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Z-Forms Screen Management Libraries
Version 1.1
Users Guide
(C) 1993, Z-Space
All Rights Reserved
Z-Forms Screen Management Libraries
Z-Forms Philosophy:
Z-Forms is a powerful tool that assists programmers in producing
applications with a fast, text-mode, windowed user interface. The package
features built-in windowing, menuing, dialog boxes, mouse handling, and data
input support.
Z-Forms is intended to be easy to use, utilizing a minimal set of
function calls. However, ease-of-use is not achieved at the expense of
flexability and power. Z-Forms allows the programmer to configure every
parameter that effects the way the program screen looks, and contains many
built-in features to handle a wide variety of user-interface tasks.
Z-Forms Overview:
The programmer specifies the content and look of any desired windows,
dialog boxes, menus, etc. by declaring and initializing structures in the
source code. Once defined, Z-Forms handles the screen configuration and
drives the program flow based on user interaction. Application functions,
menus, dialog boxes, etc. can be specified to be the results of button
presses or menu selections. For example, you might define a menu with three
items; the first might call another menu, the second a dialog box, and the
third a function. The programmer provides the desired structure, definition
and application specific functions, and Z-Forms handles the rest!
It is our hope that Z-Forms will cut down your programming time and
provide robust handling of the user interface.
This IS a shareware package, and does require a registration fee if you
choose to continue using it after 30 days. The registration fee is
currently $35 US (libraries only), or $65 for source code. When you
register, you will be sent the latest "registered" version of Z-Forms.
Installing Z-Forms:
Unpack the distribution file into an appropriate directory (for example,
C:\ZFORMS). Then unpack the library files from the library distribution
that matches your compiler:
Microsoft C 6.0 : MSC600.ZIP
Borland C/C++ for OS/2 : BCOS2.ZIP
Borland C/C++ V2.0/V3.0 : BORLANDC.ZIP
Then, simply add the header file ZFORMS.H to any source files that will make
Z-Forms calls, and link with the libraries. For more information about
using Z-Forms with your compiler, please read the READ.ME file.
We have included some sample code (in ZFORMS.C) which demonstrates most of
the functionality of Z-Forms. We have supplied this sample code compiled
for bound 16-bit DOS and OS/2 (ZFORMS.EXE) and 32-bit OS/2 (ZFORMS32.EXE).
Please take a few minutes to examine the sample code and run the program.
This is your best guide to how the functions work.
Z-Forms Object Types:
There are five basic object types in Z-Forms. Each is defined by
initializing appropriate stuctures. The number of Z-Forms objects allowed
is determined by available memory.
A Window is a rectangular region, with configurable size, position,
border, drop shadow, titles, colors, etc. You can have as many windows
overlapping on the screen as you want. Each window is maintained in memory
as a complete virtual screen, and the physical screen is generated by
determining which parts of each window are visible, and displaying them.
All windows can be written to, and any visible parts will be updated on the
A special window that can have groups of controls (buttons, checkboxes,
one-of-buttons, data entry fields, etc.) used to request user input.
A vertical or horizontal group of selections. Each menu option can be
used to select another menu, dialog box, or function, or to exit the menu.
A Prompt is a group of data entry fields on a window. Each field may
have a data mask and a verification function, and allows editing.
A vertical list of items, scrolled by the up/down arrow keys, that
allows the user to select an item from a group of items.
Using Z-Forms
A Window is defined by initializing a window structure, and passing it
to a Z-Forms function. Z-Forms maintains a virtual screen buffer for the
window in memory, and updates the display from it.
The window structure contains the following fields:
fShown : Flags whether the window is visible or not.
This field should not be directly manipulated,
but is set and cleared by Z_ShowWindow and
Z_HideWindow. Initialize to zero.
Height : Window height, including the border
Width : Window width, including the border
Prev : Pointer to the previous window (maintained by
Z-Forms). Initialize to NULL.
Next : Pointer to the next window (maintained by
Z-Forms). Initialize to NULL.
XOrg : X co-ordinate on the screen of the left edge
of the window (0 based)
YOrg : Y co-ordinate on the screen of the top edge of
the window (0 based)
DefaultChar: A character/attribute pair used to fill the
window when initially opened. The high byte
is the attribute, the low byte the character.
For example, 0x1E20 would be Yellow (E) on Blue (1),
Space (20) character.
BorderStyle: The border style identifier:
BorderColor: The border foreground color (See ZFORMS.H for colors)
BorderBack : The border background color
DropShadow : The drop shadow identifier:
DropAttr : The attribute to use for the background of the
drop shadow (DARKGREY is good).
Title : Pointer to the title character string. The
title is centered on the top line of the
window. If this parameter is NULL, no title
will be displayed.
