U OS @{"Alien Abduction" link ALABD} Planet Most CUNNING away team member held captive
C AU @{"Alien Labyrinth" link ALLBY} Planet Tricorder OR 2 ENGINEER to proceed
U OS @{"Alien Parasites" link ALPARA} Planet Unless INTEGRITY>32, opponent controls ship until stopped
C OS @{"Anaphasic Organism" link ANAPHORG} Planet Female in Away Team with highest attributes resign unless SECURITY AND MEDICAL
R OS @{"Ancient Computer" link ANCCOM} Space Needs 2 Computer Skill or 3 SCIENCE OR 3 ENGINEER to proceed
C OS @{"Archer" link ARCHER} Planet Member with Highest Attribute killed unless MEDICAL and SECURITY
R OS @{"Armus - Skin of Evil" link ARMUS} Planet Kills Away Team member
R OS +@{"Barclay's Protoplasmic Disease" link BPD} 10 Planet/Space Entire crew or team dies unless MEDICAL, SCIENCE AND SECURITY aboard
U OS @{"Birh of Junior" link BOJ} Space Ship range reduced by 1 each turn until 3 ENGINEER present
R OS @{"Borg Ship" link BORGSHIP} 45 Space Self-Controlled Ship, WEAPONS=24, SHIELDS=24, attack everything, moves one
U AU @{"Cardassian Trap" link CARDTRAP} Planet/Space Capture one unique, non-Cardassian personnel unless Empathy
U OS @{"Chalnoth" link CHALNOTH} 5 Planet Away Team member killed unless STRENGTH>40 OR 3 SECURITY
R AU @{"Coalescent Organism" link COALESCORG} Planet/Space One random personnel killed at end of each turn, unless Exobiology
C AU @{"Conudrum" link CONUDRUM} Space A Unless INTEGRITY>40 ship must chase and attack one of opponent's ships
U OS @{"Cosmic String Fragment" link COSMSTRFRG} 5 Space Ship destroyed unless Astrophysics OR ENGINEER OR Navigation
R OS @{"Crystalline Entity" link CRYSTENT} 5 Planet/Space Space: Kills crew unless SHIELDS>6 OR Music; Planet: Kills Team unless SCIENCE AND MEDICAL
R OS +@{"Cyntherians" link CYNTHERIANS} 15 Space Ship must travel to far end of spaceline
U AU @{"Edo Probe" link EDOPROBE} -10 Planet/Space Abandon mission until any player completes different mission OR continue but lose points if failure this turn
U OS @{"El-Adrel Creature" link ELADRELCRE} Planet Attacks 2 strongest members, kills one unless STRENGTH>16
C AU @{"Empathic Echo" link EMPECHO} Planet/Space A One Empathy killed unless SECURITY AND MEDICAL
C OS @{"Female's Love Interest" link FEMLV} Planet Female Away Team member is moved to furthest planet
C AU @{"Ferengi Attack" link FEREATT} Planet Kills one Away Team member unless CUNNING+STRENGTH>68 OR Greed
U OS @{"Firestorm" link FIRESTORM} Planet All Away Team members with INTEGRITY<5 killed unless Thermal Deflectors
U AU @{"Frame of Mind" link FROFMD} Planet/Space A One Away Team member is now non-aligned with attributes 3-3-3 unless 3 Empathy
U OS @{"Gravitic Mine" link GRAVMINE} Space Ship damaged unless SCIENCE AND Navigation
C AU @{"Hidden Entrance" link HDDENTR} Planet To continue Geordi La Forge OR ENGINEER+CUNNING>32
U OS @{"Hologram Ruse" link HOLORUSE} Planet To continue INTEGRITY>30 AND CUNNING>30
C AU @{"Hunter Gangs" link HUNTGANG} Planet Up to 2 random Away Team members killed if CUNNING odd
U OS @{"Hyper-Aging" link HYPAGE} 5 Planet Away Team dies in 3 turns unless SECURITY AND 2 MEDICAL
C OS @{"Iconian Computer Weapon" link ICCOMWEA} Space Discard all non-personnel cards in hand unless SCIENCE
C OS @{"Impassable Door" link IMPDOOR} Planet To continue Computer Skill
C AU @{"Interphasic Plasma Creatures" link INTPLCRE} Planet/Space A Unless 2 SCIENCE or Mindmeld play as Event-> STRENGTH-2 for each personnel
R OS @{"Ktarian Game" link KTGAME} Space One crew disabled each turn unless android aboard or CUNNING>30
C OS @{"Male's Love Interest" link MLV} Planet Male Away Team member is moved to furthest planet
C AU @{"Malfunctioning Door" link MALDOOR} Planet To continue Soong-type Android OR STRENGTH>27 from 4 Away Team members
U AU @{"Maman Picard" link MAMAPCD} Space A If Federation Ship, transport it to end of spaceline (opponent's choice)
