DP Tool Club 8
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Text File
786 lines
#include "fast.ch"
#include "inkey.ch"
* Fast Library For Clipper : Demo Program, 2.20c Lib. Version.
* (c) 1992-93 Manu Roibal
* Compile with : Clipper Demo /A /M /N /L /W
* Link with : Rtlink Fi Demo Lib Fast
* or : Blinker Fi Demo Lib Fast
Function Main()
Local nX := Col ()
Local nY := Row ()
Local cColor := SetColor()
Local nCursor := SetCursor( 0 )
Local aE
Local nInd
Local cCadena
SetCancel( .F. )
SetColor ( "W+/B" )
Pantalla ( .T. )
aE := GaugeNew ( 8, "Fast Library For CA-Clipper. L'enfant Terrible", "B" )
For nInd := 1 To 30
GaugeUpdate( aE, 1 / 30 )
Delay( .01 )
Screen( "Fast Library For CA-Clipper ", "B+/W" )
Font ( "Roman.Fon" )
Screen ( "┼", "B+/B" )
FastSign( 1, 2 )
SetColor ( "N/BG,N/W" )
NewBox ( 3, 22, 22, 59, "Fast Library Demo Program", "╔═╗║╝═╚║ ", .T. )
Clock( .T., 0, 70 )
aChoice ( 5, 25, 21, 56, ;
{ " 1. CA-Clipper GIF decoder", ;
" 2. CA-Clipper PCX decoder", ;
" 3. Calculator", ;
" 4. Fire!!!", ;
" 5. Calendar", ;
" 6. Serpent game", ;
" 7. Screen Saver", ;
" 8. CA-Clipper Notes", ;
" 9. Enjoy Tetris", ;
"10. File Manager", ;
"11. Backup", ;
"12. Restore", ;
"13. Window System Demo", ;
"14. Directory Structure", ;
"15. Load INI files", ;
"16. Load and modify INI files", ;
"17. A little Text Editor", ;
"18. Windows with light focus", ;
"19. Get Password", ;
"20. Encrypt string", ;
"21. Deencrypt string", ;
"22. Graphics Demo", ;
"23. GraphBar on CA-Clipper", ;
"24. GraphTart on CA-Clipper", ;
"25. VGA efects!!", ;
"26. Fast Library Version", ;
"27. Menu System Demo", ;
"28. PCX in EGA y VGA", ;
"29. Serial Comunications", ;
"30. Mouse demo", ;
"31. Font Editor", ;
"32. Footing with CA-Clipper", ;
"33. Big Clock", ;
"34. Puzzle", ;
"35. Another Graph Bar", ;
"36. A mini debugger", ;
"37. Ascii Table", ;
"38. A message with scroll", ;
"39. Sound Blaster demo", ;
"40. Parallel DAC demo", ;
"41. New Memo edit function", ;
"42. Ellipse Graphs", ;
"43. More Speed please", ;
"44. Fast Icons" }, .T., "USERFUNC" )
Clock( .F. )
Pantalla ( .F. )
SetPos ( nY, nX )
SetColor ( cColor )
SetCursor ( nCursor )
Font ( "Standard.Fon" )
Return ( Nil )
Function UserFunc ( nModo, nElemento, nRel )
Local aPanta
Local nRet := 2
Local nInd
Local cMemo := "To be or not to be, that's the fastquestion"
If Lastkey () == K_ESC
If BoxQuery( "Are you sure you want to exit to DOS?" )
Return( 0 )
Return( 32 )
ElseIf Lastkey () == K_RETURN
aPanta := SaveScr ( , , , , 1 + nRandom ( 3 ) )
Pantalla ( .F. )
Do Case
Case nElemento == 1
If GIFShow256 ( "demo.gif" )
