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The Formula Processor
(c) 1993 by Mark Brissman
Blarney Stone Software
Shareware Manual Version 12Jul93
A Guide to ProMATHeus II Version 4.0, (c) 1993
ProMATHeus II is a copyrighted product designed to aid you in solving
simple and complicated calculations of all types. It was created by a
professional mathematician and actuary who was frustrated by the lack of
affordable calculation software which avoids the pitfalls of old-fashioned
calculators (and their PC-based mimics) and spreadsheets. ProMATHeus II
differs from other calculator software in that it works like you think--not
the way the mechanics require. Further, it differs from spreadsheets in
that it does not rely on cumbersome cell-address "logic". Features in-
- Variables have names rather than the nondescript numbered memories of
- Formulas are entered easily and they can interact with each other.
- Active formulas (i.e., those with variables) are reviewed constantly
and full or partial solutions are displayed.
- Formulas can contain functions and variables with known or unknown
- Many common functions are preprogrammed, including:
statistical: Factorials, combinations, permutations, normal, chi-
square, student's t, F, and gamma distributions (Most
inverses are included),
logarithmic: Log (base 10), ln (base e), exponential, and y-to-the-x
trigonometric: Normal and hyperbolic sine, cosine, tangent, arcsine,
arccosine, and arctangent.
financial: Loans, present value and future value of annuities.
miscellaneous: Integer part, absolute value, and square root.
- Custom functions can be defined easily, call other functions, and sim-
plify calculations. They can also be: solved (by iteration) for any
one of their variables, numerically integrated and numerically differ-
- Libraries of custom functions can be created relating to any disci-
pline: mathematics, finance, engineering, statistics, surveying, navi-
gation, etc.
- Up to five one-variable custom functions can be plotted simultaneously
with the Graph feature.
- Entire work sessions (formulas, custom functions, and variables) can
be saved and retrieved easily.
- The current work session is saved automatically.
New with ProMATHeus II
The success of the original ProMATHeus versions spurred us to develop the
ultimate, easy-to-use interface for this new version. Many new enhance-
ments have been added to make ProMATHeus II the ultimate tool for educa-
tors, students, scientists and professionals. New features include:
- A sensible, easy pull-down menu system.
- A window environment with windows which can be resized, moved, and
- Control via keyboard (several ways!) or mouse.
- Online, context-sensitive help screens.
- Clear, powerful screens for file retrieval, numeric format, color
selection, printer setup, graph setup, and other options.
- Improved graphics system.
- More error and information messages.
- More internal functions.
- Easier registration, an 800 telephone number, MasterCard/Visa, and
instant updates!
Things You Need to Know
Required Registration
Most of you reading this manual have already registered. Thank-you!!!
Your support is greatly appreciated! Those of you who haven't yet please
read on.
After many hundreds of hours of development, ProMATHeus II is now being
released under the shareware concept. It is only through the registrations
of honest customers that shareware authors are provided the motivation to
further refine and improve their products. Shareware allows you, the user,
the chance to try a product before you buy it. If, after trying it, you
would like to continue using ProMATHeus II, you must register your usage by
one of the methods listed in the next section. Why register?
1. Honesty: It may seem old fashioned, but it is the right thing.
2. Legality: Your license to use the software without registration
expires after 14 days.
3. Functions and Features: Full functionality requires full registration.
It's that simple. Register over the telephone and receive all func-
tions immediately! The full version of ProMATHeus II including all
the features and functions not included in the "Test Drive" version.
Those additional features are identified in the "Functions" section of
this manual. Also, registration reminder messages will be removed.
4. Documentation: A full, printed, bound User's Manual with examples and
formulas will be provided to each registered user. The manual ex-
plores the richness of ProMATHeus II and includes hints for users of
all levels and abilities.
5. Timeliness: You will receive the most recent version.
6. Support: Free technical support is included with your registration;
Our support policy is defined later.
7. Notices: of future releases. We'll keep improving and keep in touch.
Methods of Registration and Payment
The registration cost is $45 (plus shipping/handling of $3 continental
U.S., $5 elsewhere). For $52, you will also receive Blarney Stone's Quick
Calculator (c)1992--at a greater than 50% savings. Several other pricing
options, including multiple licenses, may be described on our order form
(the file ORDER.ME).
Please chose the method which is most convenient:
You may purchase ProMATHeus II with this method and begin using all
its features immediately!
First dial 1-800-484-8091
A computer will answer and state: "Please enter your four digit
security code now or hold for an operator." Enter our security code
(2771) immediately or wait and tell the operator. That is:
When asked for the security code, dial 2771
You will be connected to us, free of charge, immediately. Please,
this line is for sales only.
If we cannot answer the telephone:
We accept telephone orders between the hours of 8 am and 10 pm,
CST. We do not staff full-time sales help, so you may get our
answering machine. If so, please tell us the following:
1. The product you want to purchase.
2. Your name and full address.
3. Your MasterCard or Visa number, and expiration date.
4. Your telephone number, and the best time to call.
If all information is complete and we have successfully verified
your credit card, we will bill your credit card and begin ship-
ping procedures. If that is not satisfactory, please tell us so.
These aid quick turnaround for you and are the surest for us. Howev-
er, we are not responsible for amounts lost in the mail.
Always welcome, but there may be a slight delay for balance verifica-
For the last two options, please print the order form file ORDER.ME,
complete it, and return it with your payment. We must have this form! You
may do so by using the "Order Form" selection from the "Register" menu.
Or, you can print it with DOS commands like "COPY", "TYPE" or "PRINT". For
Type: copy order.me prn<Enter>
Or: print order.me<Enter>
Or: type order.me > prn<Enter>
Please make checks payable to Mark Brissman. Please mail to the address
given in the next section.
Although we strive to ship our products as quickly as possible, please
allow four to six weeks for delivery.
Contacting Us
To call, use one of the following numbers:
Sales only: For sales with a MasterCard or Visa, please follow the
procedure outlined in the previous section.
Technical support and other matters: 1-309-662-1725
(We might move, see below!)
By mail, use the following address, but...we might be moving!!! Our mail
would be forwarded, but if you have trouble, please use our 800 telephone
number (in the previous section) to get the new address and technical
support number.
