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GET (tm) version 2.20
Copyright (c) by Jim Hass 1990-1993
Distribute GET, PUT & INSTALL together as PUT220.ZIP
MicroFox Company
Post Office Box 447
Richfield OH 44286-0447
GET is a file decompression utility that extracts files from an archive
file created by PUT.EXE. It can also display the contents of a PUT file.
USAGE: GET [drive:\directory][\file[.PUT]] [drive:\directory] [QUIET]
All command line parameters are optional. The first parameter is the name
of the input PUT (archive) file. By default the file will have a .PUT
extension, but you can specify any extension needed. The second command
line parameter is the drive and directory where the extracted files will
be stored. If QUIET is specified no confirmation messages will display.
This example will extract and decompress all files in the
C:\INPUT\COMPRESS.PUT archive file to the C:\OUTPUT directory.
This example will extract and decompress all AMIPRO documents
that were compressed by PUT.EXE to the C:\WINDOWS\AMIPRO\DOCS
directory from A:\BACKUP.AMI without asking for confirmation.
This example will extract and decompress all files in the
\WORK\ARCHIVE.PUT file to the same \WORK directory.
If you do not specify the second parameter, GET.EXE will popup a list of
drives and directories to choose from. After selecting a directory, all
files in the specified PUT file will be extracted to that directory.
This example will popup a list of directories. Use the keyboard
or mouse to scroll through the list and pick the one you want.
All the files in the B:\SAVEFILE.PUT archive will be decompressed
and extracted into the choosen directory.
You can run GET without any parameters. In this case the first popup list
will be of drives, directories, and *.PUT files. Press <Enter> on a PUT
file to choose it, press <F8> on a PUT file to display its contents, press
<F4> at any time to choose a different disk drive, press <Enter> on a
directory name to go to that directory. As a short cut, you can press
the first letter of any entry to highlight it. Pressing the same letter
again will go to the next entry beginning with that letter. To display
a list of PUT files that have an extension other than .PUT, enter the
mask on the command line, like this: GET C:\PUTFILES\*.SAV
After choosing an input PUT file, GET.EXE will popup a list of drives and
directories where the extracted files will be stored. The window will
first display a list of disk drives. Choose a drive letter to display
it's directories. To go to a subdirectory, parent directory, or the root
directory, highlight it, then press the <Enter> key or simply click on the
entry with a mouse. You can highlight entries by using the cursor keys, by
clicking the mouse on the up or down arrow heads, or by pressing the first
letter of the entry you want. To choose a directory, press <Enter> on the
"Use this Dir" entry or press <F2> while the directory is highlighted.
Press <F4> at any time to choose a different disk drive. When the choice
of output directories is made, all files in the input PUT file will be
decompressed and extracted to it.
GET.EXE and the MicroFox Install Program use compressed
files archived by PUT.EXE. GET, PUT and INSTALL were
written by Jim Hass of MicroFox Company.
This program is produced by a member of the Association
of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure
that the shareware principle works for you. If you are
unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP
member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able
to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute
or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide
technical support for members' products. Please write to
the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-
9427 or send a Compuserve message via CompuServe Mail to
ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
Jim Hass is also a member of:
STAR (Shareware Trade Association and Resources)
ASAD (Association of Shareware Authors and Distributors)
Send electronic mail to CompuServe 73057,3113
or Write to:
MicroFox Company
P.O. Box 447
Richfield OH 44286-0447
GET/PUT/INSTALL Registration & Order Form
MicroFox Company Date __________________________
Post Office Box 447
Richfield OH 44286-0447 Telephone Orders (216) 659-9489
U.S.A. CompuServe Mail: 73057,3113
GET/PUT/INSTALL Registration: $19 U.S. Quantity ______ Amount __________
Multi-User Licenses: (circle one)
10-User 100-User 500-User 1000-User Unlimited Amount __________
$80 U.S. $260 U.S. $440 U.S. $620 U.S. $800 U.S.
Please include Shipping Charges: $2 USA, $3 Canada, $5 Others __________
Subtotal __________
Ohio residents add 6.25% Sales Tax __________
TOTAL __________
VISA or MasterCard (EuroCard/Access) Number _______ _______ _______ _______
Expiration Date ________ Signature _______________________________________
Name ___________________________________________ Phone ____________________
Address ___________________________________________________________________
NOTE 1. Remember to include shipping charges on all orders.
2. Ohio residents, add the state sales tax to the total amount.
3. If paying by credit card, specify the expiration date and sign it.
4. if paying by check, make it payable to MicroFox Company.
USA or Canada: Make checks in U.S. Dollars or equivalent Canadian
Dollars. Other countries: make cheques in your own currency equal
to the U.S. amount. Do -NOT- send cheques in U.S. Dollars if they
not drawn on a U.S. or Canadian bank.
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