SWAGOLX.EXE (c) 1993 GDSOFT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 00044 KEYBOARD I/O ROUTINES 1 05-28-9313:49ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM Stuff Keyboard Buffer IMPORT 19 {πROB PERELMANππ> I want to put the character and scan code for ALT-V in the keyboard buffer.π> In fact I would like to put it in there twice. I need it to be in theπ> buffer so that when my program terminates the parent process will act onπ> that key.ππ{π If this is being used with Turbo Pascal Version 3.0, you MUST setπ the C and U compiler directives to MINUS!π If this is being used with Turbo Pascal Version 4.0, then set theπ CheckBreak variable of the CRT unit to FALSE!π}ππUsesπ Crt;ππTypeπ BufType = Array[30..62] of Byte;ππVarπ Head : Integer Absolute $0000 : $041A; { Location of head of buffer }π Tail : Integer Absolute $0000 : $041C; { Location of tail of buffer }π KBDBuf : BufType absolute $0000 : $041E; { Absolute location of buffer }π S : String[80]; { Input string }ππProcedure StufftheBuff (Ch : Char; Code : Byte);πVarπ TempTail : Integer; { Temporary holding of Tail }πBeginπ TempTail := Tail; { Store the Temporary Tail }π Tail := Tail + 2; { Incriment Tail to next pos }π If Head = Tail Then { Is the buffer full? }π Beginπ Tail := TempTail; { Reset to previos value }π Sound(440); { Beep the user }π Delay(400); { Delay for the beep }π NoSound; { Turn off the sound }π Endπ Elseπ Beginπ KBDBuf[TempTail] := Ord(Ch); { Put the ASCII value in buf }π KBDBuf[TempTail + 1] := Code; { Put extended keypress valu }π If Tail > 60 then { Last position. Wrap? }π Tail := 30; { Wrap to 1st position }π End;πEnd;ππBeginπ ClrScr; { Clear the Screen }π StufftheBuff ( 'D',0 ); { Start stuffing the buffer }π StufftheBuff ( 'I',0 ); { Another stuff of the Buffer}π StufftheBuff ( 'R',0 ); { " " " " " }π StufftheBuff ( #13,0 ); { CR } { Stuff a carriage return }πEnd.π 2 05-28-9313:49ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM Clear Keyboard Buffer IMPORT 8 {πEDWIN CALIMBOππ║ I need to know how I can clear the keyboard buffer.π║ The reason I need to do this is that in a loop I'm reading inπ║ one Character and then calling a Procedure which returns to theπ║ loop For the next Character to be read. But sometimes it takes theπ║ next Character in the buffer that my have been a result of just holdingπ║ down a key For to long.πππ You can clear any keys in the keyboard buffer by using the following loop:π}π While KeyPressed Doπ ch := ReadKey;π{π Another way to clear the keyboard buffer is to set the keyboard headπ equal to the keyboard tail and the keyboard buffer as a circular buffer.π You can set the tail equal to the head this way:π}π MemW[$0000:$041C] := MemW[$0000:$041A]; { flush keyboard buffer }π 3 05-28-9313:49ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM INT09 Keyboard handler #1IMPORT 21 {π> Does anybody know of a way to reWrite the keyboard routines, to be ablπ> to read several keys at once? ReadKey will only read the last keypressπ> anything else I've tried can only read the last key you have pressed dπ>π> For example, in many games it will let you move Forward (With the Forwπ> arrow key) and shoot at the same time, With the space bar...Any suggesπ}ππUnit POLL ; { polled keyboard handler }π { does not support F11 or F12 keys } InterfaceππConstπ EscKey = 1 ; { key codes }π aKey = 30 ; { see TP 6 Programmers guide p 354 }π sKey = 31 ;π endKey = 79 ;π DownKey = 80 ;ππVarπ KeyTable : Array[ 1..127 ] of Boolean ; { KeyTable[ x ] is True when key xπis pressed } { and stays True Until key x is released }ππImplementationππUses Dos, KeyIntr ; { keyboard interrupt support }ππVarπ OldInt09 : Pointer ;π ExitSave : Pointer ;ππ{$F+} Procedure RestoreInt09 ;πbeginπ ExitProc := ExitSave ;π SetIntVec( $09, OldInt09 ) ;πend ;ππ{$F+} Procedure NewInt09 ; interrupt ;πVarπ ScanCode : Byte ;π KeyCode : Byte ;πbeginπ STI ;π ScanCode := ReadScanCode ;π KeyCode := ScanCode and $7F ; { strip make/break bit }π KeyTable[ KeyCode ] := ( ScanCode and $80 ) = 0 ; (* { For non C Programmersπ}π if ( ScanCode and $80 ) = 0 then { make code -- key pressed }π KeyTable[ KeyCode ] := Trueπ else { break code -- key released }π KeyTable[ KeyCode ] := False ;π*)π ResetKeyboard ;π EOI ;πend ;ππVarπ N : Byte ;ππbeginπ ExitSave := ExitProc ;π ExitProc := addr( RestoreInt09 ) ;ππ For N := 1 to 127 do { no key pressed }π KeyTable[ N ] := False ;ππ GetIntVec( $09, OldInt09 ) ;π SetIntVec( $09, addr( NewInt09 ) ) ;πend.π{---------------------------------------------} Program TwoKeys;ππUses Crt, Poll ; { polled keyboard handler } { ----- this Program willπprobably hang a debugger ----- } Varπ X, Y : Byte ;πbeginπ ClrScr ;π X := 40 ;π Y := 12 ;ππ WriteLn( 'Hit keys A S and 1 2 on the keypad' ) ;π WriteLn( ' -- Esc to stop' ) ;ππ While not KeyTable[ EscKey ] doπ beginπ GotoXY( X, Y ) ;π Write( ' ' ) ;ππ{ poll the KeyTable }π if KeyTable[ endKey ] and ( X > 1 ) then Dec( X ) ;π if KeyTable[ DownKey ] and ( X < 80 ) then Inc( X ) ;π if KeyTable[ aKey ] and ( Y > 4 ) then Dec( Y ) ;π if KeyTable[ sKey ] and ( Y < 24 ) then Inc( Y ) ;ππ GotoXY( X, Y ) ;π Write( chr( 1 ) ) ;π Delay( 10 ) ;π end ;πend.π 4 05-28-9313:49ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM INT09 Keyboard handler #2IMPORT 29 {πHere is my source For the keyboard handler.π}ππ{$X+}ππUnit KbIO;ππ(*---------------------------*) Interface (*----------------------------*)ππUses Dos;ππVarπ KbScancode : Byte; { internal Variable, can be used by host Program }π OldInt9Vect : Pointer; { For storing the old interrupt vector }ππProcedure RestoreOldInt9;πProcedure NewInt9; Interrupt;ππ(*------------------------*) Implementation (*--------------------------*)ππProcedure RestoreOldInt9; { Restores control to the old interrupt handler }πbeginπ SetIntVec($09, OldInt9Vect);πend;ππ{$F+}πProcedure NewInt9; (* Interrupt; *)πVarπ scancode : Byte;ππ Procedure ResetKBD;π Varπ b : Byte;π beginπ b := Port[$61];π Port[$61] := b or $80;π Port[$61] := b;π Port[$20] := $20;π end;ππbeginπ scancode := Port[$60];π KbScancode := scancode;π (* at this point, you could add Up, Down, Left & Right Varsπ eg. if (KbScancode = 72) then Up := True;π if (KbScancode = 72 + 128) then Up := False;π .π .π .π Don't Forget to initialize Up, Down, etc. if you use them! *)π ResetKBD;πend;π{$F-}ππbeginπ GetIntVec($09, OldInt9Vect);π SetIntVec($09, @NewInt9);π KbScancode := 0;π (*π At this point, the Unit could install a custom Exit Procedureπ that automatically restores the old keyboard handler when theπ host Program finishes.π *)πend.ππ{πJust include this Unit in your Uses clause, and, at any time during yourπProgram, you can check 'KbScancode' to see which key was currently pressed orπreleased. Pressed keys have values between 0..127, and released keys have aπvalue between 128..255. ESC = scancode #1, so here's a sample.π}πFunction Check4Quit : Boolean;πVarπ kbcode : Byte;π tmpBool : Boolean;πbeginπ tmpBool := False;π kbcode := KbScancode;π if (kbcode = 1) thenπ beginππ Repeatπ kbcode := KbScancodeπ Until (kbcode <> 1);π (* the above line Repeats Until a different key is pressedπ or released *)ππ if (kbcode = 129) thenπ tmpBool := True;π (* if they released ESC directly after pressing it, withoutπ pressing or releasing any other keys, return a True value *)ππ end;π Check4Quit := tmpBool;πend;ππ{πSo, basically, it's a good idea to save KbScancode in a temporary VariableπbeFore doing any checks on it, as it may change if you do this:ππif (KbScancode = 1) then beginπ Delay(1);π WriteLn('You pressed key #', KbScancode);πend;ππIn that short Delay, they may have released the key or pressed a new one,so theπvalue would have changed, and the Program might screw up.ππSomething to add: Boolean Variables For Up, Down, Left, and Right, For use inπgames and such. See the section in Procedure NewInt9.πππHey, Drew. I Forgot one thing in my message about the custom KB handler.πYou'll probably receive this message at the same time as the Unit I sent.πHere is the important message:ππWhen using the KbIO Unit, at the very end of your Program, include the lineπthat restores the old int9 vector. It is a Procedure called 'RestoreOldInt9'.πIt may not be Absolutely essential to include this line, but if you don'tπrestore the old keyboard handler, you might not be able to Type anything whenπthe Program Exits! (not so good, huh?) What to do: you can install a customπexit Procedure that restores the old int9 vector. if you don't know how to doπthis, quote these lines, or Write to me about "custom Exit Procedures toπrestore the old int9 vector," or something like that. Bye For now.π}π 5 05-28-9313:49ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM INT09 Keyboard handler #3IMPORT 30 {π> Does anybody know of a way to reWrite the keyboard routines, to be ablπ> to read several keys at once? ReadKey will only read the last keypressπ> anything else I've tried can only read the last key you have pressed dπ>π> For example, in many games it will let you move Forward (With the Forwπ> arrow key) and shoot at the same time, With the space bar...Any suggesπOops, I Forgot to include one of the Units you'll need to do this. I've alreadyπsent you POLL.PAS and TWOKEYS.PAS. Here's KEYinTR.PAS:π}πUnit KeyIntr ; { support For inT 09 routines } { Turbo Pascal 5.5 } InterfaceπProcedure CLI ; Inline( $FA ) ; { disable interrupts } Procedure STI ;πInline( $FB ) ; { enable interrupts } { cannot be used outside an interruptπProcedure } Procedure JumpInterrupt( p : Pointer ) ; { see TP5 Ref p 222π} Inline( $5B/$58/ { POP BX, AX AX:BX = p }π $89/$EC/ { MOV SP, BP }π $87/$46/$10/ { XCHG AX, [BP+10H] }π $87/$5E/$0E/ { XCHG BX, [BP+0EH] }π $5D/$07/$1F/$5F/$5E/ { POP BP, ES, DS, DI, SI }π $5A/$59/ { POP DX, CX }π $FA/ { CLI }π $CB ) ; { RETF jmp Far p }ππFunction Control_Pressed : Boolean ;πProcedure EOI ; { end of interrupt to 8259 } FunctionπReadScanCode : Byte ; { read keyboard } Procedure ResetKeyboard ;π { prepare For next key } Procedure StoreKey( Scan, Key : Byte )π;π { put key in buffer For inT 16 }πImplementation Uses Crt ; { Sound, NoSound } Typeπ Address = Record { used in Pointer manipulation }π offset : Word ;π Segment : Word ;π end ;πConstπ BiosDataSegment = $40 ;πVarπ KeyState : Word Absolute BiosDataSegment:$0017 ;π KeyBufferHead : Word Absolute BiosDataSegment:$001A ;π KeyBufferTail : Word Absolute BiosDataSegment:$001C ;π KeyBufferStart : Word Absolute BiosDataSegment:$0080 ;π KeyBufferend : Word Absolute BiosDataSegment:$0082 ;πππFunction Control_Pressed : Boolean ;πbeginπControl_Pressed := ( KeyState and 4 ) = 4 ; end ;ππProcedure EOI ; { end of interrupt to 8259 interrupt controller } beginπ CLI ;π Port[$20] := $20 ; { see TP5 ref p 211 } end ;ππFunction ReadScanCode : Byte ;πbeginπReadScanCode := Port[$60] ;πend ;ππProcedure ResetKeyboard ; { prepare For next key } Varπ N : Byte ;πbeginπ N := Port[$61] ;π Port[$61] := ( N or $80 ) ;π Port[$61] := N ;πend ;ππProcedure StoreKey( Scan, Key : Byte ) ; Var { put key in bufferπthat inT 16 reads }π P : ^Word ;π N : Word ;πbeginπ address(P).segment := BiosDataSegment ;π N := KeyBufferTail ;π address(P).offset := N ;π Inc( N, 2 ) ; { advance Pointer two Bytes }π if( N = KeyBufferend ) then { end of the circular buffer }π N := KeyBufferStart ;π if( N = KeyBufferHead ) then { buffer full }π beginπ EOI ; { EOI must be done beFore Exit }π Sound( 2200 ) ; { but beFore anything that takes a lot }π Delay( 80 ) ; { of time and can be interrupted }π NoSound ;π endπ elseπ begin { high Byte is scan code, low is ASCII }π P^ := Scan * $100 + Key ; { store key in circular buffer }π KeyBufferTail := N ; { advance tail Pointer }π EOI ;π end ;πend ;πend.