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Attention Programmers!!! Interested in adding graphics to your programs?
How does $20 sound for a high quality graphics package which includes a
sprite/icon editor, screen clipping utility, and a conversion program. Look
at features for each program and decide for yourself.
NOTE: An order form is located at the end of this document for your
Raster Master v3.6 - Sprite/Icon Editor
-The most powerful sprite/icon editor available to date!
-Easy to use!
-Full mouse support!
-640x480 mode for 16 and 256 color images! That's right SUPER VGA for
256 color support.
-Fast scrolling! Even faster than editors that use the 320x200 mode!
-Adjustable zoom mode!
-Toggled Grid!
-Selectable view modes! You can preview the image in different screen
-100x100 work area! Most editors stop at 32x32 or 64x64.
-An amazing amount of file formats! Standard PCX, BMP, and ICO. Including
file formats for the Fastgraph library (PPR and SPR). As well support
for the popular TEGL windows toolkit DEF format. And source code generation!
-XGF formats can be displayed with the putimage function.
-Numerous drawing tools! You don't just plot dots using Raster Master, you
can use tools to draw lines, circles, rectangles, spray paint, just like
as if you were using a paint program. And all the tools work in zoom mode.
We didn't cut any corners!
-Clipping! With Raster Master you don't have to create fixed size sprites
or icons, you save the area you only want. You can even import images
in the clip area without effecting the unclipped area.
-Palette Editor! Change the default colors something more pleasing. The
palette can also be saved to a file in binary or source code format.
-Mouse Shapes! Draw a mouse shape and let Raster Master create the code.
-API! (Application Interface). Create your own file formats! Or add
formats to RM that it doesn't currently support. The API has been used
support additional formats for Fastgraph, TEGL, and tile sets for Mahjong
(Nels Anderson version.)
RastPort v2.0 - Conversion Program
-Converts PCX files (2-256 colors) to XGF format than can be displayed
with the putimage function.
-XGF files created by the Rastport can be displayed in 2,4,16, or 256 color
-Converts PCX files to PPR/SPR format for Fastgraph users.
-Images can be ANY size! The Rastport is NOT limited by your graphics card.
-Creates resource files (a method of attaching several files into one)
-Converts using a file list.
Raster Clip v2.0 - Screen Clipping Utility
-Supports 16 and 256 color modes, including the 640X480X256 SVGA mode.
-Loads PCX/BMP files
-Saves images in PCX/BMP/XGF and RAW format.
-Saves screen palette.
-Copies clipped images to other areas of the screen.
-Displays co-ordinates and size dimensions.
-Script language
Requires EGA/VGA/SVGA card and Mouse.
-Converts binary files to source code format.
Source Code
-Source code to display XGF files for Turbo Pascal, Turbo C, QuickC,
and QuickBASIC
-Source code to display XGF files that are greater than 64K for Turbo
-Source to display images in resource files for Turbo C/Pascal
Adding graphics to your programs has never been so easy! Order today before
this offer expires!
O \
-------Raster Utilities------- BLUEVIEW SOFTWARE
| Raster Master, Raster Clip, | 2300 Lawrence Ave. East BOX 80551
| Rastport, Bin2scr, and Xinfo | Scarborough, Ontario
| | CANADA M1P 2R0
| ** SPECIAL OFFER ** | (416) 757-7944
City/Town: State/Province:
________________________ ___________________________
Zip/Postal Code: Country:
________________________ ___________________________
Phone Number : ( ) Date:
________________________ ___________________________
Name of BBS or Vendor where this file was obtained from:
(If bbs, please include the phone number of the BBS)
Computer : [ ] XT [ ] 286 [ ] 386 [ ] 486 [ ] Other
Display Card : [ ] VGA [ ] SVGA [ ] Other
OS : [ ] DOS [ ] WINDOWS [ ] OS/2
Disk Type : [ ] 5 1/4 [ ] 3 1/2
U.S. residents send $20.00 in U.S. funds.
Ontario residents send $24.00 + 8% PST in Canadian funds.
Canadian residents send $24.00 in Canadian funds.
International orders (outside of US & Canada) send $25 in U.S. funds.
Amount enclosed:
Make check or money order payable to BLUEVIEW SOFTWARE.
* SPECIAL OFFER is only available from June 1/93 to December 31/93.
(call for verification after this period)