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█ PV3D one Modeler for POVRAY V1.0
█ Version 1.00
█ 15th March 1993
█ Written by : Lecointe Ludovic
(c) Lecointe Ludovic 1992,1993
16 rue du Bouvreuil
77240 Cesson la Forêt
PV3D Version 1.00
What is PV3D ───────────────────────────────────────────────-
Required feature to use PV3D ────────────────────────────────
PV3D Credits ──────────────────────────────────────────────
Generated files ─────────────────────────────────────────────
TXT files ─────────────────────────────────────────────────
POV files ─────────────────────────────────────────────────
PVD PVT PVG PVO files ─────────────────────────────────────
PTX files ─────────────────────────────────────────────────
PV3D Installation ───────────────────────────────────────────
To run PV3D ───────────────────────────────────────────────
Quick documentation ─────────────────────────────────────────
Introduction ──────────────────────────────────────────────
PV3D Strategie ──────────────────────────────────────────────
Groupe structure ──────────────────────────────────────────
Sample Groupe use ─────────────────────────────────────────
Bounded_by Function ───────────────────────────────────────
Analyse of the Sample POV file generated ──────────────────
Constructive Solid Geometry : CSG ─────────────────────────
PV3D CSG Functionality ────────────────────────────────────
PV3D Animation strategy ───────────────────────────────────
PV3D Standard POV-RAY textures ────────────────────────────
Texture list update ─────────────────────────────────────
PV3D Spline generation ────────────────────────────────────
POV-RAY files used ────────────────────────────────────────
Graphic area ──────────────────────────────────────────────
Text Button Area ──────────────────────────────────────────
Graphic Buttom Area ───────────────────────────────────────
1 - Primitive POV menu ──────────────────────────────────
Plane stategy ──────────────────────────────────────
2 - 3D View menu ────────────────────────────────────────
3 - Animation menu ──────────────────────────────────────
4 - Flag parameter menu ─────────────────────────────────
Information Area ──────────────────────────────────────────
Help and Information Area ─────────────────────────────────
Some other information concerning PV3D ─────────────────────
Zoom function ─────────────────────────────────────────────
Triangle number optimization ──────────────────────────────
Number of shape ───────────────────────────────────────────
Fast draw mode ────────────────────────────────────────────
Degenerate triangle ───────────────────────────────────────
POV Internal problem ──────────────────────────────────────
Mirror function ───────────────────────────────────────────
POV camera position ───────────────────────────────────────
Shape loading with bad scale ──────────────────────────────
3D View consideration ─────────────────────────────────────
R-M-S configuration ───────────────────────────────────────
SHA Extra POV primitive generation ────────────────────────
Freeware condition of PV3D ──────────────────────────────────
PV3D Version 1.00
PV3D is Copyright 1992 1993 by
Lecointe Ludovic
All Rights Reserved
What is PV3D
PV3D it is a graphics wire modeler software for the POVRAY raytracers.
Some feature as included in PV3D :
Graphics interface (GUI) VGA and mouse
Vectoriel object structure
POVRAY shape primitive support
Sphere QSphere Cylinder (X Y Z) Cone (X Y Z) Plane (X Y Z)
Pyramid Tore .... primitive shapes include.
BLOB structure
* Dynamic or direct Rotate Move Scale (R-M-S) of the shape
Dynamics use of the shapes with the mouse.
Visualisation of the standard textures of POV-Ray
Visualisation of the standard color of POV-Ray
Direct generation of POV-RAY 1.0 frame file with textures....
Direct generation of TXT file
* Generation of Bounded_by function for more speed rendering
Generation of PTX file for smooh triangles. (PV3D2POV)
Direct use of TXT file.
Spline generation (Profil generate bounded Triangle object
with specific rotation translation...)
Duplicate shape function with orbital option and full
other parameter.
Shape Mirror fonction
Dynamics Zoom(+/-) of the frame
Shape automatic alignement function
2D X-Y Y-Z Z-Y X-Y-Z visualisation and work
3D Isometric visualisation and work
* 3D visualisation with camera and look_at (animation mode)
* PV3D support a object library
* PV3D support a groupe function with CSG structure.
* CSG 'Constructive Solid Geometry'
* PV3D support a multiframe to generate animation
* PV3D support a external animation effect library
* PV3D support a Extra POV primitive Library
* PV3D generate all POV file for your animation
And a lot of new features in a future version.
I work the night for that
PV3D generate TXT and POV (version 1.0) files
* indicate new function or modified function
PV3D Version 1.00
Required feature to use PV3D
PV3D feature a GUI interface and requires :
- VGA Graphics Card (640x480 16 and 320x200 256)
- Microsoft-compatible mouse
- 640 kb of memory
- 286/386/486 supported
The best result it is with one 486 DX 33Mhz and one good VGA board.
Or one 386 33Mhz with 80387
PV3D Credits
PV3D was written in MS C6.00, All source code, include object-shedule is
self -written.
PV3D2POV it is based in a TXT2DKB source of Steve Anger (TXT to DKB)
PV3D it is a Freeware software only for no commercial use . we encourage you
to freely copy and distribute this not registered demonstration version.
The Save and POV generation function is limited in no registered version.
If you want receive the last full available registered version see the
"Freeware condition of PV3D" Chapter.
Sorry but version 1.00 of PV3D it is a very early version, so it might
not bug-free. I work for bug-free and new feature .
PV3D Version 1.00
Generated files
TXT file
The TXT file consists of 12 numbers per line with each line representing
the coordinates and colour of one triangle. The numbers are arranged as
follows :
Ax Ay Az Bx By Bz Cx Cy Cz [R G B]
where Ax, Ay, etc are the x,y,z coordinates of the three verticies A, B,
and C. R, G, and B represent the Red, Green, and Blue components of the
triangle colour and range from 0.0 to 1.0. If colour no components are
given they are assumed to all be 1.0.
It possible to use this file directly with the TXT2DKB software of Steve
Anger (TXT to DKB) or the new version RAW2POV.
POV file
POV it is frame description file used by the raytracers POV.
POV-RAY PERSISTENCE OF VISION raytracer it is the power full
raytracer of the public domain.
If you want a copy of there freeware contact the POV-Team on the
Compuserve Online Service in the GRAPHICS forums, COMART forum
message section 16 (!GO COMART). Or every serious BBS.
The CIS COMART forum is devoted to computer generated artwork like
raytracing, animation and fractals.
For more information on Compuserve call (USA) 1-800-848-8990.
Inquiries may be made to:
Drew Wells
POV-Team Leader
CIS: 73767,1244 (preffered)
AOL: Drew Wells
Internet: 73767.1244@compuserve.com
Prodigy: SXNX74A (not used often)
US mail:
905 North Avenue 66
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Phone: (213) 254-4041
POV-Ray is based on the popular DKBTrace version 2.12 with the
permission of the authors.
DKBTrace was originally written by David K. Buck.
DKBTrace Ver 2.0-2.12 were written by David K. Buck & Aaron A. Collins.
PV3D generate only a POV-RAY version 1.0 data file.
PV3D Version 1.00
PV3D generate some description files to save your job.
PVD files was the shape and frame information :
translation, rotation, colors, shape name ....
The structure of this file change with the version 1.00.
PVT files was the triangles positions of the shapes.
PVG files was the groupe names information.
PVO files was the CSG groupe structure.
PTX file
The [PV3D2POV] icone option generate 2 files : a POV file for the POV
primitive shape and a PTX file for the triangle shape (Spline).
Put the spline shape only in the master groupe if you use PV3D2POV.
The tools PV3D2POV optimize the triangle PTX shape file and generate a
POV file with smoothed or not triangle. (PV3D2POV append the POV and PTX
The syntax of PV3D2POV it is :
PV3D2POV filename - sxxx
filename : it is the name of the filename.POV and filename.PTX file
xxx : it is the value for the smoothed triangle.
If the first character of the shape name it is $ PV3D2POV dont smooth
the triangle of the shape. With this option it is possible to make smoothed
and not smoothed triangle in a same frame.
This option was not correctly implemented with the version 1.00 of PV3D
in animation mode.
PV3D Version 1.00
PV3D installation
PV3D V1.00 was a package of 3 archived files :
PV3DV100.ZIP program file Version 1.00
PV3D-IMG.ZIP 80x50 IMG textures files
PV3D2SCN.ZIP Examples files
To install PV3D 1.00 :
PV3D V1.00 use for one fast access some directory.
Create one PV3D directory and put on the unarchived file of PV3DV100
At the DOS prompt :
Create one PV3D\IMG directory and put on the unarchived file PV3D-IMG.
Create one PV3D\PVD directory and put on the unarchived file PV3D2SCN.
and POB files.
Create one PV3D\PRO directory and put on the PRO files of PV3DV100.
Create one PV3D\TXT directory and put on your TXT files.
Create one PV3D\POV PV3D use that to put the POV generated file.
Root-\PV3D <-(PV3DV100.ZIP)
\PV3D\PRO <- PRO file
\PV3D\TXT <-> TXT EFF VAL file
\PV3D\POV -> To put the POV and PTX generated file and
\PV3D\PVD <-> To put and get the PV3D frame file
(PV3D2SCN.ZIP) and POB 'Pv3d OBjet library'
\PV3D\TEMP <-> To internal use (Animation temporary file)
It is possible to modifie the path directories with the 'path' icone
PV3D Version 1.00
Please do not upload any modifications to the ZIP file itself. If
you find any bugs, or have any suggestions for enhancements,
please contact me for inclusion in future updates. You can reach
me by mail at the address listed below.
To run PV3D 1.00
type at the DOS prompt :
To activate some function in the work frame push the left or right
mouse button on the desired icone.
To activate the line-help function push the 'Help' icone with the
left mouse button.
Load examples file.