π 6 05-28-9313:49ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM Turn Keyboard OFF IMPORT 15 {IDIOT PASCAL 101π----------------ππWelcome to IP 101. In today's lesson we will be answering a fewπoften asked questions about Turbo Pascal. if you signed up ForπIDIOT C/C++ 101, please get up and run beFore you get shot.ππQ: HOW do I TURN ofF/ON THE KEYBOARD FROM MY Program?πA: Easy. Though you may search through many books, you will findπ the answer in a Excellent reference called _THE MS-Dosπ ENCYCLOPEDIA_. It tells of a mystical I/O port where you canπ turn off/on the keyboard by just flipping a bit. This port isπ the 8259 Programmible Interrupt Controller. Now, part of theπ 8259 is the Interrupt Mask Register, or IMR For short. Theπ port location is $21. to turn off the Keyboard...(RECKLESSLY)ππ} Procedure KEYBOARD_ofF;ππ beginπ PorT[$21]:=$02π end;π{π to turn the keyboard back on (RECKLESSLY), just set the portπ back to $0.ππ (THE MSDos ENCYCLOPEDIA (C) 1988 Microsoft Press p417)ππQ: HOW do I FLIP BITS ON/ofF in A Byte or Integer?πA: Simple, Really. The following Procedures work on bothπ Byte,Char,Boolean,Integer, and Word values(I hope).π}πProcedure SBIT(Var TARGET;BITNUM:Integer); {set bit}ππVarπ SUBJECT : Integer Absolute TARGET;π MASK : Integer;ππ beginπ MASK := 1 SHL BITNUM;π SUBJECT := SUBJECT or MASKπ end;ππProcedure CBIT(Var TARGET;BITNUM:Integer); {clear bit}ππ Varπ SUBJECT : Integer Absolute TARGET;π MASK : Integer;ππ beginπ MASK := not(1 SHL BITNUM);π SUBJECT := SUBJECT and MASKπ end;ππProcedure SETBIT(Var TARGET;BITNUM:Integer;VALUE:Byte);{control}π {Proc. }π beginπ if VALUE = 1 thenπ SBIT(TARGET,BITNUM)π elseπ CBIT(TARGET,BITNUM)π end;ππ 7 05-28-9313:49ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM Keyboard Handler IMPORT 43 {π> I need help on reading the keyboard in a specific way, I need toπ> read it as a whole not a key at a time. I need to do this forπ> the games I make, I have to ba able to hold down one key toπ> perform a Function and then hold down another key and scan bothπ> keys at the same time but to perform 2 different Functions. Forπ> instance, if I hold down the left arrow key to make a Characterπ> run I should be able to hold down the space bar to make himπ> fire a gun at the same time.π> I would Really appreciate any help anyone could give me With this.ππGrab this (TWOKEYS.PAS) and the next 2 messages (KEYINTR.PAS and POLL.PAS).π}ππProgram TwoKeys;ππUsesπ Crt, Poll ; { polled keyboard handler }ππ{ ----- this Program will probably hang a debugger ----- }ππVarπ X, Y : Byte ;ππbeginπ ClrScr ;π X := 40 ;π Y := 12 ;ππ WriteLn( 'Hit keys A S and 1 2 on the keypad' ) ;π WriteLn( ' -- Esc to stop' ) ;ππ While not KeyTable[ EscKey ] doπ beginπ GotoXY( X, Y ) ;π Write( ' ' ) ;ππ { poll the KeyTable }π If KeyTable[ endKey ] and ( X > 1 ) then Dec( X ) ;π If KeyTable[ DownKey ] and ( X < 80 ) then Inc( X ) ;π If KeyTable[ aKey ] and ( Y > 4 ) then Dec( Y ) ;π If KeyTable[ sKey ] and ( Y < 24 ) then Inc( Y ) ;ππ GotoXY( X, Y ) ;π Write( chr( 1 ) ) ;π Delay( 10 ) ;π end ;πend.πππππUnit KeyIntr ; { support For INT 09 routines }ππInterfaceππProcedure CLI ; Inline( $FA ) ; { disable interrupts }πProcedure STI ; Inline( $FB ) ; { enable interrupts }ππ{ cannot be used outside an interrupt Procedure }πProcedure JumpInterrupt( p : Pointer ) ;πInline(π $5B/$58/ { POP BX, AX AX:BX = p }π $89/$EC/ { MOV SP, BP }π $87/$46/$10/ { XCHG AX, [BP+10H] }π $87/$5E/$0E/ { XCHG BX, [BP+0EH] }π $5D/$07/$1F/$5F/$5E/ { POP BP, ES, DS, DI, SI }π $5A/$59/ { POP DX, CX }π $FA/ { CLI }π $CB ) ; { RETF jmp far p }πππFunction Control_Pressed : Boolean ;ππProcedure EOI ;π{ end of interrupt to 8259 }ππFunction ReadScanCode : Byte ;π{ read keyboard }ππProcedure ResetKeyboard ;π{ prepare For next key }ππProcedure StoreKey( Scan, Key : Byte );π{ put key in buffer For INT 16 }πππImplementationππUsesπ Crt ; { Sound, NoSound }ππTypeπ Address = Record { used in Pointer manipulation }π Offset : Word ;π Segment : Word ;π end ;πConstπ BiosDataSegment = $40 ;ππVarπ KeyState : Word Absolute BiosDataSegment:$0017 ;π KeyBufferHead : Word Absolute BiosDataSegment:$001A ;π KeyBufferTail : Word Absolute BiosDataSegment:$001C ;π KeyBufferStart : Word Absolute BiosDataSegment:$0080 ;π KeyBufferend : Word Absolute BiosDataSegment:$0082 ;πππFunction Control_Pressed : Boolean ;πbeginπ Control_Pressed := ( KeyState and 4 ) = 4 ;πend;ππProcedure EOI ;π{ end of interrupt to 8259 interrupt controller }πbeginπ CLI ;π Port[$20] := $20 ;πend ;ππFunction ReadScanCode : Byte ;πbeginπ ReadScanCode := Port[$60] ;πend ;ππProcedure ResetKeyboard ;π{ prepare For next key }πVarπ N : Byte ;πbeginπ N := Port[$61] ;π Port[$61] := ( N or $80 ) ;π Port[$61] := N ;πend ;ππProcedure StoreKey( Scan, Key : Byte ) ;πVarπ{ put key in buffer that INT 16 reads }π P : ^Word ;π N : Word ;πbeginπ address(P).segment := BiosDataSegment ;π N := KeyBufferTail ;π address(P).offset := N ;π Inc( N, 2 ) ; { advance Pointer two Bytes }π If( N = KeyBufferend ) then { end of the circular buffer }π N := KeyBufferStart ;π If( N = KeyBufferHead ) then { buffer full }π beginπ EOI ; { EOI must be done before Exit }π Sound( 2200 ) ; { but before anything that takes a lot }π Delay( 80 ) ; { of time and can be interrupted }π NoSound ;π endπ Elseπ begin { high Byte is scan code, low is ASCII }π P^ := Scan * $100 + Key ; { store key in circular buffer }π KeyBufferTail := N ; { advance tail Pointer }π EOI ;π end ;πend ;ππend.πππππUnit POLL ; { polled keyboard handler }π { does not support F11 or F12 keys } InterfaceππConstπ EscKey = 1 ; { key codes }π aKey = 30 ;π sKey = 31 ;π endKey = 79 ;π DownKey = 80 ;ππVarπ KeyTable : Array[ 1..127 ] of Boolean ;ππ{ KeyTable[ x ] is True when key x is pressed and stays True Until keyπ x is released }πππImplementationππUsesπ Dos, KeyIntr ; { keyboard interrupt support }ππVarπ OldInt09 : Pointer ;π ExitSave : Pointer ;ππProcedure RestoreInt09 ; Far;πbeginπ ExitProc := ExitSave ;π SetIntVec( $09, OldInt09 ) ;πend ;ππProcedure NewInt09 ; interrupt ; Far;πVarπ ScanCode : Byte ;π KeyCode : Byte ;πbeginπ STI ;π ScanCode := ReadScanCode ;π KeyCode := ScanCode and $7F ; { strip make/break bit }π KeyTable[ KeyCode ] := ( ScanCode and $80 ) = 0 ;π ResetKeyboard ;π EOI ;πend ;ππVarπ N : Byte ;ππbeginπ ExitSave := ExitProc ;π ExitProc := addr( RestoreInt09 ) ;ππ For N := 1 to 127 do { no key pressed }π KeyTable[ N ] := False ;ππ GetIntVec( $09, OldInt09 ) ;π SetIntVec( $09, addr( NewInt09 ) ) ;πend.π 8 05-28-9313:49ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM Get Keyboard CLICK IMPORT 8 {$M $800,0,0 } { 2K stack, no heap }π{ This Program caUses a click each timeπ a key is pressed.}πUses Crt, Dos;πVarπ KbdIntVec : Procedure;π{$F+}πProcedure Keyclick; interrupt;πbeginπ if Port[$60] < $80 thenπ { Only click when key is pressed }π beginπ Sound(5000);π Delay(1);π NoSound;π end;π Inline ($9C); { PUSHF -- Push flags }π { Call old ISR using saved vector }π KbdIntVec;πend;π{$F-}πbeginπ { Insert ISR into keyboard chain }π GetIntVec($9,@KbdIntVec);π SetIntVec($9,Addr(Keyclick));π Keep(0); { Terminate, stay resident }π readln;πend.ππ{πActually this works as long as you change the GETinTVEC line, where it saysπ@@KbdIntVec, it should be only one @, odd that borland would have an exampleπthat didn't Compile. (It's a fine example, surprised myself too)π} 9 05-28-9313:49ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM Int 09 Support IMPORT 22 UNIT KeyIntr ; { support for INT 09 16 routines } { Turbo Pascal 5.5+ }ππINTERFACEππTypeπ InterruptProcedure = Procedure ;ππConstπ BiosDataSegment = $40 ;ππProcedure DisableInterrupts ; Inline( $FA ) ; { CLI }πProcedure EnableInterrupts ; Inline( $FB ) ; { STI }πProcedure CallInterrupt( P : Pointer ) ;ππFunction AltPressed : Boolean ;πFunction ControlPressed : Boolean ;πFunction ShiftPressed : Boolean ;ππProcedure EOI ; { end of interrupt to 8259 }πFunction ReadScanCode : Byte ; { read keyboard }πProcedure ResetKeyboard ; { prepare for next key }π { put key in buffer for INT 16 }πFunction StoreKey( Scan, Key : Byte ) : Boolean ;ππIMPLEMENTATIONππTypeπ TwoBytesPtr = ^TwoBytes ;π TwoBytes = { one key in the keyboard buffer }π Recordπ KeyCode,π ScanCode : Byte ;π End ;ππVarπ KeyState : Word Absolute BiosDataSegment:$17 ;π KeyBufferHead : Word Absolute BiosDataSegment:$1A ;π KeyBufferTail : Word Absolute BiosDataSegment:$1C ;π KeyBufferStart : Word Absolute BiosDataSegment:$80 ;π KeyBufferEnd : Word Absolute BiosDataSegment:$82 ;ππProcedure CallInterrupt( P : Pointer ) ;πBeginπ Inline( $9C ) ; { PUSHF }π InterruptProcedure(P) ;πEnd ;ππFunction AltPressed : Boolean ;πBeginπ AltPressed := (KeyState and 8) <> 0 ;πEnd ;ππFunction ControlPressed : Boolean ;πBeginπ ControlPressed := (KeyState and 4) <> 0 ;πEnd ;ππFunction ShiftPressed : Boolean ;πBeginπ ShiftPressed := (KeyState and 3) <> 0 ;πEnd ;ππProcedure EOI ; { end of interrupt to 8259 interrupt controller }πBeginπ Port[$20] := $20 ;πEnd ;ππFunction ReadScanCode : Byte ;πVarπ N : Byte ;πBeginπ N := Port[$60] ; { $FF means keyboard overrun }π ReadScanCode := N ;πEnd ;ππProcedure ResetKeyboard ; { prepare for next key }πVarπ N : Byte ;πBeginπ N := Port[$61] ;π Port[$61] := (N or $80) ;π Port[$61] := N ;πEnd ;ππFunction StoreKey( Scan, Key : Byte ) : Boolean ;πVar { put key in buffer that INT 16 reads }π P : TwoBytesPtr ;π N : Word ;πBeginπ DisableInterrupts ;ππ N := KeyBufferTail ;π P := Ptr( BiosDataSegment, N ) ;ππ Inc( N, 2 ) ;π If( N = KeyBufferEnd ) then { end of the circular buffer }π N := KeyBufferStart ;π If( N = KeyBufferHead ) then { buffer full }π Beginπ EnableInterrupts ;π StoreKey := False ;π Endπ Elseπ Beginπ P^.KeyCode := Key ;π P^.ScanCode := Scan ; { store key in circular buffer }π KeyBufferTail := N ; { advance tail pointer }π EnableInterrupts ;π StoreKey := True ;π End ;πEnd ;πππEND.ππππ 10 05-28-9313:49ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM Keyboard SCAN Keys IMPORT 28 {π> I need help on reading the keyboard in a specific way, I need to read itπ>as a whole not a key at a time. I need to do this For the games I make, Ihaπ>to ba able to hold down one key to perform a Function and then hold downπ>another key and scan both keys at the same time but to perform 2 differentπ>Functions. For instance, if I hold down the left arrow key to make aCharactπ>run I should be able to hold down the space bar to make him fire agun at thπ>same time.