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  2. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  3. | II06915                                                     |                 
  4. |          COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER/2 1.0  562125400            |                 
  5. |                                                             |                 
  6. |          Finding the cause of problems when                 |                 
  7. |          using Communications Manager/2                     |                 
  8. |                                                             |                 
  9. |LAST UPDATE:  05/26/93                          BY: RHB      |                 
  10. |                                                             |                 
  11. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  12. |                                                                               
  13. | 1. 04/22/93 Finding the cause of INSTALLATION problems.                       
  14. |      1.1. Check if CM.LOG in OS2 CMLIB  exists. If it                         
  15. |           does then edit or type this file to see the                         
  16. |           error messages produced during installation.                        
  17. |           You may need to also check "Communications Manager/2                
  18. |           Message Reference" SC316159.                                        
  19. |      1.2. Check if CMRINST.LOG in OS2 CMLIB  exists. If it                    
  20. |           does then edit or type this file to see the                         
  21. |           error messages produced during CID processing.                      
  22. |      1.3. Check if CM.LOG in  CMLIB exists. If it                             
  23. |           does then edit or type this file to see the                         
  24. |           error messages, or view this file from the OPTION                   
  25. |           pulldown of CMSETUP.                                                
  26. |      1.4. Check the FFST/2 Message log for errors.                            
  27. |           If FFST/2 was operational at the time of the                        
  28. |           error.  See 6. Checking the FFST/2 Message log.                     
  29. |      1.5. Consult the "Communications Manager/2 Workstation                   
  30. |           Installation Guide" SC316169.                                       
  31. |      1.6. Consult the README for Communications Manager/2                     
  32. |           under "OPTIMAL ERROR REPORTING".                                    
  33. |                                                                               
  34. | 2. 04/22/93 Finding the cause of Configuration problems.                      
  35. |      2.1. If errors occurred during the verification of                       
  36. |           the Communications Manager/2 configuration you                      
  37. |           will be prompted to view the VERIFY.LOG                             
  38. |      2.2. Use the CMRECORD command to produce an ASCII                        
  39. |           file showing the Communications Manager/2                           
  40. |           Configuration. You can print this file or display                   
  41. |           it in an OS/2 window while you review error messages                
  42. |           CMRECORD <configuration filename>                                   
  43. |      2.3. Check the FFST/2 Message log for errors.                            
  44. |           See 6. Checking the FFST/2 Message log.                             
  45. |      2.4. Use the Help available on the Configuration                         
  46. |           panels. Help is available via PF1 in a                              
  47. |           field or put focus on the field and click                           
  48. |           on the help button. This will present help                          
  49. |           for the field. PF2 from a HELP window                               
  50. |           or HELP in a window will produce general                            
  51. |           help for the window.                                                
  52. |      2.5. Consult the IBM "Communications Manager/2                           
  53. |           Configuration Guide" SC316171.                                      
  54. |                                                                               
  55. | 3. 04/22/93 Finding the cause of problems when                                
  56. |             migrating a configuration from a                                  
  57. |             previous release to Communications Manager/2.                     
  58. |      3.1. Check UPGRADE.LOG using the FFST/2                                  
  59. |           Message Log Formatter to view this file.                            
  60. |           See 6. Checking the FFST/2 Message log.                             
  61. |      3.2. Check the FFST/2 Message log for errors.                            
  62. |           See 6. Checking the FFST/2 Message log.                             
  63. |                                                                               
  64. | 4. 04/22/93 Finding the cause of CID problems.                                
  65. |      4.1. Check CMRINST.LOG in OS2 CMLIB or  CMLIB.                           
  66. |           Edit or type this file to see the                                   
  67. |           error messages produced.                                            
  68. |      4.2. Check the FFST/2 Message log for errors.                            
  69. |           See 6. Checking the FFST/2 Message log.                             
  70. |                                                                               
  71. | 5. 04/22/93 Finding the cause of other Communications                         
  72. |             Manager/2 problems.                                               
  73. |      5.1. Use the CMRECORD command to produce an ASCII file                   
  74. |           showing the Communications Manager/2 Configuration.                 
  75. |           You can print this file or display it in an OS/2                    
  76. |           window while you review error messages.                             
  77. |           CMRECORD <configuration filename>                                   
  78. |      5.2. Check the FFST/2 Message log for errors.                            
  79. |           See 6. Checking the FFST/2 Message log.                             
  80. |      5.3. ONLINE help is available. See 9. Checking the                       
  81. |           ONLINE MESSAGE REFERENCE.                                           
  82. |      5.4. If you are receiving a OIA MACH___ or COMM                          
  83. |           error message, press ALT-Q                                          
  84. |           while in an emulator window                                         
  85. |           or chose Emulator Help from the                                     
  86. |           Emulator window pull down in upper left hand                        
  87. |           corner.                                                             
  88. |                                                                               
  89. | 6. 05/26/93 Checking the FFST/2 message log.                                  
  90. |      6.1. Locate the FFST/2 folder on the OS/2 desk top.                      