PV3D Version 1.00
Quick documentation
■■ WARNING ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
Sorry for my english but I am a French body. At this time I writting one
more complet documentation logiquely available in a futur release.
PV3D it just a modeller and he dont render the frame. The frame is render by
the POV-RAY V1.0 freeware software. With PV3D you generate the frame and when
you want render the frame you save your work and you generate from PV3D one
POV V1.0 file. The POV file generated by PV3D use some option of the POV-RAY
sofware. To use POV-RAY with PV3D create one specific directory or put the
POV-RAY file in a same directory than PV3D.
PV3D use the POV-RAY philosophie and it is possible to create a groupe of
shape and to use a Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) in a groupe.
At this time PV3D support 50 groupes of shape and it is possible to use
the DIFFERENCE INTERSECTION and UNION CSG controle. PV3D include the use
of the CSG but is not display the result of the CSG operation. PV3D display
only a POV-RAY primitive shape and a triangular spline shape. If you create
in a groupe one CSG structure you dont see the result of your job but only
all shape of the groupe. POV-RAY no support the CSG with the triangle shape.
No use spline or triangle (TXT) in you CSG structure.
PV3D use the triangle structure to display all primitive shape in a screen.
When you generate one POV file PV3D translate the triangle information to
a POV primitive syntax. The maximun number of triangle used by PV3D depend
of you available memory when you run PV3D. A good value it is 7200 triangles
avalaibles with DOS 5.00 (DOS=HIGH) and no memory resident software.
The maximum of shape used in a same time it is 150, the number of groupe 50.
Now is possible with PV3D to work with multiframe to generate animation.
PV3D generate one POV file by frame with the number of the frame.
PV3D Version 1.00
PV3D strategie
Groupe structure
The version 1.00 of PV3D include a new strategie of frame creation. Now
is possible to use a library of PV3D specific objects. PV3D have in
standard 50 Groupes to works. For PV3D one Groupe it is one specific
area composed by some shape. Every groupe was independent and the first
Groupe named 'Master' is your frame. When you generate one POVRAY file
PV3D use the Master groupe. When you generate your POVRAY file, PV3D
generate one POVRAY composite structure for every no empty groupes.
It is possible to save load delete one groupe, with this function is
possible to work with a library of allready created object.
To select the actif groupe use the 'Master' icone in a Text Button Area.
In the list box select the actif groupe. In the list box the information
it is the <Number of shape in the groupe> name of the Groupe.
<2> GR1
<0> GR2
The name of the groupe it is placed in the 'Master' icone.
Every function it is assigned to the actif groupe. If you select the
Groupe 'GR1' when you load one Sphere this sphere it is assigned to the
Groupe 'GR1'. Some object it is reserved to the 'Master' groupe Light,
Look_at, Camera ..
You see only the shape of the actif groupe if you select the camera
in the other actif groupe than the 'Master' the camera disapear.
If you want load one complet allready created groupe select the 'POB'
icone in the 'Graphic Area'. In the list box you see the liste of the
groupes. Select the Groupe to load with the arrow key and press <L>.
One selection of POB file replace the groupe liste. Select one POB
'Pv3d OBject library' file with the arrow key.
In this function it is possible to Load sAve Delete change the name
of the groupe.
PV3D Version 1.00
■■ WARNING ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
The name of the groupe is used to generate the POVRAY composite
structure POVRAY no supporte a non alpha character. Use only a alpha
character with no blank.
Table1 < Correct name of groupe
Table.1 < No correct name of groupe
Only the Master groupe it is used to generate the POVRAY file. If you
want put one groupe in you Frame use the 'groupe' icone in the 'Graphique
When you use this icone one list box appear with the avalaible groupe
liste. Choice one not empty groupe. After you choice one copy of the groupe
was placed in a 'Master' Groupe. One box around the groupe it created to
Rotate Move Scale the groupe of shape. One 'Groupe shape' it is only
one copy of one loaded or created groupe. It is possible to load some
'Groupe Shape' of the same groupe to Rotate Move Scale theire 'Groupe Shape'
with different values.
When you create one Groupe one Red pattern box is displayed in a screen.
This box it is the reference box for the 'Groupe Shape'. When you create one
groupe please respect the limite of this box for a more easy use of the
'Groupe Shape' with the mouse.
PV3D Version 1.00
Sample Groupe use
Select with the 'Master' icone the groupe 'GR1'.
GR1 is displayed in the 'Master' icone and in the 'Information Area'.
One Red pattern box is displayed in a middle of the 'Graphic Area'.
Use the 'S' icone to scale to 200. The Red Box is more Big, Good.
Load one Sphere with the sphere icone in a 'Graphic Button Area'.
The sphere is displayed in a center of the 'Graphic Area'.
With the mouse press the left button in the White rectangle in the
left corner of the box arround the sphere and Size the Sphere.
Load one Y_cylinder with the Y_cylinder icone
With the mouse press the left button in the center of the rectangle
arround the Y_cylinder and place the cynlinder where you want.
It is possible to use the CSG function in the groupe. You see that
in a futur chapter.
Select with the 'Master' icone the groupe 'Master'.
Master is displayed in the 'Master' icone and in the 'Information
The groupe GR1 is no displayed because you are in a Master groupe.
Select the 'Groupe Shape' icone and in the list box choice the GR1
One copy of the GR1 groupe appear in a center of the screen.
One box arround the 'Groupe Shape' permit to Rotate Move Scale
The 'Groupe Shape'.
With the mouse and the White Arround box move the 'Groupe Shape'.
Select the 'Groupe Shape' icone and in the list box choice the GR1
One second copy of the GR1 groupe appear in a center of the screen.
One box arround the 'Groupe Shape' permit to Rotate Move Scale
the second GR1 'Groupe Shape'.
PV3D Version 1.00
Put one light in the Frame, scale the Light. Put the Look_at and
put the Camera and move this. If the shape is to small use the 'Mov'
icone to move. Press the 'Mov' icone and press the left mouse button
in a 'Graphic area', the active shape is automatiquely selected.
Use The '3D view' icone to display the futur rendered frame.
When you load a shape the shape as placed in the center of the
Frame <0 0 0>.
Use The 'Save' icone to save you Frame.
Put only the filename without extention --> Sample.
Use The 'Genpov' icone to generate a POV 'POVRAY' File.
Put only the filename without extention --> Sample.
Use The 'Exit' icone in a 'Text Button Area' to Quit PV3D.
PV3D Version 1.00
PV3D put your POV Sample files in a POV sub directory and all
PVD PVG PVT .. files in a PVD sub directory.
Go to the POV sub directory and edit the SAMPLE.POV file.
Bounded_by Function
PV3D generate automatiquely one bounded_by {box {.........}
function for all shape and CSG structure. In standard all bouded_by
function is invalided by // in a first line position .
If you want use this option just edit the POV file and clear the //.
Warning : PV3D generate the bounded_by option for all shape and in
some case the bounded_by clip the shape if it is one infinitive
shape (Plane ...).
Clear only the // for not infinitives shapes, the speed of rendering
is very more fast with this option (time / 2).
PV3D Version 1.00
Analyse of the Sample POV file generated
The ■ in first character indicate one documentation information and
is not generated by PV3D.
For more detail conserning the POVRAY syntaxe see the POVRAY v1.0
■ Copyright Header of every POV files generated with PV3D.
/* PV3D V1.00 one modeler for POV-RAY */
/* POV-RAY V1.0 Generated file */
/* Copyright Lecointe Ludovic 1992,1993 */
/* PV3D is a FREEWARE */
/* Send your contribution (55$) to receive*/
/* the last avalaible version of PV3D */
/* Lecointe Ludovic */
/* 16 Rue du Bouvreuil */
/* 77240 CESSON la Forêt */
/* France */
■ POVRAY Include file selected for this scene
■ the file colors.inc is not really used with the PV3D POV files because
■ PV3D use the 24 bit colors definition systeme
■ colour red 1.000000 green 1.000000 blue 1.000000
■ But a complex PV3D POV files with textures definition use this file.
■ Shapes.inc it is the POVRAY definition files for the standard shape.
#include "colors.inc"
#include "shapes.inc"
■ PV3D compute the camera location and the look_at position.
camera {
location <0.48000 0.00000 -3.34000>
direction <0 0 1.0>
up <0 1 0>
right <1.3333 0 0 >
look_at <-0.16000 0.00000 0.04000>
PV3D Version 1.00
■ PV3D compute here every Light location and light scale.
■ PV3D put the colors of the light by default the light is white
■ Size a lot the light if you want a good sun.
object {
light_source { <-2.00000 0.00000 -1.48000>
color red 1.00000 green 1.00000 blue 1.00000
scale <1.60000 0.44000 1.16000> }
■ Now PV3D generate a composite declaration of all no empty Groupe.
■ The 'Groupe Shape' it is no used in this part.
■ The master groupe no contents a shape but just camera look_at and light
■ Actuelly the Master groupe is empty for PV3D.
#declare Master = composite
} /*End composite*/
■ PV3D generate the composite declaration of your GR1 groupe
■ The name of the groupe is used to generate the the declare
■ In PV3D use only a alpha character and no blank, because POVRAY no
■ support spécific character.
■ If you have a groupes with the same name then other you generate
■ a problem. Please one different name for all groupe Thank !!.
