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An Integrated Authoring System
For Hypertext Writers
- User's Guide -
* Part I *
Copyright 1993 Hyperion Softword
(Version 1.64)
Orpheus is two programs: the Orpheus Author (OH.EXE), a program for
creating electronic books and online documentation; and the Orpheus
Reader (OHREAD.EXE), a program for end-users, to be distributed with such
works in their compiled form.
Orpheus makes you a master of hypertext; it gives you the freedom to
explore the multiple dimensions of your subject while bringing them
within easy access of your readers; it gives you the flexibility to
experiment, to revise and restructure at will; it gives you the power to
compose spontaneously in an electronic galaxy, then to release the worlds
you have created so that others may experience them.
Orpheus is SHAREWARE. This means that you are welcome to evaluate the
authoring program for up to 30 days. If you wish to use the system after
that period you must pay the registration fee of $49. For more
information see Chapter 7, or print and fill out the REGISTER.DOC file
and send it with your payment to:
Hyperion Softword
535 Duvernay
Sherbrooke, QC
Canada J1L 1Y8
819-566-6296 (voice)
Special thanks to:
- Daniel Coulombe, SYSOP of Synapse BBS, the official Home of Orpheus!
(See the README file for phone numbers.)
- Lynn Hildre of Alaska EPAC, for her dedication to excellence and
unerring ability to find bugs in the woodwork.
Orpheus Author uses the SPAWNO routines by Ralf Brown to minimize memory
use while shelling to DOS and running other programs.
Keystrokes are indicated by <> brackets; for example, <F1> means press and
release the F1 key, <H> means press and release the "h" key. Combination
keystrokes are hyphenated; for example, <Alt-F> means press and hold down
the Alt key, then press the "f" key, then release both keys.
The term "Orpheus" is generally used in reference to OH.EXE, the authoring
program which is the heart of the Orpheus system. Occasionally it refers
to the system as a whole, which includes OHREAD.EXE and both programs'
help and utility files.
Trademarks are the property of their respective holders.
Chapter 1 - Getting Started ......................................... 5
Quickstart ......................................................... 5
How To Use This Manual ............................................. 5
System Requirements ................................................ 6
Installation ....................................................... 6
Getting Help ....................................................... 7
Is Orpheus For You? ................................................ 7
Chapter 2 - The Orpheus Environment ................................. 9
Windows ............................................................ 9
Workspace .......................................................... 9
Statusbar .......................................................... 10
Using Menus ........................................................ 12
Using Help ......................................................... 13
Mouse Interface .................................................... 13
Chapter 3 - Tutorial : Making Hypertext ............................. 16
Starting With a Homecard ........................................... 16
What's Going To Happen ............................................. 17
Opening Some Doors ................................................. 18
Is Your Data Safe? ................................................. 19
Navigating Hypertext ............................................... 19
Windows & Navigation ............................................... 20
Windows & Editing .................................................. 20
One Step "More" .................................................... 21
Behind The Scenes .................................................. 22
When We Return ..................................................... 23
Chapter 4 - Tutorial : Flexible Hypertext ........................... 25
Importing Text ..................................................... 25
Moving Links ....................................................... 27
Splitting .......................................................... 28
Designating Home ................................................... 28
Crosslinks & Retrace ............................................... 29
Resizing Linkwords ................................................. 31
Changing Link Types ................................................ 32
Unlinking .......................................................... 33
Recovering ......................................................... 33
Chapter 5 - Tutorial : Completing a Project ......................... 35
Sweating The Details ............................................... 35
Copyright ...................................................... 35
Cardlength ..................................................... 36
Full Title ..................................................... 36
Include Notes .................................................. 36
Your Colors .................................................... 36
Graphic Titlebar ............................................... 37
Check the "More" Corner ........................................ 37
Check the Frame ................................................ 37
"Check Card" Command ........................................... 37
Check Linkwords ................................................ 38
Use Tour Mode .................................................. 38
Build an Index ................................................. 39
Compiling Your Project ............................................. 39
Distributing Your Work ............................................. 40
The Orpheus Reader ................................................. 43
Cleaning Up ........................................................ 44
Chapter 6 - Shareware : Registering Orpheus ......................... 45
Licence ............................................................ 45
What You Get When You Register ..................................... 45
Site Licencing ..................................................... 46
Sharing Orpheus .................................................... 47
A Note to Pioneers ................................................. 47
Chapter 7 - Orpheus Utilities ....................................... 48
REGIT.EXE .......................................................... 48
SNAPSHOT.EXE ....................................................... 50
FGILIB.EXE ......................................................... 52
Appendix A - Orpheus and Other Software ............................. 55
Disk Caches ........................................................ 55
Desqview ........................................................... 55
Appendix B - Using Orpheus on a Network ............................. 56
Appendix C - Using the "ORPHEUS" Environment Variable ............... 57
Appendix D - Format of An Uncompiled Card ........................... 58
Structure of a Card ................................................ 58
Number Systems ..................................................... 58
The Filename ....................................................... 59
Header and Link Codes .............................................. 60
The Header ......................................................... 61
Linkwords .......................................................... 62
Topics in this chapter: Quickstart
How To Use This Manual
System Requirements
Getting Help
Is Orpheus For You?
If you're the intrepid explorer type who never reads manuals, go ahead
and fire up the authoring program (OH.EXE). Everything you need to know
is in the menus and online Help. Browse them both, experiment, have fun.
For an explanation of any menu item, click on it with the right mouse
button or place the selection bar on it and press <F1>. To make sure you
get off on the right foot, I would strongly suggest you read Chapter 3,
the tutorial on making hypertext the Orpheus way.
How To Use This Manual
This manual is a supplement to the online Help in Orpheus Author
(OH.EXE). Use it to find out what Orpheus is all about, to get set up,
to take your first few steps on the path of hypertext authoring. Bear in
mind however that the most detailed information on Orpheus is in the
program itself, in online Help, which you can open at any time by pressing
<F1>. With the exception of information on programming hypertext, this
manual tells you only a fraction of what you will learn through the Help
system. (See Part II, MANUAL2.DOC, for information on programming.)
To print out this manual, set your printer to 6 lines per inch, 10
characters per inch, and use the following command at the DOS prompt:
Then do the same with MANUAL2.DOC. Alternately you can load the files
into your favorite word processor and print them from there. There are
59 lines per page, with the last line of text at line 55.
An alternative to printing out the manual is to read it in a special
Orpheus window called FileView. To do this, start the authoring program
by giving the "OH" command at the DOS prompt. Press <Alt-V> to switch to
the FileView window, and type in the name of this manual, "MANUAL1.DOC".
Then press <Enter>. Once the file is loaded, you can switch back and
forth between FileView and the current Edit window by pressing <Alt-V>.
System Requirements
Orpheus Author (OH.EXE) requires 480K of RAM, DOS 3.2 or higher, and a
hard disk. You do not need a graphics display card unless you wish to
link graphics into your work.
The Orpheus Reader (OHREAD.EXE) requires 256K of RAM and DOS 3.2 or
higher; a hard disk is NOT required. A graphics display card is only
needed to view whatever graphics (if any) may be included in a work.
Both programs should run on any XT- or AT-compatible computer. Both
support the use of a Microsoft-compatible mouse, but a mouse is not
required except in OH.EXE, and only for making hotspots in graphics or
ansi screens.
Orpheus should be installed in its own subdirectory on your hard
disk. An example would be "C:\ORPHEUS", but the name of the subdirectory
is up to you. Copy all of the files on your distribution disks into
this subdirectory.
Orpheus requires that the DOS "Files" variable be set to at least
15. Look in your CONFIG.SYS file (in the root directory of your hard
disk) for the line beginning "FILES=". Make sure that the number given
is at least 15. If you don't have a CONFIG.SYS file you will need to
create one; consult your DOS manual, or type in the following lines at the
DOS prompt (leaving out the comments at the right, which begin with ";"):
c: ; If in another drive.
cd\ ;
copy con config.sys ; Tells DOS to create CONFIG.SYS file.
FILES=15 ; Our setting.
^Z ; DON'T TYPE THIS! Instead, press
; the F6 key, which inserts "^Z",
; then press <Enter>.
If you have changed or created your CONFIG.SYS file you must now reboot
the computer for the new setting to take effect.
Once Orpheus is installed you can work with it in other drives or
directories, if you wish, provided you either specify a path on the
command line or include the Orpheus directory in the PATH environment
string given in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. If you don't have an AUTOEXEC.BAT
file, consult your DOS manual. Files that must be in the same location
as OH.EXE include OH.HLP (the Help file) and (if you are a registered
user) REGIT.EXE. Orpheus also creates and looks for OH.CFG (your
configuration file) in that location.
Getting Help
If you get stuck or need something explained, the FIRST thing to do
is to explore online Help. In just about all situations, pressing <F1>
calls up context-sensitive Help with an explanation of exactly what you
need to do or to know. Every item on every menu has a Help text which
you can access by clicking on the item with the right mouse button, or by
moving the selection bar to it and pressing <F1>. The main menu in Help
gives you access to every topic connected with the program.
If you're still stuck, the SECOND thing to do is to read this manual,
assuming that you need a tutorial or more information on programming.
If you're still stuck after that, or if you have encountered a bug or run
into other difficulties, please DO contact me (Rod Willmot) at Hyperion
Softword. There are three ways to reach me: by voice, by modem, and by
mail. (1) Call 1-819-566-6296, anytime between 11:30 a.m. and 11:30 p.m.,
Eastern Time (generally 7 days a week). I can help best if your
computer is up and running with Orpheus loaded.
(2) If you have a modem there are several ways you can reach me, as
detailed in the README file included with the shareware version, or
on the "Orpheus Support" sheet if you are a registered user. This
method is inexpensive and relatively fast, with the turnaround time
being 24 hours in some cases, a few days at most.
(3) Write to me at Hyperion Softword, 535 Duvernay, Sherbrooke, QC,
Canada J1L 1Y8. This is a good way to discuss ideas you may have;
it is *not* a good way to get help because the turnaround time for
me to hear from you and reply is simply too long.
Is Orpheus For You?
What do you, as a hypertext writer, care about most? Do you want
your reader to connect with your work -- to find it attractive, easy to
access, rewarding to use? Do you want to compose spontaneously in
hypertext, to follow your inspiration without having to worry about
filenames and codes? Do you want to transform conventional text into
something truly different -- a place where the reader can move at will,
swiftly and easily finding whatever he needs? Do you see the computer
screen as a whole new medium of communication, one as different from the
printed page as books from the spoken word?
If any or all of the above are true, Orpheus is for you. The kind of
person Orpheus is NOT for is the one who is determined to use the computer
as nothing but a glorified typewriter. Contentedly captive in the Age of
Print, this person sees the computer screen as a shrunken viewport on a
would-be page. When he thinks of publishing he thinks of paper. When he
thinks of hypertext he thinks of scattered files that he would like to
link together, harum-scarum, like newspaper columns recycled into a book.
In Orpheus, the unit of communication is the screen, and the unit of
composition is the hypertext card, which in compiled form is the size of
the screen. From the reader's point of view, this means that instead of
opening files and scrolling through them from beginning to end, you move
from screen to screen through a hypertext network. From the author's
point of view, it means that for the most part you never even think about
files: you extend your growing document by opening "doors", which Orpheus
automatically links to new cards. You can navigate effortlessly through a
vast work in progress, using simple directional keystrokes on the number
keypad, or by pointing and clicking with the mouse.
Most hypertext systems remain true to the conventions of printed text,
which we can sum up in one word: linearity. An example of linearity is
the idea that a story should be told along a straight line from beginning
to end. Occasionally a certain linear extension is appropriate to part of
a story or exposition. Usually though, linearity is just a habit, the
result of centuries of conditioning by the physical obligation to put one
thing after another: spoken words strung out on the thread of Time...
calligraphy on a scroll... pages typed, retyped, and printed, sewn into
place in a heavy tome. Hypertext dissolves that conditioning, letting
your words and ideas blossom into their natural multiple dimensions:
instead of a string, a galaxy; instead of a scroll, a palace of countless
interconnecting rooms and halls; instead of a tome of tedious chapters, a
garden unfolding in all directions.
It comes down to this: other hypertext systems *expect* you to
scroll, because they deal in files; Orpheus eliminates scrolling from the
equation. Here's where some writers get hot under the collar. Yes, it
does take a little more work to write well for the screen, to express your
ideas and information in chunks of 24 or 25 lines. But think about your
reader: with scrolling hypertext, he never knows if an important keyword
is just offscreen. He loses track of where he's been, can't recall whether
such-and-such a topic was in the current file (scrolled out of sight) or
in another link. With non-scrolling hypertext, the reader sees at a
glance what paths there are to take, can explore and return and explore
again, swiftly and easily, without ever getting lost. Additionally, the
visual orientation of non-scrolling hypertext encourages you, the author,
to design more readable screens. It encourages you to express yourself
more succinctly -- to notice the repetitions and verbosity, trim them, and
put punch into your writing.
Naturally, sometimes you do want several paragraphs to follow each
other in a straight line, and as a matter of fact Orpheus lets you
accomplish that quite handily. Using the "More" link type (created
through the Split command on the Link Menu), you can connect as many
linear elements as you wish. The effect is like a simple <PgDn> -- you
just flip down a screenful at a time instead of scrolling.
Is Orpheus for you? Are you wondering whether you'll be able to write
in screen-sized chunks? To make it simpler, throughout the authoring
phase every linked card has a 50-line workspace, which you *can* scroll.
And of course Orpheus lets you import text from external files. As you
are about to discover, OH.EXE's Integrated Development Environment comes
packed with features that make hypertext authoring both easier and more
exciting than you ever thought it could be.
Topics in this chapter: Windows
Using Menus
Using Help
Mouse Interface
Orpheus Author is the first Integrated Development Environment for
creating hypertext documents. Everything you need to compose, modify, and
enhance your hypertext is right at your fingertips. Best of all, this
environment lets you see your work exactly as your readers will see it
when you compile and distribute it with the Orpheus Reader.
Orpheus provides four Edit windows, plus a fifth window called
FileView for reading and importing external text files. The Edit windows
are for writing hypertext and for navigating through your work in
progress. Each Edit window has a 50-line workspace -- the number of
lines in an uncompiled hypertext card. Normally the Edit windows are
loaded with cards from different branches of your project; this lets you
keep tabs on up to four different "growing points" of your work. Orpheus
saves your window configuration when you quit the program; the next time
you load that project, each Edit window will have the same contents as
when you exited. For more on Windows in Orpheus, check out the Window
Menu and read online Help.
