to attack.
[Aahz 06/13/96]
You are not forced to do everything in your power to make something attack.
For example, a Wall of Wonder won't be destroyed if you don't pay to
animate it. [Aahz 09/02/94]
If you don't declare an attack, it checks which creatures could have
attacked at the end of the main phase. [WotC Rules Team 11/10/95]
It looks back to see which creatures could have attacked during the "declare
attackers" step of the attack (or at the end of the main phase if there
was no attack) even if it was not in play when the attack was declared or
even the end of the main phase. [WotC Rules Team 11/10/95]
@{" Card Information " link DK_BLACK.guide/SEASO}
@node SENAU "Sengir Autocrat"
Sengir Autocrat:
When it leaves play, it buries all Serfs in play and not just the ones it
generated or just the ones under your control. [Aahz 10/25/95]
@{" Card Information " link HL_BLACK.guide/SEAUT}
@node SENVA "Sengir Vampire"
Sengir Vampire:
Gets counters when creatures go to the graveyard. If it dies at the same
time as a creature it killed, it does not get the counter. If it
regenerates or otherwise lives past the creature being killed, it gets
the counter. [bethmo]
Gets a counter if it damages a creature and that creature's permanent is
put in the graveyard that turn, even if the permanent is no longer a
creature when it goes to the graveyard. [WotC Rules Team 09/22/95]
@{" Card Information " link 4E_BLACK.guide/SENGI}
@node SENTI "Sentinel"
Although it is not clear, the Sentinel keeps the change to its toughness
until it changes again. It does not wear off at the end of the turn.
[Duelist Magazine #2, Page 9]
The Legends version of this card only allows the ability to be used once
per combat. You cannot continue to change it if the other creature's
power changes. [Duelist Magazine #2, Page 9] The Chronicles version
has an activation cost and can be used as often as you want so it can keep
pace with power changes in the opposing creature.
[Duelist Magazine #7, Page 101]
@{" Card Information " link LG_ARTIFACT.guide/SENTI}
@node SERAP "Seraph"
You do not get the creature back if the creature is not still in the
graveyard at the end of the turn. [Aahz 06/10/95]
@{" Card Information " link IA_WHITE.guide/SERAP}
@node SERDJ "Serendib Djinn"
Serendib Djinn:
As errata, the Djinn sacrifices a land rather than just destroying it.
[Duelist Magazine #7, Page 99] This is a REVERSAL of a lot of rulings
about ways to prevent it from being destroyed.
@{" Card Information " link AN_BLUE.guide/SERDJ}
@node SEREF "Serendib Efreet"
Serendib Efreet:
Due to a printing error, the Revised Edition version of this card has a
green background and the picture of the Ifh-Biff Efreet while having the
blue casting cost and characteristics of the Serendib Efreet.
The Revised Edition version is a blue card because casting cost sets the
color, not the background color. [Page 10]
@{" Card Information " link AN_BLUE.guide/SEREF}
@node SERPE "Serpent Generator"
Serpent Generator:
See the @{"Token Creatures" link MTG_GEN_RULINGS.guide/TOP_TOKE} entry in the General Rulings for more information.
See the @{"Poison" link MTG_GEN_RULINGS.guide/TOP_POIS} entry in the General Rulings for more information.
The Chronicles version can give you a poison counter if it damages you while
the Legends version could only give one to an opponent.
[Duelist Magazine #7, Page 101]
@{" Card Information " link LG_ARTIFACT.guide/SERPE}
@node SERAN "Serra Angel"
Serra Angel:
Although not tapped to attack, it must follow the rule all creatures do
that it cannot attack in the same turn in which it comes into play.
@{" Card Information " link 4E_WHITE.guide/SERRA}
@node SHAHR "Shahrazad"
Yes this card is as annoying as you imagine :-(
If a card is removed from the game (from Disintegrate or whatever) in the
sub-game it is not shuffled back in before returning to the main game.
[WotC Rules Team 11/10/95] (This is a REVERSAL)
The player going first in the parent game goes first in the sub-game.
[Duelist Magazine #2, Page 15]
At the start of the sub-game both players draw 7 cards. If one player
has fewer than 7 cards, that player loses. If both have fewer than 7
cards, both players lose. [bethmo]
The loss of life caused by losing the sub-game is not preventable by any
means, including Conservator. [PPG Page 113]
In a multiplayer game, all players play and the winner loses no life. All
the losers lose 1/2 of their life. If it is a draw, then all players
lose 1/2 of their life. [Duelist Magazine #4, Page 64]
Has been on the Duelists' Convocation banned list (not allowed in a deck)
for tournaments since 01/25/94 because it really slows down tournaments.