#declare GR1 = composite
■ It is the POVRAY definition of your sphere
■ PV3D use the quadric Ellipsoid definition for the sphere it is left fast
■ to render but in a complex CSG structure this work fun.
quadric { Ellipsoid
scale < 0.54000 0.54000 0.54000>
translate < 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000>
■ In standard PV3D put one texture to the shape. The standard texture is the
■ colors white. If you want use a 3D textures select the 'Texture' Icone in
■ 'Text Button Area'. See the Texture Chapter for more information.
colour red 1.000000 green 1.000000 blue 1.000000
} /* End Texture */
} /*End object*/
PV3D Version 1.00
■ It is the POVRAY definition of your QCone_Y
■ The PV3D QCone_Y definition use a CSG intersection option.
intersection {
quadric { QCone_Y }
plane { <0.0 1.0 0.0> 0.0 }
plane { <0.0 -1.0 0.0> 1.0 }
translate <0.0 0.5 0.0>
scale < 0.68333 1.33333 0.68333>
translate < 0.00333 -0.76667 0.00000>
colour red 1.000000 green 1.000000 blue 1.000000
} /* End Texture */
} /*End object*/
■ End of the composite declaration of your GR1 groupe
} /*End composite*/
■ Now PV3D compute the Rotation Move and Scale of your Groupe
■ Only this is displayed in the screen by the render programme POVRAY.
composite {
■ Your first Groupe GR1
composite {
scale < 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000>
translate < -1.48000 0.52000 0.00000>
■ Your second Groupe GR1
composite {
scale < 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000>
translate < 0.86000 0.52000 0.00000>
PV3D Version 1.00
Constructive Solid Geometry : CSG
PV3D support the POVRAY CSG strategy. The Constructive Solid Geometry it is
one methode to make a logique AND OR XOR in a groupe of shapes.
POVRAY support some CSG function.
See The POVRAY documentation for more detail conserning the CSG syntax.
The DIFFERENCE CSG function is used to cut a part of 3D shape by one other.
The DIFFERENCE of triangle A and B it is the C part of the picture. The result
of this function it is :
The texture of the shape A is used by POV to geberate the shape.
The POV syntax to generate a DIFFERENCE of A B is :
shape A { }
shape B { }
//texture definition of the shape A
PV3D Version 1.00
The UNION CSG function is used to assemble some shape in one.
The result of the UNION functon with the A and B shape it is :
POVRAY assemble the shapes for make one 'composite' shape, the texture of the
shape is the texture of the first shape A and for POV the texture is expand
at all UNION shapes.
The POV syntax to generate a UNION of A B is :
shape A { }
shape B { }
//texture definition of the shape A
PV3D Version 1.00
The INTERSECTION CSG function get only the cut part of the shapes.
The result of INTERSECTION CSG function for this two triangle it is.
POV use the texture of the shape A to generate the 'composite' shape.
The POV syntax to generate a INTERSECTION of A B is :
shape A { }
shape B { }
//texture definition of the shape A
PV3D Version 1.00
With POVRAY it is possible to use in a same time all CSG function to generate
a very complex shape.
shape A { }
shape B { }
shape C { }
shape D { }
//texture definition of the shape A
PV3D Version 1.00
PV3D CSG Functionality
PV3D support the use of the POVRAY CSG function. PV3D not display the result
of the CSG operation but PV3D generate one POV file with the correct syntax.
When you use the PV3D CSG structure you see in a screen all shape.
PV3D support the CSG in a groupe and in a 'Master' groupe. When you use
the CSG with PV3D all arborescence structure was avalaible. PV3D no test
your construction but just the structure of your CSG object.
If you make a mistake in your definition you have one POVRAY render error.
To use a CSG option of PV3D see this sample.
To make a cylinder hole in a sphere.
Select one empty groupe.
When the red pattern box appear
put a sphere in a frame.
Scale the sphere.
put a Z_cylinder and scale this to cut the sphere.
Press the CSG icone in a 'Graphic Button Area'
One list box appear with you two shape name. 'Sphe0 CylZ1'
Sphe0 ■ The name of the sphere
CylZ1 ■ The name of the Z cylinder
√EndGRP ■ The √ indicate one PV3D pointer (end of groupe)
If you want made the DIFFERENCE of the sphere and the cylinder to make
the hole. with the arrow key put the Sphe0 in the light line and Press
√Difference ■ The PV3D CSG pointer for DIFFERENCE
Sphe0 ■ The name of the sphere
CylZ1 ■ The name of the Z cylinder
√EndGRP ■ The √ indicate one PV3D pointer (end of groupe)
PV3D support a complex CSG structure. For generate the structure put one
end of CSG structure in the list box.
Place the √EndGRP line in a light line and press <E> for endcsg.
√Difference ■ The PV3D CSG pointer for DIFFERENCE
Sphe0 ■ The name of the sphere
CylZ1 ■ The name of the Z cylinder
√EndCSG ■ THE PV3D CSG pointer to end the CSG structure.
√EndGRP ■ The √ indicate one PV3D pointer (end of groupe)
PV3D and POV use the texture definition of the Sphe0.
PV3D Version 1.00
PV3D POV file generated with CSG option in a groupe GR1 :
#declare GR1 = composite
quadric { Ellipsoid
scale < 0.48000 0.48000 0.48000>
translate < 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000>
quadric { Cylinder_Z }
plane { <0.0 0.0 1.0> 1.0 }
plane { <0.0 0.0 -1.0> 1.0 }
scale < 0.18310 0.17890 0.66670>
translate < 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000>
} /* End CSG */
colour red 1.000000 green 1.000000 blue 1.000000
} /* End Texture */
} /*End CSG object*/
} /*End composite*/
PV3D Version 1.00
PV3D support a complex CSG structure. The syntax of PV3D is easy to use
but not easy to see if you have a lot CSG operation.
Dont forget the √EndCSG pointer at the end of you sub structure.
√Union ■ The PV3D CSG pointer for UNION
√Difference ■ The PV3D CSG pointer for DIFFERENCE
Sphe0 ■ The name of the sphere
CylZ1 ■ The name of the Z cylinder
√EndCSG ■ THE PV3D CSG pointer to end the CSG structure DIFFERENCE.
Cube2 ■ The name of one cube
Cube3 ■ The name of one cube
Sphe4 ■ The name of one sphere
√EndCSG ■ THE PV3D CSG pointer to end the CSG structure UNION.
√EndGRP ■ The √ indicate one PV3D pointer (end of groupe)
#declare GR1 = composite
quadric { Ellipsoid
scale < 0.50000 0.50000 0.50000>
translate < 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000>
quadric { Cylinder_Z }
plane { <0.0 0.0 1.0> 1.0 }
plane { <0.0 0.0 -1.0> 1.0 }
scale < 0.18310 0.17890 0.66670>
translate < 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000>
} /* End CSG */
intersection { Cube
scale < 0.40000 0.20000 0.10000>
translate < -0.58000 -0.36000 0.00000>
intersection { Cube
scale < 0.32000 0.26000 0.10000>
translate < 0.64000 0.10000 0.00000>
quadric { Ellipsoid
scale < 0.17980 0.17980 0.17980>
translate < -0.60020 -0.61600 0.00000>
} /* End CSG */
PV3D Version 1.00
■ PV3D and POV use the texture definition of the Sphe0
colour red 1.000000 green 1.000000 blue 1.000000
} /* End Texture */
} /*End CSG object*/
} /*End composite*/
PV3D Version 1.00
PV3D Animation strategy
With PV3D is possible to work with multi frame and generate a serie
of POV file to create one very complexe animation.
To active the Animation function menu, just press the 'Animate' icone
in a Text Button Area.
Disque configuration
Now it is possible to generate a multiframe in PV3D to create one animation.
The number of frame is limited by the number of file entry of your TEMP
directory. The speed of the frame display is directly based to the speed
of your TEMP directory. If you want a good speed use one RAMDRIVE in extended
Include this line in your config.sys to generate the virtual disk.
DEVICE=\DOS\RAMDRIVE.SYS /e 4096 512 120
4096 is the size of your virtual disk
512 is the size of the sector
120 is the number of file in the virtual disk.
/e is to put the virtual disk in extended memory
/a is to put the virtual disk in EMS memory
Play with this parameter to generate a good virtual disk for you.
If you have one hard disk in your PC the virtual disk is D:
If you have two hard disk in your PC the virtual disk is E:
Change with the 'Path' icone in the Test Button Area the localisation of
your TEMP directory.
See the the "3 - Animation menu" section for more information.
PV3D Version 1.00
PV3D Animation FLI file generation
PV3D generate all POV file of your animation the name of this files are
PV3D generate a RUN.BAT file to start the render of this file with POVRAY.
The RUN.BAT is placed to the PV3D directory.
After the POVRAY generation you have all TGA file
To Generate your Autodesk Animator .FLI file use the DTA tools. It is
available to found in all BBS over the word and it is the best !!
Thank You David for your job !!
PV3D Version 1.00
I put here the coordonate of David K. Mason and a peace of the DTA
DTA (Dave's .TGA Animation Program)
Rel 1.8d (11/27/92)
Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 by David K. Mason
DTA is a command-line utility for creating Autodesk Animator .FLI
animation files from:
o .TGA files as created by the POV-Ray and POLYRAY ray-tracers.
o .IMG files as created by the Vivid ray-tracer.
o .PCX files.
o .GIF files.
DTA can also perform a wide range of post-processing functions
on image files including:
o Creating a single optimal 256-color palette from a series of
truecolor pictures, and then creating an Autodesk Animator .FLI
file out of them.
o Saving the palette as a .COL file, readable by either Autodesk
Animator or the TGAFLI animation utility.
o Saving the palette as a .MAP file, readable by the PICLAB and
IMPROCES image processors, and the FRACTINT fractal generator.
o Reading in a palette file in either .COL or .MAP format
and animating a bunch of pictures using that palette.
o Animating a bunch of pictures using grayscale.
o Convert pictures to .GIF files.
o Averaging images together for a variety of effects, including
simulated motion blur.
o And more.
If you use DTA, you do so at your own risk. I won't be held
responsible if it screws anything up.
PV3D Version 1.00
If you've got any requests/bug reports/suggestions, send a message
"David Mason" on the "You Can Call Me Ray" BBS, (708) 358-5611,
and on "The Graphics Alternative", (510) 524-2780,
and on "Channel 1" BBS, (617) 354-8873.
"76546,1321" on Compuserve.
