DP Tool Club 9
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214 lines
/* RayLathe (c) Koehler
- Thick <0 = draw solid, =0 = move, >0 = draw hollow
Revision History:
03-24-93 1.00 KJK New. Inspired by uLathe.
03-28-93 1.01 KJK Attempting Vivid output for Doug Downs.
04-11-93 1.10 KJK Releasable Vivid output version.
Noticed THICK in Vivid no supported! Must fix if possible.
04-11-93 1.11 KJK Cured black speckles in POVRAY output.
04-14-93 1.12 KJK Allow 0 length cones (rings) for Vivid.
04-15-93 1.13 KJK Enable THICK for Vivid. Print line # of .DAT file.
04-24-93 1.20 KJK Since they are necessary when thickness is used,
simulate cone/rings for POVRAY.
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define min(a,b) (a<b ? a : b)
#define max(a,b) (a>b ? a : b)
#define VERSION 1.20
double intercept(double, double, double, double);
void lathe_cut_viv(double, double, double, double, double);
void lathe_cut_pov(double, double, double, double, double);
void main(argc,argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
double oldx = 0.01, oldy = 0.01;
double x, y, thick;
double boundminx=10000000, boundmaxx=-10000000, boundmaxy=0;
double length, center, eye_distance;
char tracer; /* p=POVRAY v=Vivid */
int line=0;
fprintf(stderr,"RayLathe v%2.2f (c) 1993 Koehler\n",VERSION);
tracer = 'p';
if(argc > 1) /* Look for Vivid option */
if ((strcmp(argv[1],"-v")==0) || (strcmp(argv[1],"-V")==0))
tracer = 'v';
if ((strcmp(argv[1],"?")==0) || (strcmp(argv[1],"-?")==0) || (strcmp(argv[1],"/?")==0))
fprintf(stderr," Usage: RAYLATHE [-V] <infile.dat >outfile.inc\n");
if (tracer == 'p')
fprintf(stderr," Generating POVRAY 1.0 object (use -v for Vivid)\n");
if (tracer == 'v')
fprintf(stderr," Generating Vivid 2.0 object\n");
if (tracer == 'p')
printf("// POVRAY 1.0 object created by RayLathe v%2.2f (c) 1993 Koehler\n",VERSION);
printf("// See suggested camera vectors at end of this file\n\n");
printf("#declare LatheWork =\n");
printf(" composite\n");
printf(" {\n");
if (tracer == 'v')
printf("// Vivid 2.0 object created by RayLathe v%2.2f (c) 1993 Koehler\n",VERSION);
printf("// See overall dimensions of object at end of this file\n");
/* printf("// See suggested camera vectors at end of this file\n"); */
scanf("%lf %lf %lf", &x, &y, &thick);
printf("// Line %4d (%lf, %lf, %lf)\n", line, x, y, thick);
if (thick)
if (tracer == 'p')
lathe_cut_pov(oldx, oldy, x, y, thick);
if (tracer == 'v')
lathe_cut_viv(oldx, oldy, x, y, thick);
boundmaxx = max(boundmaxx, x);
boundminx = min(boundminx, x);
boundmaxy = max(boundmaxy, y);
oldx = x;
oldy = y;
scanf("%lf %lf %lf", &x, &y, &thick);
while (y >= 0);
if (tracer == 'v')
printf("\n// Min X Y Z = %f %f %f Max X Y Z = %f %f %f\n",boundminx,-boundmaxy,-boundmaxy, boundmaxx, boundmaxy, boundmaxy);
if (tracer == 'p')
printf(" bounded_by\n");
printf(" {\n");
printf(" box {<%f %f %f> <%f %f %f> }\n",boundminx,-boundmaxy,-boundmaxy, boundmaxx, boundmaxy, boundmaxy);
