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The Q4Tool Library [Q4T]
Ver. 1.6c
Library Routines for QuickBASIC 4.xx
by R. J. Crouch
Copyright - 1990-93 - CareWare
All Rights Reserved
** What is the Q4Tool Library? **
Q4Tool is a collection of innovative and direct programming
tools, in the form of a user library, for Microsoft (R),
QuickBASIC 4.xx [QB]. These library routines are intended
for use by individuals with some QB programming experience.
The following files make up the Q4Tool Library.
Primary: Q4T.LIB - Q4T.QLB - Q4T.BI - Q4TOOL.DOC
Q4Tool [Q4T] has emerged from a necessity for a collection
of comprehensive routines to supplement the BASIC language.
All of its routines are easily incorporated into almost any
QuickBASIC 4.xx source without greatly increasing the
efficient size of the "stand-alone" program. The Q4Tool
Library is intended as a solid foundation from which to
build your own personal libraries.
** Things to know about the Q4Tool Library **
Q4Tool is being distributed as a Shareware product. This
program is not free and is copyrighted to CareWare with all
rights reserved. If you find Q4T of value and continue to
use its services beyond a 30 day trial period, then you are
required to register your copy with CareWare. The
registration fee for Q4Tool, on disk with OBJ modules, is
$25.00 (US). A registration form is provided for your
convenience. Please see the last page of this document.
Q4Tool may be shared with others as long as it remains
unaltered and distributed in its entirety. A distribution
fee, not to exceed $8.00, may be imposed by disk vendors to
cover shipping and handling costs. The following files
comprise the whole of this product and were originally
distributed as the self-extracting file Q4T16C.EXE or the
ZIPed file Q4T16C.ZIP.
** Things to know about the Q4Tool Library **
The Q4Tool Library is presented as-is and with no warranties
expressed or implied. CareWare assumes no responsibility
for this products use, misuse, or lose of any kind incurred
by its use.
Upon your completed registration you are granted full
unrestricted single user operation and support for this
product. Any comments or suggestions are gratefully
accepted and an honest attend will be made to answer them.
Microsoft is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corp.
** What the Q4Tool Library provides **
Mouse Services: Mouse*() ** FIXED **
A majority of the routines in Q4T pertain to mouse
functions. These functions will allow a programmer to
incorporate the much needed mouse services into any de-
manding application. They are intelligently written to
compensate for a few idiosyncrasies that tend to emerge from
the mouse interrupt (33H).
Windowing: DoWindow() ** CHANGED **
Windowing for today's applications is not new, but this
windowing routine adds a few features that will enhance any
program. The screen write for this routine is serviced by
machine code for a fast and clean appearance. Select-
ability for title location, type and location of shadow, and
a solid frame, make this windowing routine unique from other
we have seen.
Screen save/restore: PutScrn()/GetScrn()
The ability to save and later restore a screen's contents
are essential for contemporary programming. These two
routines are designed to work within the QB environment.
They make use of QB's string descriptor block for ease of
use. This pair of routines is written entirely of machine
code for instant results.
** What the Q4Tool Library provides **
Screen print: PrtScrn()
This is a little machine code routine that will print to the
screen, at the location and color desired, any string vari-
able. It's fast, compact, and incorporates into just one
CALL, QB's LOCATE, COLOR, and PRINT statements. This
routine is the heart of the windowing procedure and the
reason for its speed.
Equipment Information: Get*() and Set*() ** CHANGED **
These routines will retrieve and set various system equip-
ment information. These types of services give your
programs the kind of information it needs for proper
application and system interaction.
Pull-Down Bar Menu: BarMenu() ** CHANGED **
This routine provides a comprehensive and easy means for
establishing an application menu system. BarMenu is fully
configurable with five color attributes and is both key and
mouse driven. (A great value to any Library)
Screen string centering: Ctr()
This is a handy little function that returns the column
position needed to center string data or variables on the
screen. It can easily be incorporated into QB's LOCATE
statement. [i.e. LOCATE 12, Ctr(strg$)]
Program delays: Delay() ** CHANGED **
This is a smart replacement for QB's new SLEEP statement
(which, by the way, takes over 2K of executable code). The
delay can either be forced or user bypassed with any
key or mouse button. Delay() also takes into account the
midnight roll-back of the TIMER Function.