You'll probably get some kind of a response.
Money matters:
If you think this program is worth it, send some money or
some computer hardware or something to:
David K. Mason
P.O. Box 181015
Boston, MA 02118
I think $35 is an appropriate amount, but feel free to send more
or less.
PV3D Version 1.00
Now you have your FLI file but DTA not play the FLI.
To play your FLI use one other TOOLS found in all BBS over the word.
I put here the coordonate of Trilobyte and a peace of the PLAY documentation.
Trilobyte SVGA FLICK & Groovie Player.
Copyright 1991 Trilobyte, all rights reserved.
This is version 0.6 of Trilobyte's SVGA FLICK player.
How to use the Player
Using the program is simple. All you have to do is type "PLAY filename.FLI"
or "PLAY scriptname.GRV", the program will try and detect the SVGA card you
have, and then start to play the animation in 640x480x256 resolution.
Programs that generate .FLI's at this resolution include Autodesk 3D Studio
and Autodesk Animator Pro.
This program is not free. Trilobyte will support the product and send you
regular updates and the scripting program "Groovie".
If you would like to register, please send a check, made payable to Trilobyte,
for $20 to:
PO Box 1412
Oregon, 97530
(503) 899 1113
If you have any comments, please send them to:
Compuserve: 72330,3276
Genie : G.DEVINE
Internet : 72330,3276@compuserve.com
Planned changes so far are:
Support for more graphic cards (including Targa)
A version for Windows
A Protected Mode version for faster playback
Thank you for using the Trilobyte SVGA FLICK & Groovie Player
PV3D Version 1.00
PV3D Standard POV-RAY textures
To assign one texture to a active shape select the 'Texture' icone in a
'Text Button Area'. If you use the left button of the mouse one list box
appear and you have the liste of the standard POVRAY V1.0 textures.
Choice the texture with the arrow keys and press ENTER to select.
PV3D put in your POV source only the include of the correct texture file.
If you choice a StoneXX texture PV3D put
#include <stones.inc> in your POV-RAY file.
With PV3D is possible to see all POVRAY V1.0 standard texture in 256 colors.
Install the archived file PV3D-IMG.ZIP in the IMG sub directory.
Use the right mouse button in a 'Texture' icone. One 320 X 200 screen appear
and you see for all standard texture one sphere with the selected texture.
In the left of the screen you see the color palette used by this texture.
In a CSG groupe only the first shape of the structure was used to define the
texture of the object.
If you want use one specific or personal texture Press the left mouse button
in a 'Texture' icone and when the list box appear Press <INS>.
One texte field appear, enter the name of your texture (low and upper case
sensitive). In this case create one user.inc file with the definition of your
texture and place this in the include directories of POVRAY.
Texture list update
It is possible to update the list of available texture in the PV3D
texture listbox.
1 -- create a USER.INC file with your texture definition
example : USER.INC
#declare Marble_2 = texture {
turbulence 1.0
colour_map {
[0.0 0.8 colour red 0.9 green 0.9 blue 0.9
colour red 0.834 green 0.5 blue 0.5]
[0.8 1 colour red 0.5 green 0.5 blue 0.5
colour red 0.225 green 0.2 blue 0.2]
2 -- edit the PV3D.TEX file and put at the end of the file your texture
name and the value 2.
Stone24 1 <--- after this line
Marble_2 2
3 -- at this time the IMG generator file it is no available for diffusion.
But the name of the IMG file for the user texture start at
PV3D Version 1.00
PV3D Spline generation
A spline shape it is created by orbital rotation with the
Y axis. The result it is a Triangular shape definition. With
PV3D it is possible to put some parameter to make a complex
rotation with scaling moving and rotatif effect. Spiral
shape it is very easy to create with PV3D.
When you select the spline function one menu appear with some parameter.
Start it is the degre of start for the rotation End the degre of end.
Step the number of degre for one triangle generation.
Sample : start 0 End 90 step 10 make one half orbital rotation with
9 triangles generation.
Scale end it is the final scale of your profil at the end of the rotation
the 0 value is no good and some time break PV3D.
Trans end it is the total translation of you profil.
Sample :
With the PRO icone in the 'Graphic Button Area' load the file
Put the PRO shape at the left of the Y axis.
Press the right mouse button on the 'Spline' icone in a 'Text
Buttons Area'. The spline menu appear, Press the parameter icone
to put the value (Enter valid).
Put start (0°) End (1000°)
Step (20°)
End scale X (0.01), End scale Y (0.01), End scale Z (0.01)
END Trans Y (1)
Press 'Create'
One Triangular Spiral is generated with scale and Y trans
PV3D Version 1.00
Spline function / duplicate function
The translation option of the spline and duplicate function their have
not the same action.
In a duplicate function 'trans' options it is on translation by step
if you put 2 in a Y axis and duplicate 10
the shape have a translation of 2 unit by duplication
You have one total translation of 20 units.
In a spline function 'trans' option it is the total translation for all step
If you put O to 360 ° with 20° by step and trans Y axis = 2
PV3D compute (360/20)= nb of step and (trans Y) / (nb of step)
nb step = 18
translation by step 0.111
Warning :
When you start PV3D the scale of the scene was 50
if you put one translation of 10 with this scale
the spline was very deformed.
Normal use of the 'Spline icone
With the Left mouse button: (free profil)
Left button mouse start the drawing of the shape
push a new dot for create the profil.
Right button mouse stop the profil creation and start the
spline menu (put two dot minimun) .
With the Right mouse button: (file profil)
Load in first a PRO file (profile) and move, scale, rotate
this with the standard function of PV3D. When you select
the spline icone with one PRO shape selected you make a
spline shape with this.
PRO file structure
The PRO file have the same structure then one TXT file but the 3eme triangle
have the same coordonate then the second for generate one line.
example : poly3.PRO file
10.000 0.000 0.000 -4.997 8.661 0.000 -4.997 8.661 0.000
-4.997 8.661 0.000 -5.004 -8.657 0.000 -5.004 -8.657 0.000
-5.004 -8.657 0.000 9.999 -0.008 0.000 9.999 -0.008 0.000
PV3D Version 1.00
POV-RAY files used
POVRAY.EXE ───> Render software
POVMOD.EXE ───> POVRAY configurator
All *.INC standard file. ───> Include definition files of POVRAY
See the POV-RAY documemtation for the use of POV-RAY.
It possible to write one Batch file to render the POV file generated with
PV3D. PV3D put in standard the POV files in a specific directory named POV.
Batch example file using the standard installation of PV3D.
POVRAY is installed in a same directories than PV3D.
POVRAY -i%1.POV -o%1.TGA +ft +d +x +p -l\PV3D\POV %2 %3 %4 %5 %6
To use this type at the prompt DOS :
POV filename
'filename' is the name of your POV generated frame.
This Batch create the render of the 'filename' and generate one TGA 24Bit
colors file in the PV3D directory with 100 X 100 pixels.
The best way is to create one TGA sub directory to put the TGA files on.
In this case the POV.BAT file is.
POVRAY -i%1.POV -o\PV3D\TGA\%1.TGA +ft +d +x +p -l\PV3D\POV %2 %3 %4
If you want more resolution type.
POV filename - wxxx - hyyy
-w(xxx) for the wind resolution -h(yyy) for the height.
POV filename - w320 - h200
PV3D Version 1.00
Use of the mouse
PV3D it is a Graphic User Interface software in some case use the mouse.
In the liste box the mouse was not avalaible, in this case use the arrow
key to select and valide with the ENTER or ESC key.
Some button have two functions :
Use the left or right mouse button to select one of this.
Push The 'help' (Help and Information Area) button with left mouse button
to enable the online help.
PV3D have 5 principal selective area for the work :
1 Graphics Area
2 Text Button Area
3 Graphic Buttom Area
4 Information Area
5 Help and Information Area
│ │Information Area │
│ ├────────────────────────────────────────────┤
│ │ │
│T │ │
│E │ Graphics Area │
│X │ │
│T B │ │
│ U │ │
│ T │ │
│ T │ │
│ O │ │
│ N A │ │
│ R │ │
│ E │ │
│ A ├────────────────────────────────────────────┤
│ │ Help and Information Area │
│ ├────────────────────────────────────────────┤
│ │ Graphic Buttom Area │
PV3D Version 1.00
Graphic Area
Graphics area it is the wire area.
Some mouse function was avalaible:
■ Press the right mouse button on the shape to select this.
■ Press the left mouse button on the box arround the selected shape to move
Press the right mouse button to validate
■ Press the left mouse button in the left box corner to scale the shape.
Press the right mouse button to validate
■ Press the left mouse button in a free area to display the quick shape
PV3D Version 1.00
Text Button Area
'xxxx' represente the text button icone.
'Draw' icone : Left mouse boutton :
redraw the frame in a screen
The flag button at the left of the 'Draw' it is for
stop the automatic redraw of the frame after some job.
Right mouse boutton :
You only display the shape of the active groupe.
To select the actif groupe see the High blue icone function
in a Graphic Button Area.
'Zoom' icone : Left mouse boutton :
Zoom a part of the screen
Press the left mouse button in the left corner of the
selected box area, move the mouse and press the right
mouse button to zoom the area.
Right mouse button
Zoom - The frame. The general scale is divide by 2.
'S' icone : To change the scale of the frame and center the frame
This option it is used to Zoom in and center the frame.
'2D XY' icone : To work in 2D mode with the X and Y axis.
'2D ZX' icone : To work in 2D mode with the Z and X axis.
'2D ZY' icone : To work in 2D mode with the Z and Y axis.
'2D XYZ' icone : To work with the 3 views in a same time
'3D iso' icone : Left mouse button to display the frame in isometric
Right mouse button to select the radius.
Some dynamic function was available in this mode, play with
icones to see that. The selected shape was not box arround
the shape at this time. Use R-M-S icone to move, scale and
rotate the shape. '+''-' icone to select the active shape.