  91. |      6.2. In the FFST/2 folder, Chose the MESSAGE LOG                         
  92. |           FORMATTER ICON.                                                     
  93. |           If the FFST/2 folder is not on the desktop you may                  
  94. |           enter MSGLOGF to invoke the Message Log Formatter                   
  95. |           in an OS/2 window.                                                  
  96. |      6.3. On the OPEN panel,                                                  
  97. |           Select the message log you are currently using.                     
  98. |           The default message log is  OS2 SYSTEM OS2MLOG.DAT                  
  99. |           (on the boot drive). Errors which                                   
  100. |           occurred during Verify or Upgrade of your                           
  101. |           configuration may be viewed by selecting either                     
  102. |           VERIFY.LOG or UPGRADE.LOG in the  CMLIB directory.                  
  103. |           Select the desired directory and log, then                          
  104. |           click on OPEN.                                                      
  105. |      6.4. On the MESSAGE LOG FORMATTER panel, the current                     
  106. |           System and Communications Manager/2 messages are                    
  107. |           displayed. Review the message details and                           
  108. |           then message help for each message.                                 
  109. |           The message at the top is the most recent message.                  
  110. |           Help can be selected as follows:                                    
  111. |           Place the cursor on the line of the message you                     
  112. |           would like to see help for, from options pull down                  
  113. |           select DETAIL ENTRY  (or double click on the line).                 
  114. |           Note the scroll bars, the next button and the                       
  115. |           previous button, to move the displayed information                  
  116. |           The message may direct you to other sources of                      
  117. |           information, such as the System Error Log, FFST/2                   
  118. |           DUMP formatter, or the Communications                               
  119. |           Manager/2 Publications, make a note of the                          
  120. |           PROBE ID, PROBLEM ID, DATE, and TIME.                               
  121. |                                                                               
  122. | 7. 04/22/93 Checking the SYSTEM ERROR LOG.                                    
  123. |      7.1  In the FFST/2 folder, chose the SYSTEM ERROR                        
  124. |           LOG ICON or from the command prompt enter                           
  125. |           "START SYSLOG".                                                     
  126. |      7.2  ON THE OS/2 ERROR LOG FORMATTER, the most recent                    
  127. |           error log record is displayed.  Chose the error                     
  128. |           record that matches the PROBLEM ID, PROBE ID, DATE                  
  129. |           and TIME. Follow the instructions for the message                   
  130. |           that directed you here. All system error log                        
  131. |           entries should have a corresponding                                 
  132. |           message entry.                                                      
  133. |                                                                               
  134. | 8. 04/22/93 Checking the FFST/2 DUMP FORMATTER.                               
  135. |      8.1. In the FFST/2 folder, choose the DUMP                               
  136. |           FORMATTER ICON or from a command prompt                             
  137. |           enter "START EPWDF".                                                
  138. |      8.2  On DUMP FORMATTER/OPEN panel, choose the                            
  139. |           dump file to open as directed                                       
  140. |           by the message.  EPWALERT.DMP is the                                
  141. |           most common dump file, containing all the                           
  142. |           alerts for Communications Manager/2.                                
  143. |           Choose the dump record that matches the                             
  144. |           PROBE ID, the PROBLEM ID, DATE and TIME.                            
  145. |           Follow the instructions for the message that                        
  146. |           directed you here.                                                  
  147. |                                                                               
  148. | 9. 04/22/93 Checking the ONLINE MESSAGE REFERENCE.                            
  149. |      9.1. In the Communications Manager/2 ICON VIEW folder,                   
  150. |           choose the MESSAGE REFERENCE ICON,                                  
  151. |           or from a command prompt enter "VIEW CMMSGREF".                     
  152. |      9.2. SELECT the message prefix for the message you are                   
  153. |           interested in or chose SERVICES, SEARCH and enter                   
  154. |           the message number. Press enter or double                           
  155. |           click on the messages.                                              
  156. |           This is an ONLINE version of the                                    
  157. |           Communications Manager/2 Message                                    
  158. |           Reference SC316159.                                                 
  159. |      9.3. Or enter HELP <message number> (HELP ACS0619)                       
  160. |           to have the message information displayed.                          
  161. |           The Help command will not display messages                          
  162. |           that end with an I. The I indicates Information                     
  163. |           Messages. Messages ending with E, Error                             
  164. |           and ending with W, Warning, are displayed.                          
  165. |                                                                               
  166. |10. 04/22/93 Other References                                                  
  167. |           Check the "Communications Manager/2 Problem                         
  168. |           Determination Guide" SC316156, especially                           
  169. |           Chapter 1 "Problem Determination Procedures".                       
  170. |                                                                               
  171. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 
  172. |KEYWORDS: CM2INFO CMINFO 562125400 0964137 100               |                 
  173. |          CMDOC CMPD CMPSI PD PSI PD PSI ERRORS PROBLEMS     |                 
  174. |          MESSAGE MESSAGES LOG LOGS ALERTS                   |                 
  175. |                                                             |                 
  176. |                                                             |                 
  177. +-------------------------------------------------------------+                 