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Show PIF 'Read Me' (SHOW-PIF.RM)
'Show PIF' is a Windows 3.1 utility which gives you visual,
hard copy and/or archive access to the details associated with PIF's.
The details available include: the PIF's DOS filename and all of the
information shown by PIFEDIT.EXE -- both screens.
The following is an example:
SHOW-PIF 1.10 08-06-1993 14:58:27 Page 1
(c)TecLogic,Inc. 1993 Un-Registered Shareware
( 2 8 6 F O R M A T )
Program Filename=<<_DEFAULT.BAT>>
Window Title=<< >>
Optional Parameters=<<>>
Start-up Directory=<<>>
Video Memory: Text
Memory Req: KB Required 128 KB Desired 640
EMS Memory: KB Required 0 KB Limit 1024
XMS Memory: KB Required 0 KB Limit 1024
Display Usage: Full Screen Execution: Foreground
Close Window on Exit ON
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Background Priority: 50 Foreground Priority: 100
Detect Idle Time ON
EMS Memory Locked OFF XMS Memory Locked OFF
Uses High Memory ON Lock Application Memory OFF
Monitor: Text OFF Low Graphics OFF High Graphics OFF
Emulate Text Mode ON Retain Video Memory OFF
Allow Fast Paste ON Allow Close When Active OFF
Keys: Alt+Tab OFF Alt+Esc OFF Ctrl+Esc OFF
PrtSc OFF Alt+PrtSc OFF Alt+Space OFF
Alt+Enter OFF
Application Shortcut Key: none
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Show PIF 'Read Me' (SHOW-PIF.RM)
Installing SHOW-PIF
You must be running Windows 3.1.
VBRUN300.DLL must be in the Windows\System directory or on the Path.
COMMDLG.DLL must be in the Windows\System directory or on the Path.
CMDIALOG.VBX must be in the Windows\System directory or on the Path.
SHOW-PIF.EXE must be copied into an appropriate Windows directory and
installed as a 'File', 'New' in an appropriate Windows Group.
1) Start SHOW-PIF -- double-click on the SHOW-PIF icon.
2) To change disk drives -- click on the drop-down arrow, then click on
the drive you want.
3) To change directory -- double-click on the directory name you want.
When the selected directory contains '.PIF' files, all the '.PIF'
files in the directory will appear in the box in the center of the
4) Choose one or ALL PIF's:
A) Double-Click on the '.PIF' filename you want to know about.
B) Click the 'ALL' button.
5) Choose an action:
A) Choose another PIF -- the results will be appended to any prior
B) Click on the 'Reset' button -- any prior results will be cleared
and the '.PIF' file list will be reset.
C) Click on the 'Print' button -- a Windows 'Print' Dialog window
will appear.
1) Adjust the Printer, as needed and click OK -- hard-copy will
be printed.
2) Check the 'Print to File' box, in the lower-left corner and
click OK -- a Windows 'File Dialog', headed 'SHOW-PIF Print
to File' will appear. The default print file is
a) Revise the displayed filename, as desired, then click the
'OK' button -- the listing file will be written.
6) At any time while SHOW-PIF is running, you may also:
A) Re-Size the SHOW-PIF form.
B) Access the SHOW-PIF menu:
1) File Menu
a) Click the 'Print' choice -- same as 5c above.
b) Click the 'Exit' choice -- SHOW-PIF will terminate.
2) Help Menu
a) Click the 'About' choice -- a standard 'About' window will
appear -- click 'OK'.
08/06/93 Page 2 of 3
Show PIF 'Read Me' (SHOW-PIF.RM)
The program, SHOW-PIF.EXE, is shareware. It is copyrighted software
offerred on a trial basis. If you want to continue using it, you are
expected to register it and pay a registration fee of $29.95 per CPU.
Registered users will be notified of future updates and are eligible
for technical support. Contact information is included in the 'About'
box and constructive suggestions are welcome.
1.00b 07/26/93
Initial release
1.00c 07/29/93
Simplified .INI structure
Added 'Execution:' report, Exclusive versus Shared
1.00d 08/03/93
Made the program 'keyboard friendly'
Changed file selection to a Double-Click
1.10 08/06/93
Added capability to append from multiple directories
Added check for multiple instances of program
Compacted the screen
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