** What the Q4Tool Library provides **
Access to system interrupts: QB.QLB/QB.LIB/QB.BI (C)
Incorporated (LINKed) within the Q4Tool Library are
QuickBASIC's QB.QLB (C), QB.LIB (C) and QB.BI (C). These
files were necessary in the writing of various routines that
make use QB's Interrupt() service. Because of their
presence, you also have access to DOS service calls. This
is a powerful feature for any programmer.
** What the Q4Tool Library does not provide **
Q4Tool does not contain routines for data input or manip-
ulation. It is felt these type of procedures should be
handled by the programmer for their particular application
needs. Absent also from this library is the abundance of
routines that can't possibly be incorporated into every
program. Q4T is intended to be a quality library from which
to build from.
** The nuts and bolts of the Q4Tool Library **
The following is a clarified description of the prototypes
used in the CALL's to these Q4Tool library routines. Please
note the variable types used for the arguments in these
routines. The mouse service calls are designed to work with
a Microsoft (R) mouse driver or close compatible. Examin-
ation of the demo source code can aid in understanding the
use of these routines.
This routine does a nondestructive interrupt vector check to
determine the existence of a mouse driver. This routine
should be called prior to using any of the other Q4T mouse
routines to insure the presence of the mouse interrupt
Passed: An integer variable
Returns: 0 if a mouse driver is not detected
1 if a mouse driver has been installed
Example: CALL MouseStatus(have%)
This routine will initialize the mouse driver and will allow
the saving and restoring of two separate mouse states.
Passed: An initialized integer variable or constant
0 = hard reset - initializes mouse driver, turns
mouse pointer off and disables any prior
user installed events (function 00H)
1 = soft reset - reset mouse driver and turns
pointer off (function 21H)
2 = will save the current mouse state to mouse
buffer #1
3 = will restore the mouse state as saved in mouse
buffer #1
4 = will save the current mouse state to mouse
buffer #2
5 = will restore the mouse state as saved in mouse
buffer #2
Returns: If passed a variable initialized to 0, will reset
mouse and return number of buttons installed, else
returns nothing
Example: buttons% = 0
CALL MouseReset(buttons%)
This routine will return both the major and minor version of
the mouse driver installed.
Passed: A string variable at lease 5 characters in length
Returns: A string containing the version of the mouse
driver installed. (i.e. 6.123)
Example: CALL MouseVersion(ver$)
This routine will allow the mouse pointer to be either
turned on or off. This routine has been stabilized by an
internal variable to compensate for the mouse interrupt
counter. Recursive calls to the same Status% will not
increase or decrease the mouse interrupt counter. This will
only be done by opposing Status% calls.
Passed: An initialized integer variable or constant
0 = mouse pointer off
1 = mouse pointer on
Returns: Nothing
Examples: CALL MouseVisible(1)
CALL MouseVisible(off%)
MouseLocate(ScrnRowY%, ScrnColX%, Mode%)
This routine will place the mouse pointer at the screen
location indicated by its arguments. The Mode switch will
allow the location to be given in either row/column text
positions or X/Y pixel positions.
Passed: 3 initialized integer variables or constants
Mode 0 = pixel positions
ScrnColX% = horizontal (X) position with a value
from 0 to 632
ScrnRowY% = vertical (Y) position with a value
from 0 to 192
note: The pixel given is the upper left dot of
the standard 8x8 mouse pointer. Pixel
positions start from 0,0.