@{" Card Information " link AN_WHITE.guide/SHAHR}
@node SHAPE "Shapeshifter"
If it begins upkeep with power of 2 or 1, the Dwarven Warriors may be
tapped to make it unblockable before you change the Shapeshifter to be
a 6/1 creature. [Aahz]
Can only change form once a turn. [Duelist Magazine #2, Page 15]
The Antiquities version of this card can change from 0/7 to 6/1. The
Fourth Edition version goes all the way to 7/0.
[Duelist Magazine #5, Page 11]
@{" Card Information " link AQ_ARTIFACT.guide/SHAPE}
@node SHATT "Shatter"
Regenerating artifacts can regenerate from this because this is a simple
"destroy" and not a "bury" effect. [Snark]
@{" Card Information " link 4E_RED.guide/SHATT}
@node SHELK "Shelkin Brownie"
Shelkin Brownie:
Can only remove "Bands with Other" and not normal "Banding" ability.
[Duelist Magazine #2, Page 9]
@{" Card Information " link LG_GREEN.guide/SHELK}
@node SHELT "Sheltered Valley"
Sheltered Valley:
+ If you have another Sheltered Valley in play which is currently changed to
a different land type (using Phantasmal Terrain) or something, then it is
not buried when a new one enters play. Additionally, when the first one
reverts to being a Sheltered Valley because the changing effect stops,
you do not have to bury anything and can keep both in play.
[Aahz 06/27/96]
@{" Card Information " link AI_LAND.guide/SHELT}
@node SHIEL "Shield Sphere"
Shield Sphere:
+ It gets the -0/-1 counter as soon as it blocks which is long before damage
dealing. When it is at 0/1 and it blocks, it will die immediately after
blocking... but the creature it blocked is still blocked.
[bethmo 06/28/96]
@{" Card Information " link AI_ARTIFACT.guide/SHIEL}
@node Shimian Night Stalker ""
Shimian Night Stalker:
Can only redirect damage dealt during damage dealing step of combat.
[Duelist Magazine #7, Page 99]
@{" Card Information " link LG_BLACK.guide/SHIMI}
@node SHIVA "Shivan Dragon"
Shivan Dragon:
As errata, the Revised Edition version should have "until end of turn"
added to its ability. [WotC Rules Team 09/22/95]
@{" Card Information " link 4E_RED.guide/SHIVA}
@node SHYFT "Shyft"
The color change is permanent and does not wear off at the end of the turn.
[WotC Rules Team 09/22/95] (This is a REVERSAL of a preliminary ruling
that was in here before.)
@{" Card Information " link IA_BLUE.guide/SHYFT}
@node SIBIL "Sibilant Spirit"
Sibilant Spirit:
Your opponent does not have to draw a card if they don't want to.
[D'Angelo 08/10/95]
@{" Card Information " link IA_BLUE.guide/SIBIL}
@node SIMUL "Simulacrum"
All damage retains its color and special abilities if you assign it to a
creature immediately. If used retroactively, then the damage remembers
its color and everything else about the source but not any of the
abilities associated with the damage (such as Hypnotic Spectre or Sengir
Vampire). [WotC Rules Team 05/10/95]
Retroactive damage redirection removes abilities inherent in the damage
(such as the Sengir Vampire's) but does not remove any knowledge of the
source of the damage. [D'Angelo 01/06/96]
Can be used (in its retroactive damage removal mode) even if no damage
has been taken this turn. [WotC Rules Team 05/10/95]
Cannot be cast unless there is a creature to target the damage to.
[bethmo 06/06/94] Note that it will fizzle if the creature becomes an
invalid target after it is declared but before it is resolved.
You cannot Simulacrum damage to a creature with Protection from Black
because this is a black spell and cannot target such a creature.
[WotC Rules Team 01/24/94]
You can Simulacrum damage due to an unblocked or trampling creature to
another creature involved in the attack, even if that creature has
already taken fatal damage, because creatures are not removed until
after damage prevention is allowed. [WotC Rules Team 01/24/94] (Note
that this only works during the damage prevention step... once
resolution is over the creature is removed.)
You cannot Simulacrum Loss of Life to a creature, just damage.