When you start up Orpheus the first time, what you see is a mostly
blank screen with the Orpheus Statusbar on the top line. Actually, you
are looking at an empty hypertext card. Like an index card, a card in
Orpheus has a certain height and width; it does not go on forever. If
you press the <Down> arrow and keep your eye on the line counter (towards
the right of the Statusbar), you'll notice that the cursor goes as far as
line 50. This is your workspace in every card in Orpheus: 50 lines, the
width of the screen.
However, although your workspace is 50 lines per card, the eventual
length of your cards in compiled form will be either 24 or 25 lines,
depending on whether or not you want your finished work to be presented
with a Titlebar. Why so few? Orpheus takes a screen-oriented approach
to hypertext: instead of stringing together long text files and making
the reader scroll through them, Orpheus encourages you to develop true
electronic documents in which the reader moves from screen to screen,
with the openings to new paths always clearly visible.
From the moment you begin writing in Orpheus, think about what you
want your readers to see: not just what you want to say to them, but the
visual impressions you want them to have as they move through your work.
Like a well-designed book, a carefully-prepared network of hypertext
cards conveys information much more effectively, and is certainly more
pleasant to read, than a presentation that merely fills the screen with
unformatted text.
Use the lower half of your workspace for the "overflow" as you develop
your text. If the overflow becomes suitable for a card of its own, open
the Link Menu and select "Split" to create a new card for it.
A variety of messages and symbols appear on the Statusbar to keep
you informed of where you are and what you are doing; some of them can
be used with the mouse to switch windows, toggle edit modes, or navigate
hypertext. Through the Options Menu you can set the Statusbar to appear
on either the top or bottom line of the screen. The illustration below
represents all of the items that might appear:
Esc:Menu |1 2 3 4 V| Push Marking =Bookname= Init More iwS [32] * | < | U | >
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
(1) Reading from left to right, the first item reminds you how to open the
menu system. Note that you can open the menus even faster using the Alt
key in combination with the first letter of the menu's name; for example,
<Alt-L> opens the menu system and pulls down the Link Menu. You can also
open the menu system by clicking on "Esc:Menu" with the left mouse button.
(2) Next is the list of windows, "1 2 3 4 V". Windows 1 to 4 are Edit
Windows, for writing hypertext; window V is the FileView window, for
read-only access to external text files. The fast way to switch to any
particular window is to use the Alt key in combination with the window
name; for example, <Alt-2> switches to window 2, while <Alt-V> switches to
the FileView window. <Ctrl-V> switches you between the current Edit
window and the last one used. See the Window Menu for more information.
(3) Indicating your current editing mode, "Push" is for Pushright (new
text pushes text at the cursor to the right), "Over" for Overwrite (new
text overwrites text at the cursor). To switch from one mode to the
other, open the Options Menu or press <F10>.
(4) Next comes a message area that is normally blank. The illustration
displays the "Marking" message, which would appear if you were marking a
block of text. When you mark a block in one window and then switch to
another window, the message area says "Import" to remind you that using
the Paste Command (from the Edit Menu) will import the marked block into
the current window. When marking in line mode the message is capitalized;
in column mode the message is followed by the letter "C".
(5) This is the filename of your Homecard, which Orpheus uses as the short
name for your book. When you are actually in the Homecard the name is
capitalized and in quotation marks: "BOOKNAME"; when you are in other
card you see it in the form illustrated, ≡Bookname≡. Though the name
of the Homecard is limited to 8 letters without an extension, Orpheus
provides an area for you to enter a proper title of up to 32 characters;
this will appear on the titlebar of the Orpheus Reader when your work is
compiled. (Select "Full Title" on the Project Menu.)
(6) The "Init" flag appears when the current card has an Init link. An
Init is a link to a special card containing only programming commands
instead of text for display. The Orpheus Reader detects and processes
Inits automatically. To jump to an Init within OH.EXE, click on the flag
with the left mouse button, or open the Link Menu and select "Edit Init".
(7) The "More" flag appears when the current card has a More link. This
is a hypertext link much like a Door or Note, but attached to the card as
a whole rather than to a linkword. A More link is a link to the "next"
card; it's a way of saying, "Select me to see what comes right after the
last line on this card." When your work is compiled and displayed in the
Orpheus Reader, More links are shown by the symbol "=More=" appearing in
the lower right corner of the screen; the user can select or click on
this as he would a linkword. (Why does the "More" flag appear on the
statusbar in OH.EXE, rather than in the lower right corner where it
belongs? To keep it out of the way while you're editing.)
(8) The "iws" cluster signals the state of three edit modes: AutoInsert,
Wordwrap/AutoReformat, and AutoSave. When an option is off its letter
appears in lowercase; when on, in uppercase. The middle symbol is a bit
special, however: as you would expect, it's a "w" when Wordwrap is turned
off, a "W" when it is turned on; but when AutoReformat is selected it's
an "R", except when you are in a card that you have "Locked" to prevent
accidental formatting -- in which case it's a bright "L". All of these
options are set through the Options Menu.
(9) Square brackets on either side of the line number indicate that you
have set a temporary left or right margin. Pressing <Ctrl-[> sets a
temporary left margin at the cursor position; the same keystroke cancels
the tempory margin.
(10) Indicates the line on which the cursor is positioned, from 1 to 50.
(11) A bright "*" appears when the current card has changed since you last
saved it to disk. Press <F2> to save, and it disappears.
(12) The right of the statusbar is occupied by a trio of navigational
commands for use with the mouse. The illustration represents them as
"<", "U", and ">", since the symbols used onscreen wouldn't come out on
your printer. Using the left mouse button, clicking on the command at
the left jumps you to the Homecard; clicking on the command at the right
jumps you to the parent of the current card; and clicking on the command
in the middle jumps you to the previous card visited, letting you retrace
up to 50 moves in any direction.
I mentioned earlier that Orpheus lets you choose between a cardlength
of 24 or 25 lines, as it will appear when your work is compiled and
displayed in the Orpheus Reader. (The default cardlength is 24 lines;
to change this, open the Project Menu and select "Cardlength".) Since the
standard screen has 25 lines, 24-line cards leave room for the Orpheus
Reader's Titlebar, while 25-line cards do not. When the Reader detects
a book that uses 25-line cards, it automatically displays a message
telling the user how to pop up the Titlebar and open the menu system; it
then gives over the entire screen to your hypertext cards. In OH.EXE the
statusbar is always displayed regardless of cardlength, so there is a
special command to let you view a 25-line card as it would appear in the
Reader. <Alt-C>, the "Check Card" command on the Tools Menu, also
shows other details such as the true location of the =More= flag.
Using Menus
Orpheus Author is a feature-rich program that new users may find a
little complex. Fortunately, the menu system makes it easy to find your
way around and quickly become an expert. The BEST way to learn Orpheus is
to browse the menus while taking advantage of online Help. For an
explanation of any menu item, place the selection bar on it and press
<F1>, or click on it with the right mouse button.
Pressing <Esc> opens the menu system and automatically pulls down the
File Menu or the last menu opened. Once you are familiar with Orpheus
you'll skip that step and pull down exactly the menu you want using the
Alt-key method. For example, <Alt-F> opens the File Menu, and <Alt-L>
opens the Link Menu. The only exception is when you are in the FileView
window, where <Esc> is required to open the special FileView menu.
Once the menu system is open, you can change menus with the left/right
arrow keys; for example, if the File Menu is open, press the right arrow
to open the Edit Menu. To select an item on a menu, move the selection
bar to it (using the up/down arrow keys) and press <Enter>. Alternately,
just press that item's hilited letter, or click on it with the left
mouse button.
Some menu items lead to submenus; for example, on the File Menu
selecting "Print" leads to a submenu of print-related actions, including
"Set Print Options", which leads to a further submenu. Many menu items
allow you to set options or even enter text. Notice that some option-type
items use square brackets [] while others use parentheses (). When
square brackets are used it means that you can select that option in
combination with other options; when parentheses are used it means that
selecting one option turns off another option. For example, on the first
Print submenu parentheses are used for the mutually exclusive options of
printing to the printer or to a disk file. On the second Print submenu
square brackets are used for the various dimensions you may want to set,
such as margins.
With a submenu open, press <Esc> to back up to the previous menu
level. With no submenu open, <Esc> closes the menu system. See the
topic on "Using the Mouse" in online Help.
While the menu system makes Orpheus easy to learn, keyboard
accelerators let you bypass the menu as you quickly become an expert.
Practically all accelerators are indicated on the menus, with the
remainder (for cursor control and so on) listed in online Help under
topics linked to "Using the Keyboard".
Using Help
As mentioned above, Help is available on any menu item. It is also
available in any dialog -- indeed, any situation whatever -- by pressing
<F1> or even just <H> (dialogs only). You can also return to the previous
help-topic by pressing <Alt-F1>. For example, suppose you want to draw a
diagram using the Boxdraw feature, and aren't quite sure which keys to
use. Open the Tools Menu and select Boxdraw, then press <F1> for help.
When you've learned enough to begin drawing, press <Esc> to close Help.
Now at any time while drawing you can press <Alt-F1> and Help will return
with the precise instructions you were last looking at.
Many Help topics include hypertext links connected to other topics.
The presence of such a link is indicated by a hilited word or phrase, or
one that already has the selection bar on it. Use the Up/Down arrow keys
to move the selection bar to other linkwords; press <Right arrow> to jump
through the selected linkword; press <Left arrow> (or <B> for Back) to
retrace your steps. The Up/Down arrows keys also scroll the text, and you
can page through a topic with PgUp/PgDn. Press <Home> or <End> to jump to
the beginning or end of a topic.
The Orpheus Reader is much less complex than Orpheus Author, but it
uses the same Help system (with different texts).
Mouse Interface
When you begin an Orpheus session the mouse pointer is set on the far
left of the Statusbar. In Edit windows the mouse pointer disappears
automatically when you start typing, but reappears if you move the mouse.
Click the left button on one of the symbols from the "1 2 3 4 V" cluster
on the Statusbar. Numbers 1 to 4 are for the Edit windows, while V is
for the FileView window.
To open the menu system, click the left button on the words "Esc:Menu" on
the statusbar. Click the left button on a menu item to select it; click
on the selected item to activate it -- like pressing <Enter>. For
context-sensitive Help, click the *right* button on any menu item. To
close the current menu, click either button outside the borders of the
Most dialogs include command buttons enclosed in angle brackets, such as
< Help > or < Cancel >. Click the left button on any such command to
perform it. Many dialogs also include commands on their window border;
for example, the Help window displays " Help Exit Back " on its border;
you can click on any border command just as you would a command in angle
brackets. Click the right button to close a dialog, or click on "Exit".
To scroll text in the Help window, or to see the rest of a file list,
click or hold down the left button on either the top or bottom border of
the window.
While editing, click the left button anywhere in the text area to place
the cursor there (unless there is a marked block -- see below).
Click the left button on a linkword to set the cursor there, then click
again to jump through the link. If the card has an Init or More link,
click on the prompt on the Statusbar to jump to the linked card. Return
from jumps by clicking on the command symbols on the right of the
Statusbar: on "<" to jump to the Homecard, on "U" to retrace your steps in
all directions, on ">" to jump to the parent of the current card.
There are three marking modes (stream, line, column), all of which you can
use while marking with the mouse. There are also three actions (move,
copy, frame) which you can perform with a single mouse-click instead of
through the menus. The right button is for marking/unmarking, the left
button for actions. To determine the current mark-mode and block-action,
slip the mouse pointer into the message area on the statusbar (this is a
normally blank space to the left of the title). You will see the prompt
"(Strm - Move)". This means that marking with the mouse would occur in
stream mode, and that clicking the left button with a block marked would
move the block to the location of the pointer. Click on the left side of
the dash to rotate through stream, line, and column modes. Click on the
right side to rotate through move, copy, and frame actions. To close this
mini-dialog, move the pointer off the statusbar.
To mark a block, move the mouse pointer to the beginning of the area
to mark, then press and hold down the right button and drag the pointer to
the end of the area to mark. Marking is in the current mark-mode as
explained above. To complete the mark, release the right button. To
unmark a block, *click* the right mouse button. When a block is marked,
clicking the *left* button performs the current action as described above.
If the action is move or copy, the result takes place at the location of
the mouse pointer. If the action is frame, it takes place at the marked
block. Framing is ONLY performed if the block was marked in column mode;
moreover, if the current mode is column and the current action is frame,
the Frame Dialog pops up automatically when marking is completed.
The FileView window places all of its commands on a command bar at the
bottom of the screen. You can click the left button on these commands or
press the indicated key. "AutoMark" marks all 23 lines of visible text;
"Search" opens the Search Dialog; "Open" lets you load a new file; "Close"
ends the FileView session, closing the file and releasing memory; "Top"
and "End" jump to the beginning or end of the file. The large up/down
pointers scroll by 23-line chunks (like pressing PgUp/PgDn), while the
arrow pointers scroll by line after moving the cursor (like pressing
Up/Down). Finally, "Return" switches you back to the current Edit window
while leaving FileView open.
To mark a block: with the mouse pointer on the line at which you wish to
begin the block, press and hold down the right mouse button; move the
pointer to the line ending the block; then release the button. Click on
"Return" to switch back to the current Edit window, then move the pointer
to the line where you wish to insert the block and click the left button.
(For more information, press <F1> while in FileView and select
"Mark/Unmark".) If you are importing a long text as a series of More
links, AutoMark/AutoMORE is the speediest method. When a block has been
AutoMarked, you can use AutoMORE to append a More link to the card in the
current Edit window and automatically copy the marked block to the new
blank card. Before using this technique, make sure that the card in the
current Edit window is the one you wish to use for this. Back in FileView
select "AutoMark" to mark all 23 visible lines. You can resize the block
with the up/down arrows (to reduce it) and the large up/down pointers (to
restore part that was reduced). Notice that the "AutoMark" has become
"AutoMORE"; click on the command now, and Orpheus adds a More link to the
current card and copies the marked block into the newly created card.
You can toggle edit modes by clicking on the associated prompt or symbol
on the Statusbar. For example, to switch from Pushright to Overwrite
mode, click on the "Push" or "Over" flag on the Statusbar. Three other
modes -- AutoInsert, Wordwrap/ AutoReformat, and AutoSave -- are indicated
in the "IWS" cluster to the right of the title area, and you can toggle
them with a mouse-click too.
When doing a "Replace All (Confirm Each)" operation, click the left
button on the found text to replace it, or anywhere else to skip that
instance. Click the right button to cancel the operation.
Topics in this chapter: Starting With a Homecard
What's Going To Happen
Opening Some Doors
Is Your Data Safe?
Navigating Hypertext
Windows & Navigation
Windows & Editing
One Step "More"
Behind The Scenes
When We Return...
