DP Tool Club 8
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This utility, DOSCOMM.EXE Version 3.5 release, is one of many products of
the results of more than two years worth of program development work. It is
virus proof, and is designed to assist in the use of DOS commands. It is
being submitted for distribution as Shareware, so that users may try it out
before spending money on software that they can't use. It is written in
assembly language to generate compact functions.
Non-registered users of this software, are granted a limited license, to
make an evaluation copy for trial use on a non-commercial basis, for the
purpose of determining whether These Programs are suitable for their needs.
At the end of this trial period, you should either register your copy, or
discontinue using this SoftWare.
DISCLAIMER : Use of this program acknowledges this disclaimer of warranty :
"These programs are supplied as is. RO-SOFT disclaims all warranties,
express or implied, including, and without limitation, the warranties
of merchantability and of fitness of these programs for any purpose.
RO-SOFT assumes no liability for damages direct or consequential,
which may result from the use of these programs."
■ DOSCOMM.EXE ■ This is a TSR type program. That is when run it will
load itself in memory and stay there until it is unloaded.
This program requires only 3.5K Bytes of memory, and will remain
loaded, until you enter it`s name again, or the system is re-booted.
To load the program type in `DOSCOMM` at the DOS prompt, or put this
command into your autoexec.bat file.
The program functions include the following :
■ Assign a Command, or a Series of Commands To The Function Keys.
■ Edit keys enabled on DOS command line as follows.
Back Space, Insert, Delete, Home, End, Left Arrow, and Right Arrow
■ Storrage and scroll through, of last 15 commands entered using the
Up Arrow and Down Arrow Keys, or Mouse Movement. To Execute the
Command Press 'Enter' or Left Mouse Button. Stored Command Length
is limited to sixty-three characters, but does not hinder longer
DOS commands.
■ Function Keys F11, and F12 Set new Screen Colors if You Have an ex-
tended keyboard on your system.
■ To Edit the Command List, For Keys F1 To F10, Enter "DOSCOMM /n"
at the DOS Prompt. The Current List Will be Displayed For Editing.
The Last Character of a Command is Required to be a " ", Space or a
"#", Pound. The " ", Tells DOS to Wait For a Command Option Entry.
The "#", Tells DOS to Execute The Command Immediately. All String
Commands Must End With a "#", Except the Last in String.
█ RO-SOFT SYSTEMS (C) 1991 █
Previous Updates : Version 2.4 Fixed DOS 4.01 Large Disk Partition Problem.
Version 2.5 included new features as follows :
■ New directory display and file execution routine POPDIR.EXE
■ New TSR for assigning DOS commands to Function Keys DOSCOMM.EXE
Version 3.0 included new features as follows :
■ Mouse cursor control and line draw for EDIT.EXE
■ Mouse and keyboard menu control for EDIT.EXE
■ Auto directory listing and select for EDIT.EXE
■ New color select and save for EDIT.EXE
Version 3.1 included new features as follows :
■ Correction in Virus Detection, All Routines
■ Execute Command Option Entry added in EDIT.EXE and POPDIR.EXE
■ EDIT.EXE Functions F2, Center Text, and Alt-F2, Left Align
Version 3.2 changes as follows :
■ Function Ctrl-F10, Initiate Text Use Log for shell menuing system
■ Function Alt-F10, Initiate Binary Use Log for shell menuing system
■ List/Print Functions For Both Types of Use Logs
■ Passname Protection availability added for every menu entry
■ List File Function Added to POPDIR.EXE in Both Modes
■ New Mouse Character Draw Mode and Draw Menu for EDIT.EXE
■ New Routine COLRTEXT.EXE Display color text at selected rate
■ Function Ctrl-R(n) in color text changes display rate
Version 3.3 changes as follows :
■ Code added (All Routines) to accomodate CGA color adapters & monitors
■ Disk functions corrected for 1.2M floppy disk problem
■ Disk functions re-coded to handle 130M partitions and 1024 ents/dir
■ EDIT.EXE Upgrade ■ Max Edit File Size From 4M to Unlimited.