Simulacrum does not grant regeneration ability to the target creature, it
just allows any existing regeneration ability to be used. [bethmo]
Does not target the damage. It just affects the player and targets the
creature to receive the damage. [Aahz 07/18/95]
@{" Card Information " link 4E_BLACK.guide/SIMUL}
@node SINDB "Sindbad"
As errata, the card should read "Tap: Draw a card, and show that card to
all players. If the card is not a land, discard it."
[WotC Rules Team 09/22/95]
You can use the Library of Leng ability to discard to the top of your
library. [Aahz 07/25/94]
@{" Card Information " link AN_BLUE.guide/SINDB}
@node SINGI "Singing Tree"
Singing Tree:
As errata, the effect only lasts until the end of the turn.
[WotC Rules Team 09/22/95]
Can only be used during an attack phase.
Effects last until the end of the current attack phase.
[Duelist Magazine #2, Page 15]
Changes creature's current power to zero but does not prevent raising it
after the Tree has been used on it. [Arab FAQ 01/05/94] The full effect
is to apply a -P/-0 to the creature where P=power of creature when the
Tree is used. [Aahz]
@{" Card Information " link AN_GREEN.guide/SINGI}
@node SIRCA "Siren's Call"
Siren's Call:
See the @{"Attack or Die Effects" link MTG_GEN_RULINGS.guide/TOP_ADIE} entry in the General Rulings for more
As errata, the Limited, Unlimited and Revised Edition cards should have
the last part read "May not be used on creatures which cannot attack
because they were not in play on their controller's side at the beginning
of the turn." [Duelist Magazine #2, Page 68]
+ As errata, the effect only requires the creature to attack this turn and
then wears off. It is not a permanent effect. [WotC Rules Team 06/27/96]
This cannot be used after an attack. The word "should" should be
interpreted as "can only". [bethmo]
Only creatures in play when the spell is cast are affected. This means
that the Jade Statue and any creatures which come into play after this
spell is cast are not affected. [bethmo]
Targets one opposing player. [Duelist Magazine #4, Page 64]
This spell cannot be redirected to another player. It can only be used
on the player whose turn it is. [Duelist Magazine #6, Page 131]
@{" Card Information " link 4E_BLUE.guide/SIREN}
@node SKULL "Skull of Orm"
Skull of Orm:
Can bring back any enchantment. This includes enchantment, enchant
creature, enchant world and so on. [Aahz 01/01/95]
@{" Card Information " link DK_ARTIFACT.guide/SKULL}
@node SLEIG "Sleight of Mind"
Sleight of Mind:
Alters all occurrences of the color word on the given card. These words
must occur in the text box on the card. [WotC Rules Team]
Can target a card with no color words on it. [Duelist Magazine #5, Page 23]
Cannot change a color word to the same color word. It must be a different
word. [Duelist Magazine #5, Page 23]
You cannot Sleight proper nouns (i.e. card names). This means that you
cannot affect Black Vise. [WotC Rules Team 04/26/95]
You cannot Sleight references to a card's own color. This applies to cards
like the Dark Heart of the Wood, various Kobolds, and Fork.
[Duelist Magazine #6, Page 132]
Change lasts until the card so-changed is taken out of play. In a
multiplayer game, this means it persists even after the player who cast
the Sleight of Mind leaves the game. The card forgets the change if it
goes to the graveyard or is Unsummoned. [Chris Page]
This spell can be used to change the "flavor text" (the italicized text)
on the card. This has no game effect but uses up the spell. [bethmo]
The Limited, Unlimited, and Revised Edition versions only can target
cards or spells while the Fourth Edition on can target any permanent
(including tokens) or spells. [Duelist Magazine #5, Page 11]
@{" Card Information " link 4E_BLUE.guide/SLEIG}
@node SMOKE "Smoke"
Lands animated by Living Lands or Kormus Bell are affected by this spell.
If in play with a Winter Orb as well, untapping a living Land will count
as the one creature and the one land you can untap... thereby limiting
you to one thing to be untapped. You can choose to untap a non-creature
land and an other creature if you want. [bethmo 02/12/96]
Does not prevent cards from being untapped outside the untap phase. [bethmo]
@{" Card Information " link 4E_RED.guide/SMOKE}
@node SNOWF "Snowfall"
Islands produce one blue mana only usable for cumulative upkeep regardless
of the type of mana the Island would be producing at the time. In other
words, this is not affected by Naked Singularity.
[WotC Rules Team 11/10/95] This is because of the order of resolving
what mana lands produce. See the @{"Land" link MTG_GEN_RULINGS.guide/TOP_LAND} entry in the General Rulings
for more information.