Our current address: Mark D. Brissman
Blarney Stone Software
2510 Blarney Stone Lane
Bloomington, IL 61704
By modem, you can leave messages or check for new versions on:
Bulletin Boards
GEnie: M.Brissman CompuServe: 70324,1676
License Agreement
Only registered users may use the full version of ProMATHeus II.
You may use the "Test Drive" version of ProMATHeus II for 14 days prior to
obtaining a permanent license. ProMATHeus II is distributed under the
shareware concept. You are permitted to copy and distribute the "Test
Drive" version of this product unmodified with all original files and
without the registration number to other potential users. You may not
share your registration number, which is supplied to licensed users only.
You may not charge for sharing a copy unless you comply with the provisions
in file VENDOR.DOC. If you do not have a copy of this file and wish to
distribute our software for a fee, please contact us as described in the
previous section.
If you choose to register and to continue using the program, your registra-
tion number may be used only by you, the licensee specified in the original
order for the license. By ordering a license, you acknowledge that this
file represents a trade secret and agree to protect it as such. Misuse of
a registration number is subject to collection of triple the fees that
should have been collected and all legal fees and costs. Licenses are not
transferrable and may not be modified.
Blarney Stone Software disclaims all warranties relating to this software,
whether express or implied, including but not limited to any implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, and all
such warranties are expressly and specifically disclaimed. Neither Blarney
Stone Software nor anyone else who has been involved in the creation,
production, or delivery of this software shall be liable for any indirect,
consequential, or incidental damages arising out of the use or inability to
use such software even if Blarney Stone Software has been advised of the
possibility of such damages or claims. In no event shall Blarney Stone
Software's liability for any damages ever exceed the price paid for the
license to use the software, regardless of the form of claim. The person
using the software bears all risks as to the quality and performance of the
This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the state of Illinois, or
if we move, the state of Blarney Stone Software's current residence. This
agreement shall inure to the benefit of Blarney Stone Software and any
successors, administrators, heirs and assigns. Any action or proceeding
brought by either party against the other arising out of or related to this
agreement shall be brought only in a STATE or FEDERAL COURT of competent
jurisdiction located in McLean County, Illinois, or if we move, the county
and state of Blarney Stone Software's current residence. The parties
hereby consent to in personam jurisdiction of said courts.
It is your responsibility to determine if the program will work reliably on
your equipment and for your particular personal or business environment.
That's why "Test-Drive" evaluation copies are made available to you. This
software probably has bugs; no significant software has ever been produced
without them. If you feel that this program or documentation can be
improved in some way, we are open to your ideas. If you discover a
problem, please notify us as defined in the "Support Policy" section. In
any case, your remedy for any problem is limited to the purchase price paid
to Blarney Stone Software. Blarney Stone Software has tried to assure the
accuracy of ProMATHeus II. However, because computer programs are inherent-
ly complex and may not be completely free of errors, you are advised to
verify your work.
If you don't agree with these conditions, delete the program from your
Copyright and Trademark
"ProMATHeus", "ProMATHeus Plus", and "ProMATHeus II" are copyrighted by
Mark Brissman, Blarney Stone Software. All rights reserved.
"Blarney Stone Software", "ProMATHeus", "ProMATHeus Plus", and "ProMATHeus
II" are trademarks of Mark Brissman and Blarney Stone Software.
ProMATHeus II is distributed under the shareware concept. You are permit-
ted to copy and distribute the "Test Drive" version of this product
unmodified with all original files to other potential users. See the
license agreement for details.
All the files needed to operate ProMATHeus II need to be copied to the
directory or disk from which you wish to operate ProMATHeus II. These
files have been distributed to you in one of two ways:
Method 1. Each file is distributed separately on a disk or as a part of a
ZIP (compressed archive) file. These must be copied to the
desired directory or disk. Then you must run PKUNZIP or a
similar decompression program available from your supplier.
Method 2. The files are "stored" within the file PM2FILES.EXE. To install,
you must simply copy and execute PM2FILES.EXE in the desired
directory or disk. All files will be extracted into the direc-
Copying from a Floppy Drive to a Hard Drive
There are many programs to copy files and create directories. The follow-
ing approach uses some traditional DOS commands. See your DOS manual for
details. First, select the hard drive with the appropriate letter. For
example, if your hard drive is 'C' (throughout the manual, keys are
represented in angle brackets like <F1> or <Enter>) :
Type: C:<Enter>
Next, use the 'change directory' command to select the directory to which
you wish to attach your ProMATHeus II subdirectory. For example, if you
wish to attach it to the root directory (\):
Type: cd \<Enter>
Next, use the 'make directory' command to create your ProMATHeus II
subdirectory. For example, if you wish it to be named 'PM2':
Type: md pm2<Enter>
Now, use the 'change directory' command to move to the new directory.
Continuing the example:
Type: cd pm2<Enter>
Last, copy the files from the floppy to the new directory. For example, if
the floppy drive is 'A':
Method 1: Type: copy A:\*.*<Enter>
Method 2: Type: copy A:\pm2files.exe<Enter>
Then execute the program.
Type: pm2files<Enter>
Now you are ready to operate! You must always be in this newly created
directory to run ProMATHeus II. However you chose to use ProMATHeus II, in
order to access all features you must include the following files in your
working directory:
PROMATH.EXE program file
PROMATH.SET program setup info
PROMATH.HLP help file
PROMATH.DAT session file
ORDER.ME order form
?????.BGI the appropriate graphics interface for your monitor/-
Optionally, you may want to include other saved session files which you
have named.
Running Off a Floppy Drive
If you must run from a floppy, copy the above listed files to a floppy
disk. We recommend using 720K or higher density diskette. If disk space
is limited, you may wish to save your session files to another disk.
Registered Users
If you have taken advantage of registering this program, you may now follow
the registration procedure provided to you. If you later move or copy your
program, the new copy will become unregistered and you would need to redo
the registration procedure. Of course, only you are licensed to have the
registered version of this program.
To register, select 'Registration Code' from the 'Register' menu. Then
enter your personal registration code provided by us.
Quick Start
You want to give it a whirl before getting into the particulars? Great!