While Inkey() == 0
Origin( 0, 2 )
Origin( 0, 0 )
Origin( 0, -2 )
Origin( 0, 0 )
Case nElemento == 2
If PCXShow256 ( "m_roibal.pcx", .T., .F. )
Case nElemento == 3
Calculator ( "N/W", "G+/N", "R+/N" )
Case nElemento == 4
Case nElemento == 5
Calendar ( 5, 20, "N/BG", "R/BG", "GR+/B" )
Case nElemento == 6
Serpent ( "W+/B*", "R+/B*", "G+/B*" )
Case nElemento == 7
ScreenSave ( "BG+/N", "Fast Library For CA-Clipper. (C) 1993 Manu Roibal" )
Case nElemento == 8
Notes( "W/B,N/BG", "W/B,N/BG,G/B,W/B,R+/B", "HojaCalc.hc" )
Case nElemento == 9
Tetris ( 25, 3, 4 )
Case nElemento == 10
Manager ( "N/W,N/BG", "N/BG", "*.prg" )
Case nElemento == 11
Backup ( Date (), Time (), "Root", "A:\", ;
{ { "C:\DOS\", "*.*" }, ;
{ "C:\OS2\MDOS\", "*.COM" } }, ;
.T., "N/W,N/W" )
Case nElemento == 12
Restore ( "A:\", { "D:\DOS" }, "N/W,N/W" )
Case nElemento == 13
DemoVentanas ()
Case nElemento == 14
TreeDemo ( "C:\", "\*.*" )
Case nElemento == 15
LeerIni ( "FAST", "MANU", "CPUTYPE" )
Case nElemento == 16
ModificarIni ( "FAST", "MANU", "TIMESLIZE" )
Case nElemento == 17
Editor ( "Fast.Ini", "W/B" )
Case nElemento == 18
DemoFoco ()
Case nElemento == 19
DamePass ()
Case nElemento == 20
Revuelve ()
Case nElemento == 21
Revuelve ()
Case nElemento == 22
GrafDemo ()
Case nElemento == 23
BarraDemo ()
Case nElemento == 24
TartaDemo ()
Case nElemento == 25
EfectosVGA ()
Case nElemento == 26
Version ()
Case nElemento == 27
Menues ()
Case nElemento == 28
PCXDemo ()
Case nElemento == 29
DemoCom ()
Case nElemento == 30
DemoRata ()
Case nElemento == 31
FontEdit( "cubo.fon" )
Case nElemento == 32
Case nElemento == 33
? " ■ Original idea by Angel Canudas ■"
? " ■ Club Español de Usuarios Clipper ■"
Case nElemento == 34
BoxWarning( "The winner is... " + If( Puzzle(), "the User", "the Computer" ) )
Case nElemento == 35
Case nElemento == 36
MiniDebug( 7, "Replicate( 'Fast ', 2 )" )
Case nElemento == 37
Case nElemento == 38
MsgScroll( 10, 20, 30, "Fast Library For CA-Clipper, the best CA-Clipper extender", "GR+/B" )
Case nElemento == 39
sbVocPlay ( "Fast.voc", 11268 )
Case nElemento == 40
If BoxQuery( "Do you have a Parallel DAC in LPT2?" )
dacPort( 2 )
dacVocPlay( "Fast.voc", 12912 )
Case nElemento == 41
cMemo := FastMemo( 10, 10, 20, 60, cMemo, "Demo", "W+/B", .T., .T. )
Case nElemento == 42
EllipseDemo ()
Case nElemento == 43
Case nElemento == 44
Font ( "Roman.Fon" )
RestScr ( , , , , aPanta )
SetCursor ( 1 )
SetCursor ( 0 )
ElseIf LastKey () == K_ESC
nRet := 0
Return ( nRet )
Function Pantalla ( lModo )
Static cPanta
If lModo
cPanta := SaveScreen ( 0, 0, 24, 79 )
Return ( Implode ( 0, 0, 24, 79, cPanta ) )
