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2,832 lines
│ │
│ pEditor │
│ Version 1.00 │
│ 1988, 1989 │
│ │
│ │
│ a text editor designed with a programmer in mind │
│ copyright (c) Patrick W. Hart 1988, 1989 │
│ all rights reserved │
│ │
│ │
│ │
Quick Set Up _______________________________ii
Introduction ______________________________iii
Files ______________________________________iv
Disclaimer __________________________________v
Author's note ______________________________vi
Setting up __________________________________1
Using pEditor _______________________________1
Pop-Up menu _________________________________3
Config submenu ______________________________3
Margins submenu _____________________________4
Format Options submenu ______________________5
Tabs submenu ________________________________6
Load File Options submenu ___________________7
OS Shell submenu ____________________________9
Display Options submenu ____________________10
Colors _____________________________________11
Save Setup _________________________________11
File submenu _______________________________12
Print functions ____________________________13
Edit Opts submenu___________________________17
Window submenu _____________________________17
Text submenu _______________________________18
Block submenu ______________________________22
Goto submenu _______________________________24
Search submenu _____________________________26
System submenu______________________________30
Qwik list __________________________________31
Quick Reference Chart ______________________35
While it is certainly understandable that you just can't wait to start using
pEditor, it is strongly advised that you READ THE DOCUMENTATION first. pEditor
is an extremely versatile program with an abundance of unique and special
features. Reading the docs is the only way to realize the benefits of all of
these features.
To obtain a hardcopy of the documentation, from DOS, key in:
Should you really be in that much of a hurry, you should know that pEditor has
on-line context sensitive help that can be accessed by pressing <F1>.
* *
* NOTE: *
* *
* pEditor will run as-is out of the box. *
* The recommended "minimum setup" is to *
* tell PE.EXE what its home directory is *
* by entering it under the "Config/Load *
* File Options" submenu. Save the setup *
* in the "Config/Save setup" submenu. *
* *
WHAT IS pEditor??
pEditor is primarily intended as a programmers tool specifically designed
for use with Turbo Pascal and "C". It is however very versatile and may also
be used as a pure ASCII editor, or as a word processor AND editor if you are
so inclined. It has some very special features that can be used by programmers
or writers that make it very powerful and easy to use.
pEditor costs only $25.00 dollars to register. This is quite inexpensive
when you consider that most editors or word processors on the shareware market
cost at least double that. This is an incentive to you to register it after
your 30 day trial period.
pEditor has ten Macro's built in (PE.MAC) that are easy to use and
understand. These macro's are currently set up for Pascal programming. Macro's
are very easily tailored to your special needs, and you may add and use as
many separate macro files as necessary.
The Qwik List feature allows Qwik re-entry of repetitive words or phrases
up to 40 characters long. The Qwik List feature is called by a simple key
combination. Typing the first few unique letters places the desired text in a
pop-up window which may be entered into your file by pressing the enter key.
Anyone that does repetitive typing will understand its usefulness,
particularly if writing code. Qwik List is invoked by typing <Alt V> from
inside pEditor. Typing <Alt I> will insert into the Qwik List feature (.VNL
file); <Alt D> will delete.
pEditor can have up to eight windows (files) open at once. The
unregistered version will support only three windows at a time.
Since the design intent of this application was to be a programmers tool, a
spelling checker was intentionally omitted from the package. This program is
however, very friendly with Borland's Turbo Lightning.
pEditor has three ways of implementing many of it's commands. It has an
easy pop-up menu (<F10> key), uses WordStar like keystrokes, and has function
keys set up for common recurring uses. There is an external file supplied to
registered users which allows you to configure pEditor to your favorite
keystrokes. pEditor also has on-line context sensitive help. Press <F1> to get
PE.EXE _________Main program.
README.1ST _____Last minute information from the author
about the file(s).
EPSON.PDF ______Example of a Printer Definition File set
up for Epson emulation.
PEDITOR.DOC ____This manual.
PE.MAC _________pEditor macro file.
PE.HLP _________Help file for pEditor.
REGISTER.TXT ___Registration form for pEditor.
PEINST.EXE _____Program to tailor pEditor commands. Included
in the registered version only.
PUSHWORD.EXE - External file used to make .VNL files.
Typing PUSHWORD from the DOS prompt will
give a self extracting explanation. Included in
the registered version only.
Due to the complex nature and vagaries of today's hardware and software
market, the author cannot be held accountable for any loss of data or
information through the use of this software or anything in this software
package, there are too many different types of hardware and software
combinations that are possible today, furthermore guarantees and special
support are increasingly more difficult or impossible to supply and are not
stated or implied in any manner here.
This is a low-cost piece of shareware at the present time and is written
and supported by a private individual. The use of this software constitutes
your consent to use it AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Users note: As always but especially in the case of a new program, you
should take precautions to back up your files. No guarantee is made that this
program will suit the purposes for which you intend to use it, and certainly
the author will not be liable for any damages or losses resulting from its
Realizing that a very small percentage of shareware users register
software, the author of this software thought long and hard about what he
could/should do to the unregistered version of pEditor to ensure that it gets
registered. The registered version has more commands that are functional and a
few extra support files to enhance pEditor.
The author did not want to create a shareware program that would "self
destruct" after the nth usage or blink an annoying message for sixty seconds.
On the other hand, he was not going to just "give away" his efforts for free.
Some authors go to such great extent in protecting their creations that
their files are basically useless and just waste expensive space on BBS hard
Author's note: Why another editor?
Much of my time over the past several years has been spent developing
applications programs. As time passed I realized that there were tools
I needed to help me with my work. I heard of the editors that were made
for programmers and went in search of THE editor that had what I
wanted. I found some shareware editors, I found public domain editors,
and I found commercial editors, but I didn't find the editor that I
was looking for. Realizing that my wants might be unique among
programmers, I set out to write my own editor.
When I began the project I had no intention of attempting to market the
editor. After a couple of months of work, the thing was actually
working to the point that I was using it to continue it's development.
A friend and fellow programmer noticed that I was using a different
editor and asked for a copy. Well, one thing lead to another, and here
we are.
What I have attempted to do here is develop an integrated package that
allows a programmer to have some familiar tools as well as some unique
features that I wanted but couldn't find anywhere. At this stage of
it's evolution the program is very handy, but it is far from complete.
I am currently working on some major enhancements that will make the
package an even more unique product.
The logical question to ask here would be, "Why are you releasing it
now?". There are several correct answers to the question:
1. User's interface requires more time than simply developing program
algorithms. If I'm the only person that will be using the program,
then there is no reason to prepare user documentation, help text,
and a fancy interface.
2. Several people who have been using this program tell me that
it is useful and should be released.
3. The enormous amount of time that I have spent at the keyboard
will not be going to waste if there is something to show for
that time.
I'm hoping that enough of you will find this program to be of value and
to register it so I can justify continuing it's development. In any
case, I would really appreciate hearing your comments, suggestions,
concerns and questions regarding this product.
The minimum requirements for pEditor are an IBM PC/XT/AT or compatible
computer with a minimum of 512K RAM. While not absolutely necessary, the
program does operate much better with a hard drive.
It is recommended that you put pEditor in it's own directory, and that the
directory be in your PATH so PE may be called from anywhere. As alternative,
you might prefer to use a batch file to invoke pEditor. If you are unfamiliar
with DOS and how to perform these commands, please check your DOS users
PEINST.EXE should be used to modify the PE.EXE file to your favorite
keystrokes. (It is currently set up for WordStar.) The PE.HLP file will also
be modified. This is so your help (<F1>) will stay context sensitive to YOUR
keystroke configuration.
The first query asks if you wish to do a fast entry of a fully configured
keyboard. A "y" answer allows you to configure each special key one at a time.
A "n" answer gives you a full screen version.
If you answer "n" to the fast reconfigure, you get a full screen
presentation of the keys. The arrow keys move around the configuration screen
<PgUp> and <PgDn> move back and forth. Use the scroll lock key to toggle
between literal and command mode.
Pressing <ScrollLock> will put you in the literal mode which will type the
various key commands on the screen. For example, pressing <BackSpace> in the
literal mode will result in "<CtrlH>" being typed on the screen. Press
<ScrollLock> to return to command mode and the Back Space key will return to
In command mode, an enter accepts the new/default setting as appropriate.