First, you must install the program and files as explained in the previous
section. Then, at the DOS prompt:
Type: promath<Enter>
You will see the title screen. When prompted, press a key (<Enter> works
well). The main ProMATHeus II desk top appears. If you have not registe-
red, the top window will remind you that this is the "Test Drive Version"
of the program. This version is functional but does not have all of the
registered version's many features. Press <Enter>.
Let's analyze a 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage which nets, after closing
expenses, $80,000. We have two options: a 9% loan with no points down or a
8.5% loan with two points down. In either case, we have to pay $500
closing costs. Which is better in the short-term? The long-term?
Let's first calculate how much each loan would have to be to net $80,000:
Type: amount1=amount+500<Enter>
Several things happened. First, two formulas were entered in the Formulas
window and partially evaluated: 1-.02 became .9800. However, since
'amount' is not known we don't have final answers yet. Also, ProMATHeus II
recognized that you defined three variables and entered them in the
Variables window. We don't know their values yet either.
We can use the internal function 'pmt' to get the monthly payment. For the
two options:
Type: pay1=pmt(amount1,.09/12,30*12)<Enter>
Note: You could use the menu command 'Copy/Formula' to
edit a copy of the pay1 formula to become the pay2
Several things happened again. First, two more formulas were entered in
the Formulas window and were partially evaluated. Two more unknown
variables were entered in the Variables window.
So what's missing? Type: amount=80000<Enter>
Wow, everything is calculated! Even though it costs more at the beginning,
option 2 is cheaper in the long run. By the way, we could have entered the
formulas in any order and achieved the same results. Now, we can define
our own function to measure the final cost (fees, points, and interest) of
each option:
Type: cost(points,pay,amount)=points*amount+360*pay-amount
Note that a function has been defined in the Custom Functions window. Now,
Type: cost1=cost(0,pay1,amount1)<Enter>
Our own function did the work automatically! Now we know the exact cost
over the life of both options, and the difference in their costs. What
would be the payments and costs of a $100,000 mortgage?
Type amount=100000<Enter> and find out!
ProMATHeus II is a powerful tool for users ranging from the beginning
algebra student to the advanced engineering or scientific professional. It
shapes easily to fit the computational needs of each individual.
Using ProMATHeus II: Basic Operation
First, you should install ProMATHeus II as described in the "Installation"
section of this manual, ProMATHeus II must be operated from the drive and
directory in which it is installed. First, set the correct drive (for
example, type "C:"). Next, use the "cd" command (see your DOS manual) to
set the correct directory. For example,
Type: cd \promath<Enter>
Once in the correct directory, you may type one of the three command-line
Upon entry, ProMATHeus II calls the PROMATH.DAT (formulas, functions,
and variables) and PROMATH.SET (options) files which contain the
complete previous session.
promath FILENAME<Enter>
Upon entry, the previously saved session FILENAME will be loaded in
place of PROMATH.DAT. This includes only the formulas, functions, and
variables. The PROMATH.SET file is then called to set your session
promath 0
ProMATHeus II will not recall the previous session or options and will
start with a clear screen with default values. Also, users will have
to re-register. Note: This is a fail-safe mechanism. If you save the
session, or, exit with Alt-X or "Save and Exit", your previous
PROMATH.DAT and PROMATH.SET files will be overwritten.
Creating a Session
Just what are you looking at? The "ProMATHeus II Screen" section describes
the various portions of the screen.
The basic stuff--your formulas, custom functions, variables, and values--
are entered in the Input window (<F8>). Generally, you enter information
using the syntax of ProMATHeus II and let the program figure out what you
intend. The details of syntax and how you enter information are presented
in the "Formulas" and "Variables" sections. Functions, both internal and
ones you create, are described in the "Functions" section.
After you've created a few formulas and functions, you'll want to know how
to control the program. The "Menus" section describes program control.
Saving and Recalling Libraries of Formulas, Functions and Variables
Once you've mastered ProMATHeus II, you may want make it a tool for a
number of disciplines: finance, math, statistics, engineering, science,
etc. To do so, simply save and retrieve libraries/sessions using the
File/Save, File/Save-and-Exit, or File/Open menu commands. See the "Menus"
section for more details.
Saving and Recalling Session Characteristics
ProMATHeus II stores session (colors, formats, defaults) information in its
setup file PROMATH.SET. Each time you end your session with "Save and
Exit" or Alt-X the PROMATH.SET file is automatically updated. Upon reentry
into ProMATHeus II, the previous session characteristics are recalled
ProMATHeus II Screen
The screen consists of several areas. Their use is described in following
sections. For each area, a discription is followed by the key which calls
it and the actions which can be performed on it.
Menu Line This is the top line of the display from which you op-
erate the program. Pop-down menus can be selected with
the <F10> and arrow keys, by pressing <Alt> and the
first menu letter, or with a mouse.
Key: <F10> Actions: (none)
Formula Window This is (usually) the largest window and is always
visible. It includes a listing of all formulas and
their calculated values.
Key: <F5> Actions: resize, move
Function Window Initially at the top left, this window lists all user-
defined functions.
Key: <F6> Actions: close, resize, move
Variable Window Initially at the top right, this window lists all for-
mula variables and their values. If values are not de-
termined, '--unknown--' appears.
Key: <F7> Actions: close, resize, move
Input Window This is the second line from the bottom. This window
automatically scrolls for long input.
Key: <F8> Actions: (none)
Status Line The bottom line which displays relevant information
about key and menu options.
Key: (none) Actions: (none)
Entry Menus These appear when needed for you to control operation.
Key: (none) Actions: close, move
Message Windows These appear as necessary to give you operational
information and inform you of errors.
Key: (none) Actions: close, move
Formulas are the beginning and end of ProMATHeus II. Using formulas, you
start with the problem you would like to solve and, ultimately, you receive
that problem's solution. In between, ProMATHeus II may have used numbers,
other formulas, function calls, and variables to produce that solution.
Functions and variables are discussed in following sections.
A ProMATHeus II formula can be as simple or complex as you like. Pre-
schoolers use it to solve beginning addition problems. Physicists use it
to solve optics equations. You can enter several types of formulas. The
simplest is a direct calculation such as:
(Input window)
??: 2+3 Note: In order to enter a formula or function, the cursor
must be in the Input Window. If it is not, press <F8>.
