Echo "Removing the assigns to Amiga Format CD18..."
echo ""
Delete >NIL: ENV:AFCD_Assigns
echo "*e[0 p*e[33m*e[7m 14% " noline
wait 1
Assign C: CD:C remove
echo "*e[4D 28% " noline
wait 1
Assign S: CD:S remove
echo "*e[4D 42% " noline
wait 1
Assign Libs: CD:Libs remove
echo "*e[4D 56% " noline
wait 1
Assign Fonts: CD:Fonts remove
echo "*e[4D 70% " noline
wait 1
Path CD:C remove
echo "*e[4D 84% " noline
wait 1
Assign CD: remove
echo "*e[4D 100% *e[0m"
wait 2
SetENV AFCD_Assigns Yes!
Echo " "
Echo "Now setting up assigns for the Amiga Format CD18..."
Echo " "
Echo " "
Echo " *e[1mSetting Assigns...*e[0m "
Echo " "
Echo " "
Echo " "
Assign CD: AFCD18: add
echo "*e[0 p*e[33m*e[7m 10% " noline
wait 1
CD:c/viewtek CD:s/disclaimer.iff NB HD NT >nil:
echo "*e[4D 20% " noline
wait 1
Assign C: CD:C add
echo "*e[4D 30% " noline
wait 1
Assign S: CD:S add
echo "*e[4D 40% " noline
wait 1
Assign Libs: CD:Libs add
echo "*e[4D 50% " noline
wait 1
Assign Fonts: CD:Fonts add
echo "*e[4D 60% " noline
wait 1
Path CD:C add
echo "*e[4D 70% *e[0m"
Echo "*e[6A*e[1mWould you like our font prefs run?*n*e[0m*e[3mThis will ensure that snapshotted icons look right *nand won't affect your permanent Workbench settings.*e[0m"
Ask "(y/N)?"
If warn
sys:prefs/Font use CD:+Look_here_1st!+/Handy_Tools/FontPrefs
echo "*e[1B*e[33m*e[7m*e[24C 80% *e[0m"
wait 1
Echo "*e[6A*e[1mWould you like to run ToolManager and ToolsDaemon?*n*e[0m*e[3mThey will give you added menus with some of the *nhighlights of AFCD18: *e[0m"
Ask "(y/N)? "
If warn
run >nil: <nil: CD:+Look_here_1st!+/Handy_Tools/Toolmanager config cd:+Look_here_1st!+/Handy_Tools/tm.config
run >nil: <nil: CD:+Look_here_1st!+/Handy_Tools/toolsdaemon
echo "*e[1B*e[33m*e[7m*e[28C 90% *e[0m"
wait 1
Echo "*e[6A*e[1mWould you like to run NewIcons? *n*e[0m*e[3mThis will change the look of some of the icons on*n*e[0m*e[3mthe CD *e[0m"