U OS @{"Matriarchal Society" link MATSOC} Planet To continue 2 females
C OS @{"Menthar Booby Trap" link MENTBOTRAP} Space One crew member killed unless MEDICAL, ship can't move until 2 ENGINEER aboard
C OS @{"Microbiotic Colony" link MICRCOL} Space Ship damaged unless SCIENCE, ENGINEER AND OFFICER aboard
C OS @{"Microvirus" link MICRVIR} 5 Planet Kills 1 member unless MEDICAL AND SECURITY
R OS @{"Nagilum" link NAGILUM} 5 Space Half of crew killes unless 3 Diplomacy OR STRENGTH>40
R OS @{"Nanites" link NANITES} 5 Space Damages ship unless 2 SCIENCE or Diplomacy
U OS @{"Nausicaans" link NAUSICAANS} Planet Away Team member killed unless STRENGTH>44
U OS @{"Nitrium Metal Parasites" link NITRMETPARA} Space Ship destroyed in 2 turns unless 2 SCIENCE OR 2 ENGINEER aboard
U OS @{"Null Space" link NULLSPACE} 5 Space Ship damaged unless 2 Navigation
C AU @{"Outpost Raid" link OUTPRAID} Planet/Space Two personnel killed unless STRENGTH>81 at outpost or STRENGTH>18 elsewhere
U AU @{"Parallel Romance" link PARROM} Planet A One male and one female STRENGTH-2 and stopped now and for two full turns
C OS @{"Phased Matter" link PHAMATT} Planet Away team is split, largest must stay until ENGINEER AND SCIENCE
U OS @{"Portal Guard" link PORTGUARD} Planet Abort mission or die uless one CUNNING>7 OR Honor
C AU @{"Punishment Zone" link PUNISHZONE} -5 Planet One Away Team member killed or beam up for -5pts/-10pts if Federation
R OS +@{"Q" link Q} Planet/Space Discard all dilemmas if 2 Leadership+INTEGRITY>60 or opponent moves spaceline
U AU @{"Quantum Singularity Lifeforms" link QSL} Space A Romulan Ship present-> all ships/personnel in stasis, cure with ETA, Timepod Ring or new ENGINEER arriving
U OS @{"Radioactive Garbage Scow" link RADSCOW} Space Stop mission until Ship with Tractor beam and 2 ENGINEER tows away
U AU @{"Rascals" link RASCALS} Space Up to 4 unique crew members STRENGTH=2, Youth replaces first skill unless 2 MEDICAL AND Biology
U OS @{"Rebel Encounter" link REBENC} Planet Kills one Away Team member unless STRENGTH>44 OR Equipment discarded
U OS @{"REM Fatigue Hallucinations" link REMFATHAL} 5 Planet/Space Crew dies in 3 turns unless 3 MEDICAL present or ship returns to outpost
U AU @{"Royale Casino: Blackjack" link RCBJ} 5/-5 Planet A Players show hands, closest to CUNNING<=21 wins
R OS +@{"Sarjenka" link SARJENKA} 5 Planet Earn points by stopping or discard and continue
U OS @{"Shaka, When the Walls Fall" link SHAKA} Planet/Space To continue 2 Diplomacy AND CUNNING>30
U OS @{"Tarellian Plague Ship" link TPS} 5 Space Entire crew killed unless MEDICAL permanently moves to plague ship
R OS @{"Temporal Causality Loop" link TCL} 5 Space Unless SCIENCE AND CUNNING>35 undo last two actions of this turn
C AU @{"The Gatherers" link GATHER} Planet Unless Marouk OR INTEGRITY>36 discard all Equipment/Artifacts in Away Team, one random card from hand
U AU @{"The Higher ... The Fewer" link THTF} X Planet/space Subtract X from your total score, where X= the number of personnel in crew/Away Team
C AU @{"Thought Fire" link THOUGHTFIRE} Planet/Space A If Traveler: Transcendence affects you, all CUNNING+INTEGRITY<12 killed unless Empathy
R OS @{"Tsiolkovsky Infection" link TSIOINF} Space Nullifies first skill unless 3 MEDICAL
U OS @{"Two-Dimensional Creatures" link TWODIMCRE} Space Empaths are disabled, Ship can't move until SCIENCE AND ENGINEER
R OS +@{"Wind Dancer" link WINDDANCER} Planet To continue Lwaxanna Troi OR (Youth OR MUSIC OR STRENGTH>9)
C AU @{"Worshipper" link WORSHIP} 5 Planet If Greed>Honor score points, otherwise stopped unless @{"Edo Vessel" link EDOVES} OR Anthropology
U AU @{"Zaldan" link ZALDAN} Planet Two Away Team members with Diplomacy killed unless Treacher x2 OR Disruptors OR Wesley Crusher OR Exobiology
For a description of terms used see @{"Legend" link LEGEND}.