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│ Message Reading Commands │
A)rea Change Lists directory of available message areas.
From the resulting menu, you can select a desired
message area.
C)heck Scans the current message area and displays the
the message number of any message that are either
TO or FROM you. Messages FROM you are shown
enclosed in [].
S)can messages Displays header information only (Subject, date,
addressor, addressee, etc.) for all messages in
the current message area starting with the last
message that you have read or the specific message
number you enter at the prompt.
K)ill Message This will delete a message that is presently being
viewed. If the message is "kill protected", you
must be the addressor or addressee in order to
kill the message.
N)on-Stop NON STOP mode. This command will scroll through
Display all messages in the current message area, starting
with the last message you've read, without pausing
after each one. Great to use with your comm
program's capture buffer if you want to save
everything for later reading. CTRL-K will usually
terminate NON STOP display.
a(G)ain Displays the last message you've read again. You
must have read a message during this session for
this to function.
E)nter Message This will create a message entry in the currently
selected message area. You must identify who the
message is to be sent to, the subject of the message
and the security access level. Available security
access levels are:
P)rivate message is only readable by addressor,
addressee, and the SysOp
K)ill public message which can only be
Protect deleted by the addressor, addressee,
and the SysOp
N)one public message and has no kill
R)eply Reply to the current message. This will optionally
retain the Subject of the current message and
automatically address your reply to the user who
posted the message you are replying to.
T)hread Displays the message threading sub-menu. Threading
allows you to read through the current message
area based on certain criteria. A "thread" is a
set of messages that are all tied together, ie.
they started from a certain message and are all
replies to either the ORIGINAL message or
subsequent replies. The Thread sub-menu contains
the following options:
Current topical thread: None
Current textual thread: None
Current address thread: None
Current read direction: Forward
1. Define a new topical thread.
2. Clear the topical thread.
3. Define a new textual thread.
4. Clear the textual thread.
5. Define a new address thread.
6. Clear the address thread.
7. Reverse the reading direction.
Q. Quit this menu.
Enter thread option:
Thread commands operate as follows:
1. Define a new topical thread:
Allows you to enter a specific topic, or
subject, thread value. For example, if you
are reading a message and want to read the
rest of the messages in the current area
containing the same SUBJECT heading, you
would use this command to do so. If the
original message had a subject heading of
"OS/2", you would enter "OS/2" as the
Topical Thread. When you return to the
message sub-menu, ONLY messages that contain
the SUBJECT heading of "OS/2" would be
displayed on any further reading.
2. Clear the topical thread:
Clears the current TOPICAL THREAD. If you
have previously set a topical thread, and
you want to resume "normal" message reading,
use this command to clear the currently
stored TOPICAL THREAD. Upon your return to
the message sub-menu, "normal" reading
operations will be restored.
3. Define a new textual thread:
This command works the same as the TOPICAL
THREAD, but instead of searching the MESSAGE
HEADER information it searches the actual
TEXT of the messages in the current area.
For example, if you wanted to ONLY read
messages in the current message area that
contained the word "WINDOWS", you would
enter "WINDOWS" as the TEXTUAL THREAD. Upon
your return to the message sub-menu, ONLY
those messages that contain the word
"WINDOWS" in their text will be displayed on
any read functions. A VERY handy command.
4. Clear the textual thread:
Clears the current TEXTUAL THREAD. If you
have previously set a textual thread, and
you want to resume "normal" message reading,
use this command to clear the currently
stored TEXTUAL THREAD. Upon your return to
the message sub-menu, "normal" reading
operations will be restored.
5. Define a new address thread:
The same as the topical thread command, but
instead allows you to display only those
messages to or from a certain USER. For
example, if you are reading a message from
John Doe and want to read the rest of the
messages that contain the same ADDRESS
heading, you would use this command to do
so. If the original message had an ADDRESS
heading of "JOHN DOE", you would enter "JOHN
DOE" as the ADDRESS Thread. When you return
to the message sub-menu, ONLY those messages
that contain the ADDRESS heading of "JOHN
DOE" in either the TO: or FROM: fields would
be displayed on any further reading.
6. Clear the address thread:
Clears the current ADDRESS THREAD. If you
have previously set a textual thread, and
you want to resume "normal" message reading,
use this command to clear the currently
stored ADDRESS THREAD. Upon your return to
the message sub-menu, "normal" reading
operations will be restored.
7. Reverse the reading direction:
Allows you to read through the current
message area in reverse. Any other Thread
options that are active remain in effect.
i.e hitting the [ENTER] key will show the
previous message instead of the next
Q. Quit this menu:
Quits the Thread Options sub-menu and
returns you to the message sub-menu.
Msg(#) Displays a specific message number. If you wanted
message number 500 in the current message area,
merely enter "500" at the message sub-menu prompt
and that particular message will be displayed for
M)ove Allows you to move a message to an alternate
message area and optionally add additional comments to that
message. This function is controlled by your
access level, and you may not have the appropriate
access to use this function.
Q)uit Terminates reading of the current message area
and returns you to the main system menu.
(+) (-) ADJACENT AREA - The + and - keys will move you to
the next highest message area and the next lowest
message area, respectively. For example, if you
are in message area #20, entering a "+" move you
to message area #21. Entering a "-" would move you
to message area #19. If you were not Joined to an
area, these commands will Join you to the new
[RETURN] Pressing ENTER at the message sum-menu prompt will
automatically display the next message in the
current message area. You do not have to enter the
actual message number if you are reading forward
or backwards through the messages in sequential
order...only if you wish to jump to a particular