PV3D Version 1.00
'Master'icone : Left mouse button display the listbox of the avalaible
Groupe. When you select a groupe PV3D display the contens
of this. The selected groupe was the actif groupe and every
function was for this groupe. The scale it is the same for
every groupe, some time adjust the scale for the new groupe.
When you select one groupe PV3D center the frame to < 0 0 0 >
'Objet' icone : Left mouse button display or hidden the select box around
the selected shape.
Right mouse button display the information of the selected
shape and permit to change the name of the shape.
If the first character of the triangle shape it is $ and
you use the PV3D2POV option the shape are not smoothed.
'+''-' icone : Left mouse button :
It is to change the selected shape
Right mouse button :
Display one liste box with all shape loaded.
The (X) information is the number groupe of the
If you work in draw groupe only (see 'Draw' icone) and
you choice one shape on the no active groupe PV3D display
the new groupe and change the active groupe.
'Del' icone : Delete the selected shape
'mov' icone : When you press this icone the dynamic moving of the selected
shape as enabled. If you press the left mouse button in a free
graphic area automatiquely the shape pass in move mode.
This function it is to move a little shape.
'mirror' icone : It is to duplicate the shape with the X Y or Z axis
'duplicate' icone : Duplication of the selected shape with Scale Move and
rotation parameters.
When you select this option a new menu it is displayed,
press the coordonate icone to put your parameter.
Orbital yes : to generate a rotation arround the X Y Z 0
Orbital no : to rotate the shape
'R-M-S' icone : Rotate Move Scale
When you select this icone the R-M-S menu it displayed in the
left corner of the screen. One box it displayed arround the
selected shape. Tree area it is available, press the x- x+
y- y+ z- z+ button to Rotate Move or Scale the shape.
a+ a- scale the shape in the 3 axis .
The green icone define the step of Rotation Moving or Scaling.
In the Rotate area if you press the right mouse button in a
x+ x y+ y- z+ z- icone it is possible to input the direct
**** If you use the {Right} mouse button with this icone a
dialoguebox is displayed to change the orbital status of the
PV3D Version 1.00
■■ WARNING ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
When PV3D generate One POV file if you have a shape rotation
PV3D generate 1 rotation command by axis.
rotate < 0 10 0 >
rotate < 0 0 10 >
rotate < 10 0 0 >
Some time POV 1.0 not supporte this, in this case change
directly in the POV file the order of the rotaton.
>| when you load PV3D the standard scale of the display it is
>| 50 and the scaling incrementation value it is to big.
>| Select a new value for this scale or pass in scale 1 with
>| the 'S' icone;
PV3D Version 1.00
'spline' icone :
A spline shape it is created by orbital rotation with the
Y axis. The result it is a Triangular shape definition. With
PV3D it is possible to put some parameter to make a complex
rotation with scaling moving and rotatif effect. Spiral
shape it is very easy to create with PV3D.
With the Left mouse button: (free profil)
Left button mouse start the drawing of the shape
push a new dot for create the profil.
Right button mouse stop the profil creation and start the
spline menu.
With the Right mouse button: (file profil)
Load in first a PRO file (profile) and move, scale, rotate
this with the standard function of PV3D. When you select
the spline icone with one PRO shape selected you make a
spline shape with this.
■■ WARNING ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
When you generate a spline shape PV3D center this in the
frame (<0 0 0 >) for a more easy calculation.
Move, Scale, Rotate directly the shape generated with
the mouse to the correct possition.
'colored' x 16 icone : Left mouse button change the color of the selected
shape in a screen
Right mouse button change the color of the background
The color of the shape in the screen it just for a good
presentation of the shape in a screen. If you want assign
a 24 bit color for the POV file use the 'color' icone
'color' icone : Left mouse button to a quick selection of the 24 bit
standard colors of POV.
Right mouse button to see and select the POV standard
'texture' icone : Left mouse button to a quick selection of the POV standard
If you want use your texture Press INS and write the name
of your texture. PV3D load the file user.inc put your
Texture definition in this file.
Right mouse button to see and select the POV standard
texture (put the img file in a PV3D\IMG directory for this
PV3D Version 1.00
'View 3D' icone : Display the frame in 3D since the camera and the look_at
This function permit to see about what POV generate.
This function work only if you put one camera and the
look_at in the frame. See the 3D View section for more
'Animate' icone : Display the animate menu see the ANIMATION section for
more information.
'Grid' icone : Display a grid in a frame area.
'Path' icone : Permit to change the standard directories of PV3D
The file PV3D.CFG contents the directory configuration
■■ WARNING ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
if you edit this file one path have 45 char max
'New scn' icone : delete all shape in memory and prepare PV3D for a new frame.
'Save' icone : Generate a frame description files for PV3D The Groupe was
saved whis the CSG informations.
'Load' icone : Load a PV3D description frame.
'Save TXT'icone : Generate a TXT file of the frame.
'Gen POV' icone : Generate a POV V1.0 file directly used by the PVRAY render
'PV3D2POV'icone : Generate two file :
a POV file for the POV primitive shape and a PTX file
for the triangle shape (Spline).
The tools PV3D2POV optimize the triangle PTX shape
file and generate a POV file with smoothed or not
triangle. (PV3D2POV append the POV and PTX file).
This function work fine if the Triangle shape was not
in a CSG structure. Put the Triangle Shape in a Master
Groupe for no problem.
■■ WARNING ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
This function is no already available now. If you Work with a Multi
frame (ANIMATION) no use this.
PV3D Version 1.00
Graphic Button Area
You have different menu in this area :
1 - Primitive POV menu
2 - 3D View menu
3 - Animation menu
4 - Flag parameter menu
1 - Primitive POV menu
■ The magenta icone
Load in a frame a POV primitive shape in a center of the frame (<0 0 0>).
Move, Scale, Rotate directly the shape loaded with the mouse to the correct
position. The standard texture of the shape is the white color.
The supported POV primitive shape are :
If you use this shape PV3D generate this POV code with the correct
scale rotate and translate values.
quadric { Ellipsoid
scale < 0.17980 0.17980 0.17980>
translate < 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000>
colour red 1.000000 green 1.000000 blue 1.000000
} /* End Texture */
} /*End object*/
If you use this shape PV3D generate this POV code with the correct
scale rotate and translate values.
quadric { Ellipsoid
scale < 0.17980 0.17600 0.17980>
translate < 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000>
colour red 1.000000 green 1.000000 blue 1.000000
} /* End Texture */
} /*End object*/
PV3D Version 1.00
[3] CUBE
If you use this shape PV3D generate this POV code with the correct
scale rotate and translate values.
intersection { Cube
scale < 0.10000 0.10000 0.10000>
translate < 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000>
colour red 1.000000 green 1.000000 blue 1.000000
} /* End Texture */
} /*End object*/
[4] Cylinder_X
If you use this shape PV3D generate this POV code with the correct
scale rotate and translate values.
quadric { Cylinder_X }
plane { <1.0 0.0 0.0> 1.0 }
plane { <-1.0 0.0 0.0> 1.0 }
scale < 0.66670 0.17890 0.18300>
translate < 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000>
colour red 1.000000 green 1.000000 blue 1.000000
} /* End Texture */
} /*End object*/
PV3D Version 1.00
[5] Cylinder_Y
If you use this shape PV3D generate this POV code with the correct
scale rotate and translate values.
quadric { Cylinder_Y }
plane { <0.0 1.0 0.0> 1.0 }
plane { <0.0 -1.0 0.0> 1.0 }
scale < 0.17890 0.66670 0.18300>
translate < 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000>
colour red 1.000000 green 1.000000 blue 1.000000
} /* End Texture */
} /*End object*/
[6] Cylinder_Z
If you use this shape PV3D generate this POV code with the correct
scale rotate and translate values.
quadric { Cylinder_Z }
plane { <0.0 0.0 1.0> 1.0 }
plane { <0.0 0.0 -1.0> 1.0 }
scale < 0.18310 0.17890 0.66670>
translate < 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000>
colour red 1.000000 green 1.000000 blue 1.000000
} /* End Texture */
} /*End object*/
PV3D Version 1.00
[7] Cone_X
If you use this shape PV3D generate this POV code with the correct
scale rotate and translate values.
intersection {
quadric { QCone_X }
plane { <1.0 0.0 0.0> 0.0 }
plane { <-1.0 0.0 0.0> 1.0 }
translate <0.5 0.0 0.0>
scale < 1.33379 0.68333 0.68333>
translate < 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000>
colour red 1.000000 green 1.000000 blue 1.000000
} /* End Texture */
} /*End object*/
[8] Cone_Y
If you use this shape PV3D generate this POV code with the correct
scale rotate and translate values.
intersection {
quadric { QCone_Y }
plane { <0.0 1.0 0.0> 0.0 }
plane { <0.0 -1.0 0.0> 1.0 }
translate <0.0 0.5 0.0>
scale < 0.68333 1.33333 0.68333>
translate < 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000>
colour red 1.000000 green 1.000000 blue 1.000000
} /* End Texture */
} /*End object*/
PV3D Version 1.00
[9] Cone_Z
If you use this shape PV3D generate this POV code with the correct
scale rotate and translate values.
intersection {
quadric { QCone_Z }
plane { <0.0 0.0 1.0> 0.0 }
plane { <0.0 0.0 -1.0> 1.0 }
translate <0.0 0.0 0.5>
scale < 0.68333 0.68333 1.33348>
translate < 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000>
colour red 1.000000 green 1.000000 blue 1.000000
} /* End Texture */
} /*End object*/
[10] Plane_Z
If you use this shape PV3D generate this POV code with the correct
scale rotate and translate values.
