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AceComm & Utilities (Tm)
Version 1.7
"Leading Software Technology" for todays hi-speed modem
Evaluation copy 09/05/93
AceComm & Utilities User Manual
Version 1.7
Copyright (c) 1990 - 1993 all rights reserved
MGP Programming Services & Michael G Phelps
┌─────┴───┐ │ (R)
──│ │o │──────────────
AceComm Support Services │ ┌─────┴╨──┐ │Association of
Michael G Phelps │ │ │─┘ Shareware
3003 N. Central Ave Suite 121-171 └───│ o │ Professionals
Phoenix, AZ 85012 USA ──────│ ║ │────────────────
└────╨────┘ MEMBER
Telephone (602) 846-4563 (12 - 7pm MST 6 days)
AceComm BBS (602) 846-2940
CompuServe 75120,3306
Chapter 1 AceComm MACRO Programming Language.................1
Chapter 2 MACROS..............................................3
Local User Input (LUI) Functions.................3
Character I/O Functions..........................7
File Functions..................................10
Data Transfer functions.........................12
Modem Functions.................................15
FON Record / Dialing............................16
Misc Functions..................................18
Chapter 3 MACRO Parameter Functions..........................20
Expandable MACRO Parameters.....................20
Expandable MACRO Functions......................24
Chapter 1 AceComm MACRO Programming Language
Please submit all MACRO suggestions to
a) MSG to Michael Phelps on the AceComm Support BBS
b) MSG to Michael Phelps on Compuserve UID 75120,3306
Reference to characters such as carriage return, space, escape,
etc. are made in this document. Reference to a character is
made in the following manner. <CR> <SP> where <CR> refers to a
carriage return, and <SP> refers to a space character. MACROS
are bounded by the same <> brackets as character reference.
Character references are not MACROS. A complete MACRO listing
follows this chapter.
-- MACROS --
o MACROS are directives bounded inside of angle brackets < >
o MACROS must have a SPACE character in front of them when not
the first command on a line.
<ChgDir>[DIR_MAIL] <RunProgram>BWAVE <ChgDir>[DIR_START]
| |
Leading space
o MACROS may be any combination of CaSe
<RunProgram> jmodem
<runprogram> jmodem
o MACRO STACKING means multiple MACROS per line
<SendStr>u z ACE0601.ARJ^M <SendZmo>files\ace0601.arj
<SendStr>u z ACE0601.ARJ^M <RunProgram>DSZ sz -m files\ace0601.arj
<SetDTR> ON <SendStr>ATDT846-2940^M <WaitStr>CONNECT <SendStr>^[^[
o MACRO DATA PARAMETERS are bounded inside of square
brackets [ ]
o MACRO DATA PARAMETERS need not have a <SP> character in front
of them
Page 1 AceComm & Utilities (Tm)
Chapter 1 AceComm MACRO Programming Language
| | | |
| | | One second delay (~ = 1/4 second delay)
| Control character representation for <CR>
o MACRO FUNCTION PARAMETERS are prefixed with a % character
<SendZmo> %PF
| |
| MACRO FUNCTION PARAMETER (prompt for filename)
Internal Zmodem sending unit
<RunProgram>dsz port %P speed %B sz %PF %WK <SendStr>^M
| | | |
| | | |
| | | (wait for key press)
| | |
| | (prompt for filename)
| |
| (insert ascii baud)
(insert ascii port)
Page 2 AceComm & Utilities (Tm)
Chapter 2 MACROS
Local User Input (LUI) Functions
LUI MACROS require local keyboard input, and so are not suited
to un-attended scripts.
LUI MACROS contain a '_' underscore as the last character
inside the brackets.
Toggle AutoScrGen(tm) mode
Toggle AutoScript Generation mode On/Off. When "On" an
extended status line will appear at the bottom of the TERMINAL
screen. At the far left of the extended status line will be
the phrase "AutoScriptGen"
Menu Area
Enter Back Buffer Screen Area
BackBuffer contains the last n lines of display that scrolled
off the TERMINAL screen. BackBuffer has a status line of it's
own. The status line contains such information as current
line position into the buffer, total lines buffered, and some
of the navigational keys are displayed. Hold the ALT key down
for the POP UP REFERENCE available for the BackBuffer area.