After pressing <Enter> ProMATHeus II responds:
(Formula window)
1| 2+3 --> 5
The ProMATHeus II response consists of several parts:
(number)(indicator) (original expression) --> (reduced expression)
'Number' is used for copying and deleting formulas.
'Indicator' identifies formulas which are evaluated once (|) from
those that will be re-evaluated continuously ().
'Reduced expression' is the current value for the 'original
expression' which you typed.
When entering formulas, any number of parentheses may be used. The input
line is limited to 200 characters. Longer equations can be split into sub-
parts by using interim variables (see Hint Box).
Entering Numbers
Numbers may be in decimal or scientific notation. Numbers are carried
internally to about 15 significant digits. The following list is of
acceptable numeric entries:
The number following the 'e' is the exponent of the base 10. Thus 2.3e5 is
the same as 2.3*10^5 or 230000. The constant PI may be used. It represents
3.14159265358979. The range limit for values is +/- 1.7 x 10e-308 to
1.7 x 10e308.
ProMATHeus II offers three types of calculation operators: mathematical,
logical and comparison.
Mathematical operators perform the basic arithmetic calculations. In order
of precedence (the details of operator precedence are discussed in the next
section), they are:
^ power, for example, 2^3 --> 8
* / % multiplication, division, remainder. Example: 12%5 --> 2
+ - addition, subtraction
There are four logical operators In order of precedence:
! not
& and
| # or, exclusive or
With logical operators, a value of 0 is false and any non-zero value is
true. Logical operators return a value of either 0 or 1. Thus:
1|0 --> 1
1&0 --> 0
5.43|0 --> 1
In all other aspects, logical operators behave like regular ones. Similar
to logical operators are the conditional operators of:
< (greater than)
<= (greater than or equal to)
> (less than)
>= (less than or equal to)
!= (not equal to)
== (equal to--the double equals distinguishs it from the as-
signment equals)
These operators perform tests on two numbers and, like logic operators,
return values of 0 or 1. Thus, we can now have expressions like (these
formulas introduce variables which are discussed in the next section):
y=(x<0)*x/3 + (z!=9)*5
If x and z were equal to 5 and 7, respectively, then:
y=(0)*3/3 + (1)*5
One construction of interest is as follows:
It would seem that this might eliminate taking the square root of a
negative number. However, it would cause an error because every part of a
formula is evaluated whether it's needed or not! The internal function
"if" takes care of that. See the "Functions" section.
Calculation Precedence
The order in which a formula is evaluated is critical. Does 2+3*5 equal 25
(doing the addition first) or 17 (doing the multiplication first)? Left-
to-right reading logic might suggest the first. Mathematical convention
makes the second choice the correct one. The precedence used by ProMATHeus
II is shown below:
Highest: () including functions
* / %
+ -
>= > <= <
!= ==
& | #
[other operators]
Lowest: [left-to-right]
Note that given no other operator precedence, calculations are performed
left to right.
Some examples demonstrating precedence are:
(Formula window)
1| 2*3+5 --> 11
2| 2+3*5 --> 17
3| 2*(3+5) --> 16
4| 2^3*5 --> 40
5| 2^3^2 --> 64
6| 2^(3^2) --> 512
An important feature of ProMATHeus II are variables which allow formulas to
interact and serve as numeric memories. Variables names must begin with an
alpha character (a-z _ A-Z) and may be followed by up to nine alphanumeric
characters (a-z _ A-Z 0-9). The constant PI cannot be used as a name.
While function names can also be used as variable names in some cases, this
practice is not recommended.
Formulas can contain variables in place of numbers. ProMATHeus II evalu-
ates as much of the formula as it can and prints the result after the
arrow. For example, if you entered:
(Input window)
?? cents+5*nickels
Then, one of the following would result:
(Formula window)
1 cents+5*nickels --> cents+5*nickels if cents & nickels are un-
1 cents+5*nickels --> 7+5*nickels if cents equals 7,
1 cents+5*nickels --> cents+15 if nickels equals 3, or,
1 cents+5*nickels --> 22 if both variables are known.
Note the symbols next to the formula numbers are instead of |. signi-
fies an "active" formula with variables which will be recalculated with
each press of the <enter> key. | signifies an "inactive" formula (without
variables) which is calculated only once.
The Variables window keeps track of all variables and their values, if
known. I f you have a large number of variables, you may need to scroll or
resize this window to see all of them. See the information on "Windows"
and the "Windows/Size" command for more information.
The simplest way for a variable to become "known" is through an assignment
expression, like 'cents=9', as shown in the Input Window below. Simple
assignments like this do not become formulas--they simply update the value
of the variable involved. Variables also become "known" through assignment
formulas like formulas 2 and 3 below. Note that variables assigned to a
constant expression (formula 2) are evaluated only once (i.e., '|' is the
indicator). Since the Input Window reassigns "cents" to equal 9, this
value is used for "cents" in formula 1 (which is active) and the older
information of formula 2 (which is inactive) is ignored.
(Formula window)
1 cents+5*nickels --> 9+5*nickels
2| cents=10-3 --> cents=7
3 rabbits=5*carrots+6 --> 5*carrots+6
(Input window)
A variable retains its value until it is:
- changed by another assignment expression (as "cents" is in the Input
window above),
- changed by a current assignment expression (as rabbits is in #3
- set to --unknown-- by the "Erase/Clear Variables" command (see Menu
A variable cannot be "clear"ed if it is defined by an active assignment
expression (like the variable 'rabbits' in formula #3). However a depen-
dent variable (like "rabbits") will automatically be set to --unknown-- if
any of its assignment expression variables (e.g., "carrots") is
If two formulas are both active and define the same dependent variable, the
first formula is in effect until deleted.
Functions are another part of formulas which provide an easy way to do
detailed calculations. There are two types: internal ProMATHeus II
functions and custom functions which you have created. Simply enter them
in your formulas in the correct format. For example:
(Formula window)
1 x=log(2) --> x=.301029995663981
You may input any valid expression (including variables and other func-
tions) into a function. Thus, the following are valid:
(Formula window)
1 y=log(2+z) --> y=1.39794000867204
2| z=19+4
1| log(log(12)+3*log(13)) --> .645521625245258
ProMATHeus II Internal Functions
Internal functions are listed in the Help screens <F1>. Note that some
functions are available to registered users only.