Mode 1 = text positions
ScrnColX% = text column position with a value
from 1 to 80
ScrnRowY% = text row position with a value from
1 to 25
Returns: Nothing
Examples: CALL MouseLocate(12, 30, 1)
CALL MouseLocate(y%, x%, 0)
MousePosition(ScrnRowY%, ScrnColX%, Mode%)
This routine will return the current position of the mouse
pointer. The Mode switch will allow the location returned
to be either given in row/column text positions or X/Y pixel
Passed: 2 integer variables and 1 initialized integer
variable or constant (Mode%)
Mode 0 = returned values represent X/Y pixel
Mode 1 = returned values represent row/column
Returns: An integer value
Mode 0
ScrnColX% = current horizontal (X) position of
mouse pointer as represented by
pixels (0 to 632)
ScrnRowY% = current vertical (Y) position of
mouse pointer as represented by
pixels (0 to 192)
note: The pixel given is the upper left dot of
the standard 8x8 mouse pointer. Pixel
positions start from 0,0.
Mode 1
ScrnColX% = current column position of mouse
pointer (1 to 80)
ScrnRowY% = current row position of mouse
pointer (1 to 25)
Example: CALL MousePosition(TextRow%, TextCol%, 1)
MouseLimits(UpRowY%, LeftColX%, LowRowY%, RightColX%, Mode%)
This routine will let you limit the motion of the mouse
pointer. The mouse pointer will reside within the
boundaries specified by the arguments passed to this
routine. The Mode switch will allow the limited area to be
either given in row/column text positions or X/Y pixel
Passed: 5 initialized integer variables or constants
Mode 0 = pixel positions
LeftColX% = left horizontal (X) position with a
value from 0 to 632
UpRowY% = upper vertical (Y) position with a
value from 0 to 192
RightColX% = right horizontal (X) position with
a value from LeftColX% to 632
LowRowX% = lower vertical (Y) position with a
value from UpRowY% to 192
note: The pixel given is the upper left dot of
the standard 8x8 mouse pointer. Pixel
positions start from 0,0.
Mode 1 = text positions
LeftColX% = left column position with a value
from 1 to 80
UpRowY% = upper row position with a value from
1 to 25
RightColX% = right column position with a value
from LeftColX% to 80
LowRowY% = lower row position with a value from
UpRowY% to 25
Returns: Nothing
Example: CALL MouseLimits(10, 25, 15, 55, 1)
MouseExclude(UpRowY%, LeftColX%, LowRowY%, RightColX%, Mode%)
This routine will allow the mouse pointer to be excluded
from any portion of the screen as specified by the arguments
passed to this routine. When the mouse pointer enters the
excluded boundaries, the pointer is turned off. The mouse
interrupt (33H) does not, however, reinstate the mouse
pointer to the on condition upon exiting the excluded area.
This process must be performed within the programming code
itself. The excluded area cannot be saved by the
MouseReset() routines. The mode switch will allow the ex-
cluded area to be either given in row/column text positions
or X/Y pixel positions.
Passed: 5 initialized integer variables or constants
Mode 0 = pixel positions
LeftColX% = left horizontal (X) position with a
value from 0 to 632
UpRowY% = upper vertical (Y) position with a
value from 0 to 192
RightColX% = right horizontal (X) position with
a value from LeftColX% to 632
LowRowX% = lower vertical (Y) position with a
value from UpRowY% to 192
note: The pixel given is the upper left dot of
the standard 8x8 mouse pointer. Pixel
positions start from 0,0.
Mode 1 = text positions
LeftColX% = left column position with a value
from 1 to 80
UpRowY% = upper row position with a value from
1 to 25
RightColX% = right column position with a value
from LeftColX% to 80
LowRowY% = lower row position with a value from
UpRowY% to 25
Returns: Nothing
Example: CALL MouseExclude(15, 20, 21, 35, 1)
MouseClick(LeftClick%, MiddleClick%, RightClick%)
This routine will return a value indicating the current
mouse button in use. The value is only returned upon the
release of the button, thus returning the value only once.
This allows the mouse button status to be effectively used
within a loop.
Passed: 3 integer variables
Returns: 0 = button not in use
1 = button has been clicked
Example: CALL MouseClick(lft%, mid%, rgt%)
MouseScroll(LeftButton%, MiddleButton%, RightButton%)
This routine will return a value indicating the current
mouse button being pressed. This value will remain
constant until the button is released.