printf(" }\n");
printf(" }\n");
length = boundmaxx - boundminx;
center = length / 2 + boundminx;
printf("\n#declare Look_At = <%f 0 0> // Center of object\n", center);
eye_distance = -max(fabs(length), boundmaxy*2.4);
printf("#declare Location = <%f 0 %f> // Good camera position\n", center, eye_distance);
void lathe_cut_viv(x1, y1, x2, y2, thick)
double x1, y1, x2, y2, thick;
double minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz, origin;
/* cone { base 1 1 1 base_radius 4 apex 0 0 5 apex_radius 1 } */
printf(" cone { base %f 0.0 0.0 base_radius %f ", x1, y1);
printf("apex %f 0.0 0.0 apex_radius %f }\n", x2, y2);
if (thick > 0)
printf(" cone { base %f 0.0 0.0 base_radius %f ", x1, max(y1-thick,0));
printf("apex %f 0.0 0.0 apex_radius %f }\n", x2, max(y2-thick,0));
printf(" cone { base %f 0.0 0.0 base_radius %f ", x1, max(y1,0));
printf("apex %f 0.0 0.0 apex_radius %f }\n", x1, max(y1-thick,0));
printf(" cone { base %f 0.0 0.0 base_radius %f ", x2, max(y2,0));
printf("apex %f 0.0 0.0 apex_radius %f }\n", x2, max(y2-thick,0));
void lathe_cut_pov(x1, y1, x2, y2, thick)
double x1, y1, x2, y2, thick;
double minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz, origin;
if (x1 == x2)
if (thick)
x1 = x1 * 1.001; /* Fudge a flat cone (ring) */
minx = min(x1,x2);
maxx = max(x1,x2);
maxy = max(y1,y2);
miny = -maxy;
maxz = maxy;
minz = miny;
/* printf(" object // Line %4d (%lf, %lf, %lf)\n", line, x2, y2, thick); */
printf(" object\n");
printf(" {\n");
printf(" intersection\n");
printf(" {\n");
if (y1 == y2)
if (y1 > 0)
printf(" quadric {Cylinder_X ");
printf("scale <1 %f %f> }\n", y1, y1);
if ((x1 == 0) || (x2 == 0))
origin = 0;
origin=intercept(x1, y1, x2, y2);
printf(" quadric {QCone_X ");
if (x1 == 0)
printf("scale <%f %f %f> ", fabs(origin-x2), y2, y2);
printf("scale <%f %f %f> ", fabs(origin-x1), y1, y1);
printf("translate <%f 0 0> }\n", origin);
if ((thick >= 0) && (((y1-thick)>0) || ((y2-thick)>0)))
if (y1 == y2)
if ((y1-thick) > 0)
printf(" quadric {Cylinder_X ");
printf("scale <1 %f %f> inverse }\n", y1-thick, y1-thick);
if ((x1 == 0) || (x2 == 0))
origin = 0;
origin = (((y1-thick)/y1)*(origin-x1))+x1;
printf(" quadric {QCone_X ");
if ((origin-x1) == 0)
printf("scale <%f %f %f> ", fabs(origin-x2), y2-thick, y2-thick);
printf("scale <%f %f %f> ", fabs(origin-x1), y1-thick, y1-thick);
printf("translate <%f 0 0> inverse }\n", origin);
printf(" box {<%f %f %f> <%f %f %f> }\n",minx,miny,minz,maxx,maxy,maxz);
printf(" }\n");
minx = minx*1.001; /* Adjust for bounding */
maxx = maxx*1.001;
maxy = maxy*1.001;
miny = -maxy;
maxz = maxy;
minz = miny;
printf(" bounded_by\n");
printf(" { box {<%f %f %f> <%f %f %f> } }\n",minx,miny,minz,maxx,maxy,maxz);
printf(" texture { LatheWorkTex }\n");
printf(" }\n");
double intercept(x1, y1, x2, y2)
double x1, y1, x2, y2;
double result;
return(x2 - ((x2-x1) / (y2-y1) * y2));