Amiga Format CD 16
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391 lines
; $VER: RO-Install 1.26 (21.4.97)
; Original RO Installer script by Juergen Schubert
; 100% Rewritten by Oliver Rummeyer
; Set Strings
(set #nokick
(cat "You must be using Kickstart 2.04 to use RO. Aborting!"
(set #nomui
(cat "You need version 3.6 of MUI or better. Aborting!"
(set #startmsg
(cat "\n\RO installation script.\n"
"This script installs RO on your Amiga.\n\n"
"Read the Documentation files for\n"
"more information on the distribution.\n"
"RO © 1994-1997 Oliver Rummeyer\n"
"All rights reserved."
(set #icons "Which type of icons would you like to install")
(set #magicwbicons "MagicWB-Style Icons; 8 colors")
(set #classicicons "Classic-WB-Style Icons; 4 colors")
(set #noicons "No Icons")
(set #install "\n\nInstalling RO to\n\n")
(set #drawer
(cat "In which disk or drawer should RO be installed?\n"
"(A drawer \"RO\" will be created there)"
(set #update
(cat "A drawer \"RO\" already exists in the specified disk "
"or drawer. Your prefs settings are NOT changed if you "
"continue the installation procedure. Check the documentation "
"as some additional configuration keywords might be "
"introduced by this update.\n\n"
"Should I continue the installation procedure?"
(set #lang "Which languages should be installed?")
(set #own
(cat "\n\nIf you want to create own versions of\n"
"the catalogs please have a look at the\n"
"distributions Locale directory. You will\n"
"find the .ct and .cd files there."
(set #install-docs "Would you like to install RO's documentation?")
(set #doc "Which documentation formats would you like to install?")
(set #doclang "Which language do you prefer for the documentation?")
(set #install-rexx "Would you like to install the arexx examples?")
(set #drawer-rexx "In which disk or drawer should the arexx examples be installed?")
(set #exitmsg
(cat "Please support the shareware concept!\n\n"
"If you like RO, please send $20.- or DM 30.- to\n\n"
"Oliver Rummeyer\n"
"Gartenstrasse 41\n"
"D-88212 Ravensburg\n"
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(abort #nokick)
(if (<> (exists "mui:" (noreq)) 0)
(if (>= (run "c:version muimaster.library VERSION 17") 5)
(abort #nomui)
(abort #nomui)
(message #startmsg)
(complete 0)
(set IconType
(prompt #icons)
(help @askchoice-help)
(default 0)
(complete 15)
(set TargetDir
(prompt #drawer)
(default "SYS:Tools")
(help @askdir-help)
(set DestDir (tackon TargetDir "RO"))
(set @default-dest DestDir)
(if (= (exists DestDir) 2)
(message #update)
(complete 30)
(makedir DestDir
(prompt #install DestDir)
(if (= IconType 0)
(source "")
(choices "/Icons/8col/RO.info" "/Icons/8col/ROPrefs.info" "/Icons/8col/RO.guide.info" "/Icons/8col/RegForm.info")
(dest DestDir)
(source "/Icons/8col/Drawer.info")
(dest TargetDir)
(newname "RO.info")
(if (= IconType 1)
(source "")
(choices "/Icons/4col/RO.info" "/Icons/4col/ROPrefs.info" "/Icons/4col/RO.guide.info" "/Icons/4col/RegForm.info")
(dest DestDir)
(source "/Icons/4col/Drawer.info")
(dest TargetDir)
(newname "RO.info")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "/Binary/RO,binary")
(dest DestDir)
(newname "RO")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "/Binary/ROPrefs,binary")
(dest DestDir)
(newname "ROPrefs")
(if (= (exists "ENV:RO") 0)
(makedir "ENV:RO")
(if (= (exists "ENVARC:RO") 0)
(makedir "ENVARC:RO")
(if (= (exists "ENV:RO/RO.prefs") 0)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "/Config/RO.prefs,default")
(dest "ENV:RO/")
(newname "RO.prefs")
(if (= (exists "ENVARC:RO/RO.prefs") 0)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "/Config/RO.prefs,default")
(dest "ENVARC:RO/")
(newname "RO.prefs")
(complete 45)
; Install Locale
(if (AND (NOT (= (getassign "Locale") "")) (exists "libs:locale.library"))
(set Lang
(prompt #lang)
(help @askoptions-help)
(choices "Deutsch" "Français" "Svenska" )
(default 0)
(if (IN Lang 0)
(source "")
(choices "/Locale/Catalogs/Deutsch/ro.catalog")
(dest "LOCALE:Catalogs/Deutsch")
(if (IN Lang 1)
(source "")
(choices "/Locale/Catalogs/Français/ro.catalog")
(dest "LOCALE:Catalogs/Français")
(if (IN Lang 2)
(source "")
(choices "/Locale/Catalogs/Svenska/ro.catalog")
(dest "LOCALE:Catalogs/Svenska")
(message #own)
(complete 60)
; Install ARexx Scripts
(if (askbool (help @askbool-help) (prompt #install-rexx))
(set RexxDir
(prompt #drawer-rexx)
(default "REXX:")
(help @askdir-help)
(source "")
(dest RexxDir)
(complete 75)
; Install Documentation
(if (askbool (help @askbool-help) (prompt #install-docs))
(set doctype
(prompt #doc)
(help @askoptions-help)
"AmigaGuide ® V39"
(default 1)
(if (<> doctype 0)
(set doclang
(prompt #doclang)
(help @askchoice-help)
(default 0)
(if (= doctype 1)
(if (= doclang 0)
(source "/Docs/RO.guide,english")
(dest DestDir)
(newname "RO.guide")
(source "/Docs/RegForm,english")
(dest DestDir)
(newname "RegForm")
(if (= doclang 1)
(source "/Docs/RO.guide,deutsch")
(dest DestDir)
(newname "RO.guide")
(source "/Docs/RegForm,deutsch")
(dest DestDir)
(newname "RegForm")
(if (= doclang 2)
(source "/Docs/RO.guide,francais")
(dest DestDir)
(newname "RO.guide")
(source "/Docs/RegForm,francais")
(dest DestDir)
(newname "RegForm")
(if (= doclang 3)
(source "/Docs/RO.guide,svenska")
(dest DestDir)
(newname "RO.guide")
(source "/Docs/RegForm,svenska")
(dest DestDir)
(newname "RegForm")
(if (= doctype 0)
(delete (tackon DestDir "RO.guide.info"))
(delete (tackon DestDir "RegForm.info"))
(delete (tackon DestDir "RO.guide.info"))
(delete (tackon DestDir "RegForm.info"))
(complete 100)
(exit #exitmsg)