ππ by Sean Palmer, 1993, released to public domainπ}ππUnit keyScan; {for now, ignores extended codes ($E0 prefix)}ππInterfaceππTypeπ scanCode = (π kNone, kEsc, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, k9, k0, kMinus, kEqual,π kBack, kTab, kQ, kW, kE, kR, kT, kY, kU, kI, kO, kP, kLBracket,π kRBracket, kEnter, kCtrl, kA, kS, kD, kF, kG, kH, kJ, kK, kL, kColon,π kQuote, kTilde, kLShift, kBackSlash, kZ, kX, kC, kV, kB, kN, kM, kComma,π kPeriod, kSlash, kRShift, kPadStar, kAlt, kSpace, kCaps, kF1, kF2, kF3,π kF4, kF5, kF6, kF7, kF8, kF9, kF10, kNum, kScroll, kHome, kUp, kPgUp,π kPadMinus, kLf, kPad5, kRt, kPadPlus, kend, kDn, kPgDn, kIns, kDel,π kSysReq, kUnknown55, kUnknown56, kF11, kF12);ππConstπ kPad7 = kHome;π kPad8 = kUp;π kPad9 = kPgUp;π kPad4 = kLf;π kPad6 = kRt;π kPad1 = kend;π kPad2 = kDn;π kPad3 = kPgDn;π letters = [kQ..kP, kA..kL, kZ..kM];π numbers = [k1..k0, kPad1..kPad3, kPad4..kPad6, kPad7..kPad9];π FunctionKeys = [kF1..kF10, kF11..kF12];π keyPad = [kPadStar, kNum..kDel];ππVarπ keyboard : set of scanCode;π lastKeyDown : scanCode;ππImplementationπUses Dos;ππConstπ normChar : Array [scanCode] of Char = (π {00} #0,^[,'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','-','=',^H,^I,π {10} 'q','w','e','r','t','y','u','i','o','p','[',']',^M,#0,'a','s',π {20} 'd','f','g','h','j','k','l',';','''','`',#0,'\','z','x','c','v',π {30} 'b','n','m',',','.','/',#0,'*',#0,' ',#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,π {40} #0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,'7','8','9','-','4','5','6','+','1',π {50} '2','3','0','.',#0,#0,#0,#0,#0);π shiftChar : Array [scanCode] of Char = (π {00} #0,^[,'!','@','#','$','%','^','&','*','(',')','_','+',^H,^I,π {10} 'Q','W','E','R','T','Y','U','I','O','P','{','}',^M,#0,'A','S',π {20} 'D','F','G','H','J','K','L',':','"','~',#0,'|','Z','X','C','V',π {30} 'B','N','M','<','>','?',#0,'*',#0,' ',#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,π {40} #0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,'7','8','9','-','4','5','6','+','1',π {50} '2','3','0','.',#0,#0,#0,#0,#0);ππFunction ascii(k : scanCode) : Char;πbeginπ if [kLShift, kRShift] * keyboard <> [] thenπ ascii := shiftChar[k]π elseπ ascii := normChar[k];πend;ππVarπ oldKeyInt : Pointer;ππProcedure keyISR; interrupt;πVarπ k : scanCode;π b : Byte;πbeginπ Asmπ in al, $60;π mov b, al;π and al, $7F;π mov k, al;π pushF;π call [oldKeyInt]; {allow BIOS to process also}π end;π memW[$40 : $1A] := memW[$40 : $1C]; {clear BIOS keyboard buffer}π if shortint(b) >= 0 thenπ beginπ keyboard := keyboard + [k];π lastKeyDown := k;π endπ elseπ if b <> $E0 thenπ keyboard := keyboard - [k]π else ;πend;ππProcedure keybegin;πbeginπ keyboard := [];π lastKeyDown := kNone;π getIntVec(9, oldKeyInt);π setIntVec(9, @KeyISR);πend;ππVarπ ExitSave:Pointer;ππProcedure keyend;πbeginπ setIntVec(9, oldKeyInt);π ExitProc := ExitSave;πend;πππbeginπ keybegin;π ExitSave := ExitProc;π ExitProc := @keyend;πend.π 11 05-28-9313:49ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM Lock Keyboard IMPORT 14 {$X+}ππ{ Author Trevor J Carlsen. Released into the public domain. Req TP6 }π{ Compile and run this Program and all keyboard input except keys that }π{ make up a valid passWord will be ignored. In this Case the passWord }π{ is '1234' and the scancodes For those keys are stored in a Constant. }π{ to change the passWord Compute the scancodes For the desired passWord}π{ and change the passWord approriately. }ππUsesπ Dos,π Crt;ππVarπ OldInt9 : Pointer; { For storing the old interrupt vector }π passWord : String[4];π pwdlen : Byte Absolute passWord;π πProcedure RestoreOldInt9;π { Restores control to the old interrupt handler }π beginπ SetIntVec($09,OldInt9);π end;ππ{$F+}πProcedure NewInt9; interrupt;π π Constπ masterpwd :String[4] = #2#3#4#5; { '1234' scancodes }π Var π scancode : Byte;ππ Procedure ResetKBD;π Varπ b : Byte;π beginπ b := port[$61]; π port[$61] := b or $80;π port[$61] := b;π port[$20] := $20; { Signals EOI to PIC }π end;π πbeginπ scancode := port[$60]; π if chr(scancode) = masterpwd[pwdlen+1] then beginπ passWord[pwdlen+1] := chr(scancode);π inc(pwdlen);π if passWord = masterpwd thenπ RestoreOldInt9;π endπ else if not odd(scancode shr 7) then { invalid key }π pwdlen := 0;π ResetKBD;πend; π{$F-}ππbeginπ pwdlen := 0;π GetIntVec($09,OldInt9);π SetIntVec($09,@NewInt9);π ReadKey;πend. π π πππTeeCeeπππ--- TC-ED v2.01 π * origin: The Pilbara's Pascal Centre (+61 91 732569) (3:690/644)ππ 12 05-28-9313:49ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM Read CTRL/ALT/SHIFT Keys IMPORT 11 {π> I was sitting here thinking about how usefull it would be to be ableπ> to check the status of the different Locks (eg. scroll lock, num lockπ> or how to do it. I think it is some sort of Bios or Dos service??π> Any help would be greatly appreciated.ππThe easiest way is to access BIOS memory at address 40h:17hππ}πProcedure TestKeys;ππVarπ Scroll_Lock,π Caps_Lock,π Num_Lock,π Ins,π Alt,π Ctrl,π Left_Shift,π Right_Shift : Boolean;π Bios_Keys : Byte Absolute $40:$17;ππbeginπ Ins := ((Bios_Keys And $80) = $80);π Caps_Lock := ((Bios_Keys And $40) = $40);π Num_Lock := ((Bios_Keys And $20) = $20);π Scroll_Lock := ((Bios_Keys And $10) = $10);π Alt := ((Bios_Keys And $8) = $8);π Ctrl := ((Bios_Keys And $4) = $4);π Left_Shift := ((Bios_Keys And $2) = $2);π Right_Shift := ((Bios_Keys And $1) = $1);ππ Writeln('Insert : ', Ins);π Writeln('CapsLock : ', Caps_Lock);π Writeln('NumLock : ', Num_Lock);π Writeln('ScrollLock : ', Scroll_Lock);π Writeln('Alt : ', Alt);π Writeln('Control : ', Ctrl);π Writeln('Left Shift : ', Left_Shift);π Writeln('Right Shift : ', Right_Shift);πend;ππbeginπ TestKeys;π Readln;πend. 13 05-28-9313:49ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM Read CTL/ALT/SHIFT #2 IMPORT 8 Uses Dos;πVarπ regs : Registers;π stat : Byte;π inse, caps, numl, scrll, alt, ctrl, lshift, rshift : Boolean;π { declaration of all the bools hidden :) }πbeginπ regs.ah:=2; intr($16,regs);π stat:=regs.al;ππ inSE := stat and 128 <> 0; { Insert on }π CAPS := stat and 64 <> 0; { CapsLock }π NUML := stat and 32 <> 0; { NumLock }π SCRLL := stat and 16 <> 0; { ScrolLock }π ALT := stat and 8 <> 0; { ALT pressed }π CTRL := stat and 4 <> 0; { CTRL pressed }π LSHifT := stat and 2 <> 0; { left Shift " }π RSHifT := stat and 1 <> 0; { right Shift" }ππ Writeln(inSE);π Writeln(CAPS);π Writeln(NUML);π Writeln(SCRLL);π Writeln(ALT);π Writeln(CTRL);π Writeln(LSHifT);π Writeln(RSHifT);πend.π 14 05-28-9313:49ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM Read Keyboard STATE Keys IMPORT 17 {π>Can someone give me some code to make the lights Num lock/capsπ>lock/scroll lock keys to turn on?π}ππProgram KeySet;πConstπ CapsState = $40; { Mask For Caps Lock state }π NumState = $20; { Mask For Num Lock state }π ScrollState = $10; { Mask For Scroll Lock state }πVarπ Kb : Byte Absolute $0040:$0017; { Address of keyboard flags }π I : Byte;π S : String;πbeginπ if ParamCount = 0 thenπ beginπ WriteLn;π WriteLn(' Command line options:');π WriteLn;π WriteLn(' C toggle Cap lock state');π WriteLn(' N toggle Num lock state');π WriteLn(' S toggle Scroll lock state');π WriteLn(' Add + to turn on and - to turn off');π Halt(1);π end;π For I := 1 to ParamCount Doπ beginπ S := ParamStr(I);π S[1] := UpCase(S[1]);π { toggle Caps Lock }π if S = 'C' then Kb := Kb xor CapsState;π { toggle Num Lock }π if S = 'N' then Kb := Kb xor NumState;π { toggle Scroll Lock }π if S = 'S' then Kb := Kb xor ScrollState;π { Set Caps Lock on }π if S = 'C+' then Kb := Kb or CapsState;π { Set Num Lock on }π if S = 'N+' then Kb := Kb or NumState;π { Set Scroll Lock on }π if S = 'S+' then Kb := Kb or ScrollState;π { Set Caps Lock off }π if S = 'C-' then Kb := Kb and not (CapsState or not Kb);π { Set Num Lock off }π if S = 'N-' then Kb := Kb and not (NumState or not Kb);π { Set Scroll Lock off }π if S = 'S-' then Kb := Kb and not (ScrollState or not Kb);π end;ππ Write('Caps Lock : ');π if (Kb and CapsState) = CapsState thenπ WriteLn('ON')π elseπ WriteLn('ofF');ππ Write('Num Lock : ');π if (Kb and NumState) = NumState thenπ WriteLn('ON')π elseπ WriteLn('ofF');ππ Write('Scroll Lock: ');π if (Kb and ScrollState) = ScrollState thenπ WriteLn('ON')π elseπ WriteLn('ofF');πend.ππ{πThis Program will toggle, Turn on, or Turn off the Caps Lock, NumπLock, and Scroll Lock lights. and when its done it tells you theπstate of each key.π}π 15 05-28-9313:49ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM Keyboard SCAN Keys IMPORT 86 {AM▒Hi everyone, I have a question. I need to know if there is some simpleπAM▒way to do the following. I want to pass as a parameter to a ProcedureπAM▒that will indicate what keypresses are valid. I am doing this alreadyπAM▒for regular keys, but I need to be able to list regular keys as well asπAM▒extended key(mostly Function keys).ππAM▒I do like so,ππAM▒Command_Keys : Set of Char ['Q', 'A', 'K'];πAM▒Is there a way to add extended keys to the above.ππDeclare extended scan codes, then format them into an Array:π}πConstππ(* Function keys *)π F1 = $3B00; ShF1 = $5400; CtrlF1 = $5E00; AltF1 = $6800;π F2 = $3C00; ShF2 = $5500; CtrlF2 = $5F00; AltF2 = $6900;π F3 = $3D00; ShF3 = $5600; CtrlF3 = $6000; AltF3 = $6A00;π F4 = $3E00; ShF4 = $5700; CtrlF4 = $6100; AltF4 = $6B00;π F5 = $3F00; ShF5 = $5800; CtrlF5 = $6200; AltF5 = $6C00;π F6 = $4000; ShF6 = $5900; CtrlF6 = $6300; AltF6 = $6D00;π F7 = $4100; ShF7 = $5A00; CtrlF7 = $6400; AltF7 = $6E00;π F8 = $4200; ShF8 = $5B00; CtrlF8 = $6500; AltF8 = $6F00;π F9 = $4300; ShF9 = $5C00; CtrlF9 = $6600; AltF9 = $7000;π F10 = $4400; ShF10 = $5D00; CtrlF10 = $6700; AltF10 = $7100;π F11 = $8500; ShF11 = $8700; CtrlF11 = $8900; AltF11 = $8B00;π F12 = $8600; ShF12 = $8800; CtrlF12 = $8A00; AltF12 = $8C00;ππ(* Numeric keypad *)π Up = $4800; ShUp = $4838; CtrlUp = $8D00; AltUp = $9800;π Down = $5000; ShDown = $5032; CtrlDown = $9100; AltDown = $A000;π Left = $4B00; ShLeft = $4B34; CtrlLeft = $7300; AltLeft = $9B00;π Right = $4D00; ShRight = $4D36; CtrlRight = $7400; AltRight = $9D00;π Home = $4700; ShHome = $4737; CtrlHome = $7700; AltHome = $9700;πendKey = $4F00; Shend = $4F31; Ctrlend = $7500; Altend = $9F00;π PgUp = $4900; ShPgUp = $4939; CtrlPgUp = $8400; AltPgUp = $9900;π PgDn = $5100; ShPgDn = $5133; CtrlPgDn = $7600; AltPgDn = $A100;π Ins = $5200; ShIns = $5230; CtrlIns = $9200; AltIns = $A200;π Del = $5300; ShDel = $532E; CtrlDel = $9300; AltDel = $A300;π Pad5 = $4C00; ShPad5 = $4C35; CtrlPad5 = $8F00; AltPad5 = $9C00;ππ(* Alphabetic keys *)π LowA = $1E61; UpA = $1E41; CtrlA = $1E01; AltA = $1E00;π LowB = $3062; UpB = $3042; CtrlB = $3002; AltB = $3000;π LowC = $2E63; UpC = $2E43; CtrlC = $2E03; AltC = $2E00;π LowD = $2064; UpD = $2044; CtrlD = $2004; AltD = $2000;π LowE = $1265; UpE = $1245; CtrlE = $1205; AltE = $1200;π LowF = $2166; UpF = $2146; CtrlF = $2106; AltF = $2100;π LowG = $2267; UpG = $2247; CtrlG = $2207; AltG = $2200;π LowH = $2368; UpH = $2348; CtrlH = $2308; AltH = $2300;π LowI = $1769; UpI = $1749; CtrlI = $1709; AltI = $1700;π LowJ = $246A; UpJ = $244A; CtrlJ = $240A; AltJ = $2400;π LowK = $256B; UpK = $254B; CtrlK = $250B; AltK = $2500;π LowL = $266C; UpL = $264C; CtrlL = $260C; AltL = $2600;π LowM = $326D; UpM = $324D; CtrlM = $320D; AltM = $3200;π LowN = $316E; UpN = $314E; CtrlN = $310E; AltN = $3100;π LowO = $186F; UpO = $184F; CtrlO = $180F; AltO = $1800;π LowP = $1970; UpP = $1950; CtrlP = $1910; AltP = $1900;π LowQ = $1071; UpQ = $1051; CtrlQ = $1011; AltQ = $1000;π LowR = $1372; UpR = $1352; CtrlR = $1312; AltR = $1300;π LowS = $1F73; UpS = $1F53; CtrlS = $1F13; AltS = $1F00;π LowT = $1474; UpT = $1454; CtrlT = $1414; AltT = $1400;π LowU = $1675; UpU = $1655; CtrlU = $1615; AltU = $1600;π LowV = $2F76; UpV = $2F56; CtrlV = $2F16; AltV = $2F00;π LowW = $1177; UpW = $1157; CtrlW = $1117; AltW = $1100;π LowX = $2D78; UpX = $2D58; CtrlX = $2D18; AltX = $2D00;π LowY = $1579; UpY = $1559; CtrlY = $1519; AltY = $1500;π LowZ = $2C7A; UpZ = $2C5A; CtrlZ = $2C1A; AltZ = $2C00;ππ(* Number keys, on top row of keyboard *)π Num1 = $0231; Alt1 = $7800;π Num2 = $0332; Ctrl2 = $0300; Alt2 = $7900;π Num3 = $0433; Alt3 = $7A00;π Num4 = $0534; Alt4 = $7B00;π Num5 = $0635; Alt5 = $7C00;π Num6 = $0736; Ctrl6 = $071E; Alt6 = $7D00;π Num7 = $0837; Alt7 = $7E00;π Num8 = $0938; Alt8 = $7F00;π Num9 = $0A39; Alt9 = $8000;π Num0 = $0B30; Alt0 = $8100;ππ(* Miscellaneous *)π Space = $3920;π BkSp = $0E08; CtrlBkSp = $0E7F; AltBkSp = $0E00;π Tab = $0F09; ShTab = $0F00; CtrlTab = $9400; AltTab = $A500;π Enter = $1C0D; CtrlEnter= $1C0A; AltEnter = $1C00;π Esc = $011B; AltEsc = $0100;ππ Minus = $0C2D; CtrlMinus = $0C1F; AltMinus = $8200;π Plus = $0D2B; AltPlus = $8300;πPadMinus = $4A2D; CtrlPadMinus = $8E00; AltPadMinus= $4A00;π PadPlus = $4E2B; CtrlPadPlus = $9000; AltPadPlus = $4E00;π Star = $092A;π PadStar = $372A; AltPadStar = $3700;ππ{AM>I do like so,πAM>Command_Keys : Set of Char ['Q', 'A', 'K'];π >Is there a way to add extended keys to the above.ππ Hi Andrew!π One painless way is to set the high bit For Function keys.