SubTitle : Pointer to the subtitle character string. The
subtitle is centered on the bottom line of the
window. If this parameter is NULL, no
subtitle will be displayed.
pVS : Pointer to the virtual screen buffer, maintained
internally. Initialize to NULL.
Note: Prev, Next, and pVS should be initialized to NULL.
fShown should be initialized to 0.
There are three methods to create a window. In method 1, a predefined
window structure is used, and all processing is handled internally:
This is the simplest method, assuming that the window structure was known or
can be initialized. All of the windows in the sample code are opened using
Z_OpenWindow. Method 2 involves creating a window structure, defining the
window, then showing it. The code for this would be similar to:
This method would only be used when a window had to be created on-the-fly,
but even then you could probably use a pre-defined structure, and simply
change the fields.
Method 3 also uses a predefined window structure, which is defined and
Once the window is open, you may write to it using the Z_Text or Z_Char
Z_TextOut writes text at the specified window co-ordinates using the
designated colors. Z_TextOver writes the text using the colors already on
that position. Z_CharOut and Z_CharOver write a single character to the
window. Z_CharOutAtCursor and Z_CharOverAtCursor write a single character
at the current cursor coordinates. Z_CharOutTTY and Z_CharOVerTTY write a
single character at the current cursor coordinates and advance the cursor
one unit.
The window may be hidden, if necessary, by calling Z_HideWindow. If
the window is hidden, it may be shown using Z_ShowWindow. Finally, you may
push a window to the 'back' of the screen using Z_PushWindow, or make a
window the 'top' window using Z_PopWindow.
There are two types of menus available in Z-Forms; Vertical and
Horizontal. The menu is created by defining a menu structure, as follows:
OrgX : Menu X origin on the physical display
OrgY : Menu Y origin on the physical display
Height : Menu window height (1 for horizontal)
Width : Menu window width
TextWidth : The width of the menu text for a vertical
menu. This field determines the width of the
highlight bar.
Flags : Menu Flags (may be combined with | where sensible):
TextColor : Color of menu text
BackColor : Color of menu text background
HotColor : Color of hot key letter
HotBack : Color of hot key letter background
HiTextColor: Color of highlighted text
HiBackColor: Color of highlighted text background
HintTextColor: Color of hint text
HintBackColor: Color of hint background
HintOrgX : Screen X origin for hint window
HintOrgY : Screen Y origin for hint window
HintWidth : Width of hint window
BorderStyle: Border style identifier:
BorderColor: Color for border line, if any
BorderBack : Background color for border
DropShadow : The drop shadow identifier:
DropAttr : The attribute to use for the background of the drop
Title : Pointer to title character string, or NULL for none
Item[] : Array of menu items, terminated by a dummy entry with
a NULL Text field (see below).
A menu item has the following structure:
Text : Pointer to menu item text string
Flags : Menu item flags:
HotKey : Key press to activate this item (i.e. k_Alt_A)
OffsetHiLite: Offset into item text to the character to highlight,
or -1 for none. The first character is 0
XOrg : X position of item within window with respect to the menu
YOrg : Y position of item within window with respect to the menu
ActionPtr : Pointer to the action to take upon selection. Can be a
pointer to a function, another menu, or a dialog box
Hint : Pointer to hint text
A menu is created by initializing the menu structure and Item array.
The last entry in the Item array must have a NULL Text field. For example,
this menu is taken from the sample code:
static MENU_ITEM VertMenuItem[] = {
"TTY Demo", MIF_CALLFUNC, 'T', 0, 1, 1, (void *)TTYDemo,
" TTY demo with auto-scrolling ",
"Background Demo", MIF_CALLFUNC, 'B', 0, 1, 2,
(void *)BackgroundDemo,
" Demo of background processes/windows",
"Nothing", MIF_CALLEXIT, 'N', 0, 1, 3, NULL,
" Dummy option does nothing ",
****> NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, "" };
static MENU VertMenu = {
YELLOW, BLUE, 0, 0, NULL, VertMenuItem };
Notice that the fourth menu item is completely NULL. This terminates the
array. After initializing the menu structure, call Z_HandleMenu(...). This
function handles all menu processing. If the menu is a horizontal menu, a
window is created which is 'Height' characters high and 'Width' wide. The
items are displayed across the menu according to the XOrg parameter. If the
menu is a vertical menu, a window is created using the Height and Width
parameters. There can be extra space around the actual menu items, if
necessary. There can also be a border and title around the window. The
Height and Width include this border.
If MMF_USEHINT is set, a hint window is also created, and the hint text
is displayed for each item as the user selects it. The hint is a short
description of the menu selection for the user.
NOTE: In order for the mouse to function properly, you must specify a
unique hot-key for each menu item.
The menu then allows the user to select the desired menu choice by
using the arrow keys, the mouse, or by pressing the hot key for the item.
