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Games Magazine Presents Word Puzzles
Programs and Documentation (C) 1994 Villa Crespo Software, Inc.
Certain Puzzle Content (C) 1994 B & P Publishing
An MVP Software shareware release
Games Magazine Presents Word Puzzles is shareware. You are free to evaluate
this software for 30 days, after which you must either register with MVP
Software or delete the software from your system. Thanks for playing Word
Puzzles and for supporting shareware. Your honesty pays.
To order the full retail version of Word Puzzles, call 800-968-9684 toll-free
24 hours a day. Please have your Master Card or Visa ready when you call. Or
fill out the order form at the end of this manual and fax it to: 616-245-3204.
Make sure your credit card number and expiration date are legible. Or if you
prefer mail the order form and your check to: MVP Software, 1035 Dallas SE,
Grand Rapids, MI 49507-1407.
For overseas orders or technical support call 616-245-8376.
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Long term game playability: Few Levels w/ hard difficulty Lotsa Levels
Send this order form and your check to:
MVP Software, 1035 Dallas S.E., Grand Rapids, MI 49507-1407
US or Canada 24-hour order line: 800-968-9684. Fax: 616-245-3204.
Tech support, information, or overseas order line: 616-245-8376.
If you downloaded this file from a BBS, you don't need to run Install. If you
purchased an evaluation disk from a shareware vendor or the story, follow these
directions. To install Word Puzzles, place the diskette into the A drive and
type A:, or into the B drive and type B:. When the A> or B> prompt appears on
the screen, type INSTALL. Follow the directions to install the software.
To begin the game type GAMES (SVGA) or GAMES16 (VGA).
NOTE: Please do not run this program from within Windows. Exit completely
from Windows (or any other shell and/or menuing program). Run WORD PUZZLES
directly from DOS, as described below. Running WORD PUZZLES from within
Windows may create unexpected results.
The first screen you see is the Main Screen.
To log on as a player, click the LOG ON button in the upper left part of the
screen, or press the [TAB] key. Type your name (up to 8 characters) and press
[Enter]. Logging on allows you to keep track of each player's scores and
games completed, but this is not required. You can log on different players
during your session by returning to the Main Screen and clicking on the LOG ON
Press the appropriate key for, or click the mouse on, the game you want to
Press [6] to read an introduction from the editors of GAMES Magazine.
Press [7] for general Help. (Within each puzzle, press [F9] or click on the
GAME RULES button for instructions on how to use the specific Puzzle Screen.)
Press [ESC] to return to DOS.
After selecting the type of puzzle to play, the List Screen appears (unless
the player last exited from a partially-solved puzzle, then WORD PUZZLES goes
directly from the Main Screen to that partially-solved puzzle).
The List Screen can be reached from any puzzle by pressing [F4] twice quickly.
The List Screen has two main displays: List and History.
The List Display shows a list of all the available puzzles in the category.
Use the up and down arrow keys or [F8] and [F9] to select a puzzle. [PgUp]
moves 10 games up the list, [PgDn] moves 10 games down the list.
The *, ?, and ! in front of each puzzle in the List Display indicates the
status of the puzzle for the player currently logged in:
* = Puzzle not yet attempted.
? = Partially-solved puzzle.
! = Completed puzzle.
The History Display shows the 10 fastest solving times for the currently
selected puzzle.
[F1], [F2], and [F3] have no effect. The Time and Date are displayed next to
[F1]; Puzzle # in Play is displayed next to [F2]; and Type of Puzzle is
displayed next to [F3].
[F4] Next Game Highlights the next puzzle.
[F5] Clear Game Press once to erase any record of the highlighted
puzzle having been solved or partially solved. (It is
reset to *.)
Press twice quickly to reset all puzzles to *.
[F6] Any Highlights a puzzle at random. (Press [Enter] to
go to the highlighted puzzle.)
[F7] Clear History Press once to erase all solving times for the
selected puzzle.
Press twice quickly to erase history for all puzzles.
[F8] * Highlights next puzzle down.
[F9] * Highlights previous puzzle up.
[F10] Exit Press once to go to the highlighted puzzle.
Press twice quickly to exit WORD GAMES and return to
DOS. The current puzzle, if any, is automatically
[Enter]/mouse click Selects highlighted puzzle for play and goes to it.
The top and bottom portion of every Puzzle Screen is similar. The keys and
boxes serve the following purposes:
[F1] Sets the alarm clock. Enter the time you want it to go off (e.g.,
07:05:30). Press [Enter] when the time is set. After the alarm goes
off, the date will again be shown.
[F2] Toggles Puzzle Title, Standard Solving Time, and Best Solving Time.
(Best Solving Time is available only if history for the puzzle exists.)
[F3] Starts Puzzle Timer. Use the timer if the player wants to compete for
best time. Timer starts as soon as any letter is entered into the
puzzle. You must use the timer to be added to the Top 10 in the
History Display.
[F4] New Game -- Press once to start a new puzzle. Press twice quickly to
go to the List Screen.
[F5] Solve -- Use carefully-the fun is in solving the puzzles yourself!
Press once to solve a single letter at the cursor. Press twice
quickly to solve entire puzzle.