■ Mono Text Max Chars Per Edit Line Now 80/160.
■ Left Display Margin Set, by F5 and Auto.
■ Color Text Screen Fill Attribute Now Black.
■ List Files From Directory Window
■ Much Improved Search and Replace Function
■ Add Alt-K A Function. Append Block to File
Version 3.4 ■ Correct Misc. Problems Incurred By New Functions.
■ Two Printable Documentation Manuals
Version 3.5 ■ Menu Select From Keyboard Letter Entry
■ Improved File Find Routine WHERE.EXE
■ TREE.EXE Limits Increased To Six Dir Levels Deep
■ DOSCOMM.EXE Now Handles Multiple Commands On Function Key
█ RO-SOFT SYSTEMS (C) 1991 █
Features include :
■ Virus Detection in all included utilities
■ Almost No Memory Overhead on shell menuing system
■ Automatic Screen Layout of menus
■ Use Log may be generated or not generated
■ Non Editable Binary Use Log for Auditing Purposes
■ Password Protection available on any menu line
■ Up to Thirty-Two entries per menu page
■ Menu Line description up to sixty-five characters
■ Command String up to sixty-five characters
■ Run DOS .BAT files
■ Formatted or Direct Edit menu changing and creation
■ No Limit on number of menu pages
■ Permanent Screen Color selection by user
■ Easy File and Disk Management System
■ Programmers Text Editor w/Mouse Draw & Colorize Modes
■ Edit Any Size File With Same Memory Requirement
■ Colorize Text Files And Display With COLRTEXT.EXE
■ Automatic ANSI File Generation And Display With ANSI.EXE
■ Mouse/Keybord Draw Line & Char Modes In Mono & Color
■ Color DDir List/Print/All Dirs & All Files On Disk
■ List/Print Dir Tree With # Files Each Dir & # Bytes Stored
■ Locate Files Anywhere On System & List All Occurrences
■ Repeat a DOS Command In All Directories On Drive
■ Assign DOS Function Keys and Edit Command Line
■ Use Mouse To Select Execution of Any of Last 15 Commands
■ Pop Up Directory Window, Access Any Dir, List/View Files
■ Clock and Pop Up Clock Calander w/Alarm & Message
■ Create Your Own Pop Up Help Mono Or Color With DOSHELP.EXE
■ Other DOS Utilities Being Added Periodically
█ RO-SOFT SYSTEMS (C) 1991 █
■ Files Included In The Utilities Package On This Disk ■
■ README DST 11847 09-10-91 ■ This Introduction Text File
■ DOSUTL34 EXE 273655 09-10-91 ■ Full Utilities Package in ZIPEXE Form
■ READMEZ 5053 09-10-91 ■ Introduction For ZIPEXE Package
■ UTL35DOC EXE 70475 09-10-91 ■ All Documentation Files For System ZIPEXE
■ UTL35EXE EXE 186641 09-10-91 ■ All Execute Routines And Support ZIPEXE
■ README DOC 8744 09-10-91 ■ Documentation Introduction File
■ DOSUTL35 MAN 67109 09-10-91 ■ Printable DOC File Covering Most Utilities
■ EZTEXT35 MAN 42430 09-10-91 ■ Printable Manual File For EDIT.EXE
■ SHELLHLP DAT 45610 09-10-91 ■ F1 Function Help File For SHELL.EXE
■ README 11556 09-10-91 ■ Introduction Text File For System Files
