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A Guide to ProMATHeus II Version 4.0, (c) 1993
ProMATHeus II is a copyrighted product designed to aid you in solving
simple and complicated calculations of all types. It was created by a
professional mathematician and actuary who was frustrated by the lack of
affordable calculation software which avoids the pitfalls of old-fashioned
calculators (and their PC-based mimics) and spreadsheets. ProMATHeus II
differs from other calculator software in that it works like you think--not
the way the mechanics require. Further, it differs from spreadsheets in
that it does not rely on cumbersome cell-address "logic". Features in-
- Variables have names rather than the nondescript numbered memories of
- Formulas are entered easily and they can interact with each other.
- Active formulas (i.e., those with variables) are reviewed constantly
and full or partial solutions are displayed.
- Formulas can contain functions and variables with known or unknown
- Many common functions are preprogrammed, including:
statistical: Factorials, combinations, permutations, normal, chi-
square, student's t, F, and gamma distributions (Most
inverses are included),
logarithmic: Log (base 10), ln (base e), exponential, and y-to-the-x
trigonometric: Normal and hyperbolic sine, cosine, tangent, arcsine,
arccosine, and arctangent.
financial: Loans, present value and future value of annuities.
miscellaneous: Integer part, absolute value, and square root.
- Custom functions can be defined easily, call other functions, and sim-
plify calculations. They can also be: solved (by iteration) for any
one of their variables, numerically integrated and numerically differ-
- Libraries of custom functions can be created relating to any disci-
pline: mathematics, finance, engineering, statistics, surveying, navi-
gation, etc.
- Up to five one-variable custom functions can be plotted simultaneously
with the Graph feature.
- Entire work sessions (formulas, custom functions, and variables) can
be saved and retrieved easily.
- The current work session is saved automatically.
New with ProMATHeus II
The success of the original ProMATHeus versions spurred us to develop the
ultimate, easy-to-use interface for this new version. Many new enhance-
ments have been added to make ProMATHeus II the ultimate tool for educa-
tors, students, scientists and professionals. New features include:
- A sensible, easy pull-down menu system.
- A window environment with windows which can be resized, moved, and
- Control via keyboard (several ways!) or mouse.
- Online, context-sensitive help screens.
- Clear, powerful screens for file retrieval, numeric format, color
selection, printer setup, graph setup, and other options.
- Improved graphics system.
- More error and information messages.
- More internal functions.
- Easier registration, an 800 telephone number, MasterCard/Visa, and
instant updates!
All the files needed to operate ProMATHeus II need to be copied to the
directory or disk from which you wish to operate ProMATHeus II. These
files have been distributed to you in one of two ways:
Method 1. Each file is distributed separately on a disk or as a part of a
ZIP (compressed archive) file. These must be copied to the
desired directory or disk. Then you must run PKUNZIP or a
similar decompression program available from your supplier.
Method 2. The files are "stored" within the file PM2FILES.EXE. To install,
you must simply copy and execute PM2FILES.EXE in the desired
directory or disk. All files will be extracted into the direc-
Copying from a Floppy Drive to a Hard Drive
There are many programs to copy files and create directories. The follow-
ing approach uses some traditional DOS commands. See your DOS manual for
details. First, select the hard drive with the appropriate letter. For
example, if your hard drive is 'C' (throughout the manual, keys are
represented in angle brackets like <F1> or <Enter>) :
Type: C:<Enter>
Next, use the 'change directory' command to select the directory to which
you wish to attach your ProMATHeus II subdirectory. For example, if you
wish to attach it to the root directory (\):
Type: cd \<Enter>
Next, use the 'make directory' command to create your ProMATHeus II
subdirectory. For example, if you wish it to be named 'PM2':
Type: md pm2<Enter>
Now, use the 'change directory' command to move to the new directory.
Continuing the example:
Type: cd pm2<Enter>
Last, copy the files from the floppy to the new directory. For example, if
the floppy drive is 'A':
Method 1: Type: copy A:\*.*<Enter>
Method 2: Type: copy A:\pm2files.exe<Enter>
Then execute the program.
Type: pm2files<Enter>
Now you are ready to operate! You must always be in this newly created
directory to run ProMATHeus II. However you chose to use ProMATHeus II, in
order to access all features you must include the following files in your
working directory:
PROMATH.EXE program file
PROMATH.SET program setup info
PROMATH.HLP help file
PROMATH.DAT session file
ORDER.ME order form
?????.BGI the appropriate graphics interface for your monitor/-
Optionally, you may want to include other saved session files which you
have named.
Running Off a Floppy Drive
If you must run from a floppy, copy the above listed files to a floppy
disk. We recommend using 720K or higher density diskette. If disk space
is limited, you may wish to save your session files to another disk.
Registered Users
If you have taken advantage of registering this program, you may now follow
the registration procedure provided to you. If you later move or copy your
program, the new copy will become unregistered and you would need to redo
the registration procedure. Of course, only you are licensed to have the
registered version of this program.
To register, select 'Registration Code' from the 'Register' menu. Then
enter your personal registration code provided by us.
Quick Start
You want to give it a whirl before getting into the particulars? Great!
First, you must install the program and files as explained in the previous
section. Then, at the DOS prompt:
Type: promath<Enter>
You will see the title screen. When prompted, press a key (<Enter> works
well). The main ProMATHeus II desk top appears. If you have not registe-
red, the top window will remind you that this is the "Test Drive Version"
of the program. This version is functional but does not have all of the
registered version's many features. Press <Enter>.
Let's analyze a 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage which nets, after closing
expenses, $80,000. We have two options: a 9% loan with no points down or a
8.5% loan with two points down. In either case, we have to pay $500
closing costs. Which is better in the short-term? The long-term?
Let's first calculate how much each loan would have to be to net $80,000:
Type: amount1=amount+500<Enter>
Several things happened. First, two formulas were entered in the Formulas
window and partially evaluated: 1-.02 became .9800. However, since
'amount' is not known we don't have final answers yet. Also, ProMATHeus II
recognized that you defined three variables and entered them in the
Variables window. We don't know their values yet either.
We can use the internal function 'pmt' to get the monthly payment. For the
two options:
Type: pay1=pmt(amount1,.09/12,30*12)<Enter>
Note: You could use the menu command 'Copy/Formula' to
edit a copy of the pay1 formula to become the pay2
Several things happened again. First, two more formulas were entered in
the Formulas window and were partially evaluated. Two more unknown
variables were entered in the Variables window.
So what's missing? Type: amount=80000<Enter>
Wow, everything is calculated! Even though it costs more at the beginning,
option 2 is cheaper in the long run. By the way, we could have entered the
formulas in any order and achieved the same results. Now, we can define
our own function to measure the final cost (fees, points, and interest) of
each option:
Type: cost(points,pay,amount)=points*amount+360*pay-amount
Note that a function has been defined in the Custom Functions window. Now,
Type: cost1=cost(0,pay1,amount1)<Enter>
Our own function did the work automatically! Now we know the exact cost
over the life of both options, and the difference in their costs. What
would be the payments and costs of a $100,000 mortgage?
Type amount=100000<Enter> and find out!
ProMATHeus II is a powerful tool for users ranging from the beginning
algebra student to the advanced engineering or scientific professional. It
shapes easily to fit the computational needs of each individual.