; Check to see if this script has already been run and remove assigns if so
If exists ENV:AFCD_Assigns
Set choice `RequestChoice $reqtitle "Removing the assigns to Amiga Format CD$cdnum" OK Cancel`
If $choice EQ 1
Delete >NIL: ENV:AFCD_Assigns
Assign C: CD:C remove
Assign S: CD:S remove
Assign Libs: CD:Libs remove
Assign Fonts: CD:Fonts remove
Path CD:C remove
Assign CD: AFCD$cdnum: remove
Skip END
; Setup assigns and paths
; Echo "Now setting up assigns for the Amiga Format CD$cdnum..."
SetENV AFCD_Assigns Yes!
Assign CD: AFCD$cdnum: add
CD:c/AFCDView CD:s/disclaimer.iff >nil:
Assign C: CD:C add
Assign S: CD:S add
Assign Libs: CD:Libs add
Assign Fonts: CD:Fonts add
Path CD:C add
; Check AFCDPrefs settings and startup chosen programs
Resident >NIL: CD:C/CheckAFCDPrefs PURE
Set choice `RequestChoice $reqtitle "Would you like to run the AFCD preferences program?*n*nThis will allow you to preset your choices for this*nscript and your preferred file viewers." Yes No`
If $choice EQ 1
Set choice `RequestChoice $reqtitle "Would you like our font prefs run?*n*nThis will ensure that snapshotted icons look right*nand won't affect your permanent Workbench settings." Yes No`