π}πUses Crt;πConstπ Home = #199; UArr = #200; PgUp = #201;π LArr = #203; Five = #204; RArr = #205;π endkey = #207; DArr = #208; PgDn = #209;π Ins = #210; Del = #211;ππ CtrlHome = #247; CtrlUP = #141; CtrlPgUp = #138;π CtrlLArr = #243; CtrlFive = #143; CtrlRArr = #244;π Ctrlend = #245; CtrlDown = #145; CtrlPgDn = #246;π CtrlIns = #146; CtrlDel = #147;ππ BackSp = #8;π Tab = #9; STab = #143;π Enter = #13;π Esc = #27;ππ CtrlPrtsc = #242;ππ CtrlA = #1; AltA = #158; Alt1 = #248;π CtrlB = #2; AltB = #176; Alt2 = #249;π CtrlC = #3; AltC = #174; Alt3 = #250;π CtrlD = #4; AltD = #160; Alt4 = #251;π CtrlE = #5; AltE = #146; Alt5 = #252;π CtrlF = #6; AltF = #161; Alt6 = #253;π CtrlG = #7; AltG = #162; Alt7 = #254;π CtrlH = #8; AltH = #163; Alt8 = #255;π CtrlI = #9; AltI = #151; Alt9 = #134;π CtrlJ = #10; AltJ = #164; Alt0 = #135;π CtrlK = #11; AltK = #165; Altminus = #136;π CtrlL = #12; AltL = #166; Altequals = #137;π CtrlM = #13; AltM = #178;π CtrlN = #14; AltN = #177;π CtrlO = #15; AltO = #152;π CtrlP = #16; AltP = #153;π CtrlQ = #17; AltQ = #144;π CtrlR = #18; AltR = #147;π CtrlS = #19; AltS = #159;π CtrlT = #20; AltT = #148;π CtrlU = #21; AltU = #150;π CtrlV = #22; AltV = #175;π CtrlW = #23; AltW = #145;π CtrlX = #24; AltX = #173;π CtrlY = #25; AltY = #149;π CtrlZ = #26; AltZ = #172;ππ F1 = #187; sF1 = #212; CtrlF1 = #222; AltF1 = #232;π F2 = #188; sF2 = #213; CtrlF2 = #223; AltF2 = #233;π F3 = #189; sF3 = #214; CtrlF3 = #224; AltF3 = #234;π F4 = #190; sF4 = #215; CtrlF4 = #225; AltF4 = #235;π F5 = #191; sF5 = #216; CtrlF5 = #226; AltF5 = #236;π F6 = #192; sF6 = #217; CtrlF6 = #227; AltF6 = #237;π F7 = #193; sF7 = #218; CtrlF7 = #228; AltF7 = #238;π F8 = #194; sF8 = #219; CtrlF8 = #229; AltF8 = #239;π F9 = #195; sF9 = #220; CtrlF9 = #230; AltF9 = #240;π F10 = #196; sF10 = #221; CtrlF10 = #231; AltF10 = #241;π F11 = #139; sF11 = #141; CtrlF11 = #154; AltF11 = #156;π F12 = #140; sF12 = #142; CtrlF12 = #155; AltF12 = #157;ππ Key : Char = #0;ππVarπ NextOn : ^Word Absolute $0040:$001A; {keyboard buffer}π NextOff : ^Word Absolute $0040:$001C; {keyboard buffer}π KeyStatusBits : Word Absolute $0040:$0017; {keyboard buffer}π KeyStatus : Recordπ RShift, LShift,π RCtrl, LCtrl,π RAlt, LAlt,π Caps, CapsON,π Ins, InsON,π Scroll, ScrlON,π Num, NumON : Boolean;π end;ππProcedure GetKeyStatus; { Changes KeyStatus Variable }πConst Old : Word = 0;πbeginπ Old := KeyStatusBits;π FillChar(KeyStatus,SizeOf(KeyStatus),0);π With KeyStatus doπ beginπ RShift := ((Old Shr 0 ) and 1) = 1;π LShift := ((Old Shr 1 ) and 1) = 1;π RCtrl := ((Old Shr 2 ) and 1) = 1; { Test For either CTRL Key }π RAlt := ((Old Shr 3 ) and 1) = 1; { Test For either Alt Key }π ScrlON := ((Old Shr 4 ) and 1) = 1; { Is Scroll Lock light on }π NumON := ((Old Shr 5 ) and 1) = 1; { Is Num Lock light on }π CapsON := ((Old Shr 6 ) and 1) = 1; { Is Caps Lock light on }π InsON := ((Old Shr 7 ) and 1) = 1; { Is Insert State on }π LCtrl := ((Old Shr 8 ) and 1) = 1; { This also sets bit 3 }π LAlt := ((Old Shr 9 ) and 1) = 1; { This also sets bit 4 }π Scroll := ((Old Shr 12) and 1) = 1; { This toggles bit 5 }π Num := ((Old Shr 13) and 1) = 1; { This toggles bit 6 }π Caps := ((Old Shr 14) and 1) = 1; { This toggles bit 7 }π Ins := ((Old Shr 15) and 1) = 1; { This toggles bit 8 }π end;πend; { }ππFunction GetKey : Char;πbeginπ If KeyPressed then { Test For BIOS key pressed }π beginπ Key := ReadKey; { Basic BIOS Keyboard Entry }π if Key = #0 thenπ beginπ Key := ReadKey;π Inc(Key,128); { Make Expanded key codes one Byte }π end; { }π end else Key := #0;π GetKey := Key;πend; { }ππProcedure FlushBuffer;πbeginπ Move(NextOn,NextOff,SizeOf(NextOn));πend; { }ππVar test : Char ;πbeginπ ClrScr;π WriteLN('Press Both Shift Keys to end');π Repeatπ GetKeyStatus;π Test := GetKey;π if Test <> #0 Then Write(Test);ππ Until (KeyStatus.RShift and KeyStatus.LShift);πend.π 16 05-28-9313:49ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM Keyboard SCAN Codes IMPORT 16 {πROBERT ROTHENBURGππ>I have created a Menu Bar, Now I think key #77 is left and key #77 isπ>assigned to "M" or one of them. But anyway so when someone pushes theπ>"M" key the menu bar moves. So how can I stop this, I only want it toπ>use the arrow keys and a few letters but not "M".ππYou guessed it: USE BIOS CALLS!π}ππProgram ShowCodes; {* This Program will output the keyboardπ {* scan codes. Use the Function "ScanCode"π {* in your Program once you know the codesπ {* For each keypress *}πUsesπ Crt, Dos;ππFunction Byte2Hex(numb : Byte): String; { Converts Byte to hex String }πConstπ HexChars : Array[0..15] of Char = '0123456789ABCDEF';πbeginπ Byte2Hex[0] := #2;π Byte2Hex[1] := HexChars[numb shr 4];π Byte2Hex[2] := HexChars[numb and 15];πend; { Byte2Hex }ππFunction Numb2Hex(numb : Word): String; { Converts Word to hex String.}πbeginπ Numb2Hex := Byte2Hex(hi(numb)) + Byte2Hex(lo(numb));πend; { Numb2Hex }ππFunction ScanCode : Word;πVarπ reg : Registers; {* You need the Dos Unit For this! *}πbeginπ reg.AH := $10; {* This should WAIT For a keystroke. Ifπ {* you'd like to POLL For a keystroke andπ {* have your Program do other stuff Whileπ {* "waiting" For a key-stroke change toπ {* reg.AH:=$11 instead... *}π intr($16, reg);π ScanCode := reg.AX {* The high-Byte is the "scan code" *}πend; {* The low-Byte is the ASCII Character *}ππbeginπ Repeatπ Writeln(Numb2Hex(ScanCode) : 6)π Until False; {* You'll have to reboot after running this <g>*}πend.ππ{πI "think" the arrow-key scan codes are:ππ $4800 = Up Arrowπ $5000 = Down Arrowπ $4B00 = Left Arrowπ $4D00 = Right Arrowπ}π 17 05-28-9313:49ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM Display MAKE/BREAK codes IMPORT 14 PROGRAM ScanCode ; { display MAKE and BREAK scan codes }ππUSES Crt, Dos, KeyIntr ; { keyboard interrupt support }ππ{ ----- this program will probably hang a debugger ----- }ππVarπ OldInt09 : Pointer ;π ExitSave : Pointer ;ππ{$F+} Procedure RestoreInt09 ;πBeginπ ExitProc := ExitSave ;π SetIntVec( $09, OldInt09 ) ;πEnd ;ππ{$F+} Procedure NewInt09 ; Interrupt ; { return scan code as key's value }πVarπ ScanCode : Byte ;π BufferFull : Boolean ;ππBeginπ EnableInterrupts ;π ScanCode := ReadScanCode ;π ResetKeyboard ;π BufferFull := Not StoreKey( ScanCode, ScanCode ) ;π EOI ;π If BufferFull thenπ Beginπ Sound( 880 ) ;π Delay( 100 ) ;π Sound( 440 ) ;π Delay( 100 ) ;π NoSound ;π End ;π { variation : move the EOI before the beep to after it }π { note the difference when the keyboard overflows }πEnd ;ππ{ see Turbo Pascal 5.0 reference p 450 for a list of scan codes }π{ 6.0 programmers guide p 354 }ππVarπ N : Byte ;ππBEGINπ ExitSave := ExitProc ;π ExitProc := @RestoreInt09 ;π GetIntVec( $09, OldInt09 ) ;π SetIntVec( $09, @NewInt09 ) ;ππ WriteLn( ' Display "make" and "break" scan codes ' ) ;π WriteLn ;π WriteLn( ' Hit the <Esc> key to exit ' ) ;π Repeatπ Delay( 400 ) ; { make it easy to overrun keyboard }π N := Ord( ReadKey ) ; { n is the scan code from NewInt09 }π If N < 128 thenπ WriteLn( 'Make ', n )π Elseπ WriteLn( ' Break ', n - 128 ) ;π Until n = 1 ; { the make code for Esc }πEND.π 18 05-28-9313:49ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM Extended Keys IMPORT 28 { MICHAEL NICOLAI }ππUsesπ Dos;ππFunction Get_Extended_KeyCode : Word;πVarπ regs : Registers;πbeginπ regs.ah := $10;π intr($16, regs);π Get_Extended_KeyCode := (regs.ah shl 4) + regs.al;πend;ππ{πThis Function waits Until a key is pressed. The upper Byte contains theπscan code, the lower Byte contains the ASCII code. If you don't want yourπProgram to hang if no key is pressed, use this funtion to check if anyπkeycode is actually present in the keyboard buffer:π}ππFunction Check_For_Extended_KeyStroke : Boolean; { like KeyPressed }πVarπ regs : Registers;πbeginπ regs.ah := $11;π intr($16, regs);π Check_For_Extended_Keystroke := False;π if ((regs.flags and fzero) = 0) thenπ Check_For_Extended_Keystroke := True;πend;ππ{πAfter this Function returns True, the keycode can be read Withπ'Get_Extended_KeyCode'.ππHere are the routines my Functions are based on:ππINTERRUPT 16h - Function 10hπKeyboard - Get enhanced keystrokeππPurpose: Wait For any keyboard input.πAvailable on: AT or PS/2 With enhanced keyboard support only.πRestrictions: none.πRegisters at call: AH = 10h.πReturn Registers: AH = scan code, AL = ASCII codeπDetails: if no keystroke is available, this Function waits Until one isπ placed in the keyboard buffer. Unlike Function 00h, this Functionπ does not discard extended keystrokes.πConflicts: none known.πππINTERRUPT 16h - Function 11hπKeyboard - Check For enhanced keystrokeππPurpose: Checks For availability of any keyboard input.πAvailable on: AT or PS/2 With enhanced keyboard only.πRestrictions: none.πRegisters at call: AH = 11hπReturn Registers: ZF set if no keystroke availableπ ZF clear if keystroke availableπ AH = scan codeπ AL = ASCII codeπDetails: if a keystroke is available, it is not removed from the keyboardπ buffer. Unlike Function 01h, this Function does not discard extendedπ keystrokes.πconflicts: none known.πππINTERRUPT 16h - Function 12hπKeyboard - Get extended shift statesππPurpose: Returns all shift-flags information from enhanced keyboards.πAvailable: AT or PS/2 With enhanced keyboard only.πRestrictions: none.πRegisters at call: AH = 12hπReturn Registers: AL = shift flags 1 (same as returned by Function 02h):π bit 7: Insert activeπ 6: CapsLock activeπ 5: NumLock activeπ 4: ScrollLock activeπ 3: Alt key pressed (either Alt on 101/102-keyπ keyboard)π 2: Crtl key pressed (either Ctrl on 101/102-keyπ keyboard)π 1: left shift key pressedπ 0: right shift key pressedππ AH = shift flags 2:π bit 7: SysRq key pressedπ 6: CapsLock pressedπ 5: NumLock pressedπ 4: ScrollLock pressedπ 3: right Alt key prssedπ 2: right Ctrl key pressedπ 1: left Alt key pressedπ 0: left Ctrl key pressedπDetails: AL bit 3 is set only For left Alt key on many machines. AH bits 7π through 4 are always clear on a Compaq SLT/286.πConflicts: none known.π}π 19 05-28-9313:49ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM Trap CTRL-BREAK IMPORT 13 { >> What sort of code do I need to include in a pascal Program (Writen inπ >> Borland Pascal 6.0) to disable CTRL-BREAK and CTRL-C?π}πUnit CAD;ππInterfaceππUses Dos;ππVarπ Int9Handler : Pointer;ππProcedure InterceptCtrlAltDel;πProcedure RestoreCAD;ππ ImplementationππProcedure InterceptCtrlAltDel; Assembler;ππConstπ Ctrl = 4;π Alt = 8;π Del = $53;π KbdPort = $60; { Keyboard port }π KbdCtrlPort = $61; { Keyboard control port }π PIC = $20; { 8259 Interrupt controller }π EOI = $20; { end-of-interrupt }ππ Asmππ PUSH AXπ PUSH DSπ MOV AX, SEG @Dataπ MOV DS, AXπ STIπ in AL, KbdPortπ and AL, 01111111bπ CMP AL, Delπ JNE @2ππ @1 : MOV AH, 2 { BIOS Get keyboard flags service }π inT 16hπ TEST AL, Ctrl + Altπ JNZ @3ππ @2 : PUSHFπ CALL [Int9Handler]π JMP @4ππ @3 : in AL, KbdCtrlPortπ MOV AH, ALπ or AL, 10000000bπ OUT KbdCtrlPort, ALπ XCHG AH, ALπ OUT KbdCtrlPort, ALπ CLIππ MOV AL, EOIπ OUT PIC, ALπ @4 : POP DSπ POP AXπ IRET { make sure we return correctly }πend; { InterceptCtrlAltDel }ππProcedure RestoreCAD;ππbeginπ SETinTVEC (9, Int9Handler);πend; { RestoreCAD }πππbeginπ GETinTVEC (9, Int9Handler);π SETinTVEC (9, @InterceptCtrlAltDel);πend. {Unit CAD}ππ 20 05-28-9313:49ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM Trap CTRL-BREAK #2 IMPORT 19 {Here is my solution to the problem of trapping Ctrl-Alt-Del. As extra suger,πI'm providing hooks to make this Program TSR. Happy hacking!