When finished, press <ESC> to tell PEINST that you are finished. Pressing "w"
saves the configuration, "q" will quit without saving.
USING pEditor
There are several options to start pEditor. The simple way is to just type
"PE." You can also start it by PE "filename" which will start pEditor and open
up "filename." You can open more than one file at a time. pEditor supports as
many as eight windows. Only three may be called from the DOS Command line or
if you are using an unregistered version. Opening more than one file at a time
is not recommended for the uninitiated.
When starting pEditor without a filename, you will only have three of the
submenus operational. The "File" submenu, the "Config" submenu, and the
"System" submenu. The "Edit Opts" submenu will be accessible after a file is
opened. It is almost impossible to lose any text when using pEditor. Unless
you have turned "Make BAK files" OFF in the Config/Load file options submenu,
a backup file is opened when you edit a file. The backup is a duplicate of the
original file.
On mono monitors, pEditor allowable commands on the menus are highlighted
and on color monitors they are a contrasting color. You may use the arrow keys
to move about, and the enter key to select commands OR you can select commands
by simply typing the highlighted letter of your desired command.
The status line immediately above the text displays several important
pieces of information. The following is an example:
PEDITOR.DOC 69% Line 1900 Col 37 Page 4 Insert Indent Wrap Justify
----------- --- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ---- -------
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
1. The current filename.
2. The percentage factor represents your location in the file. i.e. if it
says 25% you are 1/4 of the way into the file.
3. The line number you are working on.
4. The column number represents the placement of the cursor.
5. The page number you are currently on.
6. Insert when shown indicates that Insert is on. (Over if Insert is off.)
7. Indent when shown indicates that Indent is on.
8. Wrap when shown indicates that Wrap is on.
9. Justify when shown indicates that Justification is on.
pEditor updates the status line as a background process. Faster typists
might see a lag in the information contained on the status line. This becomes
even more apparent when page break display is turned on and you are working in
the middle of a large document. In almost all cases the keyboard input is
given priority scheduling.
Press <F10> to Pop-up the menu bar at the top of the screen.
You will see:
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
Notice that a letter of each item on the menu is highlighted. Pressing the
highlighted letter is one of the ways to select a particular option. Another
way is to move to the desired option using the arrow keys or a mouse and then
pressing <Enter>. You can also use the Quick Menu option by pressing <Alt> and
the letter associated with the desired menu item. (Press <Alt F> to go to the
Files submenu, <Alt E> for the Edit Opts submenu, etc.)
You may exit any of the Pop-up Windows by pressing <Esc>.
Bear in mind that internal pEditor commands listed in this document are
for stock copies of pEditor. If you run PEINST.EXE and modify commands, the
commands listed in this doc file will be incorrect. Your context sensitive
help (<F1>) will be correct however.
Press <Alt C> to access the Config submenu. You will see the following:
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
│ Margins.. │
│ Format options.. │
│ Tabs.. │
│ Load file options.. │
│ OS Shell options.. │
│ Display options.. │
│ Colors.. │
│ Save setup │
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
│ Margins.. │
│ Format option┌──────────────────┐
│ Tabs.. │ Left 1 │
│ Load file opt│ Right 78 │
│ OS Shell opti│ Top 3 │
│ Display optio│ Bottom 8 │
│ Colors.. │ Page length 66 │
│ Save setup └──────────────────┘
Left and Right: Command is <Ctrl O> <Ctrl L> and <Ctrl O> and <Ctrl R>
If you are using pEditor for writing code, Left should be set to 1. If you
are going to use pEditor as a word processor, set it to 10 normally. Just type
"L" and <Enter> the new number. Press <Esc> to back out of this option. The
right is normally set between 65 and 75 depending on your use. Press the "R",
and <Enter> the new number, and then <Esc>.
Top: Command is Menu only.
A top margin of 5 or 6 is about average. Press "T", <Enter> the new
number, and then <Esc>.
Bottom: Command is Menu only.
You normally want at least a few lines here. One line is needed for the
page number that pEditor will print if the file is printed in pEditor. Press
"B", <Enter> the new number, and then <Esc>.
Page Length: Command is Menu only.
This is normally set to around 66. Press "P", <Enter> the new number, and
then <Esc>.
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
│ Margins.. │
│ Format options.. │
│ Tabs.. ┌────────────────────┐
│ Load file opt│ Justify OFF │
│ OS Shell opti│ Word wrap OFF │
│ Display optio│ Autoindent ON │
│ Colors.. │ Insert mode ON │
│ Save setup │ Page breaks OFF │
└──────────────│ Compress wrap OFF │
Justify: Command is <Ctrl O> <Ctrl J>
If Justify mode is active, the lines of text will be evenly aligned on
each side margin. This is done by filling areas between words with extra
spaces so that the rightmost word ends on the right margin.
Word Wrap: Command is <Ctrl O> <Ctrl W>
When Word Wrap is off, paragraph reformatting is not possible and when
typing occurs beyond the right margin, it will continue to move past the right
margin setting. Only an <Enter> or <Home> will bring the cursor left again.
When Word Wrap is on, typing to the right margin will automatically shift to
the next line.
Auto Indent: Command is <Ctrl Q> <Ctrl I>
Auto indent allows you to continue typing with a new left margin. It is
very useful when you wish to indent a portion of your text for effect. If you
are writing code, its use will be obvious.
Insert mode: Command is <Ctrl V> or <Ins>
If Insert mode is off, you will overwrite previous characters. If on, it
will insert the characters before the existing ones.
Page breaks: Command is <Ctrl O> <Ctrl B>
Page breaks mode creates a block on the left side of the screen from the
top to the bottom. It has an arrow displayed in it to show where the page
breaks are located. Turn Page breaks off and the block goes away.
Compress Wrap: Command is Menu only.
By default, pEditor compresses extra spaces out of any line before it is
wrapped. This feature is required in order to "unjustify" text that has
previously been right justified. However, in some cases the compression will
remove desired spaces, as in the case of aligned columns of figures. When this
toggle is OFF, extra spaces will not be removed from lines being wrapped. Wrap
compression is saved as a pEditor default.
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
│ Margins.. │
│ Format options.. │
│ Tabs.. │
│ Load file opt┌───────────────────┐
│ OS Shell opti│ Set tabs │
│ Display optio│ Put tabs │
│ Colors.. │ Restore even │
│ Save setup │ Edit tabs │
└──────────────│ Display tabs OFF │
│ Fixed ON │
│ Tab size 8 │
Set tabs: Command is <Ctrl O> <Ctrl I>
Set tabs will set your tabs according to the blank characters found on the
current line. This is very useful when you enter your first line of code or
text and use Set tabs to set tabs to this value. Any time you wish to change,
type in another line and set tabs again or go back to the original tabs by
using "Restore even."
Put tabs: Command is Menu only.
Put tabs will print the tab locations on the screen. These characters will
not be printed and makes it convenient if you change your tab settings several
times in the same file.
Restore even: Command is Menu only.
Restore even will restore the tabs according to what is set in tab default
(Tab size). Tabs will be reset to even numbers.
Edit tabs: Command is <Ctrl O> <Ctrl E>
Edit tabs function will allow you to change the tab settings using the
<Ins>, <Del>, and <Enter> keys on tab line display. The "Display tabs" should
be ON to do this. These settings are temporary. When you leave pEditor, they
will return to the setting in "Tab size."
Display tabs: Command is <Ctrl O> <Ctrl T>
This will display the tab settings at the top of each open window.
Fixed: Command is <Ctrl O> <Ctrl F>
When Fixed tabs are ON, tab positions are taken from a table of columns
that you can set to even spacing or customize through various tab commands.
When Fixed tabs are OFF, tab positions are based on the contents of the text
surrounding the current line.
Tab size: Command is Menu only.
Tab size sets the repeat variable for the tabs. (i.e. If this is set to
"8", then 8 and every multiple of 8 will be a tab location.) To change the
setting, press "T", <Enter> the new number, and then <Esc>. Use "Restore even"
to display the new settings. When you leave pEditor, the tabs will be restored
to the default.
