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ChatBox (C) Copyright 1991-1993 Yandell Computer Services
This file describes the new features in recent ChatBox releases.
Please refer to CHATBOX.DOC for a basic description of ChatBox
[ ChatBox 2.4 New Features 8/20/93 ] --------------------------------------
* The Sysop may now initiate a ChatBox chat with the F10 key (un-shifted!).
This requires the SYSCHAT.PPE from ChatBox 2.4. See page #6 in CHATBOX.DOC
for complete, step-by-step installation instructions.
* The Sysop may still use SHIFT-F10 to initiate a ChatBox chat. This requires
the SYSCHAT.PPE from ChatBox 2.4 and a slight installation modification to
the way the PPE is installed in the PCBSetup installation. See page #7 in
CHATBOX.DOC for complete instructions.
> NOTE: In either of the above cases, if you are using SYSCHAT.PPE from
ChatBox 2.3 you MUST now use the SYSCHAT.PPE enclosed with version 2.4 and
install it as per CHATBOX.DOC.
* Support for PCBoard 15.0 PSA parameter profiling and editing has been added
to the ChatBox ALT-P (profile) command when chatting with a caller. PCBoard
"PSA" areas are those functions in PCBoard 15.0 such as the Address, Alias,
Verification, Notes, Password, and Caller Statistics. If these areas are
turned on in PCBoard by the Sysop, they will be able to be profiled in
ChatBox by pressing F2 (same as PCBSM) to rotate through the areas (after
pressing ALT-P to see the caller's profile). The contents of each PSA may
be edited while chatting in the same fashion that older versions of ChatBox
allowed editing of the callers settings (with the exception of the Alias PSA
which is unsuitable for changing by a process other than PCBoard or PCBSM).
* The Sysop may now create their own customized "beep" sound to use for paging
in addition to several built-in sounds. This is sound choice #13 and may be
edited by selecting the appropriate CBSETUP main menu choice. Sound #13 may
then be selected in place of any previously selected sound selections.
* If the caller is using RIP graphics mode in PCBoard, ChatBox will clear the
caller's RIP screen and set it to 25-line mode when first run. This is
useful where RIP menus are used in PCBoard that set the caller's screen as a
full graphics window and leave little or no areas for a text process such as
ChatBox to display regular text characters.
* A new setting has been added to CBSETUP that allows the Sysop to force
ChatBox to ask the "Reason for paging" question even if a page is attempted
when the Sysop is not available (paging hours, F4 toggled off, etc.). By
default, ChatBox does not ask this question if it knows the caller cannot
currently page the Sysop. Some Sysops would prefer ChatBox ask the question
regardless, since the "Reason" will be written to the node's CALLER log and
the Sysop can later see why the caller wanted to page them (even though the
page did not occur). After selecting #1 from the CBSETUP main menu, press
PgDn once to edit this (and other new) ChatBox setting(s).
* The "Reason for page" answer is written to the CALLER log differently. It
now has its own "line" (entry). In previous versions of ChatBox the "reason"
was appended to the "Operator Paged at 00:00" entry. The reason now appears
on its own line AFTER the "Operator Paged at 00:00" entry.
* ChatBox will now use appropriate language "Y" and "N" (Yes/No) characters if
configured in the PCBoard 15.0 multi-language data file.
* The new SYSPAGE.PPE with ChatBox 2.4 will turn on and off the "flashing p"
on the Sysops status line in PCBoard. The "flashing p" is used in PCBoard
to alert the Sysop the caller has attempted to page them during the call.