In this chapter we'll do a practice run at making hypertext in
Orpheus. You'll find out how to open links, how Orpheus keeps your book
together, and how it uses multiple Edit windows to give you four-point
access to your work. At the end of the chapter we'll leave the results
intact so that you can expand on them in the next tutorial.
Starting With a Homecard
We'll assume that you have installed Orpheus as described in Chapter
1, in a directory of its own on your hard drive, and that now you are in
that directory looking at the DOS prompt. To start, type the command
below at the DOS prompt, then press <Enter>:
When Orpheus loads you'll see the title "Test" in the middle of the
statusbar, with the rest of the screen being an empty card. After we type
in a few words and open our first link, this card will become a Homecard,
the starting point for an electronic book. Every book made in Orpheus has
one Homecard, which resides as a file in your working directory.
Homecards are the only files whose names you create yourself. When you
start making links, Orpheus creates the linked cards for you, naming them
automatically and storing them in a subdirectory named after the Homecard.
We won't be doing anything fancy in this practice run, so let's
identify the Homecard so that you'll be sure to recognize it later on.
Press <Enter> a few times to bring the cursor down, then type:
...and here is door1 in it.
What's Going To Happen
Orpheus can be disconcerting at first if you're used to more
traditional software, so I'd like to sketch out what's going to happen as
we start making links.
In Step 1, we'll have a Homecard in window 1, with the other three Edit
windows empty:
STEP 1 Window 1 Window 2 Window 3 Window 4
+======+ empty empty empty
| Home |
In Step 2, we'll leave the Homecard in window 1, and will find ourselves
in window 2 with the first "child card". Since these are full-screen
windows you may think that your Homecard has vanished, but it hasn't. Not
only is it waiting for you in window 1, you could easily *navigate* to it
from the card in window 2. (We'll get to navigation later.)
STEP 2 Window 1 Window 2 Window 3 Window 4
====== |Up
+======+ +====+===+ empty empty
| Home | | Child1 |
+===+==+ +========+
In Step 3, we'll leave the first child card in window 2, and will go to
window 3 to make the second child card. As the diagram shows, the
Homecard in window 1 is "downlinked" to something, the card in window 2 is
"uplinked" to something and "downlinked" to something else, and the card
in window 3 is "uplinked" to something.
STEP 3 Window 1 Window 2 Window 3 Window 4
====== |Up |Up
+======+ +====+===+ +====+===+ empty
| Home | | Child1 | | Child2 |
+===+==+ +====+===+ +========+
|Dn |Dn
Finally, in Step 4 we'll end up in window 4 to make yet another card.
Trust me, you won't be losing data -- the other cards will really be safe
in the other windows, AND you will always have access to each and every
one of them in whichever window you happen to be using.
STEP 4 Window 1 Window 2 Window 3 Window 4
====== |Up |Up |Up
+======+ +====+===+ +====+===+ +====+===+
| Home | | Child1 | | Child2 | | Child3 |
+===+==+ +====+===+ +====+===+ +========+
|Dn |Dn |Dn
As you'll see, the Edit windows give you four different viewports on your
electronic book. This doesn't mean much when your book is just a handful
of cards; but when it grows into a complex hypertext network of dozens,
hundreds, even thousands of linked cards and graphics, you'll appreciate
the ability to have widely separated areas instantly available.
Opening Some Doors
All right, you're in the Homecard and have typed the lines below:
...and here is door1 in it.
Place the cursor on "door1" and press <Alt-L> to pull down the Link Menu.
Press <Enter> to select "Door", meaning a Door link. The word "door1"
will change color and a dialog will pop up; this dialog gives you the
opportunity to "resize" the linkword, meaning to extend the colored part
left or right, or to retract it. For now we'll stick to the basics, so
just press <Enter> to accept the default size for this linkword. Next a
second dialog pops up, which we'll call the "Jump now?" dialog. Again,
just press <Enter> to accept the default choice, which is to jump to the
newly created linked card in window 2.
Was that too fast? (That's the way it should be.) Look at the
diagrams above, and check out the statusbar: in the "1 2 3 4 V" cluster
the number 2 is hilited, meaning that we are now in window 2. Though
you can't see it just now, the Homecard you made is really a Homecard
with a link in it, and we have proceeded to Step 2: the blank card we're
looking at is a child card linked to the Homecard. Type in the following
to identify it:
This is Child Card 1, directly linked to the Homecard.
... and here is door2, the second linkword.
To carry on to Step 3, place the cursor on "door2" and do exactly as you
did above: press <Alt-L> to open the Link Menu, press <Enter> to select
"Door", press <Enter> to accept the default linkword size, and press
<Enter> again to accept the default jump choice (to window 3).
Now we're in window 3, and once again you may be worrying that
you've lost your data. But you haven't. Type in the following:
This is the second Child Card, and it comes from Child Card 1.
... and here is door3, the third linkword.
To carry on to Step 4, place the cursor on "door3", press <Alt-L> to open
the Link Menu, and press <Enter> three times to accept the default
choices. Finally, type in the following on the new blank card:
Believe it or not, this is the third Child Card!
Is Your Data Safe?
Time to check up on Orpheus. I've assured you that your Homecard
and the other cards you created are still in their original windows, but
now you're going to see for yourself. Press <Alt-1> to switch to window
1: there is your Homecard. Press <Alt-2> to switch to window 2: there
is Child 1. Press <Alt-3> to see window 3, and finally <Alt-4> to return
to window 4. It's all there.
This is the way to start every new project in Orpheus: let your
windows fill up, then switch to one where you want to continue working.
Each time you open a new link you'll be able to choose where to put the
newly-created card for it: when you press <Enter> in the "Jump now?"
dialog you accept the choice made by Orpheus, but to select a different
window number you simply press that number or click on it with the mouse.
Navigating Hypertext
At this point you should be in window 4, as shown in the "1 2 3 4 V"
cluster on the statusbar. And you should be looking at your "Believe it
or not" card, child 3. Now we're going to navigate WITHIN window 4 to
demonstrate that the hypertext cards you've made are truly linked
together. To keep things simple we'll just use the keyboard, but later
you'll learn to navigate with the mouse as well.
Keyboard navigation in OH.EXE is accomplished using the number keypad. If
you have an 84-key keyboard or an XT-class computer, you must turn on
NumLock in order to navigate; otherwise you'll simply move the cursor.
Place your hand on the number keypad (with NumLock ON if necessary)
and press <PgUp>. Now instead of looking at the third child card, you're
looking at its parent -- child 2. Press <PgUp> again, and you're looking
at child 1. Press <PgUp> once again and you're looking at the parent of
them all, the Homecard.
Now let's navigate downwards. You should be looking at the Homecard.
Check the cursor position: if it is not on the linkword "door1", press
the <Down> arrow on the number keypad to move it there. Now press the
<Right arrow>, and you will jump to the first child card. Press <Down>
again to put the cursor on the linkword "door2", and again press <Right
arrow>. Continue this way until you're back in the last child card.
Sum up for a moment what you've learned so far: <PgUp> jumps you
to a card's parent; <Down> moves the cursor to a linkword, as does <Up>;
and <Right arrow> jumps you to the card that is joined to the linkword at
the cursor. Again, navigation is done only on the number keypad, with
NumLock ON if you have an XT-class computer. To do things like scrolling
or moving the cursor in the normal fashion, use the middle keypad or, if
you have an XT-class computer, turn NumLock off.
Before trying some bigger jumps, let's set a bookmark at the current
location, which should still be the last child card. Using the number
keypad's End key, press <Ctrl-End> . A message will appear for a second
or two, saying "Bookmark set". Now press <Home>, and as you might expect
this jumps you to the Homecard. To return to where you were before, you
_could_ navigate down card by card, but since you've set a bookmark
there's an easier way: press <End> on the number keypad, and there you
are, back in the last child card.
Windows & Navigation
Each of the four Edit windows gives you the same navigational freedom
as you have just experienced in window 4. To prove this, press <Alt-1> to
switch to window 1, where your Homecard should be waiting. Now try the
same navigational moves: <Down> to move the cursor to the linkword,
<Right arrow> to jump through it, <PgUp> to return to the parent, and
<Home> to jump to the Homecard. Notice however that if you press <End>
nothing happens; this is because each window has its own bookmark, and you
haven't yet set a bookmark in window 1. Experiment some more by switching
to the other Edit windows and navigating up and down.
At the moment, with just 4 cards in this miniature book, the ability
to have 4 separate viewports on your work may not seem too important. But
wait till you get deeply involved in a real book, with multiple branches
and sub-branches. It's like being a world traveller with houses in Rome,
Paris, New York, and Singapore -- or rather, with ONE house whose four
doors open onto whatever parts of the world you take them to.
Windows & Editing
By now you may have noticed that you could easily end up with all four
Edit windows holding the same card. I'd like you to do this now: switch
to each window in turn and press <Home> to load it with the Homecard.
What exactly is happening here? How many copies of that card ARE there?
Does Orpheus hold 4 complete copies of the entire book in memory, one
in each window?
To answer the last question first: no, Orpheus doesn't need to hold
the entire book in memory, because every card contains the embedded data
linking it to the rest of the book. Each window holds just one card at a
time. As for how many copies of a card there may be, in MEMORY there can
be up to 4, but on DISK there is only one.
Let's demonstrate this with an experiment. I'll assume that as
instructed above, you've loaded the Homecard in all four Edit windows.
Switch now to window 2 if you're not there already, and type a few words,
anything you please. Now switch to window 3 and type something different.
Do this again in window 4, again typing something different. Notice that
each time you edit a copy of the card, a bright "*" appears on the
statusbar . This is the flag to say that the copy of the card in that
window has changed since it was last saved to disk.
To continue the experiment, switch back to window 1 and type, "This
is the copy I want to keep." Check the other windows and verify that in
each one you have a different copy of the same card, each still containing
whatever changes you made there. Finally, return to window 1 and press
<F2> to save it. NOW check the other windows and see what has happened!
When you saved the copy in window 1, Orpheus updated the other windows to
contain the same version. This is one of several ways in which Orpheus
protects you from losing your work. Here's another one: still in the
Homecard, type some gibberish to make a nice mess; we'll pretend that
you've worked on this card for hours and now it's ruined. Press <Alt-F>
to open the File Menu, then press <R> to select "Reread From Disk".
This restores your Homecard from the copy you saved.
One Step "More"
Before concluding this chapter, let's make one more link: specifically,
a "More" link. Switch to window 1 and jump to the Homecard if you are not
there already. Currently the Homecard displays a title followed by a
line of text with a linkword in it. Now, suppose you want your title
screen (the Homecard) to have JUST the title, with perhaps a nice drawing
and your name. Suppose too that you want that line of text to become a
couple of paragraphs, even a menu -- something in any case that would not
be very effective on your title screen. We're going to see how Orpheus
gives you the flexibility to change and extend your hypertext without
starting over. We'll do this by creating a new linked card and
automatically transferring the line of text, together with its linkword,
onto that card -- all in one step.
Currently we have this: And it's going to become this:
+==========+ +==========+
| Homecard | | Homecard |
| door1 | | "More" |
+====|=====+ +====|=====+
+====|=====+ +====|=====+
| Child 1 | | new card |
| door2 | | door1 |
+====|=====+ +====|=====+
| Child 1 |
| door2 |
To begin, place the cursor on the line of text with the linkword,
i.e. anywhere on "...and here is door1 in it." Now press <Alt-L> to
open the Link Menu and select "Split", because we're going to "split"
the Homecard. A submenu opens with three options: Above, Below, and
At the Cursor. Press <C> to select "At the Cursor". This tells
Orpheus not only to split the Homecard, but to take ALL text from the
cursor on down and move it to the new card along with whatever embedded
links it may contain.
You'll notice that this time there isn't a dialog asking if you wish
to resize the linkword; the reason for this will become clear in a moment.
The familiar "Jump now?" dialog does come up however, and this time I'd
like you to press <1> to ensure that you jump to the new card without
switching windows -- just so you'll know that you can do it.
What has happened? The line "...and here is door1 in it" is now in
a new card all by itself. To find out what happened to the Homecard,
press <PgUp> or <Home>. As you can see, an additional change has
occurred: not only is "THIS IS THE HOMECARD" all by itself, but there
is a "More" flag on the statusbar. As I explained in the previous
chapter, this means that the Homecard has a "More" link, which would
appear to the reader as the word "=More=" in the lower right corner.
In the Orpheus Reader the "=More=" flag works just like a linkword,
meaning that you can jump through it by clicking on it, or by moving the
selection bar to it and pressing <Right arrow>. In OH.EXE we use the
<PgDn> key for this purpose (as always, on the number keypad), or you can
click on the word "More" on the statusbar. Try this now.
Behind The Scenes
In this chapter you have seen how easy it is to make hypertext in
Orpheus. You didn't have to type in any filenames or special codes, you
didn't have to do any programming; yet somehow links got made, and
apparently something got written to disk. Orpheus frees you from having
to think about the mechanics of hypertext. Even so, you should probably
have some idea of how Orpheus manages your hypertext cards. Here's what
went on behind the scenes:
(1) When you made that first link in your Homecard, Orpheus took the
filename you gave it, "TEST", and created a *project* directory named
after it but with an underscore as the last character. If your Orpheus
directory is C:\ORPHEUS, this resulted in C:\ORPHEUS\TEST_. Orpheus then
went on to create the first *storage* directory in the project directory,
giving it the name D1 (for "directory #1"): C:\ORPHEUS\TEST_\D1.
(2) With the directories in place, Orpheus made a file for the new
blank card, giving it a name drawn from the linkword, "door1", followed by
an extension representing the number of that link. The new file, empty
except for the information linking it to the Homecard, was thus named
DOOR1.000 and written to disk in the C:\ORPHEUS\TEST_\D1 directory.
(3) Orpheus then embedded the same link number in the Homecard, added
some other data, and immediately wrote to disk the file TEST in your
working directory, C:\ORPHEUS. Note the pattern here: the Homecard is
the only file you need to "know about", and it remains in your working
directory where you can find it easily. All cards (files) linked to the
Homecard are stored off a subdirectory named after the Homecard, and you
can leave the management of them entirely up to Orpheus -- even when it
comes time to delete them (see "Erase Project" on the Project Menu). You
can have as many electronic books on the go as you wish, each one having
its Homecard in your working directory; the cards in one book never get
mixed up with the cards from another.
(4) Lastly, Orpheus wrote to disk a file called TEST.LST, the "list
file" of the Test project. Though list files are always the same size,
they are updated whenever you create or delete a card, and they help
Orpheus track up to 32,000 linked cards. With each of the other links you
made in this tutorial, Orpheus again wrote to disk the new blank card, the
card containing the link, and the updated list file.