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
│ Margins.. │
│ Format options.. │
│ Tabs.. │
│ Load file options.. │
│ OS Shell opti┌───────────────────────────────┐
│ Display optio│ Home directory C:\PE\ │
│ Colors.. │ File extension │
│ Save setup │ Make BAK files ON │
└──────────────│ Place Markers ON │
│ Auto Place Markers OFF │
│ Expand tabs ON │
│ Write tabs OFF │
│ Strip hi-bit OFF │
│ Undo limit 20 │
Home Directory: Command is Menu only.
Home directory is where the pEditor files are kept. This can be changed,
but the files should be moved to that directory. If you desire to change the
home directory, change the entry in this block and use the save option.
File extension: Command is Menu only.
This is optional. If you enter an extension here, when you use pEditor's
menu system to recall a file, the window will list files with that extension.
Make BAK files: Command is Menu only.
If this is ON, backup files (BAK) are automatically made when saving edits.
Place Markers: Command is Menu only.
When this option is ON, the current cursor location is saved along with the
file. When the file is later reloaded, the cursor will be positioned where it
was when the file was saved.
Auto Place Markers: Command is Menu only.
When this option is ON, the current cursor location is saved only if the
current file had previously had the cursor positin saved as determined when
the file was read. This option is only effective when the Place Markers
option is ON.
Expand tabs: Command is Menu only.
Expand tabs allows files created with other editors and word processors to
have the tabs changed into spaces. If it is OFF, tabs will show up as control
"I" characters. This should normally be turned on.
Write tabs: Command is Menu only.
By default, pEditor does not write tab characters in files saved from the
editor. If Tab Writing is activated, pEditor will translate sequences of
spaces to tabs in order to save disk space for the output file. Tabs are
computed using the fixed spacing currently set for fixed tabs. Multiple spaces
found within pairs of single or double quotes (as used in Pascal or C source
code) will not be converted to tabs.
Strip hi-bit: Command is Menu only.
When Hi-bit strip is ON, the most significant bit of each character read
from the disk will be set to zero. This is useful when reading in files
previously generated in WordStar document mode. In addition, "dot commands"
used for WordStar document formatting will be changed to pEditor's format
character (@). Note that stripping the hi-bit will also affect any usage of
the IBM extended ASCII character set, such as the line drawing characters.
Undo Limit: Command is Menu only.
By default, 20 lines of deleted text are stored for possible undeletion.
To change the setting, press "U", <Enter> the new number, and <Esc>.
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
│ Margins.. │
│ Format options.. │
│ Tabs.. │
│ Load file options.. │
│ OS Shell options.. │
│ Display option┌───────────────────────────────┐
│ Colors.. │ Swap memory to disk ON │
│ Save setup │ Use smart swapping ON │
└───────────────│ Minimum RAM size 300 │
Swap memory to disk: Command is Menu only.
Toggled on allows pEditor to swap the current contents of RAM to a disk file.
This will free up most of the memory being used by pEditor to run other
applications without abandoning the current session.
Use smart swapping: Command is Menu only.
Toggled on will cause pEditor to check the available RAM before exiting to the
command shell. If the amount of free RAM is less than the amount configured as
the minimum RAM size, pEditor will swap the current contents of RAM to a disk
file to provide additional memory for other applications.
Minimum RAM size: Command is Menu only.
Used in conjunction with Smart swapping. Set to the minimum amount of free
RAM before swapping of memory to a disk file when exiting to a command shell.
The amount of RAM is entered in K Bytes.
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
│ Margins.. │
│ Format options.. │
│ Tabs.. │
│ Load file options.. │
│ OS Shell options.. │
│ Display options.. │
│ Colors.. ┌──────────────────┐
│ Save setup │ Snow control ON │
└──────────────│ Block cursor OFF │
│ 43/50 line OFF │
│ Font display ON │
│ Key help ON │
│ Zoom state OFF │
Snow Control: Command is Menu only.
When Snow Control is ON, pEditor avoids the screen interference patterns
called "snow" that are produced by certain display adapters, notably the older
IBM Color Graphics Adapter. For other color adapters, the Snow Control can be
turned off. This improves screen updating performance considerably.
Block Cursor: Command is Menu only.
pEditor offers a choice between a blinking hardware cursor and a solid
unblinking cursor.
43/50 Line: Command is Menu only.
On computers equiped with an Enhanced Graphics Adapter, pEditor can
display 43 lines on the screen. Toggle this option ON if a longer text display
is desired.
Font Display: Command is <Ctrl O> <Ctrl D>
When Font Display is enabled, print formatting commands that control font
selections will not be displayed on-screen. Instead the marked text will be
displayed in a color or attribute corresponding to the font. This "what you
see is what you get" mode allows more accurate alignment of tables, and avoids
multiple print cycles to correct formatting commands. When font display is
enabled, the control characters that select the fonts are not visible.
However, the cursor can be positioned over the control character, and can be
deleted. The pEditor hardware cursor grows to a large block when it is
positioned over the control character. The value of the control character will
be displayed at the right hand edge of the window status line. pEditor
computes the display of on-screen fonts while it is waiting for you to enter
keystrokes. As a result, if you enter new text it may take a short period of
time before control characters disappear and fonts are drawn in their final
Key Help: Command is <Ctrl J> <Ctrl K>
When Key Help is ON, pEditor will display the command sequences that
correspond to each menu selection while you are browsing through the menu
system. This can serve to familiarize you with the quick keystrokes and speed
up your editing.
Zoom State: Command is Menu only.
The state of this toggle determines pEditor's default behavior when more
than one window is on the screen. When Initial Zoom State is OFF, multiple
windows will appear simultaneously on the screen. When Initial Zoom State is
ON, multiple windows will be zoomed. The last file opened will be visible on
the screen, and others will be hidden behind it. Initial Zoom State is saved
as a pEditor default. The normal zoom window command may be used at any time,
regardless of Initial Zoom State.
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
│ Margins.. │
│ Format options.. │
┌────── Colors ──────┐. │
│ Normal Text │file options.. │
│ Marked Block │ell options.. │
│ Window Status │ay options.. │
│ Prompt Line │s.. │
│ Block Cursor │setup │
│ Menu Text │───────────────┘
│ Menu Frame │
│ Menu Select │
│ Menu Hilite │
│ Bold text │
│ Doublestrike │
│ Underscore │
│ Superscript │
│ Subscript │
│ Compressed │
│ Italic │
The screen colors for each font may be adjusted on the Options Colors
menu. Selection of color attributes for the different fonts and menu options.
Selection is made using the cursor up and down arrow keys. Selection of color
attributes for each individual selection is done with all four cursor arrow
keys and the enter or return key.
Once you have the options set up the way you want them, you can save the
setup. Do not use Save setup for temporary option changes.
Press <Alt F> to access the File submenu. You will see the following:
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
│ Open.. │
│ Close │
│ Save │
│ Write to.. │
│ Print.. │
│ Qwik List │
│ Get info │
│ Quit │
Open: Command is <Ctrl O> <Ctrl A> or <Shift F3>
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
│ Open.. │
│ Close │
│ Save │
│ Write to.. │
│ Print.. │
│ Qwik List │
│ Get info │
│ Quit │
└┌─────────────────────── Pathname of file ───────────────────────┐
│C:\PE\*.* │
A prompt box will ask for the name of a file to read. If another file is
already being edited, the current window will be split in half, and the new
file will be read into the new window. Changes made in one window will affect
all other windows which contain the same file. When prompted for a file name,
you may enter DOS wildcards or the name of another drive or subdirectory. In
this case, another window will display the names of all matching files. You
can select from this list by using the cursor keypad, or by pressing the first
letter of the filename that you want to edit.
Close: Command is <F3> or <F9>
The current text file will be closed and the WINDOW cleared. If the file
has been modified since being saved, you will be given the opportunity to save
it. If the window is the only one on the screen, <F9> will return to the
pEditor menu system; <F3> will prompt you for a new file to edit.
