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- IniMaint
- Copyright 1992, Carry Associates
- IniMaint is an OS/2 PM program to display and manage *.INI files and
- is distributed by Carry Associates, 990 Ironwood Court, Marco Island,
- FL, 33937. Telephone number is 813-642-9126. The application was
- written by and is supported by Larry J. Martin. You can obtain
- Technical support by calling the number above, by leaving an Email on
- Compuserve for 71435,470 or for the same ID in Section 9,
- Applications, on the IBMOS2 Compuserve Forum.
- IniMaint gives you the ability to make virtually any change you want
- to any of the INI files in your OS/2 environment. Making changes to
- these files must be done with care because you can do serious and
- unpredictable damage to your environment. It is STRONGLY SUGGESTED
- that you insure that you have a usable backup of any INI file that
- you modify in any way.
- The version of IniMaint that accompanys this documentation is a
- Shareware version of the program that must be registered with Carry
- Associates, if you intend to use it except for a brief test. This is
- not a free program and has been Copyrighted by Carry Associates. It
- is a violation of the Copyright Laws to use the program without
- registering and paying for it. The purpose of the unregistered
- version is ONLY to give users an opportunity to try the program so
- that they can determine whether they feel the program is worth the
- $29.95 cost.
- Unregistered copies of IniMaint will display an initial dialog that
- will note the unregistered condition. This dialog will stay on the
- screen for 15 seconds, unless dismissed by clicking on the OK button.
- The dialog cannot be dismissed until it has been visible for 3
- seconds. In addition, the Title Bar will contain a note that this is
- an unregistered version of IniMaint.
- To obtain your registration identifier please send a check for $29.95
- per license for single licenses or $299 for an unlimited copies
- license made payable to:
- Carry Associates
- 990 Ironwood Court
- Marco Island, FL 33937
- IniMaint was written by and is support by:
- Larry J. Martin
- Tel: 813-642-9126
- Fax: 813-642-1007
- Compuserve: 71435,470
- Once you have your registration identifier, you can register your
- copy of IniMaint by selecting the :hp2.Register Your Copy:ehp2. entry
- on the Actions Menu. Once you are registered, this entry will no
- longer appear on the menu.
- If you want a preregistered copy of IniMaint, add $7.00 for postage
- and handling. We will return a diskette with a preregistered copy of
- IniMaint, an Install CMD file and an IniMaint registration ID. The
- purpose of the ID is to allow preregistered users to download new
- versions, register and use them until they can obtain a preregistered
- update. The preregistered version will run as registered without any
- need to register it on each system.
- The cost of a preregistered update is $10.00 per license for single
- licenses or $100.00 for an unlimited copies license, plus $7.00
- handling and postage.
- The enclosed is Version 2.1e of IniMaint and has the following
- known problems and/or incomplete features:
- 1. The Install must be done manually.
- 2. The Initial Dialog cannot be dismissed using the Enter Key, the
- Mouse must be used.
- 3. If the Groups Dialog is displayed, a new Group is selected and
- then OK is selected without actually making any changes to any of the
- Groups or the Applications in a Group, then the Last Group Displayed
- is not updated and a subsequent use of the Groups Dialog will revert
- back to the previous Last Group.
- 4. There is no Help available for the standard OS/2 New File Dialog.
- The following items are problems that have been reported, but cannot
- be reproduced or comments that I have received from one or more
- users. Any assistance on the problems or additions to the comments is
- more than welcome.
- 1. It was pointed out that although the Cursor in the Value MLE can
- be an Insert Cursor, there is no way to Insert information. My
- response is that the only way to change the length of a Value is by
- using the Replace Value Dialog because changing the expected length
- of an INI Key Value can cause unusual and unexpected errors. I
- further responded that the only way to change the cursor is to
- change it System wide, therefore, changing it only when it is in the
- MLE is a non trivial problem and I have not attempted to do it even
- though it leaves the apparent conflict between the appearance of the
- Cursor and the actual effect when a key is depressed.
- To install the beta version you must:
- 1. Copy the IniMaint.EXE and INICOPY.EXE files to a subdirectory that
- is included in the PATH environment variable in your CONFIG.SYS.
- 2. Copy the INIMTAPI.DLL file to a subdirectory that
- is included in the LIBPATH environment variable in your CONFIG.SYS.
- 3. Copy the IniMaint.HLP file to a subdirectory that
- is included in the HELP environment variable in your CONFIG.SYS.
- 4. You may optionally add IniMaint to one of the Groups on your
- Desktop.
- 5. You may optionally add the entry: SET INIMAINT= to your CONFIG.SYS
- file specifying the path and filename of an INI file that you want
- IniMaint to use to store it's operational information. If this entry
- is not found in the Environment, IniMaint will store it's operational
- infomration in the OS2.INI file.