@{" Card Information " link IA_BLUE.guide/SNOWF}
@node SOLEX "Soldevi Excavations"
Soldevi Excavations:
+ Mana Flare will let you make an extra Blue or Colorless mana of your choice.
[Aahz 05/21/96]
+ You have the choice when it enters play to sacrifice the land or let this
card be buried. If you let it be buried, there is a chance during the
damage prevention step to tap it for mana. This way you can effectively
play the land for mana without losing any other lands. [bethmo 07/02/96]
This trick is especially nasty with Storm Cauldron, since the Cauldron
will unsummon the land instead of letting it be buried. [bethmo 07/02/96]
@{" Card Information " link AI_LAND.guide/SOLDE}
@node SOLGO "Soldevi Golem"
Soldevi Golem:
The ability is an untap cost and is cumulative with Paralyze and other
untap cost abilities. [WotC Rules Team 10/18/95]
As of 06/01/96, the opponent's creature is untapped during announcement of
and as a cost instead of being untapped during resolution.
[WotC Rules team 05/08/96]
@{" Card Information " link IA_ARTIFACT.guide/SOLGO}
@node SOLMA "Soldevi Machinist"
Soldevi Machinist:
Mana from the effect can only be used to activate an artifact. It cannot
be used to pay any penalties on the cost of activation imposed by other
effects. [WotC Rules Team 10/18/95]
@{" Card Information " link IA_BLUE.guide/SOLDE}
@node SOLKA "Sol'kanar the Swamp King"
Sol'kanar the Swamp King:
Cannot trigger off its own casting. [Aahz 07/27/94]
@{" Card Information " link LG_GOLD.guide/SOLKA}
@node SOLRI "Sol Ring"
Sol Ring:
Has been on the Duelists' Convocation restricted list (only 1 per deck)
for tournaments since 01/25/94.
@{" Card Information " link 3E_ARTIFACT.guide/SOLRI}
@node SONGS "Songs of the Damned"
Songs of the Damned:
See @{"Creature in the Graveyard" link MTG_GEN_RULINGS.guide/TOP_CGRA} in the General Rulings for more information.
@{" Card Information " link IA_BLACK.guide/SONGS}
@node SORCE "Sorceress Queen"
Sorceress Queen:
It changes the text on the card to read 0/2. Any counters or
enchantments which improve (or weaken) the creature's combat values
remain in effect. [WotC Rules Team 01/24/94] Note that this may
actually make a Rock Hydra stronger or kill a creature with two or more
-1/-1 counters on it.
Even other fast effects, like Giant Growth, that change the creature's
power will remain after this effect. Recalculate the power/toughness
resolving all effects in the order they were placed on the creature.
[Page 17]
May not target herself since it says "another creature" rather than "any
creature". [bethmo] Can target a different Sorceress Queen in play,
however. [D'Angelo 12/13/95]
Creatures with power or toughness calculated (such as Nightmare or Keldon
Warlord) have their power/toughness fixed at 0/2 and will not have their
normal ability to have their power/toughness recalculated work while the
Sorceress effect is upon that creature. [Peterson 11/07/94] Same goes
for Angry Mob. [bethmo 01/30/96]
@{" Card Information " link AN_BLACK.guide/SORCE}
@node SORRO "Sorrow's Path"
Sorrow's Path:
The damage is done whenever and however Sorrow's Path is tapped. It is not
linked to using the effect and the damage occurs immediately upon tapping.
[bethmo 08/15/94]
If a creature is removed from being a blocker of a specific creature, the
effects that would have happened because it was declared as a blocker
may or may not happen depending on the creature's blocking effect.
[WotC Rules Team 09/22/95] If the card text said that creatures
"assigned to block" or "blocks" then the effect is not removed by
removing the blocker. If the card text said "blocking", then the effect
probably does not happen. See individual cards for rulings.
If a creature is added as a blocker to a specific creature, the blocking
effect of that creature may or may not happen depending on the creature's
blocking effect. [WotC Rules Team 09/22/95] If the card text said that
creatures "blocking" then the effect happens. If the card text said
"assigned to block" or "blocks", then the effect probably does not happen.
See individual cards for rulings.
Only usable if you are not the defending player.