Save: Command is <Ctrl K> <Ctrl S> or <F2>
The contents of the current window will be saved to disk. If the file has
not been named, a prompt box will ask for a name. If the disk file already
exists, a backup copy (.BAK) will be made before overwriting the existing
Write to: Command is <Ctrl K> <Ctrl N>
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
│ Open.. │
│ Close │
│ Save │
│ Write to.. │
│ Print.. │
│ Qwik List │
│ Get info │
│┌──────────────────── File Name to Write to ─────────────────────┐
└│ │
This command will store all text in the current window to any file that
you name. Renaming a file will cause the name of that window, and all other
windows sharing the same text, to be updated to the new name.
Print: Command is <Ctrl K> <Ctrl P>
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
│ Open.. │
│ Close │
│ Save │
│ Write ┌─────────────────────────── Print Setup ───────────────────────────┐
│ Print.│ Print file now │
│ Qwik L├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
│ Get in│ Name of file C:\PASCAL\MYPROG.PAS │
│ Quit │ Auto formatting OFF │
└───────│ First page 1 │
│ Last page 4095 │
│ Which printer │
│ Device LPT1 │
│ Manual paper feed OFF │
│ Use formfeeds OFF │
│ Edit printer codes │
│ Save printer setup │
Do not press <Enter> on "Print file now" until the other items are set to
your satisfaction. If you have not saved the file and changes have been
made, you will be reminded to save it first.
Name of file:
A prompt box will request entry of the file name to print. When asked for a
file name, you may enter DOS wildcards or the name of another drive or
subdirectory. In this case another window will display the names of all
matching files. You can select from this list by using the cursor keypad, or
by pressing the first letter of the filename you want.
Auto formatting:
Auto formatting must be ON in order to take advantage of any print formatting
commands. Set to OFF if you wish to have pEditor ignore formatting commands in
your text. In this case, text will print continuously with no form feeds or
page breaks. Control codes embedded in the text will be written to the output
without interpretation.
Which printer:
If you wish to use a .PDF, select a Printer Definition File (default extension
.PDF) before printing. pEditor will load this printer file into memory.
You can choose between sending the printed output to LPT1, LPT2, or to a
file. If the printer is attached to a serial port, you must use the DOS MODE
command in order to assign the serial port to one of the print devices LPT1 or
LPT2. When output is printed to a file, all control codes are written out just
as when they are printed. In this case, you must also specify the name of the
output file using the prompt window.
Manual paper feed:
Set to ON if you wish to have pEditor prompt you to insert a new sheet of
paper after each page. This choice is also stored as part of the printer
definition file for your selected printer.
Use formfeeds:
Set to ON if your printer accepts ASCII character #12 to eject each page.
Otherwise, pEditor will fill out the end of each page with blank lines.
Edit printer codes:
You can edit and store custom printer definitions for use by pEditor. One
printer definition is included as an example. This option is supplied to
enable you to build custom definitions. Your printer manual will supply the
necessary printer commands to enter into your .PDF file. Only characters that
your printer supports can be entered into a .PDF file. Any of the command
sequences that control various printer fonts can be edited.
Each font is associated with two strings - one to turn the font ON, and
another to turn it OFF. When you choose a sequence to edit, it appears in
another window. It can be edited using the cursor keys, and the <Del> or
<Backspace> keys. Most characters you type will be inserted literally into the
string. <CtrlBksp> will delete the existing string. <Enter> will end the
session in the string editor. In case you need to enter any of these special
keys as part of the control string, press the <ScrollLock> key to enter
Literal mode. In this mode, all keystrokes will be inserted into the string
without further interpretation.
Save printer setup:
The printer definition currently held in memory can be stored to a disk file.
pEditor stores the printer command sequences for all fonts, as well as the
default settings for manual paper feed and formfeeds, when you save the setup.
pEditor will prompt for a file name when you decide to store the current
definition. The default extension for printer definitions is .PDF.
After making all selections, move the menu bar to the Print file now item
and press <Enter>. If you decide not to print, just press <Esc>. Printing
occurs as a background task. You can continue editing with minimal loss of
performance while the print job continues.
To stop a print job at any time, execute the Print File command sequence.
pEditor will confirm whether you want to stop the print job.
Any text file can be printed from within pEditor. Files formatted with
pEditor's page layout commands and font controls will print with multiple
fonts, headers, footers, and page breaks. Unless you add your printer's special
commands and save it as a .PDF, your printer will only print normal characters.
There are also a number of print formatting commands available in pEditor.
They must begin in column 1. They will not be printed with the text.
Don't forget that Auto Formatting must be turned ON.
Offset page to right by n columns:
@PO n
Start new page:
Start new page if fewer than n lines remain:
@CP n
Set page number to n:
@PN n
Omit page numbers:
Print page numbers:
Put page number in column n:
@PC n
Set page length to n lines:
@PL n
Set top margin to n lines:
@MT n
Set bottom margin to n lines:
@MB n
Set header margin to n lines:
@HM n
Set footer margin to n lines:
@FM n
Define header line:
Define footer line:
Special Codes within Headers and Footers:
Insert current page number:
Ignore following spaces on even pages:
Take next character literally:
Qwik List: Command is <Alt N>
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
│ Open.. │
│ Close │
│ Save │
│ Write to.. │
│ Print.. │
│ Qwik List │
│ Get info │
│┌───────────────────── Qwik List File Name ──────────────────────┐
The <Alt N> or Qwik List command allows you to load a VNL file by name.
This file can be created using the external PUSHWORD.EXE or by using <Alt I>
from within the Qwik List window. More detailed information is contained
later in this document.
Get Info: Command is <Ctrl J> <Ctrl V>
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
│ Open.. │
│ Close │
│ Save │
│ Write to.. │ ┌──── pEditor Version 1.00r ────┐
│ Print.. │ │ Current File: │
│ Qwik List │ │ C:\PASCAL\MYPROG.PAS │
│ Get info │ │ Modified │
│ Quit │ │ 123 Lines │
└─────────────┘ │ 3936 Bytes │
│ 136 Words │
│ │
│ Current Qwik File: │
│ < Not Active > │
│ 19:30:25 Jan 15, 1989 │
│ 354807 RAM bytes free │
│ DOS Version: 3.30 │
│ 29587776 Disk bytes free │
│ Current Directory: │
Various facts about pEditor and the current file are displayed.
Information shown includes the complete path name of the current file; its
size in bytes, words, lines, and pages; whether it has been modified since the
last save; the time and date; available RAM and disk space; the current
directory; and the DOS and pEditor version numbers.
Quit: Command is <Ctrl K> <Ctrl Q> or <Alt X>
The editing session will end and you will return to DOS. If any windows
have been modified, prompt boxes will appear and you will be given the
opportunity to save each modified file. If you press <Esc> at any of the prompt
boxes, the FILE QUIT command will be interrupted and you will return to the
current text window.
Press <Alt E> to access the Edit Opts submenu. You will see the following:
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
│ Window │
│ Text │
│ Print Attributes │
│ Block │
│ Go to │
│ Search │
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
│ Window │
│ Text ┌──────────┐
│ Print Attr│ Go to.. │
│ Block │ Zoom OFF │
│ Go to │ Previous │
│ Search │ Next │
└───────────│ Resize │
Go to: Command is <Ctrl J> <Ctrl W>
When more than one window is open you may select which to Go to.
Zoom: Command is <Ctrl O> <Ctrl Z> or <F5>
The current window will grow and fill the entire screen. Other text
windows are kept in memory. The Next window and Previous window commands will
bring that window to the forefront. Text markers and blocks may be accessed in
the hidden windows although a block can not be deleted from a hidden window.
When zoom is active, a letter Z will appear at the left edge of the window
status line. Toggling the zoom command will make all windows visible.
Previous: Command is <Ctrl O> <Ctrl P> or <Shift F6>
This will move the cursor to the previous window on the screen. If in the
top window, it will go to the last window.
Next: Command is <Ctrl O> <Ctrl N> or <F6>
This will move the cursor to the next window on the screen. If in the
bottom window, it will go to the first window.
Resize: Command is <Ctrl O> <Ctrl S>
This allows the window size of the current window be changed. Use the up
and down arrow keys to make the window smaller or larger. Press <Enter> when
the window is the required size.
