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Pascal/Delphi Source File
209 lines
{─ Fido Pascal Conference ────────────────────────────────────────────── PASCAL ─
Msg : 240 of 288
From : Mark Dixon 3:690/660.14 10 May 93 21:35
To : Fiasal Juma 1:221/177.0
Subj : Animation
On May 06 05:06, Fiasal Juma of 1:221/177 wrote:
FJ> Actually, I've experimented with that also.. A
FJ> simple code like this for switching pages,
FJ> Procedure Pageswitch(X: Byte);
FJ> Begin
FJ> Asm
FJ> mov ah,5
FJ> mov al,x
FJ> int 10h
FJ> end;
FJ> end;
FJ> Does not exactly work without a problem in Mode
FJ> 13h.. I don't know if you know a better way of
FJ> switching pages, or even the right way if I am doing
FJ> wrong. But I will give what you said a try.. Thanx
FJ> for the reply.. Later
Well, what you've done above isn't really fast anyway, even though its
assembler, your using interrupts, and that is about as slow as using an XT when
doing graphics :-)
Um, have a gander at this, and see what you can come up with. It's some code I
wrote a while back to use mode-x and do double buffering (or page-flipping).
_ _ _ O / _ _ C_U_T_ H_E_R_E_ _ _ _
O \ }
Program Test_ModeX;
Uses crt;
{ This program will put the VGA card into a MODEX mode (still only 320x200)
and demonstrate double buffering (page flipping)
This program was written by Mark Dixon, and has been donated to the
Public Domain with the exception that if you make use of these routines,
the author of these routines would appreciate his name mentioned somewhere
in the documentation.
Use these routines at your own risk! Because they use the VGA's registers,
cards that are not 100% register compatible may not function correctly, and
may even be damaged. The author will bear no responsability for any actions
occuring as a direct (or even indirect) result of the use of this program.
Any donations (eg Money, Postcards, death threats.. ) can be sent to :
Mark Dixon
12 Finchley St
Western Australia
If you have Netmail access, then I can also be contacted on 3:690/660.14
Page : Byte = 0;
I, J : Word;
Procedure InitModeX;
{ Sets up video mode to Mode X (320x200x256 with NO CHAIN4) making available
4 pages of 4x16k bitmaps }
mov ax, 0013h { Use bios to enter standard Mode 13h }
int 10h
mov dx, 03c4h { Set up DX to one of the VGA registers }
mov al, 04h { Register = Sequencer : Memory Modes }
out dx, al
inc dx { Now get the status of the register }
in al, dx { from the next port }
and al, 0c7h { AND it with 11000111b ie, bits 3,4,5 wiped }
or al, 04h { Turn on bit 2 (00000100b) }
out dx, al { and send it out to the register }
mov dx, 03c4h { Again, get ready to activate a register }
mov al, 02h { Register = Map Mask }
out dx, al
inc dx
mov al, 0fh { Send 00001111b to Map Mask register }
out dx, al { Setting all planes active }
mov ax, 0a000h { VGA memory segment is 0a000h }
mov es, ax { load it into ES }
sub di, di { clear DI }
mov ax, di { clear AX }
mov cx, 8000h { set entire 64k memory area (all 4 pages) }
repnz stosw { to colour BLACK (ie, Clear screens) }
mov dx, 03d4h { User another VGA register }
mov al, 14h { Register = Underline Location }
out dx, al
inc dx { Read status of register }
in al, dx { into AL }
and al, 0bFh { AND AL with 10111111b }
out dx, al { and send it to the register }
{ to deactivate Double Word mode addressing }
dec dx { Okay, this time we want another register,}
mov al, 17h { Register = CRTC : Mode Control }
out dx, al
inc dx
in al, dx { Get status of this register }
or al, 40h { and Turn the 6th bit ON }
out dx, al { to turn WORD mode off }
{ And thats all there is too it!}
Procedure Flip;
{ This routine will flip to the next page, and change the value in
PAGE such that we will allways be drawing to the invisible page. }
OfsAdr : Word;
OfsAdr := Page * 16000;
mov dx, 03D4h
mov al, 0Dh { Set the Start address LOW register }
out dx, al
inc dx
mov ax, OfsAdr
out dx, al { by sending low byte of offset address }
dec dx
mov al, 0Ch { now set the Start Address HIGH register }
out dx, al
inc dx
mov al, ah
out dx, al { by sending high byte of offset address }
Page := 1 - Page; { Flip the page value.
Effectively does a :
If Page = 0 then Page = 1 else
If Page = 1 then Page = 0. }
Procedure PutPixel (X, Y : Integer; Colour:Byte );
{ Puts a pixel on the screen at the current page. }
OfsAdr : Word;
OfsAdr := Page * 16000;
mov bx, x
mov ax, Y
mov cx, 80 { Since there are now 4 pixels per byte, we
only multiply by 80 (320/4) }
mul cx
mov di, ax
mov ax, bx
shr ax, 1
shr ax, 1
add di, ax
and bx, 3
mov ah, 1
mov cl, bl
shl ah, cl
mov al, 2
mov dx, 03C4h
mov bx, $A000
mov es, bx
add di, OfsAdr
out dx, ax { Set plane to address (where AH=Plane) }
mov al, Colour
mov es:[di], al
For I := 0 to 319 do
For J := 0 to 199 do PutPixel(I, J, Random(32) );
For I := 0 to 319 do
For J := 0 to 199 do PutPixel(I, J, Random(32) +32);
Until Keypressed;