Return ( Nil )
Function DamePass ()
Local cPanta := SaveScreen ( 0, 0, 24, 79 )
Local nCursor := SetCursor ( 0 )
Local cColor := SetColor ( "W+/B" )
NewBox ( 5, 5, 9, 74, "Security", "╔═╗║╝═╚║ ", .T. )
GetPass ( 7, 12, "Input your access key (15 letters Max.):", 15 )
SetColor ( cColor )
SetCursor ( nCursor )
Implode ( 0, 0, 24, 79, cPanta )
Return ( Nil )
Function Revuelve ()
Local cPanta := SaveScreen ( 0, 0, 24, 79 )
Local nCursor := SetCursor ( 0 )
Local cColor := SetColor ( "W+/B" )
Local cEncrip
Local cDeEncrip
NewBox ( 5, 5, 10, 74, "De/Encrypt", "╔═╗║╝═╚║ ", .T. )
cEncrip := Encrypt ( "Manu Roibal" )
Message ( 7, 12, "<Manu Roibal> -> encrypt -> " + cEncrip )
cDeEncrip := DesEncrypt ( cEncrip )
Message ( 8, 12, "<" + cEncrip + "> -> deEncrypt -> " + cDeEncrip )
Inkey (0)
SetColor ( cColor )
SetCursor ( nCursor )
Implode ( 0, 0, 24, 79, cPanta )
Return ( Nil )
Function TreeDemo ( cDisco, cMascara )
Local cPanta := SaveScreen ( 0, 0, 24, 79 )
Local nCursor := SetCursor ( 0 )
Local cColor := SetColor ( "W+/B,N/W" )
Local aDisco := DirTree ( cMascara, cDisco )
Window ( 4, 0, 22, 29, "Directory " + cDisco, "╔═╗║╝═╚║ ", .T. )
Achoice ( 5, 2, 21, 27, aDisco, .T. )
SetColor ( cColor )
SetCursor ( nCursor )
Implode ( 0, 0, 24, 79, cPanta )
Return ( Nil )
Function DemoVentanas ()
Local aColor := { "N/BG", "W+/R", "R/W", "G/W", "B/W", "W/B", ;
"G+/W", "W+/G", "BG/N", "N/BG", "R+/B", "GR+/N" }
Local nTipo
Local cColor
Local nInd := 0
Local nX1 := 0
Local nY1 := 0
Local nX2 := 0
Local nY2 := 0
Local aPan := {}
Local cPan := ""
For nInd := 1 To 100
nX1 := nRandom ( 77 ) + 1
nY1 := nRandom ( 22 ) + 1
nX2 := nRandom ( 77 - nX1 ) + nX1 + 1
nY2 := nRandom ( 22 - nY1 ) + nY1 + 1
cColor := aColor [ nRandom ( 11 ) + 1 ]
nTipo := nRandom ( 3 ) + 1
If nX2 - nX1 < 22
nTipo := 4
If nTipo == 1
If Seconds () % 2 == 0
Window ( nY1, nX1, nY2, nX2, "Window with shadow", "╔═╗║╝═╚║ ", .T., cColor )
NewBox ( nY1, nX1, nY2, nX2, "NewBox with shadow", "╔═╗║╝═╚║ ", .T., cColor )
ElseIf nTipo == 2
If Seconds () % 2 == 0
Window ( nY1, nX1, nY2, nX2, "Window without shadow", "╔═╗║╝═╚║ ", .F., cColor )
NewBox ( nY1, nX1, nY2, nX2, "NewBox without shadow", "╔═╗║╝═╚║ ", .F., cColor )
ElseIf nTipo == 3
Wall ( nY1, nX1, nY2, nX2, cColor )
If Seconds () % 2 == 0
Window ( nY1, nX1, nY2, nX2, , "╔═╗║╝═╚║ ", .T., cColor )
NewBox ( nY1, nX1, nY2, nX2, , "╔═╗║╝═╚║ ", .T., cColor )
cPan := SaveScreen ( 0, 0, 24, 79 )
Fascinate( "G", "BG" )
aPan := SaveScr ( , , , , 1 )
RestScreen ( 0, 0, 24, 79, cPan )
RestScr ( , , , , aPan )
aPan := SaveScr ( , , , , 2 )
RestScreen ( 0, 0, 24, 79, cPan )