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
│ Window │
│ Text │
│ Print Attr┌──────────────────┐
│ Block │ Format paragraph │
│ Go to │ Temporary margin │
│ Search │ Margin release │
└───────────│ Center line │
│ Set marker.. │
│ Restore line │
│ Undelete │
Format paragraph: Command is <Ctrl B>
Format paragraph is available only when Word Wrap mode is active.
Paragraph reformatting will move words so the lines are as full as possible
within the current margins. If Justify mode is active, the lines will also be
right justified. The paragraph reformat is terminated when a blank line, or a
line beginning with a format character (@), is reached.
Temporary margin: Command is <Ctrl O> <Ctrl G>
The current left margin will be moved to the right by one tab stop. The
temporary margin will remain in force until you leave the current paragraph.
The temporary margin is indicated by a right pointing arrow on the window tab
Margin release: Command is <Ctrl O> <Ctrl X>
Setting Margin Release ON allows you to type beyond the margins while Word
Wrap mode is active. Margin release remains effective until the cursor is
moved to another line or can be toggled off.
Center line: Command is <Ctrl O> <Ctrl C>
The current line will be centered between the margins.
Set marker: Command is <Ctrl K> n
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
│ Window │
│ Text │
│ Print Attr┌──────────────────┐
│ Block │ Format paragraph │
│ Go to │ Temporary margin │
│ Search │ Margin release │
└┌────Markers────┐er line │
│ 0 Available │marker.. │
│ 1 Available │ore line │
│ 2 Available │lete │
│ 3 Available ├─────────────┘
│ 4 Available │
│ 5 Available │
│ 6 Available │
│ 7 Available │
│ 8 Available │
│ 9 Available │
This command stores a record of the current cursor position to which you
can easily return later. pEditor supports up to ten text markers (labeled
0-9). The text marker display writes over the character where it is placed. It
does not affect the actual text, but merely hides it. When setting markers
from the menu a submenu appears showing which markers are already in use.
Redefining an existing marker erases the previously stored marker. Defining a
marker at the same position has the effect of erasing it.
Restore line: Command is <Ctrl Q> <Ctrl L>
Restores the line to the state it was in previously.
Undelete: Command is <Ctrl Q> <Ctrl U>
Will restore up to 20 deleted lines, one line at a time.
Print Attributes:
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
│ Window │
│ Text │
│ Print Attributes │
│ Block ┌────────────────┐
│ Go to │ Bold ^B │
│ Search │ Double ^D │
└───────────│ Underscore ^S │
│ Superscript ^T │
│ Subscript ^V │
│ Compressed ^A │
│ Italic ^N │
│ Which font? │ Command is <Ctrl J> <Ctrl F>
These attributes are for formatting your document with special printer
commands. This allows special characters like bold, double, underscore,
superscript, subscript, compressed, and italic. There is an entry that tells
you which font is current also. To return a font back to normal, simply enter
that font command again. Be sure to mark a block before using this command.
Your printer must be able to support these fonts.
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
│ Window │
│ Text │
│ Print Attributes │
│ Block │
│ Go to ┌─────────┐
│ Search │ Begin │
└───────────│ End │
│ Hide │
│ Copy │
│ Move │
│ Delete │
│ Write.. │
│ Read.. │
│ Format │
Begin: Command is <Ctrl K> <Ctrl B> or <F7>
This defines the beginning of a block.
End: Command is <Ctrl K> <Ctrl K> or <F8>
This defines the end of a block.
Hide: Command is <Ctrl K> <Ctrl H>
The on-screen highlighting of the marked block is toggled on or off.
Blocks can be copied, moved, or deleted only when the block is visibly marked.
Movement to block start or end is possible even when the block is not visible.
Copy: Command is <Ctrl K> <Ctrl C>
A copy of the block will be inserted at the current position.
Move: Command is <Ctrl K> <Ctrl V>
The marked block will be moved to the current cursor location.
Delete: Command is <Ctrl K> <Ctrl Y>
The marked block will be deleted from the text.
Write: Command is <Ctrl K> <Ctrl W>
The currently marked block will be written to a disk file. If the disk
file already exists, you will be given the choice of overwriting it or
appending it.
Read: Command is <Ctrl K> <Ctrl R>
A prompt box will ask for the name of a file to read. When prompted for a
file name, you may enter DOS wildcards or the name of another drive or
subdirectory. In this case, another window will display the names of all
matching files. You can select from this list by using the cursor keypad, or
by pressing the first letter of the filename in which you are interested. The
contents of the file will appear in the text as a marked block.
Format: Command is <Ctrl K> <Ctrl F>
Formatting will be applied to all lines of text in the block. The block
must be highlighted, and the cursor must be somewhere within the block, or an
error message will be produced.
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
│ Window │
│ Text │
│ Print Attributes │
│ Block │
│ Go to │
│ Search ┌─────────────────┐
└───────────│ Page number.. │
│ Line number.. │
│ Column number.. │
│ Top of file │
│ Bottom of file │
│ Marker.. │
│ Start of block │
│ End of block │
Page number: Command is <Ctrl J> <Ctrl P>
The cursor will be repositioned to the beginning of the specified page.
This command is available only when pagination is active. A prompt box will
request the target page number. If the value is preceded by a plus (+) or
minus (-), the target page number will be calculated relative to the current
Line number: Command is <Ctrl J> <Ctrl L>
The cursor will be repositioned to the specified line number A prompt box
will request the target line number. Enter any number. If the value is
preceded by a plus (+) or minus (-), the target line number will be calculated
relative to the current line.
Column number: Command is <Ctrl J> <Ctrl C>
The cursor will be repositioned to the specified column number A prompt
box will request the column number. If the value is preceded by a plus (+) or
minus (-) sign, the target column number will be calculated relative to the
current column.
Top of file: Command is <Ctrl PgUp>
The cursor is moved to the first character in the file.
Bottom of file: Command is <Ctrl PgDn>
The cursor is moved past the last character in the file.
Marker: Command is <Ctrl Q> "n" (n is a variable)
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
│ Window │
│ Text │
│ Print Attributes │
│ Block │
│ Go to │
│ Search ┌─────────────────┐
└───────────│ P┌── Markers ──┐│
│ L│ 0 Not Set ││
│ C│ 1 Not Set ││
│ T│ 2 Not Set ││
│ B│ 3 Not Set ││
│ M│ 4 Not Set ││
│ S│ 5 Not Set ││
│ E│ 6 Not Set ││
└──│ 7 Not Set │┘
│ 8 Not Set │
│ 9 Not Set │
This command moves the cursor to the position of a previously stored text
markers. pEditor supports up to ten markers, labeled 0-9. When you jump to a
marker from the menu system, another menu will appear showing which markers
have previously been set.
Start of block: Command is <Ctrl Q> <Ctrl B>
The cursor will be moved to the start of the current block.
End of block: Command is <Ctrl Q> <Ctrl K>
The cursor will be moved to the end of the marked block.
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
│ Window │
│ Text │
│ Print Attributes │
│ Block │
│ Go to │
│ Search │
│ Find.. │
│ Replace.. │
│ Use macro.. │
│ Again │
Find: Command is <Ctrl Q> <Ctrl F>
A prompt box will allow entry of the text pattern and search options.
Search options control the behavior of the search. The following options are
U - ignore case (Upper-case) while searching.
B - search Backwards from the cursor position.
G - search Globally, starting at the beginning of the file (or end, if
searching backwards).
W - search for whole Words only.
L - search Locally (only within marked block).
n - search for the nth occurrence of the string (n is an integer)
The current window will be searched. When the pattern is found, the cursor
will be positioned at the end of the highlighted match.
Replace: Command is <Ctrl Q> <Ctrl A>
A prompt box allows entry of the search text, replacement text, and search
options. Search options control the behavior of the search. The following
options are available:
U - ignore case (Upper-case) while searching.
B - search Backwards from the cursor position.
G - search Globally, starting at the beginning of the file (or end, if
searching backwards).
W - search for whole Words only.
L - search Locally (only within marked block).
N - do Not prompt for confirmation when the pattern is found.
n - replace n occurrences of the string (n is an integer).
The current window will be searched. If the N option is not specified, a
prompt will occur each time the search pattern is found. This prompt will
provide the following options:
Y - replace this text and continue searching.