Toggle Capture File
Prompts for filename
Capture will also prompt for append or overwrite. Capture
does absolutely NO filtering of any kind. All data is
recorded to file "as it comes in the port". The AceComm
package comes with separate utilities which can strip video
control codes from files.
See also <OpenCapture> filename, <CloseCapture>
Enter Shell to Command Processor/ Operating System
Page 3 AceComm & Utilities (Tm)
Chapter 2 MACROS
Local User Input (LUI) Functions (continued)
In most cases "Drop to DOS", if your DOS compatible operating
system places it's name in the environment where AceComm can
find it. "Shell" is not hard wired to COMMAND.COM but the
COMMAND PROCESSOR as found in the environmental data area.
Notes: When SWAP is "ON", the serial port is effectively
disabled during the shell. When SWAP is "OFF" the
serial port remains active and any incoming data is
handled properly, unless the receive buffer wraps
Menu driven EMSI file request function.
Menu Area
Enter .FON List / Dialer
Dial/.FON directory area. While AceComm allows manual dialing
from inside the TERMINAL area, it most convenient to dial from
a record contained in one of the .FON files available for use
from the DIAL area.
Menu Area
Enter File Lister
Files lister inside AceComm provides a basic directory list
function capable of changing directories and drives.
File-marking, deletion, selection for appropriate
file-utility, etc. LISTFILES may be created. ACE.BCH is a
file created by the Tag feature inside the File Lister Area.
files tagged will be listed inside ACE.BCH as CR LF terminated
strings. When selecting any of AceComm's internal batch
capable sending protocols, AceComm will check for the existent
of the file ACE.BCH and allow sending from the LISTFILE if
Page 4 AceComm & Utilities (Tm)
Chapter 2 MACROS
Local User Input (LUI) Functions (continued)
Prompts Yes/no before,
Sends PRM-data MDM_HANGUP string to modem. Waits 1/2 second,
then drops DTR for 1 second.
Menu Area
Enter PRM-data Menu Area
Notes: When AutoSave is "ON", all data changed is automatically
saved when exiting the PRM-data area.
Menu Area
Enter Receive Unit Protocols Area
List .SCR directory, Allow selection, Run selected .SCR file
Lists the PRM-data .SCR directory Allows selection of a .SCR
file for immediate execution.
Notes: AceComm allows .SCR file as an argument when started
which immediately executes the script.
Menu Area
Take Screen Snapshot
Create a "SnapShot" of the current screen minus any status
lines active. Prompts for a filename. Filenames always will
have the .SNA extension. AceComm can detect and will strip
away filename extensions provided by the user when they do not
match that of the function. This command is available from
Page 5 AceComm & Utilities (Tm)
Chapter 2 MACROS
Local User Input (LUI) Functions (continued)
Menu Area
Enter Screen Tagger Screen Area
Tagger will allow tagging to the first SPACE_CHAR or press
RIGHT-ARROW Tagger tags the entire line of text. Tagger has
it's own status line, and a block cursor will appear inside of
the Tagger mode. Tagged items will be assigned to the next
available SHIFT-Fn key.
Tagger pops up the SHIFT-Fn key window and displays each
tagged item, as they are tagged. Tagger is most handy for
grabbing filenames for download off a BBS screen. SHIFT-Fn
key fires the tagged item back when ready. This command is
available from most ALT POP UP REFERENCE areas.
Menu Area
Enter Sending Unit Protocols Area
Bring up Pop up Reference
Page 6 AceComm & Utilities (Tm)
Chapter 2 MACROS
Character I/O Functions
<WaitStr> STRING
Waits for a CASE sensitive string (sequence of characters) to
come in the from the modem. Can TIMEOUT.
Notes: The example below contains a SPACE_CHAR as the first
character of STRING.
<WaitStr> name:
Arguments to MACROS are taken as is, up until the first
<CR> on the line of text.
A normal text editor in ASCII TEXT mode will have placed the
CR_CHAR as the byte following the ':' character in the example
STRING below ' name:'. File Functions internal to AceComm
will filter the leading SPACE_CHAR from the MACRO ARG.
