DP Tool Club 9
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C/C++ Source or Header
220 lines
// wu.cpp -- Unprotect Microsoft Word/Winword Document
// Marc Thibault <marc@tanda.isis.org>
// Word protects a document by XOR'ing a 16-byte key repetitively
// through the document file, starting at byte 40. The header (0x180 bytes)
// is filthy with zeros including what appears to be over 48 of them at
// the end of the header. This program hopes that the last 32 are zeros
// (it checks) and extracts the key from this area. Improvements can be
// made to this if it ever turns out that these bytes are used for
// something.
// The encryption key is derived from the user's passphrase by some means
// I have not attempted to discover. It is unnecessary, since the
// encryption key can be directly discovered and applied.
// Call:
// wu infile outfile
// Exit Status:
// 1 too few arguments
// 2 can't open given file for input
// 3 can't open given file for output
// 4 can't find a key (last two rows of header aren't the same)
// 5 too short to be a Word file
// 6 Problem writing to output file
#include <stdio.h>
#include <process.h>
#ifdef __TURBOC__
#include <iostream.h>
#ifdef __ZTC__
#include <stream.h>
#define Version "1.2"
#define VersionDate "26 January 1993"
#define keyLength 0x10
#define bufferLength 0x180
#define headerLength 0x180
int findKey(unsigned char buffer[], unsigned char key[]);
void fixHeader(unsigned char buffer[], unsigned char key[]);
void fixBuffer(unsigned char buffer[], unsigned char key[]);
#ifdef debug
void showBuffer(unsigned char buf[]);
char *copyLeft[] = {"\nMarc Thibault <marc@tanda.isis.org>\n",
" Oxford Mills, Ontario \n",
" This work is released to the public domain. \n",
" It may be copied and distributed freely \n",
" with appropriate attribution to the author.\n"};
void main(int argc, char *argv[])
unsigned char buffer[bufferLength]; // data buffer
unsigned char key[keyLength]; // encryption key
size_t count, check;
int i;
FILE *crypt, *plain;
// ----------------------
if( argc < 3) // file names must be present
cout << "\n Word Unprotect -- Version " << Version;
cout << "\n by Marc Thibault, " << VersionDate;
cout << "\n Syntax: wu infile outfile \n";
exit (1);
// Open files
if( NULL == (crypt = fopen(argv[1], "rb")))
cout << "\n wu error: can't open the input file\n";
exit (2);
if( NULL == (plain = fopen(argv[2], "wb")))
cout << "\n wu error: can't open the output file\n";
exit (3);
// Read header from input file
count = fread(buffer,1,headerLength,crypt);
if(count != bufferLength)
cout << "\n wu error: Input file too short to be a Word File\n";
// Extract the encryption key
cout << "\n wu error: Couldn't find a key \n";
#ifdef debug
cout << "\n Key in hexadecimal is";
for (i=0; i<keyLength; i++) printf(" %02X", key[i]);
cout << "\n";
// Decrypt/fixup the header and
// write it to the output file
check = fwrite(buffer, 1, headerLength, plain);
if (check != headerLength)
cout << "\n wu error: Problem writing to output file";
// decrypt the rest of the file
count = fread(buffer,1,bufferLength,crypt);
if (count != 0)
fixBuffer(buffer, key);
check = fwrite(buffer, 1, count, plain);
if (check != count)
cout << "\n wu error: Problem writing to output file";
} while (count == bufferLength);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef debug
void showBuffer(unsigned char buf[])
for( int i=0; i<bufferLength; i += 16)
for(int j=0; j<16; j++) printf (" %2X", buf[i+j]);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// findKey -- Find key in protected Word File
// entered with everything initialized, including the initial buffer
int findKey(unsigned char buffer[], unsigned char key[])
int i,check;
// make sure the header looks ok, with 32 bytes of zeros (two copies
// of the key) at the end of the header.
for (i=0; i<keyLength; i++) check |= (buffer[0x160+i]^buffer[0x170+i]);
if (check != 0) return(1);
// If there's ever a problem, this is a place
// to put a scanner for majority
// vote on each key byte. The header
// is so full of zeros, this should work.
// In the meantime, just move one copy to the key buffer.
for (i=0; i<keyLength; i++) key[i] = buffer[0x160+i];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// fixHeader -- Fix the header block after finding key
void fixHeader(unsigned char buffer[], unsigned char key[])
int i, j;
// reset the protect flag
buffer[11] &= 0xfe;
// reset bytes 14-17 (key hash?)
for( i=14; i<18; i++) buffer[i] = 0;
// decrypt partial row at 0x24
for( i=4; i<16; i++) buffer[0x20+i] ^= key[i];
// decrypt rest of header
for( i=0x30; i < headerLength; i += keyLength)
for( j=0; j < keyLength; j++) buffer[i+j] ^= key[j];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// fixBuffer -- Decrypt the buffer contents as a whole
void fixBuffer(unsigned char buffer[], unsigned char key[])
for( int i=0; i < bufferLength; i += keyLength)
for( int j=0; j < keyLength; j++) buffer[i+j] ^= key[j];