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ToolsDaemon 2.1a
User Manual
January 30, 1994
The programs and files in this distribution are freely
distributable, but are also Copyright (c) Nico Francois. They may be
freely distributed as long as no more than a nominal fee is charged
to cover time and copying costs.
No commercial usage is permitted without written permission from
the author. Everything in this distribution must be kept together, in
original unmodified form.
The above is generally known as freeware.
If you have suggestions or remarks about this program, or if you
find any bugs, please let me know.
Contacting the author:
Internet: nico@augfl.be
FidoNet : 2:292/603.10
AmigaNet: 39:120/102.10
Snail-mail: Nico François
Corbielaan 13
B-3060 Bertem
If you can please use e-mail. That way you'll stand a much better
chance of getting a reply quickly.
ToolsDaemon uses and requires reqtools.library V38 (or higher).
ReqTools is also Copyright © 1991-1994 Nico François.
NOTE: ToolsDaemon 2.1a requires Kickstart 2.0 and Workbench 2.0 or
higher to run!
1. Introduction
Your Workbench 2.0 manual will tell you: It is possible to run a
program by choosing a menu item from the Tools menu of Workbench
2.0. But only if your application software supports this feature.
Your application software will have instructions on how to create the
new menu item.
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But what if you want to add programs to Workbench's menu strip
which do not have this feature? Then there is ToolsDaemon 2.1a.
ToolsDaemon allows you to run programs simply by selecting a menu
item from the menu strip of Workbench 2.0. Shell and Workbench
programs are supported, including arguments and tool types for both
of these. The menu items can be arranged in several menus, with
sub-items and keyboard shortcuts.
ToolsPrefs is designed as a preferences editor for the ToolsDaemon
menus. It features a full intuition front-end and supports the 2.0
AppWindow feature. This means it allows you to drag programs into
its window and they will be automatically added to the menu items
ToolsDaemon is the background program that will launch the tools
you select from the menu strip. It is meant to be dragged into the
WbStartup drawer so it will automatically be launched on startup.
2. Installation
Installation is very easy. Double-click the 'Install' icon to
install ToolsDaemon.
You will need Commodore's standard Installer utility to run the
install script. If you have Workbench 2.1, 3.0 or higher you will
find Installer on your Workbench installation disk. Simply copy it
to your 'SYS:Utilities' directory (or anywhere in your Workbench
command path).
To install ToolsDaemon manually simply copy 'ToolsDaemon-Handler'
to 'L:', drag 'ToolsDaemon' to 'SYS:WbStartup' and drag 'ToolsPrefs'
to 'SYS:Prefs'.
3. Usage
Once everything is installed run ToolsDaemon and then the
ToolsPrefs program. This will allow you to define the menus and menu
items you would like to add to the menu strip of the Workbench.
ToolsPrefs has two lists: 'Menu Items' and 'Commands'. The menu
items list corresponds to the text that will appear in the menu
items. Each menu item has its own command list. So by choosing one
menu item you can invoke several commands (asynchronously).
ToolsPrefs features a full intuition front-end to edit the items
and commands lists. Everything is fairly self-explanatory, except
maybe the 'Move Up' and 'Move Down' menu items in the 'Edit' menu.
These allow you to change the order of the menu items, by allowing
Page 2
you to move the current item closer to the top or to the bottom of
the list.
Items can be set to be a menu title, a sub-item or a seperator
bar. Use the 'Menu' and 'Sub' checkboxes to set an item's type (if
none of these is checked the item is a normal menu item). The 'Bar'
button will set the current menu item to be a seperator bar.
The 'Key' string gadget can be used to assign a keyboard shortcut
to an item. Note that you can only use keys that aren't used by the
Workbench. You are not limited to using letters, but you can also
use numbers or other symbols (e.g. '1', '-', '/'). If you are
running Kickstart 3.0 or higher there will be an extra gadget
underneath the 'Key' gadget. In this gadget you can enter a short
description string for the hotkey (see below), which will be shown in
the menu.
The hotkey gadget holds an optional hotkey for the current item.
A hotkey entered here will work even if the Workbench window is not
active. Hotkeys are described according to the Commodities standard
(for example: 'control alt t').
Commands can be run as Workbench or Shell commands. Commands
indicated as Workbench commands will be loaded and run by ToolsDaemon
just as if you had double-clicked them in the Workbench. Shell
commands will be executed with a command line as if they were typed
in in a Shell window.
ToolsPrefs supports the use of arguments. If you select one or
more icons before selecting an item from the 'Tools' menu these files
will be passed as arguments.