<SendStr> STRING
Sends a string to the modem. Does CONTROL CHARACTER
Send a single CR_CHAR
<SendStr> Michael Phelps^M
Notes: the leading SPACE_CHAR part of STRING
Send IEMSI data user name field, a <CR> char, 1 second
pause, Y, <CR> char, 1 second pause, current
Send IEMSI data user name field, 2 <CR> chars, IEMSI
data password field.
Toggle doorway mode. Saves the key press combo on entry,
whatever key-combo you assign <DoorWayMode> to, is the only
way out. Doorway sends all key presses to the modem in their
RAW 'un-cooked' form. Non extended key presses are send LOW
Page 7 AceComm & Utilities (Tm)
Chapter 2 MACROS
Character I/O Functions (continued)
BYTE ONLY. Extended key presses are sent LOW BYTE, HIGH BYTE.
Toggle Host echo mode. This macro emulates HostMode's ECHO
capability. It does not answer the phone. However modems set
up for auto answer function normally.
<AutoAnswer> On
PRM-data MDM_HOST_INIT is sent to the modem when hostmode flag
is toggle "ON". PRM-data MDM_INIT is sent to the modem when
hostmode flag is toggled "OFF". AceComm begins responding to
the RI bit SET, and will send the MDM_ANSWER string to the
modem when RI BIT becomes asserted. <HostEcho> becomes
AutoAnswer is also terminated whenever the user dials out from
See your modems S7 register as an alternative.
<LocalEcho>' ,0
Toggle local character echo. Local key-presses will be echoed
to the screen. (same effect as sending "ATE1^M" to the modem)
Send an EMSI_CLI HDR sequence to modem
BBS mailer front ends that use EMSI handshake protocol will,
if EMSI is implemented properly, interpret an "EMSI_CLI" HDR
sequence, as "this is a human caller" and drop to the BBS
without any delay. Note: At this writing Front Door, and
Binkley recognize EMSI_CLI HDR. DBridge does not. See
default AutoD trigger assignments (ACE.CTL)
Send an EMSI_ICI data packet to modem
Page 8 AceComm & Utilities (Tm)
Chapter 2 MACROS
Character I/O Functions (continued)
EMSI_ICI is a response made by the caller (CLIENT) to a BBS
system (HOST) which supports Interactive EMSI handshake
protocol. IEMSI data is contained inside the PRM-data area.
This data can be used for automating log on when call a BBS
that supports IEMSI. See default AutoD trigger assignments
Page 9 AceComm & Utilities (Tm)
Chapter 2 MACROS
File Functions
Tacks FILENAME onto the PATH defined in PRM DATA for .FON
files. AceComm keeps track of the current(last accessed) .FON
file. FILENAME becomes the current .FON file. <SetFonFile>
1_114.fon <DialRecord> 1
Make FILENAME current directory
<OpenCapture> filename
Calling this function opens a capture file in the directory
path defined inside PRM-data Area "Directories" menu, .CAP
files. This function will first close an open capture file,
properly saving it to disk.
Close the current open capture file, or just returns if none
is open.
Notes: capture files are automatically closed on detection
of a loss in carrier.
<RunScriptFile> FILENAME
Open and run FILENAME
Notes: Just FILENAME no PATH. PATH found in PRM-data as .SCR
is used.
<RunProgram> FILENAME
Spawn an executable file. Can search the DOS PATH. Can
determine files's extension (.COM, .EXE). All system ISRs are
restored before the spawn takes place. The serial port is
un-hooked. The state of DCD, and LINE CONTROL are left in
Page 10 AceComm & Utilities (Tm)
Chapter 2 MACROS
File Functions (continued)
After the spawn the system ISRs AceComm uses are taken back,
the serial port is re-assumed.
SWAP FLAG "ON" and XMS,EMS, or DISK swapping takes place.
SWAP FLAG "OFF" and AceComm is left in memory, with exception
to first restoring the serial port and interrupts.
Page 11 AceComm & Utilities (Tm)
Chapter 2 MACROS
Data Transfer functions
Outputs from a file to the modem. Sends the complete file.
modem is paced for buffer FULL, and all handshaking is valid.