[Duelist Magazine #4, Page 64]
@{" Card Information " link DK_LAND.guide/SORRO}
@node SOUBA "Soul Barrier"
Soul Barrier:
Damage happens when the spell becomes successfully cast. [Aahz 07/31/95]
@{" Card Information " link IA_BLUE.guide/SOULB}
@node SOUBU "Soul Burn"
Soul Burn:
As errata, the toughness of the target creature or life total of the target
player is checked on resolution and not before. [WotC Rules Team 02/06/96]
It was unclear if toughness limited the effect or not.
Preventing or redirecting the damage will not change how much life is
gained. [Duelist Magazine #10, Page 43]
Will give 1 life for each black mana used even if the damage is prevented.
This is limited to the creature's toughness or player's life.
[Duelist Magazine #6, Page 132]
@{" Card Information " link IA_BLACK.guide/SOULB}
@node SOUEX "Soul Exchange"
Soul Exchange:
See @{"Creature in the Graveyard" link MTG_GEN_RULINGS.guide/TOP_CGRA} in the General Rulings for more information.
Putting a counter on the creature brought into play is not a targeted
effect and so Protection from Black will not prevent it. [Aahz 01/08/95]
@{" Card Information " link FE_BLACK.guide/SOULE}
@node SOUKI "Soul Kiss"
Soul Kiss:
Ignore the first sentence of this card up to the comma.
[Duelist Magazine #6, Page 130]
@{" Card Information " link IA_BLACK.guide/SOULK}
@node SOUNE "Soul Net"
Soul Net:
See the @{"Activation Cost" link MTG_GEN_RULINGS.guide/TOP_ACTI} entry in the General Rulings for more information
on what "once each time" means.
This card can be used whenever a creature goes to the graveyard from play.
[Card Text]
It cannot be used on creatures which are Disintegrated, Swords to
Plowshared or otherwise removed from the game.
If animated, it cannot be used for its own destruction since it will not
be in play after it goes to the graveyard. [Aahz 06/06/94]
It can only be used at the time a creature goes to the graveyard. You do
not have until the end of the turn to use this effect.
[WotC Rules Team 10/12/94]
Because this is a triggered effect it is used in a timing bubble where its
effect cannot be countered. [Aahz 06/25/95]
@{" Card Information " link 4E_ARTIFACT.guide/SOULN}
@node SPEBE "Spectral Bears"
Spectral Bears:
They check if your opponent has black cards only at the time they are
declared as an attacker. They do not check again later, so if black cards
enter or leave play, it will not affect the bonus. [Bethmo 05/14/96]
@{" Card Information " link HL_GREEN.guide/SPECT}
@node SPECL "Spectral Cloak"
Spectral Cloak:
As errata to the card, the following should be added "Spectral Cloak does
not cause any enchantments on target creature to be destroyed."
[Duelist Magazine #4, Page 138]
This spell does not remove itself. [Duelist Magazine #2, Page 9]
Note that interrupts are considered "fast effects" and are prevented from
targeting a Cloaked creature. [D'Angelo 02/07/95]
@{" Card Information " link LG_BLUE.guide/SPECT}
@node SPINY "Spiny Starfish"
Spiny Starfish:
It generates a token at the end of the turn as an end-of-turn effect as not
as a triggered effect of it being regenerated. The token generation is
not part of the regeneration effect. [Aahz 06/06/96]
@{" Card Information " link AI_BLUE.guide/SPINY}
@node SLINK "Spirit Link"
Spirit Link:
You only gain life for damage which is not prevented regardless of what
the creature damages (player or another creature) or the toughness of
the blocking creature. If you put Spirit Link on a Shivan Dragon and
it is blocked by a Scryb Sprite, you still gain 5 life points. If the
Sprite has Protection from Red, you gain zero life since the protection
reduces the damage to zero. [bethmo 07/08/94]
If a creature has more than one Spirit Link on it, they all work.
[Aahz 07/15/94]
Works for damage due to combat or due to any special ability of the
creature. For example, you would get one life for tapping a Prodigal
Sorcerer to do damage. [Duelist Magazine #2, Page 9] Note that this is
great for creatures which damage you, such as not paying the Force of
Nature's upkeep, since you will get as much life as you take in damage.
@{" Card Information " link LG_WHITE.guide/SPLIN}
@node SSHIE "Spirit Shield"
Spirit Shield:
See the @{"Tap and Hold Effects" link MTG_GEN_RULINGS.guide/TOP_TAPH} entry in the General Rulings.