The IF Function (Registered users only)
The "if" function works like the conditional operators discussed in the
"Formulas" section except that it throws out the part of the formula it
doesn't need! It is of the form if(condition, if true, if false). Thus if
the condition is true, the second argument is executed, if false, the
third. Thus the formula we discussed before could be easily handled as
(x<0)*sqrt(-x)+(x>=0)*sqrt(x) Previous version
if(x<0,sqrt(-x),sqrt(x)) Better version
Some interesting constructs are possible. Try the following with various
combinations of a, b, and e set to 0 or 1:
In addition to the power operator (^), these functions are available:
log(x) x>0 logarithm to the base 10
ln(x) x>0 logarithm to the base e
exp(x) exponential function (e^x)
The following functions are defined over their usual ranges:
sin(x) sine of x
cos(x) cosine of x
tan(x) tangent of x
asin(x) arcsine of x
acos(x) arccosine of x
atan(x) arctangent of x
rad(x) convert from degrees to radians
deg(x) convert from radians to degrees
These functions use and return angles measured in radians. Thus, to get
the cosine of PI/3 radians enter "cos(PI/3)". To get the cosine of 60 de-
grees (which equals PI/3 radians) enter "cos(rad(60))". Conversely, to get
the number of degrees associated with a sine of .5 enter "deg(asin(.5))".
(Registered users only) Hyperbolic functions are also included. They are:
sinh(x) hyperbolic sine of x = ( e^x - e^(-x) ) / 2
cosh(x) hyperbolic cosine of x = ( e^x + e^(-x) ) / 2
tanh(x) hyperbolic tangent of x = sinh(x) / cosh(x)
asinh(x) hyperbolic arcsine of x
acosh(x) hyperbolic arccosine of x
atanh(x) hyperbolic arctangent of x
The latter functions are inverses of the first three.
Three functions are provided for amortization calculations:
loan payment
(Registered users only)
present value of a series of payments
future value of a series of payments
The interest rate must be the decimal equivalent of the interest rate per
period. Thus 10% annually with monthly payments requires either a 10/1200
or a .0083 entry. For example, the monthly payments for a five-year, 10%,
$4000 loan:
pmt(4000,10/1200,5*12) --> 84.99
The present and future values of payments of $84.99 at 10% annual interest
for five years is:
pv(84.99,10/1200,5*12) --> 4000.00
fv(84.99,10/1200,5*12) --> 6581.38
The following functions are provided (values must be non-negative inte-
fact(x) The factorial of x which is the product of x with all posi-
tive integers below it. For example, fact(4)=4*3*2=24.
comb(n,r) (Registered users only) The number of combinations (order
does not matter) of n things taken r at a time. For objects
A, B, C, and D, they can be grouped in twos as: AB, AC, AD,
BC, BD, CD. Thus comb(4,2)=6.
perm(n,r) (Registered users only) The number of permutations (order
does matter) of n things taken r at a time. The pairs in
the above example can be ordered in two ways. Thus
Functions which estimate the following standard statistical distributions,
and their inverses, are also provided. These functions are based on the
integral of their respective density functions from -∞ to x:
Function Returns Distribution
(All users)
norm(x,mean,stdev) 1-p Normal distribution
inorm(p,mean,stdev) x Inverse Normal distribution
(Registered users only)
chi(x,df) 1-p Chi-Square distribution
ichi(p,df) x Inverse Chi-Square distribution
fdis(x,df1,df2) 1-p F-distribution
ifdis(p,df1,df2) x Inverse F-distribution
tdis(x,df) 1-p student's t-distribution
itdis(p,df) x Inverse student's t-distribution
gamma(x) 1-p Gamma distribution [no inverse]
erf(x) * The statistical error function
In the above:
x is the test value
p is the probability that the value of x will be exceeded
df is the degrees of freedom
* is a value used in the estimation of some statistical distri-
For example, the test value for the 95th-percentile of the standard normal
distribution is given by inorm(.95,0,1) = 1.645. That is, only 5% of
observations of a population with mean 0 and standard deviation of 1 would
be expected to exceed 1.645.
The details of these distributions are beyond the scope of this manual.
Users are urged to consult a college textbook.
Date and Time Functions (Registered Users Only)
Several functions are provided to aid in time calculations. The 'date'
function converts the date into the number of days since January 1, 1900.
The 'year', 'mon', and 'day' functions reverse this conversion. For
example, the number of days between 2/24/83 and 7/2/99 is:
date(1999,7,2) - date(1983,2,24) = 5972
Similarly, the 'time' function converts the time of day to fractions of a
day since midnight. The 'hour', 'minute', and 'sec' functions convert
back. Since time and dates are based on days, they can be added for
calculations to get the number of full and partial days since 1/1/1900.
date(y,m,d) Converts year, month and day into the number of days
since 1/1/1900. Year must be 1900 or greater, other
values must be valid.
year(x) Converts x into year.
mon(x) Converts x into month of year.
day(x) Converts x into day of month.
time(h,m,s) Converts hours, minutes, and seconds into fraction of
day since midnight.
hour(y) Converts fractional day into hours since midnight.
minute(y) Converts fractional day into minutes since the hour.
sec(y) Converts fractional day into seconds since the last
The following mathematical functions are also included:
int(x) Returns the integer portion of a number
abs(x) Returns the absolute value of a number
sqrt(x) Returns the square root of a number
Custom Functions
Customs functions are created by naming the function, listing the function
variables, and assigning a valid arithmetic expression. For example:
(Function window)
1: f(x)=x*x-3
2: g(q)=2*q+3
3: fire(fuel,heat)=f(fuel)*3-g(4+heat)
The function definition must be of the following form:
(name)(variable list)=(equation using "variable list" variables only)
The function name must be of the form defined for variables in the Formulas
section. The function variable list may include a list of up to ten
function variables and is of the form:
These variables are used for the function definition only and are not
retained as regular variables of ProMATHeus II. All function variables in
the equation to the right of the equal sign must be in the function
variable list. Any functions called by a function must have been already
defined. With the above functions:
(Formula window)
1 fire(5,3) --> 49
If all function variables are known, a function will return the calculated
value, otherwise the function is not evaluated. Thus if a value for "ce-
ment" is supplied but not for "gravel", formula 1 below is not evaluated:
(Function window)
1: concrete(cement,gravel)=cement*3+gravel*2
(Formula window)
1 concrete(cmnt,rocks) --> concrete(15,rocks)
2| cmnt=15
Functions may be changed by using the "Copy/Custom Functions" command (see
Menu Commands) which copies function # to the Input window for editing.