Passed: 3 integer variables
Returns: 0 = button not in use
1 = button is being pressed
Example: CALL MouseScroll(lft%, mid%, rgt%)
MouseCursor(Fore%, Back%, Char%)
This routine allows you to change the character and color of
the mouse pointer.
Passed: 3 initialized integer variables or constants
Fore = foreground color for the new pointer
(within a range of 0 to 15)
Back = background color for the new pointer
(within a range of 0 to 7)
Char = ASCII decimal value for the character of the
new pointer (within a range of 0 to 255)
Returns: Nothing
Example: CALL MouseCursor(12, 7, 30)
Note: Not all mouse drivers support the MouseReset(2-5) or
MouseCursor() routines. If it is your intent to dis-
tribute programs for maximum compatibility, then
you should consider not using these functions.
DoWindow(UpR%, LfC%, VSz%, HSz%, Att%, Frm%, Shw%, Txt$,
This routine will create attractive application windows at
any screen position. You have control over color, type of
frame and color, type and location of shadow, and location
of window title and style. This windowing routine offers a
wide variety of possibilities. ** CHANGED **
Passed: 8 initialized integer variables or constants
1 string variable or constant for title
UpR = upper row position for start of window
(within a range of 1 to 24)
LfC = left column position for start of window
(within a range of 1 to 79)
VSz = vertical size of window (# of rows)
(within a range of 26 minus UpR)
HSz = horizontal size of window (# of columns)
(within a range of 81 minus LfC)
Att = attribute of window colors
(within a range of 0 to 127)
( (background * 16) + foreground )
Note: Adding 128 to the attribute will
produce a blinking foreground
Frm = frame type, if any
0 = no frame
1 = single line
2 = double line
3 = single vertical and double horizontal
4 = single horizontal and double vertical
5 = solid frame enclosing the window
Shw = shadow location and type, if any
0 = no shadow
1 = shadow left side and bottom of window
(black in color)
2 = shadow right side and bottom of window
(black in color)
3 = shadow left side and bottom of window
(tinted black)
4 = shadow right side and bottom of window
(tinted black)
note: Tinted black is a combination, with
ASCII character #177, of the color
attribute outside the window and black.
5 = shadow left side and bottom of window
(shadowed character)
6 = shadow right side and botton of window
(shadowed character)
note: The characters within the shadowed
area are displayed using attribute 8.
Txt = string variable or constant used for the
title of the window
note: Empty double quotes ("") or a string
initialized to null will not produce
a title.
Lct = determines the location of the title, if any
0 = title at top without brackets
1 = title at bottom without brackets
2 = title at top with brackets
3 = title at bottom with brackets
note: If a title is not present, the
location value has no effect.
note: The horizontal and vertical size cannot be
less then 2.
Returns: Nothing
Examples: CALL DoWindow(5, 10, 15, 60, 98, 5, 3, "", 0)
CALL DoWindow(Rw, Cl, Rn, Cn, 4, 0, 0, Text$, 2)
This routine will allow you to save the entire contents of
the screen currently being displayed. The screen saved can
later be retrieved and displayed with the companion routine
GetScrn(). The screen's contents is saved to a string vari-
able or array initialized to 4000 characters in length.
(i.e. DIM ScrnBuf(3) AS STRING * 4000)
Passed: An initialized string variable or array at least
4000 characters in length
Returns: current screen's contents
Examples: DIM ScrnBuf AS STRING * 4000
CALL PutScrn(ScrnBuf)
DIM SHARED ScrnBufArr(2) AS STRING * 4000
CALL PutScrn(ScrnBufArr(0)) [default option base]
This routine will allow you to retrieve and display the
contents of the screen saved by its companion routine
Passed: The string variable or array that contains the
screen to be displayed.