What happens when a book gets really big? Do all those cards go into
the D1 directory? And what about when you finish a book and want to
distribute it to readers -- do THEY have to worry about a thousand
separate card files? No. When Orpheus compiles your book (see the
Project Menu) it compresses it into a small number of special files. Each
book consists of one file with the HTX extension, plus one or more
numbered data files containing your cards in compressed form. As for the
previous question, when the "D1" directory holds 100 cards Orpheus will
create a second storage directory named "D2", and so on up to D320 for a
maximum capacity of 32,000 cards per book. (Note however that books
can be linked to *other* books. See the load() command in MANUAL2.DOC.)
When We Return...
Let's end this tutorial and leave your work so that you can come back
to it later. (Even if you're gung-ho to work right through, follow these
instructions and then reload the program as described below.) To make
the project look a little more realistic, switch to the other 3 Edit
windows and make sure they all contain different cards. For example,
leave window 1 containing the Homecard, and window 2 containing the line
with "door1". I'd like you to end up in window 2 before we quit, because
there's something I want to demonstrate.
All set? Press <Alt-F> to open the File Menu, then press <X> to
quit the program. (You could also just press <Alt-F4>.) You'll notice
one final bit of disk activity, which is Orpheus saving a file named
TEST.PRJ. For each electronic book you work on, Orpheus creates a
"project" file named after the Homecard and with a ".PRJ" extension.
This file records all of your option-settings for that book, as well as
the "state" of the project when you were last in it: the contents of the
four Edit windows, and which window you were in when you quit.
When you return to your "TEST" book in the next tutorial, you will
again start up Orpheus with the name of the book at the DOS prompt:
This time, Orpheus will detect the existence of your book and will load
the four Edit windows exactly as you left them. If you were in window 2
when you quit, you'll find yourself there again when you return.
Topics in this chapter: Importing Text
Moving Links
Designating Home
Crosslinks & Retrace
Resizing Linkwords
Changing Link Types
In this chapter we'll continue with the test book begun in the
previous chapter. Load it with the same command at the DOS prompt that
you used before: "OH TEST" <Enter>. You should find yourself in the
same Edit window as the one you were in when you quit, with all windows
loaded the way you left them.
Importing Text
Orpheus makes it easy to write directly in hypertext -- but doesn't
oblige you to do so if you would rather use text from external files.
As long as your text is in plain ascii form (without special formatting
codes from a word processor) you can import it chunk by chunk into your
hypertext cards. Some word processors normally save files in the plain
text form required by Orpheus; an example is PC-Write, which only inserts
formatting codes if you tell it to, and also lets you remove them. Other
word processors normally save files in a proprietary format in which the
text is interspersed with formatting codes. The better ones allow you to
save a copy of a file without these codes, referring to this as "text",
"ascii", or "non-document" mode; an example is WordPerfect.
To view an external file in Orpheus, use the FileView window; this is
represented by the "V" in the "1 2 3 4 V" cluster on the statusbar.
FileView does not permit any editing of the files you load in it; what it
does do is let you capture chunks of text (up to 23 lines at a time) and
import them into your work.
You can open FileView through the Window Menu, but there are a couple
of faster ways: press <Alt-V>, or just click the left mouse button on
the "V" on the statusbar. Do this now to begin the tutorial. Since
nothing is loaded there yet, a dialog appears asking you to enter a
filename. If you wish, you can press <F8> to get a directory listing, or
enter "manual1.doc" -- the name of the Orpheus User's Guide. In what
follows I'll assume that this is what you're using.
When the file is loaded, experiment to see how you can scroll up and
down to read it. Since you're not in an Edit window, you can use the
keys of the number keypad if you wish. Mouse-users can click on the
symbols on the command bar at the bottom. Press <F1> for context-
sensitive help on how to use FileView.
In a moment we'll mark a block of text in MANUAL1.DOC and paste it into
one of your hypertext cards. Let's switch back to the Edit window you
were in to see if the card we want is loaded. <Alt-V> got you into
FileView and will also get you out of it, but as you can see at the
bottom of the screen, you can also press <R> or click on the "Return"
command. Back in the Edit window, are you looking at the card with the
line "and this is door1 in it"? If not, navigate to it as you learned
in the previous chapter, using the number keypad or the mouse.
Now switch back to FileView and page down to the Table of Contents,
far enough to place the topic list for Chapter 1 in the middle of the
screen. We'll pretend that this will be the Main Menu for an electronic
book. We'll mark those lines, return to the Edit window, and paste them
in. I'll show you the keyboard method first, then the mouse method; as
part of the exercise we'll find out how text marked in FileView is treated
when we paste it into an Edit window.
Notice that the cursor is at the far left of line 1. Assuming that
the lines you wish to mark are in the middle of the screen, you'll
want to move the cursor down. In FileView the up/down arrow keys do
double duty, moving the cursor as far as the top and bottom lines,
then scrolling the text.
After moving the cursor to the line beginning "Chapter 1", press <F3>
to start marking (or any other key that you would use for marking in
an Edit window). Move the cursor to the last line of the contents of
Chapter 1, and press <F3> again to finish marking.
With the mouse pointer on the line beginning "Chapter 1", press and
hold down the right mouse button to start marking. Keeping the button
depressed, drag the pointer to the last line of the contents of
Chapter 1, then release the button to finish marking.
With the marked block ready, press <R> or <Alt-V> (or click on
"Return") to return to the current Edit window. Just to demonstrate what
you can do, we'll pretend to paste the block into the middle of your line
of text. KEYBOARD METHOD: move the cursor into the middle of the line of
text, then press <F3> to paste. MOUSE METHOD: move the mouse pointer to
the middle of the line of text and click the left button to paste.
Notice that instead of being dissected by the inserted block, the line
on which you placed the cursor was simply pushed down by it. This is
because blocks marked in FileView are treated as whole lines. In other
words, FileView marking is done in "line mode", which we'll discuss in the
next chapter. Press <F2> to save.
With a little practice you'll find that by using FileView and the
techniques shown above, you can rapidly convert an ordinary file into
hypertext. An even faster method is to use the AutoMark button on the
command bar, which instantly marks all 23 lines onscreen. Use the Up/Down
arrow keys to reduce an AutoMarked block, and PgUp/PgDn to restore it.
AutoMark also lets you use AutoMORE, which is discussed in online Help.
Moving Links
The line with "door1" looks rather out of place just now, so let's
move it somewhere else. We'll pretend that after making a quick start
on our book we've had enough time to think about how it should be
organized, necessitating some changes. This isn't the best way to work,
but let's face it -- no matter how much planning you do, inevitably you'll
want to move things around. Orpheus lets you do it without hassle.
We'll pretend that "door1" is really a topic you want to discuss under
"Quickstart". This means we need to open a link off "Quickstart" and then
move the line with "door1" to it -- not just the words, but the embedded
link as well.
First, place the cursor on the word "Quickstart" and open a Door link
as you did in the previous chapter: press <Alt-L> to open the Link Menu,
press <Enter> to choose the "Door" link type, and press <Enter> again to
accept the default size for the linkword. At the "Jump now?" dialog,
select a window number *other than* the current window. When you are in
the new blank card, switch back to the window you started from. (The fast
way to do this is by pressing <Ctrl-V>.)
You should now be looking at the topic list for Chapter 1, in which
the word "Quickstart" is a linkword. Below the list is the line "and this
is door1 in it". We're going to move that line, together with its
embedded link, to the card you just created. Place the cursor anywhere on
that line and press <F7> to start marking in line mode. Without moving
the cursor, press <F7> again to finish the mark on that line. Now switch
back to the window with the new card and press <F6> to MOVE the marked
line from its original location to the new one.
Something extra happened: after you pressed <F6>, Orpheus posted a
message saying "Verifying chain of links." Then there was a bit of disk
activity. This was because your marked block contained an embedded link,
so in moving it to another card you were in effect "pruning and grafting"
-- like cutting a branch off a tree and inserting it somewhere else.
Before letting you do this Orpheus made sure that it would not break the
chain of links connecting every card to the Homecard.
Navigate up and down a few steps to verify that the link itself was
really moved. To summarize, here are some points to remember with regard
to moving embedded links: (1) both cards involved in the move must be
loaded simultaneously in separate Edit windows; (2) you can use any
marking mode; (3) it's safe: if you attempt a move that would disconnect
a branch from the Homecard, Orpheus will discover the danger and abort the
In the previous chapter we used the "Split" command on the Link Menu,
mainly in order to show you what a More link looked like. You'll recall
that we used the subcommand "Split At Cursor", which simultaneously
created a new card and moved some text to it -- our ill-treated line with
"door1" in it.
Now we'll use another variation of splitting to demonstrate the
versatility of this feature. Press <Home> or navigate up to the Homecard,
then press <PgDn> or click on "More" to jump down a step. This should
bring you to the card with the contents of Chapter 1, which is our make-
believe Main Menu for a vast electronic book. Let's pretend that you wish
you could insert something _between_ these two cards: say, an epigraph,
acknowledgements, or a copyright notice. Wish no more...
Open the Link Menu and select "Split", but this time select "Above
This Card". At each dialog press <Enter> until the process is complete,
which should leave you at the new blank card that has been created. Now
press <Alt-V> to switch to the FileView window. Page up until you find
one of the paragraphs on the first page of the manual; the one beginning
"Orpheus makes you a master of hypertext" is suitable. Mark the paragraph
as you did before, then return to the Edit window and paste it wherever
you wish with <F3> or the mouse method.
Now jump to the Homecard and work your way down, see how it feels.
The important thing here is that we've replaced the infinite linear
extensibility of conventional text with something better. You don't have
to feel cramped by the dimensions of the screen or of a card, yet you
don't have to resort to scrolling files.
Designating Home
Navigate to the card with the contents of Chapter 1. Imagine again
that this is your Menu, through which readers will pass to all the
different branches of your book. Now think of yourself as a reader,
exploring a branch all the way to the end; at some point, and this may
happen repeatedly, you'll want to jump back to the beginning in order
to set off down a different path. This means pressing <Home> of course,
which currently takes you to the Homecard. But it makes no sense to keep
jumping to the Homecard if all it has is a More link followed by another
More before you get to the menu again.
This is why Orpheus lets you designate a card other than the Homecard
to be the destination of a jump Home. Press <Alt-P> to open the Project
Menu; notice that the field opposite "Designated Home" says "None".
Select this option now, and when Orpheus asks whether you wish to use this
card as the Homecard, press <Enter> to answer Yes. From now on, whenever
you open the Project Menu the field will say "Here" when you are in the
Designated Home card, or "Yes" when you are in any other card.
To test the new setting, navigate down through all the links you can
find, then press <Home>. You should jump to the card with the contents
of Chapter 1. If you press <Home> again however you'll jump to the real
Homecard, while doing so again will take you back to Designated Home.
(Note that in the Reader, however, if there is a Designated Home card,
<Home> ONLY takes you there, and does not go to the Homecard.)
Crosslinks & Retrace
So far, all of the links you have made have had a "child" relationship
with the cards in which you made them. Whether you jumped through a
linkword or a More, pressing <PgUp> would always take you back to where
you began by following the chain of "parent" cards. Crosslinks introduce
a new factor; because they join *existing* cards, a jump through a
crosslink cannot be reversed by pressing <PgUp>. For this reason Orpheus
maintains a record of your "forward" steps -- those through linkwords as
well as More and Init links -- and allows you to retrace as many of those
steps as are in the record. On the number keypad the <Left> arrow gives
the Retrace command; its mouse equivalent in OH.EXE is the U-turn symbol
on the statusbar.
In OH.EXE there is a separate Retrace buffer in each Edit window,
each one large enough to record your last 50 steps. The Orpheus Reader
has a single Retrace buffer that records your last 100 steps. End-users
have simpler navigational requirements than authors, so the Reader makes
Retrace the normal method of backtracking. The mouse interface in the
Reader uses the right button for Retrace, with no need to click on a
special symbol.
Before we get into making a Crosslink, let's consider how Crosslinks
might affect the quality of your hypertext -- the impact they might have
on your reader. Suppose a certain topic is discussed thoroughly on one
particular card. Suppose further that you refer to that topic in passing
on many other cards. At first glance it might seem reasonable to open a
Crosslink on each of those references, so that the reader can jump from
any of them to the card where it is discussed. But let's suppose further
that you have many such topics, and that on any given card you might see a
scattering of linkwords, some pointing to unique material, others pointing
through Crosslinks to cards that the reader may have visited already.
Such hypertext quickly begins to feel like spaghetti. Where
Crosslinks are numerous you can't expect the reader to remember which ones
he has taken (and should therefore ignore) and which he has not. Every
linkword is like a doorway beckoning, "Enter here!" If the reader
repeatedly responds to the invitation, only to find himself in a place
he's been already, he will become frustrated and bored, mistrustful even
of linkwords that lead to something new.
My advice is therefore to use Crosslinks sparingly. But if they were
entirely bad they wouldn't be on the menu, so let's see how to make one
in a situation that makes sense.
Navigate from the Chapter 1 card through the "Quickstart" linkword.
Though all we see is that poor forlorn "door1" we'll pretend that this
card is yet another menu. (To make this more believable, type in
"Variations on Quickstart". Not much more believable than a paid
political advertisement, but cheaper.)
The idea here is that you've organized a large amount of information
so that the reader can find just about anything with three or four clicks
of the mouse: each item on the Main Menu leads to a submenu, which may
in turn lead to deeper submenus. Now, in the same way that it is useful
to designate the Main Menu as Home, you may find it useful to let the
reader jump from a location at the end of a branch to a particular
submenu, or the *beginning* of that branch. This is one good use for a
Crosslink -- to return quickly from the end of a branch to its beginning.
Leaving the Quickstart card where it is, switch to a different Edit
window and navigate down as far as you can go -- i.e. to a card that
is a few levels down from Quickstart but on the same branch. (As you will
see, there is a reason for doing this in another window.) Move the cursor
down to within a few lines of the bottom, then type, "Return to
Quickstart". We're going to make a Crosslink on that, and point the link
back to you know where.
Place the cursor on "Return", then open the Link Menu and select
"Crosslink". Now Orpheus asks you which window contains the OTHER card,
meaning the one to which the Crosslink should point. Notice that the
hilited window-number is that of the last window you were in, which should
be where you left the Quickstart card; press <Enter> if it is, or else the
appropriate window number. Press <Enter> again to accept the default
linkword size, thus completing the procedure. Test the Crosslink by
jumping through it. As you'll see, the only way to retrace the jump is to
press the <Left> arrow or click on the U-turn symbol on the statusbar.