If the page is answered by the Sysop, the "p" will not appear. SYSPAGE.PPE
is used as the "O" command replacement for ChatBox with PCBoard 15.0
* For over-all consistency, ChatBox now updates the PCBoard 15.0 USERNET.XXX
file with "Paging Sysop" and "Chatting with Sysop" settings. This is done by
default if ChatBox 2.4 is started with the new "F10" (un-shifted) method. In
this mode, an actual PCBoard chat has in fact "started" (although ChatBox
takes over) but because PCBoard started to chat, it updates USERNET.XXX. For
consistency, ChatBox will update USERNET.XXX itself when used in other
modes. This can be disabled, if desired, in CBSETUP. After selecting #1
from the CBSETUP main menu, press PgDn once to edit this (and other new)
ChatBox setting(s). NOTE: ChatBox will not update USERNET.XXX to indicate
"Paging the Sysop" until (and if) the host actually starts paging the Sysop.
* The "chat greeting" in PCBTEXT record #333 has been moved to CBSETUP to
accommodate the new un-shifted F10 method of initiating a Sysop chat. This
must be configured in CBSETUP, even if you are not using the new F10 method,
as ChatBox no longer retrieves this record from PCBTEXT.
* Previous versions of ChatBox supported several command-line parameters to
over-ride certain ChatBox functions. Because long command-lines are now not
possible with some of the "PPE" installation modes of ChatBox, these are now
settings in the CBSETUP utility. These command-line options were: /NOLPT,
/NOBEEP and /NOCALLER. After selecting #1 from the CBSETUP main menu, press
PgDn once to edit these ChatBox settings. Press F1 (help) for an explanation
for each setting.
* To accomodate DOOR developers with adding support in their doors to use
ChatBox for paging, a command-line switch of /NOCOMMENT has been added. This
over-rides the "Leave a Comment" setting in CBSETUP if set to YES. Since
ChatBox stuffs the keyboard with the "Comment request" if the caller answers
YES to "Leave a comment?", this would be inappropriate when ChatBox returns
to the calling DOOR instead of PCBoard. This switch allows Sysops to use one
ChatBox configuration file instead of having to configure a second one (with
the "Leave a comment" function turned off) for use with DOORS that will use
[ ChatBox 2.3 New Features 5/4/93 ] ---------------------------------------
* NEW: ChatBox can now make use of the new PCBoard 15.0 PPL command structure,
which allows ChatBox to be accessed in two new ways:
>> (1) The "O" command in PCBoard 15.0 can now be made to access ChatBox
(previously a door name such as PAGE was required to be entered).
>> (2) The Sysop may now start a chat from any point in PCBoard 15.0. With
prior versions of PCBoard, the caller had to be at the PCBoard main
prompt for the Sysop to start a chat with ChatBox.
The instructions for installing ChatBox as described above with PCBoard 15.0
are located in CHATBOX.DOC, sections 2.0 through 2.3 on pages 4 through 6.
* The SET_F10 memory resident program is no longer supported. SET_F10 allowed
the Sysop to choose between PCBoard and ChatBox for a Sysop initiated chat.
If you are still using PCBoard 14.5/14.5a or still wish to use ChatBox as a
door, ChatBox will now display (host only) a 3 second countdown when loading
so the Sysop can press a key to initiate the chat. This only occurs when
ChatBox is installed as a door. See CHATBOX.DOC for complete instructions
on "Sysop Initiated Chats In Door Mode".
* Pressing ESC at any input prompt will clear any input and move the cursor to
the beginning of the field. This makes ChatBox behave like PCBoard 15.0 in
this area.
* Update: ChatBox 2.3 and earlier versions work with both PCBoard v.15.0 (in
beta test as of this writing) and PCBoard 14.5/14.5a. You are NOT required
to upgrade to ChatBox 2.3 for use with PCboard 15.0, unless you wish to use
the new features described above.
[ ChatBox 2.2 New Features 11/27/92 ] -------------------------------------
* The Sysop may now press S to silence ChatBox while a caller is paging. This
turns off the sound on the Sysop's computer, however the paging appears to
continue as normal to the caller. Pressing S is permitted only after the
paging (beeping) has started, and this "silencing" is only good for that one
page attempt in ChatBox.
* Each paging period (per day) may now have its own page tone configured.
