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129 lines
// //
// File: Isc.h //
// started on: 5/2/92 //
// //
// //
// V3.66 //
// --------- //
// //
// //
// - DO not use the TINY memory model. //
// //
// //
// new in V3.0:- the dispatch method has been moved to mostly C code. //
// //
// new in V3.5:- the assembler part has been optimized significantly. //
// + An example of stack frame management has been added. //
// //
// new in V3.6:- the stack frame has been integrated into ISC itself. //
// + the way of calculating how much space the program takes has been//
// updated to ensure that no heap blocks may be forgotten (that //
// may of happened in the V3.5-- method!). //
// //
// new in V3.66:- Interrupt handlers that are not TSRs (like in embedded //
// + systems) can use #define __NOT_TSR__ to make lib smaller- and //
// more compatible. Assume DS/SS problem solved. But DO NOT USE //
// ASSUME ALWAYS IN MEDIUM- LARGE models (might be a problem!). //
// //
// //
// by Ofer Laor (AKA LeucroTTA) //
// //
#ifndef __ISC_H
#define __ISC_H
#if (__BORLANDC__< 0x300)
#error Fatal: ISC will only work on BC++ versions 3.0 and up!!!
#pragma option -k // standard stack frame from now on...
#include <stddef.h>; // NULL, size_t.
struct IBYTEREGS {
unsigned char al, ah, bl, bh,
cl, ch, dl, dh;
struct IWORDREGS {
unsigned int ax, bx, cx, dx,
si, di, ds, es, cs, flags, ip, bp;
union IREGS {
struct IWORDREGS x;
struct IBYTEREGS h;
extern "C" void interrupt ISCDispatch(unsigned bp, unsigned di, unsigned si,
unsigned ds, unsigned es, unsigned dx,
unsigned cx, unsigned bx, unsigned ax,
unsigned ip, unsigned cs, unsigned flags
class ISC {
virtual void isr (IREGS ®s);
virtual void isr (void);
char* NewServerPtr;
unsigned char InitFlag;
int interrupt_num;
void interrupt (*old_vect)(...);
friend void interrupt ISCDispatch(unsigned bp, unsigned di, unsigned si,
unsigned ds, unsigned es, unsigned dx,
unsigned cx, unsigned bx, unsigned ax,
unsigned ip, unsigned cs, unsigned flags);
virtual void far * GetLocalRoutine(void);
static char *StackFrame;
static unsigned long StackFrameLen;
static int ISCcount;
ISC (void);
virtual ~ISC (void);
void activate(const int int_num); // call this function if you want to
// hook an interrupt, and you didn't
// do it through the constructor.
void deactivate(void); // call this function to unhook the interrupt.
#ifndef __NOT_TSR__
static int TSR(const int exit_code= 0, const unsigned long extraheaplen= 0);
// call this function to remain TSR,
// exit code ususaly is 0 (unless
// you change it), extraheaplen is
// the amount of heap you want to
// remain on top of what's already
// allocated... (makes the TSR
// longer in that many bytes...).
static int is_TSR(const char* app_name);
// checks to see if this program is
// already resident.
// it checks for another TSR that
// called the is_TSR with the same
// app_name...
static int reallocStack(unsigned StackLen);
// reallocates the stack frame.
// HAS to be called BEFORE any ISC
// is active!!!
#endif /* __ISC_H */