Note that even though a function is changed, values of function calls in
inactive formulas (|) do not change.
Although presented only briefly, custom functions are one of ProMATHeus
II's most important features. You can customize ProMATHeus II for many
different uses by creating libraries of custom functions.
Solving Custom Functions
The solve operation allows you to solve any custom function for any one of
its function variables, given:
1. Supplied values for its other function variables,
2. The desired value which the function would normally return, and,
3. A starting guess of the function variable which is being solved
It uses an iterative technique (Newton-Raphson) which may or may not con-
verge. Convergence and the solution achieved are aided by a good starting
guess for the value. Assume a defined custom function 'f' which returns
the value 'a':
a = f(...,b,c,d,...) [i.e., any number of parameters]
If all other function variables are known (including 'b' and 'd'), then an
estimate of 'c' would be entered as:
estimate of c = f(...,b value,{desired a ,guess of c},d value,...).
That is, the value of 'c' is replaced by two numbers in braces--the desired
outcome and a first guess.
Thus if f(s,t)=s*s+t,
then f(3,5) --> 14,
and f({14,1},5) --> 3.
Internal functions are solved by creating custom functions with them. As
mentioned in a previous hint:
(Function Window)
(Formula Window)
1 interest=pay(balance,{payment,guess},periods)
If difficulties are encountered, try different starting guesses for the
value. Also, change the values in the "Setup/Max Solve Error" and "Set-
up/Max Solve Iterations" menus. The first effects the difference used in
the iteration process (specifically, the derivative calculation). The
default is 1e-7. The second affects the maximum number of iterations used
to solve the function. The default is 50.
Calculus and Custom Functions (Registered Users Only)
Custom functions can be integrated over a range or differentiated at a
point through numeric approximation.
The intg(fn#,begx,endx) function will integrate custom function fn# using a
Simpson's rule type of approach, if possible. You can control the number
of intervals it uses with the 'Setup/Integration Intervals' command. The
default is 50. The lower the number the faster, the higher the more
accurate, within some limits.
The der(fn#,x) function takes the slope or derivative of custom function
fn# at the point x. You can control the increment it uses in this calcula-
tion with the 'Setup/Max Solve Error' command. (This same value is used in
the Solve feature of ProMATHeus II.) The default is 1e-7. Because of the
inherent problems of truncation and roundoff errors, you may want to
experiment with different values of this error value.
For example, given the function g(x) = x2+1, to solve its integral from x=0
to x=5 first create the custom function g(x)=x^2+1. Let's assume it
becomes custom function #3. Then simply enter the formula intg(3,0,5) to
get 46.6667, the desired answer. By the way, the derivative of function
'g' at 5 is then der(3,5) which returns the answer 10.
The main menu appears horizontally across the top of the screen. Menu
items help you control how ProMATHeus II operates. Menu items can be
selected in four ways:
- Press <F10> and the first letter of the menu item.
- Press <F10> and use the left/right arrows and press <Enter>.
- Press <Alt> and the first letter of the menu item.
- Click the menu item with the mouse cursor.
Similarly, pull-down menu items can be selected in the same fashion:
- Press the first letter of the menu item.
- Use the up/down arrows and press <Enter>.
- Click the menu item with the mouse cursor.
- You can select a menu item at any time by pressing its <F#> key, if
The function of each menu item follows.
Data Menu
The Data menu contains commands regarding clearing, saving, and recalling
sessions, the ProMATHeus II program, and exiting.
Data/Open: Retrieve session formulas, functions and variables
Sessions are saved and retrieved automatically into the PROMATH.DAT
file. However, as you develop various applications, you'll want to
save them into separate retrievable files.
Selecting Data/Open command opens the "Read Data File" menu. This
menu consists of two sections and two buttons. The first section can
be used to enter a filename from the keyboard. The wildcards of ? and
* can be used to modify the files listed in the "Files" section.
Clicking the down arrow with the mouse will display previous file
names you have used.
The "Files" section allows you to page through and select file names.
You can also move up and down directory lists by selecting them in
this section.
Once a file has been highlighted or entered, select the "Open" button
or press <Enter> to open the file.
Use <Tab>, arrows, and page up and down, or a mouse to move around
this menu.
Data/Save: Save session formulas, functions and variables
To save a session, simply enter the file name. Path names may be
included. ProMATHeus II will check before overwriting previously
saved files of the same name.
Data/Clear: Clear all formulas, functions, and variables WITHOUT SAVING
This is permanent--use with caution. If you do so by accident, you
can restore ProMATHeus II to the condition it was when you first
started by using the Data/Open command to read the PROMATH.DAT file.
Data/DOS Shell: Shell to DOS prompt
At the prompt, you can execute DOS commands and return by typing
Data/Memory: Display the usage of available memory
This provides and indication of remaining memory. Memory usage varies
with your use of commands and menus. For this reason, memory percent-
age may not equal 100% after a clear of all data.
Data/About: Program information
Displays program and registration information.
Data/Save and Exit (Alt-x): Save session, then exit
The session is saved to PROMATH.DAT (or the current session file) and
current session characteristics are updated to PROMATH.SET.
Data/Quit and Exit: Quit without saving
The program quits, nothing is saved (and PROMATH.DAT is not updated).
Window Menu
Windows can be controlled with the keyboard or mouse. Windows, and the
keys used for selecting them, are described in the table of the "ProMATHeus
II Screen" section. To change a window it must be selected:
Keyboard: Either press the <F#> key defined in the table or select from the
Alternatively, use the <F3> to cycle through open windows.
Mouse: Select the desired window in the Window submenu as described in
the "Menu" section. Or, just click on any open window to select
To scroll a window:
Keyboard: The arrow, Page Up, Page Down, Home, and End keys all function to
scroll the active window. The Variables window may only be
scrolled up and down.
Mouse: Click on the scroll bars, or their arrows, to scroll the screen.
The following are window menu commands:
Window/Next (F3): Move to next window
This command cycles between open windows.
