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/ Enciclopedia de Astronomía / CM1.iso / ejemplos / fuentes / tripping.ttf (.png) < prev    next >
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Labels: reckoner | sky | stairs | stairway
OCR: abcdefahiiklmnopgrstuvwxyz ABC DEFGHIJKLMNOPORSTUVWXYZ 01234 56789 @#$%^& 1 The quick brown fox iumps over the lazy dog 18 The brown fox jumps orer the lazy dog. The brown fox jumps Orer the lazy dog. 36 The brown fox umps over the Aze/ dog 48 The brown fox um sa 1210 the Aze/ 60 The y3!n6 brown fox um bs 1210 The y3!n6 brown fox um bs ABCDF auick 1a10 iumbs Aze7 Ovpr