@{" Card Information " link FE_ARTIFACT.guide/SPIRI}
@node SPITT "Spitting Slug"
Spitting Slug
As errata, the card should read "1G: Spitting Slug gains first strike
until end of turn. If this ability is not activated, all creatures
Spitting Slug blocks or is blocked by gain first strike until end of
turn." [WotC Rules Team 09/22/95]
A creature gains first strike if the ability is not activated prior to the
creature becoming a blocker or blockee of the Spitting Slug. The creature
gains first strike when the creature is assigned to block or is blocked by
the Spitting Slug, or when the creature is added as a blocked by being
part of a band that was blocked or by an effect such as General Jarkeld.
The first strike is not lost if the creature is removed from the blocking
situation by an effect such as General Jarkeld. [WotC Rules Team 09/22/95]
@{" Card Information " link DK_GREEN.guide/SPITT}
@node SPOEV "Spoils of Evil"
Spoils of Evil:
See @{"Creature in the Graveyard" link MTG_GEN_RULINGS.guide/TOP_CGRA} in the General Rulings for more information.
The text "for each artifact or creature" means the sum of cards which are
either creature and/or artifact. [D'Angelo 10/31/95]
@{" Card Information " link IA_BLACK.guide/SPOEV}
@node SPOWA "Spoils of War"
Spoils of War:
See @{"Creature in the Graveyard" link MTG_GEN_RULINGS.guide/TOP_CGRA} in the General Rulings for more information.
Targets an opponent with X creatures and artifacts in their graveyard. It
will fizzle if there are not X there when it resolves.
[Duelist Magazine #7, Page 98] (REVERSAL)
If this spell is to be redirected or Forked, it can only be directed to a
player with exactly X creatures and artifacts in the graveyard.
[Duelist Magazine #7, Page 98]
You decide where the counters go during announcement and not at resolution.
[WotC Rules Team 06/15/95]
The text "creatures and artifacts" means the sum of cards which are either
creature and/or artifact. [D'Angelo 06/19/95]
You cannot use the spell with X less than or greater than the total card
count. It must be exactly the total card count. [D'Angelo 09/13/95]
@{" Card Information " link IA_BLACK.guide/SPOWA}
@node SPOCL "Spore Cloud"
Spore Cloud:
See the @{"Fog Effects" link MTG_GEN_RULINGS.guide/TOP_FOGE} entry in the General Rulings for more information
Only taps blockers that have been declared before the spell is cast. Only
makes attackers or blockers that have been declared before the spell is
cast unable to untap as normal next turn. So, if used before attackers
or blockers are declared, it is simply a Fog-like effect. If used after
attackers are declared but before blockers are declared, it does the Fog
effect and makes attackers not untap as normal. If done after blockers
are declared, it has full effect. [D'Angelo 05/16/95]
@{" Card Information " link FE_GREEN.guide/SPOCL}
@node SQUIR "Squire"
Artist's name is spelled incorrectly.
@{" Card Information " link DK_WHITE.guide/SQUIR}
@node STAFA "Staff of the Ages"
Staff of the Ages:
It does not remove Landwalk from creatures. It just makes creatures with
landwalk blockable as if they did not have the ability.
[D'Angelo 10/16/95]
@{" Card Information " link IA_ARTIFACT.guide/STAFF}
@node STANG "Stangg"
A Clone (or other copy) of Stangg will also get a twin as it comes into
play. Both the copy and the twin will then be buried because they are
duplicates of Legends. The only reason this is mentioned here is that
two death events get generated for the likes of the Soul Net.
[Aahz 08/12/94]
If Stangg or the Twin are put into Tawnos' Coffin or Oubliette, then the
other one will be buried. The Twin will also be destroyed if put into
either of these. [WotC Rules Team 09/15/94] When Stangg returns from
either of these, he will not get a new Twin, but he will not be buried
either. This is because Stangg is only buried if the Twin leaves play
while he is in play. If he enters play without a Twin, that is okay.
[Aahz 10/21/94]
See the @{"Token Creatures" link MTG_GEN_RULINGS.guide/TOP_TOKE} entry in the General Rulings for more information.
@{" Card Information " link LG_GOLD.guide/STANG}
@node STASI "Stasis"
Does not prevent cards from being untapped outside the untap phase. [bethmo]
@{" Card Information " link 4E_BLUE.guide/STASI}
@node STEAL "Steal Artifact"
Steal Artifact:
As errata, add the text "You control target artifact until Steal Artifact is
removed or game ends." [Duelist Magazine #4, Page 135]
Can steal artifact creatures. [bethmo]
Is buried if its target ever stops being an artifact.