WARNING : with the planes shapes PV3D put automatiquely the orientaion
value see the 'Plane stategy' chapter
plane { <0.0 0.0 1.00000> 0.0
translate < 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000>
colour red 1.000000 green 1.000000 blue 1.000000
} /* End Texture */
} /*End object*/
PV3D Version 1.00
[11] Plane_Y
If you use this shape PV3D generate this POV code with the correct
scale rotate and translate values.
WARNING : with the planes shapes PV3D put automatiquely the orientaion
value see the 'Plane stategy' chapter
plane { <0.0 1.00000 0.0> 0.0
translate < 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000>
colour red 1.000000 green 1.000000 blue 1.000000
} /* End Texture */
} /*End object*/
[12] Plane_X
If you use this shape PV3D generate this POV code with the correct
scale rotate and translate values.
WARNING : with the planes shapes PV3D put automatiquely the orientaion
value see the 'Plane stategy' chapter
plane { <1.00000 0.0 0.0> 0.0
translate < 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000>
colour red 1.000000 green 1.000000 blue 1.000000
} /* End Texture */
} /*End object*/
PV3D Version 1.00
[13] Pyramid
If you use this shape PV3D generate this POV code with the correct
scale rotate and translate values.
intersection {
plane { <1 0 0> 1 rotate <0 0 40> }
plane { <-1 0 0> 1 rotate <0 0 -40>}
plane { <0 0 1> 1 rotate <-40 0 0> }
plane { <0 0 -1> 1 rotate <40 0 0> }
plane { <0 -1 0> 0 }
translate <0 -1 0>
scale < 0.60137 0.41667 0.60150>
translate < 0.00000 -0.00000 0.00000>
colour red 1.000000 green 1.000000 blue 1.000000
} /* End Texture */
} /*End object*/
[14] Torus
If you use this shape PV3D generate this POV code with the correct
scale rotate and translate values.
quartic {
< 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0
-3.92361 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 3.82333 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 -3.92361 0.0 3.65447 >
translate < 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000>
colour red 1.000000 green 1.000000 blue 1.000000
} /* End Texture */
} /*End object*/
PV3D Version 1.00
[15][16] Positif Blob Negatif Blob
If you use this shape PV3D generate this POV code with the correct
scale rotate and translate values.
blob {
threshold 0.6
component +1.000000 0.359600 <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000>
component -1.000000 0.359600 <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000>
colour red 1.000000 green 1.000000 blue 1.000000
} /* End Texture */
} /*End object*/
All of this primitive shape are displayed with triangle in a screen but when
you generate a POV file, PV3D put a POV primitive shape in the frame
description file.
■■ WARNING ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
For the Torus shape PV3D use only the X axis to calculate the High radius of
the torus and the Y axis to calculate the low radius. The Z axis was not used
with this version of PV3D.
For the plane one flat cube it is displayed but in reality the plane are no
limit. If you scale the plane you scale the texture of the plane.
The Blob + and Blob - generate a BLOB structure. Only the first BLOB loaded
it is used by PV3D to define the colors or texture of the structure.
If you want generate more than one Blob structure use the CSG icone and
put one endBlob to split the blob structure.
Blob1 ■ Start of the first Blob of the CSG list box structure
Blob2 PV3D use the texture definition of this shape for this Blob
Blob4 ■ Start of the second Blob of the CSG list box structure
Blob5 PV3D use the texture definition of this shape for this Blob
For the 'Groupe Shape' PV3D display all Shape of the groupe whis the same
colors. One Box define the general scale of the groupe, play with this to
morphe the groupe (R-M-S available).
PV3D Version 1.00
Plane stategy
If you want use the Plane_X Plane_Y or Plane_Z shape directly loaded in
the 'Graphic button aera' before read this information.
The plane is a flat infinite shape. With a text editor to declare a plane
you specify the direction of the surface normal to the plane.
PV3D automatiquely put the direction and in some case this is a problem.
See this picture:
| / +Z
| /
| /
-X <------------+------------> +X
/ |
-Z / |
/ |
If you put the center of your plane in negative aera PV3D negative
automatiquely the shape.
Example : The definition of one Plane_X in <-0.2 0.3 0.5> (center) is :
plane { < -1.0 0.0 0.0 > 0.0
translate < -0.2 0.3 0.5>
If you dont want that, use a SHA 'Extra POV Primitive Shape' :
PV3D use the center of the PV3D PLANE BOX to calculate the POV file and not
the BOX coordonates. The Size of the PLANE BOX is only used to calculate the
scale of the texture.
PV3D Version 1.00
■ 'CSG' icone : It is to generate the CSG structure of the actif Groupe.
See the CSG Chapter for more information.
■ The Light blue icone it is to Load Save Del POB 'Pv3d OBject Library'
The version 1.00 of PV3D support a Groupe function with a object
library facility, Use this icone to load save your object.
■ The brown icone it is to load PRO file and TXT file.
PRO file is used with the spline function.
select the PRO icone and load a PRO file. Move , scale,
rotate the shape with the standard option of PV3D. When you
have correctly positionned you profil press the Spline icone
with th right mouse button. Put the desired parameter in a
spline menu and enjoy to see you creation.
TXT file is a triangular definition file .
Ax Ay Az Bx By Bz Cx Cy Cz [R G B]
■■ WARNING ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
PV3D not load the [R G B] information of the TXT file in this version.
PV3D save the 24 bit [R G B] information selected for the shape in a
TXT file.
■ The cyan icone was to center the shape.
In first select a reference shape and press the '[S]' icone.
Select the shape to justifie with the referenced shape and use the center
icone the axis icone or the rotation icone.
When you select the rotation icone or the axis icone one menu it is displayed
in a screen. Select the axis (X (or/and) Y (or/and) Z) to work.
■ The gray icone was to put a Light, Camera and Look_at in a frame.
It is possible to put every light (POV limit) but just one Camera and
one Look_at . Use the 'color' icone to select the color of the light.
Play with the icone to see all functionality of this software and happy time
with this.
■ For the SHA icone see the section "SHA Extra POV primitive generation"
PV3D Version 1.00
2 - 3D View menu
When you select the '3D View' icone of the text button Area the screen
disapear and you see your active frame since your camera position.
With this version of PV3D a new 3D view menu is displayed in the
Graphic Button Area.
The 3D view function is completly modified with this new version of PV3D
now is possible to generate animation with PV3D and the 3D view menu
supporte the visualisation of the animation since the camera and the lookat.
PV3D use for display the frames a lot of triangular shape.
If your frame contents a lot of shape the display of the animation is slow.
With one 486 DX2 66 the result is no bad.
Create one RAMDRIVE TEMP directory if you want speed the display of the
animation. See the Animation section for the creation of the RAMDRIVE.
Warning : When the camera go trought the object some error of calcul is
possible and you see a no correct line. Sorry but I work to correct
this bug.
If you press the mouse button in the '3D View' icone of the Text Button Area
one Graphic menu is displayed at the bottom of the screen:
If you are made a hard work save your animation before use this function.
■ The first icone (left to right) was to return to the preview menu.
'Return' icone
This icone is used to return to the POV primitive Graphic
Button Area or Animate Graphic Button Area.
'Triangle' icone
This icone is to limite the number of triangle displayed
to the screen. If you want speed the display of your
animation use this.
Warning : when you select this icone and you put a big
value some shape disapear. Put 1 before come back because
this parameter is available for all PV3D menu.
PV3D Version 1.00
'Camera/LookAt' icone
This icone is to select the move of the camera only or
the Lookat only or the both when you use the other move icone.
'--X--' icone
This icone is to select the step of moving of the camera /
Lookat when you use the move icone.
'Arrow' icones
This icones is used to dynamiquely move the camera or the
Lookat or the both. When you use this icones is possible
to see the active frame with a different position. If you
want save one specific position use the 'Record' icone because
PV3D no save you selection when you comeback.
'Play' icone
This icone is to play in 3D Wire your animation.
'Stop' icone
To break the play (no realy available)
'<' icone
To see the next frame in 3D.
'>' icone
To see the preview frame in 3D.
'RECORD' icone
To save the camera position for the active frame before
PV3D Version 1.00
3 - Animate menu
Graphic Animate Button Area
PV3D manage a multiframe to generate a multi POV file to create one animation.
When you press the 'Animate' icone one new menu is displayed in the Graphic
Button Area.
All of this new Button are used to generate a animation.
'Return' icone This icone is used to return to the POV primitive Graphic
Button Area. Press again the 'Animate' icone to come back.
'LOAD' icone This icone is used to load one complete PV3D multiframe files.
When you work in multiframe no use the LOAD or SAVE icone of
the Test Button Area because the file format is not the same.
PV3D swap the file to the TEMP directory and rename all frame
with number : The first frame have the name 0000 .....
The PV3D multi frame files is in the PVD directory.
'SAVE' icone This icone is used to save the complete PV3D multiframe files.
The PV3D multi frame files is in the PVD directory.
If you use a lot of frame in your animation create before run
PV3D one specific directory for your animation and change the
PV3D PVD directory with the 'Path' icone.
Warning : The POB file are in a same directory then PVD if you
change the path directory you lose the path to your POB.
In this case use the 'Path' icone to swap the directory when you
load one POB (Pv3d OBject library).
You input only the 4 primary character of the frame name and
PV3D generate the files.
Example : you input LUDO and you have 4 frames
PV3D generate 4 PAN files with the name
and some other definition files :
PV3D Version 1.00
'GEN' icone This icone is used to generate the POV file of your animation
PV3D generate one POV file by frame.
Warning: PV3D generate the POV from the active frame to the
last if you say yes in the dialoguebox.
If you want generate all POV file of you animation goto to the
frame 0 before use this function.
You input only the 4 primary character of the POV name and
PV3D generate the files.
Example : you input LUDO and you have 4 frames
PV3D generate 4 POV files with the name
The POV file output are in a POV directory. If you have a lot of
frame create a specific directory and use the 'Path' icone to
select this.