Previously in ChatBox there was one Sysop configurable page tone which was
used for all pages. Now a different tone may be configured (if desired) for
any of the three different paging time periods per day. The typical use for
this will be for Sysops who wish to allow callers to page them at off hours,
but would like to use the ChatBox silent flashing screen mode during those
off hours and an audible tone during regular hours.
- If installing Chatbox for the first time, all paging tones will default
to paging tone type #1 (the regular beep-beep).
- If upgrading to ChatBox 2.2 from a previous version, all of the paging
period tones will default to the tone previously configured in ChatBox.
- The paging tones may now be set or changed on the same screen with the
daily paging time periods, using the CBSETUP.EXE installation program.
* A new configuration option on the ChatBox main installation screen in the
CBSETUP.EXE program allows for a separate paging sound for VIP callers. VIP
callers are special callers whose names are installed in CHATBOX.VIP which
allows them to page outside of the set paging hours. This special tone will
only be used when the VIP caller is paging during "off" hours.
* PCBoard /M multi-port software is now supported by ChatBox. ChatBox reads
PCBOARD.DAT on the node where it is running and automatically determines if
PCBoard /M multi-port software is in use on that node. If it is, ChatBox
will automatically use the FOSSIL interface in the PCBoard /M multi-port
communications driver. No special configuration is necessary when using
ChatBox version 2.2 with PCBoard /M multi-port software.
* The (PAB) (Printer, Alarm, Bell) indicators on the status line will also
include M for multi-port if ChatBox is being used with PCBoard /M software.
* Added support for extended IRQ use (above IRQ 7). Previous versions of
ChatBox provided non-standard COM support with IRQ 1 through 7. The IRQ
value may now be 1 through 15. ChatBox reads this information from the
appropriate PCBoard system files. Use of ChatBox with non-standard COM
ports requires no additional installation by the Sysop.
* While earlier versions of ChatBox were DESQview aware and behaved, some
performance degradation was discovered when using "virtualized" screens with
DESQview-386. ChatBox's performance is now improved in these cases.
[ ChatBox 2.1 New Features 5/1/92 ] ---------------------------------------
* The text position arrow character in each chat "box" is now configurable.
Use CBSETUP to set the character from the default ">" to any ASCII character
between 32 and 255. Control characters (below ASCII 32) cannot be used due
to the inability of some communication programs to display them properly.
* V.I.P. pagers (callers chosen by the Sysop who may page "after hours") are
now reminded that it is "after hours" if they attempt to page during same.
A file named VIP (language extensions allowed) will be displayed and the
caller will be asked if they wish to proceed with the page.
* The language extension edit field in the ALT-P profile has been enhanced.
Support for language extensions less than three characters long has been
added. ChatBox now reads the PCBoard multi-language data file (PCBML.DAT)
and only allows the Sysop to enter a language extension if it is installed
in the data file. Additionally, if multi-lingual files are turned off in
PCBoard, ChatBox will skip over the language parameter completely while the
Sysop is editing the caller profile.
* In ChatBox version 2.0, the paging time period parameters in CBSETUP were
moved to a second screen and were accessed by pressing PgDn while at the
first screen. This was occasionally overlooked during installation despite
the highlighted prompt at the bottom of the screen. CBSETUP now starts with
a menu screen which allows easy selection between the two installation
* The method used to echo events to the printer (if logging is turned on in
PCBoard) has been made more "generic" in ChatBox.
* Three command line parameters have been added. These are not likely to be
needed by most Sysops, but if you need them, you REALLY need them. Adding
them to CBSETUP is not planned since they should rarely be used.
/NOLPT - ChatBox follows the printer toggle in PCBoard. If you wish only
for PCBoard to echo caller log activity to the printer, add this
to the end of the CHATBOX.EXE command line as outlined below.
/NOBEEP - ChatBox follows the F7 local alarm in PCBoard. If you wish only
for PCBoard to beep locally at caller input errors, etc. add this
to the end of the CHATBOX.EXE command line as outline below. This
does NOT turn off the sound when a caller is paging.