Returns: Nothing (contents of buffer are displayed)
Examples: CALL GetScrn(ScrnBuf)
CALL GetScrn(ScrnBufArr(1))
PrtScrn(Strg$, Row%, Col%, Attr%)
This is a machine language routine that will print a string
variable or constant to the screen at the location and color
indicated by its arguments. The attribute is a combination
of the foreground and background colors and can be
determined by the following formula: (background * 16) +
Passed: 3 initialized integer variables or constants
1 initialized string variable or constant
Strg = string variable or constant to be displayed
Row = screen row for display
(within a range of 1 to 25)
Col = screen column for display
(within a range of 1 to 80)
Attr = attribute of color to be displayed
(within a range of 0 to 127)
Note: Adding 128 to the attribute will
produce a blinking foreground
Returns: Nothing
Examples: CALL PrtScrn("Hello Universe", 12, 33, 110)
CALL PrtScrn(hello$, rw%, cl%, att%)
GetDrive(TotDrives%, CurDrive%, CurDir$)
This routine returns the total number of drives installed on
a system, the current drive location, and the current
directory location.
Note: This routine has been changed to reflect the
correct number of drives installed. The previous
version did not take into account the value
established by LASTDRIVE in CONFIG.SYS or the
default value of LASTDRIVE with DOS v3 or better.
Passed: 2 integer variables
1 string variable at least 65 characters in length
Returns: TotDrives% = total number of disk drives installed
on system
CurDirve% = numeric value indicating current drive
(1=A:, 2=B:, 3=C: and so on)
CurDir$ = string containing the current drive and
directory location.
(i.e. C:\QB4\Q4TOOL)
Note: maximum possible string length
returned is 65 characters
Example: CALL GetDrive(TotDrv%, CurDrv%, Dir$)
This routine allows you to change the current drive location
within an application. Valid drive numbers range from 1 to
26. No action is taken if the drive number supplied is not
valid or the drive does not exist on the system.
Passed: An initialized integer variable or constant
(1=A:, 2=B:, 3=C: and so on up to 26)
Returns: Nothing
Examples: CALL SetDrive(3)
NewDrv% = 2
CALL SetDrive(NewDrv%)
This routine will return the total bytes available on the
disk drive supplied. The routine is useful when wanting to
know if enough disk space remains on a drive to write a
Passed: A long integer containing the drive number to check
(1=A:, 2=B:, 3=C: and so on)
Returns: The total bytes available on specified drive
Example: Drv& = 2
CALL DriveSpc(Drv&)
GetSize(FileName$, Size&)
This routine returns the file size of the given file
specification. This routine is useful for determining if a
file is present.
Passed: 1 initialized string or constant containing the
file name and its location, if any
(i.e. C:\Q4T\Q4T-DEMO.EXE)
1 long integer variable
Returns: Size& = size of specified file. If 0 is returned,
file was not found.
Examples: CALL GetSize("Q4T.LIB", FSize&)
FileSpec$ = "D:\WP\TEST.TXT"
CALL GetSize(FileSpec$, FSize&)
IF FSize& <> 0 THEN... etc.
This routine return a string containing the version of DOS
currently used by a computer system. The routine is handy
when wanting to know what system interrupts you can use
based on the DOS version installed.
Passed: A string variable
Returns: VersionNum$ = current DOS version (i.e. 5.0)
Example: CALL GetDOS(Ver$)
GetVideo(Mode%, Page%, Col%, CurStart%, CurStop%, CurAtt%)
This routine can provide you with necessary information on a
system's current video state. If used at the beginning of a
program, the information retrieved can be used at its
closing to restore a system's video status.
Passed: 6 Integer variables
Returns: Mode% = current video mode as outlined by Int 10H,
Function 00H
Page% = current video page number
Col% = number of columns for current video mode
CurStart% = starting scan line for cursor
CurStop% = ending scan line for cursor
CurAtt% = color attribute at cursor position
Example: CALL GetVideo(VMd%, VPg%, Col%, CSt%, CSp%, CAt%)
This routine allows you to set a desired video mode. When
used in conjunction with the value returned by GetVideo(), a
system's video mode, if changed within a program, can be
restored to it initial state.
