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/ Encyclopedia of Games / eog_disc1.iso / encyclop / dosgames / fighting / cold / coldend.bin (.png) < prev    next >
Binary Text  |  1995-08-13  |  4KB  |  1280x192  |  4-bit (7 colors)
Labels: crt screen | monitor | sky | vegetarianism
OCR: Thank you for playi img COLD DREOMS from IMMORTAL ITY COLD DREOMS Y1 .05 sh <13 Nug 1995> SHAREWARE. rights of the Nuthors and the Distr ibutors arc rescrued This VCrS ion may bc frccly distri ibu ted! Thi i3 thc SHAREWARE VERS ION Cold Drcams Plcasc rcad the ORDER IXI fi 1c how to gct the fu vcrs iom of this gamc! ORDER vsn order form for purchas the IInJ vcrsion in thc USn ORDER DEU Bestcl lformu lar fur Bestcl lIung cn in Dcutschland Conti Nuthors 100333 31310c mpuscruc COLD DREOMS i3 an IMMDRTOLITY product ion (C) 1995 playing DREAMS IMMDRTAL ights frecly full Bcstc Iungcn