- To run IniMaint simply start it by clicking on the IniMaint.EXE file
- or start it from the Group to which it has been added. When IniMaint
- first comes up, it will default to editing the INI file that is
- identified by the system as the user INI file. This is normally
- C:\OS2\OS2.INI. The name of the current file is always displayed in
- the TITLE bar of the main window.
- IniMaint can also be started with an initial INI file specified on
- the command line. This allows IniMaint to be started with a new file
- by using the command line, but also allows for it to be started by
- dropping a file on the ICON on the desktop or double clicking on an
- INI file, once the association is set up.
- IniMaint will locate the window in a default location, but you can
- move and or size the window as you choose. When IniMaint is shut
- down, it will remember the file that it was currently working with as
- well as the size and location of the window and will restore all of
- these the next time it is run.
- There are a number of IniMaint functions which will take some time
- to execute. For example, the maximum length Key Value that IniMaint
- will load into the Key Value Window is 60,000 bytes. Since each line
- only displays 8 bytes, this comes to 7,500 lines and it takes well
- over a minute. There are other similar types of functions, although
- the example is the longest. During these long operations, it is not
- possible to do any other IniMaint operations. However, the long
- functions are done in separate threads and the Message Queue is not
- blocked, therefore it is possible to go do some other, non-IniMaint,
- function during this time. In addition, since there are a number of
- reasons why a user might not want to wait until the lengthy function
- is completed, for example, it might have been selected in error,
- any IniMaint operation that takes a long time and displays the Wait
- Pointer can be terminated by hitting the ESC key.
- IniMaint will normally store the current operating information such
- as the size and position of the windows, that INI file that is
- currently being edited and a large number of other items, in the User
- INI file, OS2.INI. This is sometimes not a convenient location, since
- this file gets completely replaced when a new version is installed
- and a problem with the OS2.INI file would mean that IniMaint would
- not run. IniMaint will use a different INI file and will create the
- file, if necessary, if an Environment Variable IniMaint= is placed in
- the CONFIG.SYS file or in a CMD file that executes IniMaint. For
- example, if the user wanted IniMaint to use the file IniMaint.INI in
- the C:\OS2\APPS subdirectory, they would code:
- SET IniMaint=C:\OS2\APPS\IniMaint.INI
- The Main Window contains three standard child windows. Two of these
- windows are Listboxes and the third is a MLE.
- The upper left Listbox will always contain the list of Applications
- for the current INI file.
- The upper right Listbox will contain the list of Key Names for the
- Application that is currently selected in the Application Listbox.
- The MLE, at the bottom, will contain the hex and ASCII display of the
- contents of the Key Name that is selected in the Key Listbox.
- The Cursor will normally be forced to the MLE and the value of the
- data can be modified by changing either the hex or the ASCII fields
- of the MLE. The cursor cannot be moved to any portion of the MLE that
- does not contain data that can be modified and any modification to
- one type of data, hex or ASCII, will immediately be reflected in the
- other data.
- The actual data in the INI file is not changed until the user selects
- the Update Item on the Action Menu or selects a different Key or
- Application in the same INI file. At this time, you will be asked to
- confirm that you want the INI file modified, unless you have turned
- the warning option off, see below.
- The various IniMaint Menu options are:
- 1. File gives the user the ability to change INI files, refresh the
- current INI file, Dump the contents of the IniMaint variables,
- compare two INI files and Exit from IniMaint.
- The Compare option allows the user to Compare two INI files on any
- one of three different levels:
- A. List Applications that are in one INI file, but not the other.
- B. A. above plus any Key Names that are in one file, but not the
- other.
- C. A. and B. above plus any Key Values that are in both files, but
- are not equal.
- The differences are displayed in a Listbox within a Dialog that
- allows the user to print or write a listing of the Listbox contents
- and/or create an INI file with some or all of the Applications or
- Keys that have differences.
- 2. Options will display a Dialog that gives you the ability to:
- A. Turn off the display of the opening IniMaint Dialog.
- B. Turn off the dialogs that will ask for confirmation before
- Deleting or Modifying the contents of the Current INI file.
- 3. Groups will display a Dialog that allows you to define and manage
- the various Groups for this INI file. A bit of explanation is needed
- here. IniMaint gives the user the ability to arrange the applications
- in any INI file into Groups. These Groups can then be used in a
- number of different IniMaint areas and greatly ease the problems of
- handling an INI file with a large number of applications. For
- example, the OS2.INI file might be divided into two Groups, System
- and Private. The System Group would be the applications put in the
- file by OS2 Install and the Private Group would be the remaining
- applications. More or fewer Groups could be defined. How the user can
- use Groups within the IniMaint structure will become more clear
- below. The Groups Dialog gives the user the ability to define new
- Groups, to add and delete Applications and Delete Groups.
- The procedure for establishing a new Group is to select Groups in the
- Group Dialog, select New Group, and supply a name. Once this is done,
- the Title of the Dialog will show the current Group and the new Group
- will be added to the Group Menu. You add Applications to the Group by
- selecting them in the Listbox.