Passed: An initialized integer variable or constant as
outlined by Int 10H, Function 00H
Returns: Nothing
Examples: CALL SetVideo(3)
VMode% = 1
CALL SetVideo(VMode%)
GetComPorts(HowMany%) ** NEW **
This routine will return the number of serial ports install
on a computer.
Passed: An integer variable
Returns: Number of serial ports installed
Example: CALL GetComPorts(NumOfPorts%)
Get87(DoWeHave%) ** NEW **
This routine will return a True or False value representing
the presence of a math coprocessor.
Passed: An integer variable
Returns: -1 = A math coprocessor has been detected
0 = No math coprocessor has been detected
Example: CALL Get87(Have87%)
IF Have87 THEN... etc.
BarMenu(MenuStr(), A1%, A2%, A3%, A4%, A5%, S%, M%, R1%, R2%)
This is a comprehensive top line pull-down bar menu routine.
It's configurable with five color attributes, window frame
style, and mouse support. This routine allows you to add a
full and attractive menu to any application. New to this
routine is an argument allowing you to shadow the menu's
pull-down windows.
Passed: MenuStr() - a two dimensional string array contain-
ing the menu items
Note: The (0, 0) element of MenuStr() holds the
upper limits of each second dimension.
(i.e. MenuStr(0, 0) = "03050402").
Each 2d dimension 0 element for each 1st
dimension holds the level 1 menu item.
A1% - color attribute of level 1 menu bar
A2% - color attribute for highlighted first letter
of level 1 menu bar
Note: If these two attributes (A1 & A2) are NOT
the same value and the first letter of
all level 1 menu titles are different,
then BarMenu() will pick the proper menu
title by pressing the highlighted letter.
A3% - color attribute of level 2 menu window
A4% - color attribute of level 2 menu window text
A5% - color attribute of level 2 menu window
highlighted test (item selected)
S% - shadow type for menu windows (see DoWindow()
shadow types for argument values)
M% - a True (-1) or False (0) value indicating
if a mouse is to be used
Note: If a mouse is used, the mouse cursor is
turned off upon entering BarMenu() and
then turned on upon exiting.
R1% - an integer value indicating the number of
spaces between each level 1 menu item
R2% - frame style used for the level 2 menu window
(see DoWindow() for styles - default 5)
Returns: R1% - level 1 menu item picked
R2% - level 2 menu item picked
Note: If the <ESC> key or RIGHT mouse button is
pressed the values returned are 0 and the
menu exits.
Example: DIM MenuStr(4, 5) AS STRING
[ Initialize your array elements ]
[ MenuStr(0, 0) = "03050402" ]
[ MenuStr(1, 0) = " File Information " ]
[ MenuStr(1, 1) = " Get File Size " ]
[ MenuStr(1, 2) = " View File " ]
[ Etc... ]
S% = 6: M% = -1: R1% = 3: R2% = 3
CALL BarMenu(MenuStr(), 11, 4, 112, 113, 116, S%,
M%, R1%, R2%)
Note: Please see the Demo source code (Q4T-DEMO.BAS) for
additional information and an example on the use of
this routine.
This is a handy little function that returns the column
position needed to screen center a string variable. It can
easily be incorporated into BASIC's LOCATE statement.
Passed: An initialized string variable
Returns: Column position needed to screen center a
string variable.
Examples: LOCATE 12, Ctr(Strg$)
cntr = Ctr(Strg$)
LOCATE 12, cntr
Delay(Length!, Forced%, UseMouse%)
This routine is a smart alternative to QB's new SLEEP
statement or the numerous appearances of LOOPs. This delay
can either be forced or user bypass with the keyboard or
mouse buttons (if installed). The delay makes use of real
time so CPU speed has little effect. Midnight roll-back is
taken into account to avoid a possible continuous loop.
note: This routine has been changed because of unpredict-
able results with MS Mouse Driver v. 7.00 and delays
exterienced with MS Mouse Driver v. 8.02 when doing a
interrupt vector check for the presence of a mouse
driver. A new variable indicating the presence and
use of a Mouse for button response has been added.
