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Documentation for LOADGIF.OBJ & ERROR.OBJ v1.0
By Rich Geldreich, August 20, 1993
LoadGIF is a fast QB/PDS/VBDOS callable assembly function which
loads GIF format images onto the screen.
Loads a GIF format image file onto a 16 color or 256 color video
screen. The following parameters are expected:
MemPointer - Pointer to a block of memory for LoadGIF's use.
Use the LoadGIFMem function to find the amount of
memory required. (I've assembled LoadGIF to require
about 16k of memory.)
FileOfs - Offset and segment of zero terminated GIF filename.
ScrType - Set to zero for 16 color modes.
Set to one for mode 13.
Set to two for the "mode x" video modes. (Meant
to be used with Matt Pritchard's MODEX graphics
library, but should work fine with any MODEX
graphics lib.)
ScrOffset - Offset to use when writing to screen memory.
Normally zero unless you want to write to
another page of video memory. The table below
gives formulas for calculating a page's offset
for common video modes.
ScrWidth - Bytes per line. See table below for screen widths of
various video modes.
XRes - Screen's boundries. A 320x200 screen would be
YRes specified as 319x199, for instance. 640x480 =
639x479, etc.
X0 - These coordinates specify a "viewing window" for
Y0 the GIF's image. Any points outside of this window
X1 will not be plotted. Useful for only displaying part
Y1 of the image. This window is clipped to the screen's
XOrg - These coordinates specify where the image's upper
YOrg left hand corner will go. Negative values are valid.
AdapterType - This parameter selects either an EGA or VGA palette.
0 = Call the EGA BIOS to set the palette.
(Two bits per RGB component.)
1 = Call the VGA BIOS to set the palette.
(Six bits per RGB component.)
An EGA palette can only be specified for 16 color
PalIgnore - If this parameter is not zero then the palette in
the GIF file will not be set.
PalSeg - Offset & segment of where the image's palette
PalOfs is to be placed in memory. If you do not wish
to retrieve the image's palette, set PalSeg
to zero.
The area of memory will be filled with 3 *
numcolors bytes, where numcolors is the number
of colors stored in the first image of the GIF.
For instance, a 256 color GIF image requires 768
bytes of memory for palette storage. If you are
unsure of how many colors a GIF image contains,
set aside the maximum amount (768 bytes) to be
Each byte stored ranges from 0-255. The order
of storage is red, green, then blue.
If no global palette existed in the GIF file, no
information will be stored.
PalColors - The LoadGIF function returns the number of colors
the GIF image contained in this variable.
If the GIF file did not contain a global
palette, then a negative value will be returned.
For instance, if the GIF image contained 16
colors, but a global palette did not exist, the
value returned in this variable will be -16.
LoadGIF will return a -1 if any error occured. Call the
ErrorReport function to locate the source of the error.
The following chart shows the parameters that should be passed
for various video modes:
SCREEN # ScrType ScrOffset ScrWidth XRes YRes
-------- -------- ---------- --------- ----- -----
7 0 Page*8192 40 319 199
8 0 Page*16384 80 639 199
9 0 Page*32768 80 639 349
12 0 n/a 80 639 479
13 1 n/a 320 319 199
Mode-X 320x200 1 Page*16000 80 319 199
Mode-X 320x240 1 Page*19200 80 319 239
Mode-X 320x400 1 Page*32000 80 319 399
Mode-X 320x480 1 Page*38400 80 319 479
Mode-X 360x200 1 Page*18000 90 359 199
Mode-X 360x240 1 Page*21600 90 359 239
Mode-X 360x400 1 n/a 90 359 399
Mode-X 360x480 1 n/a 90 359 479
FUNCTION ErrorReport
If the ErrorReport function returns a number from 0-99, a
critical disk error occured(drive not ready, sector not found, etc.).
Error codes above 99 specify a DOS error(102=file not found, 103=path
not found, etc. See a DOS reference for a list of error codes and
meanings). Negative error codes specify an internal error:
-1 - Encountered end of file before GIF terminator.
-2 - Bad code in GIF file.
-3 - Not a GIF file.
-4 - Too many colors in GIF file for screen.
-5 - Bad image descriptor or GIF too big.
-6 - ScrType parameter is bad. Must be 0, 1 or 2.
-7 - AdapterType parameter is bad or EGA palette
specified for a 256 color VGA mode.
The ErrorReport function does not clear the internal error
variable, so this function may be called repeatedly.
Returns the number of pages of memory required by LoadGIF. (A
page of memory is 16 bytes long.)
The sample program TEST.BAS will load a GIF image specified on the
command line onto the VGA's 320x200x256 video mode.
The LoadGIF function was written for my own uses, and was not
originally intented for public release. The function is NOT a complete
implementation of the GIF89a standard. In other words, the function was
not designed for general purpose use. If you want a full fledged GIF
viewer, grab a copy of VPIC, GDS, or CSHOW. LoadGIF is best suited for
displaying a set of tested, pre-chosen images.
The LoadGIF function is public domain. Use as you wish. I have
included the complete assembly source code to it, just in case you wish
to study or modify it. Please keep in mind that I did not intend for
anybody to see this code, so don't puke if you see anything really
stupid! Also beware that I love using self modifying code. (Don't
worry, I didn't use any "unsafe" self modifying code that gets screwed
up by the prefetch queue.)
The file LOADGIF.QLB was linked for QuickBASIC 4.5. You'll have
to relink this file for PDS or VBDOS. The files LOADGIF.OBJ and
ERROR.OBJ must be in the quick library.
Finally, for those of you who try to make the LoadGIF function
callable from a language other than QuickBASIC, beware that the code
assumes that SS=DS on entry into the LoadGIF function. Line #517 takes
advantage of this.