/NOCALLER - ChatBox writes appropriate entries to the current node's caller
file (see CHATBOX.DOC for a complete list of entries). If you
wish only for PCBoard to place entries in caller log files, add
this to the end of the CHATBOX.EXE command line (outlined below).
To add any of these toggles, edit the ChatBox door batch file (i.e. PAGE) as
shown below:
All three are shown in the example above for illustration purposes only. You
may enter one, two, or all three of them, in any order desired. Again, it is
recommended to use these toggles only if they are REALLY needed.
[ ChatBox 2.0 New Features 3/27/92 ] --------------------------------------
* It is mandatory to run the new CBSETUP.EXE on ANY and ALL existing ChatBox
configuration (.CNF) files. ChatBox will terminate with a message to do so
if version 2.0 is attempted to run with pre-version 2.0 configuration files.
New parameters which need to be set will be marked with a blinking "*" on
the very left of the screen.
* During a chat, the Sysop may press ALT-P for a profile screen containing
many of the caller's statistics and settings. In Split-Screen chat, this
appears over the "box" the Sysop would normally type in, and the caller is
unaware of its presence. In fact, the caller may keep typing while the Sysop
is reviewing the profile! After the Sysop has reviewed the profile, the
contents of the Sysop's "chatbox" will be restored. In regular non-split
screen chat mode, the caller will not be able to continue typing while the
profile information is popped up on the Sysop's screen.
* While the above ALT-P information is on the screen, the Sysop may edit any
of the caller's parameters displayed by pressing ALT-E for edit. The Sysop
may then cursor through the parameters making changes as needed. Caller
input is not accepted while the Sysop is actually Editing the Profile. The
Sysop may press ALT-S to save and record any changes or ALT-A to abort any
changes. After pressing ALT-S or ALT-A while editing, chatting will resume
as normal.
* The page length time (the number of seconds ChatBox beeps, etc.) may now be
configured with CBSETUP.EXE. Valid lengths are 15 to 90 seconds. There is
no need to change record #97 in PCBTEXT files, ChatBox will automatically
change the '30' in "ends in 30 seconds" to whatever you place here. This
allows you to leave '30' in PCBTEXT record #97 if PCBoard (O) page is used
in conjunction with ChatBox.
* Added a new toggle is CBSETUP to always start ChatBox with chat logging on
(ALT-L). Keep an eye on those CHATLOG.### (###=node) files if you use this!
* Added a new toggle in CBSETUP to follow (or not) the PCBoard F4 toggle. This
is not recommended for general use. Some Sysops expressed the desire to
disable PCBoard (O) with F4 and have ChatBox rely solely on time periods for
Sysop page availability.
* Added a generic console BEEP BEEP for compatibility with older, less than
100% compatibles. The is type #12 in the CBSETUP sound type parameter. The
generic BEEP BEEP is not as crisp as the other noises generated by ChatBox,
and should only be used if problems are encountered using the other sounds.
* Due to the inability of some communications programs to accurately handle
the "position arrow" (ASCII 16) that ChatBox used in split-screen chat, the
position arrow has been changed to the ">" character. Everyone should
upgrade to ChatBox 2.0, since it is impossible to know if your callers are
using one of these communications programs.
* The flashing box which appears on the local screen if the "silent" paging
mode has been selected is now slightly larger for added visibility.
* CBSETUP.EXE now contains two screens of installation options. The parameters
for the paging time periods are accessed by pressing PGDN while at the first
screen. To return to the first screen, press PGUP.
Very early ChatBox versions are listed below with their version numbers
and release dates only. The detail has been omitted to keep the size of
this file lower. Contact the author if this detail is needed.
Version 1.3 - 12-20-91
Version 1.2 - 11-08-91
Version 1.1 - 08-10-91
Version 1.0 - 06-14-91