I said earlier that the navigational needs of end-users are simpler
than those of authors. What I should have said is that they are
different. As an author, you need to have a clear sense of the
relationships between all the different parts of your work in progress;
your method of navigating is *structural* -- focussed on how it is all put
together. The end-user however is only concerned with how he personally
makes use of your work, and so his method of navigating is *experiential*
-- focussed on his experience of it. So whereas in OH.EXE you will
commonly jump from a child card to its parent, and know that you are doing
so, in the Reader your end-user will simply move back and forth along
whatever paths he happens to explore, with no interest in whether he is
passing through a parent-child link or through a Crosslink. In optimizing
the navigational interfaces of the two programs I have made them a little
different. This can be a little disconcerting when you switch from one to
the other, but it does provide the benefit of greater functionality in
OH.EXE and greater simplicity in the Reader.
Resizing Linkwords
Throughout these tutorials I've kept things simple by having you
accept the default options during linkmaking. This is the same approach
you'll take when ideas are coming fast and furious and you don't have time
to worry about details. Now and then however, as you go over your work
looking for areas to revise or expand on, you'll notice a detail that
deserves an extra touch: the size of a linkword. Linkwords can in fact
be "link phrases", meaning that they can include several words; the only
thing they can't do is extend to another line.
A good candidate for resizing is the Crosslink you just made.
Navigate to it now if you are not there already, and press <Down> to
place the cursor on the linkword. Now open the Link Menu and select
"Resize a Linkword". From this point on the procedure is identical to
what you would do if you chose to resize while actually creating the
original link. (By the way, though the dialog doesn't say so you can
get Help on what to do by pressing <F1>.)
In this case it would be nice to expand the linkword to the right,
so that instead of just "Return" it would be "Return to Quickstart".
Before doing this however, there is an important point to consider
regarding colors. Color attributes consist of both a foreground and a
background. If the background attribute of a link color is DIFFERENT
from the background of normal text, a space is plainly visible; but if
the two backgrounds are IDENTICAL, a space in "link color" looks the same
as one in normal text color. Keep this in mind whenever you resize a
linkword. Unless you can tell when resizing has extended to a space, it
is easy to leave the linkword lopsided. In your own color scheme you can't
see it, but hundreds of readers with other color schemes surely will!
Press <E> for "Expanding". Now press and release the <Right>
arrow key repeatedly to extend the hilite one space at a time
toward the right. If you go too far, press <S> for Shrinking and
again use the right arrow to retract from the right. (The right
arrow affects the right side of the linkword, the left arrow
affects the left side.) Press <Enter> when done.
Click the left button on the "Expanding" command. Now move the
mouse pointer away from both commands and click the right button
repeatedly to extend the hilite one space at a time to the right.
If you go too far, click on the "Shrinking" command, move the
pointer away from both commands and again use the right button to
retract from the right. (The right button affects the right side
of the linkword, the left button affects the left side.) When the
linkword is the desired sized, click on the "Enter" command.
To reduce the risk of error, consider setting your colors so that
linkwords are clearly distinct from normal text. (To change your colors,
open the Options Menu, select "Screen", then "Colors".)
Changing Link Types
Before proceeding with this part of the tutorial, you may wish to
read about the 7 different link types available in Orpheus. They are
thoroughly discussed in online Help so I will not describe them here.
(Look in Help under "About Hypertext" => "Link Types".)
With certain restrictions it is possible to change a link from one
type to another. Action, Init, Graphic links, and Crosslinks CANNOT be
changed to another type, for reasons that become apparent when you
understand what they are. This leaves Door, Note, and More links, which
CAN be changed.
The commonest motive for changing a link's type involves the
difference between Door and Note links. Doors are the "normal" link types
in Orpheus, while Notes are intended to suggest a more detailed level of
information. Another use of Notes is provided by the "Include Notes"
option on the Project Menu: if this option is turned off (so that the
field is blank), when you compile your book it will not include any trace
of Note links or of the cards descending from them. (Compilation does not
affect your working copy of the book, where the Notes are left intact.)
This lets you use Note links for your "working notes" during
composition, or more importantly, lets you release different versions of
your book. For example, suppose a client calls, wanting you to send over
a disk with your work in progress; some major bucks depend on making a
good impression, and you're confident that most of the book will do just
that. BUT, one branch near the beginning is still in rough shape, and
you'd hate for your client to see that. Solution: turn the Door link at
the top of the branch into a Note, de-select Include Notes, and recompile.
(Another method is to Unlink the branch, as discussed on the next page.)
Let's change a link type now to see how easy it is. Navigate to the
card with the unfortunate "door1" in it, and place the cursor on that
linkword. Open the Link Menu and select "Change Link Type". A dialog
pops up, in which you'll select "Linkword at Cursor". This is followed
by another dialog giving you the choice of changing it to a Door, Note,
or More link. Select "Note" in this case. That's all there is to it! If
you change your mind later you can change the link type back again.
Among the many ways you can revise your work in Orpheus, one of the
most powerful is the ability to remove a card, or even a whole branch of
cards, from your hypertext network -- and do so either temporarily or
permanently. This is called Unlinking, and it comes in two flavors
depending on the fate intended for the attached card. If you choose to
"Orphan" it the card remains on your hard disk, with a slight change to
its filename so that Orpheus can recover it for you later if need be. If
you choose to "Delete" it the card is really deleted, and even if you
retrieve the file with an Undelete utility there is no easy way to relink
it to your hypertext.
Actually there is a third flavor of Unlinking: when you unlink a
Crosslink the only change is to the linkword, which loses its embedded
link data and returns to normal text. The linked card is unaffected.
All links can be Unlinked, but not all can be deleted. As a safety
measure, Orpheus does not let you delete a card that has child links of
its own; such a card can only be orphaned. Let's try this now, and in the
next section we'll use the Recover command.
Navigate to the card with "door1" and place the cursor on the
linkword. It's time to put it out of its misery. Open the Link Menu and
select "Unlink". From the ensuing dialog, select "Linkword at Cursor".
From the next dialog, select "Orphan". That's all there is to it.
However, you may wish to revise the text to read, "Door1 is no longer in
service. Have a nice day!"
As long as an unlinked card is not deleted, you can easily recover and
relink it. If you have unlinked many cards you may wish to simply browse
them at some point to see if there are any you want back; note however
that there is no way to browse the *descendants* of an orphaned card
without first relinking it.
When you know you want to relink an orphaned card, the first thing to
do is to navigate to the card *to which* you wish to relink it -- before
opening the Recover dialog. For the next exercise we'll assume that you
are still in the card where you unlinked "door1".
Open the Link Menu and select "Recover Orphan". The Recover dialog
displays two lists: in one box, the list of storage directories for your
book, and in the other box the list of orphans found in the currently
hilited directory. At the moment only 1 directory exists, "D1", and it
should contain only 1 orphan, which is probably named "DOOR{.000". The
"{" character in the filename is what marks it as an orphan.
When there is more than one directory you can scroll through the
directories using either the keyboard or the mouse. Each time a new
directory is hilited, the file list either displays whatever orphans it
contains or indicates that none were found. To move the selection bar
into the file list, press the Right arrow key or click on the file box.
To return to the directory list, press the Left arrow key or click on the
directory box.
Since you've had a change of heart about door1, move the selection
bar into the file box to hilite that file, then press <L> to relink it
right away. A dialog appears with a choice of link types; select "Door"
to give it its old job back. Next a prompt appears on the top line,
asking you to select a linkword to anchor the link. Assuming you
followed my advice at the end of the previous exercise, move the cursor
to the word "service", then press <Enter>. (We'll be sensible and make
it a service door.) Now the familiar Resize dialog appears, and in this
case you can just press <Enter> again.
Normally you would relink an orphan to its original linkword in the
original parent card; however, nothing obliges you to do so. As a matter
of fact, relinking to a different card, perhaps in a completely different
part of your work, is an effective method of pruning and grafting when all
you want to move is the link and not the text.
Topics in this chapter: Sweating The Details
Full Title
Include Notes
Your Colors
Graphic Titlebar
Check the "More" Corner
Check the Frame
"Check Card" Command
Check Linkwords
Use Tour Mode
Build an Index
Compiling Your Project
Distributing Your Work
The Orpheus Reader
Cleaning Up
Though there remain many aspects of Orpheus that we haven't yet
touched on, it's time to look at how you can get an end product from your
labor: something that (if you are a registered user of Orpheus) you can
distribute to other people. Note that you can compile your work as often
as you want while actually writing it, if only to see what it looks like
in the Reader. The compilation process is non-destructive: your working
version remains untouched, and the compiled version is kept separate.
Sweating the Details : Copyright
I often hear young writers and programmers asking how to copyright
their work. The best method is to post a copyright notice in the work
itself. In printed books, this usually goes on the reverse of the title
page. In electronic books, put the copyright either on the title screen
or one following shortly thereafter. All it takes is the word
"Copyright", the year, and your name or that of a publisher.
"Don't you have to register it somewhere? Don't you have to get a
certificate that SAYS you have copyright?" Absolutely not. Just post the
notice, and (as long as it's your own work) you have legal copyright.
Even if you plan on giving your work away or distributing it as
shareware, I STRONGLY urge you to place a copyright notice early in your
document. This does not prohibit your readers from helping to disseminate
your work if you wish them to do so. Nor does it conflict in any way with
the copyright on the Orpheus Reader, which is held by Hyperion Softword.
If you have read the section on Workspace in Chapter 2, you know that
when you compile your work for viewing with the Orpheus Reader, only the
top 24 or 25 lines of each card are included in the finished version. The
default cardlength is 24 lines; this leaves space for the Reader's
titlebar, which displays a menu prompt, the full title of your work, and
some command buttons for navigating with the mouse. If you select a
cardlength of 25 lines, the titlebar only appears when the user presses
<Esc> or clicks the right mouse button; the rest of the time, the entire
screen is given over to your work.
To verify your cardlength setting, open the Project Menu. Selecting
"Cardlength" toggles the value between 24 and 25. This has no effect on
the appearance of your work in the Orpheus Author, except when you use the
Check Card command (discussed below).
Full Title
Filenames in DOS are so short that it can be hard to make them
informative. At first glance you might think Orpheus makes it even
harder, since the name of your Homecard is limited to a maximum of 8
characters. The Project Menu offers a solution: select "Full Title" and
enter up to 32 characters. For our demonstration book you could type in
"This Is A Little Test". This title will be displayed on the titlebar
when your work is viewed with the Orpheus Reader.
Include Notes
If you use Note links in your work, open the Project Menu and check
whether the "Include Notes" field is selected or blank. The default
setting is for it to be selected. Possible reasons to de-select it would
include: (a) your Notes are for your own use and are not intended to be
seen by the reader; or (b) you wish to make a selective compilation,
"hiding" one or more branches that begin at Note links.
Your Colors
If you want people to see your work in YOUR colors rather than in the
Orpheus Reader's default color scheme, select "Your Colors" on the Project
Menu. If you do not, make sure the field is blank. Since the Reader
still permits users to adjust the colors themselves, you don't really have
to worry about people finding your scheme illegible or hard on the eyes.
They will see your colors first, and if they don't like them they are free
to choose their own color scheme.
Graphic Titlebar
If you display graphics or ansi screens from Graphic cards, your
readers will have the option of using the Graphic titlebar for navigation
and to open the menu. Normally in Graphic cards the titlebar is hidden:
the entire screen is given over to your graphic or ansi screen. To reveal
the titlebar the reader must move the mouse pointer to the top of the
screen (or in the absence of a mouse, press Esc). If your graphics do not
have to extend to the top of the screen, and if you are concerned about
making your work as user-friendly as possible, select "Graphic Titlebar"
on the Project Menu. This will ensure that the titlebar is always visible
when the user is in a Graphic card. (Note however that this does not apply
to graphics or ansi screens displayed from Action or Init cards.)
Check the "More" Corner
If you use More links, remember that in the Orpheus Reader the More
flag appears in the lower right corner and takes up 6 characters: =More=.
In contrast, Orpheus Author displays the flag on the statusbar, which
could lull you into a false sense of security. What if you've written
text into what will be the lower right corner of a card, and there's a
More link? Keep this in mind when using the Split command or when adding
text to a card that has a More Link.
Check the Frame
If you select the Frame option on the Project Menu, which tells the
Orpheus Reader to display all text cards within a frame, you should check
your cards to see whether any text or linedraw characters appear in the
top or bottom lines, or against the left or right edges of the screen. You
CAN leave text there if you wish, "embedding" it in the frame as discussed
in online Help. This can be a desirable effect if it's what you want to
do; just make sure that anything in the frame area is there because you
want it there.
"Check Card" Command
The Check Card command (on the Tools Menu) temporarily displays your
card as it will appear in the Orpheus Reader. If the card has a More link
the =More= flag is displayed in the lower right corner. If the cardlength
setting is 24 a simulation of the Reader's titlebar replaces the
statusbar, while if it is 25 the statusbar is hidden. If a frame is
installed (see above) the chosen frame is drawn. Pressing any key
restores the normal display.
If you give the Check Card command while in a programmable card,
Orpheus attempts to perform the entire script (sequence of commands) in
that card, notifying you if it encounters any errors. Certain commands
such as jump() cannot be performed in OH.EXE, but the majority can. For
example, Check Card gives you an accurate performance of scripts involving
graphics, ansi screens, special effects, timed pauses, and music.
Check Linkwords
As mentioned in Chapter 4 under "Resizing Linkwords", if the
background color for a linkword is the same as that of ordinary text, and
if you decide to resize the linkword, you can easily make the mistake of
going too far on one side or the other -- giving the linkword an extra
space. For those of your readers who choose colors in which the
backgrounds are different, that space will be all too apparent, and your
electronic masterpiece will look sloppy. (Orpheus never includes extra
spaces when it selects the default linkword, so if you never resize your
linkwords you don't have to worry about this.)
Whether your intended readers are the general public or the co-workers
in your office, you want your work to be as sharp, effective and
professional-looking as can be. My advice is to configure your colors in
Orpheus Author so that all linkwords are set on a background distinct from
that of ordinary text.
Use Tour Mode
The Orpheus Reader provides an additional tool to help ensure that
your work comes out exactly the way you want it. After compiling your
project (see below), load it in the Reader and select "Tour" from the
Reader's File Menu. This opens the Tour Menu, which lets you set up an
automated tour of your entire book.
The most practical method is to select a Sequential tour with the
delay option of your choice. When you press "Go" the Reader starts from
the Homecard and proceeds to follow the chronological sequence in which
you created your book. When it reaches the end it starts over from the
beginning, making it easy to tell when you've seen everything.