ππ<<File: trapboot.pas>>ππ{$m 1024,0,0} { Necesarry if you want to make the Program resident. }π{****************************************************************************}π{* NoBoot *}π{* *}π{* This Program stops rebooting While it is running by trapping *}π{* Ctrl-Alt-Del. *}π{* *}π{----------------------------------------------------------------------------}ππUsesπ Dos, Crt;ππVarπ OldKBVec : Pointer;ππ{ Declare all Variables in our interrupt routine global so that no stack }π{ allocation of Variables will be done during the interrupt. }πVarπ Regs : Registers;π temp : Byte;π KBflag1: Byte Absolute $40:$17;ππProcedure MyKB; inTERRUPT;πConstπ EOI = $20;π KB_DATA = $60;π KB_CTL = $61;π inT_CTL = $20;π DEL_sc = $53; { Scancode of the del key }ππbeginπ { Check if Alt and Ctrl are pressed }π if ((KBFlag1 and 4)=4) and ((KBFlag1 and 8)=8) andπ (Port[KB_DATA]= DEL_sc) then begin { get scancode of pressed key }ππ { The following four lines signals that the key is read and that the }π { hardware interrupt is over. }π temp:=Port[Kb_CTL];π Port[KB_CTL]:= temp or $80;π Port[KB_CTL]:= temp;π Port[inT_CTL]:= EOI;ππ { Don't do ANYTHinG here that requires BIOS. This 'Writeln' is using the }π { Crt Unit. }π Writeln('Ouch! That hurts!'); { Show we are here and alive! }π endπ else beginπ intr($69, Regs); { Call the old interrupt routine }π end;πend;ππVarπ Ch : Char;ππbeginπ GetIntVec($9, OldKBVec);π SetIntVec($69, OldKBVec);π SetIntVec($9, @MyKB);ππ { Keep(0); } { Uncomment and erase the rest of the lines to make this Program}ππ Repeatπ Writeln('Press escape to Exit. or Ctrl-Alt-Del if you want...');π ch:= ReadKey;π Until ch=#27;ππ { Forgetting the next line will very surely crash your Computer. }π SetIntVec($9, OldKbVec);πend.π 21 05-28-9313:49ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM Trap PAUSE Key IMPORT 10 {The problem is that the pause key actually paUses the Computerπvia hardware. to reset the pause, you can use the timer interruptπto generate a reset process at every tick. The method hereπwas taken from some Computer magazine.π}ππProgram TrapPause;πUses Dos;πVarπ Timerint : Pointer;π PauseFlag : Boolean;ππProcedure PauseDetect(flags,CS,IP,AX,BX,CX,DX,SI,DI,DS,ES,BP: Word);π {This latches on to the system timer interrupt to detect if theπ pause key has been pressed, and if so to reset the system to allowπ operation to continue and to set Pauseflag = True}π interrupt;π beginπ if memw[$0:$418] and 8 = 8 then {Test bit 3}π beginπ Pauseflag := True;π memw[$0:$418] := memw[$0:$418] and $F7; {Set bit 3 = 0}π end;π Inline($9C/ {PushF}π $3E/ {DS}π $FF/$1E/timerint);{Far call to usual timer interrupt}π end;πππbeginπ Getintvec($08,Timerint); {Save old interrupt For timer}π Setintvec($08,@PauseDetect); {Redirect timer to PauseDetect}πend.ππ 22 05-28-9313:49ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM Trap PAUSE Key #2 IMPORT 28 {GE> Does anyone know how to disable the pause key?ππ Here's one way, done in Assembly, With example Turbo Pascal code ...π}π(*******************************************************************)π Program TestTrapPause; { demo disabling the Pause key }π Uses Crt, { import CheakBreak, KeyPressed }π Dos; { import GetIntVec, SetIntVec }π Var old09Vector : Pointer; { to hold original ISR }π loopc, { a loop count }π ppress : Word; { counts Pause key presses }π{-------------------------------------------------------------------}π{ the following Procedures|Functions mask & count Pause keystrokes }π Procedure InitTrapPause( oldVector : Pointer ); EXTERNAL;π Procedure TrapPause; Interrupt; EXTERNAL;π Function PausePresses : Word; EXTERNAL;π Procedure ForgetPaUses; EXTERNAL;π {$L NOPAUSE.OBJ} { Assembly, Near calls }π{-------------------------------------------------------------------}π beginπ ClrScr;π CheckBreak := False; { don't allow Ctrl-Break }ππ GetIntVec( 9, old09Vector ); { get current keyboard ISR }π InitTrapPause( old09Vector ); { pass vector to TrapPause }π SetIntVec( 9, @TrapPause ); { enable TrapPause ISR }π ForgetPaUses; { zero the PausePresses counter }ππ loopc := 0; { initialize }π WriteLn; WriteLn( 'Press the PAUSE key... ');ππ Repeatπ WriteLn;π ppress := PausePresses; { initial Pause press count }π While (ppress = PausePresses) and (not KeyPressed)π do beginπ inC( loopc ); if (loopc = 65535) then loopc := 0;π Write( loopc:5, ' you''ve pressed the Pause key ' );π Write( ppress, ' times',#13 );π end; {While}π Until KeyPressed;ππ SetIntVec( 9, old09Vector ); { restore Pause & release ISR }ππ end {TestTrapPause}.π(*******************************************************************)ππ{ The following TP Program will create NOPAUSE.ARC, which containsπ NOPAUSE.OBJ ...ππ Program A; Var G:File; Const V:Array [ 1..279 ] of Byte =(π26,8,78,79,80,65,85,83,69,46,79,66,74,0,94,248,0,0,0,43,26,67,140,78,π194,29,1,0,0,12,128,26,0,88,224,230,13,156,48,117,230,148,113,17,100,π74,19,47,150,14,0,0,64,96,200,19,34,69,136,96,146,136,162,13,0,1,2,2,π28,131,4,32,200,196,0,12,140,60,145,114,164,8,21,40,65,170,76,41,50,165,π204,68,6,48,101,22,129,34,133,230,204,41,96,38,54,72,226,36,9,21,42,82,π130,64,201,57,115,34,128,4,72,149,50,45,226,99,34,9,68,4,38,138,10,16,π13,84,28,0,1,38,46,226,102,99,209,17,1,46,70,77,44,123,132,64,218,137,π46,142,25,112,10,64,88,214,33,6,243,200,73,115,6,13,29,16,49,114,228,π144,1,226,136,156,50,103,222,200,201,3,98,138,11,43,124,221,148,65,200,π134,14,167,125,80,200,129,225,81,132,206,1,44,157,92,252,115,1,247,223,π92,0,176,64,152,3,1,250,25,0,72,6,92,132,154,56,44,238,105,218,125,56,π201,0,64,12,1,216,0,90,120,67,248,205,133,119,133,223,94,120,51,249,29,π(96 min left), (H)elp, More? 156,88,20,228,188,197,64,39,134,6,58,43,69,2,38,210,1,26,0);π begin Assign(G,'NOPAUSE.ARC'); ReWrite(G,Sizeof(V));π BlockWrite(G,V,1); Close(G); end (*Gbug1.5*).π}π 23 05-29-9308:53ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM Various READ Key/Chars IMPORT 19 {πAuthor : GAYLE DAVISππI have seen a number of messages recently about keyboard access. Here areπsome neat FAST routines to use instead of ReadKey (Crt Unit). Be advisedπthat in these routines, I add 128 to the HI Byte in order to be able to useπall 256 Characters. Just remember to add 128 to test For all Function keys.π}ππUsesπ Dos;ππFunction GetKey (Var Key : Word) : Boolean; Assembler;π{ determine if key pressed and return it as a Word }π{ if Lo(key) = 0 and Hi(key) <> 0 then we have a FN key ! }πAsmπ MOV AH, 1π INT 16Hπ MOV AL, 0π JE @@1π xor AH, AHπ INT 16Hπ LES DI, Keyπ MOV Word PTR ES : [DI], AXπ MOV AL, 1π @@1 :πend;ππFunction GetChar (Var Key : Char) : Boolean;π{ determine if key pressed and return it as a Char}πVarπ c : Word;πbeginπ Key := #0;π if GetKey (c) thenπ beginπ GetChar := True;π if (LO (c) = 0) and (HI (c) <> 0) thenπ Key := CHR ( HI (c) + 128 ) { add 128 For FN keys }π elseπ Key := CHR (LO (c) );π endπ elseπ GetChar := False;πend;ππFunction KeyReady : Char;π{ looks For and PEEKS at Char but DOES not read it out of buffer }π{ returns the Char it finds or #0 if no Character waiting }πVarπ Regs : Registers;π Key : Byte;πbeginπ Regs.AH := 1; { determine if a key has been }π INTR ( $16, Regs ); { converted to a key code }π if ( Regs.Flags and FZERO = 0 ) thenπ begin { yes, Character now in keyboard buffer }π { determine what it is }π if ( Regs.AL = 0 ) thenπ Key := Regs.AH + 128π elseπ Key := Regs.AL;π endπ elseπ Key := 0;π KeyReady := CHR (Key);πend;ππProcedure ClearKeyBuffer;πVarπ Regs : Registers;πbeginπ Regs.AH := 0; { Clear ENTIRE keyboard }π INTR ( $16, Regs ); { buffer via the BIOS }πend;ππFunction AnyKeyPressed (Ch : Char; Clear : Boolean) : Boolean;π{ Check if a Character is present in buffer, and optionally clears it }πVarπ Key : Char;π Regs : Registers;ππbeginπ Key := KeyReady;π AnyKeyPressed := (Key = Ch);π if (Key = Ch) and Clear thenπ ClearKeyBuffer;πend;π 24 05-31-9307:14ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM Simple KEYSTATE Routines IMPORT 17 BB>procedure ShiftStatus(var Ins,π > CapsLock,π > NumLock,π > ScrollLock,π > Alt,π > Ctrl,π > LeftShift,π > RightShift: Boolean);ππI thought this was a little tedious because it is a pain to have allπthose variables....so I made something like this:πππUnit KeyStats;ππInterfaceππ Function RightShift: Boolean;π Function LeftShift: Boolean;π Function Control: Boolean;π Function Alt: Boolean;π Function ScrollLock: Boolean;π Function NumLock: Boolean;π Function CapsLock: Boolean;π Function Insert: Boolean;ππImplementationππUses Dos;ππFunction ShiftState: Byte;πVar Regs: Registers;πBeginπ Regs.Ah:=2;π Intr($16, Regs);π ShiftState:=Regs.Al;πEnd;ππFunction RightShift: Boolean;πBeginπ RightShift:=(ShiftState and 1)<>0;πEnd;ππFunction LeftShift: Boolean;πBeginπ LeftShift:=(ShiftState and 2)<>0;πEnd;ππFunction Control: Boolean;πBeginπ Control:=(ShiftState and 4)<>0;πEnd;ππFunction Alt: Boolean;πBeginπ Alt:=(ShiftState and 8)<>0;πEnd;ππFunction ScrollLock: Boolean;πBeginπ ScrollLock:=(ShiftState and 16)<>0;πEnd;ππFunction NumLock: Boolean;πBeginπ NumLock:=(ShiftState and 32)<>0;πEnd;ππFunction CapsLock: Boolean;πBeginπ CapsLock:=(ShiftState and 64)<>0;πEnd;ππFunction Insert: Boolean;πBeginπ Insert:=(ShiftState and 128)<>0;πEnd;ππEnd.ππHere is a little something that will turn on the light for you.πThe state of the keys below is at addrees $40 and offset $17 in memory, byπchanging the values at that location, you can turn on the CAPS, the NUM etc..πππTypeππ Toggles = (RShift, LShift, Ctrl, Alt,π ScrollLock, NumLock, CapsLock, Insert);π Status = Set of Toggles;ππVarπ KeyStatus : Status Absolute $40:$17;πππExample : to turn on the caps lock, do this :ππ KeyStatus := KeyStatus + [CapsLock];ππ 25 05-31-9308:07ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM Ctrl/Alt/Del Trapping IMPORT 21 ==============================================================================π BBS: ─≡─ The Graphics Connection ─≡─ Specialiπ To: JOE JACOBSON Date: 12-20-92 (15:25)πFrom: GUY MCLOUGHLIN Number: 1137 [121] Pascal-ILπSubj: CTRL-ALT-DELETE TRAPPING Status: Publicπ------------------------------------------------------------------------------π ...Unit captured from FIDONET:ππUNIT CAD;ππ{- Area: PASCAL ---------------------}π{ Date: 10-16-92 22:12 }π{ From: Wilbert van Leijen }π{ To: John Martzall }π{ Subj: Ctrl-Alt-Delete }π{------------------------------------}ππINTERFACEππUSES Dos;ππVARπ Int9Handler : POINTER;ππPROCEDURE InterceptCtrlAltDel;πPROCEDURE RestoreCAD;ππ IMPLEMENTATIONππPROCEDURE InterceptCtrlAltDel; Assembler;ππCONSTπ Ctrl = 4;π Alt = 8;π Del = $53;π KbdPort = $60; { Keyboard port }π KbdCtrlPort = $61; { Keyboard control port }π PIC = $20; { 8259 Interrupt controller }π EOI = $20; { End-of-interrupt }ππ ASMπ { Make sure we can access our global data }ππ PUSH AXπ PUSH DSπ MOV AX, SEG @Dataπ MOV DS, AXπ STIππ { Read keyboard port and mask out the 'break bit'.π Check whether the <Del> key was pressed. }ππ IN AL, KbdPortπ AND AL, 01111111bπ CMP AL, Delπ JNE @2ππ { <Del> key was pressed, now check whether <Ctrl> and <Alt>π are held down }ππ @1 : MOV AH, 2 { BIOS Get keyboard flags service }π INT 16hπ TEST AL, Ctrl + Altπ JNZ @3ππ { Chain to previous owner of INT 9 }ππ @2 : PUSHFπ CALL [Int9Handler]π JMP @4ππ { Ctrl-Alt-Del combination found: send the break code }ππ @3 : IN AL, KbdCtrlPortπ MOV AH, ALπ OR AL, 10000000bπ OUT KbdCtrlPort, ALπ XCHG AH, ALπ OUT KbdCtrlPort, ALπ CLIππ { Signal 'End Of Interrupt' to the 8259 interrupt controller chip }ππ MOV AL, EOIπ OUT PIC, ALπ @4 : POP DSπ POP AXπ IRET { make sure we return correctly }πEND; { InterceptCtrlAltDel }ππPROCEDURE RestoreCAD;ππBEGINπ SETINTVEC (9, Int9Handler);πEND; { RestoreCAD }ππBEGINπ GETINTVEC (9, Int9Handler);π SETINTVEC (9, @InterceptCtrlAltDel);πEND.