RestScr ( , , , , aPan )
aPan := SaveScr ( , , , , 3 )
RestScreen ( 0, 0, 24, 79, cPan )
RestScr ( , , , , aPan )
aPan := SaveScr ( , , , , 4 )
RestScreen ( 0, 0, 24, 79, cPan )
RestScr ( , , , , aPan )
Return ( Nil )
Function LeerIni ( cFichero, cAplicacion, cCampo )
Local cValor
Local cPantalla := SaveScreen ( 0, 0, 24, 79 )
IniLoad ( cFichero, cAplicacion )
cValor := IniSearch( cCampo, "386SX" )
Window ( 9, 15, 16, 64, "Configuration", "╔═╗║╝═╚║ ", .T., "N/BG" )
Message ( 11, 20, "The .Ini shows CPU Type -> " + cValor, "N/BG" )
Message ( 12, 20, "Default value is -> 386SX" , "N/BG" )
Message ( 14, 20, "For more information read Fast.ini", "N/BG" )
Inkey ( 0 )
Implode ( 0, 0, 24, 79, cPantalla )
Return ( Nil )
Function ModificarIni ( cFichero, cAplicacion, cCampo )
Local cValor
Local cNuevo
Local cPantalla := SaveScreen ( 0, 0, 24, 79 )
IniLoad ( cFichero, cAplicacion )
cValor := IniSearch( cCampo, "50" )
Window ( 9, 15, 16, 64, "Configuration", "╔═╗║╝═╚║ ", .T., "N/BG" )
Message ( 11, 20, "The .Ini shows Time Slize -> " + cValor, "N/BG" )
cNuevo := TransForm ( nRandom ( 99 ), "99" )
IniSave( cCampo, cNuevo )
IniWrite( cFichero, cAplicacion )
Message ( 12, 20, "New value will be -> " + cNuevo, "N/BG" )
Message ( 14, 20, "For more information read Fast.ini", "N/BG" )
Inkey ( 0 )
Implode ( 0, 0, 24, 79, cPantalla )
Return ( Nil )
Function DemoFoco ()
Local aBoton
aBoton := BoxOpen ( 3, 10, 5, 50, "B", .1 )
Message ( 4, 13, "- Original idea by Urbano García -", "W+/B" )
While Inkey ( 0 ) != K_ESC
BoxPush ( aBoton )
BoxClose ( aBoton )
Return ( Nil )
Function GrafDemo ()
DispStr ( "Now, i am going to generate lines until you press any key", 35, 50, 9, 0, 10 )
While Inkey() == 0
gLine( nRandom(639), nRandom(479), nRandom(639), nRandom(479), nRandom( 15 ) )
Return ( Nil )
Function BarraDemo ()
SetVGA ()
GraphBar ( "This is a VGA special efects demo", ;
{ "Item 1", { 2481, 3212, 4212, 1266, 1699, 6312 } }, ;
, ;
{ "Item 3", { 2481, 3212, 4212, 1266, 1699, 6312 } }, ;
{ "Item 4 and last", { 2281, 3332, 3212, 2557, 7499, 2612 } } )
Inkey (0)
TxtMode ()
SetBlink (.F.)
Return ( Nil )
Function Graf2Demo ()
SetVGA ()
GraphBar2 ( "This is a VGA special efects demo", ;
{ { 9481, 4212, 5212, 4266, 8699, 9442, 9298 }, ;
{ 7481, 1212, 4642, 1234, 6542, 9312, 1921 }, ;
{ 2481, 3212, 4212, 1266, 1699, 6312, 7921 }, ;
{ 2281, 3332, 3212, 2557, 7499, 2612, 3120 } } )
Legend ( 20, 420, 15, 9, "Fast Library" )
Legend ( 340, 420, 15, 10, "Other" )
Legend ( 20, 450, 15, 11, "Other" )
Legend ( 340, 450, 15, 12, "Other" )
Inkey (0)
TxtMode ()
SetBlink (.F.)
