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Protected Module Player PMP (C) 1993 Jussi Lahdenniemi and Otto Chrons
Version 2.31
Like the DMP, also PMP is just a demonstration about the possibilities
of the DSMI (Digital Sound and Music Interface). It is a module player,
which runs in the protected mode, offering lots of memory for the modules
to use. Also, because of this, the PMP gives you a fully-working DOS
shell, and takes only about 40k of memory regardless of the size of
the module! So, you can play a 700k module and still have over 550k of
memory free! If your computer is in the v86-mode (ie. you have a program
like QEMM installed) the PMP takes a little more memory (24k more),
because the buffers must reside in the low memory.
The command line syntax of the PMP is just the same as DMP's :
PMP [options] [modulename] [@listfile] [options]
modulename : name of a module (wildcards *,? allowed)
listfile : name of a file containing list of module names
options : -Sxxxx set sampling rate 4000-44100
alternatively 4-44
-H or -? show help screen
-Ix interrupt number
-Pxxx port address
-Dx DMA channel
-O Scramble module order
-L Inhibit looping
-M Mono mode (SB16 & PAS)
-Q Quality mode (on 8-bit cards only)
-Bx Volume bar type: 0=off, 1=middle,
2=top, 3=bottom
-Cx Desired card where x is:
1 for Sound Blaster
2 for Sound Blaster Pro
3 for PAS+
4 for PAS16
5 for SB16
6 for Aria
7 for Windows SoundSystem
8 for Gravis Ultrasound
-T[xxx] Buffer size xxx (0-32000)
-Fxxx Force PMP to leave xxx kilobytes
of memory for the DOS shell
-V Force PMP to use its v86 mode support
(place the buffers to low memory)
You may have to give your soundcard's IRQ number and/or
port address if PMP fails to find them. If you don't provide both
values then PMP will assume 220h for port address, and 7 for interrupt
number. Giving wrong address will hang your machine, but wrong
interrupt number only stops the playing after a second. The "/C"
option is useful if you want to use some other card, than the one PMP
automatically detects.
You don't have to add any extension to the name, because the
program will try extensions AMF, STM, MOD and NST if it doesn't find
the file. Note that you can supply many modulenames and list files, up
to the internal limit of 200 modulenames.
PMP beyond -s20 *.NST @goodmods
goodmods is a text file containing following lines:
PMP will use the sampling rate of 20kHz and play following
.NST-files in the current directory.
The above text was taken straight from the DMP's documentation. As you
can see: If you can use DMP, you can use PMP...
Normally PMP uses all free XMS memory for its own purposes, but if you
want to save some XMS for other programs, use the environment variable
limits the XMS use to one MB.
Note : Borland's programs that run in the protected mode use also
this environment variable.
Another supported environment variable is PMP. You can write your
preferred settings into the variable, so you don't have to write them
every time you start the program. For example, if you have the PMP
variable set as follows:
and then you run PMP like this:
PMP *.stm
PMP will be started just like if you had written
PMP /S30 /O C:\MODS\*.MOD *.stm
from the command line.
!!!! The included files RTM.EXE and DPMI16BI.OVL must be in the path! !!!!
Using PMP
There is a header in the top of the screen telling what program you
are using and other important info. In the right side of the screen
there is a big blue box with all the module names you have selected
in the command line. When a module is loaded into memory, it is marked.
That way it is easy to see which modules are to be played next, and
which modules are loaded. There is also a big brown box on the bottom
of the screen containing all the instruments used in the module.
The volume bars are made with palette, and they demand really lots
of CPU power. They flicker easily even in fast machines. I am sorry,
but buy a faster machine if the bars don't work.. ;) - or press B.
After initializing everything it needs, PMP starts to load the first
module. After loading it, PMP starts to play the module and proceeds
with loading the next module. It loads as many modules as possible,
and then plays them from memory. If all the modules you selected do
not fit to the memory, PMP discards the module after playing it and
loads more modules. With the /F switch you can control the memory
allocation so that you always will have enough memory to shell to DOS.
While playing under PMP (not in the DOS shell), there is a status
bar just below the header text. This status bar shows the pattern
currently being played, the total number of patterns, the current row,
the master volume level, and indicators indicating which channels are
being played. It also helps you by telling that help is available by the
H key. The help screen that pops up as you press H is the same that the
/? or /H command line switch shows.
Keys while the module is being played :
Key Meaning Also in DOS shell
--- ------- -----------------
P Pauses / resumes the module alt-F11
N Next module alt-F12
H,? Help screen
D DOS shell (with lots of memory!)
C Clear the information screen
S Toggle SB Pro stereo mode on/off
B Toggle the volume bars
F1-F10 Set the master volume
+,- Change the master volume one step shift-F11, shift-F12
Left,Right Jump to next/previous pattern ctrl-F11, ctrl-F12
Up,Down Scroll module list window
1,2,.. Turn track n on/off
Alt+1,2,.. Turn track n+10 on/off
<,> Slower/faster screen update rate.
If the bars flicker, try slowing
the rate down. The faster rate, the
quicker you see everything coming to
the screen.
(,) Decrease/increase the number of the
volume bars.
Contacting the authors
If you have questions or comments about the PMP or the Pascal version
of the DSMI, contact Jussi Lahdenniemi:
│ │
│ By mail: │
│ ──────── │
│ │
│ Jussi Lahdenniemi │
│ Rautia │
│ SF-36420 Sahalahti │
│ │
│ Fidonet: │
│ ───────── │
│ 2:221/105.7 │
│ │
│ InterNet: │
│ ────────── │
│ jlahd@clinet.fi │
│ │
To comment about the DMP or the C or ASM versions of the DSMI, contact
Otto Chrons :
│ │
│ By mail: │
│ ──────── │
│ │
│ Otto Chrons │
│ Pyydyspolku 5 │
│ SF-36200 Kangasala │
│ │
│ Fidonet: │
│ ───────── │
│ 2:221/105.10 │
│ │
│ InterNet: │
│ ────────── │
│ c142092@cc.tut.fi (fastest method to contact) │
│ │
For programmers only
PMP was created with Borland Pascal 7.0 and it is based on
DSMI routines, so by ordering DSMI interface you could write programs
with similar capabilities. DSMI is a collection of routines (for C and
Turbo/Borland Pascal) that allows programmers to play modules in the
background, but unlike any other module player it also allows
simultaneous sound effects!! Up to 32 channels can be used which means
that you can have a module and sound effects playing in full stereo (on
cards which support stereo sound)! DSMI is available and the price is
270FMK (about $70). Packet includes full documentation (printed), OBJ
files & libraries for C version, TPUs for Pascal and also some of the
source code so you can modify the behaviour of DSMI. Stay tuned!