π - Guyπ---π ■ DeLuxe²/386 1.25 #5060 ■π ■ QNet3ß ■ ILink - Canada Remote Systems - Toronto, Ont (416) 798-4713π 26 06-22-9309:10ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM Another Ctrl-Break Trap IMPORT 11 UNIT Break;π{This unit traps the Ctrl-Break sequence}ππINTERFACEπUSESπ DOS;πCONSTπ BrkTrapped : Boolean = FALSE;πPROCEDURE TrapCtrlBrkOn;πPROCEDURE TrapCtrlBrkOff;ππIMPLEMENTATIONπCONSTπ CtrlBrkInterrupt = $1B;π BrkTrapSet : Boolean = FALSE;πVARπ OldBrkVector : Pointer;π{ The following procedure is the new Ctrl-Breakπ Interrupt handler. It traps the Ctrl-Break keyπ sequence and setsa flag for the currentlyπ running program to check. You should do anyπ special processing based on this flag's value}π{$F+}πPROCEDURE NewCtrlBrkVector; INTERRUPT;π{$F-}πBEGINπ INLINE($FA); {Clear interrupts instruction -CLI}π {Reset bit 7 low}π Mem[$0040:$0071] := Mem[$0040:$0071] AND $E;π BrkTrapped := TRUE;π INLINE($FB) {Set interrupts instruction - STI}πEND;ππPROCEDURE TrapCtrlBrkOn;πBEGINπ {Make sure no stacked calls are possible}π IF NOT BrkTrapSet THENπ BEGINπ BrkTrapSet := TRUE;π GetIntVec(CtrlBrkInterrupt, OldBrkVector);π SetIntVec(CtrlBrkInterrupt, @NewCtrlBrkVector)π ENDπEND;ππPROCEDURE TrapCtrlBrkOff;πBEGIN {Check if there is an old vector to restore}π IF BrkTrapSet THENπ BEGINπ BrkTrapSet := FALSE;π SetIntVec(CtrlBrkInterrupt, OldBrkVector)π ENDπEND;ππEND.π 27 06-22-9309:17ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM OOP Keyboard Routines IMPORT 25 UNIT Keybd; { Keybd.PAS / Keybd.TPU }ππINTERFACEππUSES Crt, Dos;ππTYPEπ CType = ( UBAR, BLOCK );π Keyboard = OBJECTπ ThisCursor: CType;π PROCEDURE InitKeyBd;π PROCEDURE SetCursor( Cursor: CType );π FUNCTION GetCursor: CType;π FUNCTION GetKbdFlags: Byte;π FUNCTION GetKey( VAR KeyFlags: Byte; VAR FunctKey: Boolean;π VAR Ch: Char ): Boolean;π END;ππ{***************************************************************}π IMPLEMENTATIONπ{***************************************************************}πππ{Keyboard}ππ{-------------------------------------------------π- Name : InitKeyBd -π- Purpose: Set the cursor to underline style -π- and empty keyboard buffer -π-------------------------------------------------}ππPROCEDURE Keyboard.InitKeyBd;π VARπ Ch : Char;π BEGINπ SetCursor( UBAR );π WHILE( KeyPressed ) DO Ch := ReadKey;π END;ππ{-------------------------------------------------π- Name : SetCursor -π- Purpose: Modify number of lines for cursor -π-------------------------------------------------}ππPROCEDURE Keyboard.SetCursor;π VARπ Regs: Registers;π BEGINπ CASE Cursor OFπ UBAR: Regs.Ch := 6;π BLOCK: Regs.Ch := 1;π END;π Regs.CL := 7;π Regs.AH := 1;π Intr( $10, Regs );π END;ππ{-------------------------------------------------π- Name : GetKbdFlags -π- Purpose: Monitor the Insert key -π- Output : Shift key status flag byte -π-------------------------------------------------}ππFUNCTION Keyboard.GetKbdFlags: Byte;π VARπ Regs: Registers;π BEGINπ (* FOR enhanced keyboards: AH := $12 *)π (* FOR normal keyboards: AH := $02 *)π Regs.AH := $12;π Intr( $16, Regs );π IF( Regs.AX AND $80 = $80 ) THEN SetCursor( BLOCK )π ELSE SetCursor( UBAR );π GetKbdFlags := Regs.AX;π END;ππ{-------------------------------------------------π- Name : GetCursor -π- Purpose: Query current cursor state -π-------------------------------------------------}ππFUNCTION Keyboard.GetCursor;π BEGINπ GetCursor := ThisCursor;π END;ππ{-------------------------------------------------π- Name : GetKey -π- Purpose: Get a keypress contents if any -π- Updates a function keypressed flag -π-------------------------------------------------}ππFUNCTION Keyboard.GetKey;π VARπ Result : Boolean;π BEGINπ Result := KeyPressed;π FunctKey := FALSE;π Ch := #$00; {Use this to check for Function key press}π IF Result THEN BEGINπ Ch := ReadKey;π IF( KeyPressed AND ( Ch = #$00 ) ) THEN BEGINπ Ch := ReadKey;π FunctKey := TRUE;π END;π END;π KeyFlags := GetKbdFlags;π GetKey := Result;π END;ππEND.π 28 06-22-9309:21ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM Disable PRINT SCREEN IMPORT 14 ===========================================================================π BBS: Canada Remote SystemsπDate: 06-15-93 (09:40) Number: 26422πFrom: CHRIS JANTZEN Refer#: NONEπ To: JANOS SZAMOSFALVI Recvd: NO πSubj: Re: No print screen Conf: (1221) F-PASCALπ---------------------------------------------------------------------------πOn Sunday June 13 1993, Janos Szamosfalvi wrote to All:ππ JS> PROGRAM NoPrintScreen;ππ JS> PROCEDURE Null; Interrupt;π JS> BEGINπ JS> END;ππ JS> BEGINπ JS> SetIntvec($05, @Null);π JS> Keep(1);π JS> END.ππ JS> I have several questions about this code:π JS> a) when it comes to reloading COMMAND.COM, my computer hangsπ JS> with memory allocation error when the above program is inπ JS> memory.π JS> Any idea why?ππAn easy one: You forgot to tell the compiler how much memory your programπwants. Put the following directive at the beginning of your program:ππ{$M 1024,0,0}πPROGRAM NoPrintScreen;π[...]ππThat little "{$M" tells the compiler to tell DOS that you don't want a lot ofπRAM when loaded. Otherwise, your application will allocate (and Keep) allπavailable RAM in the system (effectively making your program a 640K TSR!).ππ JS> b) can anyone tell me how to modify this so PrintScrenπ JS> would be the second Esc key?ππAh, that would be a bit trickier.... You'd need to trap Int 9 using someπassembly code (but my brain is mush right now, so I'll let someone else helpπyou on that).ππChris KB7RNL =->ππ--- GoldED 2.41π * Origin: SlugPoint * Home to fine silly people everywhere (1:356/18.2)π 29 07-16-9306:10ALL YVAN RIVARD Another READKEY in ASM IMPORT 16 ===========================================================================π BBS: The Beta ConnectionπDate: 06-20-93 (12:25) Number: 1081πFrom: YVAN RIVARD Refer#: 984π To: BOB GIBSON Recvd: NO πSubj: console I/O Conf: (232) T_Pascal_Rπ---------------------------------------------------------------------------πBG> You know, since I wrote my own unit to replace CRT, you'd think I'd knowπBG> something like that!πBG> Which brings up a question...my unit uses direct video writes, andπBG> (supposedly) so does TP unless you tell it otherwise. So why does myπBG> unit do a screen faster than TP's units? Not as much overhead?ππYou made your own 'Crt'? I'd like some help!πThe only thing I haven't been able to do so far is the stupid KeyPressed...πI have successfully made a really good ReadKey (return a String [2], so I canπeven read arrows, Functions keys (even F11 and F12))ππHere's my ReadKey (I case anybody would like to have it),πbut I you could help me with the KeyPressed...π(Byt the way, does your 'direct video' is made like this?π Typeπ VideoChar = Recordπ Ascii : Char;π Color : Byte;π end;π Varπ VideoRam : Array [1..25,1..80] of VideoChar Absolute $B800:0000; )ππHere's my 'ReadKey':ππFunction Inkey : String;π Varπ K : Word;π T : String [2];π Beginπ Asmπ mov ah, 10hπ int 16hπ mov K, axπ end;π T := '';π If ((K and 255) = 0) or ((K and 255) = 224) thenπ T := ' '+ Chr (Trunc ((K and 65280) / 256))π elseπ T := Chr (K and 255);π Inkey := T;π End;ππSo what about a 'KeyPressed' ?ππThanks 'n byeπ---π * Info Tech BBS 819-375-3532π * PostLink(tm) v1.06 ITECH (#535) : RelayNet(tm)π 30 07-16-9306:14ALL LAVI TIDHAR Keyboard Buffer Routines IMPORT 26 Unit TPbuffer;ππ(* TP-Buffer unit version 1.1 /Update *)π(* Using the keyboard's buffer in Turbo Pascal *)π(* This unit is released to the public domain *)π(* by Lavi Tidhar on 5-10-1992 *)ππ(* This unit adds three special functions not *)π(* incuded in the Turbo Pascal regular package *)ππ(* You may alter this source code, move the *)π(* procedures to your own programs. Please do *)π(* NOT change these lines of documentation *)ππ(* This source might teach you about how to *)π(* use interrupts in pascal, and the keyboard's *)π(* buffer. from the other hand, it might not :-) *)ππ(* Used: INT 16, functions 0 and 1 *)π(* INT 21, function 0Ch *)ππ(* INT 16 - KEYBOARD - READ CHAR FROM BUFFER, WAIT IF EMPTYπ AH = 00hπ Return: AH = scan codeπ AL = character *)ππ(* INT 16 - KEYBOARD - CHECK BUFFER, DO NOT CLEARπ AH = 01hπ Return: ZF = 0 character in bufferπ AH = scan codeπ AL = characterπ ZF = 1 no character in buffer *)ππ(* INT 21 - DOS - CLEAR KEYBOARD BUFFERπ AH = 0Chπ AL must be 1, 6, 7, 8, or 0Ah.π Notes: Flushes all typeahead input, then executes function specified by ALπ (effectively moving it to AH and repeating the INT 21 call).π If AL contains a value not in the list above, the keyboard buffer isπ flushed and no other action is taken. *)ππ(* For more details/help etc, you can contact me on: *)ππ(* Mail: Lavi Tidharπ 46 Bantam Dr.π Blairgowrieπ 2194π South Africa π*)ππ(* Phone:π International: +27-11-787-8093π South Africa: (011)-787-8093π*)ππ(* Netmail: The Catacomb BBS 5:7101/45 (fidonet)π The Catacomb BBS 80:80/100 (pipemail)π*)ππInterfaceππUses Dos;ππFunction GetScanCode:Byte; (* Get SCAN CODE from buffer, wait if empty *)πFunction GetKey:Char; (* Get Char from buffer, do NOT wait *)πProcedure FlushKB;ππImplementationππFunction GetKey:Char;π Var Regs:Registers;π Beginπ Regs.AH:=1; (* Int 16 function 1 *)π Intr ($16,Regs); (* Read a charecter from the keyboard buffer *)π GetKey:=Chr (Regs.AL); (* do not wait. If no char was found, CHR(0) *)π End; (* (nul) is returned *)ππFunction GetScanCode:Byte; (* Int 16 function 0 *)π Var Regs:Registers; (* The same as CRT's Readkey, but gives you *)π Begin (* the scan code. Esp usefull when you want to *)π Regs.AH:=0; (* use special keys as the arrows, there will *)π Intr ($16,Regs); (* be a conflict when using ReadKey *)π GetScanCode:=Regs.AH;π End;ππProcedure FlushKB; (* INT 21 function 0C *)π Var Regs:Registers; (* Flushes (erase) the keyboard buffer *)π Begin (* ONLY. No other function is executed *)π Regs.AH:=$0C;π Regs.AL:=2;π Intr ($21,Regs);π End;ππEnd.π 31 08-17-9308:41ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM Using 101 Keys - F11/F12 IMPORT 8 { Return Extended keys for 101 Keyboard including F11/F12.π If key is extended, the BOOLEAN = TRUE. This is needed as Home key willπ return the same character value as 'G' }ππUSES DOS;ππVAR Ch : Char;π Ext : BOOLEAN;ππfunction ExReadKey(VAR Extended : BOOLEAN) : char;πvar Regs : registers;πbeginπ Regs.AX := $1000;π Intr($16,Regs);π Extended := (Regs.AL = 0) OR (Regs.AL > 127);π IF Extended THEN ExReadKey := Chr(Regs.AH)π ELSE ExReadKey := Chr(Regs.AL);πend;ππfunction ReadKey : char;π{ This function adds 128 to char if it is extended }πvar Regs : registers;πbeginπ Regs.AX := $1000;π Intr($16,Regs);π IF (Regs.AL = 0) OR (Regs.AL > 127) THENπ ReadKey := Chr(Regs.AH + 128) ELSE ReadKey := Chr(Regs.AL);πend;ππBeginπRepeatπch := ReadKey;πWriteLn(ch,' ',Ext,' ',ORD(Ch));πUntil Ch = #27;πEND. 32 08-17-9308:45ALL SWAG SUPPORT TEAM Set KBD delay/repeat rateIMPORT 16 {***********************************************π* KBSETUP - set the desired delay/repeat rate *π* for the keyboard. *π***********************************************}ππUSESπ Dos;ππPROCEDURE Usage;π BEGINπ WriteLn;π WriteLn('KBSETUP Command format:');π WriteLn;π WriteLn('KBSETUP n {A | B | C | D} ');π WriteLn;π Write ('n A number from 0 to 31');π WriteLn(' to set the keyboard repeat rate.');π Write (' 0 is the fastest and');π WriteLn(' 31 is the slowest.');π WriteLn;π Write ('A,B,C or D Sets the keyboard');π WriteLn(' delay before repeating');π Write (' to 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and');π WriteLn(' 1 second.');π Halt(1);π END;ππVARπ KBDelay, KBRepeat, I : byte;π Code : integer;π Regs : Registers;π KeyString : string[1];ππBEGINππ KBDelay := 0;π KBRepeat := 0;ππ IF ParamCount = 0 THENπ Usageπ ELSEπ BEGINπ FOR I := 1 TO ParamCount DOπ BEGINπ KeyString := ParamStr(I);π IF UpCase(KeyString[1]) in ['A'..'D'] THENπ KBDelay := Ord(UpCase(KeyString[1]))π - Ord('A')π ELSEπ BEGINπ {$R-}π Val(ParamStr(I),KBRepeat,Code);π {$R+}π IF (Code <> 0) or (KBRepeat < 0) orπ (KBRepeat > 31) THENπ BEGINπ Write('-- Invalid Letter or');π Write(' Number Entered --> ');π WriteLn(ParamStr(I));π Usageπ ENDπ ENDπ END;ππ { Set the keyboard delay/repeat rate }ππ WITH Regs DOπ BEGINπ AX := $0305;π BH := KBDelay;π BL := KBRepeat;π Intr($16,Regs)π ENDπ END {of the IF/THEN/ELSE instruction}πEND.