When the user selects the menu item, Z-Forms checks the MIF_CALLXXXX flag to
determine what to do next. If MIF_CALLMENU is set, then Z_HandleMenu is
called, and ActionPtr is assumed to point to another menu structure. This
allows nested menus and submenus, pulldown menus, etc. If MIF_CALLDIALOG is
set, ActionPtr is assumed to point to a dialog box structure, and
Z_HandleDialog is called. If MIF_CALLFUNC is set, ActionPtr is assumed to
point to a function, and the function is called. The function prototype
should be
void UserFunc(int Item);
where Item is the menu item number that was selected. If MIF_CALLNOTHING is
set, no action occurs when the menu item is selected. The Escape key or an
item with MIF_CALLEXIT exits the menu.
Dialog Boxes:
A dialog box is defined by initializing a dialog box structure and
calling Z_HandleDialog(...). The fields of the structure are:
XOrg : Screen X origin of dialog box
YOrg : Screen Y origin of dialog box
Height : Dialog box height
Width : Dialog box width
Flags : Dialog box flags
DefaultChar : Character/attribute pair used to fill the
dialog box
HintTextColor : Color of hint text, if any
HintBackColor : Color of hint background color
HintOrgX : Screen X Origin for hint window
HintOrgY : Screen Y Origin for hint window
HintWidth : Width of hint window
BorderStyle : Type of border, if any
BorderColor : Color of border line
BorderBack : Color of border background
DropShadow : The drop shadow identifier:
DropAttr : The attribute to use for the background of
the drop shadow.
Title : Pointer to dialog box title string
Control : Array of control types, terminated by a NULL Text
field (See Below).
The dialog box may then contain any number of controls, which are defined
Text : Pointer to control text
Style : control styles
Flags : control type flags
HotKey : Hot key to activate control
OffsetHiLite : Offset into text for hilight
XOrg : Window X origin for control
YOrg : Window Y origin for control
Height : Height of control
Width : Width of control
TextColor : Color of control text
TextBack : Color of control text background
HiTextColor : Color of hilighted text
HiBackColor : Color of hilighted text background
ActionPtr : Pointer to control action
Hint : Pointer to hint text
Validate : Pointer to a validation function, or NULL for none
A Dialog Box is created by initializing the dialog structure and
control item array. The last entry in the array must have a NULL Text
field. For example, this dialog box is taken from the sample code:
static DLG_CONTROL TestDialogControl[] = {
0, 0, 20, 2, 1, 22, YELLOW, BLUE, CYAN, BLUE, NULL, NULL, NULL,
k_Alt_D, 0, 3, 4, 0, 0x1E0A, WHITE, BLUE, CYAN, BLUE, DataVar,
"This is a data entry control", NULL,
42, 4, 0, 0, WHITE, BLUE, BRIGHTWHITE, BLUE, &CheckVar,
"This is a check box control", NULL,
k_Alt_O, 0, 22, 6, 0, 0, WHITE, BLUE, BRIGHTWHITE, BLUE, &OneOfVar,
"This is a group of one-of buttons", NULL,
k_Alt_N, 1, 22, 7, 0, 1, WHITE, BLUE, BRIGHTWHITE, BLUE, &OneOfVar,
"This is a group of one-of buttons", NULL,
" <Exit> ", CSF_BUTTON, CSS_ACTIVATE | CSS_EXIT, k_Esc, 0, 26, 9, 0,
0, WHITE, RED, BRIGHTWHITE, RED, NULL, "This is a button control",
NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, "", NULL};
Notice that the last control is completely NULL. This terminates the array.
static DIALOG TestDialog = {
10, 5, 13, 60, DBF_USEHINT, 0x1E20, YELLOW, BLUE, 11, 16, 58,
NULL, TestDialogControl };
This is the dialog box definition.
Some of the fields in the DLG_CONTROL structure change depending on the
control style. Each control is explained below.
The Push Button control is generally used to close a dialog box, or
activate the next stage of a program. The Text field points to a string
containing the text to be displayed on the button face, and the width of the
button is determined from the string length. The Height and Width fields
are ignored.
The Text Control is a static text field, used for titles or other
information which is not editable by the user. The text can be changed by
the program, however, and any changes will be reflected on the dialog box.
Text controls should always be marked with the CSS_NOACTIVATE flag, since
they are not editable. The height and width fields specify the size of the
control, but the text is always displayed one line high.
The data entry control allows the user to edit a string of text. The
ActionPtr field should point to the string that holds the response. The
high byte of the Width field specifies the number of characters that should
be stored in the response string, and the low byte specifies how many should
be displayed on the dialog box. For example, if the width field is 0x2010,
then 0x10 (16) characters are displayed, but 0x20 (32) are stored in the
string. The control scrolls automatically if the user types past the
displayed width.
