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/ Creative Review 25 / Creative-Review-CD-ROM-25.iso / pc / cr_25.dir / 00734_Bitmap_Untitled-1 (.png) < prev    next >
Bitmap Image  |  1997-05-09  |  10KB  |  285x240  |  1-bit (2 colors)
Labels: bottle | bulletin board | monitor | reckoner | sky | tribute album
OCR: SCCRPA giving anger Ugh. the cowboys that wear thei new image There were sCr-ip ned Up the campa ign The team iust and at selected rodeos Little filmed the men talking about the- injuries they had sustained banned short careers. A.S the BACC hay tage commercials that show rodeo WOJ television some of thes Will on ly run in the cinema Ther ected Litte imed abou iniur bannec shor rodec from