N - do Not replace, but continue searching.
A - replace this text and replace All others without prompting.
Q - do not replace, and Quit searching.
Use Macro: Command is <Ctrl Q> <Ctrl M> or <Ctrl Q> <Enter>
A prompt box will allow entry of the search text, macro selection, and
search options. The following search options control the behavior of the
U - ignore case (Upper-case) while searching
B - search Backwards from the cursor position.
W - search for whole Words only.
G - search Globally, starting at the extreme end of the file.
L - search Locally (only within marked block).
N - do Not prompt for confirmation when the pattern is found.
n - apply macro for n occurrences of the search string (n is an integer).
The current window will be searched. When a match is found, the specified
macro will be played back. If the N option is not specified, a prompt will
occur each time the search pattern is found. This prompt will provide the
following options:
Y - apply macro and continue searching.
N - do Not apply macro, but continue searching.
A - apply macro and apply at All matches without prompting.
Q - do not apply macro, and Quit searching.
Again: Command is <Ctrl L>
The previous search operation will be repeated.
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
│ Macros.. │
│ Directory.. │
│ Change directory.. │
│ Operating system.. │
│ Help │
The current group of pEditor's macros are written for Pascal programmers,
but you can easily change them to meet your needs. Several of the macros are
Pascal procedure shells. Others indent a line or marked block of text.
These are the default macros and are found in the pEditor "home" directory. To
permanently change these macros, edit and store them while in the home
directory, and your new macros will become the default. You may have other
macro files too. When you store (save) the macros, simply store them under a
different file name. The original macro file is PE.MAC. Ten macros are stored
in each .MAC file.
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
│ Macros.. │
│ Directory.. ┌──────────────────┐
│ Change directo│ Load macros │
│ Operating syst│ Store macros │
│ Help │ Playback │
└───────────────│ Record │
│ Auto Macros ON │
│ Edit │
Load macros: Command is <Ctrl F9>
A previously stored file of pEditor keyboard macros is loaded into memory.
pEditor automatically loads the macro file PE.MAC, when the program is
started. The registered version of pEditor can load macro files other than
the default macro. This option requires that the command line switch:
/M<MacroName> be invoked.
Store macros: Command is <Ctrl F8>
The current set of pEditor keyboard macros is written to a disk file.
A prompt box will ask for a file name. The macro file is a binary file in a
special format used by pEditor. Macro files are stored in pEditor's
configured home directory.
Playback: Command is <Alt> n (where n is a number 1-9)
<Ctrl F10> (to playback by menu)
This command will play back a previously recorded macro. A menu
showing the names of all macros can be displayed, and the macro desired for
playback is chosen.
Record: Command is <Ctrl J> <Ctrl T>
Any keystrokes entered after this command is activated are stored within
a keyboard macro. To stop macro recording, enter this command a second time. A
prompt box will ask for which of the ten macros should store the newly
recorded one, and for a descriptive name for the macro. One of the macros is
somewhat special, it is called the "scrap". Whenever a new macro is recorded,
it writes over the scrap macro. The current scrap macro can be played back
many times using other macro commands.
Auto Macros: Command is <Ctrl J> <Ctrl S>
Registered versions of pEditor allow the scrap macro to be auto executing.
Turn Auto Macros OFF and save the default macro file (PE.MAC) with the scrap
macro named as @AUTO. Turn Auto Macros on, and PE.MAC will be executed as as
pEditor runs. The additional command @MENU in the scrap macro name causes
pEditor to pause at the Macro Playback Menu. After an auto executing macro is
loaded, it is renamed to Scrap.
The following table shows the available auto macro variables and commands:
These variables are translated when the macro file is loaded:
@LOADPATH - The current file path when the macro file was loaded.
@HOMEPATH - The configured home directory for pEditor.
@MACRONAME - The full filespec for the current macro file.
These variables are translated when the macro is run:
@FILEEXT - The extension of the current window's file.
@FILEPRE - The name prefix of the current window's file.
@FILENAME - The full filespec of the current window's file.
@DATE - The system date.
@TIME - The system time.
@FROMBLOCK - The contents of the current block. The block will be used
if it begins and ends on the same line and it is less than
255 characters. Caution should be used here as use of this
variable can over fill the macro buffer causing the end of
the macro to be truncated.
These commands are executed when the macro is run:
@MAINMENU - Calls pEditor's Main Menu with no sub menus active.
@INSERTON - Forces insert mode on.
@INSERTOFF - Forces insert mode off.
@CLEARMOD - Clears the window's modified flag. If the macro modifies the
current window, before or after this command is issued the
command will have no effect.
Edit: Command is <Ctrl F7>
Macros recorded within pEditor can be edited on a character by character
basis using the built-in macro editor. A prompt box will ask for a new name
for the macro. The macro will appear in another window. It can be edited using
the cursor keys, the <Del>, and <BackSpace> keys. Most characters that you
type will be inserted literally into the macro. <Ctrl BackSpace> will delete
the macro. <Enter> will end the session in the macro editor. <Esc> will undo
any changes made to the macro. In case you need to enter any of these keys as
part of the macro, press <ScrollLock> to enter Literal mode. In this mode, all
keystrokes will be inserted into the macro without any interpretation.
Directory: Command is Menu only.
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
│ Macros.. │
│ Directory.. │
│ Change directory.. │
│ Operating system.. │
│ Help │
┌──────────────────────── Directory mask ────────────────────────┐
│ │
This lists all the files in the current directory. A window will pop-up for
entry of alternate paths or filename masks. Files in other directories may be
listed by typing the path to the directory in the pop-up window.
Change directory: Command is <Ctrl J> <Ctrl D>
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
│ Macros.. │
│ Directory.. │
│ Change directory.. │
│ Operating system.. │
│ Help │
┌──────────────────── New Drive or Pathname ─────────────────────┐
The current default drive or directory may be changed using this command.
Entering wildcards will cause a directory window to appear showing possible
choices. Files presently open in other directories will be properly accessed
even after the active directory is changed.
Operating system: Command is <Ctrl J> <Ctrl O>
│ File Edit Opts Config System │
│ Macros.. │
│ Directory.. │
│ Change directory.. │
│ Operating system.. │
│ Help │
┌───────────────── DOS command (<Enter> for shell) ──────────────────┐
│ │
Any DOS command or program may be executed. A prompt box will ask for the
name of the command or program to run. Entering an empty line at the prompt
box will cause a DOS shell to be invoked. You may execute any sequence of DOS
commands from the shell, and return to the editor by typing Exit. The DOS
shell requires that a copy of COMMAND.COM be present in the normal drive and
directory assigned by DOS. Sufficient random-access memory must be available
for the shell and any command that you specify. You should not execute any
program that becomes memory resident while within the DOS shell nor change
video modes.
An alternate method of entering the DOS shell has been provided. If the
Swap option (accessed from the 'Config' - 'OS Shell options' menu) is active,
pEditor will write the current contents of RAM to a disk file and free all but
about 9K of RAM for the shell. Further information can be found in the
'Config submenu' section.
Help: Command is <F1>
Whenever the pEditor help system is on screen, you can use <PgUp> <PgDn>
to move from one screen to another. <Home> and <End> will take you to the
first and last pages of the section. Press <Esc> when you are done using help.
Pressing <F1> while within the pEditor menu system or within any prompt box
will bring up a window containing more detailed help regarding the selected
command. Pressing <F1> while you are entering text will bring up a menu of
help topics.
The pEditor menu system is available at any time by pressing <F10>. Most of
pEditor's commands may be selected from the menus. Within the menu system, you
may activate "Key help" by choosing Setup Display options Key help. With Key
help activated, the quick keystrokes that activate each command will be
displayed on the top row of the screen while the selection bar is positioned
over that menu item.
The Qwik List feature will stay out of the way until wanted. By pressing
<Alt V>, the Qwik List window will pop up. Up and down arrows can be used to
select the text desired for the current editing window. Another way to input
text after using <Alt V>, is to start typing the desired text as listed in the
Qwik List window. When the first unique characters are typed, your desired
text will be in the central window and may be placed in your file by simply
pressing <Enter>. To input text (up to 40 characters long), press <Alt V>,
type your characters and then press <Alt I>. A separate TEST.VNL file is
created in each directory that you use the Qwik List feature in. To delete
text, select the desired text and press <Alt D>.