A check box is a toggle field, which changes from TRUE to FALSE to TRUE
when selected. ActionPtr should point to an 'int' variable containing the
flag. The Height and Width fields in the control structure are ignored.
The one-of button allows the user to select one option from a group of
options. The ActionPtr for each button in the group should contain a
pointer to the same 'int' variable, and the Width field should contain the
option number for the button. When the button is selected, the value in the
Width field is placed into the variable pointed to by ActionPtr. This
allows the programmer to determine which button in the group was selected.
The option numbers are arbitrary, and need not be consecutive.
The picklist control determines how a picklist should be displayed on
the dialog box. Unlike the standard dialog controls, the picklist control
allows a separately defined picklist to be displayed on the dialog box. The
picklist structure must first be defined (as though it were a standard
picklist), and a pointer to it is placed in ActionPtr. The picklist will be
handled internally, and will operate as though it were a dialog control.
NOTE: In order for the mouse to function properly, you must specify a
unique hot-key for each dialog control.
Once the dialog box is active, Z-Forms displays all controls, then
searches for the first control marked with the CSS_ACTIVATE flag. This
control is hilighted, and is the current control. The hint window, if one
is defined, is opened and the hint text for that control is displayed. The
user may now cycle through the active controls using the TAB key. To
activate a control, the user may press <SPACE> or <ENTER> when the control
is hilighted, or press the hot key for the desired control. When the
control is activated, the CSS_CALLXXXX flag is tested, and ActionPtr is
used, as folows. If CSS_CALLFUNC is set, ActionPtr is assumed to point to a
function, which is called. The function prototype should be
void UserFunc(void);.
If CSS_CALLDIALOG is set, ActionPtr is assumed to point to another dialog
box, which is activated using Z_HandleDialog(...). If CSS_CALLMENU is set,
ActionPtr is assumed to point to a menu, which is activated using
Z_HandleMenu(...). If CSS_EXIT is set, the dialog box terminates, returning
the number of the control which causes it. If CSS_CALLNOTHING is set, no
action is taken.
There is a pre-defined dialog box which may be used to inform the user
of an event, or to ask a yes/no type question. Z_InformUser(...) takes 4
strings as input; A title, the box text, and two buttons. The box is
centered on the physical screen. The box returns TRUE if button 1 is
selected, or FALSE if button 2 is selected. If the text pointer for button
2 is NULL, then only one button (Button 1) is displayed, and it is centered.
A prompt sequence is a set of questions to the user which wait for a
response. The logic for displaying these questions and recieving responses
from the user is handled by Z-Forms, without intervention from the
application program. Prompts are defined in a prompt structure array,
terminated by a NULL Response, whose fields are as follows:
Response : Pointer to the destination string
Prompt : Pointer to the prompt text string
Mask : Pointer to the data mask
# - Any ascii character
9 - Numeric only
U - Uppercase (converts lowercase)
any other - literal
Length : Maximum length of input or -1 for display only
XPos : Window X Position for this prompt
YPos : Window Y Position for this prompt
PromptColor : Color for prompt
PromptBack : Color for prompt background
ResponseColor : Color of response
ResponseBack : Color of response background
HiColor : Color of response hilight
HiBack : Color of response hilight background
Verify : Pointer to verification function, or NULL
for none
Hint : Pointer to hint text
A prompt sequence is initialized, and passed to Z_HandleInputs(...). This
function displays all of the prompts and responses along with the hint, if
any. The user navigates through the prompts by presing the up and down
arrow keys, as well as the enter key. Note that any response with a Length
field of -1 will be displayed, but can not be edited. Before Z-Forms will
allow the user to move to another field the verification function is called
(if Verify is not NULL). The verification function is an
application-supplied function with the following form:
int ValFunc(char *Line)
The parameter 'Line' contains the data typed by the user. The function
should return either TRUE (okay to move away from the field) or FALSE (stay
in the field). This allows the application to verify that the data is valid
before accepting it. To terminate the prompts, the user presses one of the
ExitKeys passed to Z_HandleInputs. ExitKeys is an array of keys, terminated
by k_NoKey. Z_HandleInputs returns the key used to terminate the function.
A Picklist is a vertical list of items which may be scrolled by the
user to find a particular selection. The user may use the Escape key or
Enter to either escape the picklist, or make a selection. A picklist is
created by initializing a picklist structure, which has the following
OrgX : Screen X origin of dialog box
OrgY : Screen Y origin of dialog box
Height : PickList height
Width : PickList width
TextWidth : Width of picklist display area
Flags : Picklist flags to select mouse scroll buttons
TextColor : Color of picklist text
BackColor : Background color of the picklist
HiTextColor : Color of highlighted text
HiBackColor : Background color of highlighted text
BorderStyle : Type of border, if any
BorderColor : Color of border line
BorderBack : Color of border background
DefaultChar : character/attribute for the picklist
DropShadow : The drop shadow identifier:
DropAttr : The attribute to use for the background of the
drop shadow
Title : Pointer to the picklist title
pWin : Pointer to the window to display on
Item : Pointer to the first PICKLIST_ITEM in the list
LastItem : Pointer to the last PICKLIST_ITEM in the list
The PICKLIST_ITEM structure is:
ItemText : Pointer to the item's text
Prev : Pointer to the previous list entry
Next : Pointer to the next list entry.
