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│ QWK Command Help │
D)ownload This command will read through the message areas
QWK packet you have "joined" and pack any unread messages
into a QWK mail packet for you. The QWK mail
packet will then be transferred to you via your
default protocol. QWK mail packets are for
downloading of messages for offline reading. You
must have a QWK compatible offline mail reader in
order to read the downloaded mail.
R)eply packet This command will allow you to upload replies
upload and new messages into the GT mail areas. This
packet must be in the QWK format in order for the
messages to be distributed into the mail areas.
Please review your QWK mail reader documentation
for further instructions on creating the proper
mail packets for upload.
R)ead Similar to (R)ead command, but automatically
G)lobal threads the caller through all joined areas. When
invoking the Read Global command, messages will be
read online rather than packet and made available
for QWK download.
A)dd message This command will allow you to "join" areas that
area & read you may not have accessed previously. After the
areas have been "joined" you can then download
mail from these areas in the form of QWK mail.
UN)join Message Unjoin a conference, so that it is not scanned
Area for mail and placed in the QWK packet.
UB)join Message Unjoin a group of conferences, so that they are
Board not scanned for for mail or placed in the QWK
E)rror Recovery The Old Message pointers prior to your last QWK
download were saved by the BBS. Using Error
Recovery will recover your old pointers in the
event that something went wrong with your previous
QWK download. Error recovery will reset your last
read message pointers to where they were before
your last QWK attempt. Use this command ONLY if
you had problems with a QWK download.
Q)uit Terminates the QWK menu and returns you to the
main system menu.