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Version 2.3
I wrote SEABATTLE for sentimental reasons remembering my school
May be you too remember hidden squared papers, low calls to your
school comrade: "G-4" - "Hit !" - "Submarine had been sunken...".
SEABATTLE is my PC version of this game old as the hills.
A specialty of my game is that you may select between two modes:
there is the mode human player vs. computer as well as the second
mode player vs. player.
What's new in versions 2.2/2.3 ?
* The computer deploys his fleet within seconds, you don't need as
much patience as before.
* You may choose a random placement of your fleet instead of the
deployment "by hand" or loading a former dislocation.
* The computer fires diagonal salvos too: it will be more diffi-
cult for the human player to become winner !
* The sea.exe file is smaller than before, and the program requi-
res less RAM (now 429 KB, the former version required 540 KB).
* The game is faster on 80386 computers now.
What was new in version 2.1 ?
* SEABATTLE now contained a file manager - you may load fleet de-
ployments of former games and you may save your actual disloca-
tion for games in the future.
* The game was more nerve-racking than before: during computer's
salvos you'll see your own ships.
* And I disclosed a hint - originally integrated only for test
purposes for myself: enter as player's name "******" and see
what you see...
System requirements
80386, VGA, mouse (SEABATTLE is completely mouse controlled).
The game requires 429 KB of memory, and please, start the programm
only using the DOS command line, not using "Windows" etc.
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This package consists of the following 13 files:
readme.!!! Installation/start instruction.
install.bat Type "install", then press <RETURN> - this
batch file will copy the below mentioned files
into a directory named "SEABATTL" - generated by
the batch - on hard disk C: (C:\SEABATTL).
After copying the batch will wait for pressing
any key to start SEABATTLE immediately.
inst_386.bat If you own a computer equipped with 80386 CPU
please use this file for SEABATTLE installation
(type "inst_386" - <RETURN>).
sea.exe Program main file
seabat_n.eb1 }
seabat_n.eb2 } Four graphic files, needed by
seabat_n.eb3 } sea.exe
seabat_n.eb4 }
doenitz.flt } Four prepared fleet deployments;
nagumo.flt } you may use those placements, but you may
nimitz.flt } delete those files too: the game is running
sirtovey.flt } also without *.flt files
seabattl.doc You're reading it !
After your first start of SEABATTLE you'll find two files more in
the directory the game was installed into: sea.exe generates auto-
seabattl.ini ASCII configuration file.
You may edit this file using an editor of your
choice (however, modifying the *.ini file using
the <configuration> button during the game is
much more comfortable) - then you have to observe
that you don't write more than 10 characters
for each player's name.
(Appendix 2 shows the seabattl.ini file generated
automatically by the the program.)
seabattl.dat is the highscore ASCII file.
If you delete this file, SEABATTLE will generate
a new (empty) *.dat automatically.
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Either you may use INSTALL.BAT (see above) or you may copy SEA.EXE
as well as the files SEABAT_N.EB1 to SEABAT_N.EB4 and the files
ending *.FLT into any directory "by hand" - that's all.
I recommend to view the short demo before playing your first game.
Player as well as the computer are commanding a fleet of 15 ships:
one aircraft carrier (5 squares), two battleships (4 squares),
three cruisers (3 squares), four destroyers (2 squares) and five
submarines (1 square).
After dislocation of your fleet (IMPORTANT: you MUST hold a
distance between the ships - the minimum is one square on each
side !) the aim of the game is to sink enemy's fleet: winner is
who hit at first all 35 squares of his opponent.
The possible misses per salvo depend on the surviving units:
"swimming" ship squares misses per salvo
29-35 -> 5
22-28 -> 4
15-21 -> 3
8-14 -> 2
1- 7 -> 1
Running the game
Enter "SEA", then press <RETURN>. (On a computer equipped with a
80386 CPU enter "SEA /386" - <RETURN>).
You'll see the German "Kriegsflagge" without the historical swa-
It is far from me to glorify Nazi symbols, especially as a German
citizen. Nevertheless I installed the possibility to play the game
with the original Kriegsflagge - for historical reasons only.
If you prefer this second possibility you may use two additional
command line parameters when starting SEABATTLE: "/h" (historical)
or "/f" (fantasy).
"SEA /H" German Kriegsflagge with swastika
"SEA /F" Removes the swastika
Again: I recommend to view the short demo before playing your
first game - this demonstration is self running and explains all
options, buttons and the battle itself.
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Special remarks
Don't worry: around each 20th game the computer will select a
"special" dislocation: after opening the hostilities the human
player will have no chance to win... press <ESC> then !
This is the complete SEABATTLE version. Nevertheless the program
is shareware.
If you like the game please send an amount (1 $ to 1.000 $ - it
depends on your own judgement ;-) ) to my address.
Enjoy and have fun !
Lueder Osmers
Isfeldstr. 18
D-22589 Hamburg
Phone +49-40-8704962
CompuServe 100273,1040
Fido LUEDER OSMERS@2:240/5225.18
Appendix 1
Some historical remarks concerning the World War II admirals
mentioned after SEABATTLE's first start
Admiral Chester W. Nimitz commanded the U.S. Pacific Fleet during
WW II - he was the great winner of Midway.
Sir Tovey
Admiral Sir John Tovey was commander of the British Home Fleet
which sank the German battleship "Bismarck" in May, 1941.
Grossadmiral Karl Doenitz commanded the German Submarine Fleet and
was later the high commander of the German Navy in WW II.
After Hitler's death Doenitz became his successor and executed the
German capitulation in May, 1945.
(mentioned only in the demo)
Admiral Chuichi Nagumo was the commander of the japanese carrier
fleet which attacked the U.S. Pacific Fleet in Pearl
Harbour/Hawaii on December 7th, 1941.
Appendix 2
0 -> Player vs. Computer mode | 1 -> Player vs. Player mode
Player's name in Player/Computer mode (max. 10 characters)
Player's Flag in Player/Computer mode
1 -> German <Kriegsflagge> 1939 - 1945
2 -> Colours of Japan
3 -> Union Jack
4 -> Stars and Stripes
Computer's flag in Player/Computer mode
"Sir Tovey"
Name of 1st player in Player/Player mode (max. 10 characters)
1st player's flag in Player/Player mode
Name of 2nd player in Player/Player mode (max. 10 characters)
2nd player's flag in Player/Player mode
0 -> Sound off | 1 -> Sound on
0 -> <Kriegsflagge> without ... | 1 -> ... with swastika