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- (1.0)
- Program by William Soleau
- Version 1.0 (c) 1993
- Requirements: EGA or VGA & HARD DISK REQUIRED
- Files Needed: Quato.ov0 Quato.ov1 Quato.ov2
- Quato.ov3 Quato.ov4 Quato.ov5
- Quato.ov6 Quato.ov7 Quato.ov8
- Quato1.fnt Quato2.fnt Quato3.fnt
- Quato.dic
- The object of Quato is quite simple. On the 5x5 game grid
- there are 24 letters randomly placed at the beginning of each
- game. The objective is to move the letter tiles around to spell
- as many four or five letter words as you can within 3:00 minutes.
- At the start of each game there will be one black space on the
- game grid. Using your arrow keys (left,right,up,down), move the
- letters around by using the blank space to arrange the tiles so
- that they spell four or five letter words either across or down.
- Each time you move a letter tile, that row and column will be
- checked against an 80,000 word dictionary to see if any valid
- words have been spelled. (With a Hard Disk of average speed, this
- program can search approximately 10 different words in within a second)
- If a word is found, then it will be shown on the right side of the
- screen and its score will be added to your total score.
- Points are awarded for each word found in the dictionary. A word can
- only be used once during a single round. The scoring is based upon the
- letters the word contains and the length of the word (either four
- or five letters).
- Each letter has a certain point value.
- 1 Point : A,D,E,I,L,M,N,O,R,S,T,U,W
- 2 Points: B,C,F,G,H,J,K,P,V,Y
- 3 Points: Q,X,Z
- The letter values are totaled and then multiplied by the length of
- the word.
- Example: BATS B=2 A=1 T=1 S=1
- Letter Values = 5 * 4 (word length) Total Word Score = 20
- At the start of each round, there is a Bonus Word which is shown below
- the game grid. If you can arrange the letter tiles to spell this word,
- then that word score will be tripled!
- Below the Bonus Word is a list of all the different letters which
- appear on the game board. If you can use all the letters in spelling
- your words within the 3:00 minute time limit, you will be awarded
- a special bonus of 100 points.
- When the 3:00 minute time limit has expired, your final score will be
- shown below the word list on the right side of the screen. This score
- will be compared against the Ten Top Scores recorded. If you happen to
- qualify for the Ten Highest Scores, you will be asked to type in your
- initials. The Top Ten Scores are always visible on the right side of the
- screen.
- * Note * If you want to reset the Top Ten Scores, then you can erase
- the QUATO.SCR file from the disk.
- <Arrow Keys> Move Letter Tiles
- <D>irections Quato Instructions (Can be used to Pause Game)
- <N>ew Game Begins A Game
- <S>ound Toggles Sound On/Off
- <Q>uit Quits Quato Game
- Soleau Software's main focus is to produce the finest logic and
- strategy games for the Shareware marketplace. Quato is just one
- of over thirty other challenging Soleau Software Games.
- If you like Quato and continue to use it, we request that
- you register the game with us for $12.00. This registration will
- not only speed up the loading and exiting of the program and the
- wait between rounds, but will provide you with the ability to add
- or delete words from the master dictionary.
- Information concerning the registration or details on our many other
- games can be found in the QUATOREG.DOC file or at the closing screen.
- By registering this game with us, you instantly become a Soleau
- Software Member. As a registered member you are entitled to
- discounts on other Soleau Software and Special Bonus Package Offers.
- We at Soleau Software thank you for your support and hope you
- will continue to enjoy this as well as our other Shareware
- products.
- Sincerely,
- William Soleau
- President
- Soleau Software
- 163 Amsterdam Ave
- Suite 213
- NYC, NY. 10023
- * * * * * * *