Welcome to ProMATHeus II. Please select from the topics below (with the <Tab> and <Enter> keys or mouse):
You may expand this window by clicking the upper right corner with a mouse. Use <Page Up> and <Page Down> to move through screens.
Test Drive Version
The unregistered, shareware version of this program is the "Test Drive" version of our premiere product, ProMATHeus II. This is a working demonstration program that allows you to view SOME of the capabilities of ProMATHeus II. You are allowed to use this program for evaluation purposes for 14 days before you must register. Aside from a more powerful program, there are many benefits to registering not the least of which are the moral and legal ones. We appreciate your support!!!
Using ProMATHeus II
Please select from the topics below:
The main menu appears horizontally across the top of the screen. Menu items help you control how ProMATHeus II operates. Menu items can be selected in four ways:
- Press <F10> + first letter of the menu item.
- Press <F10>, then arrows and press <Enter>.
- Press <Alt> + first letter of the menu item.
- Click the menu item with the mouse cursor.
Similarly, pull-down menu items can be selected in the same fashion:
- Press the first letter of the menu item.
- Use the up/down arrows and press <Enter>.
- Click the menu item with the mouse cursor.
- Press its <F#> key, if applicable.
Entering Formulas
Formulas are entered in the Input window--the second line from the bottom of the screen. If the cursor is not in the Input window, select it to be "active" with the mouse or the <F8> key.
Any algebraic formula can be entered, including parentheses and variables. An equals sign (=) is ONLY used to assign one dependent variable on the left to the expression: K
(dependent variable) = (expression)
x = 25*sqrt(y+3)
Formulas with variables are recalculated with each entry. *
Variables Numbers Functions
Variables serve as named memories in ProMATHeus II and allow formulas to interact. For example: 7
1| y=sqrt(3*10-5)-1 --> y=4
x=100-3*y --> x=88
The Variables window (<F7>) shows current values for all variables, if known. If more variables exist than are shown, you need to resize or scroll the Variables window.
Numbers may be in decimal or scientific notation. The following are acceptable entries:
Note: 2.3e5 = 2.3*(10^5) = 230000.
The constant PI may be used. It represents 3.14159265358979.
ProMATHeus has a rich variety of internal
functions for use in many endeavors. Also you may define and save your own custom
functions which can be used in formulas and other custom functions. One-variable custom functions can be graphed, solved, and numerically integrated and differentiated.
Custom Functions
Custom functions are entered like Formulas, in the input window, and appear in the Function Window (<F6>). They are entered in the following form: [
Form: name(a,b,c...) = formula using a, b, c...
Example: q(ss, x, f) = 23*ss-x/f
The variable names are simply place-savers and do not become regular variables. One-variable custom functions can be graphed, solved, and applied to calculus.
Solving Custom Functions
To solve a function for one of its variables, all other variable values must be supplied. Given the function f where:
f(a, b, c...) = z
To solve for 'b', enter:
f(a, [z,guess], c...)
where other variables (a, c, ...) are known. 'guess' is a starting value you provide. See manual for details.
Internal Functions
Logarithmic Trigonometric
Financial Statistical
Calculus Hyperbolic
Time Miscellaneous
- log(x): x>0 log base 10 of x "
- ln(x): x>0 log base e of x #
- exp(x): exponential of x ?
Note: the power of y to the x is given by the ^ operator: y^x
- pmt(amt, int, num): Payment for a loan. 7
The following are available to registered users only: ?
- pv(pmt, int, num): Present value of a string of payments. >
- fv(pmt, int, num): Future value of a string of payments. k
'amt' is the loan amount. 'int' is the periodic interest rate. 'num' is the number of payments or term.
- sin(x): sine of x "
- asin(x): arcsine of x, |x|<=1
- cos(x): cosine of x $
- acos(x): arccosine of x, |x|<=1
- tan(x): tangent of x
- atan(x): arctangent of x
All functions are in radians. To convert from x degrees to radians use rad(x). To convert from x radians to degrees use deg(x).
These functions are only available in the registered version of ProMATHeus II.
- sinh(x): hyp. sine of x
- asinh(x): hyp. arcsine of x
- cosh(x): hyp. cosine of x '
- acosh(x): hyp. arccosine of x, x>1
- tanh(x): hyp. tangent of x *
- atanh(x): hyp. arctangent of x, |x|<1
- sqrt(x): square root of x, x>0 !