Return ( Nil )
Function TartaDemo ()
Local cTitulo := "Statistics"
SetVGA ()
GraphTart ( 540, 60, 40, { 17, 3, 15, 60, 15 } )
GraphTart ( 80, 120, 30, { 17, 3, 15, 60, 15 } )
gBox ( 210, 130, 430, 350, 10 )
GraphTart ( 320, 240, 100, { 17, 3, 15, 60, 15 } )
DispStr ( cTitulo, 320 - Len ( cTitulo ) * 4, 370, 15, 0 )
Legend ( 320, 460, 15, 4, "Fast Library For CA-Clipper" )
Inkey (0)
TxtMode ()
SetBlink (.F.)
Return ( Nil )
Function EllipseDemo ()
Local cTitulo := "Statistics"
SetVGA ()
GraphEllipse ( 540, 60, 40, { 17, 3, 15, 60, 15, 21, 21, 23, 54 } )
GraphEllipse ( 80, 120, 30, { 17, 3, 15, 60, 15, 21, 47, 11, 11, 64, 11 } )
gBox ( 210, 130, 430, 350, 10 )
GraphEllipse ( 320, 240, 100, { 17, 23, 12, 72, 3, 15, 60, 21, 15 } )
DispStr ( cTitulo, 320 - Len ( cTitulo ) * 4, 370, 15, 0 )
Legend ( 320, 460, 15, 4, "Fast Library For CA-Clipper" )
Inkey (0)
TxtMode ()
SetBlink (.F.)
Return ( Nil )
Function Version ()
Local cPanta := SaveScreen ( 0, 0, 24, 79 )
Local nCursor := SetCursor ( 0 )
Local cColor := SetColor ( "GR+/B" )
NewBox ( 5, 5, 13, 74, "Credits", "╔═╗║╝═╚║ ", .T. )
Message ( 7, 9, PadC ( FastVersion(), 61 ) )
Message ( 9, 9, PadC ( FastRight(), 61 ) )
Message ( 11, 9, PadC ( FastUser(), 61 ) )
Inkey (0)
SetColor ( cColor )
SetCursor ( nCursor )
Implode ( 0, 0, 24, 79, cPanta )
Return ( Nil )
Function DemoRata ()
If rIsMouse()
? "Well, you have a mouse; Them, press any key or mouse button"
rCursorOn ()
rSetPos ( 12, 39 )
? "Now mouse cursor is on 12,39"
rSetPos ( 12, 39 )
rSetArea ( 16, 30, 18, 50 )
rCursorOff ()
? "good bye mouse"
? "hello mouse"
rColors ( 1, 8 )
? "Now, press any key or mouse button"
BoxWarning ( "There is no mouse on system" )
Return ( Nil )
Function EfectosVGA()
Local nInd := 0
Local nValor := 3
Local cCambio := ""
SetVGA ()
GraphBar ( "This is a VGA special efects demo", ;
{ "Item 1", { 2481, 3212, 4212, 1266, 1699, 6312 } }, ;
, ;
{ "Item 3", { 2481, 3212, 4212, 1266, 1699, 6312 } }, ;
{ "Item 4 and last", { 2281, 3332, 3212, 2557, 7499, 2612 } } )
egHigh( "w" )
egChange( "rb", "gr+" )
egChange( "w+", "n" )
egChange( "r", "b" )
egChange( "bg+", "n" )
egChange( "b", "gr+" )
egChange( "w", "b+" )
egChange( "r+", "bg" )
egChange( "gr+", "n" )
egRatePal( 4 )
egRateClk( 1 )
egRatePal( 1 )
egRateClk( 4 )
egBlink( "r", "g+", .T. )
egBlink( "gr", "bg" )
egBlink( "w+", "g", .T. )
egFixPal( .T. )
cCambio := ""
nValor := 3
For nInd = 1 TO 16
cCambio += Chr ( nValor ) + Chr ( 0 ) + Chr ( 0 )
nValor += 4
egPalette( 14, cCambio )
egPalNo( 14 )
Inkey ( 0 )
cCambio := ""
nValor := 3
For nInd = 1 TO 16
cCambio += Chr ( 0 ) + Chr ( nValor ) + Chr ( 0 )
nValor += 4
egPalette( 14, cCambio )
egPalNo( 14 )
cCambio := ""
nValor := 3
For nInd = 1 TO 16
cCambio += Chr ( 0 ) + Chr ( 0 ) + Chr ( nValor )
