Encyclopedia of Games
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│ Towers 3D strategy game v1.32 │
│ This is a VENDINFO Product Information Record │
│ │
│ This record is a means of conveying information about a software │
│ product from the author to distributors and users. It contains a │
│ normal, "human-readable" section (you're reading it now), followed │
│ by a compressed data record. The data record contains a great │
│ deal of information in a form useable by automated tools. This │
│ allows BBSes, disk vendors, etc. to test automatically for │
│ permission to distribute, and to automatically extract product │
│ information for use in BBS files databases, vendor catalogs, etc. │
│ │
│ The VENDINFO file standard is published and is freely useable. │
│ │
│ The VENDINFO toolset includes a free end-user viewer, processing │
│ tools for use by distributors (BBSes, shareware disk vendors, │
│ etc.), and the editor used by author/publishers to produce these │
│ records. These tools are either free or very-low cost shareware. │
│ The toolset can be obtained from many sources, including the │
│ originators of VENDINFO: │
│ │
│ Rams' Island Software Voice: 303-841-2848 CompuServe: 76244,324 │
│ 7644 E. Lakecliff Way BBS: 303-841-6269 FidoNet: 1:104/333 │
│ Parker, CO 80134-5904 USA RIME: RAMSISLE │
VENDINFO standard v1.00, produced by VendEdit v1.00, 27-May-1994
===== Product Information ==============================
Product: Towers 3D strategy game
Version: 1.32
Version Date: 27-May-1994
Product Type: Software
Basic Distribution Policy (see License, below, for details):
Shareware, subject to distribution restrictions
Product Description: How high can you build? TOWERS is similar to
Tetris, but you need planning, rather than
quick reflexes in TOWERS. You build one level
of the tower at a time, fitting the the
blocks in the tightest pattern. Each level
becomes the base for the next level. TOWERS
uses Cascoly's unique 3-D perspective
graphics to show fantastic detail. Includes
Category: Strategy/simulation
Keywords: tetris sound blaster strategy building
Required Packages: TOWER
This Package: TOWER
Required Configuration
Processor Family: Intel 80x86 (minimum 8086/8088)
Minimum OS: MS-DOS 2.0
Hard Drive Space: 400K
Enhanced Graphic Adapter (EGA)
Address: Cascoly Software
4528 36th Ave NE
Seattle WA 98105
Phone: 206 523 6135
CompuServe: 76703,3046
Internet: 76703.3046@compuserve.com
Address: Cascoly Software
4528 36th Ave NE
Seattle WA 98105
Phone: 206 523 6135
CompuServe: 76703,3046
Internet: 76703.3046@compuserve.com
===== Information for Users ("READ-ME") ================
How high can you build? TOWERS is similar to Tetris, since you need to
place blocks of varying size. That's where the similarity ends -- you
need logic and planning, rather than quick reflexes in TOWERS. You
build one level of the tower at a time, trying to fit the blocks in the
tightest pattern. Each level becomes the base for the next level.
TOWERS uses Cascoly's unique 3-D perspective graphics to show fantastic
detail. As you scroll from side to side, the perspective changes.
===== Packing List =====================================
As released by the author or publisher, this package contained the
following files in addition to this VENDINFO.DIZ:
Filename Size Date Time CRC32
READ_ME.1ST 216 12-Jan-1994 03:42p EB5EF01B
README.2 13083 3-May-1994 11:56p 751291E1
READ_ME.BAT 379 12-Jan-1994 03:42p 9DCA767B
CATALOG.COM 7957 12-May-1994 02:42p 7C3000EF
GRIMAGES.DAT 108832 15-May-1992 12:40p 456B91BA
TOWERMAP.DAT 225 23-May-1992 11:41a 019A7C44
FILE_ID.DIZ 383 27-May-1994 12:28p 44C877B2
VENDOR.DOC 216 12-Jan-1994 03:42p 8C5E6214
VENDOR.DOX 13361 25-Dec-1993 06:10p AFBD8D1D
TOWERS.EXE 258822 27-May-1994 12:27p BBD86F14
TOW1.GXL 122273 8-Jan-1994 09:03p 98994960
TOWHELP.IDX 60 8-Jan-1994 01:51p 9C41C34C
TOW1.RSC 18844 6-Jan-1994 11:57p 995669E0
DESC.SDI 8 12-Jan-1994 03:42p 8002358B
BASIC.TWR 2481 29-May-1992 01:44p 2F19CA20
DIAMOND.TWR 2481 22-Jun-1992 12:08p 1E46F203
DOTS.TWR 2481 29-May-1992 01:25p 5512FBF3
TOWER1.TWR 2421 29-May-1992 12:53p C3961BDB
TOWHELP.TXT 3780 8-Jan-1994 01:51p E9A6A68F
VENDOR.TXT 216 12-Jan-1994 03:42p 8C5E6214
===== License for Use and Distribution =================
ATC v1.0 29 Sep 1985
ANTIC v1.14 11 Jul 1992
BASIC TRAINING v1.1 14 Feb 1993
BIBLE-TIMELINE v2.18 10 Jan 1993
BORDER v1.1 23 Feb 1989
CAPBUF v1.41 28 Dec 1990
CRYPTIK v1.4 2 Oct 1993
CHRONOS v2.18 10 Jan 1993
ECOMASTER v2.04 5 Nov 1992
FICTIONARY v1.32 30 Apr 1990
GREEN v1.11 10 May 1993
PALETTE PLEEZER v1.26 14 May 1993
PEG v2.06 13 Sep 1993
SUPER VGA PUZZLE v1.4 2 Oct 1993
TOWERS v1.27 20 Feb 1993
UDECIDE v1.06 10 Nov 1992
QUILT v1.32 31 Mar 1992
WEBS v1.20 11 Jun 1992
Copyright (c) 1990, 1993 by Cascoly Software
All Rights Reserved.
