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/ Enciclopedia de Astronomía / CM1.iso / ejemplos / fuentes / lindburg.ttf (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1994-12-12  |  89KB
Labels: bulletin board | door | fence | person | reckoner | shelf | sky
OCR: abodefghi kimnc pqrstuVwayz ABCDEFG KL MINOPORSTU WXYz 123456789 ~!@#$%^& *0- <.[},/ quigk brown 100 jumf Ver the lezy do'g Tie quick brown for jumfs oVer the lezy dog Tie quick brown fOx i umps oVer the lazy dog. The quick brown fOx jumps oVer the 1azy dog The quick bro wn Ox umps oVer the 1azy dog Tie quick brown umps oVer the lazy The quick brown umps oVer th ebcdefghij klmn stuVwayz ABCDEE 3456789 quia lezu saun