Note that the Reader does NOT activate either Init cards or Action
cards when in Tour Mode, since these could contain commands that would
interrupt a tour. If you have used Init or Action links and wish to
inspect them, wait till the tour brings you to a card that has one, and
press <Alt-T> to leave the tour. Use the same method if you wish to
pause to identify a card that needs changes. To continue from where you
left off, open the Tour Menu and press "Go" again.
Tour Mode is designed to avoid unpleasant surprises; if it encounters
a bad link (meaning a card that it cannot find or read) it ignores it
and tries the next link. This is no help when you're proofreading, so
there is a special command you can use to tell the Reader to STOP at a
bad link. Here's what to do: with the Tour Menu open, hold down the
<Shift> key when you press "Go" to start the tour. A message will pop
up saying "Proofing On". Press any key to let the tour proceed. Now
if the Reader encounters a bad link it will stop at the card BEFORE that
link and post a message; this automatically pauses the tour as if you
had pressed <Alt-T>. Press any key to clear the message, and note the
path to the card where the tour stopped (this is so you can navigate to
it later in OH.EXE). Now open the Tour Menu, and WITHOUT holding down
<Shift> press "Go" again to continue the tour; proofing is still on, and
the Reader automatically goes to the next link after the bad one. (If
you hold down <Shift> the second time, proofing is turned off.)
Proofing with Tour Mode gives you the assurance that all of your text
and Graphic cards have been correctly compiled for viewing in the Reader.
Remember that Init and Action cards are not tested in Tour Mode, nor are
Crosslinks, so a complete proofreading must be done manually. If a
Crosslink leads to a bad link or to a different card than you intended, it
means that you orphaned or deleted that card and forgot to unlink the
Crosslink; the solution is to unlink it and recompile. In ALL other
cases, as of version 1.41 of Orpheus there should no possibility of bad
links making it into the Reader. (If you encounter an exception, please
call Hyperion Softword at 1-819-566-6296.)
Build an Index
Available through the Tools Menu, the Index Dialog enables you to
build an index to any document created in Orpheus. The index is kept
in alphabetical order by Orpheus, with each entry being linked to the
card you specify. In uncompiled form (as a homename.UNC file) the
index is an authoring aid for use within OH.EXE. In compiled form (as
a homename.IDX file) the index can be used within the Orpheus Reader to
give your end-users an additional form of access to your work. Best of
all, you can continue to work on the index even after compiling, since
the "Rebuild" command recompiles the .IDX file for distribution with the
Reader. For a complete discussion of indexing, see online help (open
the Tools Menu, place the hilite on "Index", then press <F1>.
Compiling Your Project
At any stage during your work on a document, you can compile it to see
how it looks in the Orpheus Reader. The process is identical whether you
are finished or not. (Compare this to publishing in print: before you
spend a bundle at the printer's, you *hope* that manuscript is perfect!)
To compile a project, load it in the Orpheus Author the way you would
for a normal working session. Open the Project Menu and select "Compile
Project". It doesn't matter which card you're in. Orpheus asks "Are you
sure?". Press <Enter> to say Yes. Now Orpheus asks if you have verified
your project options. Assuming that you have checked everything as
described earlier in this chapter, press <Enter> to answer Yes again.
Now Orpheus gets busy, as you can tell from the activity on your hard
disk. Just sit back and watch -- that's all you have to do. In step 1,
Orpheus displays a message saying that it is "Building the compilation
list". This is a list of all of the cards that will go into the compiled
version of your work. Orpheus starts from the Homecard and works its way
down, verifying every link and adding each card it encounters to the list;
if it comes to a Note link and the Include Notes option is turned off,
Orpheus ignores that link and everything it might lead to.
In step 2, Orpheus displays a window in which you can monitor its
progress as it creates your finished work. For our test project this will
go by in a matter of seconds.
In step 3, if all has gone well, Orpheus says "Compiled successfully!"
Press any key to continue.
In step 4, Orpheus informs you that it has created a file containing a
list of everything that should go into the distribution package when you
send your work out into the world. This file is named after the Homecard
and has a .DOC extension, so for our test project it would be called
TEST.DOC. Please note that the DOC file is for *your* use and should not
be included in the distribution package. (By "distribution package" I
mean whatever you use to distribute your work, such as a floppy disk or a
ZIP file. This is discussed in the next section.)
Let's look at the DOC file. Switch to the FileView window and load
TEST.DOC or whatever name was given in the last message. There are three
groups of files in the list: your compiled hypertext, your graphics if
any, and the Orpheus Reader. The first group always consists of at least
two files, of which the first ends with an .HTX extension, while the
remainder are numbered. In this case the list will show TEST.HTX and
TES_.1. The second group lists the graphics in your book (if any). The
last group of files consists of the executable and help for the Orpheus
Distributing Your Work
If you are a registered user of Orpheus -- meaning that you have paid
the registration fee to Hyperion Softword and have received a licence in
return -- you have the right to distribute your work in compiled form
together with the Orpheus Reader. This right is unrestricted: you may
distribute as many copies as you wish, and you may do so in any way you
wish, whether by selling it, giving it away, or putting it out as
shareware with whatever registration fee you choose to specify.
If you are not a registered user of Orpheus, you may not distribute
your work in ANY form, whether compiled or uncompiled.
There are two steps involved in distributing your finished work. The
first is to put together a package. The second is to get it out into the
world. Look back over the better pieces of software you've encountered:
the good ones always have a certain neatness about them, something that
satisfies the veteran while reassuring the novice. It should all hold
together, it should be well documented, and it should be as easy as
possible to start up and to use.
As suggested in the DOC file created after compilation, your software
package should always include a README file. You can prepare this using
your favourite word processor, but remember to save it to disk in non-
document mode, i.e. as a plain ascii text file. The README file should
include the following:
(1) a brief explanation of what the work is and how to start it;
(2) a "packing-list" giving the name (and optionally the size) of
every file that the user should find in the package;
(3) a copyright notice identical to the one posted near the
beginning of your document;
(4) if you are distributing the work as shareware or freeware, a
statement to that effect, with (for shareware) the
registration fee;
(5) optionally, your name and address if you want your readers to
be able to contact you;
(6) if your book includes graphics, a statement of the minimum
hardware required to view your work without missing anything.
If you just use a few graphics and they don't have any
hotspots, this is not required.
Along with a README file, many software developers include a GO.BAT
file, especially when the software is distributed on disk. When a novice
user sees the instructions "Type GO <Enter>" right on the label, he knows
exactly what to do. Your GO.BAT file would contain the command to start
up the Orpheus Reader with your document. In the case of our "Test"
project, this command would be "OHREAD TEST.HTX". In other words, if the
user types "GO" <Enter> at the DOS prompt, this starts up GO.BAT, which in
turn passes to DOS whatever commands you place in it.
If you're not familiar with batch files (files with a .BAT extension),
read about them in your DOS manual. If you're a power user, you know that
you can make a batch file do some pretty fancy things. For example, with
the addition of a utility like REPLY.COM you can write a batch file that
accepts user input and branches accordingly. Your GO.BAT could let the
user either view the README file first or immediately start the program.
Is this beginning to sound complicated? Relax... You don't have to
have a GO.BAT. All the user needs to do is type "OHREAD" <Enter> at the
DOS prompt, and the Orpheus Reader will take it from there. When you pass
the Reader the name of a book complete with .HTX extension, it loads the
document immediately; otherwise, it searches the current drive/directory
for HTX files, then displays a directory dialog to let the user choose
from what it finds. It does the same thing if you give it the wrong type
of filename, so even novices can't get into trouble.
There are many ways to put your work out into the world, some of them
easier than others, all of them cheaper than print media. Perhaps you are
a consultant and you are creating an electronic book for your clients;
perhaps you are creating an electronic manual for use in the company you
work for; perhaps you are an educator and are creating an electronic
textbook for your students. In such cases your user-base is right at
hand: you can copy your work to one or more floppy disks and sell it or
give it away as you see fit. If user-response is enthusiastic you may see
an opportunity for more ambitious distribution through a major publisher.
Why not? If your work is useful and exciting for a number of people in
one company, or in one department of one university, think of how great
the market could be on a country-wide scale.
Even if you don't have a ready-made user-base, there are two highly
effective and inexpensive ways in which you can broadcast your work,
potentially throughout the world. I use the term "broadcast" for good
reason. With both methods, you are ensured that thousands or perhaps
millions of people will be made aware of the existence of your work: they
will see its title and at least a brief description of it. Of those
thousands or millions, some hundreds or thousands will choose to acquire a
copy and spend some time with it. And of those, if you specify a
registration fee, some portion of users may send you a check.
When you ask for a registration fee you are distributing your work as
shareware; when you don't, you're distributing it as freeware or are
"putting it in the public domain". Always state up front what you are
doing and what you expect from the user in return, if anything. For an
electronic book, a reasonable shareware fee would be $5 to $10. (Many
authors and programmers give the user a choice, with a notice something
like this: "Suggested registration: $5-$10".) Bear in mind that with a
*printed* book selling at $10 in the bookstores, you would be lucky to get
back $1 for each copy sold -- the rest going to the printer, the
publisher, the distributor, and the owner of the bookstore. Whether you
go the shareware route or are happy to place your work in the public
domain, you should *say so* both in the README file and on the title
screen of your work or shortly thereafter.
The first "broadcast" method is to send your work on disk to shareware
distributors. You can always find ads for these companies in computer
magazines, and they are always looking for new software to add to their
catalogs. Shareware distributors operate by selling shareware and public
domain software on disk; the charge per disk is minimal (usually $4 or
$5), and covers only the distributor's costs -- none of it comes back to
you. The advantage is that you get free advertising in the distributor's
catalog. Of the people who purchase your work in this way, some may be
appreciative enough to send you a registration check if you suggest a
reasonable fee. But before that can happen you need to convince the
distributor that your submission will interest his customers. Prepare your
submission disk carefully, making sure there are no missing files;
you should definitely include a README file as well as a GO.BAT file.
Then write an intelligent cover letter in which you describe the work,
tell why it is unique and whom it should interest, state whether it is
shareware or freeware, and mention any hardware requirements if graphics
are used. The idea is not only to get the distributor interested, but to
make it as easy as possible for him to put your disk in his repertoire and
make an attractive catalog blurb.
The second broadcast method is to go electronic and post your work on
the public BBS's and commercial services. The advantage of this method is
that once you upload your work to a BBS, other users can download it.
Except when there are long-distance charges (or the hourly fees of
commercial services), nobody pays anything up front. A vast number of
people learn of the existence of your work and can examine it without
having to buy a disk from a distributor. Best of all, you need only
"seed" your work in a few strategic locations for it to disseminate
rapidly to hundreds or thousands of BBS's around the world.
The only difference between distribution on disk and distribution by
telephone (the BBS method) is that in the latter case you must upload
your work in the form of one or more compressed files. The commonest
compression format uses the .ZIP extension and is created by the PKZIP
program from PKWare. (If you plan on using any such compression program
for profit, be sure to read the documentation to see if you should pay a
registration fee.) Other compression formats include LZH, ARC, ZOO, and
so on. The same principles apply to this method as the others: make a
coherent package of your work, with at least a README file, and when you
post it on a BBS, enter an informative desciption.
The Orpheus Reader
Once you have composed and compiled your work in Orpheus Author
(OH.EXE), the most important part of the Orpheus system becomes, of
course, the Orpheus Reader (OHREAD.EXE). This is the interface between you
and the public, the decisive factor that could persuade the waiting world
that your electronic book is better than anything that can be found in
print. You have a right to expect the Orpheus Reader to be as exciting,
user-friendly, and bullet-proof as the best software on the market. In
your own best interests, take the Reader for a serious test-drive. See if
you can crash it. See if there's any feature that is difficult or
unsatisfying to use, or one it ought to have that it doesn't. Drop me a
line with your comments and suggestions.
As you'll notice when you test the Orpheus Reader, the first time you
use it a special screen pops up to say, "Welcome to the Orpheus Reader".
This gives a brief overview of the program and how to use it. The next
time you start the Reader this screen will not appear, but it remains
available from the menu. (The Reader detects a first-time user by the
absence of a configuration file; you should never put your own OHREAD.CFG
in the distribution package.)
As mentioned in earlier chapters, the Reader automatically detects
whether a document uses 24-line or 25-line cards. In the latter case,
since the titlebar is hidden, the Reader posts a brief message telling
the user how to call up the titlebar and menu system (press <Esc> or click
the right mouse button).
As of version 1.60 the command line passed to the Reader can include
the number of a specific card. For example:
ohread intro.htx 24 <Enter>
This command would load the Reader with INTRO.HTX and immediately jump
to card 24. Since the Reader itself does not provide any way of knowing
the number of a card, this feature is for the exclusive use of authors,
not end-users. For example, to use Orpheus as the online help system for
another program, set up the other program to call the Reader with the name
of the .HTX file and a context-sensitive help number. When loaded this
way the Reader does not display any of the opening messages described
above. Only the numbers of text or graphic cards are valid; if the
Reader detects a number for a non-existent card, or for one associated
with an Action or Init link, it loads the Homecard instead.
Note that the number of a card in compiled form is usually NOT the
number it has in uncompiled form. To find out the "compiled number" of
a card -- in other words, the number that will access it in the Reader --
open the Project Menu and select "List Compiled Numbers". When you
compile, the .DOC file produced for your document will contain a list
of number pairs, in the form xxx=yyy; the compiled number is on the right.
Cleaning Up
Eventually, after finishing a book and getting it out into the world,
you will want to remove the original version from your hard disk. My
advice is to save it first onto floppy disks, just in case you want to
revise it one day. An effective method would be to use a compression
utility such as PKZIP to create one ZIP file for each storage directory,
with an additional ZIP file to hold the Homecard and its LST and PRJ
files. Read about "Files and Directories" in online Help to learn how
Orpheus sets up the subdirectories for a project; with a little care you
can direct PKZIP to conserve the subdirectory structure along with your
hypertext cards. Alternately, this could be done with a backup utility.
When you are truly ready to remove a project from your hard disk,
first load it in OH.EXE, then open the Project Menu and select "Erase
Project". Orpheus will get you to confirm your choice before doing
anything. If you confirm that you really want to do it, Orpheus will
delete all files in that project's storage directories, remove those
directories, then delete the Homecard and various subsidiary files like
the LST and PRJ files (for that project only). It will NOT touch your
compiled files, nor will it touch any files in other projects'
directories. While you could do all this yourself from the DOS prompt or
with a file manager, Orpheus does it much faster.
A worthy victim for "Erase Project" will be the tutorial project we've
worked on together in the previous chapters. You may want to keep it
around for a while so you can continue trying things out, but when you
know you're done with it, get Orpheus to zap it for you.