PV3D generate in a same time one RUN.BAT file to generate all
POV files. PV3D put this file in a PV3D directory.
Example: RUN.BAT
POV is one POV.BAT file with you POVRAY V1.0 parameter.
Example : POV.BAT
POVRAY -i%1.POV -o/TGApath/%1.TGA +ft +d -w160 -h100 -lPOVinclude -lPOV
See the POVRAY documentation to generate your POV.BAT file.
PV3D Version 1.00
'Dup' icone This icone is used to duplicate the parameter of the active
shape in the active frame to the other frame.
When you chose this icone some dialogue box are displayed
and one parameter graphic menu propose to you to select
the parameter to duplicate. In standard all parameter are
selected. Just press the mouse button in the icone to make
your selection.
The available parameter for the 'Dup' are
SX X axis scale
SY Y axis scale
SZ Z axis scale
TX X axis translation
TY Y axis translation
TZ Z axis translation
RX X axis rotation
RY Y axis rotation
RZ Z axis rotation
CR Red color
CG Green color
CB Blue color
CA Alpha color
To quit this graphic menu press the 'Return' icone.
When you load a new shape in a multiframe PV3D put the new
shape in a center <0 0 0> of all open frame. With the mouse
change the coordonate of the shape and use the 'Dup' function
to update the new position in all frame from the active frame
to the last. The best way is to load a new shape since the
frame 0.
PV3D Version 1.00
'Morph' icone This icone is used to morphe the active shape of the active
frame to a other frame.
When you chose this icone some dialogue box are displayed
and one parameter graphic menu propose to you to select
the parameter to morphe. In standard all parameter are
selected. Just press the mouse button in the icone to make
your selection.
To quit this graphic menu press the 'Return' icone.
The morphe function of PV3D are only a linear morphing.
To use this make this example:
1- Load a Qsphere
2- Select 'Animate'
3- Select 'Animate INS' -> 10 frame
4- You are directly in a frame 10. Move Rotate ...
the Qsphere (Change the colors....)
5- Select 'Animate GOTO' -> 0
6- Select 'Animate Morph' -> Preview, All Parameter
7- See the result.
PV3D morph only your selected parameter for all selected
frame.The available parameter for the morphing are :
SX X axis scale
SY Y axis scale
SZ Z axis scale
TX X axis translation
TY Y axis translation
TZ Z axis translation
RX X axis rotation
RY Y axis rotation
RZ Z axis rotation
CR Red color
CG Green color
CB Blue color
CA Alpha color
The rotation morphing with RX RY RZ work only in positif.
if you want inverse the rotation use the 'VAL' icone. For
the alpha parameter use the 'Alpha' icone to put a alpha
PV3D Version 1.00
'EFF' icone This icone is to load a file with specific precalculed value
It is possible with this function to make a complexe effect.
The EFFect file contain all parameters for all frame for the
active shape to make the effect.
The EFF file is generated outside of PV3D with a specific
other software. It is very simple to generate one EFF file
see this example writting in QBASIC :
PRINT "PV3D effect animation file generator V1.00"
PRINT "By L Lecointe Copyright 1993"
PRINT "Sample program to generate a *.EFF file for the PV3D Modeler software"
'flag parameter
sx% = 1 'PV3D X scale (not POV scale) float
sy% = 2 'PV3D Y scale (not POV scale) float
sz% = 4 'PV3D Z scale (not POV scale) float
tx% = 8 'X axis translation float
ty% = 16 'Y axis translation float
tz% = 32 'Z axis translation float
rx% = 64 'X rotation in degre 0->360 int
ry% = 128 'Y rotation in degre 0->360 int
rz% = 256 'Z rotation in degre 0->360 int
cr% = 512 'Red colors 0.0->1.0 float
cg% = 1024 'Green colors 0.0->1.0 float
cb% = 2048 'Blue colors 0.0->1.0 float
ca% = 4096 'Alpha colors 0.0->1.0 float
control$ = "PV3D_EFFECT"
nbframe% = 0
noused% = 0
noused2 = 0
flag% = &HFFFF
degre.to.rad = 3.14116 / 180
INPUT "Input the file name.EFF : ", name$
INPUT "Imput the description file :", descrip$
INPUT "Input the number of step : ", nbframe%
INPUT "Input the start value : ", startvalue
INPUT "Input the end value : ", endvalue
PV3D Version 1.00
'flag construction
'flag% determinate the parameter used with this EFF file .
'If you select only the TX and TY parameter when you load the effect
'only this two parameter are modified not the other.
'in this case all parameter are available with this formula in PV3D
'flag% = sx% + sy% + sz% + tx% + ty% + tz% + rx% + ry% + rz% + cr% + cg% + cb% + ca%
'if only translation and alpha
'flag% = tx% + ty% + tz% + ca%
'select only translation in TX TY for this example
flag% = tx% + ty%
PRINT #1, control$
PRINT #1, descrip$
PRINT #1, nbframe%, 13, flag%, noused2
stepvalue = (endvalue - startvalue) / nbframe% 'Linear evolution of the
'effect. It is possible to
'generate a no linear effect
PRINT stepvalue
FOR i = 1 TO nbframe%
sx = 1: sy = 1: sz = 1 'put standard value for the
tx = 0: ty = 0: tz = 0 'not used parameters, only
rx = 0: ry = 0: rz = 0 'to generate the EFF file
cr = 1: cg = 1: cb = 1: ca = 0
'put the formula here
'sample formula
' y=sin (startvalue)
' y=cos (startvalue)
' y=startvalue^2
' y=a*(startvalue)+b
'if n=1 you have a heart figure
n = 1
R = 1 + SIN(n * startvalue * degre.to.rad) ' Polaire equation.
tx = R * COS(startvalue * degre.to.rad) ' Cardioide
ty = R * SIN(startvalue * degre.to.rad) '
PRINT tx; ty
'save the result of the calcul to the file
PRINT #1, sx; sy; sz; tx; ty; tz; rx; ry; rz; cr; cg; cb; ca
'increase the step
startvalue = startvalue + stepvalue
PV3D Version 1.00
The format of the EFF file is :
Warning No blank line =================================================
Description file (75 character max)
Nbframe 13 parameterflag no_used_value
sx sy sz tx ty tz rx ry rz cr cg cb ca
sx sy sz tx ty tz rx ry rz cr cg cb ca
Warning 1 line of parameter by frame ====================================
PV3D Version 1.00
'VAL' icone This icone is to load a file with specific precalculed value
It is possible with this function to make a complexe effect.
The VALue file contain one parameters for frames for the
active shape to make the effect.
When you chose this icone some dialogue box are displayed
and one parameter graphic menu propose to you to select
the parameters for the file value. In standard all parameter
are selected.
Just press the mouse button in the icone to make your
The available parameter for the 'VAL' function are
SX X axis scale FLOAT (0.0 HANG PV3D)
SY Y axis scale FLOAT (0.0 HANG PV3D)
SZ Z axis scale FLOAT (0.0 HANG PV3D)
TX X axis translation FLOAT
TY Y axis translation FLOAT
TZ Z axis translation FLOAT
RX X axis rotation INT (0 <-> 360 only)
RY Y axis rotation INT (0 <-> 360 only)
RZ Z axis rotation INT (0 <-> 360 only)
CR Red color FLOAT (0.0 <-> 1.0 only)
CG Green color FLOAT (0.0 <-> 1.0 only)
CB Blue color FLOAT (0.0 <-> 1.0 only)
CA Alpha color FLOAT (0.0 <-> 1.0 only)
To quit this graphic menu press the 'Return' icone.
Is possible to select most thank one parameter for your VALue
file. PV3D modify only the parameter of your selection.
Warning :
Some parameter was INTEGER and other FLOAT. If your VALue
file contents FLOAT (1.000 ..) no select RX RY RZ for
Respect the correct value for parameter or is possible PV3D
HANG UP with one error message.
PV3D Version 1.00
The VAL file is generated outside of PV3D with a specific
other software. It is very simple to generate one EFF file
see this example writting in QBASIC :
PRINT "PV3D value animation file generator V1.00"
PRINT "By L Lecointe Copyright 1993"
PRINT "Sample program to generate a *.VAL file for the PV3D Modeler software"
'flag parameter
sx% = 1 'PV3D X scale (not POV scale) float
sy% = 2 'PV3D Y scale (not POV scale) float
sz% = 4 'PV3D Z scale (not POV scale) float
tx% = 8 'X axis translation float
ty% = 16 'Y axis translation float
tz% = 32 'Z axis translation float
rx% = 64 'X rotation in degre 0->360 int
ry% = 128 'Y rotation in degre 0->360 int
rz% = 256 'Z rotation in degre 0->360 int
cr% = 512 'Red colors 0.0->1.0 float
cg% = 1024 'Green colors 0.0->1.0 float
cb% = 2048 'Blue colors 0.0->1.0 float
ca% = 4096 'Alpha colors 0.0->1.0 float
control$ = "PV3D_VALUE"
nbframe% = 0
noused% = 0
noused2 = 0
flag% = &HFFFF
degre.to.rad = 3.14116 / 180
INPUT "Input the file name : ", name$
INPUT "Imput the description file : ", descrip$
INPUT "Input the number of step : ", nbframe%
INPUT "Input the start value : ", startvalue
INPUT "Input the end value : ", endvalue
PV3D Version 1.00
'flag construction
'in this case all parameter are available with this formula in PV3D
'flag% = sx% + sy% + sz% + tx% + ty% + tz% + rx% + ry% + rz% + cr% + cg% + cb% + ca%
'if only translation and alpha
'flag% = tx% + ty% + tz% + ca%
'in this example PV3D_VAL generate a FLAOT SIN equation result, this type
'of value is no available for RX RY RZ and the result is more important
'than 1.0 in some case CR CG CB CA not available
'The first value is 0 and perhasp you have one problem if you select SX SY SZ
flag% = sx% + sy% + sz% + tx% + ty% + tz%
'In a VAL file the flag% is only to generate one warning in PV3D but is
'possible to use this VALue file with all parameter if you want !!!