The word "discarded" on the Limited, Unlimited and Revised Edition version
of this card should be replaced with "until enchantment is removed".
[WotC Rules Team]
@{" Card Information " link 4E_BLUE.guide/STEAL}
@node STENC "Stench of Evil"
Stench of Evil:
All the damage is done in one packet and not one per land.
[Bethmo 10/05/95]
@{" Card Information " link IA_BLACK.guide/STENC}
@node STOCA "Stone Calendar"
Stone Calendar:
Does not change the cost of the spell, it just pays part of it for you.
[bethmo 09/22/94] So the cost is still the full cost for reasons of
Spell Blast of other such effects.
Only contributes one colorless toward the spell casting cost. This cannot
reduced your payment below zero even when combined with Mana Matrix or
Planar Gate. You must always pay the colored mana part of the spell cost.
[bethmo 08/10/94]
Only contributes to the colorless mana portion of a spell's cost. If the
spell does not accept colorless mana or accepts less than 2, you get a
reduced or null effect from this card. [Aahz 12/06/94]
You may choose not to use the Calendar's bonus. [bethmo 08/17/94]
@{" Card Information " link DK_ARTIFACT.guide/STONE}
@node STOGI "Stone Giant"
Stone Giant:
The Giant can throw itself (if its power is enhanced). [bethmo] This
does not seem to do any good since you now have a tapped flying Giant,
but it might be useful sometime.
@{" Card Information " link 4E_RED.guide/STOGI}
@node STBIN "Stormbind"
As of 06/01/96, the cards are discarded from your hand during announcement
and as a cost instead of being discarded on resolution. It is not a
forced discard, so it cannot be used with Library of Leng.
[WotC Rules team 05/08/96]
@{" Card Information " link IA_GOLD.guide/STBIN}
@node STCAU "Storm Cauldron"
Storm Cauldron:
If a land is tapped for mana, it is returned to its owner's hand before even
interrupts can be used. [Aahz 06/17/96]
If a land is tapped for mana and sacrificed all in one action, it goes to
the graveyard before the Storm Cauldron can return it to the player's
hand. [Aahz 06/17/96]
@{" Card Information " link AI_ARTIFACT.guide/STORM}
@node STSEE "Storm Seeker"
Storm Seeker:
Your opponent may cast any interrupts or instants in their hand before this
spell is resolved in order to take less damage.
[Duelist Magazine #2, Page 9]
As errata to the Legends version of the card, it should read "target player"
instead of "opponent". This means you can use it on yourself.
[Duelist Magazine #4, Page 64]
@{" Card Information " link LG_GREEN.guide/STORM}
@node STRIP "Strip Mine"
Strip Mine:
As errata to the Antiquities version of this card, "place Strip Mine in your
graveyard" should read "sacrifice Strip Mine".
[Duelist Magazine #4, Page 138]
Tapping is part of the cost of destroying another land, so the Strip Mine
must be untapped before you use it. [bethmo]
Consecrate Land and Pyramids will not prevent the Strip Mine from sending
itself to the graveyard. [bethmo]
Will trigger Dingus Egg or anything else which triggers on lands being
destroyed or sent to the graveyard. [bethmo]
Tapping a land for something other than mana is an instant speed (not
interrupt speed) effect. [bethmo]
@{" Card Information " link AQ_LAND.guide/STRIP}
@node STROM "Stromgald Spy"
Stromgald Spy:
+ See the @{"Is Not Blocked" link MTG_GEN_RULINGS.guide/TOP_INBL} entry in the General Rulings for more information.
@{" Card Information " link AI_BLACK.guide/STROM}
@node STUNT "Stunted Growth"
Stunted Growth:
This is not a discard effect and will not trigger Psychic Purge.
[D'Angelo 10/06/95]
@{" Card Information " link IA_GREEN.guide/STUNT}
@node SUCHI "Su-Chi"
As official errata to the card, it should read "If Su-Chi goes to the
graveyard from play..." [Duelist Magazine #4, Page 138] This means that
it does not do anything if discarded or countered.
You cannot choose not to get the 4 mana when Su-Chi is destroyed.
Note that if it dies during damage dealing, you get 4 colorless mana. You
can only use damage prevention spells and lucky charms at this time, and
your mana pool will be emptied (causing "mana burn") once damage
prevention is over and before you can use even a fast effect! So you
cannot use this mana to power a Dragon Engine, spell or other fast
effect. [bethmo 05/09/94] You can use it on a Soul Net or as part of a
damage prevention spell like Guardian Angel.