An external EXE file called PUSHWORD can be used to create TEST.VNL files.
First create an ASCII file with your text in it. Then run PUSHWORD.EXE on it.
To see the PUSHWORD command line, simply type "PUSHWORD" while in the home
directory and the suggested command line entry will be displayed as listed
PUSHWORD ver. 1.0
PUSHWORD is used to produce a Qwik List file to be used with pEditor to
invoke use:
PUSHWORD [{PATH}SourceName {DestinationName}]
A full path may be specified to the source file. The destination file will
be in the current directory, if not found it will be created. If a destination
file name is not given, the source file name prefix will be used and the
destination file will be assigned an extension of "VNL" (Variable Name List).
This version recognizes as legal, only those characters legal in Turbo Pascal
variable names, i.e. "A"-"Z" case insensitive, ".", and "_".
NOTE: The chart following this chapter is a representation of commands as
they are configured for pEditor prior to running PEINST.EXE. If you change
commands using PEINST.EXE, these commands will probably NOT be correct.
Commands are listed for quick commands. ALL commands can be run from the menu
system. The menu will not change, only the commands. The help file will change
with your commands if you change them.
Abandon file P: <CtrlK><CtrlQ> S: <AltX>
Abort command (1 char) P: <CtrlU> S:
Activate menus P: <F10> S:
Add window P: <CtrlO><CtrlA> S: <ShiftF3>
ASCII table P: <AltU><CtrlA> S:
Autoindent mode on/off P: <CtrlQ><CtrlI> S:
Auto macros on/off P: <CtrlJ><CtrlS> S:
Backward tab P: <ShiftTab> S:
Begin block P: <CtrlK><CtrlB> S: <F7>
Block current word P: <CtrlK><CtrlT> S:
Block display on/off P: <CtrlK><CtrlH> S:
Bottom of block P: <CtrlQ><CtrlK> S:
Bottom of screen P: <CtrlEnd> S: <CtrlQ><CtrlX>
Bottom of window P: <CtrlPgDn> S: <CtrlQ><CtrlC>
Center line P: <CtrlO><CtrlC> S:
Change directory P: <CtrlJ><CtrlD> S:
Character left P: <Lft> S: <CtrlS>
Character right P: <Rgt> S: <CtrlD>
Close window P: <F9> S:
Close file/edit another P: <F3> S:
Color table P: <AltU><CtrlS> S:
Copy block P: <CtrlK><CtrlC> S:
Cursor to left side P: <Home> S: <CtrlQ><CtrlS>
Cursor to right side P: <End> S: <CtrlQ><CtrlD>
Delete block P: <CtrlK><CtrlY> S:
Delete current character P: <Del> S: <CtrlG>
Delete left character P: <CtrlH> S: <CtrlBks> or <Bks>
Delete line P: <CtrlY> S:
Delete line (no undo) P: <CtrlQ><CtrlT> S:
Delete line right P: <CtrlQ><CtrlY> S:
Delete right word P: <CtrlT> S:
Display ASCII table P: <AltU><CtrlA> S:
Display block on/off P: <CtrlK><CtrlH> S:
Display Color table P: <AltU><CtrlS> S:
Display tabs on/off P: <CtrlO><CtrlT> S:
DOS shell P: <CtrlJ><CtrlO> S:
Down to equal indent P: <CtrlJ><CtrlE> S:
Edit another file P: <F3> S:
Edit macro P: <CtrlF7> S:
Edit tab line P: <CtrlO><CtrlE> S:
End block P: <CtrlK><CtrlK> S: <F8>
Find and replace P: <CtrlQ><CtrlA> S:
Find and apply macro P: <CtrlQ><CtrlM> S: <CtrlQ><Enter>
Find next P: <CtrlL> S:
Find pattern P: <CtrlQ><CtrlF> S:
Fixed tabs on/off P: <CtrlO><CtrlF> S:
Flush undo buffer P: <CtrlQ><CtrlJ> S:
Go down to equal indent P: <CtrlJ><CtrlE> S:
Goto bottom of block P: <CtrlQ><CtrlK> S:
Goto bottom of screen P: <CtrlEnd> S: <CtrlQ><CtrlX>
Goto bottom of window P: <CtrlPgDn> S: <CtrlQ><CtrlC>
Goto column P: <CtrlJ><CtrlC> S:
Goto Config menu P: <AltC> S: <F10> C
Goto Edit Opts menu P: <AltE> S: <F10> E
Goto File menu P: <AltF> S: <F10> F
Goto line P: <CtrlJ><CtrlL> S:
Goto marker 0 P: <CtrlQ>0 S:
Goto marker 1 P: <CtrlQ>1 S:
Goto marker 2 P: <CtrlQ>2 S:
Goto marker 3 P: <CtrlQ>3 S:
Goto marker 4 P: <CtrlQ>4 S:
Goto marker 5 P: <CtrlQ>5 S:
Goto marker 6 P: <CtrlQ>6 S:
Goto marker 7 P: <CtrlQ>7 S:
Goto marker 8 P: <CtrlQ>8 S:
Goto marker 9 P: <CtrlQ>9 S:
Goto next sentence P: <CtrlQ><CtrlZ> S:
Goto next window P: <CtrlO><CtrlN> S: <F6>
Goto page P: <CtrlJ><CtrlP> S:
Goto previous sentence P: <CtrlQ><CtrlW> S:
Goto previous window P: <CtrlO><CtrlP> S: <ShiftF6>
Goto System menu P: <AltS> S: <F10> S
Goto top of block P: <CtrlQ><CtrlB> S:
Goto top of screen P: <CtrlHome> S: <CtrlQ><CtrlE>
Goto top of window P: <CtrlPgUp> S: <CtrlQ><CtrlR>
Goto window P: <CtrlJ><CtrlW> S:
Go up to equal indent P: <CtrlJ><CtrlB> S:
Help menu P: <F1> S:
Hide block on/off P: <CtrlK><CtrlH> S:
Insert control char P: <CtrlP> S:
Insert line P: <CtrlN> S:
Insert mode on/off P: <CtrlV> S: <Ins>
Insert undo buffer P: <CtrlQ><CtrlV> S:
Invoke DOS shell P: <CtrlJ><CtrlO> S:
Invoke Qwik list P: <AltV> S: <AltN>
Justify on/off P: <CtrlO><CtrlJ> S:
Key help on/off P: <CtlrJ><CtlrK> S:
Line down P: <Dn> S: <CtrlX>
Line up P: <Up> S: <CtrlE>
Load macros from disk P: <CtrlF9> S:
Log drive/path P: <CtrlJ><CtrlD> S:
Lower case P: <CtrlO><CtrlV> S:
Macro record on/off P: <CtrlJ><CtrlT> S:
Margin release P: <CtrlO><CtrlX> S:
Mark current word P: <CtrlK><CtrlT> S:
Marker display on/off P: <CtrlK><CtrlM> S:
Move block P: <CtrlK><CtrlV> S:
New line P: <CtrlM> S:
Next sentence P: <CtrlQ><CtrlZ> S:
Next window P: <CtrlO><CtrlN> S: <F6>
Open file/window P: <CtrlO><CtrlA> S: <ShiftF3>
Page breaks on/off P: <CtrlO><CtrlB> S:
Page down P: <PgDn> S: <CtrlC>
Page up P: <PgUp> S: <CtrlR>
Playback macro 1 P: <Alt1> S:
Playback macro 2 P: <Alt2> S:
Playback macro 4 P: <Alt4> S:
Playback macro 5 P: <Alt5> S:
Playback macro 5 P: <Alt5> S:
Playback macro 6 P: <Alt6> S:
Playback macro 7 P: <Alt7> S:
Playback macro 8 P: <Alt8> S:
Playback macro 9 P: <Alt9> S:
Playback macro by menu P: <CtrlF10> S:
Playback scrap macro P: <CtrlJ><CtrlI> S:
Playback scrap 1 time P: <CtrlJ>1 S:
Playback scrap 2 times P: <CtrlJ>2 S:
Playback scrap 3 times P: <CtrlJ>3 S:
Playback scrap 4 times P: <CtrlJ>4 S:
Playback scrap 5 times P: <CtrlJ>5 S:
Playback scrap 6 times P: <CtrlJ>6 S:
Playback scrap 7 times P: <CtrlJ>7 S:
Playback scrap 8 times P: <CtrlJ>8 S:
Playback scrap 9 times P: <CtrlJ>9 S:
Previous cursor position P: <CtrlQ><CtrlP> S:
Previous sentence P: <CtrlQ><CtrlW> S:
Previous window P: <CtrlO><CtrlP> S: <ShiftF6>
Print file P: <CtrlK><CtrlP> S:
Quit P: <CtrlK><CtrlQ> S: <AltX>
Qwik List P: <AltV> S:
Qwik List file name P: <AltN> S:
Qwik List text save P: <AltI> S:
Qwik List text delete P: <AltD> S:
Qwik List insert in text P: <Enter> S: <CtrlM>
Read file into window P: <CtrlK><CtrlR> S:
Record macro on/off P: <CtrlJ><CtrlT> S:
