Labels:bulletin board | daily | monitor | newspaper | person | railing | windowpane OCR: THE WORLDS BEST AMIGA SOETWARE!!! With over 80 000 customers Epic Marketing are one of the country leading Software distributors With more and more Amiga owners purchasing CD-ROM drives we decided to release our most popular titles one giant compilation This Now you compilation can obtain contains the entire hundreds Epic of collection megabytes in one of go! Amiga PD and PIC shareware Titles include Professional clipart colour clipart numerous obiects for Lightwave Imagine Colour fonts Bitmap fonts Compugraphic Adobe fonts Graphics conv erters Music tutorials Beginners guide 3D stereogram makers Hundreds of Sound FX Professional samples 30 Garden designer Virus killers Hard disk installers Workbench tools Magic Workhench stuff Startrek games Hardware projects,A number of demo Dorens of ga ...