If the command is a Workbench command the arguments will be passed
as if you selected the program's icon and Shift-clicked some other
icons. For this to work the command has to be followed by '[]'
indicating it expects to get arguments. For example: '(WB )
C:PPMore []'.
If the command is a Shell command the arguments will be expanded
onto its command line. You should indicate with '[]' where you want
the arguments to appear. For example: '(CLI) Type [] HEX'.
The number gadget next to the command string gadget determines the
stack size for the command (in case of a Shell command). If the
command is launched as a Workbench tool the stack size will be read
from the tool's icon.
The easiest way to add an item is to pick up an icon and drop it
in the ToolsPrefs window. This will create a new item named after
the program with a command list to run the program. Dropping an icon
in the 'Commands' listview will not result in the creation of a new
item, but in adding a new command to the current command list.
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When you select 'Save' ToolsPrefs will check if ToolsDaemon is
running and will tell it to update the menus if it is. It is
therefore advisable to call ToolsPrefs if ToolsDaemon is already up
and running. If you have dragged ToolsDaemon to your WbStartup
drawer as suggested above it will always be running and you'll have
nothing to worry about.
Double-clicking the icon of a menu file saved with 'Save As...'
will result in adding the menus to the Workbench's menu strip (if
ToolsDaemon is already running the previously added menu items will
be removed first).
NOTE: - ToolsDaemon will search the path for Shell commands and
Workbench tools, but not for the icons of Workbench tools!
This exactly emulates the behaviour of Workbench 2.0.
- Start ToolsDaemon again to quit it.
- ToolsDaemon always adds an item to the 'Tools' menu of the
Workbench. The item is called 'ToolsPrefs...' and when
picked will run the ToolsPrefs program. The program will be
looked for in your command path and will be run as a Shell
4. Arguments and tooltypes
4.1 CLI or Shell
ToolsPrefs offers following command line arguments:
ToolsPrefs [FROM] [<menufile>] [PUBSCREEN <pubscreenname>]
[FROM] [<menufile>] : Menu file to load instead of the
default 's:ToolsDaemon.menu'
[SCREENFONT=<YES or NO>] : Use screen font for editor or use the
standard Topaz 8 font. Default is
[PUBSCREEN <pubscreen name>]: Open editor on this public screen.
4.2 Workbench
Following tooltypes are recognized by ToolsPrefs:
CREATEICONS=<YES or NO> : State of 'Create Icons?' menu item.
Default is YES. Note that if
ToolsPrefs is started from the Shell
the menu item will not be checked so no
icons will be created.
PUBSCREEN=<pubscreen name> : Open editor on this public screen.
SCREENFONT=<YES or NO> : Use screen font for editor or use the
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standard Topaz 8 font. Default is
Following tooltypes are recognized by ToolsDaemon:
WINDOW=<console description>: Change output console window
description. Default is
"CON:0/25//150/Tools Output
CX_PRIORITY=<pri> : Set priority of ToolsDaemon's
commodity. Default is 0.
As always, I hope you find these programs useful!
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o First release.
o Features multiple menus, submenus and keyboard shortcuts. Much
more useful now!
o Internal function of preferences editor rewritten (now uses a state
machine), thanks to Marc Duponcheel for suggesting this.
o More compatible Workbench startup:
- All tools will be looked for in Workbench's path. The icon's
path must however be complete.
- PROGDIR: is now supported (also for default tools, see below).
- Workbench tooltype 'TOOLPRI' supported (to set the task priority
of the tool).
- Project icons supported. ToolsDaemon will now run project
icons. It will look for the default tool of the icon in the
Workbench's path and will start it (even if it hasn't got an
icon) passing the project icon as the first argument.
o More compatible Shell command execution:
- Commands are now sent to the user shell, instead of the boot
- Commands now receive input from as well as send output to the
default console window.
ToolsDaemon is no longer a 100% legal program! It patches certain
Intuition functions to attach menu items to Workbench's menu strip
(which it shouldn't touch) and redirects Workbench's message port in
order to trap IDCMP_MENUPICK messages before Workbench sees them.
Everything has been done as cleanly as possible and should be as
future compatible as it can be, but there is no real guarantee it
will still work on future versions of the Amiga operating system. If
you can't live with this continue to use ToolsDaemon 1.0, but know
that the features ToolsDaemon offers (multiple menus, submenus and
keyboard shortcuts) CANNOT be offered in a legal way, simply because
workbench.library V37 doesn't support them. If a new version of the
Amiga operating system is released and ToolsDaemon is not compatible
I will rectify this as soon as possible.