PRINT #1, control$
PRINT #1, descrip$
PRINT #1, nbframe%, noused%, flag%, noused2
stepvalue = (endvalue - startvalue) / nbframe% 'Linear step
'Other step evolution
FOR i = 1 TO nbframe%
'put the formula here
'sample formula
' y=sin (startvalue)
' y=cos (startvalue)
' y=startvalue^2
' y=a*(startvalue)+b
y = SIN(startvalue * degre.to.rad)
'The VALue file generate only one parameter.
PRINT #1, y
startvalue = startvalue + stepvalue
PV3D Version 1.00
The format of the VAL file is :
Warning No blank line =================================================
Description file (75 character max)
Nbframe no_used_value parameterflag no_used_value
Warning 1 line and 1 parameter by frame ====================================
PV3D Version 1.00
'Record' icone This icone is used to save the active frame parameter.
Logiquely the frame is saved automatiquely when you change
the frame number.This icone is not realy util.
'<' icone This icone is used to load the preview frame. When you use
this the active frame is saved and the preview frame is
'>+' icone This icone is used to load the next frame. When you use this
the active frame is saved and the new frame loaded. If you
are in the last frame PV3D open a new one.
'<<' icone Go to the frame 0
'>>' icone Go to the last frame
'Play' icone Play all frame in the active mode (2D XY ISO ....)
'Stop' icone Break the Play
'DEL' icone Delete the active frame
'INS' icone Inserte one or more frame. You go directly a the last
inserted frame.
'GOTO' icone To Go directly to a specific frame
'COPY' icone Copy the active frame to one other with no insertion.
'Alpha' icone This icone is used to put one alpha colors value to a shape
The place of this icone is a question !! but it is the place
of this icone.
Warning : use 0.0 to opaque trought 1.0 to transparent
'HID' icone This icone is used to Hidden one shape for a frame.
If you put the Hidden flag to a shape the shape disapear
of the screen. You see only the name of the shape in the
Information area with one red H.
When you generate the POV files PV3D no put the shape
description in a POV file.
Warning :
If the Hidden shape is the first shape of one CSG structure
the result of the CSG structure is BAD Hidden the other
shape of the structure or create a special effect ???
PV3D Version 1.00
2 - Flag parameter menu
The Flag parameter menu is used with some Animate function.
When you chose this icones some dialogue box are displayed
and one parameter graphic menu propose to you to select
the parameter to duplicate. In standard all parameter are
selected. Just press the mouse button in the icone to make
your selection. The selected icones is pressed.
The available parameter are:
RETURN return and valide your selection
SX X axis scale
SY Y axis scale
SZ Z axis scale
TX X axis translation
TY Y axis translation
TZ Z axis translation
RX X axis rotation
RY Y axis rotation
RZ Z axis rotation
CR Red color
CG Green color
CB Blue color
CA Alpha color
ALL + Select all parameter
ALL - Unselect all parameter
To quit this graphic menu press the 'Return' icone.
PV3D Version 1.00
Information Area
Information Area is to display the copyright and the name of the actif
When you are in 2D XYZ visualisation see the coordonate information
to see where you work.
Help and Information Area
If you Press the left mouse button in the 'Help and Information Area' the
Help on line is enable and when you move the mouse on the icone the icone
function is displayed in Blue.
Every time the actif shape information is displayed
For a standard shape you have.
For a 'Groupe Shape'
For a PRO Shape
PV3D Version 1.00
Some other information concerning PV3D
Zoon function
The 's' icone function center the scene in <0 0 0>
Triangle number optimization
The number of triangle it is directly based of your available DOS memory
when you load and run PV3D.
Every shape in a screen are one collection of triangle.
The best way it is to use one DOS 5.00 (80386 PC) with the HIMEM.SYS
option in a config.sys and the EMM386.EXE device (if you load a resident
software). PV3D not use the EMS or XMS memory system.
Example : config.sys with EMS
device=\dos\emm386.EXE ram auto
devicehigh= 'your specific device'
Use the loadhigh function in the autoexec.bat to load in UMB memory your
resident programs (lh keyb XX)
It is possible to use about 7200 triangles with a correct configuration.
PV3D Version 1.00
Number of shape
The actuel number of shape it is 150.
If you create a big spline shape the limitation it is the max number of
triangle and the max number of shape. If you load one POB file in groupe
with 10 shape the total of free shape it is 150-10=140
Fast draw mode
PV3D compute every time (redraw) the position of the shape in the univer.
When the number of triangle used it is left then the midle of the max
triangle PV3D use the memory to stock the result of the computation.
In this case the redraw of the scene it is more fast, but if you use more
triangle or you change the view (X-Y Y-Z... ) the redraw it is more long.
Use one 80XX7 or one 486 DX for one fast drawing.
Degenerate triangle
If you generate directly one POV file with the 'Gen POV' icone the triangle
shape are not optimized and POVRAY detect some time a degenerate triangle
but he run fine. it is possible with PV3D to use the PV3D2POV option but
only if the spline it is in a 'Master' Groupe
PV3D Version 1.00
POV Internal problem
Some time a big spline hang POVRAY ..?? see the POVRAY error documentation
to found the solution of your problem.
if you have the problem with one PV3D2POV optimized file, generate this POV
file with the 'Gen POV' icone. If one POV file generated with PV3D create
one POVRAY syntax error, please send to me you PVD PVT .... file for analyse.
Mirror function
Mirror function not work fine. I make a change in the futur version.
POV camera position
Use the Z axis for a good rendering of the scene with POV. The other axis
generate a big modification of the visualisation.
Shape loading with bad scale
When you load a shape PV3D automatiquely scale the shape with the courent
scale of the scene. sometime the shape it is very small (use R-M-S a+ to ).
Change the scale incrementation of R-M-S with the Green 'S' icone.
3D View consideration
For one optimisation of the calcul the cos(x) and sin(x) it is only avalaible
by 1 degres step. The result of this optimisation it is one more fast
drawing but one error of visualisation exist because 1° of precision with
a big distance !!!!
I see that for a futur version .
If you have one object since the camera you not see this object because the
triangle it is more important than screen ( you see only the wire of the
triangle not the surface).
R-M-S configuration
In the R-M-S menu select with the green icone (R rotate M move S scale) the
coeficient of rotation, moving and scaling if the X+ X- Y+ Y- Z+ Z- icone
have no effect. The step of the Rotate Move and Translate function it is
saved in a PV3D file.
PV3D Version 1.00
SHA Extra POV primitive generation
With this version of PV3D is possible to use your personal POV primitive.
If you press the 'SHA icone' in the Graphic button Area of the POV primitive
menu, one listbox is displayed with the list of available Extra POV primitive.
If you want update this list with your personal POV primitive just create
two file.
1 - one SHA file with the triangular definition of the shape (TXT file)
2 - one SDF file with the POV definition (POV file)
QUARCYL.SDF file example.
Warning ================ No blank line. directly the POV definition
quartic {
< 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.01 0.0 -0.01 >
quadric {
scale < 1 1 1>
Warning ================ No put the } to close the POV object definition
======================== because PV3D put the } after the Texture definition.
The QUARCYL.SHA file is one TXT file generated with the spline function
for example or with a specific tools quartic to RAW (TXT)
With the 'SHA' option is possible to generate a lot of POV primitive or
complexe CSG shape in outside of PV3D. This Shapes have the same available
function of the other standard PV3D shapes in the software. Scale Rotate ...
PV3D Version 1.00
TEARDROP.SDF file example
Warning ================ No blank line. directly the POV definition
quartic {
< 4.0 0.0 0.0 -4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 >
rotate <0 0 -90>
translate <0 0.5 0>
scale <1.5 2 1.5>
Warning ================ No put the } to close the POV object definition
======================== because PV3D put the } after the Texture definition.
In some case the SHA (TXT file ) is not directly the exact representation of
your POV primitive. Adjust your file with the appropriate rotate,
translate, or scale function.
PV3D Version 1.00
Freeware condition of PV3D
PV3D it is a Freeware software only for no commercial use.
We encourage you to freely copy and distribute this not registered
demonstration version.
No part of this package may be included as part of a commercial package
without My explicit written permission .
Sory but this version of PV3D it is a very early version, so it might not
bug-free. I work for bug-free and new feature.
This is a demontration version of PV3D. It's not fully functional
If you want receive :
■ PV3D last available full registered version
■ Other "surprise"
send to me your contribution for the developpement of PV3D
For France 250FF Check
For US and other $55. Bank check, Traveller check or
International Postal order.
(Postal order is very long, about 1 month for USA <-> France).
Sorry for the delai but it is one French postal problem.
Lecointe Ludovic
16 rue du Bouvreuil
77240 Cesson la Forêt
In your Mail say to me where are you found PV3D. If it is one BBS
Please write me the number phone of this BBS. Thank You.
CAD Connection (33) 1 39 52 98 54 ID: LUDOVIC LECOINTE (prefered)
PCGNET connection
Some time (1/2 by month) I connect The Graphics Alternative BBS
(510) 524 2780 ID: LUDOVIC LECOINTE
But for me the time of connection as 1$ by minute the night
I prefer one French BBS
Legal Stuff
This software is provided as is without any guarantees or warranty.
Although the authors have attempted to find and correct any bugs in
the package, they are not responsible for any damage or losses of any
kind caused by the use or misuse of the package. The authors are
under no obligation to provide service, corrections, or upgrades
to this package.
The available version of PV3D it is version 1.00 some
menu, icone, function, file format ... are subject to change
in a futur version.
No part of this package may be included as part of a commercial package
without My explicit written permission .