Passed: 2 initialized integer variable or constant
1 initialized single variable or constant
Length = single precision integer indicating the
length of the delay in seconds
Forced = integer indicating the type of delay
0 = not forced (can be bypassed with
any key or mouse button)
-1 = delay is forced (remains in effect
until specified time has elapsed)
UseMouse = integer indicating if a mouse can be
used to get a button response
0 = Do not use a mouse response
-1 = A mouse is present and used for a
note: If both Length and Forced are 0, then
Delay() will wait indefinitely until any
key or mouse button (if present) is pressed.
Returns: Nothing
Examples: CALL Delay(.25, 1, 0)
lgth! = 1.25
Forced% = False
Mouse% = True
CALL Delay(lgth1!, Forced%, Mouse%)
QB.QLB (C) - QB.LIB (C) - QB.BI (C)
These three QuickBASIC files are incorporated into Q4T's
libraries. They are necessary for the DOS interrupts used
by the mouse routines. The following is a list of the
services provided by these files. Because of their
presence, you also have access to these important services.
Please consult your QuickBASIC 4.x reference manuals for
information on the use of these QB CALL's. The demonstra-
tion source code (Q4T-DEMO.BAS) illustrates an example of a
CALL to the Interrupt() routine.
CALL Absolute()
CALL Int86Old()
CALL Int86XOld()
CALL Interrupt()
CALL InterruptX()
** The $INCLUDE file Q4T.BI **
The file Q4T.BI contains the declarations for the Ctr() and
Delay() routines. If you intend to use these routines, this
file must be used in QB's metacommand instructions and
placed at the beginning of your code. Generally, the TYPE
declarations for QB's Interrupt() and InperruptX() CALLs are
also placed in this file. Please see the demonstration
source code (Q4T-DEMO.BAS) for an example of a metacommand
instruction or consult your QB reference manuals for
information on $INCLUDE: files.
** A demonstration of the Q4Tool Library **
There's an old cliche that states, "A picture is worth a
thousand words". So, provided with Q4Tool is the source
code [Q4T-DEMO.BAS] for a short demonstration of its
routines. This source code will give you a better
understanding as to the actual usage of the Q4T routines.
The code is presented in an ASCII format and can be viewed
with any common text editor or sent to your printer using
the syntax; COPY Q4T-DEMO.BAS PRN. This demonstration is
quite simple and by no means illustrates the only
application for the Q4Tool Library. If you wish to compile
this demo, the following command line syntax should be used.
From the DOS command line for a stand-alone EXE:
To start QB and load Q4T-DEMO.BAS:
** Compiling within the QuickBASIC 4.5 Environment **
When starting QB, you will need to supply the name of the
library to look to for external references. The following
is an example of this command line using the Q4T library.
Q4Tool was developed and compiled with QuickBASIC 4.00b.
QuickBASIC, when compiling, includes the name of the
standard library in the object module. In this case, the
library BCOM41.LIB was used. Due to the syntax used by
QuickBASIC 4.5 within its environment, a LINK warning may
result and is easily circumvented.
LINK : warning L4051: BCOM41.LIB : cannot find library
Enter new file spec:
On the line "Enter new file spec:" you need to supply QB
with the path and library for the version you are using.
Examples for QB 4.5:
For stand-alone EXE - C:\LIB\BCOM45.LIB
For run-time EXE - C:\LIB\BRUN45.LIB
Note: If the location of your libraries is within the
current directory or is set within the DOS
environment, then the path to your libraries is
not necessary.
Q4Tool also can be linked to your object modules using the
standard DOS command line. This process avoids the QB
environment entirely. Your source code (BAS) needs to be
saved in text (ASCII) format in order for BC to operate
properly. The following syntax has been tested and works
quite well.
For stand-alone EXE - BC YOURFILE.BAS/O;
For run-time EXE - BC YOURFILE.BAS;
Note: Be sure you supply all necessary command line
switches needed for your source code when
compiling (BC). [i.e. BC YOURFILE.BAS/O/E/X]
Please consult your QuickBASIC reference manuals for more
detailed information on compiling and linking your programs
from the DOS command line.