Window/Zoom (F4): Zoom current window
Zoom toggles the current window between its current size and full
Mouse: Clicking the upper, right-hand arrow does the same thing.
Window/Close (Ctrl-F3): Close current Custom Functions or Variables window
Only a Custom Functions, Variables, or message window may be closed.
While you could use this menu command, pressing <Ctrl><F3> or <Esc> is
usually easiest.
Mouse: Click on the square in the upper left border.
Window/Size (Ctrl-F4): Resize or move current window
To resize a Formulas, Custom Functions, or Variables window, use the
<Shift> arrow keys to resize and the <Enter> key to quit.
Mouse: Move the mouse cursor over the bottom right corner of the
window. Click and hold down the mouse button. Drag the
corner to the desired size and release.
To move a Formulas, Custom Functions, Variables, or message window:
use the arrow keys to move and the <Enter> key to quit.
Mouse: Move the mouse cursor over the top border of the window.
Click and hold down the mouse button. Drag the window to
the desired location and release.
Window/Formulas (F5): Choose Formulas window
Window/Custom Functions (F6): Choose Custom Functions window
Window/Variables (F7): Choose Variables window
Window/Input (F8): Choose Input window
These menu commands and function keys bring the selected window to the
top of the screen.
Mouse: Click anywhere on the visible portion of the desired window.
Copy Menu
This menu is used to copy formulas or functions to the Input window for
Copy/Formula: Copy a formula for editing
Copy/Custom Function: Copy a function for editing
Enter the desired formula or function number in the menu provided. If
you create a second formula with the same dependent variable, you will
need to then erase the first formula, as shown below.
Erase Menu
You can use the Erase menu to delete formulas, functions, or variables.
Erase/Formula(s): Delete one or more formulas
Enter a list of formulas to be deleted in the menu provided. A hyphen
may be used to indicate a range. Thus, "1 5-8 10" would delete equa-
tions 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10. Variables contained in deleted formulas
are not deleted.
Erase/Function(s): Delete one or more unused custom functions
Enter a list of functions to be deleted in the menu provided. Thus,
"1 5 6 7 8 10" would delete equations 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10. Func-
tions which are used in any formula are not deleted. Because custom
functions are not stored in order (for program speed reasons), there
is no range delete.
Erase/Clear Variable(s): Clear independent variable(s) to --unknown--
Enter a list of variables to be cleared in the menu provided. Only
variables which are not dependent (assigned on the left of the equals
sign in an active formula) are affected. If "ALL" is entered, all
qualifying variables are cleared.
Erase/Erase Variable(s): Erase unused variables
Enter a list of variables to be erased in the menu provided. Only
variables which are not included in any formula are affected. If
"ALL" is entered, all qualifying variables are erased.
Print Menu
Print/Report: Print a report of formulas, functions, and variables
When your printer is ready, press <Enter> or mouse click "Yes" on the
confirmation window. The ProMATHeus II report assumes an 80 column
printer. To customize your report, use the following setup command.
Print/Setup: Define printer codes
The "Printer Setup" window appears. Use the mouse or <Tab>,
<Space_Bar> to make your selections.
Printer Setup Strings: To customize your output, you may enter
any printer codes to be sent before or after the printed report.
Codes must be entered in hexadecimal (base 16) separated by
spaces. See your printer manual for details.
Form Feed: Check if you would like a form feed sent before or
after printing.
Print Items: You may select which of Variables, Formulas, or
Custom Functions you would like printed.
Page width: Enter your desired page width. ProMATHeus II will
reformat the report to fit this width.
Graph Menu
Graph/Draw: Graph up to 5 custom functions
ProMATHeus II will graph up to five, one-variable, custom functions.
The program will automatically select one of the following graphic
modes (in priority order): VGA, EGA, CGA, or mono graphics. If you
have difficulty or a non-standard monitor/card, contact Blarney Stone
This command brings up the "Custom Function Graph Setup" screen. Use
<Tab> to move between items. <Space-bar> will select items and
<Enter> will begin graphing (if the Graph button is highlighted).
Title: Enter a title you would like to appear on the graph.
Functions #s: Enter up to five, one-variable function numbers.
X-Range: Enter the beginning and ending horizontal axis values, which
must differ.
Y-Range: Enter the beginning and ending vertical axis values, which
must differ. This is not required if "Automatic Y-Range" is selected
Automatic Y-Range: This uses the entire vertical screen to show the
graphs (showing the max and min values of all graphs). Be wary if
your functions approach infinity!
Square X & Y Ranges: This creates Y units of length to the X units on
the screen. The graph is centered on the max and min Y values.
Color: Leaving this blank (i.e., black and white) is usually best for
printing the graphs.
Grid: Draw grid lines on the graph.
Quality: Choose "Rough" for the quickest graph, "Fine" for the best
Once graphed, pressing "z" or "Z" zooms the graph in or out. Pressing
<Enter> returns to the main ProMATHeus II windows. If your printer is
compatible with the DOS "graphics" command, you can print the graphs
by pressing <Shift><Print Screen>. This requires you to enter the DOS
"graphics" command before starting ProMATHeus II. Please see your DOS
manual for details.
Although graphing should work on all computer types, it is of course
fastest on 286 or faster machines. Several factors can increase calcula-
tion time significantly:
- The time increases proportionately to the number of functions request-
- Functions calling other functions or using the "solve" feature will
have significantly more functions calls, and hence computation time.
- Each level of refinement of graph "Quality" doubles the calculation
Setup Menu
Setup/Numeric Format: Change numeric format of variables & ACTIVE formulas
On the "Numeric Format" window, select the style (fixed decimal or
scientific notation) and the number of digits. Fixed format will
automatically convert to scientific for extreme values. This only
affects the appearance of the values, not the method of input or the
stored values.
Setup/Colors: Change colors
Using the mouse or <Tab> and arrow keys, select the group you would
like to change in the first column. Then, select the desired Item
within that group in the second column. Lastly, select the desired
foreground and background colors in the last column. An example of
your selection is shown in the bottom right corner.
Main screen: ProMATHeus II automatically selects your video mode:
color, monochrome, or black and white. The palette you
see should differ based on this selection.