Once the picklist structure is initialized, items can be added to it by
calling Z_AddPickListItem, or removed by calling either Z_RemovePickListItem
or Z_RemovePickListEntry. To display the picklist, call Z_HandlePickList.
This function displays the picklist on the window specified, and accepts
keypresses from the user. The user may scroll up and down by using the
up/down arrow keys. The user may escape the picklist by pressing Escape, in
which case Z_HandlePickList returns NULL. The user may also select an entry
by pressing Enter, in which case Z_HandlePickList returns the pointer to the
picklist item.
When you have finished with the picklist, you should free all of its
memory by destroying it with Z_DestroyPickList.
Mouse support is implemented transparently in Z-Forms. Mouse events
are handled internally, simulating keypresses. For example, clicking the
mouse on a menu item simulates that menu item's hot key. For this reason,
you should always use unique hot keys for dialog controls and menu items.
If you do not, the mouse will behave erratically or select the wrong item.
Sound may be produced from Z-Forms in two ways. You may use Z_Beep to
generate a tone of any frequency and duration, or you may use Z_Alert to
produce one of a set of predefined tone sequences.
Background Processes:
You may run a background process when Z-Forms is waiting for a
keystroke. Use Z_SetBackgroundProcess to do this. You can specify the time
interval between executions of the background process.
Programming using Z-Forms:
The Z-Forms header file ZFORMS.H contains prototype definitions for all
Z-Forms functions, as well as definitions for other items, such as colors,
keycodes, and flags. This file should be included in all source modules
that make Z-Forms calls. In addition, the executable program should be
linked with the Z-Forms library, which is a large model library (for those
compilers supporting memory models). Z-Forms is written to generate OS/2
1.x or 2.x programs, or DOS-only programs. OS/2 1.X programs may be bound
to run under either OS/2 or DOS. To bind using MSC6, build the program for
OS/2 1.X using ZFORMS.LIB, then bind with ZFBIND.LIB. Form more information
about binding, please see the READ.ME file.
If the program is to be DOS only, you should link with both the ZFORMS
and ZFDOS libraries, which contains DOS versions of the OS/2 VIO, KBD and
DOS calls used by Z-Forms.
(NOTE: The library names will depend on which compiler you are using)
Please take a few minutes to examine the sample code. This is your
best guide to how the various Z-Forms functions work. We hope that you find
Z-Forms a powerful, yet easy to use screen management library.
Z-Forms Compilation Macros
There are two macros used to control the compilation of Z-Forms
applications. The libraries are built using the correct macros, and the
standard compilers (Microsoft, IBM, EMX/GCC and Borland) define them
automatically. If you are using Z-Forms with another compiler, you may need
to define these macros yourself. The first is __Z_INIT_EXT__ (two underbars
before and after). This option controls how menu and dialog box controls
are initialized. Both definitions have an unsized array in the structure,
but some compilers do not support this. If so, define __Z_INIT_EXT__. If
not, a separate array must be defined (see the sample code). The second
macro is __Z_SECVID__. This option controls how the physical screen is
updated by Z-Forms. If VioGetBuf and VioShowBuf are not supported, define
__Z_SECVID__ and Z-Forms will use VioWrtCellStr instead.
The option definitions for the standard compilers are:
Microsoft C 6.0: __Z_INIT_EXT__
Borland C/C++ for DOS: __Z_SECVID__
Borland C/C++ for OS/2: __Z_SECVID__
Functions Reference:
WINDOW * Z_OpenWindow(WINDOW * pWin)
pWin : Address of an initialized window structure
This function defines and displays a window. Z_DefineWindow and
Z_CreateWindow are called from here, so this is usually the only function
that must be called to open a new window.
Return Value: Pointer to the real window structure.
void Z_CloseWindow(WINDOW * pWin)
pWin : pointer to the window structure to close
This function hides the window and undefines it. This is usually
the only function that must be called to close a window.