ESC-key press aborts the function.
Call internal zmodem sending unit with 1k data frame size.
ESC-key press aborts the function.
Call internal zmodem recv unit. AceComm's internal zmodem
receiver is capable of up to 8k data frame size. The receive
unit will continue in batch mode until the sender stops
sending files, or the user terminates the transfer. Files are
placed into the directory pointed to in the PRM-data area for
ESC-key press aborts the function.
Call internal ymodem sending unit with 128 byte data frame
ESC-key press aborts the function.
<SendYmo1k> FILENAME
Call internal ymodem sending unit with 1k data frame size.
ESC-key press aborts the function.
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Chapter 2 MACROS
Data Transfer functions (continued)
Call internal ymodemG sending unit with 1k data frame size.
ESC-key press aborts the function.
Call internal xmodem sending unit with 128 byte data frame
ESC-key press aborts the function.
<SendXmo1k> FILENAME
Call internal xmodem sending unit with 1k data frame size.
ESC-key press aborts the function.
Call internal ymodem. The receive unit will continue in batch
mode until the sender stops sending files, or the user
terminates the transfer. Files are placed into the directory
pointed to in the PRM-data area for Downloads.
ESC-key press aborts the function.
Call internal ymodem1K. The receive unit will continue in
batch mode until the sender stops sending files, or the user
terminates the transfer. Files are placed into the directory
pointed to in the PRM-data area for Downloads.
ESC-key press aborts the function.
Call internal ymodemG. The receive unit will continue in
batch mode until the sender stops sending files, or the user
terminates the transfer. Files are placed into the directory
pointed to in the PRM-data area for Downloads.
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Chapter 2 MACROS
Data Transfer functions (continued)
ESC-key press aborts the function.
Call internal xmodem. Files are placed into the directory
pointed to in the PRM-data area for Downloads.
ESC-key press aborts the function.
Call internal xmodem1k. Files are placed into the directory
pointed to in the PRM-data area for Downloads.
ESC-key press aborts the function.
Xmodem/Ymodem Receive units are capable of adopting to frame
size. 128 / 1024 data frames are determined by the sender and
can be sent in any combination.
The Internal Zmodem in AceComm is capable of up to 8k data
frames. For compatibility, AceComm only uses larger than 1k data
frames with it's sending unit in mailer modes. AceComm's zmodem
receive unit can handle up to 8k data frames at any time.
Page 14 AceComm & Utilities (Tm)
Chapter 2 MACROS
Modem Functions
<DialRecord> n
Retrieves the n record found in current .FON file
Re dials number until CONNECT or USER ABORT
<SetFonFile> 1_114.FON <DIALRECORD> 1
Builds a dial string. Uses PRM-data MDM_DIAL_PREFIX and
PHONE_NUMBER Sends the dial string to the modem. One time.
No re dials
<SetDtr> OFF
Page 15 AceComm & Utilities (Tm)
Chapter 2 MACROS
FON Record / Dialing
This MACRO must be called first. The MACRO initializes a FON
RECORD with AceComm defaults. RECORD NAME is copied into the
system name for this record.
<InitFonRec> Compuserve
Set the phone number field. Any dial statements in ACE.CFG
will be applied to this number when AceComm builds the dial
If using a locked port, AceComm will ignore this value when
getting ready to dial.
Valid parameters are as follows
- Valid parameters are as follows
Page 16 AceComm & Utilities (Tm)
Chapter 2 MACROS
FON Record / Dialing (continued)
<Fon_CapFile> filename
Presents the FON record to the AceComm re dial function.
Page 17 AceComm & Utilities (Tm)
Chapter 2 MACROS
Misc Functions
<EndAcecomm> 0
AceComm session end.
Exit AceComm back to the operating system. End AceComm
session. A QUICK snap, no prompt "Are you sure?". If your on
line, your still on line when you come back unless "drop DTR
on exit is SET"
See Drop DTR on EXIT flag inside Terminal Area Options
Display text defined inside a script data area
Text is displayed at current cursor position
Text display is local
Clear screen. Clears screen above status line
<SendDelay> SECONDS
Create wait delay before sending the next <SendStr> string
Create program function delay.