Last updated: 10 Dec 1993
We're trying to keep this as simple as possible. This file contains
important license information regarding the use of Cascoly Shareware.
This information applies to INDIVIDUAL USERS who wish to pass copies to
friends and associates for no fee.
User Groups, Computer Clubs, Disk Vendors and Distributors, Subscription
Services, Disk-of-the-Month Clubs, etc., should refer to the VENDINFO
files accompanying this program.
Trial Use License:
Cascoly Software hereby grants you a limited license to use this software
for evaluation purposes for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days. If
you intend to continue using this software after the thirty (30) day
evaluation period, you MUST make a registration payment to Cascoly
Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile,
disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed
program except as provided in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use
shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license.
All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Cascoly Software.
Limited Distribution License:
As the copyright holder Cascoly Software authorizes distribution by
individuals only in accordance with the following restrictions.
Noncommercial copying of this software is ENCOURAGED. (If you distribute
this software for more than the cost of your distribution, you're a
commercial distributor. User Groups, Computer Clubs, Disk Vendors and
Distributors, Subscription Services, Disk-of-the-Month Clubs, etc.,
should refer to the VENDINFO files)
The Cascoly Shareware package is defined as containing all the material
listed in the PACKING.LST text file. If any files listed in the
PACKING.LST text file, or the PACKING.LST file itself, are missing, then
the package is not complete and distribution is forbidden. Please
contact us to obtain a complete package suitable for distribution.
o The Cascoly Shareware package - including all related program files
and documentation files - CANNOT be modified in any way and must be
distributed as a complete package, without exception. The
PACKING.LST text file contains a list of all files that are part of
the Cascoly Shareware package.
o No price or other compensation may be charged for the Cascoly
Shareware package. A distribution cost may be charged for the cost
of the diskette, shipping and handling, as long as the total (per
disk) does not exceed US$8.00 in the U.S. and Canada, or US$12.00
o The Cascoly Shareware package CANNOT be sold as part of some other
inclusive package. Nor can it be included in any commercial
software packaging offer, without a written agreement from Cascoly
o The Cascoly Shareware package cannot be "rented" or "leased" to
o The person receiving a copy of the Cascoly Shareware package MUST
be made aware that each disk or copy is ONLY for evaluation, and
that Cascoly Software has not received any royalties or payment for
the product. This requirement can be met by including the complete
Cascoly Shareware package, which contains any appropriate
registration reminders.
o The person receiving a copy of the Cascoly Shareware package MUST
be made aware that he or she does not become a registered user
until Cascoly Software has received payment for registration of the
software. This requirement can be met by including the complete
Cascoly Shareware package, which contains any appropriate
registration reminders.
o Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile,
disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed
program except as provided in this agreement. Any such
unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic
termination of this license.
This software and accompanying documentation are protected by US
Copyright law and also by International Treaty provisions. Any use of
this software in violation of Copyright law or the terms of this limited
license will be prosecuted to the best of our ability. The conditions
under which you may copy this software and documentation are clearly
outlined above under "Distribution Restrictions".
The VENDINFO data record, if attached is hereby incorporated by
reference. any distribution satisfying all the distribution
requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. The
VENDINFO data record also takes precedence in the event of a conflict
between the VENDOR.DOX text file and the VENDINFO data record.
===== Compressed Data Record Follows ===================