Return Value: none
WINDOW * Z_CreateWindow(WINDOW * temp, int Height, int Width,
int XOrg, int YOrg, int DefaultChar, int Border,
int For, int Back, char *Title, char *SubTitle)
temp : pointer to window structure to be defined
Height : window height
Width : window width
XOrg : Physical X Origin on the screen
YOrg : Physical Y origin
DefaultChar : character to fill the window with
Border : Border style identifier:
For : Forground color
Back : Background color
DropShadow : Drop shadow identifier:
DropAttr : Background attribute to use for the shadow
Title : pointer to window title, or NULL for none
SubTitle : pointer to window subtitle, or NULL for none
This function fills a window structure from the data given. The
window must then be defined and shown. This function would be used to
create a window structure 'on the fly'.
Return Value: Pointer to the filled window structure (temp)
WINDOW * Z_DefineWindow(WINDOW * pWin)
pWin : pointer to window to define
This function fills a new window structure with the data from pWin,
initializes the window's virtual buffer, and returns the new window
structure pointer. This pointer is different from the original pointer, so
that several windows can be created from the same pWin structure. The
window is initially hidden, and must be shown using Z_ShowWindow. This
function does not need to be used if Z_OpenWindow is used.
Return Value: Pointer to the real window structure
void Z_UnDefineWindow(WINDOW * pWin)
pWin : window to undefine
This function removes the window from the linked window list, and
hides it. All memory allocated for the window's virtual buffers is freed.
Return Value: none
void Z_HideWindow(WINDOW * pWin)
pWin : Window to hide
This function makes the window non-displayable, but does not destroy
it. The window may still be written to, but it will not be visible until
Z_ShowWindow is called.
Return Value: none
void Z_ShowWindow(WINDOW * pWin)
pWin : Window to show
This function causes a hidden window to be displayed, and must be
called after a new window is defined, as all new windows are initially
hidden. If Z_OpenWindow is used, this function does not need to be called.
Return Value: none
void Z_PushWindow(WINDOW * pWin)
pWin : Window to push
This function pushes a window to the back of the screen, placing it
behind all other windows. The window is still visible (except for the parts
that are covered by other windows), and will still be updated if written to.
Return Value: none
void Z_PopWindow(WINDOW * pWin)
pWin : Window to show
This function pops a window to the front of the screen, placing it
in front of all other windows.
Return Value: none
int Z_GetCharOnTop(WINDOW * pWin, int x, int y)
pWin : Window to show
x : X-Coordinate of the character
y : Y-Coordinate of the character
This function is used internally to determine what character is
visible at this physical screen location. It should never be needed by the
programmer, but is documented on the chance that someone may find it useful.
The x and y coordinates are with respect to the window. The return value is
the character that the user sees at that position (from the top-most
Return Value: Character/Attribute pair of the top character
void Z_UpdatePhysicalScreen(WINDOW * pWin, int x0, int y0, int Wid, int Ht)
pWin : Window to show
x0 : X-Coordinate of the region
y0 : Y-Coordinate of the region
Wid : Width of the region
Ht : Height of the region
This function is used internally to update the physical display from
the virtual screen buffers. It should never be needed by the programmer,
but is documented on the chance that someone may find it useful. The
rectangle defined by x0,y0 and Wid/Ht is displayed on the physical screen
(x0 and y0 are with respect to the window pWin). For each character in the
region, Z_GetCharOnTop is used to find the actual visible character.
Return Value: none
void Z_TextOut(WINDOW *pWin, char * text, int X, int Y,
int For, int Back)
pWin : window pointer to display on
text : pointer to text to display
X : local window X co-ordinate to display on
Y : local window Y co-ordinate to display on
For : forground color to use, or attribute byte if Back is -1
Back : background color to use, or -1
This function displays the text in 'text' at the co-ordinates (X,Y)
on the window. The text is displayed using the foreground and background
colors given.
Return Value: none
void Z_TextOver(WINDOW * pWin, char * text, int LocalX, int LocalY)
pWin : window to display text on
text : pointer to text
X : local X co-ordinate to use
Y : local Y co-ordinate to use
This function displays the text in 'text' on the window without
changing the color or attribute at the position.
Return Value: none
void Z_CharOut(WINDOW *pWin, char text, int X, int Y,
int For, int Back)
pWin : window pointer to display on
text : character to display
X : local window X co-ordinate to display on
Y : local window Y co-ordinate to display on
For : forground color to use, or attribute byte if Back is -1
Back : background color to use, or -1
This function displays the character in 'text' at the co-ordinates
(X,Y) on the window. The text is displayed using the foreground and
background colors given.
Return Value: none
void Z_CharOver(WINDOW * pWin, char text, int LocalX, int LocalY)
pWin : window to display text on
text : character to display
X : local X co-ordinate to use
Y : local Y co-ordinate to use
This function displays the character in 'text' on the window without
changing the color or attribute at the position.
Return Value: none
void Z_CharOutAtCursor(WINDOW *pWin, char text, int For, int Back)
pWin : window pointer to display on
text : character to display
For : forground color to use, or attribute byte if Back is -1
Back : background color to use, or -1
This function displays the character in 'text' at the co-ordinates
of the cursor. The cursor must be within the specified window. The text is
displayed using the foreground and background colors given.