- The Listbox will display a specific Group or, if you want to know if
- there are any Applications that are not in a Group, will display all
- Groups. A single Application can be a member of up to 5 different
- Groups at any one time, so it is possible to define overlapping
- Groups.
- 4. Size will calculate the minimum amount of Disk Space that would be
- required for an INI file that contained a selected set of
- Applications in the current INI file. When this item is selected, the
- user will be asked what he wants to Size. There will always be
- several choices, the various standard INI files, the current file and
- the currently selected Application. If there are any Groups defined,
- then they will be included among the selections. If there are more
- than one Group defined, then there will be an All Groups selection.
- 5. Actions gives the user the ability to do a number of things:
- A. Update Current Key will write any changes that have been made
- to the data in the MLE into the current INI file.
- B. Delete Application and Delete Key will do the obvious.
- C. Add Application, Add Key and Replace Key Value are all the same
- function except entered at different points. Add Application
- will ask for the name of a new Application to add to the
- current INI file and then fall through to the Add Key, since
- the Applications must have at least one Key. The Add Key will
- ask for the name of the new Key and then fall through to the
- Replace Key Value, since any Key Name must have an associated
- Value. This will cause the Key Dialog box to be displayed. The
- Application and Key Names will be shown at the top of the
- Dialog, followed by the current length of the data, the ASCII
- representation of the data and the hex representation of the
- data. This is the only option that will change the length of
- a Key Value. Care must be taken when doing this, as many
- applications depend on knowing the length of the INI items. As
- the ASCII or hex values are changed, the changes will appear in
- the other window and the length will be updated. The only
- exception is when only a single hex digit is entered. The ASCII
- window is not updated until two hex characters are entered.
- D. Rename and Duplicate Key give the user the ability to change
- the name of an existing Key or to make a duplicate copy of the
- Key using a different Key Name.
- E. Copy and Move will ask the user to select a Target File for the
- Copy/Move and will then give the user the same choices as Size
- above. The selected Applications will then be moved or copied
- to the Target INI file, which will be created, if it does not
- exist. This function is done Key by Key, so it will sometimes
- take some time. However, the PM message queue is not blocked
- while the move/copy is being done. The actual move or copy is
- done by a separate program INICOPY, that can also be run as a
- batch program, see below.
- F. Backup allows for an easy Backup of the System INI File, User
- INI File or both the System and User INI Files. Once the user
- has selected names for the normal backups for the two files,
- these files will be presented as the default for additional
- backups. The user can set an Option that will bypass asking
- the user if he wants to use the defaults. This selection will
- always delete the target files before doing the backup, which
- is one of the ways it varies from the Copy selection.
- 6. Recover contains a list of capabilities designed to give the user
- the ability to recover from corrupted INI files. These capabilities
- are:
- A. Change User and/or System INI Files give the user the ability
- to change the INI files that OS/2 is currently using to new
- files. The primary use of this capability is to allow the user
- to make changes to the User or System INI files that he knows
- need to be made, but cannot make to the current User or System
- Files because of protection built into OS/2. Great care must be
- exercised when doing this, but it will sometimes represent the
- only way that problem entries can be removed from an INI File.
- B. Repair inconsistantcies between the INI file and the Desktop.
- C. Condense the Current INI file, the System INI File, the User
- INI File or both the System and User INI Files. The Condense
- is necessary because of the way updating is done to the INI
- files. The updating will leave empty areas in the INI files and
- these areas tend to get fragmented, thus causing the overall
- size of the INI file to grow, sometimes grow very large.
- Condensing the System or User INI files is not a simple task,
- since they cannot be copied or erased while they are being used
- by OS/2. This item switches the files to the copies long enough
- to erase the old files and copy a condensed backup to the
- original names. The only problem this causes is that it will
- reset the desktop to the boot desktop.
- 7. Find allows the user to search the Application Listbox, the Key
- Name Listbox, the Key Value MLE, all of the Key Names in the currrent
- INI file, all of the Key Values for the current Application or all of
- the Key Values in the current INI file for either an Ascii string or a
- Hex value.
- INICOPY is the program that is used by IniMaint to do the actual
- COPY/MOVE operations. This option is implemented as a separate program
- so that the user will have the ability to make copies of INI files,
- including the User and System INI files, at any time during the day.
- The parameters expected by INICOPY are:
- Required Parameters:
- -Ifilename - The fully qualified path and filename of the Source,
- Input, INI file.
- -Ofilename - The fully qualified path and filename of the Target,
- Output, INI file. The Target will be created if it does
- not exist.
- Optional Parameters:
- -Fx - Function requested - Default is C(opy)
- C = C(opy)
- M = M(ove)
- -E - COPY/MOVE Entire INI file - Default
- -A - COPY/MOVE All Groups
- -Ggroup - COPY/MOVE Specific Group
- -Sapp - COPY/MOVE Specific Application
- -T - Use Fast Copy. This is only valid if -E is also specified