nValor += 4
egPalette( 14, cCambio )
egPalNo( 14 )
TxtMode ()
SetBlink ( .F. )
Return ( Nil )
Function Menues ()
Local aMenu
Local nOpt
Local cColor := "W+/BG,N+/BG"
local cGet1 := "Manu Roibal "
local cGet2 := "Fast Library For CA-Clipper "
local GetList := {}
local nChoice1 := 2
local nChoice2 := 1
local nChoice3 := 1
local nChoice4 := 3
local nChoice5 := 2
Clock( .F. )
Clock( .T., MaxRow(), 70 )
Fascinate ( "GR", "BG" )
Set wrap On
Set message To 24 Center
@ 24, 0 Say Space ( 80 ) Color "N/W"
aMenu := NewMenu( { "^System", "^Tools", "^States", "^Last" }, ;
{ "N/W", "R/W", "W/B", "W+/B", "N/W", "W+/B", "N+/W", ;
"R/W", "GR+/B" } )
AddItem ( aMenu, 1, "New", "Nothing" )
AddItem ( aMenu, 1, "Open" )
AddLine ( aMenu, 1 )
AddItem ( aMenu, 1, "Save", "More messages" )
AddItem ( aMenu, 1, "Discard" )
AddLine ( aMenu, 1 )
AddItem ( aMenu, 1, "Good m^orning sir", , 3 )
AddItem ( aMenu, 1, "^Quit", "Are you sure you want exit from here?" )
DelItem ( aMenu, 1, 3 )
OffItem ( aMenu, 1, 2 )
AddItem ( aMenu, 2, "^Cut" )
AddItem ( aMenu, 2, "^Paste" )
AddItem ( aMenu, 2, "^Copy" )
AddItem ( aMenu, 3, "^Search" )
AddItem ( aMenu, 3, "^Replace" )
AddItem ( aMenu, 4, "^Help" )
AddItem ( aMenu, 4, "And ^more Help" )
AddItem ( aMenu, 4, "And more, ^and more..." )
AddLine ( aMenu, 4 )
AddItem ( aMenu, 4, "Little rabbit ^Duracell" )
nOpt := DispMenu ( aMenu, 3 )
BoxWarning ( "And the winer is... " + Str ( nOpt ) )
Clock( .F. )
Clock( .T., 0, 70 )
SetCursor ( 1 )
@ 4,5 say "Get Normal 1:" get cGet1
@ 6,5 say "Clipper Lib" get nChoice1 VALID nChoice1 == 3 COLOR cColor ;
with radiobuttons { "1 Option1", "2 No buttons 2", "3 Not Selected" }
@ 6,40 say "Fast Library" get nChoice2 when nChoice1 != 2 COLOR cColor ;
with radiobuttons { "1 Adios", "2 Agur", "3 Bye bye", "4 Adeu" }
@ 7,60 get nChoice3 COLOR cColor ;
with radiobuttons { "1 Fast", "2 Normal", "3 Slow" } ;
@ 12,5 say "Get Normal 2:" get cGet2
@ 15,5 say "Botones 4:"
@ 15,col()+1 get nChoice4 COLOR cColor ;
with radiobuttons { "1 Option 1", "2 Option 2", "3 Option 3" } ;
nobox ;
@ 17,5 Say "Botones 5:" get nChoice5 COLOR cColor ;
with radiobuttons { "1 Option1", "2 Option 2", "3 Option 3" } ;
double ;
Return ( Nil )
Function PCXDemo ()
Local i
PCXShow ( "fast.pcx", .F., 100, 10 )
DispStr ( "Press any key to continue", 350, 60, 15, 0 )
While Inkey() == 0
For i := 0 To -340 Step -2
Origin( 0, i )
For i := -340 To 0 Step +2
Origin( 0, i )
Origin( 0, 0 )
Degrade( Palette() )
TxtMode ()
Return ( Nil )
Function DemoCom()
#define COMPORT 2
Local nAux := ComInst( COMPORT )
If nAux != 0
BoxWarning( "Error number " + Str( nAux, 1 ) + " in COM" + Str( COMPORT, 1 ) )
ComSpeed( 2400 )
ComParity( COM_NONE, 1 )
Message( 10, 10, "Alt-X Exit. Another key go to port" )
While .T.
