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-- (C) Michael A Smith 1995-1996 --
-- Additional material about Ada 95 --
-- See http://www.brighton.ac.uk/ada95/home.html --
--(class_description.ADS) Implementation Instantiation
-- Split the components of a CGI result string into
-- individual sub strings
-- For example the string
-- name=Your+name&action=%2B10%25&log=~mas/log
-- is composed of three named elements:
-- Element String associated with element
-- name Your name
-- action +10%
-- log /usr/staff/mas/log
-- (C) M.A.Smith University of Brighton
-- Permission is granted to use this code
-- provided this declaration and copyright notice remains intact.
-- 4 January 1996
-- S p e c i f i c a t i o n
with Simple_io, Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
use Simple_io, Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
package Class_parse is
type Parse is private;
procedure set( the:in out Parse; mes:in String );
function get_item( the:in Parse; key: in String; pos:in Integer:=1;
map:in Boolean :=false ) return String;
SEP : constant Character := '&';
type Parse is record
str : Unbounded_string; -- String to parse
len : Integer; -- Length
end record;
end Class_parse;
-- Split the components of a CGI result string into
-- individual sub strings
-- For example the string
-- name=Your+name&action=%2B10%25&log=~mas/log
-- is composed of three named elements:
-- Element String associated with element
-- name Your name
-- action +10%
-- log /usr/staff/mas/log
-- (C) M.A.Smith University of Brighton
-- Permission is granted to use this code
-- provided this declaration and copyright notice remains intact.
-- 4 January 1996
-- I m p l e m e n t a t i o n
package body Class_parse is
function remove_escape(from:in String) return String;
function hex( first, second :in Character ) return Character;
procedure set( the:in out Parse; mes:in String ) is
the.str := to_unbounded_string(mes);
the.len := mes'Length;
end set;
function get_item( the:in Parse; key: in String; pos:in Integer:=1;
map:in Boolean :=false ) return String is
cur_tag : Integer := 1;
i,j : Integer;
start : Integer;
parse_str : String (1 .. the.len) := to_string( the.str );
i := 1;
while i < the.len-key'Length loop
if parse_str(i .. i+key'Length-1) = key then
if parse_str(i+key'Length) = '=' then
if cur_tag = pos then
start := i+key'Length+1; j := start;
while j <= the.len and then parse_str(j) /= SEP loop
if j <= the.len then j := j + 1; end if;
end loop;
return remove_escape( parse_str( start .. j-1 ) );
cur_tag := cur_tag + 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
i := i + 1;
end loop;
return "";
end get_item;
function remove_escape(from:in String) return String is
res : String( 1 .. from'Length );
ch : Character;
i,j : Integer;
i := from'First; j := 0;
while i <= from'Last loop
ch := from(i);
case ch is
when '%' =>
ch := hex(from(i+1), from(i+2) );
i:= i+2;
when '+' =>
ch := ' ';
when others =>
end case;
i := i + 1;
j := j + 1; res(j) := ch;
end loop;
return res(1..j);
end remove_escape;
function hex( first, second :in Character ) return Character is
type Mod256 is mod 256;
a_ch : Mod256;
function hex_value( ch:in Character ) return Mod256 is
if ch in '0' .. '9' then
return Character'Pos(ch)-Character'Pos('0');
end if;
if ch in 'A' .. 'F' then
return Character'Pos(ch)-Character'Pos('A')+10;
end if;
return 0;
end hex_value;
return Character'Val(
( hex_value(first) and 16#FF#) * 16 +
( hex_value(second) and 16#FF#) );
end hex;
end Class_parse;
package unix_if is
function get_env( str:in String ) return String;
end unix_if;
with Interfaces.C, Interfaces.C.Strings;
use Interfaces.C, Interfaces.C.Strings;
package body unix_if is
function get_env( str:in String ) return String is
function getenv( str:in Char_array ) return Chars_ptr;
pragma import (C, getenv, "getenv");
res : Chars_ptr;
res := getenv( to_c( str, append_nul=>TRUE ) );
if res = NULL_PTR then
return "";
return value(res);
end if;
end get_env;
end unix_if;
with Simple_io, Class_parse, unix_if, Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
use Simple_io, Class_parse, unix_if, Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
procedure main is
list : Parse;
query_string : Unbounded_string; -- String to parse
query_string := to_unbounded_string( get_env( "QUERY_STRING" ) );
if ( to_string( query_string ) = "" ) then
query_string := to_unbounded_string(
"tag=one&" &
"name=mike&" &
"action=%2B10%25&" &
"tag=two&" &
"log=~mas/log&" &
"tag=three" );
end if;
set( list, to_string(query_string) ) ;
put("name = "); put( get_item( list, "name" )) ; new_line;
put("action = "); put( get_item( list, "action" )) ; new_line;
put("log = "); put( get_item( list, "log" )) ; new_line;
for i in 1 .. 4 loop
put("tag(" ); put( i, width=>1 ); put( ") ");
put( get_item( list, "tag", i ) ); new_line;
end loop;
end main;