Labels:bulletin board | grandstand | monitor | reckoner OCR: HIGH QUALITY IMAGES HIGH QUALITY IMAGES allows you to quickly and easily see the kind of high quality printout available from the EPSON STYLUS COLOR 760. System Reguirements for HIGH QUALITY IMAGES Operating System Microsofte Windowse 95/98 or Windows NTO Version CPU Intele Pentium R 166 MHz or higher processor recommended Monitor High Color (65536 calors) or True Color monitor 640 480 screen resolution CD- ROM drive Quad speed or faster recomm iended Memory 24MB or more recommended Port Printer directly connected to LPT1 which cannot be used by other applications at the same time Others Do not run other application programs when running HIGH QUALITY IMAGES HQI does not support Micrasofte Windowse 2000 NOTICE This software and the photographic images included in this software are protected ...