DP Tool Club 9
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
259 lines
program split ;
{ SPLIT -- utility to split text files into smaller chunks }
{ syntax: SPLIT <filename> [<chunksize>[k|l]] }
{ chunksize can be given as number of bytes, kilobytes or in lines }
{ file name of chunks is same as input file }
{ file extension of chunks is '.000', '.001', '.002' etc. }
{ program tries to split at end of line (unless line longer than chunk size) }
{$M 16348,65535,65535}
uses Crt,Dos ;
const Version = '1.04' ;
Date = '1 Mar 1992' ;
DefaultChunkSize = 60000 ;
BufSize = 65536 - 512 ;
type Buf = array[1..BufSize] of char ;
var InFile, OutFile : file ;
InFileName, OutFileName : PathStr ;
SizeInLines : boolean ; { chunk size given as no. of lines? }
DiskError : word ;
ChunkSize, ChunkNr : longint ;
ChunkSizeStr : string ; { string representation of ChunkSize }
ChunkNrStr : string[3] ; { string representation of ChunkNr }
code : integer ; { result of string->number conversion }
BufPtr : ^Buf ;
FileDir : DirStr ; { directory part of InFileName }
FileName : NameStr ; { file name part of InFileName }
FileExt : ExtStr ; { file extension part of InFileName }
Ready : boolean ;
ChunkFull : boolean ;
Answer : char ; { overwrite existing output file? }
BytesRead,BytesToWrite,BytesWritten : word ;
LineCounter : longint ;
i : word ;
LF,EF : char ;
{ Indicates whether a filename contains wildcard characters }
function Wildcarded (Name : PathStr) : boolean ;
Wildcarded := (Pos('*',Name) <> 0) or (Pos('?',Name) <> 0) ;
end ;
{ Returns True if the file <FileName> exists, False otherwise. }
function Exists (FileName : PathStr) : boolean ;
var SR : SearchRec ;
FindFirst (FileName,ReadOnly + Hidden + SysFile,SR) ;
Exists := (DosError = 0) and (not Wildcarded(Filename)) ;
end ;
{ Reads the result of the last I/O operation into the DiskError variable }
{ and produces an error message if an error has occurred. }
procedure CheckDiskError ;
var ErrorText : string ;
DiskError := IOResult ;
if DiskError <> 0
then begin
case DiskError of
2 : ErrorText := 'File not found' ;
3 : ErrorText := 'Path not found' ;
5 : ErrorText := 'File access denied' ;
101 : ErrorText := 'Disk write error' ;
150 : ErrorText := 'Disk is write-protected' ;
152 : ErrorText := 'Drive not ready' ;
159 : ErrorText := 'Printer out of paper' ;
160 : ErrorText := 'Device write fault' ;
else begin
Str (DiskError,ErrorText) ;
ErrorText := 'I/O error ' + ErrorText ;
end ;
end ; { of case }
Writeln ;
Writeln (ErrorText) ;
end ; { of if }
end ;
LF := #10 ; { line-feed character }
EF := #26 ; { end-of-file-character }
Writeln ('SPLIT -- utility to split text files into smaller chunks') ;
Writeln (' version ',Version,' ',Date) ;
Writeln ;
if (ParamCount < 1) or (ParamCount > 2)
then begin
{ wrong number of parameters: give help then quit program }
Writeln ('Usage: SPLIT <filename> [<chunksize> [k|l]]') ;
Exit ; { not nice programming but to prevent huge nesting of ifs }
end ;
if ParamCount = 1
then begin
{ no chunk size given: use default }
SizeInLines := false ;
ChunkSize := DefaultChunkSize ;
else begin
ChunkSizeStr := ParamStr(2) ;
if UpCase(ChunkSizeStr[Length(ChunkSizeStr)]) = 'L'
then begin