Topics in this chapter: Licence
What You Get When You Register
Site Licencing
Sharing Orpheus
A Note to Pioneers
Orpheus is distributed as SHAREWARE. This means that you are welcome
to evaluate the system for up to 30 days. If you wish to use it after
that period, you must pay the registration fee of $49. To enable you to
make a thorough evaluation of the power of Orpheus, this package includes
the Orpheus Reader (OHREAD.EXE) and the ability to compile your work to see
what it would look like to the end user. However, you may not in any way
distribute such work with the Orpheus Reader until you have registered the
software and received your licence from Hyperion Softword.
Registered users of Orpheus receive an unlimited licence to sell, give
away, or in any other manner distribute their compiled works, royalty-
free, with as many copies of the Orpheus Reader as they require. Terms
are detailed in the Software Licence Agreement that accompanies the
registered version.
What You Get When You Register
* First of all, you get a registered copy of the latest version of
Orpheus on disk. * Second, you get a registration number that Orpheus
will build right into your compiled works (in encoded form). This is your
ultimate proof that those works are yours. (It will also serve as a
"password" barring entry to anyone but you, should you ever need to
decompile your work. A decompiler is scheduled for 1993.) * Third, you
get continuing free support by any of the methods decribed on the "Orpheus
Support" sheet accompanying your registered copy. * Fourth, you get the
right to upgrade your software, usually for free (if you can download the
update from a BBS, otherwise for a charge of $10 to get it on disk), or
for a modest fee in the case of major upgrades. * Fifth, you get the
right to an "incremental site licence" as discussed below. * Finally, you
receive the following utilities, which are discussed in Chapter 7:
SNAPSHOT.EXE ...... captures *any* graphic screen so that
you can link it into your hypertext.
REGIT.EXE ......... when you get updates, tells the new OH.EXE
that you're a registered user.
FGILIB.EXE ........ creates and manages library files for storing
graphics, ansi screens, and forms.
To register this copy of Orpheus, complete the registration form in
the REGISTER.DOC file and send payment to:
Hyperion Softword
535 Duvernay
Sherbooke, QC
Canada J1L 1Y8
Site Licencing
Site licences are available to corporate or other users requiring
multiple copies of the authoring system. The following price schedule is
given for example only and represents the prices current at the end of
1992. Prices WILL rise in mid-1993, so be sure to enquire first if you
wish to purchase a site licence.
- first copy: full price ($49 plus $3 s/h)
- next 10 copies: $35 each
- next 10 copies: $30 each
- additional copies: negotiable
If you are or become an electronic publisher, and are a registered
user of Orpheus, you have the right to an "incremental site licence"
permitting you to purchase additional copies of Orpheus at a cost
comparable to the price schedule above. As an electronic publisher, you
will increasingly find yourself working with authors who wish to write
directly in Orpheus. It is in your own best interest to ensure that they
use _registered_ copies of the system, since (a) this fosters a mentality
that helps protect your own work from piracy, and (b) it helps Hyperion
Softword continue to support and improve the software.
The incremental site licence makes this easy. Let's suppose you start
off by purchasing 1 copy of Orpheus. A little later you start talks with
an author whose work you intend to publish, and who wants to write in
Orpheus. Call Hyperion Softword at 1-819-566-6296 and ask for the current
price of an additional copy according to the incremental site licence. I
will check your registration card and give you the best price available;
in the example above that would be $35. You can have that copy registered
in your name and shipped to you, or registered in the author's name and
shipped to the author. However, both the order and the payment MUST come
from you, not from the author. Each time you make such a purchase I will
note it on your registration card, so that after a certain number of
copies (10 in the example above) the next one would be at an even better
price. NOTE: the price you will be offered will be the current price
within each price level, not whatever it may have been at the time of your
first purchase.
Sharing Orpheus
Part of the shareware ethic is that you are welcome to help others
learn about Orpheus in the same way you did. If you downloaded Orpheus
from a BBS, you are welcome to upload it to others. Be sure to upload the
entire system exactly as you received it, complete and unmodified. The
same caution applies if you purchased Orpheus on disk from a shareware
distributor. Finally, please note that if you are a registered user of
Orpheus, your *registered* copy of the software must NEVER be treated as
shareware, since it is in fact slightly different and includes a number of
utilities that are only available to registered users. If you would like
a copy of the shareware version to pass on to your friends, let me know
and I will gladly send you one on disk.
A Note to Pioneers
Orpheus is about enabling creativity. *Your* creative daring may lead
you to conceive of innovations in hypertext that I haven't thought of.
If you have a project in mind that Orpheus seems right for but cannot
currently enable, give me a call and we'll talk about it. The feature you
need may already be on the way; if not, your idea could well be the motive
for a future upgrade.
Topics in this chapter: REGIT.EXE
[The Orpheus Utilities are bonus programs given to registered users of
Orpheus. They are not required to make a thorough evaluation of the
shareware version of the system.]
Everything you can do in Orpheus is built right into the program.
However, there are times when it's handy or even necessary to have a small
separate program to perform some special task. The Orpheus Utilities will
be a small collection of such programs. Currently the collection consists
of just three utilities, but there are more on the drawingboard.
REGIT.EXE is a program that serves a purpose even when it doesn't do
anything; its role is to help Orpheus recognize you as a registered user,
and to protect your finished work from intruders.
First, the passive role: updates of Orpheus will regularly appear on
BBS's around the continent, in the form of new shareware versions. Since
these will often contain significant new features or improvements, you
will probably want to acquire them. Go right ahead! Normally you will be
able to install them right over your old Orpheus files, since your work in
progress will still be compatible with the new version. (To be safe
however, you should always check the README file before installing a new
version of anything.) The presence of REGIT.EXE in your Orpheus directory
will inform the new version that you are a registered user. If your
OH.CFG file contains your registration number, the new version will
recognize that too; if it does not, start up OH.EXE and press <Alt-H> to
open the Help Menu, then select "Registration" and type in the number on
your distribution disks.
To make this very clear: once you are a registered user you can
take advantage of shareware updates and compile all the books you want.
To do this, you MUST have REGIT.EXE in your Orpheus directory, and your
registration number MUST be showing on the Help Menu.
Now for REGIT.EXE's active role: if you came to Orpheus through
shareware, you may have compiled a book before receiving your registered
copy. The shareware version of Orpheus is not in any way crippled or
restricted, but it does leave its mark on anything you compile with it.
The Orpheus Reader recognizes such books as having been made with an
unregistered copy, and says so. Moreover such books are missing an
important ingredient: your encrypted registration number.
When you compile a book with a registered copy of Orpheus, it hides an
encrypted copy of your registration number right inside the book. This is
the ultimate proof that you are the author of it; it is also something
more. One of the programs that I plan to add to the Orpheus Utilities is
a decompiler: a program that can take a compiled electronic book and
unfold it into its original state as cards. But if *you* can decompile an
Orpheus book, can't everyone else who has a registered copy? NO. The
decompiler will check your registration number, compare it with the
encrypted version in the book you want to open, and proceed only if the
two match. Of course, we could have used a password system, but then you
would have to remember where you wrote the password. With this system you
can't go wrong: your registration number is on the label of your
distribution disks, AND here in the user files at Hyperion Softword.
Where does REGIT.EXE fit into this? If you have compiled a book with
the shareware version and deleted the original, REGIT.EXE can update your
compiled book, complete with encrypted registration. The result is
exactly the same as if you had compiled it with the registered version.
STEP 1: begin by installing your registered copy of Orpheus in your usual
Orpheus directory. Start up OH.EXE and press <Alt-H> to open the Help
Menu, then <R> to select "Registration #". Type in the number given
on the label of your distribution disks, and press <Enter>. Orpheus
immediately writes a new copy of your personal configuration file
(OH.CFG) to disk, complete with your registration number.
STEP 2: exit Orpheus and check whether your compiled book is in your
Orpheus directory (along with REGIT.EXE and OH.CFG). If it is not,
copy your book's HTX file into the Orpheus directory before
continuing; REGIT.EXE only concerns itself with HTX files. Now give
the "REGIT" command at the DOS prompt, and if all goes well you should
see a report of the results: how many files found, how many updated,
how many were already registered. (If REGIT.EXE encounters an HTX
file compiled with a registered copy of Orpheus, it leaves it alone.)
Of course, the other way to update your work is simply to recompile it
with your registered copy of OH.EXE. With an exceptionally long book
you may not want to do that.
SNAPSHOT.EXE is a utility developed by Ted Gruber Software as part of
Fastgraph, the professional graphics library used in Orpheus. Hyperion
Softword is licensed to distribute Snapshot with those of its products
that employ the Fastgraph library. Registered users of Orpheus can use
Snapshot to capture graphics for their hypertext books.
Snapshot is a TSR; this means that once you load it, it remains in
the background even after returning control to DOS so that you can run
other programs. Later, if you press the Snapshot hotkeys while in a
graphics program, Snapshot comes alive long enough to capture the
graphics screen to a disk file in the SPR format. Snapshot then returns
control to the graphics program, allowing you to view and capture other
images if you wish. (Note that once loaded, Snapshot remains in memory
until you reboot your computer. If you use the MARK/RELEASE or similar
utilities you can give a MARK command before loading Snapshot, then a
RELEASE command when you no longer need it. If you use Desqview and your
windows are large enough, load Snapshot in the window where you will load
the graphics program, then close the window when done.)
**** Do NOT load Snapshot or any other TSR from within a shell. ****
Here's how to load Snapshot. At the DOS prompt, give the SNAPSHOT
command and press <Enter>. If it loads successfully, Snapshot will
identify itself and remind you to press <Alt-Left Shift> to activate it.
Now you are at the DOS prompt again, so you can load your paint program or
graphics viewer. While doing so, note the screen resolution the program
will be using; some paint programs let you choose the resolution from a
menu, while others let you set the resolution on the command line or in a
startup batch file. Consult the appropriate manual if you aren't sure.
With the graphics program running, load an image that you would like
to capture. If you are using a paint program, part of the screen may be
taken up by menu lines and toolbars; select the command that temporarily
removes these to let you see your entire graphic taking up the full
screen. Once your graphic is displayed in full-screen form, press the
Snapshot hotkeys: that is, press and hold down the <Alt> key, add the
<Left Shift> key, then release both keys. If Snapshot successfully
captures the screen it will announce this with three quick tones of medium
pitch. If it is not successful it will give a single low-pitched tone;
this also happens if you press the hotkeys while in text mode.
Since Snapshot remains in memory until you reboot or otherwise remove
it, you can go on to view and capture other graphics if you wish, all
without reloading Snapshot from the DOS prompt. But let's assume for now
that you only wanted to capture the one image, and have exited your
graphics program. The next task is to locate the capture file and bring
it into Orpheus.
After exiting the graphics program give the following command at the
DOS prompt: "DIR SNAPSHOT.*" <Enter>. If you captured only one image
there will be only one file: SNAPSHOT.000. If you captured two, the
second will be named SNAPSHOT.001. Snapshot will save up to a thousand
images in the current directory, numbering them from 000 to 999. When
saving a new image it uses the lowest available number, so if you save 10
images and then delete the first, the next image will be numbered 000. If
you plan on saving more than one image, make a list of them as you go
along, with a brief description of what each one shows.
The next step is to rename your SNAPSHOT.nnn file, both for your own
convenience and so that Orpheus will recognize it. The first part of the
name (up to 8 letters) should refer to the contents of the image, to help
you remember what it is. The second part of the name, the three-letter
extension after the dot, must be "SPR"; this tells Orpheus that the file
is an image in Fastgraph's Standard Pixel Run format. For example,
suppose your image is a painting of the Grand Canyon, and that you saved
it into SNAPSHOT.000. To rename it, you would give the following command
at the DOS prompt: "RENAME SNAPSHOT.000 CANYON.SPR".
Orpheus looks for graphics and ansi files in the current directory,
and if it doesn't find them, looks next in the location specified with the
ORPHEUS environment variable -- if you have set it. For more information
read Appendix C, "Using the ORPHEUS Environment Variable". Before you can
display a graphic in Orpheus you must place a copy of the file in one of
those locations.
The last step is to start up Orpheus, create or navigate to the
desired Graphic card, and type in a valid graphic() command as described
in Part II of the User's Guide. Remember that for SPR and PPR files,
*unless* you are using a full-screen image, the graphic() command requires
that you give a little thought to the numbers you enter as the fourth and
fifth parameters. The fourth parameter represents the pixel-row of the
lower left corner (as opposed to the upper left corner in PCX files). The
fifth parameter represents the image width in pixels and must be entered
(whereas for PCX images it can be given as 0).
FGILIB.EXE is a utility developed by Ted Gruber Software as part of
Fastgraph/Image, an extension of the Fastgraph library used in Orpheus.
Hyperion Softword is licensed to distribute Fgilib with those of its
products that employ Fastgraph/Image. Registered users of Orpheus can use
Fgilib to build and maintain library files containing graphics, ansi
screens, and forms, which they can then distribute with their compiled
Due to the way files are stored on disk, the amount of space taken by
a file is almost always more than you think. A file of 28 bytes actually
takes up 2048 bytes. A file of 2047 bytes does too, while one of 2049
bytes takes up 4096 bytes. In other words, files are stored using one or
more whole allocation units of 2048 bytes. This means that EVERY file
wastes an average of 1024 bytes of disk space.
The purpose of library files (and of FGILIB.EXE) is to reduce this
waste by combining many files into one. Consider the extreme case of 100
files of 1 byte each. Though the directory listing says they take up only
100 bytes, in actually they take up 100 allocation units -- 204800 bytes
of disk space! Combine them into a library file, however, and in theory
they could take up 100 times less, a single allocation unit. Actually,
since Fgilib stores a 128-byte header with each file in the library, the
result would be 12900 according to DOS, or 7 allocation units to make
14336 bytes of disk space.
Besides saving space, library files have the benefit of reducing file
clutter and simplifying distribution. The end-user will thank you if you
can present him with a work consisting of a handful of files instead of
forty or fifty.
As mentioned above, Orpheus works with library files containing
graphics, ansi screens, and forms. A single library may contain any
number of such files mixed together. In all cases, libraries are used by
adding a lib=filename parameter to the appropriate graphic(), ansi(), or
load() command. For discussion of how to use libraries with each of these
commands, see their respective entries in MANUAL2.DOC, Chapter 2. In this
part of the User's Guide we will see how to use FGILIB.EXE itself for
building and maintaining library files.
Fgilib lets you add, delete, extract, and replace files in a library.
The basic command syntax at the DOS prompt is:
FGILIB libname [commands] [,listfile]
where "libname" is the name of the library to create or edit, "commands"
specify the operations to perform on that library, and "listfile" is the
name of the file that will receive a list of the library's contents.
"Commands" and "listfile" are optional parameters as long as at least one
of them is present.