Graphing: Graph colors are selected automatically and cannot be
Setup/Max Solve Iterations: Change the maximum number of iterations used to
solve functions.
Setup/Max Solve Error: Change the maximum error allowed, for function
solving and differentiation.
The "solve" feature of functions uses an iterative procedure to
estimate the function solution. That process continues until either
the estimation error is less than the maximum allowed error or the
maximum number of iterations is reached.
Enter your desired value in the entry screen.
Register Menu
Register/Benefits: Benefits to you for upgrading to ProMATHeus II
Register/MasterCard/Visa: Information on ordering by telephone
These commands call the help screen for further information.
Register/Order Form: Print an order form for this and other products
At the confirm window, when the printer is ready, select "Yes".
Register/Registration Code: Enter the registration code for this program.
If you are a legal registrant of the program, enter the registration
code provided with your materials. This code is available for your
use only! All features will be available to you instantly. Thanks
for your support!
Other Matters
Formula, Function, and Variable Order
ProMATHeus II was designed to balance speed, memory usage, and ease of use.
If the same variable is defined by two different formulas, the result is
order dependent in the following manner:
If the first assignment was in a inactive formula--the latter assign-
ment of the same variable supersedes the first. For example:
(Formula window)
1| y=12+5 --> y=17
2| y=12+9 --> y=21
(Variable window)
y: 21
Since the first definition is the oldest, it is ignored and y=21.
Otherwise, the second assignment is ignored until the first is delet-
ed. For example:
(Formula window)
1 y=x+5 --> y=17
2| x=10+2 --> x=12
3| y=12+9 --> y=21
(Variable window)
y: 17
x: 12
Since x=12, and the first equation is updated by x, now the third
equation is ignored even though it is newer. Thus y=17, not 21.
Formulas are listed and numbered in order of their entry. For speed, it is
more efficient to not restrict functions and variables to any order. Thus,
they are placed in the first available space in their lists. In fact,
deleted function numbers are only replaced when new functions are entered.
The same is true for the order of variables in the Variable Screen.
Circularity occurs when a formula or function calls itself, possibly
through a long chain. ProMATHeus II does not allow circularity within
functions (unless you are too ambitious with the "solve" feature) as it
would cause an infinite loop. Formulas are allowed to be circular as it
might be required temporarily with some editing tasks. Generally,
ProMATHeus II will return no values for any formulas which contain circu-
larity. In most cases, you would want to delete formulas which create
Error Messages
ProMATHeus II displays a number of error messages. Calculation errors are
indicated in the "reduced expression" portion of a formula listing. Opera-
tional error messages appear in Error windows and begin with two numbers:
the first is an internal code for Blarney Stone Software's use and the
second identifies, if possible, the formula where the error occurred.
ProMATHeus II detects many input errors and makes you correct them before
Sample Sessions
FINANCE.DAT and STATS.DAT are provided as short examples of the power of
ProMATHeus II's custom functions. The first includes loan analysis
functions for determining the difference in total interest between a 15 and
30 year mortgage. The second shows the development of the binomial and
Poisson distributions. You may retrieve them using the Data/Open command
described previously.
File Backup
Please be sure to back up your files. This program does check for data
corruption (this can be caused by a number of factors, including hardware
failure or attempts to hack the program) and will refuse to run if the
files do not check out. In that case, your only recovery will be from your
With a free-form entry system like ProMATHeus II, occasionally what you
enter may confuse ProMATHeus II as to what you intend. Generally error
messages will alleviate this problem. If not, review what has been entered
earlier and try deleting offending formulas or functions. Check for circu-
larity. Try saving what you have to a new .dat file and recall your
original PROMATH.DAT file with the Data/Open menu command. You should be
where you started at the beginning of the session. If you feel you have
identified a true bug, please contact us as provided earlier.
Support Policy
Up to thirty minutes telephone support time will be provided (on our
technical support line only) without charge to registered users during the
three months following registration. This support is for installation and
general use of the program.
Unregistered users seriously considering paying their registration fee are
also invited to call to have their brief questions answered.
Significant bugs will be fixed for free for one year following registra-
tion, if possible. If not, a full refund will be offered. If problems
occur, please make a note of any messages received, describe your hard-
ware/software environment, and send a diskette with copies of your
PROMATH.DAT, PROMATH.SET, and program files. These steps are essential in
notifying us of a bug so we can duplicate the problem.
Support will be provided to non-registered users and users beyond the free
support period on a time and materials basis.
We welcome your comments and/or suggestions for improvement. Please send
all correspondence to the address given in the earlier "Contacting Us"
We would also appreciate your suggestions for new professional and educa-
tional markets for this program. Please help us with your ideas.
Get BBS Upload Credits!!!
Most BBS's give you credits for uploading software. Please help yourself
and us by uploading the included, unchanged, ProMATHeus II archive file:
PRMATH40.ZIP file. Also included is a sample description which you can use
in BBS catalogs: DESCRIBE.BBS. Thanks!
Files Shipped with ProMATHeus II 4.0
You may have received PRMATH.ZIP or PRMATH40.ZIP which are compressed,
archived files. You may upload the above files to the bulletin boards of
your choice. They require PKUNZIP or a compatible decompression program to
unarchive these files:
FILE_ID.DIZ A standardized identification file used by bulletin boards.
PM2FILES.EXE Described below.
The file PM2FILES.EXE is a complete, executable archive of ProMATHeus II
files. Typing 'pm2files<Enter>' executes the file and expands the files
listed below into the disk/directory that the PM2FILES.EXE file resides:
README.1ST Important new information.
PROMATH.EXE ProMATHeus II main file.
PROMATH.DAT Contains previous session data (automatically saved).
PROMATH.SET Contains previous session settings (automatically saved).
PROMATH.HLP File used with the "help" key <F1>.
STATS.DAT Example sessions.
ORDER.ME Order and registration form for your printer!
DESCRIBE.BBS Sample description to be used in BBS catalogs.
FILE_ID.DIZ A standardized identification file used by bulletin boards.
?????.BGI Borland Graphics Interface files to interact with your video
QUIKSTRT.DOC Contains the "Quick Start" section of this manual.
MANUAL.DOC Contains the rest of this manual.
REGISTER.DOC Registration information.
VENDOR.DOC Information for software vendors and BBSs.