nAux := Inkey( 0 )
If nAux == K_ALT_X
ComOutput( nAux )
nAux := ComInput()
If nAux != Nil
Message( 12, 10, "Received from port : " + Str( nAux ) )
Return( Nil )
Function Al_Infierno()
SetBlink( .F. )
Return( Nil )
Function MoreSpeed()
Local nTime
Local aBoton
Local nInd
aBoton := BoxOpen ( 8, 2, 14, 76, "B", .1 )
@ 10, 10 Say "Writes 1 to 15.000 with @ Say ->" Color "W+/B"
nTime := Seconds()
For nInd := 1 to 15000
@ 10, 40 Say Str( nInd ) Color "W+/B"
@ 10, 60 Say Str( Seconds() - nTime ) Color "GR+/B"
@ 12, 10 Say "Writes 1 to 15.000 with Fast ->" Color "W+/B"
nTime := Seconds()
For nInd := 1 to 15000
FastPrint( 12, 40, Str( nInd ), 31 )
@ 12, 60 Say Str( Seconds() - nTime ) Color "GR+/B"
BoxClose( aBoton )
Return( Nil )
Function DemoIcons()
Local aExit, aCubo, aLine
Font( "Cubo.Fon" )
aExit := BoxOpen( 5, 30, 7, 34, "B", 0.2 )
@ 6, 31 Say "≡≤≥" Color "GR+/B"
aCubo := BoxOpen( 5, 38, 7, 42, "B", 0.2 )
@ 6, 39 Say " ⌠ " Color "GR+/B"
aLine := BoxOpen( 5, 46, 7, 50, "B", 0.2 )
@ 6, 47 Say " ┌█" Color "GR+/B"
Inkey( 0 )
BoxPush( aExit )
Inkey( 0 )
BoxPush( aCubo )
Inkey( 0 )
BoxPush( aLine )
Font( "Standard.Fon" )
Return( Nil )
Function Footing()
Local nI := 0
Local nCont := 1
Local cC := ""
Local nN := 1
Local cColor := setcolor( "Gr+/B" )
Local aFrase := {}
Local cLit := "Fast-Fonts Demo. Created by ≈Yosu Unibaso Suarez"
Local nLonLit := Len( cLit ) + 12 - 1
Local aBox
aFrase = Array( 80 )
aFill( aFrase, " " )
For nI := 12 To nLonlit
aFrase[ nI ] := SubStr( cLit, nI - 11, 1 )
Font( "cubo.fon" )
aBox := BoxOpen( 4, 0, 6, 79, "b", 0.2 )
@ 5, 2 Say "ε"
For nI := 2 To 78
If nCont == 1
cC := "±"
ElseIf nCont == 2
cC := "ε"
ElseIf nCont == 3
cC := "÷"
ElseIf nCont == 4
cC := "ε"
@ 5, nI say cC
nCont := If( nCont < 4, ++nCont, 1 )
Delay( 0.1 )
@ 5, nI say aFrase[ nI ]
cC := "▄▌"
For nI := 2 To 77
@ 5, nI Say cC
Delay( 0.1 )
@ 5, nI Say " "
BoxPush( aBox )
BoxClose( aBox )
Font( "standard.fon" )
SetColor( cColor )
Return( Nil )