[F6] Erase -- Press once to erase a single letter at the cursor.
Press twice quickly to erase the entire puzzle (except in Word
Scrambles, where previously solved words are not erased).
[F7] Toggles No Move, Step Move, and IntelliMove On. This determines what
the cursor does after entering a letter:
No Move-cursor does not move automatically.
Step Move-cursor moves to next entry space.
IntelliMove On- cursor moves to next open space.
[F8] Toggles No Sound, Sound FX, and Musical Themes. This toggles between
no sound and key beeps for most computers. If you have a Sound Blaster
or compatible sound card, any of 3 musical themes also may be selected.
[F9] Game Rules -- Displays the rules and instructions for each puzzle type,
the List Screen, and these Special Keys.
[F10] Exit -- Press once to exit to the Main Screen. Press twice quickly to
exit to exit WORD GAMES and return to DOS. The current puzzle is
automatically saved each time you exit it.
Alphabet Keys Click on a letter (or type it) to enter it in the square or
position where the cursor is located.
Fill in the answers to the crossword clues at their appropriate number, one
square at a time, so that the across and down words interlock.
To solve, click on a square or use the arrow keys to move the cursor to a
square. The across and down clues for that space will move to the top of the
clues lists. Type the correct letter, click its Alphabet Key, or press the
Solve key. To undo an entry, press the Erase key once to erase a single
letter at the cursor, twice quickly to erase the entire puzzle.
Use the [TAB] key, or click on the "ACROSS" or "DOWN" buttons in the clues
list, to switch between across and down. (The arrow buttons next to "ACROSS"
and "DOWN" will shift the clues up and down if you want to look at clues
without moving the cursor.)
With Step Move or IntelliMove On set (toggle [F7]), the cursor becomes an
arrow to indicate whether the move will be across or down.
Each message has been translated into a simple substitution ciphe; that is,
each letter is represented by a different letter. Substitutions are
consistent throughout any one cipher, but change from one cipher to the next.
To solve, click on the square you want to fill, or use the arrow keys to move
the flashing box over it. Type the correct letter, click its Alphabet Key, or
press the Solve key. The letter will now appear over every occurrence of its
ciphertext counterpart. To undo an entry, press the Erase key once to erase
a single letter at the cursor, twice quickly to erase the entire puzzle.
Answer the clues for words to be entered on the numbered spaces next to the
clue. The cursor location blinks.
To solve, type the correct letter, click its Alphabet Key, or press the Solve
key. To undo an entry, press the Erase key once to erase a single letter at
the cursor, twice quickly to erase the entire puzzle. Whenever you fill in a
letter, that letter will also appear in a corresponding space in the quote
grid above, eventually spelling a quotation reading from left to right. Black
squares separate words in the quotation.
You can also enter letters directly in the grid. The cursor location blinks.
Whenever you fill in a letter, that letter will also appear on a numbered
space in the word list below the grid. As you move the cursor from space to
space in the grid, the corresponding clue will be highlighted in the clue list.
Work back and forth, using the [TAB] key to switch between grid and clue list,
to complete the puzzle. The up and down arrows in the lower right portion of
the screen move the cursor up or down one space in the grid or one clue in the
clue list.
When you're done, the initial letters of the words in the word list will spell
the author's name.
Raise the letters from each vertical column (not necessarily in the order in
which they appear) into the empty squares above them to spell a quotation
reading from left to right, top to bottom. Black or darker squares indicate
ends of words. A word not stopped at the end of one line is continued on the
To solve, click on the square you want to fill in, or use the arrow keys to
move the flashing cursor over it. Type the correct letter, click its Alphabet
Key, or press the Solve key. The selected letter is removed from the column
below the entry. To undo an entry, press the Erase key once to erase a single
letter at the cursor, twice quickly to erase the entire puzzle.
Hidden in each diagram are 10 words fitting the CATEGORY displayed next to the
[F2] key at the top left of the screen. Starting with any letter you believe
is the first letter of a scrambled word, you may move to any adjacent square,
horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
To solve, select letters by clicking on them with the mouse or using the arrow
keys to highlight a letter and pressing [Enter]. To undo an entry, press the
Erase key once to erase the last letter in the string and continue erasing one
letter at a time backward toward the first letter. Press the Erase key twice
quickly to erase the entire word at once.
As you select letters, they will appear in the ovals along the bottom of the
screen. Once you have completed a word, it moves onto the Found Word List to
the right of the grid, and the Alphabet Keys display is cleared. (Note: Once
a word has been added to the Found Word List, it cannot be erased. You must
reset the puzzle from the List Screen to clear the Found Word List.)
You may use a letter more than once in a word (such as GEORGIA), and you may
stand on a space and repeat the letter to spell words with double letters
(such as MISSOURI). Words to be found are listed in alphabetical order.
Concept & Design Villa Crespo Software
Programming Michael Hausman
Puzzle Development & Selection Lou Kesten
Program Graphics Gabi Ladowski
Music Dan Froelich, David Bredesen
Program Testing Reva Schneider, Brenda Andrews
Documentation Lou Kesten
Shareware distribution MVP Software