Reformat block P: <CtrlK><CtrlF> S:
Reformat paragraph P: <CtrlB> S:
Resize current window P: <CtrlO><CtrlS> S:
Restore line P: <CtrlQ><CtrlL> S:
Right justify on/off P: <CtrlO><CtrlJ> S:
Save and continue edit P: <CtrlK><CtrlS> S: <F2>
Save and exit to DOS P: <CtrlK><CtrlX> S:
Save/switch files P: <CtrlK><CtrlD> S:
Scroll down P: <CtrlZ> S:
Scroll up P: <CtrlW> S:
Search and replace P: <CtrlQ><CtrlA> S:
Search and apply macro P: <CtrlQ><CtrlM> S: <CtrlQ><Enter>
Search next P: <CtrlL> S:
Search pattern P: <CtrlQ><CtrlF> S:
Set left margin P: <CtrlO><CtrlL> S:
Set marker 0 P: <CtrlK>0 S:
Set marker 1 P: <CtrlK>1 S:
Set marker 2 P: <CtrlK>2 S:
Set marker 3 P: <CtrlK>3 S:
Set marker 4 P: <CtrlK>4 S:
Set marker 5 P: <CtrlK>5 S:
Set marker 6 P: <CtrlK>6 S:
Set marker 7 P: <CtrlK>7 S:
Set marker 8 P: <CtrlK>8 S:
Set marker 9 P: <CtrlK>9 S:
Set right margin P: <CtrlO><CtrlR> S:
Set tab line P: <CtrlO><CtrlI> S:
Set temp margin P: <CtrlO><CtrlG> S:
Show available memory P: <CtrlJ><CtrlR> S:
Show font P: <CtrlJ><CtrlF> S:
Show help summary P: <CtrlJ><CtrlH> S:
Show system info P: <CtrlJ><CtrlV> S:
Store macros P: <CtrlF8> S:
Tab P: <CtrlI> S: <Tab>
Tab backward P: <ShiftTab> S:
Tab display on/off P: <CtrlO><CtrlT> S:
Temp margin to cursor P: <CtrlO><CtrlH> S: <F4>
Toggle attributes P: <Ctrl S:
Toggle autoindent mode P: <CtrlQ><CtrlI> S:
Toggle block display P: <CtrlK><CtrlH> S:
Toggle case P: <CtrlO><CtrlO> S:
Toggle fixed tabs P: <CtrlO><CtrlF> S:
Toggle insert mode P: <CtrlV> S: <Ins>
Toggle key help P: <CtrlJ><CtrlK> S:
Toggle macro record P: <CtrlJ><CtrlT> S:
Toggle marker display P: <CtrlK><CtrlM> S:
Toggle pagination P: <CtrlO><CtrlB> S:
Toggle right justify P: <CtrlO><CtrlJ> S:
Toggle tab line P: <CtrlO><CtrlT> S:
Toggle word wrap P: <CtrlO><CtrlW> S:
Top of block P: <CtrlQ><CtrlB> S:
Top of screen P: <CtrlHome> S:
Top of window P: <CtrlPgUp> S:
Undo last deletion P: <CtrlQ><CtrlU> S:
Up to equal indent P: <CtrlJ><CtrlB> S:
Upper case P: <CtrlO><CtrlU> S:
Word left P: <CtrlLft> S: <CtrlA>
Word right P: <CtrlRgt> S: <CtrlF>
Word wrap on/off P: <CtrlO><CtrlW> S:
Write block to file P: <CtrlK><CtrlW> S:
Write macros to disk P: <CtrlF8> S:
Write to named file P: <CtrlK><CtrlN> S:
Zoom current window P: <CtrlO><CtrlZ> S: <F5>
WordStar (C) Copyright MicroPro International Corporation.
Turbo Lightning, Pascal, and C are all (C) copyright of
Borland International.
Special thanks are in order for:
Borland International for their fine language compilers
especially Turbo Pascal and their tool box libraries. Without
them you wouldn't be reading this now.
The active beta testers who took their time to make this a
better product.
Paul Wilson, Mark Harris and Faye Kahn for their help in
preparing this documentation. If it wasn't for them I would
still be writing documentation.
BBS, for sacrificing his time and effort in furthering the
BBS cause. Steve is indeed a unique individual who has gone
to great length and expense to provide a service to many
users. This untiring devotion is certainly worthy of
A registration form for pEditor can be found in the file, REGISTER.TXT.
Addendum_________________35 Next window______________17
Attributes (print)_______19 Open file________________12
Auto indent_______________5 Operating system_________29
Auto Macros______________27 OS shell options submenu__9
Auto place markers________7 Page breaks_______________5
BAK files_________________7 Page length_______________4
Begin block______________20 Page number (goto)_______22
Block cursor_____________10 Place markers_____________7
Block submenu____________20 Playback macros__________26
Bottom of file (goto)____22 Pop-up menu_______________3
Center line______________18 Previous window__________17
Change directory_________28 Print attributes_________19
Close file_______________12 Print file_______________13
Colors submenu___________10 Pushword_________________30
Column number (goto)_____22 Put tabs__________________6
Compress wrap_____________5 Quit_____________________16
Config submenu____________3 Quick reference chart____31
Copy block_______________20 Quick set up_____________ii
Delete block_____________21 Qwik list________________16,30
Directory________________28 RAM size__________________9
Display options submenu__10 Read block_______________21
Display tabs______________6 Record macros____________27
Edit macros______________27 Replace (find and)_______24
Edit Opts submenu________17 Resize window____________17
Edit tabs_________________6 Restore even______________6
End block________________20 Restore line_____________19
End of block (goto)______23 Save file________________12
Expand tabs_______________7 Save setup_______________10
File extension____________7 Search submenu___________24
File submenu_____________12 Set marker_______________19
Find_____________________24 Set tabs__________________6
Find & Replace___________24 Setting up________________1
Find again_______________25 Smart swapping____________9
Fixed tabs________________6 Snow control_____________10
Font display_____________10 Start of block (goto)____23
Format block_____________21 Status line_______________2
Format options submenu____5 Store macros_____________26
Format paragraph_________18 Strip hi-bit______________8
Get info_________________16 Swap memory to disk_______9
Goto submenu_____________22 System submenu___________26
Go to window_____________17 Tab size__________________6
Help_____________________29 Tabs submenu______________6
Hide block_______________20 Temporary margin_________18
Home directory____________7 Text submenu_____________18
Insert mode_______________5 Top/bottom margins________4
Justify___________________5 Top of file (goto)_______22
Key help_________________10 Undelete_________________19
Left/right margins________4 Undo limit________________8
Line number (goto)_______22 Use macro (with find)____25
Load file options submenu_7 Window submenu___________17
Load macros______________26 Word wrap_________________5
Macros___________________26 Write block______________21
Marker (goto)____________23 Write tabs________________8
Marker (set)_____________19 Write to file____________13
Margin release___________18 Zoom state_______________10
Margins submenu___________4 Zoom window______________17
Move block_______________20 43/50 line_______________10