DP Tool Club 8
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C/C++ Source or Header
332 lines
Version 1.5
Filter BCC generated .asm file into TSR compatible file.
Copyright (C) 1993, Geoff Friesen B.Sc.
All rights reserved.
Developed with: Borland C++ 3.1
#if !defined(__LARGE__)
#error Large Memory Model Expected
#include <dir.H>
#include <fcntl.H>
#include <io.H>
#include <process.H>
#include <stdio.H>
#include <string.H>
int handle [4];
char *banner =
"║ ▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒ ▒ ▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒ "
" ║\n"
"║ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ "
" FILTER v1.5 ║\n"
"║ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ "
" ║\n"
"║ ▒▒▒▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒ "
"Copyright (C) 1993, Geoff Friesen B.Sc. ║\n"
"║ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ "
" All rights reserved. ║\n"
"║ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ "
" ║\n"
"║ ▒ ▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒ ▒ ▒▒▒▒▒ ▒ ▒ "
" ║\n"
void error (char *msg);
int getchr (int handle);
int getline (int handle, char *line);
void setfileext (char *filespec, char *newext);
void main (int argc, char **argv)
int i;
struct ffblk f;
char filespec [MAXPATH], line [256], *ptr;
fprintf (stderr, banner);
if (argc != 2)
error ("bad command line\nusage: filter filespec");
strcpy (filespec, argv [1]);
setfileext (filespec, ".asm");
if ((handle [0] = _open (filespec, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
fprintf (stderr, "filter: unable to open %s\n", filespec);
exit (1);
if ((handle [1] = _creat ("tsr1.tmp", 0)) == -1)
error ("unable to create tsr1.tmp");
if ((handle [2] = _creat ("tsr2.tmp", 0)) == -1)
error ("unable to create tsr2.tmp");
if ((handle [3] = _creat ("tsr3.tmp", 0)) == -1)
error ("unable to create tsr3.tmp");
while (1)
if (!getline (handle [0], line))
if (strstr (line, "extrn"))
if (!strnicmp (line, "_TEXT", 5))
if (!getline (handle [0], line))
error ("premature EOF");
ptr = strstr (line, ":DGROUP@");
if (ptr)
strcpy (ptr, "\n");
ptr = strstr (line, "seg ");
if (ptr)
if (_write (handle [1], "mov ax, cs\r\n", 12) == -1)
error ("unable to write to TSR1.TMP");
strcpy (ptr, "ax\n");
if (!strnicmp (line, "_TEXT", 5))
if (_write (handle [1], line, strlen (line)) == -1)
error ("unable to write to TSR1.TMP");
while (1);
if (!strnicmp (line, "_DATA", 5))
if (!getline (handle [0], line))
error ("premature EOF");
if (!strnicmp (line, "_DATA", 5))
if (_write (handle [2], line, strlen (line)) == -1)
error ("unable to write to TSR2.TMP");
while (1);
if (!strnicmp (line, "_BSS", 4))
if (!getline (handle [0], line))
error ("premature EOF");
if (!strnicmp (line, "_BSS", 4))
if (_write (handle [3], line, strlen (line)) == -1)
error ("unable to write to TSR3.TMP");
while (1);
if (strstr (line, "end\r\n"))
if (strstr (line, "group"))
strcpy (line, "DGROUP\tgroup\t_TEXT\r\n");
if (_write (handle [1], line, strlen (line)) == -1)
error ("unable to write to TSR1.TMP");
(void) lseek (handle [2], 0L, SEEK_SET);
while (getline (handle [2], line))
if (_write (handle [1], line, strlen (line)) == -1)
error ("unable to write to TSR1.TMP");
(void) lseek (handle [3], 0L, SEEK_SET);
while (getline (handle [3], line))
if (_write (handle [1], line, strlen (line)) == -1)
error ("unable to write to TSR1.TMP");
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
(void) _close (handle [i]);
setfileext (filespec, ".tsr");
if (!findfirst (filespec, &f, 0) && unlink (filespec) == -1)
error ("unable to erase original file");
if (rename ("tsr1.tmp", filespec) == -1)
error ("unable to rename tsr1.tmp");
if (unlink ("tsr2.tmp") == -1 || unlink ("tsr3.tmp") == -1)
error ("unable to erase tsr2.tmp or tsr3.tmp");
setfileext (filespec, ".asm");
fprintf (stderr, "filter: %s successfully filtered\n", filespec);
exit (0);
/* ------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Function: error () */
/* */
/* Prototype: void error (char *msg); */
/* */
/* Close all open files, display error message, and exit. */
/* */
/* Arguments: */
/* */
/* msg - address of error message */
/* */
/* Local Variables: */
/* */
/* i - loop index */
/* ------------------------------------------------------ */
void error (char *msg)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (handle [i] != -1)
(void) _close (handle [i]);
fprintf (stderr, "filter: %s\n", msg);
exit (1);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Function: getchr () */
/* */
/* Prototype: int getchr (int handle); */
/* */
/* Get the next character from the file associated with handle. */
/* */
/* Arguments: */
/* */
/* handle - file handle */
/* */
/* Return: EOF if end of file else character */
/* */
/* Local Variables: */
/* */
/* n - current number of characters in buffer */
/* bufp - pointer to next character in buffer */
/* buf - buffer used for buffered I/O */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
int getchr (int handle)
static int n = 0;
static char *bufp;
static char buf [2048];
if (n <= 0)
n = _read (handle, buf, 2048);
bufp = buf;
return ((--n >= 0) ? *bufp++ & 255 : EOF);
/* -------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Function: getline () */
/* */
/* Prototype: int getline (int handle, char *line); */
/* */
/* Get a line of text from the file associated with handle. */
/* Each line is assumed to end with a CR/LF combination. */
/* Any terminating CTRL-Z is ignored. */
/* */
/* Arguments: */
/* */
/* handle - file handle */
/* line - buffer for storing line (must be large enough */
/* to hold a full 253-character line plus a CR/LF */
/* pair and a '\0' or 256 characters). */
/* */
/* Local Variables: */
/* */
/* c - next character read from file */
/* i - loop index */
/* -------------------------------------------------------- */
int getline (int handle, char *line)
int c, i;
for (i = 0; i < 253 && (c = getchr (handle)) != EOF && c != '\r'; i++)
line [i] = c;
if (!i || line [0] == 0x1a)
return 0;
line [i++] = '\r';
line [i++] = '\n';
line [i] = '\0';
if (c == '\r')
getchr (handle);
return i;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Function: setfileext () */
/* */
/* Prototype: void setfileext (char *filespec, char *newext); */
/* */
/* setfileext () sets the extension of filespec to newext. */
/* It is assumed that filespec has enough room for MAXPATH */
/* characters. */
/* */
/* Arguments: */
/* */
/* filespec - filespec to modify */
/* newext - new extension for filespec */
/* */
/* Local Variables: */
/* */
/* drive - filespec drive (including ':') */
/* dir - filespec directory */
/* file - filespec file name */
/* ext - filespec extension */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
void setfileext (char *filespec, char *newext)
char drive [MAXDRIVE];
char dir [MAXDIR];
char file [MAXFILE];
char ext [MAXEXT];
fnsplit (filespec, drive, dir, file, ext);
fnmerge (filespec, drive, dir, file, newext);