π 33 08-18-9312:26ALL JOSE ALMEIDA Complete Scan Codes IMPORT 210 πUNIT HTkb;ππ{ Complete set of all keyboard scan codes.π Part of the Heartware Toolkit v2.00 (HTkb.PAS) for Turbo Pascal.π Author: Jose Almeida. P.O.Box 4185. 1504 Lisboa Codex. Portugal.π I can also be reached at RIME network, site ->TIB or #5314.π Feel completely free to use this source code in any way you want, and, ifπ you do, please don't forget to mention my name, and, give me and Swag theπ proper credits. }ππINTERFACEππconstππ{ letters ······························································ }ππ kb_AA = $1E61; { a }π kb_A = $1E41; { A }π kb_CtrlA = $1E01; { ^A }π { SOH - Start Of Header }π kb_AltA = $1E00; { ALT A }ππ kb_BB = $3062; { b }π kb_B = $3042; { B }π kb_CtrlB = $3002; { ^B }π { STX - Start Of Text }π kb_AltB = $3000; { ALT B }ππ kb_CC = $2E63; { c }π kb_C = $2E43; { C }π kb_CtrlC = $2E03; { ^C }π { ETX - End Of Text }π kb_AltC = $2E00; { ALT C }ππ kb_DD = $2064; { d }π kb_D = $2044; { D }π kb_CtrlD = $2004; { ^D }π { EOT - End Of Transmission }π kb_AltD = $2000; { ALT D }ππ kb_EE = $1265; { e }π kb_E = $1245; { E }π kb_CtrlE = $1205; { ^E }π { ENQ - Enquire }π kb_AltE = $1200; { ALT E }ππ kb_FF = $2166; { f }π kb_F = $2146; { F }π kb_CtrlF = $2106; { ^F }π { ACK - Acknowledge }π kb_AltF = $2100; { ALT F }ππ kb_GG = $2267; { g }π kb_G = $2247; { G }π kb_CtrlG = $2207; { ^G }π { BEL - Bell }π kb_AltG = $2200; { ALT G }ππ kb_HH = $2368; { h }π kb_H = $2348; { H }π kb_CtrlH = $2308; { ^H }π { BS - BackSpace }π kb_AltH = $2300; { ALT H }ππ kb_II = $1769; { i }π kb_I = $1749; { I }π kb_CtrlI = $1709; { ^I }π { HT - Horizontal Tab }π kb_AltI = $1700; { ALT I }ππ kb_JJ = $246A; { j }π kb_J = $244A; { J }π kb_CtrlJ = $240A; { ^J }π { LF - Line Feed }π kb_AltJ = $2400; { ALT J }ππ kb_KK = $256B; { k }π kb_K = $254B; { K }π kb_CtrlK = $250B; { ^K }π { VT - Vertical Tab }π kb_AltK = $2500; { ALT K }ππ kb_LL = $266C; { l }π kb_L = $264C; { L }π kb_CtrlL = $260C; { ^L }π { FF - Form Feed (new page) }π kb_AltL = $2600; { ALT L }ππ kb_MM = $326D; { m }π kb_M = $324D; { M }π kb_CtrlM = $320D; { ^M }π { CR - Carriage Return }π kb_AltM = $3200; { ALT M }ππ kb_NN = $316E; { n }π kb_N = $314E; { N }π kb_CtrlN = $310E; { ^N }π { SO - Shift Out (numbers) }π kb_AltN = $3100; { ALT N }ππ kb_OO = $186F; { o }π kb_O = $184F; { O }π kb_CtrlO = $180F; { ^O }π { SI - Shift In (letters) }π kb_AltO = $1800; { ALT O }ππ kb_PP = $1970; { p }π kb_P = $1950; { P }π kb_CtrlP = $1910; { ^P }π { DEL - Delete }π kb_AltP = $1900; { ALT P }ππ kb_QQ = $1071; { q }π kb_Q = $1051; { Q }π kb_CtrlQ = $1011; { ^Q }π { DC1 - Device Control 1 }π kb_AltQ = $1000; { ALT Q }ππ kb_RR = $1372; { r }π kb_R = $1352; { R }π kb_CtrlR = $1312; { ^R }π { DC2 - Device Control 2 }π kb_AltR = $1300; { ALT R }ππ kb_SS = $1F73; { s }π kb_S = $1F53; { S }π kb_CtrlS = $1F13; { ^S }π { DC3 - Device Control 3 }π kb_AltS = $1F00; { ALT S }ππ kb_TT = $1474; { t }π kb_T = $1454; { T }π kb_CtrlT = $1414; { ^T }π { DC4 - Device Control 4 }π kb_AltT = $1400; { ALT T }ππ kb_UU = $1675; { u }π kb_U = $1655; { U }π kb_CtrlU = $1615; { ^U }π { NAK - Negative Acknowlegde }π kb_AltU = $1600; { ALT U }ππ kb_VV = $2F76; { v }π kb_V = $2F56; { V }π kb_CtrlV = $2F16; { ^V }π { SYN - Syncronize }π kb_AltV = $2F00; { ALT V }ππ kb_WW = $1177; { w }π kb_W = $1157; { W }π kb_CtrlW = $1117; { ^W }π { ETB - End of Text Block }π kb_AltW = $1100; { ALT W }ππ kb_XX = $2D78; { x }π kb_X = $2D58; { X }π kb_CtrlX = $2D18; { ^X - }π { CAN - Cancel }π kb_AltX = $2D00; { ALT X }ππ kb_YY = $1579; { y }π kb_Y = $1559; { Y }π kb_CtrlY = $1519; { ^Y }π { EM - End of Medium }π kb_AltY = $1500; { ALT Y }ππ kb_ZZ = $2C7A; { z }π kb_Z = $2C5A; { Z }π kb_CtrlZ = $2C1A; { ^Z }π { SUB - Substitute }π kb_AltZ = $2C00; { ALT Z }ππ{ numbers ······························································ }ππ kb_1 = $0231; { 1 }π kb_Pad1 = $4F31; { SHIFT 1 number pad }π kb_Alt1 = $7800; { ALT 1 }ππ kb_2 = $0332; { 2 }π kb_Pad2 = $5032; { SHIFT 2 number pad }π kb_Alt2 = $7900; { ALT 2 }π kb_Ctrl2 = $0300; { ^1 (NUL) }ππ kb_3 = $0433; { 3 }π kb_Pad3 = $5133; { SHIFT 3 number pad }π kb_Alt3 = $7A00; { ALT 3 }ππ kb_4 = $0534; { 4 }π kb_Pad4 = $4B34; { SHIFT 4 number pad }π kb_Alt4 = $7B00; { ALT 4 }ππ kb_5 = $0635; { 5 }π kb_Pad5 = $4C35; { SHIFT 5 number pad }π kb_Alt5 = $7C00; { ALT 5 }ππ kb_6 = $0736; { 6 }π kb_Pad6 = $4D36; { SHIFT 6 number pad }π kb_Ctrl6 = $071E; { ^6 (RS) }π kb_Alt6 = $7D00; { ALT 6 }ππ kb_7 = $0837; { 7 }π kb_Pad7 = $4737; { SHIFT 7 number pad }π kb_Alt7 = $7E00; { ALT 7 }ππ kb_8 = $0938; { 8 }π kb_Pad8 = $4838; { SHIFT 8 number pad }π kb_Alt8 = $7F00; { ALT 8 }ππ kb_9 = $0A39; { 9 }π kb_Pad9 = $4939; { SHIFT 9 number pad }π kb_Alt9 = $8000; { ALT 9 }ππ kb_0 = $0B30; { 0 }π kb_Pad0 = $5230; { SHIFT 0 number pad }π kb_Alt0 = $8100; { ALT 0 }ππ{ etc: characters ······················································ }ππ kb_Less = $333C; { < }π kb_Great = $343E; { > }ππ kb_Minus = $352D; { - }π kb_GrayMinus = $4A2D; { - }π kb_CtrlMinus = $0C1F; { ^- }π kb_AltMinus = $8200; { ALT - }π kb_ShiftGrayMinus = $4A2D; { SHIFT - }ππ kb_Plus = $1A2B; { + }π kb_GrayPlus = $4E2B; { + }π kb_WhitePlus = $0D2B; { + }π kb_ShiftGrayPlus = $4E2B; { SHIFT + }ππ kb_Equal = $0D3D; { = }π kb_AltEqual = $8300; { ALT = }ππ kb_Slash = $352F; { / }ππ kb_BackSlash = $2B5C; { \ }π kb_CtrlBackSlash = $2B1C; { ^\ }π { FS - File Separator }ππ kb_OpenBracket = $1A5B; { [ }π kb_CtrlOpenBracket = $1A1B; { ^[ }π { ESC - Escape }ππ kb_CloseBracket = $1B5D; { ] }π kb_CtrlCloseBracket = $1B1D; { ^] }π { GS - Group Separator }ππ kb_OpenParenthesis = $0A28; { ( }ππ kb_CloseParenthesis = $0B29; { ) }ππ kb_OpenBrace = $1A7B; { can't write it }ππ kb_CloseBrace = $1B7D; { can't write it }ππ kb_Apostrophe = $2827; { ' }π kb_Grave = $2960; { ` }ππ kb_Quote = $2822; { " }ππ kb_Tilde = $297E; { ~ }ππ kb_Cater = $075E; { ^ }ππ kb_Semicolon = $273B; { ; }ππ kb_Comma = $332C; { , }ππ kb_Colon = $273A; { : }ππ kb_Period = $342E; { . }π kb_ShiftPeriod = $532E; { SHIFT . number pad }ππ kb_GrayAsterisk = $372A; { * }π kb_WhiteAsterisk = $1A2A; { * }ππ kb_ExclamationPoint = $0221; { ! }ππ kb_QuestionMark = $353F; { ? }ππ kb_NumberSign = $0423; { # }ππ kb_Dollar = $0524; { $ }ππ kb_Percent = $0625; { % }ππ kb_AmpersAnd = $0826; { & }ππ kb_At = $0340; { @ }π { ^@ = 00h }π { NUL - Null Character }π kb_UnitSeparator = $0C5F; { _ }π { ^_ = 1Fh }π { US - Unit Separator }ππ kb_Vertical = $2B7C; { | }ππ kb_Space = $3920; { SPACE BAR }ππ{ functions ···························································· }ππ kb_F1 = $3B00; { F1 }π kb_ShiftF1 = $5400; { SHIFT F1 }π kb_CtrlF1 = $5E00; { ^F1 }π kb_AltF1 = $6800; { ALT F1 }ππ kb_F2 = $3C00; { F2 }π kb_ShiftF2 = $5500; { SHIFT F2 }π kb_CtrlF2 = $5F00; { ^F2 }π kb_AltF2 = $6900; { ALT F2 }ππ kb_F3 = $3D00; { F3 }π kb_ShiftF3 = $5600; { SHIFT F3 }π kb_CtrlF3 = $6000; { ^F3 }π kb_AltF3 = $6A00; { ALT F3 }ππ kb_F4 = $3E00; { F4 }π kb_ShiftF4 = $5700; { SHIFT F4 }π kb_CtrlF4 = $6100; { ^F4 }π kb_AltF4 = $6B00; { ALT F4 }ππ kb_F5 = $3F00; { F5 }π kb_ShiftF5 = $5800; { SHIFT F5 }π kb_CtrlF5 = $6200; { ^F5 }π kb_AltF5 = $6C00; { ALT F5 }ππ kb_F6 = $4000; { F6 }π kb_ShiftF6 = $5900; { SHIFT F6 }π kb_CtrlF6 = $6300; { ^F6 }π kb_AltF6 = $6D00; { ALT F6 }ππ kb_F7 = $4100; { F7 }π kb_ShiftF7 = $5A00; { SHIFT F7 }π kb_CtrlF7 = $6400; { ^F7 }π kb_AltF7 = $6E00; { ALT F7 }ππ kb_F8 = $4200; { F8 }π kb_ShiftF8 = $5B00; { SHIFT F8 }π kb_CtrlF8 = $6500; { ^F8 }π kb_AltF8 = $6F00; { ALT F8 }ππ kb_F9 = $4300; { F9 }π kb_ShiftF9 = $5C00; { SHIFT F9 }π kb_CtrlF9 = $6600; { ^F9 }π kb_AltF9 = $7000; { ALT F9 }ππ kb_F10 = $4400; { F10 }π kb_ShiftF10 = $5D00; { SHIFT F10 }π kb_CtrlF10 = $6700; { ^F10 }π kb_AltF10 = $7100; { ALT F1\0 }ππ{ cursors ······························································ }ππ kb_Up = $4800; { UP }ππ kb_Down = $5000; { DOWN }ππ kb_Left = $4B00; { LEFT }π kb_CtrlLeft = $7300; { ^LEFT }ππ kb_Right = $4D00; { RIGHT }π kb_CtrlRight = $7400; { ^RIGHT }ππ kb_Home = $4700; { HOME }π kb_CtrlHome = $7700; { ^HOME }ππ kb_End = $4F00; { END }π kb_CtrlEnd = $7500; { ^END }ππ kb_PgUp = $4900; { PG UP }π kb_CtrlPgUp = $8400; { ^PG UP }ππ kb_PgDown = $5100; { PG DN }π kb_CtrlPgDown = $7600; { ^PG DN }ππ{ etc: keys ···························································· }ππ kb_Esc = $011B; { ESC }ππ kb_Enter = $1C0D; { RETURN }π kb_CtrlEnter = $1C0A; { ^ENTER }π { LF - Line Feed }ππ kb_BackSpace = $0E08; { BACKSPACE }π kb_CtrlBackspace = $0E7F; { ^BACKSPACE }π { DEL - Delete }ππ kb_Tab = $0F09; { TAB }π kb_Shift_Tab = $0F00; { SHIFT TAB }ππ kb_Ins = $5200; { INSERT }ππ kb_Del = $5300; { DELETE }ππ kb_45 = $565C; { Key 45 [2] }π kb_Shift45 = $567C; { SHIFT KEY 45 [2] }ππ kb_CtrlPrtSc = $7200; { ^PRTSC [2] }ππ kb_CtrlBreak = $0000; { ^BREAK [2] }ππππ{ footnotes ······························································ππ [1] All key codes refers to Interrupt 16h Services 0 and 1,π the "Standard Function", that works with all keyboards types.ππ [2] These key codes are only availlable in the 101/102-key keyboard,π the current IBM standard ("Enhanced") keyboard.ππ··········································································ππINT 16h, 00h (0) Keyboard Read allππ Returns the next character in the keyboard buffer; if no character isπ available, this service waits until one is available.ππ On entry: AH 00hππ Returns: AL ASCII character codeπ AH Scan codeππ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────ππ Notes: The scan codes are the numbers representing theπ location of the key on the keyboard. As new keysπ have been added and the keyboard layout rearranged,π this numbering scheme has not been consistent withπ its original purpose.ππ If the character is a special character, then ALπ will be 0 and the value in AH will be the extendedπ scan code for the key.ππ Use the scan codes to differentiate between keysπ representing the same ASCII code, such as the plusπ key across the top of the keyboard and the gray plusπ key.ππ After the character has been removed from theπ keyboard buffer, the keyboard buffer start pointerπ (at 0:041Ah) is increased by 2. If the start pointerπ is beyond the end of the buffer, the start pointerπ is reset to the start of the keyboard buffer.ππ If no character is available at the keyboard, thenπ the AT, XT-286, and PC Convertible issue an INT 15h,π Service 90h (Device Busy), for the keyboard,π informing the operating system that there is aπ keyboard loop taking place and thereby allowing theπ operating system to perform another task.ππ After every character is typed, the AT, XT-286, andπ PC Convertible issue an INT 15h, Service 91hπ (Interrupt Complete). This allows the operatingπ system to switch back to a task that is waiting forπ a character at the keyboard.ππ See Service 10h for an equivalent service thatπ supports the enhanced (101/102-key) keyboard.ππ··········································································ππINT 16h, 01h (1) Keyboard Status allπ Checks to see if a character is available in the buffer.ππ On entry: AH 01hππ Returns: Zero 0, if character is availableπ 1, if character is not availableπ AL ASCII character code (if character isπ available)π AH Scan code (if character is available)ππ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────ππ Notes: If a character is available, the Zero Flag isπ cleared and AX contains the ASCII value in AL andπ the scan code in AH. The character is not removedπ from the buffer. Use Service 00h to remove theπ character from the buffer. See Service 00h for aπ complete description of the meaning of AX if aπ character is available.