@{" Card Information " link AQ_ARTIFACT.guide/SUCHI}
@node SUBDU "Subdue"
As errata, the card should read "Target creature deals no damage during
combat this turn but gains X toughness until end of turn; X is target
creature's casting cost." [WotC Rules Team 09/22/95]
@{" Card Information " link LG_GREEN.guide/SUBDU}
@node SUFFO "Suffocation"
+ It means "red sorcery or red instant" not "red sorcery or any instant".
[Aahz 06/24/96]
@{" Card Information " link AI_BLUE.guide/SUFFO}
@node SUSTA "Sustaining Spirit"
Sustaining Spirit:
+ Prevents just enough damage at the end of the damage prevention step to
prevent you from going below 1 life. You choose which damage points are
prevented, so you can choose to prevent Hypnotic Specter damage and leave
some other damage. [WotC Rules Team 06/27/96]
+ Does not affect damage if you are already at zero or negative life. You
still take it all. [WotC Rules Team 06/27/96]
+ The protection ability works up until it enters the graveyard, so
simultaneous damage with its death is prevented, but damage that occurs
after it goes to the graveyard (i.e. Creature Bond) is not prevented.
+ This effect is considered to be preventing the damage, so if you are at
one life and are hit with a Hypnotic Spectre, you do not discard a card.
[Aahz 06/18/96]
@{" Card Information " link AI_WHITE.guide/SUSTA}
@node SVYPR "Svyelunite Priest"
Svyelunite Priest:
Does not cause enchantments on it to be removed when the effect is
activated. An enchantment in play is neither a spell or an effect.
[Duelist Magazine #4, Page 7]
The effect prevents spells or the effects of permanents from targeting the
creature. Enchantments which confer an ability (such as Lance or
Firebreathing) are not prevented. [Duelist Magazine #4, Page 7]
Does not prevent sacrifices since sacrifices are not targeted. [Page 62]
@{" Card Information " link FE_BLUE.guide/SVYEL}
@node SVYTE "Svyelunite Temple"
Svyelunite Temple:
See @{"Dwarven Ruins" link MTG_CARD_DS.guide/DWRUI} for rulings.
@{" Card Information " link FE_LAND.guide/SVYEL}
@node SWMOS "Swamp Mosquito"
Swamp Mosquito:
+ Triggers immediately after blocking is declared if at that time no blockers
are assigned to it. [bethmo 06/28/96]
@{" Card Information " link AI_BLACK.guide/SWAMP}
@node SWOAG "Sword of the Ages"
Sword of the Ages:
You can't sacrifice creatures you don't control. [Page 62]
Was on the Duelists' Convocation restricted list (only 1 per deck) for
tournaments from 08/01/94 to 04/01/96.
@{" Card Information " link LG_ARTIFACT.guide/SWORD}
@node SWOPL "Swords to Plowshares"
Swords to Plowshares:
The creature does not die and therefore cannot be regenerated or drive
any effect which is triggered by a creature dying (including Creature
Bond, Personal Incarnation, Soul Net, etc.). The creature just leaves
the game. [bethmo]
The controller of the creature may decide to "pump up" the creature
before it leaves in order to get more life out of the deal because the
total power of the creature (including enchantments and such) is
If the creature has a negative power, the player does not lose life. It
the same as if it had a power of zero. [Aahz]
@{" Card Information " link 4E_WHITE.guide/SWORD}
@node SYLVA "Sylvan Library"
Sylvan Library:
All effects in magic are resolved one at a time, so if you use multiple
Sylvan Libraries at once, each will resolve in sequence. You do not
get to draw all the cards at once then put them all back at once.
[WotC Rules Team 09/15/94]
You may wait until after your normal draw before deciding whether or not to
use this effect. [Duelist Magazine #2, Page 9]
You can return zero, one or two cards. [WotC Rules Team 09/15/94]
This is all one effect. You draw 2 and return 2 cards all as one
indivisible action. No spells or effects can be announced in between.
Even triggered effects or things that happen because of a draw wait until
after it is done before doing their thing. [D'Angelo 07/11/95] Note that
Aladdin's Lamp breaks this rule and lets you use the lamp on a draw even
if it is in the middle of resolving an effect. [Aahz 08/07/95]
This will count as 2 draws but anything that affects "drawn cards" can only
affect ones still in your hand when the effect is completely resolved.
[D'Angelo 07/11/95]
@{" Card Information " link LG_GREEN.guide/SYLIB}