Return Value: none
void Z_CharOverAtCursor(WINDOW * pWin, char text)
pWin : window to display text on
text : character to display
This function displays the character in 'text' on the window at the
current cursor position without changing the color or attribute at the
position. The cursor must be within the specified window.
Return Value: none
void Z_CharOutTTY(WINDOW *pWin, char text, int For, int Back)
pWin : window pointer to display on
text : character to display
For : forground color to use, or attribute byte if Back is -1
Back : background color to use, or -1
This function displays the character in 'text' at the current cursor
position, then increments the cursor one column to the right. If the cursor
has reached the right edge of the window, the cursor is moved to the start
of the next line. If the cursor has moved beyond the last row, the window
is scrolled up one line. The cursor must be on the specified window. The
text is displayed using the foreground and background colors given.
Return Value: none
void Z_CharOverTTY(WINDOW * pWin, char text)
pWin : window to display text on
text : character to display
This function displays the character in 'text' at the current cursor
position, then increments the cursor one column to the right. If the cursor
has reached the right edge of the window, the cursor is moved to the start
of the next line. If the cursor has moved beyond the last row, the window
is scrolled up one line. The cursor must be on the specified window. The
text is displayed without changing the color or attribute at the position.
Return Value: none
void Z_ClearScreen(char Character, char Attribute)
This function clears the screen, filling it with the given character
at the given attribute.
Return Value: none
void Z_GetVideoMode(void)
This function determines the number of rows and columns for the
current display mode, and puts them in the Z-Forms global variables
'Z_ScreenWidth' and 'Z_ScreenHeight'.
Return Value: none
void Z_SetVideoMode(int Rows, int Cols)
Rows : Number of rows to set
Cols : Number of columns to set
This function attempts to set the display mode to the number of rows
and columns specified. Note that the operating system may not allow the
row/column count specified. Regardless of the outcome, the Z-Forms global
variables 'Z_ScreenWidth' and 'Z_ScreenHeight' will be set to the actual
number of rows and columns.
Return Value: none
void Z_ScrollUp(WINDOW *pWin, int Lines)
pWin : pointer to window
Lines : Number or lines to scroll
This function scrolls the contents of the specified window up one
Return Value: none
void Z_ScrollDown(WINDOW *pWin, int Lines)
pWin : pointer to window
Lines : Number or lines to scroll
This function scrolls the contents of the specified window down one
Return Value: none
void Z_ClearWindow(WINDOW *pWin)
pWin : pointer to window to clear
This function clears the window by setting all characters to the
default character.
Return Value: none
void Z_Beep(unsigned int Freq, unsigned int Dur)
Freq : Frequency of the tone, or 0 for a delay only
Dur : Duration of the tone
This function sounds the speaker at the specified frequency, and for
the specified length of time.
Return Value: none
void Z_Alert(int Alert)
Alert : Identifier of the alert to use
This function sound the speaker with a predefined sequence of tones.
Return Value: none
void Z_SetCursor(WINDOW *pWin, int X, int Y)
pWin : pointer to window
X : X offset for cursor
Y : Y offset for cursor
This function moves the hardware cursor to the position specified by
(X,Y) on the designated window.
Return Value: none
void Z_GetCursor(WINDOW *pWin, int *X, int *Y)
pWin : pointer to window
X : pointer to X offset for cursor
Y : pointer Y offset for cursor
This function retrieves the coordinates of the hardware cursor with
respect to the specified window. The values are placed in X and Y.
Return Value: none
void Z_MoveCursorCol(WINDOW *pWin, int Delta)
pWin : pointer to window
Delta : number of columns to move the cursor
This function moves the cursor along the current row by the
specified number of columns. If the cursor would be moved past the edge of
the window, it will be set to the edge.
Return Value: none
int Z_HandleMenu(MENU *pMenu)
pMenu : Pointer to the menu to use
This function handles all menu processing for the designated menu.
The menu structure is predefined, and includes support for nested menus,
vertical menus, and horizontal menus. For more information, see the MENU
structure documentation. In most cases, this is the only menu function that
will need to be called.
Return Value: none
void Z_DisplayMenuSelection(MENU *pMenu, WINDOW *pWin, int Item, int
pMenu : Pointer to the menu to use
pWin : Window that the menu is displayed on
Item : Item number to display
fHilite : Flag indicating whether the item is selected
This function should not generally be needed by the programmer, but
is included in case it turns out to be useful. The function updates the
menu text for the menu item selected by Item. If fHilite is true, the
hilighted colors ase used, otherwise the standard colors are used.