<Wait_To_HHMM> hh:mm
Wait until hour:minute 24 hour format
leading zeros not needed
<Wait_To_HHMM>4:10 is valid
Sample use:
<Wait_To_HHMM>15:45 ; wait till 3:45 pm
<INITFONREC>A.C.E. Software Support; call Init FON function
<FON_NUM>1-602-846-2940 ; set phone number
<FON_TERM>Av/An ; video type for script
Page 18 AceComm & Utilities (Tm)
Chapter 2 MACROS
Misc Functions (continued)
<FON_REDIAL> ; call redial function
<WAITSTR>it a few moments.
<WAITSTR>s your name:
<SENDSTR>Michael Phelps^M
<WAITSTR>ael Phelps [Y,n]?
Mark the end of a script.
<RingBell> SECONDS
A value of 0 does not ring bell, a value of 1 plays a
victory tune, values from 2 - 30 ring the internal bell for
the number of seconds. This is the same bell sound heard in
the Dial/Connect window.
Page 19 AceComm & Utilities (Tm)
Chapter 3 MACRO Parameter Functions
Expandable MACRO Parameters
MACRO parameters are UPPER case only
The following are data from Fon.Records
Replaced with the current FON RECORD'S "password"
Replaced with the current FON RECORD'S CAPTURE "filename"
Replaced with the current FON RECORD'S SCRIPT "filename"
The following are data from PRM-data IEMSI section
Replaced with the current PRM-data/IEMSI "User Name"
<SendStr> [USER_NAME]
Replaced with the current PRM-data/IEMSI "alias"
Replaced with the current PRM-data/IEMSI "location"
Replaced with the current PRM-data/IEMSI "data #"
Page 20 AceComm & Utilities (Tm)
Chapter 3 MACRO Parameter Functions
Expandable MACRO Parameters (continued)
Replaced with the current PRM-data/IEMSI "voice #"
Replaced with the current PRM-data/IEMSI "password"
The following are data from PRM-data DIRECTORY section
Replaced with the current PRM-data/DIR "start up"
Replaced with the current PRM-data/DIR ".FON"
Replaced with the current PRM-data/DIR ".CAP"
Replaced with the current PRM-data/DIR ".SCR"
Replaced with the current PRM-data/DIR ".KTS"
Replaced with the current PRM-data/DIR "dnlds"
<ChgDir> [DIR_DNLDS] <RunProgram>DSZ rz -mr <ChgDir> [DIR_START]
Replaced with the current PRM-data/DIR "nodelist"
Page 21 AceComm & Utilities (Tm)
Chapter 3 MACRO Parameter Functions
Expandable MACRO Parameters (continued)
Replaced with the current PRM-data/DIR "mail"
The following are data from PRM-data MODEM section
Replaced with the current PRM-data/MDM "init"
Replaced with the current PRM-data/MDM "dial prefix"
Replaced with the current PRM-data/MDM "dial suffix"
Replaced with the current PRM-data/MDM "answer"
Replaced with the current PRM-data/MDM "hangup"
Replaced with the current PRM-data/MDM "off hook"
Replaced with the current PRM-data/MDM "abort"
Page 22 AceComm & Utilities (Tm)
Chapter 3 MACRO Parameter Functions
Expandable MACRO Parameters (continued)
Replaced with the current PRM-data/MDM "reset"
Replaced with the current PRM-data/MDM "echo"
Replaced with the current PRM-data/MDM "host init"
Replaced with the current PRM-data/MDM "command line
Page 23 AceComm & Utilities (Tm)
Chapter 3 MACRO Parameter Functions
Expandable MACRO Functions
Expandable MACRO Functions are UPPER case only
Insert ascii baud, %B is replaced with current baud setting
is ascii format.
Insert ascii port, %P is replaced with current port number
is ascii format. Port number is 1 based (com1 =1, com2 =2)
%FN (Valid when used from <FileLister_>)
Use from File Lister Area, %FN is replaced with currently
"highlighted" filename.
Prompt for filename, %PF is replaced with what you type into
the prompt box.
Wait for Key press, stops MACRO execution and waits for a key