- abs(x): absolute value of x "
- int(x): integer portion of x V
The following function is only available in the registered version of ProMATHeus II.
- if(cond,true,false): If 'cond' is nonzero, return the value of the 'true' expression. Otherwise, return the value of the 'false' expression.
- fact(x): factorial of x, x integer &
The following functions are only available in the registered version of ProMATHeus II. Z
- perm(n,r): number of permutations of n things taken r at a time, n,r are integer &
- comb(n,r): number of combinations of n things taken r at a time, n,r are integer &
- erf(x): statistical error function, x
- gamma(x): gamma distribution of x E
- norm(x,m,d): normal distribution of x, mean m, std deviation d>0 \
- inorm(p,m,s): inverse normal distribution of probability 0
1, mean m, std deviation d F
- chi(x,df): chi-square distribution of x
0, degrees of freedom d>0 ]
- ichi(p,df): inverse chi-square distribution of probability 0
1, degrees of freedom d>0 G
- fdis(x,d1,d2): F distribution of x>0, degrees of freedom d1,d2 >0 ]
- ifdis(p,d1,d2): inverse F distribution of probability 0
1, degrees of freedom d1,d2 >0 ?
- tdis(x,df): t distribution of x>0, degrees of freedom df>0 V
- itdis(p,df): inverse t distribution of probability 0
1, degrees of freedom df>0
These functions are only available in the registered version of ProMATHeus II. I
- der(fn#,x): numerical derivative of custom function number fn#, at x. ^
- intg(fn#,beg,end): numerical integral of custom function number fn#, between beg and end.
Calculus functions perform on one-variable custom functions which you have defined. For example, if custom function #3 is f(t)=t^2-3, then the derivative of f at 7 is der(3,7).
Benefits to Registering
You may try our "test drive" version of ProMATHeus II for 14 days. After that time, you must delete it or register. Why register? Simple!
- Get our powerful, premiere version!!!
- Many new functions!
- Nicely formatted printed manual
- No more reminder messages
- Free telephone support (see manual)
- Update notification
- Discount on Blarney Stone's
"Quick Calculator"!
- It's the moral and legal thing to do.
- Use cash, money order, check, or
- Use our toll-free 800 number.
Print the order form distributed as "ORDER.ME" to see prices and our special package deals.
Order with MasterCard or Visa
Don't delay--and we won't either. Order by calling our toll-free 800 number before 10pm CST) and we will ship on our next business day (if in-stock). m
Get your VALID* MasterCard or Visa ready and call! (*Sorry, but our accountant makes us check them anyhow.) T
First dial: 1-800-484-8091. A computer will answer and ask for a security code.
Then enter: 2771 L
If we are not available, see manual for the information you need to leave.
Using the Keyboard
In general, the arrow, <Home>, <End>, <PgUp>, <PgDn>, <Enter>, <Esc>, etc.
keys behave as you would expect. Their function depends in part on which window is active on the screen. Some special function keys: +
<F1> Help
<F2> Save
<F3> Next
<F4> Zoom
<F5> Formulas
<F6> Custom Functions
<F7> Variables
<F8> Input
<F10> Menu
<Ctrl><F3> Close window
<Ctrl><F4> Move window
<Alt><X> Save and exit
Windows can also be resized or moved using the Windows menu.
Up to five of the one-variable functions you have defined may be graphed. A menu lets you select the functions to graph and various graph options.
Please see manual for details.
A printed, ASCII-format, summary of all formulas, custom functions, and variables are printed with the current values. The printer is controlled by the Printer Setup menu.
Please see manual for details.
Variable & Function Names
Names may be up to 10 characters long. The first character must be alpha:
a-z _ A-Z
Following characters may be alphanumeric:
a-z _ A-Z 0-9
The constant PI or internal function names should not be used.
Time & Date Functions
Several functions are provided for time and date calculations. These functions are only available in the registered version of ProMATHeus II. .
- time(h,m,s): Converts to fractional days. D
- hour(f): Converts fractional days to last whole completed hour. G
- minutes(f): Converts fractional days to last minute past the hour. I
- seconds(f): Converts fractional days to last second past the minute. 1
- date(y,m,d): Converts to days past 1/1/1900. 9
- year(d): Converts days to last whole completed year. ,