Return Value: none
int Z_CountMenuItems(MENU *pMenu)
pMenu : Pointer to the menu to use
This function returns the number of items in the menu structure
pointed to by pMenu.
Return Value: The number of items in the menu
int Z_HandleDialog(DIALOG * pDialog)
pDialog : pointer to dialog box structure
This function handles all processing for the dialog box. The dialog
box structure is predefined, and supports buttons and text. For more
information, see the DIALOG structure documentation.
Return Value: the control number which terminated the dialog box
int Z_InformUser(char * Title, char * Text, char * Button1, char * Button2)
Title : Pointer to the title of the inform box
Text : Pointer to the text to display in the box
Button1 : Pointer to the text for Button 1
Button2 : Pointer to the text for Button 2, or NULL for
This function implements a pre-defined dialog box for informing the
user or asking a yes/no type question. The title and text are centered on
the window, which is centered on the physical display. If two buttons are
defined, they are displayed against the sides of the box, and if only one
button is defined, it is centered.
Return Value: 1 if Button 1 is pressed, 0 if Button 2 is pressed
int Z_CountDialogItems(DIALOG *pDlg)
pDlg : Pointer to the dialog box structure
This function counts the number of dialog items in the dialog box
Return Value: The number of dialog items
int Z_GetKey(void)
This function waits for a key to be pressed, and returns it. The
keys are defined in the header file. If there is a background function
defined, it is called as long as there is no keypress (See
Z_SetBackgroundProcess). The key codes are listed in ZFORMS.H
Return Value: key pressed
void Z_Delay(int Milli)
Milli : Number of milliseconds to delay
This function pauses the program for the specified number of
milliseconds. This function is included for the benefit of DOS programs
which do not have DosSleep.
Return Value: none
int Z_HandleInputs(WINDOW * pWin, WINDOW * pHintWin,
PROMPT * Tmp, int * ExitKeys)
pWin : pointer to window structure to display on
pHintwin : pointer to hint window
Tmp : prompt structure
ExitKeys : array of keys used to exit
This function handles all keyboard input for a prompt structure.
The structure is predefined with all prompts and positions, then this
funxtion prompts the user to fill all of the fields. The function exits
when one of the keys listed in the ExitKeys list is pressed. For more
information, see the PROMPT structure documentation.
Return Value: the Exit Key pressed
int Z_SetBackgroundProcess(void (*pFunc)(void), int Milli)
pFunc : pointer to the function to execute
Milli : number of milliseconds to delay
This function sets up a background function for execution when the
program is waiting for a keystroke. If the function pointer is NULL, no
function is executed (This is the default).
Return Value: none
int Z_AddPickListItem(PICKLIST *pPickList, char * Text)
pPickList : pointer to picklist to use
Text : pointer to text string to add
This function handles adds a text string to a picklist. The string
is linked in to the end of the list.
Return Value: 1 if the function was successful, 0 otherwise
int Z_RemovePickListItem(PICKLIST *pPickList, char * Text)
pPickList : pointer to picklist to use
Text : pointer to text string to remove
This function handles removes a text string from a picklist. The
picklist item is found by matching the text to the picklist items.
Return Value: 1 if the function was successful, 0 otherwise
int Z_RemovePickListEntry(PICKLIST *pPickList, PICKLIST_ITEM **pPLI)
pPickList : pointer to picklist to use
pPLI : pointer to the picklist item to remove
This function handles removes a picklist item from the list.
Return Value: 1 if the function was successful, 0 otherwise
void Z_DestroyPickList(PICKLIST *pPickList)
pPickList : pointer to picklist to destroy
This function destroys all picklist items and frees all memory.
Return Value: none
void Z_PurgePickList(PICKLIST *pPickList)
pPickList : pointer to picklist to purge
This function destroys all picklist items, leaving a blank picklist.
Return Value: none
PICKLIST_ITEM * Z_HandlePickList(PICKLIST *pPickList)
pPickList : pointer to picklist to use
This function handles a picklist. The picklist is displayed with
the first item highlighted. The user may use the up and down arrow keys to
manuever the list. Pressing enter causes the list to exit, returning a
pointer to the selected item, while pressing escape returns NULL.
Return Value: a pointer to the selected PICKLIST_ITEM structure if ENTER is
pressed, or NULL if ESCAPE is pressed.
void Z_InsertKey(int Key)
Key : keyboard character to insert
This function causes the character in Key to be inserted into the
keyboard stream, as though the user had typed it. The character may be an
ASCII character (such as '0' or 's'), or one of the pre-defined Z-Forms key
definitions (such as k_Alt_F6).
Return Value: none
void Z_InsertKeyString(char *Keys)
Keys : pointer to string insert
This function causes the characters in the string pointed to by Keys
to be inserted into the keyboard stream, as though the user had typed them.
The character must be ASCII (such as "Ab23").
Return Value: none
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