{ chunk size given in lines }
SizeInLines := true ;
Val (Copy(ChunkSizeStr,1,Length(ChunkSizeStr)-1),
ChunkSize,code) ;
else begin
SizeInLines := false ;
if UpCase(ChunkSizeStr[Length(ChunkSizeStr)]) = 'K'
then begin
{ chunk size given in kilobytes }
Val (Copy(ChunkSizeStr,1,Length(ChunkSizeStr)-1),
ChunkSize,code) ;
ChunkSize := ChunkSize * 1024 ;
else { chunk size given in bytes }
Val (ChunkSizeStr,ChunkSize,code) ;
{ decrease ChunkSize by 1 to allow for EOF char }
Dec (ChunkSize) ;
end ;
if (code <> 0) or (ChunkSize <= 0)
then begin
Writeln ('Invalid chunk size "',ParamStr(2),'"') ;
Writeln ('Usage: SPLIT <filename> [<chunksize>[k|l]]') ;
Exit ;
end ;
end ;
InFileName := FExpand (ParamStr(1)) ;
if not Exists(InFileName)
then begin
Writeln ('Input file "',InFileName,'" not found') ;
Exit ;
else Writeln ('Splitting file "',InFileName,'"') ;
Assign (InFile,InFileName) ;
Reset (InFile,1) ;
CheckDiskError ;
{ allocate memory buffer for contents of file }
GetMem (BufPtr,BufSize) ;
ChunkNr := 0 ;
FSplit (InFileName,FileDir,FileName,FileExt) ;
Ready := (DiskError <> 0) ;
ChunkFull := true ;
while not Ready do
if ChunkFull
then begin
{ start writing new chunk: }
{ construct output file name }
Str (ChunkNr,ChunkNrStr) ;
while Length(ChunkNrStr) < 3 do
ChunkNrStr := '0' + ChunkNrStr ;
OutFileName := FExpand (FileName + '.' + ChunkNrStr) ;
if Exists (OutFileName)
then begin
Write ('File "',OutFileName,'" already exists. ') ;
Write ('Skip, Overwrite, Abort? (S/O/A) ') ;
repeat Answer := UpCase(ReadKey) ;
until Answer in ['S','O','A'] ;
Writeln (Answer) ;
else Answer := 'O' ;
case Answer of
'S' : { skip }
Inc (ChunkNr) ;
'O' : begin
{ open output file }
Write ('File "',OutFileName,'" ... ') ;
Assign (OutFile,OutFileName) ;
ReWrite (OutFile,1) ;
CheckDiskError ;
ChunkFull := (DiskError <> 0) ;
LineCounter := 1 ;
end ;
'A' : { abort }
Ready := True ;
end ; { of case }
end ; { of if }
if not ChunkFull
then begin
{ write chunk }
repeat BlockRead (InFile,BufPtr^,BufSize,BytesRead) ;
CheckDiskError ;
if (BytesRead = 0) or (DiskError <> 0)
then Ready := true
else begin
BytesToWrite := BytesRead ;
{ scan block and check if chunk is full }
i := 0 ;
Inc(i) ;
if BufPtr^[i] = LF
then begin
Inc (LineCounter) ;
if SizeInLines
then begin
ChunkFull := (LineCounter >
ChunkSize) ;
BytesToWrite := i ;
else if (FileSize(OutFile)+i) <=
then BytesToWrite := i
else begin
ChunkFull := true ;
Dec (LineCounter) ;
end ;
end ;
until ChunkFull or (i = BytesRead) ;
{ to make sure last line is also written: }
if (not SizeInLines) and
((FileSize(OutFile)+BytesRead) < ChunkSize)
then BytesToWrite := BytesRead ;
{ write bytes to output file }
BlockWrite (OutFile,BufPtr^,BytesToWrite,
BytesWritten) ;
{ correct current position of input file }
Seek (InFile,FilePos(InFile)-
(BytesRead-BytesWritten)) ;
if (not SizeInLines) and
(FileSize(OutFile) >= ChunkSize)
then ChunkFull := true ;
end ;
until (ChunkFull or Ready) ;
{ close output file; write end-of-file char }
if not Eof(InFile)
then BlockWrite (OutFile,EF,1) ;
Writeln (LineCounter,' lines, ',
FileSize(OutFile),' bytes written.') ;
Close (OutFile) ;
CheckDiskError ;
Inc (ChunkNr) ;
end ; { of if }
end ; { of while }
Close (InFile) ;