ππ This service is excellent for clearing the keyboardπ or allowing a program to be interruptable by aπ specific key sequence.ππ See Service 11h for an equivalent service thatπ supports the enhanced (101/102-key) keyboard.ππ········································································ }ππππIMPLEMENTATIONπππEND. { HTkb.PAS }πππ 34 08-18-9312:27ALL JOSE ALMEIDA Read a keyboard Key IMPORT 9 { Reads a key from the keyboard buffer, removing it.π Part of the Heartware Toolkit v2.00 (HTkey1.PAS) for Turbo Pascal.π Author: Jose Almeida. P.O.Box 4185. 1504 Lisboa Codex. Portugal.π I can also be reached at RIME network, site ->TIB or #5314.π Feel completely free to use this source code in any way you want, and, ifπ you do, please don't forget to mention my name, and, give me and Swag theπ proper credits. }ππFUNCTION Get_Scan_Code : word;π{ DESCRIPTION:π Reads a key from the keyboard buffer, removing it.π SAMPLE CALL:π NW := Get_Scan_Code;π RETURNS:π The next character in the keyboard buffer.π NOTES:π If no character is availlable, the service performed by this functionπ waits until one is availlable. }ππvarπ HTregs : registers;ππBEGIN { Get_Scan_Code }π HTregs.AH := $00;π Intr($16,HTregs);π Get_Scan_Code := HTregs.AX;πEND; { Get_Scan_Code }π 35 08-18-9312:27ALL JOSE ALMEIDA Check Char Available IMPORT 8 { Checks to see it a character is availlable in the DOS keyboard buffer.π Part of the Heartware Toolkit v2.00 (HTkey1.PAS) for Turbo Pascal.π Author: Jose Almeida. P.O.Box 4185. 1504 Lisboa Codex. Portugal.π I can also be reached at RIME network, site ->TIB or #5314.π Feel completely free to use this source code in any way you want, and, ifπ you do, please don't forget to mention my name, and, give me and Swag theπ proper credits. }ππFUNCTION Key_Ready : boolean;π{ DESCRIPTION:π Checks to see it a character is availlable in the DOS keyboard buffer.π SAMPLE CALL:π B := Key_Ready;π RETURNS:π TRUE : If there is a key waiting to be readed in the keyboard buffer;π FALSE : If it is not. }ππvarπ HTregs : registers;ππBEGIN { Key_Ready }π HTregs.AH := $01;π Intr($16,HTregs);π Key_Ready := not (HTregs.Flags and FZero <> 0);πEND; { Key_Ready }π 36 08-18-9312:27ALL JOSE ALMEIDA Read Key - NO REMOVE IMPORT 11 { Reads a key from the keyboard buffer, WITHOUT removing it.π Part of the Heartware Toolkit v2.00 (HTkey1.PAS) for Turbo Pascal.π Author: Jose Almeida. P.O.Box 4185. 1504 Lisboa Codex. Portugal.π I can also be reached at RIME network, site ->TIB or #5314.π Feel completely free to use this source code in any way you want, and, ifπ you do, please don't forget to mention my name, and, give me and Swag theπ proper credits. }ππFUNCTION Read_Key : word;π{ DESCRIPTION:π Reads a key from the keyboard buffer, WITHOUT removing it.π SAMPLE CALL:π NW := Read_Key;π RETURNS:π The scan code of the key that is ready to be readen from the buffer, or,π if there is no key in the buffer, returns $FFFF value.π NOTES:π This is a special function. It's only to be called in very specialπ situations. It checks if a key is ready in the keyboardπ buffer. If there is a key, then the key is readed but NOT removedπ from the buffer. The key will remain in the buffer. }ππvarπ HTregs : registers;ππBEGIN { Read_Key }π HTregs.AH := $01;π Intr($16,HTregs);π if not (HTregs.Flags and FZero <> 0) thenπ Read_Key := HTregs.AXπ elseπ Read_Key := $FFFF;πEND; { Read_Key }π 37 08-27-9321:29ALL WILBERT VAN LEIJEN Trapping ALT and CTRL IMPORT 13 {πWILBERT VAN LEIJENππ> HEy, I have been using some routines to check if certain keys are pressed,π> but I can't figure out how to test For ALT and CTRL key combinations.π}ππ{$G+}ππUsesπ Dos, Crt;ππVarπ KeyHandlerProc : Procedure;π Int15Vector : Pointer;ππConstπ AltStatus : Array [Boolean] of String[5] = (' ', ' ALT ');π CtrlStatus : Array [Boolean] of String[6] = (' ', ' CTRL ');ππProcedure KeyHandler; Far;πVarπ AltKey : Boolean;π CtrlKey : Boolean;π WhereXY : Recordπ x, y : Byte;π end;ππbeginπ AltKey := False;π CtrlKey := False;ππ Asmπ MOV AH, 2π INT 16hπ CMP AL, 8π JNE @1π INC [AltKey]π @1:π CMP AL, 4π JNE @2π INC [CtrlKey]π @2:π end;ππ WhereXY.x := WhereX;π WhereXY.y := WhereY;π GotoXY(66, 25);π Write(AltStatus[AltKey], ' ', CtrlStatus[CtrlKey]);π GotoXY(WhereXY.x, WhereXY.y);πend; { KeyHandler }ππ{ This INT 15h handler is called every time a key is pressed -π provided you're not running this Program on an XT-class machine }ππProcedure TrapKeyboard; Assembler;πAsmπ PUSH BXπ PUSH DSπ PUSHFπ MOV BX, SEG @Dataπ MOV DS, BXπ CMP AH, 4Fhπ JNE @ChainInt15π PUSH ESπ PUSHAπ CALL [KeyHandlerProc]π POPAπ POP ESππ @ChainInt15:π PUSHFπ CALL [Int15Vector]π POPFπ POP DSπ POP BXπ IRETπend; { TrapKeyboard }ππbeginπ GetIntVec($15, Int15Vector);π KeyHandlerProc := KeyHandler;π SetIntVec($15, @TrapKeyboard);π ReadLn;π SetIntVec($15, Int15Vector);πend.π 38 08-27-9321:30ALL INGO ROHLOFF Detect Keys DOWN IMPORT 12 { INGO ROHLOFFππ> I've got a problem I just CAN'T solve...π> In a PASCAL-program I want to execute a procedure every time the userπ> presses a key... Fairly easy, right ? But here comes the problem : I wantπ> to repeat that procedure until he RELEASES that key...ππThe only way to do that is to hook up the int 9 (the Keyoard Int...).π}ππProgram KEY;ππusesπ crt, dos;ππvarπ oldint : pointer;π keydown : byte;π keys : array [0..127] of boolean;π scan,π lastkey : byte;ππprocedure init;πvarπ i : byte;πbeginπ clrscr;π for i := 0 to 127 doπ keys[i] := false; {No keys pressed}π keydown := 0;πend;ππprocedure INT9; interrupt;πbeginπ scan := port[$60]; { Get Scancode }π if scan > $7F then { Key released ? }π beginπ if keys[scan xor $80] thenπ dec(keydown);π keys[scan xor $80] := false; {Yes !}π endπ elseπ beginπ if not keys[scan] thenπ inc(keydown);π keys[scan] := true; {NO ! Key pressed }π lastkey := scan;π end;π port[$20] := $20; { Send EndOfInterrupt to Interruptcontroller }πend;ππbeginπ init;π getintvec(9, oldint);π setintvec(9, @INT9);π repeatπ if (keydown > 0) and not keys[1] thenπ beginπ repeatπ sound(lastkey * 30);π until keydown = 0;π nosound;π end;π until keys[1]; {*** Wait for ESC pressed ***}π setintvec(9, oldint);πend.π 39 08-27-9321:30ALL PER-ERIC LARSSON Klick on keypress IMPORT 4 {πPER-ERIC LARSSONππ> How do you determine if a key is still held down after another isπ> pressed ? KeyPressed returns False after second key is pressed and firstπ> key is still held down. ??ππFrom the helpFile For KEEP :π}ππProcedure Keyclick; interrupt;πbeginπ if Port[$60] < $80 thenπ { Only click when key is pressed }π 40 08-27-9321:30ALL TOM MOORE Sound with Keys IMPORT 6 {πTOM MOOREππ> In a PASCAL-Program I want to execute a Procedure every time theπ> user presses a key... Fairly easy, right ? But here comes theπ> problem : I want to Repeat that Procedure Until he RELEASES thatπ> key...π}ππUsesπ Crt;πConstπ Done : Boolean = False;πVarπ Ch : Char;πππProcedure MakeSound;πbeginπ if Port[$60] < $80 thenπ beginπ Sound(220);π Delay(100);π end;π if port[$60] > $80 thenπ NoSound;πend;ππbeginπ Repeatπ Repeatπ { While waiting For KeyPressed }π Until KeyPressed;ππ ch := ReadKey;π if ch = #27 then halt;π makeSound;π Until Done;πend.π 41 08-27-9321:31ALL ROB PERELMAN Getting Key Stats IMPORT 10 { ROB PERELMAN }ππUnit KeyStats;ππInterfaceππFunction RightShift : Boolean;πFunction LeftShift : Boolean;πFunction Control : Boolean;πFunction Alt : Boolean;πFunction ScrollLock : Boolean;πFunction NumLock : Boolean;πFunction CapsLock : Boolean;πFunction Insert : Boolean;ππImplementationππUsesπ Dos;ππFunction ShiftState : Byte;πVarπ Regs : Registers;πbeginπ Regs.Ah := 2;π Intr($16, Regs);π ShiftState := Regs.Al;πend;ππFunction RightShift : Boolean;πbeginπ RightShift := (ShiftState and 1) <> 0;πend;ππFunction LeftShift : Boolean;πbeginπ LeftShift := (ShiftState and 2) <> 0;πend;ππFunction Control : Boolean;πbeginπ Control := (ShiftState and 4) <> 0;πend;ππFunction Alt : Boolean;πbeginπ Alt := (ShiftState and 8) <> 0;πend;ππFunction ScrollLock : Boolean;πbeginπ ScrollLock := (ShiftState and 16) <> 0;πend;ππFunction NumLock : Boolean;πbeginπ NumLock := (ShiftState and 32) <> 0;πend;ππFunction CapsLock : Boolean;πbeginπ CapsLock := (ShiftState and 64) <> 0;πend;ππFunction Insert : Boolean;πbeginπ Insert := (ShiftState and 128) <> 0;πend;ππend.π 42 08-27-9321:31ALL SEAN PALMER Stuffing Keyboard IMPORT 14 {πSEAN PALMERππ>> I am assuming you already have a buffer-stuffer that takes a char and aπ>> scan code as input, so I won't post mine.ππ>No, I don't have a keyboard buffer-stuffer.ππYou said you wanted one that DIDN'T need you to tell it what a char'sπscancode was. Well, this would basically require a lookup table ofπpossible scancodes for each ascii char... Plus some that don't haveπcorresponding scancodes. What you could try is to just send a null (#0)πto the routine as a scan code, I believe that's what happens when youπenter a keystroke using the Alt-Numeric Keypad method... so it'd work asπlong as the program you're sending the keys to doesn't need theπscancode.ππHere's an untested version of the method that other guy sent to you...:π}ππprocedure stuffKey(c : char; scan : byte); assembler;πasmπ mov cl, cπ mov ch, scanπ mov ah, 5π int $16π {al=0 if success, 1 if failed, but we just ignore that here}πend;ππso here's a call that just assumes a 0 scan codeππprocedure stuffChar(c : char); assembler;πasmπ mov cl,cπ xor ch,chπ mov ah,5π int $16πend;ππ{πIf you don't wanna go through the BIOS you can do it directly like this:π(plus this is 'pure' Turbo Pascal code.. 8) }ππvarπ head : word absolute $40 : $1A;π tail : word absolute $40 : $1C;π bufStart : word absolute $40 : $80;π bufEnd : word absolute $40 : $82;ππprocedure stuffKey(c : char; scan : byte);πbeginπ memW[$40 : tail] := word(scan) shl 8 + byte(c);π inc(tail, 2);π if tail = bufEnd thenπ tail := bufStart;πend;ππprocedure clearBuffer;πbeginπ tail := head;πend;πππ 43 08-27-9321:32ALL STEVEN TALLENT Locking the Keyboard IMPORT 9 {πSTEVEN TALLENTππYou can disable the whole keyboard like this:ππSample program by Kerry Sokalskyπ}ππUsesπ KScreen;ππProcedure KeyboardEnable; {unlocks keyboard}πbeginπ Port[$21] := Port[$21] and 253;π end;ππProcedure KeyboardDisable; {locks keyboard}πbeginπ Port[$21] := Port[$21] or 2;πend;ππVarπ X : Integer;ππbeginπ ClrScr;ππ KeyboardDisable;ππ For X := 1 to 10000 doπ beginπ GotoXY(1,1);π Write(X);π If Keypressed thenπ beginπ ClearBuffer;π gotoxy(10,10);π write('This should never occur! - ', X);π end;π end;ππ ClearBuffer; { This is here because even though the keyboard is turned off,π each key is still placed in the buffer }π KeyboardEnable;ππ For X := 1 to 15000 doπ beginπ GotoXY(1,1);π Write(X);π If Keypressed thenπ beginπ ClearBuffer;π gotoxy(10,10);π write('This could occur! - ', X);π end;π end;ππend. 44 08-27-9321:49ALL SEAN PALMER Another Readkey IMPORT 9 {πSEAN PALMERππ>I want to be able to transparently read a keypress. Inπ>other Words, I'd like to know what key is being pressed,π>but allow the keypress to return to the keyboard buffer orπ>to be read by the Program that's reading it. I'd like thisπ>to Function as a TSR, and I need some way to Record theπ>keypresses. This is a very complicated problem which Iπ>have consulted many advanced Programmers With. Please helpπ>if you are able. Thanks in advance!ππIt returns the Character part of the Char/scan code combo in the currentπhead of the keyboard buffer queue in the bios data area.πThe scan code would be at the location $40:head+1.ππIt would probably be more efficient if you used $0:$41A instead ofπ$40:$1A, but that might cause problems With protected mode.π}ππVarπ head : Word Absolute $40 : $1A;π tail : Word Absolute $40 : $1C;ππFunction peekKey : Char;πbeginπ if head = tail thenπ peekKey := #0π elseπ peekKey := Char(mem[$40 : head]);πend;ππ