■ EZTEXT ANS 11462 09-10-91 ■ Ansi Display File, May be Removed
■ FILMAN ANS 12007 09-10-91 ■ Ansi Display File, May be Removed
■ ROSOFT ANS 11549 09-10-91 ■ Ansi Display File, May be Removed
■ ANSI EXE 2950 09-10-91 ■ Displays Ansi Files at Selected Baud Rate
■ CALC EXE 5273 09-10-91 ■ TSR, Base Conversion Calculator
■ CHKFRAG EXE 7771 09-10-91 ■ List Disk File Fragmentation
■ CHKROOT EXE 7236 09-10-91 ■ Check Validity of Disk Root Directory
■ CHNGMENU EXE 9279 09-10-91 ■ Users Shell Menu Editor
■ CLK1 EXE 3077 09-10-91 ■ TSR, Compact Clock Display [Option Location]
■ COLRTEXT EXE 2092 09-10-91 ■ Display Color Text Files at Selected Rate
■ DDIR EXE 7573 09-10-91 ■ Color Double Dir List/Print/All Dirs
■ DEFRAG EXE 9573 09-10-91 ■ DeFragment Disk Files
■ DISKSCAN EXE 6735 09-10-91 ■ Scan Disk For Read Errors
■ DOSCOMM EXE 6685 09-10-91 ■ TSR, Assign DOS Function Key Commands
■ DOSHELP EXE 6929 09-10-91 ■ TSR, Pop-Up to Display/Create HLP Files
■ DOSHELPM EXE 12500 09-10-91 ■ TSR, Pop-Up Help For Mono System
■ EDIT EXE 36374 09-10-91 ■ Text Editor With Many Special Functions
■ EQUIP EXE 5970 09-10-91 ■ List System Installed Equipment
■ FILMAN EXE 19714 09-10-91 ■ File Management System W/Mouse Menu
■ MEMMAP EXE 5379 09-10-91 ■ List System Memory Allocation
■ PALETTE EXE 6065 09-10-91 ■ TSR, Change Color Systems Color Palettes
■ POPCAL EXE 7419 09-10-91 ■ TSR, Moveable Pop-Up Calendar W/Clock/Alarm
■ POPDIR EXE 10168 09-10-91 ■ Dual Mode Directory Select,List/Execute File
■ REPTCOMM EXE 4998 09-10-91 ■ Repeate a DOS Command in All Directories
■ SCRNCLK EXE 6619 09-10-91 ■ TSR, Movable Clock Display W/Alarm
■ SHELL EXE 12664 09-10-91 ■ Main Shell Routine, Loaded By SHELLC.EXE
■ SHELLC EXE 1512 09-10-91 ■ Compact Memory Resident Portion of SHELL
■ SORTDIR EXE 7600 09-10-91 ■ Sort & Compact Disk Directories
■ TREE EXE 6093 09-10-91 ■ List/Print Dir Tree W/Totals
■ UNDELETE EXE 7995 09-10-91 ■ Recover Deleted Files
■ WHERE EXE 5616 09-10-91 ■ Locate Files Using Wild Card FileSpec
■ EXTEXT FIL 12878 09-10-91 ■ Sample Color Text File Generated By EDIT.EXE
■ DIR HLP 20002 09-10-91 ■ Sample DOS Directory Help For DOSHELP.EXE
■ VIDEO HLP 20000 09-10-91 ■ Sample DOS Video Help For DOSHELP.EXE
■ APPLMENU MEU 134 09-10-91 ■ Initialized Applications Menu For User Entry
■ COLRMENU MEU 353 09-10-91 ■ Shell Color Control Menu
■ COPYMENU MEU 245 09-10-91 ■ Initialized DOS Diskette Copy Menu
■ DOSMENU MEU 263 09-10-91 ■ Initialized DOS Function Menu
■ FORMMENU MEU 498 09-10-91 ■ Initialized DOS Diskette Format Menu
■ GAMEMENU MEU 100 09-10-91 ■ Initialized Menu For Game Entry
■ MENU MEU 285 09-10-91 ■ Central Shell Menu To Branch To Other Menus
■ SHELMENU MEU 893 09-10-91 ■ Utilities Menu Set Up To Run These Utilities