If the specified library file does not exist, Fgilib assumes you wish
to create it. If it does exist, Fgilib applies your commands to that
library, after first making a copy with the .BAK extension. If the
"libname" does not include an extension, Fgilib will give the library the
default .FGI extension.
Here are the valid commands:
+filename.ext : add this file to the libary
-filename.ext : delete this file from the library
*filename.ext : extract this file without deleting from library
-+filename.ext : (or +-) update this file in the libary
-*filename.ext : (or *-) extract file and delete from library
/W:n : define SPR file's image width in pixels
,listname : put a list of the library's contents in this file
To extract a file means to write a copy of it to disk as a separate
file, leaving it in the library. To update a file means to delete the
copy that is in the libary and replace it with a copy of a separate file
with the same name. Finally, the "/W" option is needed only with SPR files
captured with Snapshot; use the same number that you would for the image
width in displaying the image with the graphic() command.
The command string can receive multiple commands provided they are
separated by one or more spaces. As always in Orpheus, graphic files
MUST have their proper extensions to indicate file type, i.e. PCX or
SPR as the case may be.
Here are some examples of how to use FGILIB.EXE. These are commands
that would be given at the DOS prompt. In the first example we create a
library called PCXLIB.FGI containing 3 PCX images:
The next command deletes BIRD.PCX from the library:
Now let's suppose that we've drawn a new version of CAT.PCX, so we'll
update the copy in the libary with the new version. We'll also put back
BIRD.PCX and ask for a contents listing to be called PCXLIB.LIS:
In the next example we'll create a libary called STUFF.FGI containing one
PCX, two SPR's that are both 320 pixels wide:
Since both SPR files have the same width, we only need to give the /W
parameter once.
Now let's add to the libary a couple of ansi files and an order form:
And finally, having forgotten what all we put into the libary, let's get a
listing of the contents:
In this case the list would show that our libary contains one PCX graphic,
two SPR graphics, two ansi files, and a form file.
Disk Caches
You can safely use Orpheus with a disk cache provided your setup does
NOT include a write delay. Experts know that a write delay of even a
second is far too risky to justify the tiny increase in performance.
Orpheus occasionally updates a large number of files at high speed; if an
error occurs, Orpheus needs to know immediately, not a second later.
If you are a Desqview-user, you may be interested in the following
setup parameters for giving Orpheus its own window. On the main "Change
a program" screen, use the following parameters:
Memory size (in K): 512
Writes directly to screen: Y
Displays graphics information: Y
Virtualize text/graphics: N
Uses serial ports: N
Requires floppy diskette: N
To set the following more specific parameters, press <F1> to open the
advanced options screen. Use the following parameters:
Text pages: 4
Graphics pages: 2
Uses its own colors: Y
Uses math coprocessor: N
Window position:
Maximum height: 25
Maximum width: 80
Runs in background: N
Other options can be left at their default values. For optimum
performance you should set the following parameters:
Keyboard conflict: 4
Protection level: 0
Note that if you do not EVER plan to use graphics in Orpheus, you
can change "Displays graphics information" to "N", and "Graphics pages" to
"0". If using a monochrome monitor (NOT one with 16 shades of grey etc.),
you can change "Text pages" to 1. The same settings can be used for both
the Orpheus Author (OH.EXE) and the Orpheus Reader (OHREAD.EXE), although
the Reader uses much less memory than does the authoring program.
As of version 1.22, the Orpheus Reader is network-friendly: users may
access book files anywhere on the system while keeping their "personal"
files in their own directories. The following rules apply:
1. OHREAD.HLP (the help file) must be in the same location as the
Reader itself, OHREAD.EXE.
2. All of the files in a book (including any graphics) must be
in the same location, which can be different from the above.
3. The user's personal configuration file, OHREAD.CFG, along with
optional notepad and bookmark files (named after a given book
but with NPD and BMK extensions) will be saved to disk in the
user's current directory, which can be different from the two
locations above.
There is one exception to rule 2. If you use the RUN or RUNBAT commands
in an Action card, and if the command line includes a path, that path
is preserved in the compiled book. (This is not the case with graphics,
where the path is stripped during compilation.)
Here are some examples of command lines with which the Orpheus Reader
would load a book named NETNEWS.HTX:
...with all files together, or the Reader in a pathed location:
...with the book in a different directory on drive d:
...with the book as above and the Reader in a non-pathed location:
Two users on a network could give the last command, for example, and
read Netnews simultaneously. Their personal CFG, NPD and BMK files
would be saved in their own directories without conflict.
In a future version, Orpheus may permit network users to identify
their personal CFG, NPD and BMK files by the users' initials, and to
store those files in a public directory. In the meantime, if you are
providing Orphic documentation on a network you should warn your users
NOT to call the Reader while in a public directory, but to do so only
while in their own directories. This will prevent conflicts in the
use of files like OHREAD.CFG.
With Version 1.30 Orpheus introduced the ability for you to give
the program certain setup information using an environment variable.
Currently this is limited to telling Orpheus where to look for graphic
files (including ansi screens); we'll add other capabilities later.
Both OH.EXE and the Orpheus Reader now check for this environment
variable if they are unable to find a graphic or ansi file where it
was expected.
Environment variables may be set from within batch files or at the
DOS prompt. If you are unfamiliar with this technique, consult your
DOS manual regarding the SET command.
To tell Orpheus where to look for graphic and ansi files, use the
ORPHEUS environment variable together with a "/G" switch. For example,
suppose your graphic images are all stored on drive C: in a directory
named ART. You would use the following line in a batch file or as
a command given directly at the DOS prompt:
If your images were stored on drive D: in a subdirectory named PAINT\IMG,
the line would be:
Once you have created an environment variable (which takes up a small
amount of RAM), you can remove it from memory by giving the SET command
with no data after the "=" sign, like so:
This would remove the ORPHEUS environment variable from memory.
Topics in this Appendix: Structure of a Card
Number Systems
The Filename
Header and Link Codes
The Header
This Appendix is for the use of technically-minded users who are
comfortable with control codes and number systems, and who possess the
software utilities to let them view and optionally edit the contents of
partially-binary files. The information below can be used to repair a
card that has been damaged through user-error, a bug, or other misfortune.
The only way to see the "real" contents of an uncompiled card is to
use a file-viewer that is capable of hexadecimal display. A good example
is Vern Buerg's LIST.COM: load a card in LIST and then press Alt-H to
switch to hex mode. This shows you every single byte in the file.
Most word processors are *not* capable of editing Orpheus files, but
many text editors are. Note that cards made after version 1.23 may
appear to be on a single line. I have successfully edited damaged cards
using PC-Write and Multi-Edit. The first time you attempt any such
procedure, you should of course save a copy of the card in case you make
a mistake and don't know how to recover.
Structure of a Card
Uncompiled cards consist of three parts: a filename, a header, and
the text. The filename bears a card's link-number and is thus crucial.
The header tells what kind of file and what kind of card it is, plus other
information such as the link-number of its parent card. The text may
include embedded codes for linking. Note that line-endings are
represented with a single linefeed character, ascii 10 (0Ah), rather than
the traditional CR/LF pair (ascii 13/10 or 0Dh/0Ah).
Number Systems
I use 5 number systems in working with Orpheus: base-2, base-10,
base-16, base-36, and base-200. For most of this Appendix you only
need two: the familiar decimal (base-10), and hexadecimal (base-16).
Decimal counting is useful when you need to insert a control-code or other
non-alphabetical character; if you know the character's ascii value you
just hold down the Alt key, type the numbers in decimal using
the Number Keypad, then release the Alt key. For other purposes it is
more useful to use hex, particularly since you can only see the real
contents of a file using hex display. Whenever I give hexadecimal values
I will do so like this: "0Ah". Hex digits are 0123456789ABCDEF, so
0Ah means 10 decimal, 0Fh means 15 decimal, and 10h means 16 decimal.
Orpheus uses two special number systems for identifying link-numbers.
To allow a document to contain up to 32000 cards, we require a method of
representing such numbers in as few digits as possible. With base-10
notation you need 5 digits, with the maximum value being 99999. With
base-36 notation you need 3 digits, with the maximum value being 46655.
With base-200 notation you need just 2 digits, with the maximum value
being 39999. Obviously the last two are more efficient. Accordingly,
we use base-36 notation in filenames, placing the link number in the
three characters of the file extension. But inside cards we use base-200
notation to represent link numbers in only 2 characters. If there is
ever a need to expand capacity to, say, a few million cards, this could be
accomplished with a relatively minor change to the system.
You should not EVER need to convert link numbers from one notation to
another, but I'm going to explain them anyway. Base-36 notation uses the
10 numeric characters from 0 to 9, followed by the 25 alphabetic
characters from A to Z. Reserving link number 0 for the Homecard, a file
extension of .000 represents link number 1, .00Z represents number 36,
.010 represents number 37, .01Z represents number 72, and .020 represents
number 73. Base-36 notation is ONLY used in filenames. (To find the
decimal version of a card's number, just open the File Menu: it's there
beside the "Save As" command.)
Base-200 notation uses the sequence of 200 ascii values starting from
the "!" character, which has a value of 33 (21h), and extending to the
character with a value of 232 (E8h). The sequence !"#$ is equivalent to
0123 (in terms of their ascii values minus 33), and therefore we can
interpret our 2-character link codes as follows: again reserving 0 for
the Homecard, !! represents link number 1, !" represents link number 2, !#
represents link number 3, "! represents link number 201, #! represents
link number 401, and $# represents link number 603. Base-200 notation is
ONLY used inside uncompiled cards.
You will surely agree that before fiddling with anything except the
text in an uncompiled card, you should know what you're doing. Link
numbers are intended to be handled internally by Orpheus, NOT by human
hands; they are therefore designed for optimal speed and efficiency as
used by the program, rather than for the convenience of hackers.
The Filename
Since the filename contains the link number of a card, it is in some
ways the most crucial ingredient. If you change the filename carelessly
you can severe the tie connecting the card to the rest of your document.
The significant part of the filename is the 3-letter extension, which as
described above represents a link number in base-36 notation. The link
number also tells Orpheus where to store and retrieve a file. Storage
directories contain up to 100 files each following a strict sequence:
\D1 holds files 1-100, \D2 holds files 101-200, and so forth. This means
that if Orpheus is looking for card 156 it will ONLY look in the \D2
directory, nowhere else. If you do happen to rename a file manually,
be sure to figure out what directory to put it in.
The root part of the filename is relatively insignificant, with one
exception. When a card is orphaned (unlinked but not deleted), Orpheus
changes the last character of the root part to a curly brace, "{". When
you open the Recover Orphan dialog, Orpheus looks for cards with that
distinguishing mark in the filename. The rest of the root part is
designed to make it easier for you to identify cards either in the
Recover dialog or if you should ever need to do things manually. With
Doors and Notes, as well as Action and Graphic cards, the root part of
the filename is derived from the original linkword, with any characters
that DOS does not permit in a filename being replaced by others that
are (such as an underscore for a space). With Inits and More links the
words "init" and "more" are used.
Header and Link Codes
The following codes are used in the file header and as link codes
embedded in the text. Some are no longer in use as of version 1.30.
orpheus-code 236 (ECh)
nodetype-code 30 (1Eh)
uncompiled-code 8 (08h)
projectdir-code 7 (07h)
homelink-code 25 (19h)
childlink-code 24 (18h)
interlink-code 18 (12h) - no longer used
internote-code 21 (15h) - no longer used
more-code 26 (1Ah)
uplink-code 23 (17h)
lock-code 76 (4Ch)
keyname-code 1 (01h) - no longer used
headend-code 31 (1Fh)
door-code 22 (16h) - prior to V1.24 was 11 (0Bh)
note-code 19 (13h)
graphic-code 1 (01h) - prior to V1.24 was 2 (02h)
action-code 23 (17h) - prior to V1.24 was 3 (03h)
init-code 73 (49h)
crosslink-code 29 (1Dh)
downlink-code 18 (12h) - prior to V1.24 was 14 (0Eh)
The Header
Every Orpheus file, with the sole exception of Notepad (NPD) files,
begins with a 3-byte pre-header consisting of orpheus-code (ECh), a
version code, and a filetype code. The version code is for internal use
and is NOT identical to the Version number given on your disk labels or in
the About or Version windows. The very first version code used was 16
(10h), seen only in Version 1.0 (August 1992). Subsequently numbering
went back to 2, and as of Version 1.50 (March 1993) was up to 5. This
number changes whenever new features are implemented that are incompatible
with old versions -- particularly old versions of the Orpheus Reader.
OH.EXE also uses the number to detect cards that use old codes or CR/LF
pairs instead of a single linefeed. OH.EXE maintains backward
comptability with uncompiled cards created with earlier releases. The
Orpheus Reader does NOT maintain backward compatibility with compiled
books created with earlier releases.
To continue, the header of an uncompiled card consists of the
236 (ECh) - orpheus-code
- - a 1-byte version code
8 (08h) - uncompiled-code
- - a 1-byte counter giving the total length of the header
- -
- - a data sandwich consisting of codes, data, and spaces
- -
31 (1Fh) - headend-code to back up the length counter
In no particular order, the data sandwich has the following layers:
* 30 (1Eh) - nodetype-code, with:
- - a 1-byte code for what type of card it is, such as
homelink-code, childlink-code, etc.
32 (20h) - a space
* 26 (1Ah) - more-code (ONLY IF the card has a More link), with:
- - 2 bytes for the linked card's number in base-200
32 (20h) - space
* 73 (49h) - init-code (ONLY IF the card has an Init link), with:
- - 2 bytes for the linked card's number in base-200
32 (20) - space
* 23 (17h) - uplink-code (ONLY IF it isn't the Homecard), with:
- - 2 bytes for the parent card's number in base-200,
- OR homelink-code twice if the parent is the Homecard
32 (20h) - space
* 7 (07h) - projectdir-code (ONLY IF this is the Homecard, with:
- - an indeterminate number of bytes giving the name
- of the project directory for this document
32 (20h) - space
* 76 (4Ch) - lock-code (ONLY IF this card is "locked" to prevent
accidental autoreformat)
32 (20h) - space
* 1 (01h) - keyname-code (ONLY in versions prior to 1.30), with:
- - a phrase for use with the map (no longer used)
1 (01h) - another keyname-code to flag the end
32 (20h) - space
Linkwords are preceded by a 1-byte code that signifies both the
beginning of a linkword and the link type. This code can be:
door-code, note-code, crosslink-code, graphic-code, or action-code.
The end of a linkword is indicated by downlink-code, which is then
followed by 2 bytes giving the number of the linked card in base-200
notation, with ascii 33 representing 1. A linkword and all of its codes
must be on a single line.