** A look inside the Q4Tool Library **
The Q4Tool Library is comprised of eight object code
modules. With this type of construction, it is possible to
build libraries containing only the particular routines
desired, or incorporate them into existing libraries. These
modules are provided to you (on disk) upon your registration
of Q4Tool. Below is a list of the object modules and the
routines contained in each.
Module Name Routines Source Type
----------- -------- -----------
Delay() BAS
SetDrive() BAS
DriveSpc() BAS
GetVideo() BAS
SetVideo() BAS
GetSize() BAS
GetComPorts() BAS
Get87() BAS
The routine DoWindow() does make CALLs to PRTSCRN.OBJ and
must have access to its services. When using the Q4WIND
module, the PRTSCRN module should always be linked with it.
If Q4MOUSE.OBJ is used separately, it must have access to
QB.LIB or QB.QLB if used within the QB environment.
The BarMenu() routine makes CALLs to the following routines
and must have access to their services.
DoWindow() PrtScrn() GetScrn() PutScrn()
If a mouse in intended for use with BarMenu() then
Q4MOUSE.OBJ also must be accessible. This routine now
provides an argument for menu window shadowing.
** A look inside the Q4Tool Library **
The screen handling modules (ASM) employ direct memory
access and assume the segment address of the regen buffer to
be the following:
Card Type Segment Address
----------- -----------------
Monochrome B000H
Color B800H
The following is a list of internal variables used in the
mouse routines. These variable names should not be used by
your program structure in conjunction with the COMMON or
SHARED Statements.
visible33% mouse1buf33%() mouse2buf33%()
The remaining variables within the Q4T routines are
initialized upon their CALL and are not defined as SHARED.
** A few final notes about the Q4Tool Library **
This documentation is not written to be a tutorial and makes
the assumption you have some knowledge of the calling
conventions for QuickBASIC. The demonstration source code
(Q4T-DEMO.BAS) was written to provide you with a working
example of the Q4T routines and is a valuable source of
A bug which resulted in a run-time "subscript out of range"
error with QB4.5 and MouseReset(2 or 4) is now for sure
The DoWindow() routine now supports a color attribute
instead of the separate background and foreground colors.
This allows better compatibility with the PrtScrn() routine.
Q4Tool was developed and tested on a 8088 machine, running
at 8 mhz, and a 80386sx machine, running at 16 mhz, and
should perform as expected on most computers within the "86"
** The Shareware principle works for you **
R. J. Crouch
307 Gracie Road
Nevada City, CA 95959
(916) 265-8704 * CIS 74270,516
This program is produced by a member of the Association of
Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that
the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to
resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by
contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The
ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with
an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for
members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at
545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 or send a CompuServe
message via easyplex to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
____|__ | (R)
--| | |-------------------
| ____|__ | Association of
| | |_| Shareware
|__| o | Professionals
-----| | |---------------------
|___|___| MEMBER
The Q4Tool Library [Q4T]
Ver. 1.6c
Software Registration Form
307 Gracie Road
Nevada City, CA 95959 Date _______________
Quantity Type of registration Cost Total
-------- -------------------- ---- -----
______ Registration of your current $20.00 _______
______ Registration & latest ver. of $25.00 _______
Q4Tool & OBJ modules on disk
______ All the above plus all OBJ $50.00 _______
module source codes on disk
Disk size: [ ] 5.25 (360) - [ ] 3.5 (720) _______
(please add $1.00 for ea. 3.5)
Please add $4.00 for disk shipping outside of U.S. _______
(first class air)
Amount Enclosed _______
All registered user will receive prompt and courteous
support for this product.
Name ________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________
City, State, Zip ____________________________________
Phone (optional) ____________________________________
Please help us track the distribution of Q4Tool and let us
know where your found this copy.
Please make payable to the author - R. J. Crouch
ORDERS OUTSIDE OF U.S. - Please send international postal
or money orders in U.S. dollars.
Thank you for registering Q4Tool