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o Fixed small bug: No more problems with using an international
character (like 'é') as the first chararcter of a menu item. Thanks
to Roger Nordin for reporting this bug.
o Fixed small bug: No longer possible to delete first menu title by
entering an empty name.
o ToolsDaemon and ToolsPrefs will now complain if the first line of a
menu file isn't a menu title line (instead of crashing :).
o Fixed bug: No longer creates invalid menu files when you change a
menu item with command(s) into a seperator bar.
o Cancel button moved two pixels to the right :)
o Some enforcer hits removed. Hits would occur when saving a menu
file or when deleting the last menu item.
o I received a bug report that picking a menu item would sometimes
result in a couple of enforcer hits and nothing happening. I have
been unable to reproduce this, but I have changed the code in
question a bit to try and fix this.
o ToolsDaemon didn't find default tools (of project icons) if these
could _not_ be found in the command path. Fixed.
o No longer saves WB commands that are changed to CLI commands with a
stack size of 0.
o Release 2.0c of reqtools.library included.
o ToolsPrefs interface is now completely font-sensitive.
Automatically adapts itself to the screen font.
o New tooltype and command line option for ToolsPrefs: 'SCREENFONT'.
o ToolsDaemon and ToolsPrefs have been fully localized.
o It is now possible to use real hotkeys to launch the programs. On
Kickstart 3.0 or higher you may also supply a small description
string to show in the menu. Supports the 'CX_PRIORITY' tooltype to
set the commodities priority of any hotkeys it installs.
o The menu items listview will now show the optional keyboard
shortcut for the menu items. On Kickstart 3.0 or higher ToolsPrefs
will use new 3.0 features like a scalable Amiga image and a
listview with custom rendering hook.
o ToolsDaemon output console is now user configurable with a 'WINDOW'
tooltype in the ToolsDaemon icon.
o ToolsDaemon will now check if someone else has patched Intuition
before exiting and removing its patches.
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o Bug fix: if you managed to select a menu item a split second after
activating a Workbench window ToolsDaemon would hang.
o Bug fix: cycle gadget was incorrectly implemented. Gave problems
with CycleToMenu.
o Bug fix: pressing 'Insert' right after 'Add' under the command
listview would cause a crash.
o Bug fix: ToolsPrefs allowed you to type 6 characters too many in
the command string gadget.
o Release 2.1f (38.1095) of reqtools.library included.
o Really fixed the hanging problem I fixed in ToolsDaemon 2.1 :-) If
you managed to select *the* *first* menu item a split second after
activating a Workbench window ToolsDaemon would still hang. The
same problem occured on machines running TWA and when picking the
first item just after quitting Directory Opus.
o ToolsPrefs will now set its current directory to PROGDIR:.
o ToolsPrefs window is now simple refresh and uses the Kickstart 3.0
or higher zoom-in-place feature.
o Dropping a "fake" icon (Show all files) in the ToolsPrefs window
will now automatically enter the program as a CLI command.
o There was a problem with ToolsDaemon on Workbench 2.0. ToolsDaemon
would abort silently if it was the first Commodity that was run
(probably due to a bug in commodities.library V37; V38 and higher
worked fine). This is fixed now.
o Updated icons to Workbench 3 look :-)
o New french catalog included, translated by Benoit Mortier.
o Italian catalog included, translated by Nicola Salmoria.
o Release 2.2a (38.1210) of reqtools.library included.
ToolsDaemon 2.1a by Nico François (Yes, Nico is my first name :-)
thanks to Magnus Holmgren, Stefan Zeiger, Roger
Nordin, Nicola Salmoria, Marc Duponcheel,
Jorrit Tyberghein, Peter Stuer, Ives
Aerts, Gunter Indenhoek and Alain Penders
for beta-testing and all the useful
suggestions, Johan Van Houtven for the
editing of this manual.
"He was struck by a bullet
and he melted into fluid named extinction" - The Pixies
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 Nico François
Thanks to \X/ Amiga for being the best computer ever!
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Table Of Contents
ToolsDaemon 2.1a
PREFACE......................................................... 1
1. Introduction................................................. 1
2. Installation................................................. 2
3. Usage........................................................ 2
4. Arguments and tooltypes...................................... 4
4.1 CLI or Shell............................................. 4
4.2 Workbench................................................ 4
PROGRAM HISTORY................................................. 6